Activity Guide - Cycle Task 1

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

School or School of Education Sciences

Academic Unit
Academic Level Professional
Academic Field Disciplinary
Course Name English Exam
Course Code 551039
Course Type Theoretical Retake yes ☒ No ☐
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☐ r of 2
Initial ☒ Intermediate ☐ Final ☐
Environment to submit the
Total score of the activity: activity:
25 Collaborative Environment and
Monitoring Environment
Starting date of the Deadline of the activity: 10th of
activity: 28th of March/19 April/19
Competence to develop:
• Contextual: Identifies the certification alternatives that can
evaluate each one of the formation levels of the apprenticeship of
English in the National educational context.
• Communicative: Generates clear and argued postures in relation
with the application, development and selection of each type of test
according with the characteristics of the profile and professional
• Cognitive: Defines the different certification alternatives of
English as a foreign language having as a reference the
characteristics, levels, procedures and particular competences of each
• Evaluative: Recognizes each certification process as such as an
alternative to evaluate the formal and informal systems of
apprenticeship of English from the characteristics, competences and
the results presented by each one of the certification options.
Topics to develop:
Reading and listening sub skills and strategies (receptive skills)
Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop
UNIT 1. Recognition Activity. Cycle Task 1
Activities to develop
1. Each student must post at forum the classification and the
definition of the different levels of foreign language proficiency
for English language, and what the skills are to be developed in
each one according to the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages.

2. Make a proposal of strategies for learners to get each level, and

post them in the forum. Your strategies should be specific for
each level and skills, and you have to explain them.

3. Comment and discuss your peers’ proposals meaningfully.

4. Upload individually a Word or PDF file in the Monitoring and

Evaluation Environment with above points 1 and 2, and
screenshots of your participations in the forum.

ts for the
Knowledge Environment, Collaborative Environment
and Evaluation and Monitoring Environment
t of the
Each student must make their own contribution in the
forum developing the different points of the activity.

Products to Each student must upload their individual

be contribution in the Monitoring and Evaluation
submitted Environment.
by students

Meaningful comments to peers’ contributions.

General guidelines for the collaborative work

Planning of
activities for
It is important to participate timely so that everybody
in the group can discuss regarding the topic.
Different roles are proposed within the collaborative
environment that allow an appropriate space for
academic and affective interaction that promotes
learning and interpersonal relationships.
Every one of the learning moments is divided in an
individual and a group stage. Each student will take
up one of these roles for the development of the
course assignments and can only be changed if
decided by the group members.

Makes sure that every voice is heard and focuses work
around the learning task. Provides leadership and
Roles to be direction for the group and suggests solutions to team
performed problems.
by the
student in Recorder:
the Keeps a public record of the team's ideas and
collaborative progress.
group Checks to be sure that ideas are clear and accurate.

Time keeper:
Encourages the group to stay on task. Announces
when time is halfway through and when time is nearly

States an action for the completion of the task at
according to the instructions and course agenda.

Task monitor:
Looks for supplies or requests help from the teacher
when group members agree that they do not have the
resources to solve the problem.

Puts together the final product and includes
the work done only by those who participated on time.
Informs the student in
charge of alerts about people who did not
participate and will not be included in the
final product.

Reviser / editor:
Makes sure the written work follows all the
criteria established in the activity guide.

Roles and
Evaluates the final document to ensure it
duties for
follows the evaluation criteria of the rubric
and informs the student in charge of alerts
about any changes that need to be made
of products
before delivering the product.
by students
Student in charge of informing about the
dates set for presenting each task and
delivering the final product according to the
course agenda. Also informs other students
that the final product has been sent.

Informs group participants about any news in
the work being done and reports the delivery
of the final product to the course tutor

In the following links you find information about rules

APA sixth version, please, keep in mind for doing the
teamwork’s references.
Zavala, S. (2009). Guía a la redacción en el estilo
APA, 6ta edición. Biblioteca de la Universidad
Metropolitana. Recuperado de:
Norma APA sexta edición. (s.f). Centro de Escritura
Javeriano. Recuperado de:

What is plagiarism for UNAD? The plagiarism is

defined by RAE dictionary as an action of "copying in
the core of work of others, giving them as their own".
Therefore, plagiarism is a serious offense: it is the
academic equivalent, to theft. A student who
plagiarizes does not take his education seriously, and
does not respect the intellectual work of others.

There is no small plagiarism. If a student makes use

of any portion of another person's work, and does not
document their source, he or she is doing an act of
plagiarism. Now, it is clear that we all have the ideas
of others when it comes to presenting ours, and that
our knowledge is based on the knowledge of others.
Plagiarism But when we rely on the work of others, academic
policy honesty requires that we explicitly announce the fact
that we are using an external source, either by
appointment or by an cited paraphrase (these terms
will be defined below). When we make an
appointment or a paraphrase, we clearly identify our
source, not only to give recognition to its author, but
also so that the reader can refer to the original if he

There are academic circumstances in which,

exceptionally, it is not acceptable to quote or
paraphrase the work of others. For example, if a
teacher assigns his students a task in which students
are clearly asked to respond using their ideas and
words exclusively, then the student should not appeal
to external sources even if they were properly
4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric

Activity Collaborative
Individual Activity ☐ ☐
type: Activity
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☐ Final ☐
Evaluated Performance levels of the individual activity
items High score Average score Low score
The information
The information is is partially The information
complete complete and is weak and it
Information regarding levels there are some does not include
about CEFR and skills of aspects that the required
English language. were not aspects
(up to 6 points) (up to 3 points) (0 points)
The proposal is
accurately The proposal is The proposal is
constructed, and it partially well not well defined,
Proposal of includes relevant constructed, and it does not
strategies strategies to get it includes some include relevant
each level and relevant aspects information
(up to 8 points) (up to 4 points) (0 points)
There are some
writing issues The document
The document and regarding and/or
participation in the grammar, participation in
forum do not have spelling or the forum have 6
writing issues. punctuation in plenty of writing
the document mistakes.
and forum.
(up to 6 points) (up to 3 points) (0 points)
Evaluated Performance levels of the collaborative activity
items High score Average score Low score
The student The student
Timely The student did
participated in the participated in
participation not participate in 5
forum on time and the forum once
in the forum the forum
gave meaningful or twice and the
feedback about contributions
their partners’ were not
work. meaningful.
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points) (0 points)
Final score 25

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