About The Static Excitation System With A Fully Controlled Rectifier

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EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia

About The Static Excitation System

with a Fully Controlled Rectifier
Petre-Marian Nicolae #1, Ileana-Diana Nicolae *2
University of Craiova, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
*2 University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computer Science and Electronics
Decebal Blv. No. 107, Craiova, 200440, Romania
e-mail: pnicolae@elth.ucv.ro; nicolae_ileana@software.ucv.ro

Abstract - The paper analyzes the potential influence of a rectifier was not a valid option. Instead a rectifier fully controlled with
fully controlled with thyristors (RFCT) over some components of thyristors (RFCT) is used. This is supplied from the power
a power group with static switching. Problems related to the network (when the main generator is started) and directly
active power flows in distorting and/or non-symmetric regime from the main generator (when the main generator is
are briefly presented. Also there are revealed issues related to the operating at rated parameters).
influence of non-linear and/or non-symmetric receivers of active The RFCT is practically supplied from the main generator
powers over the active powers flows along power non-symmetric terminals through a Medium Voltage/Low Voltage transformer.
components when superior harmonics are considered. One
The advantages provided by this system are mainly related
presents a complete system with static excitation from a power
group. The supplying is made from the power group’s main
to the reliability of the excitation’s supplying system and
generator terminals, through a power transformer and a RFCT. respectively to the possibility to detect the transient processes
The electric quantities were recorded with data acquisition of the main generator, through excitation (the disconnection
systems (DAS) specially designed and made for this application. can be done fast for fault situations).
Based on the acquired recordings one used an original dedicated The main disadvantages related to the adopted systems are:
software based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) that allowed - possible depreciation of the quality of the power provided
the determination of some power quality parameters and the by the main generator to the power system;
calculation/displaying of (re)active powers’ components for each - possible undesired (mainly active) power flows between
phase and respectively for the significant harmonics (whose the power group, owing to the static converter;
weights are over 1%) at the RFCT’s input. Analyzing the results - influences on measurements made with test apparatus,
one could conclude that the RFCT behaves like a “power with obvious effects over the precision class of the voltage
converter” for the harmonic and/or non-symmetric powers. An and current test transformers.
influence of harmonic and non-symmetric powers over some
components of the power group could be noticed as well. II. CONSIDERATIONS ON ACTIVE POWERS FLOW IN
Experiments certified that these influences result into the DISTORTING AND/OR UNBALANCES REGIMES
shortening of some components’ lifetimes, owing to the power
flows along the superior harmonics and non-symmetric powers. The presence of nonlinear circuit elements in networks that
Keywords: active power flow, distorting and/or non-symmetrical
are basically formed from linear circuit elements leads to
regimes, RFCT, static excitation system, power quality. active powers flows whose senses and orientations are
different from those corresponding to the active powers flow
I. INTRODUCTION along the fundamental harmonic. To be noticed the case of a
three-phase network that includes its supplying sources and is
The use of power converters is associated with many
connected to a power systems, as in this case active powers
benefits, such as: (a) wide range regulations of electric and
flows will occur between network's various components along
mechanic quantities at electric machines; (b) larger powers to
different sequences (positive, negative or zero). Both
be transferred from sources to consumers under wide-range
situations will be approached below, as distinct situations.
regulation conditions; (c) simpler a.c./d.c. and d.c./a.c.
conversions etc. [1]-[4], [16]-[19]. Unfortunately, owing to A. Active Powers Flow in a Simple Unbalanced Network
their non-linear nature, they often introduce unpleasant Firstly one considers a simplified linear three-phase non-
quantities with drawbacks over the host circuits or networks. isolated network that includes:
The use of static converters at large power groups is mainly related - a single symmetrical ideal generator with a voltage system
to the excitation area. Their major role is the main generator’s d.c. in positive sequence at terminals (subscripts “g”),
supplying from the synchronous auxiliary generator (that provides - a single inter-connection with a symmetric three-phase voltage
three-phase sine-shaped voltages at terminals). system in positive sequence (with theoretical infinite power)
The rectifier connected under these circumstances (subscripts “b”),
introduces a significant distorting regime that influences other - a balanced three-phase load (BL) (subscripts “1”) and an
components of the power group [5]. unbalanced three-phase load (UBL) (subscripts “2”).
For the static excitation, the use of an auxiliary generator The rest of the network, consisting of the inter-connection lines
for the supplying of the excitation winding through rectifier (subscripts “r”) is assumed to be balanced and passive, as in Fig. 1.

978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 969

EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia

mutually compensated. Therefore one can conclude that as

long as they are non-zero, the powers Pr n, P1n (Pr n > P1n) and
P2n cannot have the same sign. This can be used to demonstrate
the following theorem that helps in mentioning the signs of
non-symmetry powers: „A balanced passive load cannot
generate active power in non-symmetric regime” [6]. Based on
this theorem one can enounce the following corollary: „In a
non-symmetric three-phase network supplied by symmetric
generators and through the inter-connection terminals with
positive symmetric voltages, the unbalanced loads represent the
only active power sources of non-symmetry”. Therefore one
can write for the active powers of non-symmetry the equation:
P2 n = −( P1n + Prn ) (5)
As the network is symmetrical in rest, according to the
Fig. 1. Network consisting of an ideal symmetrical generator (“g”), inter- above theorem, P1n  0, Pr n > 0, so, according to the first
connection line (“b”), “link” network (“r”), balanced load (BL - 1) and equation from the system (1), it follows that P2n  0. If P2n =
unbalanced load (UBL - 2) 0, one gets Pln = Pr n = 0.
It means that if the unbalanced load, UBL, does not generate
Obviously, the presence of the unbalanced three-phase load is active power of non-symmetry, if cannot belong to the system.
the cause for the non-symmetric features of the steady operating Considering the Eq. (4) and Eq. (5), one can conceive a
regime of the analyzed network (considered as a whole). diagrame for the active power flows corresponding to these
Using the theorem of active powers' conservation one obtains equations, as depicted by Fig. 2.
the equations for the positive, negative and zero components of P2 s = P2 − P2 n = P2 + ( Prn + P1n ) (6)
active powers for all network's components [6], [8]: Fig. 2 illustrates that the unbalanced load (UBL) receives
­ Pg + + Pb + = Pr + + P1+ + P2+ from generator and network active power of symmetry
° (positive sequence), and absorbs only the power P2 from it.
®0 = Pr − + P1− + P2− (1)
The remaining power is returned to network in order to
°0 = P + P + P
¯ r0 10 20 provide non-symmetry powers from its balanced side.
Obviously, neither the generator, nor the inter-connections Obviously, as P1n 0 and Pr n  0, according to Eq. (6) it
are involved in the equations related to conservation, for the follows that P2s  Ps and the difference from the left side of Eq.
zero and negative sequences. This is because the regime of (7) is supplied into the balanced part of the network, generally
these elements with infinite power (and therefore nil internal under the form of additional losses (both in the supplying line
impedance) is not submitted to non-symmetries through the and in the balanced load respectively):
presence of an unbalanced three-phase load. One can P2 s − P2 = Prn + P1n ≥ 0 (7)
introduce in the above equations the active powers The equivalent schema of a non-ideal generator will contain
corresponding to the components for positive sequence, that the following components:
should be also called „powers of symmetrical regime”, as well - its electromotive voltages;
as the active powers corresponding to the components with - impedances for the zero-sequence (that should be present
negative and zero sequences, that should be called also in the schema with positive sequence);
„powers for non-symmetric regime” [6], [7]. - impedances for the positive and negative sequences.
Therefore the following equations related to the active
Owing to these components, the generator becomes receiver
powers can be written:
- Active power for symmetric regime: for non-symmetry power, this resulting into reversed torques.
PS = P+ (2)
- Active power for non-symmetric regime:
Pn = P− + P0 (3)
Considering that the components for symmetric and non-
symmetric powers are superposed in the case of the operating
regimes' superposition, the active powers can be calculated with:
­° Pg s + Pb s = Pr s + P1 s + P2 s
® (4)
°̄0 = Pr n + P1n + P2 n
For the analyzed situation the power sources in symmetric
regimes are the generator and the system with theoretic
infinite power, whilst the non-symmetry active powers are Fig.2. Diagram with flows of (non)symmetry active powers

978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 970

EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia

The inter-connection with the symmetric system of infinite power c) The sum of active powers absorbed by linear balanced receivers:
can always be substituted through an equivalent ideal generator. PL = PL1 + PL n d = PL1s + PL1n + PL d (10)
In the above presented variant, the complex flows of active,
reactive and apparent powers along the components of distinct where:
sequences (positive, negative or zero) were firstly demonstrated PL n d = PL1n + PL d (11)
by the Romanian Academician Andrei Tugulea for active and in which:
reactive powers [6]. But in [8] it was proved that, owing to the - PL1s, PL1n – active power of symmetry/non-symmetry along
interactions between the components of different sequences, the the fundamental harmonic of the linear load;
real power balance is not limited to the active, reactive and - PLd – residual active power of the linear load – along the
apparent powers for the unbalanced networks, assertion superior harmonics and all sequences (it can also be called
sustained by other papers too ([9]- [12] etc). distorting residue of the linear load's active power).
As a consequence, the power flows circulation can be d) The sum of active powers absorbed or generated by the
demonstrated and keeps its validity only for active powers (which unbalanced and/or distorting loads:
have a clear physical meaning), as presented in this paper [8]. PD = PD1 + PD n d = PD1s + PD1n + PD d (12)
B. Evaluation of Power Effects Induced by the Non-symmetric and where:
Non-sinusoidal Permanent Regimes in Power Systems
PD n d = PD1n + PD d (13)
One can demonstrate similar theorems for the conservation and
circulation of active power flows in the three-phase network from in which:
Fig. 1 for non-symmetric and non-sinusoidal regimes considering - PD1s, PD1n – active power of symmetry/ non-symmetry
the presence of a linear load (L), a non-linear load - or distorting along the nonlinear load's fundamental harmonic;
load (D), a connection line (l) and a generator (G) that provides - PDd - residual active power of the non-linear load ––
the symmetric voltages [7]. Firstly one assumes that the inter- along the superior harmonics and all sequences (it can also be
connection network is not present (a schematic similar to that called distorting residue of the non-linear load's active power)
from Fig. 1 can be used, substituting the element BL by a linear The equations for the active powers’ overall or partial balance are:
load (L) and the element UBL by a non-linear load (D). PG1 = PGs = Pgs = Pl 1s +PL1s +PD1s =
If all types of loads are present, it means that a load is linear
and balanced and the rest are nonlinear and/or unbalanced. In = Pl +PL +PD = Pl1s +(Pl1n +Pld ) +PL1s +(PL1n +PLd ) +PD1s +(PD1n +PDd ) (14)
this case it is possible to perform a combination between the (Pl1n +Pld )+(PL1n +PLd ) +(PD1n +PDd ) =0
power flows circulations presented for the distorting regime
and the power flows’ circulations from the three-phase Obviously, a power balance can be written as:
networks presented in the previous paragraph, considering the ( Pl 1n + Pl d ) ≥ 0 ; ( PL1n + PL d ) ≥ 0 (15)
theorems for the power conservation and the power balance
for each conservative power at a time.
The working hypothesis is that the power system includes ( PD1n + PDd ) ≤ 0 (16)
balanced and linear three-phase receivers as well as unbalanced A diagram for powers circulation as in Fig. 3 can be built.
and/or distorting three-phase receivers. It is assumed that the From Eq. (14)-(16) and Fig. 3 one can see that the
three-phase generators provide symmetrical voltages in positive generator(s) inject into system active power only along the
sequence, with sinusoidal variation. To understand the basic positive sequence of the fundamental harmonic. A part from
phenomena, only the active power flows for the permanent this quantity is consumed by the unbalanced and/or distorting
regimes will be presented. For this case the three-phase voltages load(s), the rest of it being reintroduced into the system as
and currents will be in general non-sinusoidal and non- non-symmetry power that penetrates the linear balanced load
symmetric quantities, in steady-state regimes. and the connection line. From Eq. (15)-(16) one can see that
The following notations will be used: the exceeding active power, that is usually useless, will be:
a) The active power of the fundamental harmonic and the
power of symmetry supplied by the generator (the only active
power theoretically supplied by generators):
PG = P G1 = Pgs (8)
b) The sum of active powers dissipated through conductors:
Pl = Pl1 + P l n d = Pl1s + Pl 1n + Pl d (9)
- Pl1s, Pl1n – active power of symmetry/ non-symmetry along
the fundamental harmonic;
- Pld – residual active power – along all the superior
Fig.3. Diagram for power flows in non-symmetric and distorting regime for a
harmonics and along all sequences (it can also be called network that includes a three-phase generator that supplies through a line a
distorting residue of the active power). linear balanced receiver and an unbalanced and/or distorting receiver

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EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia

PD1n + PDd = −( PD1n + PDd ) = ( Pl1n + Pld ) + ( PL1n + PLd )

(17) internal system of power generation [12]. The secondary
effects are especially related to the apparition of some
This additional active power, whose circulation flow is distorting regimes, with high order harmonics and possible
opposite to that of the flow along the fundamental harmonic in resonance-related phenomena that occur in the internal system
positive sequence, will “charge” the generator and will be for the main generator’s excitation supplying.
absorbed usually as additional losses in the generator and along
the power transmission line. As all the quantities involved in the IV. WAVEFORMS RECORDING AND THEIR PROCESSING
active powers' balance are conservative, one can emphasize in an The analysis of the above mentioned phenomena involves the
individual manner the contribution of each (non)linear load to the designing and realization of a complex data acquisition system
undesired active powers circulation. The loads that generate these meant to monitor the main components of the power group. As
active powers are the distorting and/or unbalanced, whilst the the system used for analysis, monitoring and diagnosis includes
linear and balanced loads are more frequently affected by the several quantities that must be recorded, one had to design
undesired active powers flows side effects. several data acquisition systems that should simultaneously
III. ANALYZED SCHEMATIC FOR THE STATIC record the electric quantities [12], [13]. In the same time one had
to conceive specialized software for the synchronization of the
data acquisition systems. Another specialized software package
The schematic with the main elements from the static excitation was also required to perform a simultaneously processing of the
system with a fully controlled rectifier is depicted by Fig. 4. recorded quantities [13]. Further developments of the realized
The system with static excitation represents a modified software were required for the determination of powers and
variant at one of the groups from a power plant with respect to power flows along the fundamental harmonic and superior
the system with auxiliary generator’s excitation. harmonics in order to detect possible effects over the power
Practically the main generator’s excitation winding is group’s components. The main source for disturbances (from the
directly supplied from the power system through an excitation power quality’s point of view while considering the influences
transformer (denoted by 2 în Fig. 4) of 3.256 MVA, 24/0.65 over the rest of the components) is the RFTC.
kV, supplied in the first moments from the power system A. Per-Phase Recordings for the RFTC
through the system transformer (denoted by 1), in connection In the test points no. 5 (Fig. 4) one recorded the currents
Δ / Y of 400 MVA, 24/400 kV. The three-phase generator flowing through the RFTC’s phases (similarly to those from
(denoted by 3) (330 MW, 24 kV), has the excitation winding the secondary windings of MV/LV power transformer). The
(denoted by 4) supplied through a three-phase rectifier in same test points were used to record the voltages across the
bridge with thyristors (denoted by 5) from the secondary RFTC’s phases.
winding of the transformer denoted by 2. The waveforms recorded with a distributed data
The rated voltage from the secondary winding of the acquisition system (specially conceived for this application)
transformer used to supply the excitation is kept at a level of are depicted by Fig. 5.
650 V (phase to phase voltages), that is the value of the B. The Decomposition of the RFTC’s Phases Quantities
supplying voltage for the fully-controlled rectifier with
thyristors. The output of the rectifier will supply the d.c. side. The harmonic decompositions obtained with an original
This solution offers a series of advantages, but also results into software based on FFT are provided by Fig. 6 and Table I – (for
some drawbacks, especially concerning the power flows along the main harmonics of phase-currents’s waveforms) and by Table
superior harmonics and for non-symmetry cases created by the II (for the main harmonics of phase-voltages’ waveforms). Fig. 6
fully-controlled rectifier with thyristors. These reversed power depicts only the harmonics with weights overcoming 1% from
flows can generate undesired effects over other components from the main harmonic (both for voltages and currents).
The RMS values of the phase currents from Fig. 5, are:
I1s-rms = 1005.21 A; I2s-rms = 1065.18 A; I3s-rms = 1011.12 A
The magnitudes of the phase currents were:
1 I1s-max = 1387.24 A; I2s-max = 1439.18 A; I3s-max= 1360.99 A


Fig. 4. Schematic with the main monitored elements of the power group Fig. 5. Waveforms for phase currents and voltages at the input in the RFTC

978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 972

EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia

The distorting residues for the currents through phases were: The RMS values of the voltages from Fig. 6 were:
I1s-dr = 291.51 A; I2s-dr = 305.1 A; I3s-dr = 287.72 A U1s-rms = 501.14 V; U2s-rms = 521.28 V; U3s-rms = 527.43 V
The total harmonic distortions of phases currents were: The magnitudes of the phase voltages were:
ITHD1s-rms = 29 %; ITHD2s-rms = 28.64 %; ITHD3s-rms = 28.46 % U1s-max= 749.4 V; U2s- max= 995.8 V; U3s- max= 1038.58 V
The distorting residues for the phase voltages were:
U1s-dr = 99.69 V; U2s-dr = 101.96 V; U3s-dr = 97.72 V
The total harmonic distortions of the phase voltages were:
UTHD1s-rms = 19.89 %; UTHD2s-rms = 19.56 %; UTHD3s-rms = 18.53 %
C. Power Flow of the RFTC’s Active power
For the recorded waveforms (Fig. 5), using the harmonic
decompositions from Fig. 6, one determined the (re)active
powers of the fundamental harmonic and of the superior
harmonics. These are described for harmonics with weights
over 1% from Fig. 7.
Based on the powers’ spectral decomposition one can draw
a diagram (Fig. 8) representing the flows on active powers
along the fundamental harmonic and the superior harmonics
Fig. 6. Harmonics decompositions for the phase currents and voltages respectively for the main components of the power group.
I1 I2 I3
Harm. Mag. Initial Weight Mag. Initial Weight Mag. Initial Weight
order [A] Phase [deg] [%] [A] Phase [deg] [%] [A] Phase [deg] [%]
1 961.9 -4.6 100 1020.5 -123.7 100 969.3 114.6 100
5 201.9 157.2 20.9 203.5 -78.8 19.9 195.3 33.1 20.1
7 126.8 145.4 13.1 143.4 31.2 14 134.1 -100.3 13.8
11 91.1 -51.9 9.4 86.9 76.5 8.5 84.4 178.8 8.7
13 65.5 -63.1 6.8 78.9 -172.6 7.7 72.5 46 7.4
17 58.6 98.7 6 52.9 -128.1 5.1 52.2 -35.4 5.3
19 42.4 88.3 4.4 54.6 -16.6 5.3 49.1 -167.5 5
23 43.3 -110.3 4.5 36.7 27.4 3.5 36.8 109.9 3.8
25 29.9 -121.3 3.1 41.3 138.6 4 36.3 -21.6 3.7
29 33.4 39.9 3.4 26.9 -178 2.6 27.4 -104.9 2.8
31 22.1 30.1 2.3 32.8 -66.1 3.2 28.3 123.7 2.9
35 26.8 -169.9 2.7 20.3 -23.3 1.9 21 39.7 2.1
37 16.7 -179.4 1.7 26.6 88 2.6 2.2 -91.2 2.3
41 22 -20.5 2.2 15.5 131 1.5 16.3 -176.3 1.6
43 12.5 -29.3 1.3 21.8 -118.6 2.1 18.1 53.2 1.8
U1 U2 U3
Harm. Mag. Initial Weight Mag. Initial Weight Mag. Initial Weight
order [V] Phase [deg] [%] [V] Phase [deg] [%] [V] Phase [deg] [%]
1 491.1 -0.9 100 511.2 -114.7 100 518.2 117.2 100
2 32.4 -154.2 6.6 23.1 71.5 4.5 18.1 -112 3.4
3 14.4 -98.9 2.9 16.6 45.6 3.2 14.1 121.9 2.7
5 23.2 82.3 4.7 17.9 -107.9 3.5 21.1 -41.7 4
7 24.3 -47.1 4.9 23.1 -119.6 4.5 22.3 65 4.3
11 24.6 -174.4 5 22.4 35 4.3 20.4 70.9 3.9
13 23.3 63.1 4.7 21.4 27 4.1 21.6 174.8 4.1
17 21.9 -67.1 4.4 22 -176.2 4.3 18.1 -178.7 3.5
19 23.2 169.4 4.7 19.6 174.3 3.8 22.5 -78.9 4.3
23 20.2 44.1 4.1 21.8 -25.4 4.2 16.6 -69.1 3.2
25 21.2 -82.3 4.3 18.2 -36.8 3.5 21.5 28.4 4.1
29 18.5 151.7 3.7 20.9 122.7 4 14.9 38 2.8
31 19.5 26.5 3.9 16.3 111.2 3.2 20.7 132.4 4
35 16.4 -97.1 3.3 19.6 -86.5 3.8 13.1 149.5 2.5
37 18 135.7 3.6 14.6 -99.3 2.8 19.5 -116.7 3.7
41 14.6 12 2.9 18.3 61.4 3.5 11.3 -103.7 2.1
43 15.9 -116.3 3.2 13 48.2 2.5 18.7 -12.1 3.6

978-1-4673-2232-4/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 973

EuroCon 2013 • 1-4 July 2013 • Zagreb, Croatia

who manages the energy, as the affected components’ recorded

life-time shortening (they were considerably affected by active
powers flows along the superior harmonics).
Knowledge on the active powers flows inside a power group
is compulsory for the improvement of these groups’ schematics,
through the inclusion of some protection elements for group’s
components (e.g. one should connect at the RFCT’s input
reactance coils or filters (passive, active or hybrid)).

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