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When Ganesha is the overlord of Ketu, why does Ganesha love

durva grass which is sacred to Rahu? Durva grass is sacred to

Rahu. Kusha grass is sacred to Ketu. When Ganesha is the
overlord of Ketu, he should like kusha grass.
From an Astrology point of view, I'll answer this question as follows..

Ketu rules Mula Nakshatra. Mula Nakshatra is where spiritual journey begins. It also symbolises Muladhara
chakra for Kundalini awakening.

In our body Muladhara chakra is located here.

Does it look similar to some deity? Yes. Lord Ganesha.

This Chakra’s bij akshara is “लल” , hence the name लललललल(lambodhar) for Ganpati bappa . your spiritual
awakening or Kundalini awakening can't start without activation of Muladhara chakra. It's the first step toward
spiritual growth. Hence we always start any good project with worshipping of Lord Ganesha.

Hinduism is the most Spiritual religion to ever exist. If you study Hindu astrology( Vedic) , you'll learn that how
beautifully the knowledge of the Cosmos and our body were blended together and adapted in this religion and
it's traditions and rituals.

So it's my request to all Hindus to read your ancient scriptures and understand the spiritual messages decoded
in it.

Lord Ganesha will accept any type of grass of you keep you Muladhara chakra in my mind while offering. Those
10 days of Ganesh chaturthi means you should start awakening from your roots(Mula). Understand your roots
and past and learn let go of it for a better future.

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