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G.R. No.

146018 June 25, 2003 "Shortly thereafter, Feliciana Legaspi filed a claim, with [respondent],
for the value of the cargo insured under Marine Risk Note No.
18409 and covered by Bill of Lading No. 59. She submitted, in
support of her claim, a Receipt, dated December 11, 1991,
purportedly signed by Zosimo Mercado, and Order Slips purportedly
signed by him for the goods he received from Feliciana Legaspi valued
in the amount of ₱110,056.00. [Respondent] approved the claim of
DECISION Feliciana Legaspi and drew and issued UCPB Check No. 612939,
dated March 9, 1992, in the net amount of ₱99,000.00, in settlement of
PANGANIBAN, J.: her claim after which she executed a Subrogation Receipt/Deed,
for said amount, in favor of [respondent]. She also filed a claim for the
value of the cargo covered by Bill of Lading No. 58. She submitted to
The liability of a common carrier for the loss of goods may, by [respondent] a Receipt, dated December 11, 1991 and Order Slips,
stipulation in the bill of lading, be limited to the value declared by the purportedly signed by Nestor Angelia for the goods he received from
shipper. On the other hand, the liability of the insurer is determined Feliciana Legaspi valued at ₱60,338.00. [Respondent] approved her
by the actual value covered by the insurance policy and the insurance claim and remitted to Feliciana Legaspi the net amount of ₱49,500.00,
premiums paid therefor, and not necessarily by the value declared in after which she signed a Subrogation Receipt/Deed, dated March
the bill of lading. 9, 1992, in favor of [respondent].

The Case "On July 14, 1992, [respondent], as subrogee of Feliciana Legaspi,
filed a complaint anchored on torts against [petitioner], with the
Before the Court is a Petition for Review1 under Rule 45 of the Rules Regional Trial Court of Makati City, for the collection of the total
of Court, seeking to set aside the August 31, 2000 Decision2 and the principal amount of ₱148,500.00, which it paid to Feliciana Legaspi
November 17, 2000 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals4 (CA) in CA- for the loss of the cargo, praying that judgment be rendered in its
GR SP No. 62751. The dispositive part of the Decision reads: favor and against the [petitioner] as follows:

"IN THE LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, the appeal is GRANTED. ‘WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that
The Decision appealed from is REVERSED. [Petitioner] is hereby after due hearing, judgment be rendered ordering [petitioner] to pay
condemned to pay to [respondent] the total amount of ₱148,500.00, [respondent] the following.
with interest thereon, at the rate of 6% per annum, from date of this
Decision of the Court. [Respondent’s] claim for attorney’s fees 1. Actual damages in the amount of ₱148,500.00 plus
[is] DISMISSED. [Petitioner’s] counterclaims are DISMISSED."5 interest thereon at the legal rate from the time of filing of
this complaint until fully paid;
The assailed Resolution denied petitioner’s Motion for
Reconsideration. 2. Attorney’s fees in the amount of ₱10,000.00; and

On the other hand, the disposition of the Regional Trial 3. Cost of suit.
Court’s6 Decision,7 which was later reversed by the CA, states:
‘[Respondent] further prays for such other reliefs and remedies as this
"WHEREFORE, premises considered, the case is hereby DISMISSED Honorable Court may deem just and equitable under the premises.’
for lack of merit.
"[Respondent] alleged, inter alia, in its complaint, that the cargo
"No cost."8 subject of its complaint was delivered to, and received by, [petitioner]
for transportation to Tandag, Surigao del Sur under ‘Bill of Ladings,’
The Facts Annexes ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the complaint; that the loss of the cargo was due
to the negligence of the [petitioner]; and that Feliciana Legaspi had
executed Subrogation Receipts/Deeds in favor of [respondent] after
The facts of the case are summarized by the appellate court in this paying to her the value of the cargo on account of the Marine Risk
wise: Notes it issued in her favor covering the cargo.

"Sometime on December 11, 1991, Nestor Angelia delivered to the "In its Answer to the complaint, [petitioner] alleged that: (a)
Edgar Cokaliong Shipping Lines, Inc. (now Cokaliong Shipping [petitioner] was cleared by the Board of Marine Inquiry of any
Lines), [petitioner] for brevity, cargo consisting of one (1) carton of negligence in the burning of the vessel; (b) the complaint stated no
Christmas décor and two (2) sacks of plastic toys, to be transported on cause of action against [petitioner]; and (c) the shippers/consignee had
board the M/V Tandag on its Voyage No. T-189 scheduled to depart already been paid the value of the goods as stated in the Bill of
from Cebu City, on December 12, 1991, for Tandag, Surigao del Sur. Lading and, hence, [petitioner] cannot be held liable for the loss of
[Petitioner] issued Bill of Lading No. 58, freight prepaid, covering the cargo beyond the value thereof declared in the Bill of Lading.
the cargo. Nestor Angelia was both the shipper and consignee of the
cargo valued, on the face thereof, in the amount of ₱6,500.00. Zosimo
Mercado likewise delivered cargo to [petitioner], consisting of two (2) "After [respondent] rested its case, [petitioner] prayed for and was
cartons of plastic toys and Christmas decor, one (1) roll of floor mat allowed, by the Court a quo, to take the depositions of Chester
and one (1) bundle of various or assorted goods for transportation Cokaliong, the Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of
thereof from Cebu City to Tandag, Surigao del Sur, on board the said [petitioner], and a resident of Cebu City, and of Noel Tanyu, an officer
vessel, and said voyage. [Petitioner] issued Bill of Lading No. of the Equitable Banking Corporation, in Cebu City, and a resident of
59 covering the cargo which, on the face thereof, was valued in the Cebu City, to be given before the Presiding Judge of Branch 106 of the
amount of ₱14,000.00. Under the Bill of Lading, Zosimo Mercado Regional Trial Court of Cebu City. Chester Cokaliong and Noel Tanyu
was both the shipper and consignee of the cargo. did testify, by way of deposition, before the Court and declared inter
alia, that: [petitioner] is a family corporation like the Chester
Marketing, Inc.; Nestor Angelia had been doing business with
"On December 12, 1991, Feliciana Legaspi insured the cargo, covered [petitioner] and Chester Marketing, Inc., for years, and incurred an
by Bill of Lading No. 59, with the UCPB General Insurance Co., account with Chester Marketing, Inc. for his purchases from said
Inc., [respondent] for brevity, for the amount of ₱100,000.00 corporation; [petitioner] did issue Bills of Lading Nos. 58 and 59 for
‘against all risks’ under Open Policy No. 002/9 1/254 for which she the cargo described therein with Zosimo Mercado and Nestor Angelia
was issued, by [respondent], Marine Risk Note No. 18409 on said as shippers/consignees, respectively; the engine room of the M/V
date. She also insured the cargo covered by Bill of Lading No. 58, Tandag caught fire after it passed the Mandaue/Mactan Bridge
with [respondent], for the amount of ₱50,000.00, under Open Policy resulting in the total loss of the vessel and its cargo; an investigation
No. 002/9 1/254 on the basis of which [respondent] issued Marine was conducted by the Board of Marine Inquiry of the Philippine Coast
Risk Note No. 18410 on said date. Guard which rendered a Report, dated February 13, 1992 absolving
[petitioner] of any responsibility on account of the fire, which Report
"When the vessel left port, it had thirty-four (34) passengers and of the Board was approved by the District Commander of the
assorted cargo on board, including the goods of Legaspi. After the Philippine Coast Guard; a few days after the sinking of the vessel, a
vessel had passed by the Mandaue-Mactan Bridge, fire ensued in the representative of the Legaspi Marketing filed claims for the values of
engine room, and, despite earnest efforts of the officers and crew of the goods under Bills of Lading Nos. 58 and 59 in behalf of the
the vessel, the fire engulfed and destroyed the entire vessel resulting shippers/consignees, Nestor Angelia and Zosimo Mercado; [petitioner]
in the loss of the vessel and the cargoes therein. The Captain filed the was able to ascertain, from the shippers/consignees and the
required Marine Protest. representative of the Legaspi Marketing that the cargo covered
by Bill of Lading No. 59 was owned by Legaspi Marketing and
consigned to Zosimo Mercado while that covered by Bill of Lading
No. 58 was purchased by Nestor Angelia from the Legaspi Marketing; In sum, the issues are: (1) Is petitioner liable for the loss of the goods?
that [petitioner] approved the claim of Legaspi Marketing for the (2) If it is liable, what is the extent of its liability?
value of the cargo under Bill of Lading No. 59 and remitted to
Legaspi Marketing the said amount under Equitable Banking
This Court’s Ruling
Corporation Check No. 20230486 dated August 12, 1992, in the
amount of ₱14,000.00 for which the representative of the Legaspi
Marketing signed Voucher No. 4379, dated August 12, 1992, for the The Petition is partly meritorious.
said amount of ₱14,000.00 in full payment of claims under Bill of
Lading No. 59; that [petitioner] approved the claim of Nestor Angelia First Issue:
in the amount of ₱6,500.00 but that since the latter owed Chester
Marketing, Inc., for some purchases, [petitioner] merely set off the
amount due to Nestor Angelia under Bill of Lading No. 58 against Liability for Loss
his account with Chester Marketing, Inc.; [petitioner] lost/[misplaced]
the original of the check after it was received by Legaspi Marketing, Petitioner argues that the cause of the loss of the goods, subject of this
hence, the production of the microfilm copy by Noel Tanyu of the case, was force majeure. It adds that its exercise of due diligence was
Equitable Banking Corporation; [petitioner] never knew, before adequately proven by the findings of the Philippine Coast Guard.
settling with Legaspi Marketing and Nestor Angelia that the cargo
under both Bills of Lading were insured with [respondent], or that
Feliciana Legaspi filed claims for the value of the cargo with We are not convinced. The uncontroverted findings of the Philippine
[respondent] and that the latter approved the claims of Feliciana Coast Guard show that the M/V Tandag sank due to a fire, which
Legaspi and paid the total amount of ₱148,500.00 to her; [petitioner] resulted from a crack in the auxiliary engine fuel oil service tank.
came to know, for the first time, of the payments by [respondent] of Fuel spurted out of the crack and dripped to the heating exhaust
the claims of Feliciana Legaspi when it was served with the summons manifold, causing the ship to burst into flames. The crack was located
and complaint, on October 8, 1992; after settling his claim, Nestor on the side of the fuel oil tank, which had a mere two-inch gap from
Angelia x x x executed the Release and Quitclaim, dated July 2, the engine room walling, thus precluding constant inspection and care
1993, and Affidavit, dated July 2, 1993 in favor of [respondent]; by the crew.
hence, [petitioner] was absolved of any liability for the loss of the
cargo covered by Bills of Lading Nos. 58 and 59; and even if it was, Having originated from an unchecked crack in the fuel oil service
its liability should not exceed the value of the cargo as stated in tank, the fire could not have been caused by force majeure. Broadly
the Bills of Lading. speaking, force majeure generally applies to a natural accident, such
as that caused by a lightning, an earthquake, a tempest or a public
"[Petitioner] did not anymore present any other witnesses on its enemy.14 Hence, fire is not considered a natural disaster or calamity.
evidence-in-chief. x x x"9 (Citations omitted) In Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court,15 we

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

"x x x. This must be so as it arises almost invariably from some act of
man or by human means. It does not fall within the category of an act
The CA held that petitioner had failed "to prove that the fire which of God unless caused by lighting or by other natural disaster or
consumed the vessel and its cargo was caused by something other calamity. It may even be caused by the actual fault or privity of the
than its negligence in the upkeep, maintenance and operation of the carrier.

"Article 1680 of the Civil Code, which considers fire as an

Petitioner had paid ₱14,000 to Legaspi Marketing for the cargo extraordinary fortuitous event refers to leases or rural lands where a
covered by Bill of Lading No. 59. The CA, however, held that the reduction of the rent is allowed when more than one-half of the fruits
payment did not extinguish petitioner’s obligation to respondent, have been lost due to such event, considering that the law adopts a
because there was no evidence that Feliciana Legaspi (the insured) protective policy towards agriculture.
was the owner/proprietor of Legaspi Marketing. The CA also pointed
out the impropriety of treating the claim under Bill of Lading No. 58 --
covering cargo valued therein at ₱6,500 -- as a setoff against Nestor "As the peril of fire is not comprehended within the exceptions in
Angelia’s account with Chester Enterprises, Inc. Article 1734, supra, Article 1735 of the Civil Code provides that in all
cases other than those mentioned in Article 1734, the common carrier
shall be presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently,
Finally, it ruled that respondent "is not bound by the valuation of the unless it proves that it has observed the extraordinary diligence
cargo under the Bills of Lading, x x x nor is the value of the cargo required by law."
under said Bills of Lading conclusive on the [respondent]. This is so
because, in the first place, the goods were insured with the
[respondent] for the total amount of ₱150,000.00, which amount may Where loss of cargo results from the failure of the officers of a vessel to
be considered as the face value of the goods."11 inspect their ship frequently so as to discover the existence of cracked
parts, that loss cannot be attributed to force majeure, but to the
negligence of those officials.16
Hence this Petition.12

The law provides that a common carrier is presumed to have been

Issues negligent if it fails to prove that it exercised extraordinary vigilance
over the goods it transported. Ensuring the seaworthiness of the
Petitioner raises for our consideration the following alleged errors of vessel is the first step in exercising the required vigilance. Petitioner
the CA: did not present sufficient evidence showing what measures or acts it
had undertaken to ensure the seaworthiness of the vessel. It failed to
show when the last inspection and care of the auxiliary engine fuel oil
"I service tank was made, what the normal practice was for its
maintenance, or some other evidence to establish that it had exercised
"The Honorable Court of Appeals erred, granting arguendo that extraordinary diligence. It merely stated that constant inspection and
petitioner is liable, in holding that petitioner’s liability should be care were not possible, and that the last time the vessel was dry-
based on the ‘actual insured value’ of the goods and not from actual docked was in November 1990. Necessarily, in accordance with Article
valuation declared by the shipper/consignee in the bill of lading. 173517 of the Civil Code, we hold petitioner responsible for the loss of
the goods covered by Bills of Lading Nos. 58 and 59.
Second Issue:
"The Court of Appeals erred in not affirming the findings of the
Philippine Coast Guard, as sustained by the trial court a quo, holding Extent of Liability
that the cause of loss of the aforesaid cargoes under Bill of Lading
Nos. 58 and 59 was due to force majeure and due diligence was Respondent contends that petitioner’s liability should be based on the
[exercised] by petitioner prior to, during and immediately after the actual insured value of the goods, subject of this case. On the other
fire on [petitioner’s] vessel. hand, petitioner claims that its liability should be limited to the value
declared by the shipper/consignee in the Bill of Lading.
The records18 show that the Bills of Lading covering the lost goods
"The Court of Appeals erred in not holding that respondent UCPB contain the stipulation that in case of claim for loss or for damage to
General Insurance has no cause of action against the petitioner."13 the shipped merchandise or property, "[t]he liability of the common
carrier x x x shall not exceed the value of the goods as appearing in
the bill of lading."19 The attempt by respondent to make light of this Concededly, the purpose of the limiting stipulation in the Bill of
stipulation is unconvincing. As it had the consignees’ copies of the Lading is to protect the common carrier. Such stipulation obliges the
Bills of Lading,20 it could have easily produced those copies, instead of shipper/consignee to notify the common carrier of the amount that the
relying on mere allegations and suppositions. However, it presented latter may be liable for in case of loss of the goods. The common
mere photocopies thereof to disprove petitioner’s evidence showing the carrier can then take appropriate measures -- getting insurance, if
existence of the above stipulation. needed, to cover or protect itself. This precaution on the part of the
carrier is reasonable and prudent. Hence, a shipper/consignee that
undervalues the real worth of the goods it seeks to transport does not
A stipulation that limits liability is valid21 as long as it is not against
only violate a valid contractual stipulation, but commits a fraudulent
public policy. In Everett Steamship Corporation v. Court of
act when it seeks to make the common carrier liable for more than the
Appeals,22 the Court stated:
amount it declared in the bill of lading.

"A stipulation in the bill of lading limiting the common carrier’s

Indeed, Zosimo Mercado and Nestor Angelia misled petitioner by
liability for loss or destruction of a cargo to a certain sum, unless the
undervaluing the goods in their respective Bills of Lading. Hence,
shipper or owner declares a greater value, is sanctioned by law,
petitioner was exposed to a risk that was deliberately hidden from it,
particularly Articles 1749 and 1750 of the Civil Code which provides:
and from which it could not protect itself.

‘Art. 1749. A stipulation that the common carrier’s liability is limited

It is well to point out that, for assuming a higher risk (the alleged
to the value of the goods appearing in the bill of lading, unless the
actual value of the goods) the insurance company was paid the correct
shipper or owner declares a greater value, is binding.’
higher premium by Feliciana Legaspi; while petitioner was paid a fee
lower than what it was entitled to for transporting the goods that had
‘Art. 1750. A contract fixing the sum that may be recovered by the been deliberately undervalued by the shippers in the Bill of Lading.
owner or shipper for the loss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods Between the two of them, the insurer should bear the loss in excess of
is valid, if it is reasonable and just under the circumstances, and has the value declared in the Bills of Lading. This is the just and equitable
been freely and fairly agreed upon.’ solution.

"Such limited-liability clause has also been consistently upheld by this In Aboitiz Shipping Corporation v. Court of Appeals,23 the description
Court in a number of cases. Thus, in Sea-Land Service, Inc. vs. of the nature and the value of the goods shipped were declared and
Intermediate Appellate Court, we ruled: reflected in the bill of lading, like in the present case. The Court
therein considered this declaration as the basis of the carrier’s
‘It seems clear that even if said section 4 (5) of the Carriage of Goods liability and ordered payment based on such amount. Following this
by Sea Act did not exist, the validity and binding effect of the liability ruling, petitioner should not be held liable for more than what was
limitation clause in the bill of lading here are nevertheless fully declared by the shippers/consignees as the value of the goods in the
sustainable on the basis alone of the cited Civil Code Provisions. That bills of lading.
said stipulation is just and reasonable is arguable from the fact that it
echoes Art. 1750 itself in providing a limit to liability only if a greater We find no cogent reason to disturb the CA’s finding that Feliciana
value is not declared for the shipment in the bill of lading. To hold Legaspi was the owner of the goods covered by Bills of Lading Nos. 58
otherwise would amount to questioning the justness and fairness of and 59. Undoubtedly, the goods were merely consigned to Nestor
the law itself, and this the private respondent does not pretend to do. Angelia and Zosimo Mercado, respectively; thus, Feliciana Legaspi or
But over and above that consideration, the just and reasonable her subrogee (respondent) was entitled to the goods or, in case of loss,
character of such stipulation is implicit in it giving the shipper or to compensation therefor. There is no evidence showing that
owner the option of avoiding accrual of liability limitation by the petitioner paid her for the loss of those goods. It does not even claim to
simple and surely far from onerous expedient of declaring the nature have paid her.
and value of the shipment in the bill of lading.’
On the other hand, Legaspi Marketing filed with petitioner a claim for
"Pursuant to the afore-quoted provisions of law, it is required that the the lost goods under Bill of Lading No. 59, for which the latter
stipulation limiting the common carrier’s liability for loss must be subsequently paid ₱14,000. But nothing in the records convincingly
‘reasonable and just under the circumstances, and has been freely and shows that the former was the owner of the goods. Respondent was,
fairly agreed upon. however, able to prove that it was Feliciana Legaspi who owned those
goods, and who was thus entitled to payment for their loss. Hence, the
"The bill of lading subject of the present controversy specifically claim for the goods under Bill of Lading No. 59 cannot be deemed to
provides, among others: have been extinguished, because payment was made to a person who
was not entitled thereto.

’18. All claims for which the carrier may be liable shall be adjusted
and settled on the basis of the shipper’s net invoice cost plus freight With regard to the claim for the goods that were covered by Bill of
and insurance premiums, if paid, and in no event shall the carrier be Lading No. 58 and valued at ₱6,500, the parties have not convinced us
liable for any loss of possible profits or any consequential loss. to disturb the findings of the CA that compensation could not validly
take place. Thus, we uphold the appellate court’s ruling on this point.

‘The carrier shall not be liable for any loss of or any damage to or in
any connection with, goods in an amount exceeding One Hundred WHEREFORE, the Petition is hereby PARTIALLY GRANTED. The
Thousand Yen in Japanese Currency (¥100,000.00) or its equivalent assailed Decision is MODIFIED in the sense that petitioner
in any other currency per package or customary freight unit is ORDERED to pay respondent the sums of ₱14,000 and ₱6,500,
(whichever is least) unless the value of the goods higher than this which represent the value of the goods stated in Bills of Lading Nos.
amount is declared in writing by the shipper before receipt of the goods 59 and 58, respectively. No costs.
by the carrier and inserted in the Bill of Lading and extra freight is
paid as required.’ G.R. No. L-69044 May 29, 1987

"The above stipulations are, to our mind, reasonable and EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, INC., petitioner,
just.1avvphi1 In the bill of lading, the carrier made it clear that its vs.
liability would only be up to One Hundred Thousand (Y100,000.00) INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT and DEVELOPMENT
Yen. However, the shipper, Maruman Trading, had the option to INSURANCE & SURETY CORPORATION, respondents.
declare a higher valuation if the value of its cargo was higher than the
limited liability of the carrier. Considering that the shipper did not
No. 71478 May 29, 1987
declare a higher valuation, it had itself to blame for not complying
with the stipulations." (Italics supplied)
In the present case, the stipulation limiting petitioner’s liability is not
contrary to public policy. In fact, its just and reasonable character is
evident. The shippers/consignees may recover the full value of the DOWA FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO., LTD., respondents.
goods by the simple expedient of declaring the true value of the
shipment in the Bill of Lading. Other than the payment of a higher
freight, there was nothing to stop them from placing the actual value
of the goods therein. In fact, they committed fraud against the MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.:
common carrier by deliberately undervaluing the goods in their Bill of
Lading, thus depriving the carrier of its proper and just transport
These two cases, both for the recovery of the value of cargo insurance, Both Petitions were initially denied for lack of merit. G.R. No. 69044
arose from the same incident, the sinking of the M/S ASIATICA when on January 16, 1985 by the First Division, and G. R. No. 71478 on
it caught fire, resulting in the total loss of ship and cargo. September 25, 1985 by the Second Division. Upon Petitioner Carrier's
Motion for Reconsideration, however, G.R. No. 69044 was given due
The basic facts are not in controversy: course on March 25, 1985, and the parties were required to submit
their respective Memoranda, which they have done.
In G.R. No. 69044, sometime in or prior to June, 1977, the M/S
ASIATICA, a vessel operated by petitioner Eastern Shipping Lines, On the other hand, in G.R. No. 71478, Petitioner Carrier sought
Inc., (referred to hereinafter as Petitioner Carrier) loaded at Kobe, reconsideration of the Resolution denying the Petition for Review and
Japan for transportation to Manila, 5,000 pieces of calorized lance moved for its consolidation with G.R. No. 69044, the lower-numbered
pipes in 28 packages valued at P256,039.00 consigned to Philippine case, which was then pending resolution with the First Division. The
Blooming Mills Co., Inc., and 7 cases of spare parts valued at same was granted; the Resolution of the Second Division of September
P92,361.75, consigned to Central Textile Mills, Inc. Both sets of goods 25, 1985 was set aside and the Petition was given due course.
were insured against marine risk for their stated value with
respondent Development Insurance and Surety Corporation. At the outset, we reject Petitioner Carrier's claim that it is not the
operator of the M/S Asiatica but merely a charterer thereof. We note
In G.R. No. 71478, during the same period, the same vessel took on that in G.R. No. 69044, Petitioner Carrier stated in its Petition:
board 128 cartons of garment fabrics and accessories, in two (2)
containers, consigned to Mariveles Apparel Corporation, and two There are about 22 cases of the "ASIATICA" pending in various courts
cases of surveying instruments consigned to Aman Enterprises and where various plaintiffs are represented by various counsel
General Merchandise. The 128 cartons were insured for their stated representing various consignees or insurance companies. The common
value by respondent Nisshin Fire & Marine Insurance Co., for US defendant in these cases is petitioner herein, being the operator of
$46,583.00, and the 2 cases by respondent Dowa Fire & Marine said vessel. ... 1
Insurance Co., Ltd., for US $11,385.00.
Petitioner Carrier should be held bound to said admission. As a
Enroute for Kobe, Japan, to Manila, the vessel caught fire and sank, general rule, the facts alleged in a party's pleading are deemed
resulting in the total loss of ship and cargo. The respective respondent admissions of that party and binding upon it. 2 And an admission in
Insurers paid the corresponding marine insurance values to the one pleading in one action may be received in evidence against the
consignees concerned and were thus subrogated unto the rights of the pleader or his successor-in-interest on the trial of another action to
latter as the insured. which he is a party, in favor of a party to the latter action. 3

G.R. NO. 69044 The threshold issues in both cases are: (1) which law should govern —
the Civil Code provisions on Common carriers or the Carriage of
On May 11, 1978, respondent Development Insurance & Surety Goods by Sea Act? and (2) who has the burden of proof to show
Corporation (Development Insurance, for short), having been negligence of the carrier?
subrogated unto the rights of the two insured companies, filed suit
against petitioner Carrier for the recovery of the amounts it had paid On the Law Applicable
to the insured before the then Court of First instance of Manila,
Branch XXX (Civil Case No. 6087). The law of the country to which the goods are to be transported
governs the liability of the common carrier in case of their loss,
Petitioner-Carrier denied liability mainly on the ground that the loss destruction or deterioration. 4 As the cargoes in question were
was due to an extraordinary fortuitous event, hence, it is not liable transported from Japan to the Philippines, the liability of Petitioner
under the law. Carrier is governed primarily by the Civil Code. 5 However, in all
matters not regulated by said Code, the rights and obligations of
On August 31, 1979, the Trial Court rendered judgment in favor of common carrier shall be governed by the Code of Commerce and by
Development Insurance in the amounts of P256,039.00 and special laws. 6 Thus, the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, a special law,
P92,361.75, respectively, with legal interest, plus P35,000.00 as is suppletory to the provisions of the Civil Code. 7
attorney's fees and costs. Petitioner Carrier took an appeal to the then
Court of Appeals which, on August 14, 1984, affirmed. On the Burden of Proof

Petitioner Carrier is now before us on a Petition for Review on Under the Civil Code, common carriers, from the nature of their
Certiorari. business and for reasons of public policy, are bound to observe
extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over goods, according to all
G.R. NO. 71478 the circumstances of each case. 8Common carriers are responsible for
the loss, destruction, or deterioration of the goods unless the same is
On June 16, 1978, respondents Nisshin Fire & Marine Insurance Co. due to any of the following causes only:
NISSHIN for short), and Dowa Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.
(DOWA, for brevity), as subrogees of the insured, filed suit against (1) Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning or other natural disaster or
Petitioner Carrier for the recovery of the insured value of the cargo calamity;
lost with the then Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch 11 (Civil
Case No. 116151), imputing unseaworthiness of the ship and non- xxx xxx xxx 9
observance of extraordinary diligence by petitioner Carrier.
Petitioner Carrier claims that the loss of the vessel by fire exempts it
Petitioner Carrier denied liability on the principal grounds that the from liability under the phrase "natural disaster or calamity. "
fire which caused the sinking of the ship is an exempting However, we are of the opinion that fire may not be considered a
circumstance under Section 4(2) (b) of the Carriage of Goods by Sea natural disaster or calamity. This must be so as it arises almost
Act (COGSA); and that when the loss of fire is established, the burden invariably from some act of man or by human means. 10 It does not
of proving negligence of the vessel is shifted to the cargo shipper. fall within the category of an act of God unless caused by
lightning 11 or by other natural disaster or calamity. 12 It may even
On September 15, 1980, the Trial Court rendered judgment in favor of be caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier. 13
NISSHIN and DOWA in the amounts of US $46,583.00 and US
$11,385.00, respectively, with legal interest, plus attorney's fees of Article 1680 of the Civil Code, which considers fire as an
P5,000.00 and costs. On appeal by petitioner, the then Court of extraordinary fortuitous event refers to leases of rural lands where a
Appeals on September 10, 1984, affirmed with modification the Trial reduction of the rent is allowed when more than one-half of the fruits
Court's judgment by decreasing the amount recoverable by DOWA to have been lost due to such event, considering that the law adopts a
US $1,000.00 because of $500 per package limitation of liability under protection policy towards agriculture. 14
the COGSA.
As the peril of the fire is not comprehended within the exception in
Hence, this Petition for Review on certiorari by Petitioner Carrier. Article 1734, supra, Article 1735 of the Civil Code provides that all
cases than those mention in Article 1734, the common carrier shall be
presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently, unless it transportation of goods in an amount exceeding $500 per package
proves that it has observed the extraordinary deligence required by lawful money of the United States, or in case of goods not shipped in
law. packages, per customary freight unit, or the equivalent of that sum in
other currency, unless the nature and value of such goods have been
In this case, the respective Insurers. as subrogees of the cargo declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in bill of lading.
shippers, have proven that the transported goods have been lost. This declaration if embodied in the bill of lading shall be prima facie
Petitioner Carrier has also proved that the loss was caused by fire. evidence, but all be conclusive on the carrier.
The burden then is upon Petitioner Carrier to proved that it has
exercised the extraordinary diligence required by law. In this regard, By agreement between the carrier, master or agent of the carrier, and
the Trial Court, concurred in by the Appellate Court, made the the shipper another maximum amount than that mentioned in this
following Finding of fact: paragraph may be fixed: Provided, That such maximum shall not be
less than the figure above named. In no event shall the carrier be
The cargoes in question were, according to the witnesses defendant Liable for more than the amount of damage actually sustained.
placed in hatches No, 2 and 3 cf the vessel, Boatswain Ernesto
Pastrana noticed that smoke was coming out from hatch No. 2 and xxx xxx xxx
hatch No. 3; that where the smoke was noticed, the fire was already
big; that the fire must have started twenty-four 24) our the same was Article 1749 of the New Civil Code also allows the limitations of
noticed; that carbon dioxide was ordered released and the crew was liability in this wise:
ordered to open the hatch covers of No, 2 tor commencement of fire
fighting by sea water: that all of these effort were not enough to Art. 1749. A stipulation that the common carrier's liability as limited
control the fire. to the value of the goods appearing in the bill of lading, unless the
shipper or owner declares a greater value, is binding.
Pursuant to Article 1733, common carriers are bound to extraordinary
diligence in the vigilance over the goods. The evidence of the It is to be noted that the Civil Code does not of itself limit the liability
defendant did not show that extraordinary vigilance was observed by of the common carrier to a fixed amount per package although the
the vessel to prevent the occurrence of fire at hatches numbers 2 and Code expressly permits a stipulation limiting such liability. Thus, the
3. Defendant's evidence did not likewise show he amount of diligence COGSA which is suppletory to the provisions of the Civil Code, steps
made by the crew, on orders, in the care of the cargoes. What appears in and supplements the Code by establishing a statutory provision
is that after the cargoes were stored in the hatches, no regular limiting the carrier's liability in the absence of a declaration of a
inspection was made as to their condition during the voyage. higher value of the goods by the shipper in the bill of lading. The
Consequently, the crew could not have even explain what could have provisions of the Carriage of Goods by.Sea Act on limited liability are
caused the fire. The defendant, in the Court's mind, failed to as much a part of a bill of lading as though physically in it and as
satisfactorily show that extraordinary vigilance and care had been much a part thereof as though placed therein by agreement of the
made by the crew to prevent the occurrence of the fire. The defendant, parties. 16
as a common carrier, is liable to the consignees for said lack of
deligence required of it under Article 1733 of the Civil Code. 15 In G.R. No. 69044, there is no stipulation in the respective Bills of
Lading (Exhibits "C-2" and "I-3") 1 7 limiting the carrier's liability for
Having failed to discharge the burden of proving that it had exercised the loss or destruction of the goods. Nor is there a declaration of a
the extraordinary diligence required by law, Petitioner Carrier cannot higher value of the goods. Hence, Petitioner Carrier's liability should
escape liability for the loss of the cargo. not exceed US $500 per package, or its peso equivalent, at the time of
payment of the value of the goods lost, but in no case "more than the
And even if fire were to be considered a "natural disaster" within the amount of damage actually sustained."
meaning of Article 1734 of the Civil Code, it is required under Article
1739 of the same Code that the "natural disaster" must have been the The actual total loss for the 5,000 pieces of calorized lance pipes was
"proximate and only cause of the loss," and that the carrier has P256,039 (Exhibit "C"), which was exactly the amount of the
"exercised due diligence to prevent or minimize the loss before, during insurance coverage by Development Insurance (Exhibit "A"), and the
or after the occurrence of the disaster. " This Petitioner Carrier has amount affirmed to be paid by respondent Court. The goods were
also failed to establish satisfactorily. shipped in 28 packages (Exhibit "C-2") Multiplying 28 packages by
$500 would result in a product of $14,000 which, at the current
Nor may Petitioner Carrier seek refuge from liability under the exchange rate of P20.44 to US $1, would be P286,160, or "more than
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, It is provided therein that: the amount of damage actually sustained." Consequently, the
aforestated amount of P256,039 should be upheld.
Sec. 4(2). Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss
or damage arising or resulting from With respect to the seven (7) cases of spare parts (Exhibit "I-3"), their
actual value was P92,361.75 (Exhibit "I"), which is likewise the
(b) Fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier. insured value of the cargo (Exhibit "H") and amount was affirmed to
be paid by respondent Court. however, multiplying seven (7) cases by
xxx xxx xxx $500 per package at the present prevailing rate of P20.44 to US $1
(US $3,500 x P20.44) would yield P71,540 only, which is the amount
In this case, both the Trial Court and the Appellate Court, in effect, that should be paid by Petitioner Carrier for those spare parts, and
found, as a fact, that there was "actual fault" of the carrier shown by not P92,361.75.
"lack of diligence" in that "when the smoke was noticed, the fire was
already big; that the fire must have started twenty-four (24) hours In G.R. No. 71478, in so far as the two (2) cases of surveying
before the same was noticed; " and that "after the cargoes were stored instruments are concerned, the amount awarded to DOWA which was
in the hatches, no regular inspection was made as to their condition already reduced to $1,000 by the Appellate Court following the
during the voyage." The foregoing suffices to show that the statutory $500 liability per package, is in order.
circumstances under which the fire originated and spread are such as
to show that Petitioner Carrier or its servants were negligent in In respect of the shipment of 128 cartons of garment fabrics in two (2)
connection therewith. Consequently, the complete defense afforded by containers and insured with NISSHIN, the Appellate Court also
the COGSA when loss results from fire is unavailing to Petitioner limited Petitioner Carrier's liability to $500 per package and affirmed
Carrier. the award of $46,583 to NISSHIN. it multiplied 128 cartons
(considered as COGSA packages) by $500 to arrive at the figure of
On the US $500 Per Package Limitation: $64,000, and explained that "since this amount is more than the
insured value of the goods, that is $46,583, the Trial Court was correct
Petitioner Carrier avers that its liability if any, should not exceed US in awarding said amount only for the 128 cartons, which amount is
$500 per package as provided in section 4(5) of the COGSA, which less than the maximum limitation of the carrier's liability."
We find no reversible error. The 128 cartons and not the two (2)
(5) Neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become containers should be considered as the shipping unit.
liable for any loss or damage to or in connection with the
In Mitsui & Co., Ltd. vs. American Export Lines, Inc. 636 F 2d 807 In this case, the Bill of Lading (Exhibit "A") disclosed the following
(1981), the consignees of tin ingots and the shipper of floor covering data:
brought action against the vessel owner and operator to recover for
loss of ingots and floor covering, which had been shipped in vessel — 2 Containers
supplied containers. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of New York rendered judgment for the plaintiffs, and the defendant (128) Cartons)
appealed. The United States Court of Appeals, Second Division,
modified and affirmed holding that: Men's Garments Fabrics and Accessories Freight Prepaid

When what would ordinarily be considered packages are shipped in a Say: Two (2) Containers Only.
container supplied by the carrier and the number of such units is
Considering, therefore, that the Bill of Lading clearly disclosed the
disclosed in the shipping documents, each of those units and not the
contents of the containers, the number of cartons or units, as well as
container constitutes the "package" referred to in liability limitation
the nature of the goods, and applying the ruling in
provision of Carriage of Goods by Sea Act. Carriage of Goods by Sea
the Mitsui and Eurygenes cases it is clear that the 128 cartons, not the
Act, 4(5), 46 U.S.C.A.& 1304(5).
two (2) containers should be considered as the shipping unit subject to
Even if language and purposes of Carriage of Goods by Sea Act left the $500 limitation of liability.
doubt as to whether carrier-furnished containers whose contents are
True, the evidence does not disclose whether the containers involved
disclosed should be treated as packages, the interest in securing
herein were carrier-furnished or not. Usually, however, containers are
international uniformity would suggest that they should not be so
provided by the carrier. 19 In this case, the probability is that they
treated. Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 4(5), 46 U.S.C.A. 1304(5).
were so furnished for Petitioner Carrier was at liberty to pack and
... After quoting the statement in Leather's Best, supra, 451 F 2d at carry the goods in containers if they were not so packed. Thus, at the
815, that treating a container as a package is inconsistent with the dorsal side of the Bill of Lading (Exhibit "A") appears the following
congressional purpose of establishing a reasonable minimum level of stipulation in fine print:
liability, Judge Beeks wrote, 414 F. Supp. at 907 (footnotes omitted):
11. (Use of Container) Where the goods receipt of which is
Although this approach has not completely escaped criticism, there is, acknowledged on the face of this Bill of Lading are not already packed
nonetheless, much to commend it. It gives needed recognition to the into container(s) at the time of receipt, the Carrier shall be at liberty
responsibility of the courts to construe and apply the statute as to pack and carry them in any type of container(s).
enacted, however great might be the temptation to "modernize" or
The foregoing would explain the use of the estimate "Say: Two (2)
reconstitute it by artful judicial gloss. If COGSA's package limitation
Containers Only" in the Bill of Lading, meaning that the goods could
scheme suffers from internal illness, Congress alone must undertake
probably fit in two (2) containers only. It cannot mean that the
the surgery. There is, in this regard, obvious wisdom in the Ninth
shipper had furnished the containers for if so, "Two (2) Containers"
Circuit's conclusion in Hartford that technological advancements,
appearing as the first entry would have sufficed. and if there is any
whether or not forseeable by the COGSA promulgators, do not
ambiguity in the Bill of Lading, it is a cardinal principle in the
warrant a distortion or artificial construction of the statutory term
construction of contracts that the interpretation of obscure words or
"package." A ruling that these large reusable metal pieces of transport
stipulations in a contract shall not favor the party who caused the
equipment qualify as COGSA packages — at least where, as here,
obscurity. 20 This applies with even greater force in a contract of
they were carrier owned and supplied — would amount to just such a
adhesion where a contract is already prepared and the other party
merely adheres to it, like the Bill of Lading in this case, which is
Certainly, if the individual crates or cartons prepared by the shipper draw. up by the carrier. 21
and containing his goods can rightly be considered "packages"
On Alleged Denial of Opportunity to Present Deposition of Its
standing by themselves, they do not suddenly lose that character upon
Witnesses: (in G.R. No. 69044 only)
being stowed in a carrier's container. I would liken these containers to
detachable stowage compartments of the ship. They simply serve to
Petitioner Carrier claims that the Trial Court did not give it sufficient
divide the ship's overall cargo stowage space into smaller, more
time to take the depositions of its witnesses in Japan by written
serviceable loci. Shippers' packages are quite literally "stowed" in the
containers utilizing stevedoring practices and materials analogous to
those employed in traditional on board stowage.
We do not agree. petitioner Carrier was given- full opportunity to
present its evidence but it failed to do so. On this point, the Trial
In Yeramex International v. S.S. Tando,, 1977 A.M.C. 1807 (E.D. Va.)
Court found:
rev'd on other grounds, 595 F 2nd 943 (4 Cir. 1979), another district
with many maritime cases followed Judge Beeks' reasoning in
xxx xxx xxx
Matsushita and similarly rejected the functional economics test.
Judge Kellam held that when rolls of polyester goods are packed into Indeed, since after November 6, 1978, to August 27, 1979, not to
cardboard cartons which are then placed in containers, the cartons mention the time from June 27, 1978, when its answer was prepared
and not the containers are the packages. and filed in Court, until September 26, 1978, when the pre-trial
conference was conducted for the last time, the defendant had more
xxx xxx xxx
than nine months to prepare its evidence. Its belated notice to take
deposition on written interrogatories of its witnesses in Japan, served
The case of Smithgreyhound v. M/V Eurygenes, 18 followed the
upon the plaintiff on August 25th, just two days before the hearing set
Mitsui test:
for August 27th, knowing fully well that it was its undertaking on
July 11 the that the deposition of the witnesses would be dispensed
Eurygenes concerned a shipment of stereo equipment packaged by the
with if by next time it had not yet been obtained, only proves the lack
shipper into cartons which were then placed by the shipper into a
of merit of the defendant's motion for postponement, for which reason
carrier- furnished container. The number of cartons was disclosed to
it deserves no sympathy from the Court in that regard. The defendant
the carrier in the bill of lading. Eurygenes followed the Mitsui test and
has told the Court since February 16, 1979, that it was going to take
treated the cartons, not the container, as the COGSA
the deposition of its witnesses in Japan. Why did it take until August
packages. However, Eurygenes indicated that a carrier could limit its
25, 1979, or more than six months, to prepare its written
liability to $500 per container if the bill of lading failed to disclose the
interrogatories. Only the defendant itself is to blame for its failure to
number of cartons or units within the container, or if the parties
adduce evidence in support of its defenses.
indicated, in clear and unambiguous language, an agreement to treat
the container as the package.
xxx xxx xxx 22
(Admiralty Litigation in Perpetuum: The Continuing Saga of Package
Petitioner Carrier was afforded ample time to present its side of the
Limitations and Third World Delivery Problems by Chester D. Hooper
case. 23 It cannot complain now that it was denied due process when
& Keith L. Flicker, published in Fordham International Law Journal,
the Trial Court rendered its Decision on the basis of the evidence
Vol. 6, 1982-83, Number 1) (Emphasis supplied)
adduced. What due process abhors is absolute lack of opportunity to Thus, on March 11, 1994, Federal Phoenix Assurance filed with the
be heard. 24 RTC, Branch 16, Manila a complaint for damages against DSR-
Senator Lines and C.F. Sharp, praying that the latter be ordered to
On the Award of Attorney's Fees: pay actual damages of ₱941,429.61, compensatory damages of
₱100,000.00 and costs.
Petitioner Carrier questions the award of attorney's fees. In both
cases, respondent Court affirmed the award by the Trial Court of On August 22, 1995, the RTC rendered a Decision in favor of Federal
attorney's fees of P35,000.00 in favor of Development Insurance in Phoenix Assurance, the dispositive portion of which reads:
G.R. No. 69044, and P5,000.00 in favor of NISSHIN and DOWA in
G.R. No. 71478. "WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in
favor of plaintiff and against the defendants who are hereby ordered
Courts being vested with discretion in fixing the amount of attorney's jointly and severally to pay plaintiff:
fees, it is believed that the amount of P5,000.00 would be more
reasonable in G.R. No. 69044. The award of P5,000.00 in G.R. No. I. The amount of ₱941,439.61 (should be ₱941,429.616 ) with
71478 is affirmed. legal interest of 6% per annum from the date of the letter of
demand of February 8, 1993 (EXH. L) and 12% per annum
from the date the judgment becomes final and executory
WHEREFORE, 1) in G.R. No. 69044, the judgment is modified in that until its satisfaction (Eastern Shipping Lines vs. Court of
petitioner Eastern Shipping Lines shall pay the Development Appeals, G.R. No. 97412, July 12, 1994);
Insurance and Surety Corporation the amount of P256,039 for the
twenty-eight (28) packages of calorized lance pipes, and P71,540 for II. The amount of ₱15,000.00 by way of reasonable
the seven (7) cases of spare parts, with interest at the legal rate from attorney’s fees; and
the date of the filing of the complaint on June 13, 1978, plus P5,000 as
attorney's fees, and the costs. III. To pay costs.

2) In G.R.No.71478,the judgment is hereby affirmed.

"The counterclaim of defendants is DISMISSED.

G.R. No. 135377 October 7, 2003



On appeal, the Court of Appeals rendered a Decision dated June 5,
INC., petitioners,
1998, affirming the RTC Decision, thus:
"In the present recourse, the appellant carrier was presumed to have
acted negligently for the fire that gutted the feeder vessel and the
consequent loss or destruction of the cargo. Hence, the appellant
carrier is liable for appellee’s claim under the New Civil Code of the

Before us is a petition for review on certiorari1 assailing the "Contrary to C.F. Sharp and Co., Inc.’s pose, its liability as ship agent
Decision2 dated June 5, 1998 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV continued and remained until the cargo was delivered to the
No. 50833 which affirmed the Decision of the Regional Trial Court consignee. The status of the appellant as ship agent subsisted and its
(RTC), Manila City, Branch 16, in Civil Case No. 94-69699, "Federal liability as a ship agent was co-terminous with and subsisted as long
Phoenix Assurance Company, Inc. vs. DSR-Senator Lines and C.F. as the cargo was not delivered to the consignee under the terms of the
Sharp & Co., Inc.," for damages arising from the loss of cargo while in Bill of Lading.
"IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the appeal of the appellants
Berde Plants, Inc. (Berde Plants) delivered 632 units of artificial trees is DISMISSED. The Decision appealed from is affirmed. With costs
to C.F. Sharp and Company, Inc. (C.F. Sharp), the General Ship against the appellants.
Agent of DSR-Senator Lines, a foreign shipping corporation, for
transportation and delivery to the consignee, Al-Mohr International
Group, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. C.F. Sharp issued International Bill
of Lading No. SENU MNL-265483 for the cargo with an invoice value
of $34,579.60. Under the Bill of Lading, the port of discharge for the On September 7, 1998, the Court of Appeals denied the motion for
cargo was at the Khor Fakkan port and the port of delivery was reconsideration of DSR-Senator Lines and C.F. Sharp, prompting
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, via Port Dammam. The cargo was loaded in them to file with this Court the instant petition.
M/S "Arabian Senator."
We find the petition bereft of merit.
Federal Phoenix Assurance Company, Inc. (Federal Phoenix
Assurance) insured the cargo against all risks in the amount of
Article 1734 of the Civil Code provides:

"Art. 1734. Common carriers are responsible for the loss, destruction,
On June 7, 1993, M/S "Arabian Senator" left the Manila South Harbor
or deterioration of the goods, unless the same is due to any of the
for Saudi Arabia with the cargo on board. When the vessel arrived in
following causes only:
Khor Fakkan Port, the cargo was reloaded on board DSR-Senator
Lines’ feeder vessel, M/V "Kapitan Sakharov," bound for Port
Dammam, Saudi Arabia. However, while in transit, the vessel and all (1)Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning, or other natural
its cargo caught fire. disaster or calamity;

On July 5, 1993, DSR-Senator Lines informed Berde Plants that M/V (2) Act of the public enemy in war, whether international or
"Kapitan Sakharov" with its cargo was gutted by fire and sank on or civil;
about July 4, 1993. On December 16, 1993, C.F. Sharp issued a
certification to that effect. (3) Act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods;

Consequently, Federal Phoenix Assurance paid Berde Plants (4) The character of the goods or defects in the packing or in
₱941,429.61 corresponding to the amount of insurance for the cargo. the containers;
In turn Berde Plants executed in its favor a "Subrogation
Receipt"5 dated January 17, 1994.
(5) Order or act of competent public authority."
On February 8, 1994, Federal Phoenix Assurance sent a letter to C.F.
Sharp demanding payment of ₱941,429.61 on the basis of the Fire is not one of those enumerated under the above provision which
Subrogation Receipt. C.F. Sharp denied any liability on the ground exempts a carrier from liability for loss or destruction of the cargo.
that such liability was extinguished when the vessel carrying the
cargo was gutted by fire.
In Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. vs. Intermediate Appellate Court,9 we loss. Consequently, on 29 November 1983 PHILAMGEN sued the
ruled that since the peril of fire is not comprehended within the shipowner for sum of money and damages.
exceptions in Article 1734, then the common carrier shall be
presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently, unless it
In its complaint PHILAMGEN alleged that the sinking and total loss
proves that it has observed the extraordinary diligence required by
of "MV Asilda" and its cargo were due to the vessel's unseaworthiness
as she was put to sea in an unstable condition. It further alleged that
the vessel was improperly manned and that its officers were grossly
Even if fire were to be considered a natural disaster within the negligent in failing to take appropriate measures to proceed to a
purview of Article 1734, it is required under Article 173910 of the same nearby port or beach after the vessel started to list.
Code that the natural disaster must have been the proximate and only
cause of the loss, and that the carrier has exercised due diligence to
On 15 February 1985 FELMAN filed a motion to dismiss based on the
prevent or minimize the loss before, during or after the occurrence of
affirmative defense that no right of subrogation in favor of
the disaster.
PHILAMGEN was transmitted by the shipper, and that, in any event,
FELMAN had abandoned all its rights, interests and ownership over
We have held that a common carrier’s duty to observe the requisite "MV Asilda" together with her freight and appurtenances for the
diligence in the shipment of goods lasts from the time the articles are purpose of limiting and extinguishing its liability under Art. 587 of
surrendered to or unconditionally placed in the possession of, and the Code of Commerce.2
received by, the carrier for transportation until delivered to or until
the lapse of a reasonable time for their acceptance by the person
On 17 February 1986 the trial court dismissed the complaint of
entitled to receive them. When the goods shipped either are lost or
PHILAMGEN. On appeal the Court of Appeals set aside the dismissal
arrive in damaged condition, a presumption arises against the carrier
and remanded the case to the lower court for trial on the merits.
of its failure to observe that diligence, and there need not be an
FELMAN filed a petition for certiorari with this Court but it was
express finding of negligence to hold it liable.11 1awphi1.néts
subsequently denied on 13 February 1989.

Common carriers are obliged to observe extraordinary diligence in the

On 28 February 1992 the trial court rendered judgment in favor of
vigilance over the goods transported by them. Accordingly, they are
FELMAN.3 It ruled that "MV Asilda" was seaworthy when it left the
presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently if the
port of Zamboanga as confirmed by certificates issued by the
goods are lost, destroyed or deteriorated. There are very few instances
Philippine Coast Guard and the shipowner's surveyor attesting to its
when the presumption of negligence does not attach and these
seaworthiness. Thus the loss of the vessel and its entire shipment
instances are enumerated in Article 1734. In those cases where the
could only be attributed to either a fortuitous event, in which case, no
presumption is applied, the common carrier must prove that it
liability should attach unless there was a stipulation to the contrary,
exercised extraordinary diligence in order to overcome the
or to the negligence of the captain and his crew, in which case, Art.
587 of the Code of Commerce should apply.

Respondent Federal Phoenix Assurance raised the presumption of

The lower court further ruled that assuming "MV Asilda" was
negligence against petitioners. However, they failed to overcome it by
unseaworthy, still PHILAMGEN could not recover from FELMAN
sufficient proof of extraordinary diligence.
since the assured (Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc.) had breached
its implied warranty on the vessel's seaworthiness. Resultantly, the
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. The assailed Decision payment made by PHILAMGEN to the assured was an undue, wrong
of the Court of Appeals dated June 5, 1998, in CA-G.R. CV No. 50833 and mistaken payment. Since it was not legally owing, it did not give
is hereby AFFIRMED. PHILAMGEN the right of subrogation so as to permit it to bring an
action in court as a subrogee.
G.R. No. 116940 June 11, 1997
On 18 March 1992 PHILAMGEN appealed the decision to the Court of
Appeals. On 29 August 1994 respondent appellate court rendered
judgment finding "MV Asilda" unseaworthy for being top-heavy as
COMPANY, INC., petitioner,
2,500 cases of Coca-Cola softdrink bottles were improperly stowed on
deck. In other words, while the vessel possessed the necessary Coast
Guard certification indicating its seaworthiness with respect to the
LINES, respondents.
structure of the ship itself, it was not seaworthy with respect to the
cargo. Nonetheless, the appellate court denied the claim of
PHILAMGEN on the ground that the assured's implied warranty of
seaworthiness was not complied with. Perfunctorily, PHILAMGEN
BELLOSILLO, J.: was not properly subrogated to the rights and interests of the shipper.
Furthermore, respondent court held that the filing of notice of
abandonment had absolved the shipowner/agent from liability under
This case deals with the liability, if any, of a shipowner for loss of the limited liability rule.
cargo due to its failure to observe the extraordinary diligence required
by Art. 1733 of the Civil Code as well as the right of the insurer to be
subrogated to the rights of the insured upon payment of the insurance The issues for resolution in this petition are: (a) whether "MV Asilda"
claim. was seaworthy when it left the port of Zamboanga; (b) whether the
limited liability under Art. 587 of the Code of Commerce should apply;
and, (c) whether PHILAMGEN was properly subrogated to the rights
On 6 July 1983 Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc., loaded on board and legal actions which the shipper had against FELMAN, the
"MV Asilda," a vessel owned and operated by respondent Felman shipowner.
Shipping Lines (FELMAN for brevity), 7,500 cases of 1-liter Coca-Cola
softdrink bottles to be transported from Zamboanga City to Cebu City
for consignee Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc., Cebu.1 The "MV Asilda" was unseaworthy when it left the port of Zamboanga. In
shipment was insured with petitioner Philippine American General a joint statement, the captain as well as the chief mate of the vessel
Insurance Co., Inc. (PHILAMGEN for brevity), under Marine Open confirmed that the weather was fine when they left the port of
Policy No. 100367-PAG. Zamboanga. According to them, the vessel was carrying 7,500 cases of
1-liter Coca-Cola softdrink bottles, 300 sacks of seaweeds, 200 empty
CO2 cylinders and an undetermined quantity of empty boxes for fresh
"MV Asilda" left the port of Zamboanga in fine weather at eight eggs. They loaded the empty boxes for eggs and about 500 cases of
o'clock in the evening of the same day. At around eight forty-five the Coca-Cola bottles on deck.4 The ship captain stated that around four
following morning, 7 July 1983, the vessel sank in the waters of o'clock in the morning of 7 July 1983 he was awakened by the officer
Zamboanga del Norte bringing down her entire cargo with her on duty to inform him that the vessel had hit a floating log. At that
including the subject 7,500 cases of 1-liter Coca-Cola softdrink bottles. time he noticed that the weather had deteriorated with strong
southeast winds inducing big waves. After thirty minutes he observed
On 15 July 1983 the consignee Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc., that the vessel was listing slightly to starboard and would not correct
Cebu plant, filed a claim with respondent FELMAN for recovery of itself despite the heavy rolling and pitching. He then ordered his crew
damages it sustained as a result of the loss of its softdrink bottles that to shift the cargo from starboard to portside until the vessel was
sank with "MV Asilda." Respondent denied the claim thus prompting balanced. At about seven o'clock in the morning, the master of the
the consignee to file an insurance claim with PHILAMGEN which vessel stopped the engine because the vessel was listing dangerously
paid its claim of P755,250.00. to portside. He ordered his crew to shift the cargo back to starboard.
The shifting of cargo took about an hour afterwhich he rang the
engine room to resume full speed.
Claiming its right of subrogation PHILAMGEN sought recourse
against respondent FELMAN which disclaimed any liability for the
At around eight forty-five, the vessel suddenly listed to portside and vessel. This liability however can be limited through abandonment of
before the captain could decide on his next move, some of the cargo on the vessel, its equipment and freightage as provided in Art. 587.
deck were thrown overboard and seawater entered the engine room Nonetheless, there are exceptional circumstances wherein the ship
and cargo holds of the vessel. At that instance, the master of the agent could still be held answerable despite the abandonment, as
vessel ordered his crew to abandon ship. Shortly thereafter, "MV where the loss or injury was due to the fault of the shipowner and the
Asilda" capsized and sank. He ascribed the sinking to the entry of captain.9 The international rule is to the effect that the right of
seawater through a hole in the hull caused by the vessel's collision abandonment of vessels, as a legal limitation of a shipowner's liability,
with a partially submerged log.5 does not apply to cases where the injury or average was occasioned by
the shipowner's own fault. 10 It must be stressed at this point that Art.
587 speaks only of situations where the fault or negligence is
The Elite Adjusters, Inc., submitted a report regarding the sinking of
committed solely by the captain. Where the shipowner is likewise to
"MV Asilda." The report, which was adopted by the Court of Appeals,
be blamed, Art. 587 will not apply, and such situation will be covered
reads —
by the provisions of the Civil Code on common carrier. 11

We found in the course of our investigation that a

It was already established at the outset that the sinking of "MV
reasonable explanation for the series of lists
Asilda" was due to its unseaworthiness even at the time of its
experienced by the vessel that eventually led to
departure from the port of Zamboanga. It was top-heavy as an
her capsizing and sinking, was that the vessel
excessive amount of cargo was loaded on deck. Closer supervision on
was top-heavy which is to say that while the vessel
the part of the shipowner could have prevented this fatal
may not have been overloaded, yet the distribution
miscalculation. As such, FELMAN was equally negligent. It cannot
or stowage of the cargo on board was done in such
therefore escape liability through the expedient of filing a notice of
a manner that the vessel was in top-heavy
abandonment of the vessel by virtue of Art. 587 of the Code of
condition at the time of her departure and which
condition rendered her unstable and unseaworthy
for that particular voyage.
Under Art 1733 of the Civil Code, "(c)ommon carriers, from the nature
of their business and for reasons of public policy, are bound to observe
In this connection, we wish to call attention to the
extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods and for the
fact that this vessel was designed as a fishing
safety of the passengers transported by them, according to all the
vessel . . . and it was not designed to carry a
circumstances of each case . . ." In the event of loss of goods, common
substantial amount or quantity of cargo on deck.
carriers are presumed to have acted negligently. FELMAN, the
Therefore, we believe strongly that had her cargo
shipowner, was not able to rebut this presumption.
been confined to those that could have been
accommodated under deck, her stability would not
have been affected and the vessel would not have In relation to the question of subrogation, respondent appellate court
been in any danger of capsizing, even given the found "MV Asilda" unseaworthy with reference to the cargo and
prevailing weather conditions at that time of therefore ruled that there was breach of warranty of seaworthiness
sinking. that rendered the assured not entitled to the payment of is claim
under the policy. Hence, when PHILAMGEN paid the claim of the
bottling firm there was in effect a "voluntary payment" and no right of
But from the moment that the vessel was utilized
subrogation accrued in its favor. In other words, when PHILAMGEN
to load heavy cargo on its deck, the vessel was
paid it did so at its own risk.
rendered unseaworthy for the purpose of carrying
the type of cargo because the weight of the deck
cargo so decreased the vessel's metacentric height It is generally held that in every marine insurance policy the assured
as to cause it to become unstable. impliedly warrants to the assurer that the vessel is seaworthy and
such warranty is as much a term of the contract as if expressly
written on the face of the policy. 12 Thus Sec. 113 of the Insurance
Finally, with regard to the allegation that the
Code provides that "(i)n every marine insurance upon a ship or
vessel encountered big waves, it must be pointed
freight, or freightage, or upon anything which is the subject of marine
out that ships are precisely designed to be able to
insurance, a warranty is implied that the ship is seaworthy." Under
navigate safely even during heavy weather and
Sec. 114, a ship is "seaworthy when reasonably fit to perform the
frequently we hear of ships safely and successfully
service, and to encounter the ordinary perils of the voyage,
weathering encounters with typhoons and
contemplated by the parties to the policy." Thus it becomes the
although they may sustain some amount of
obligation of the cargo owner to look for a reliable common carrier
damage, the sinking of ship during heavy weather
which keeps its vessels in seaworthy condition. He may have no
is not a frequent occurrence and is not likely to
control over the vessel but he has full control in the selection of the
occur unless they are inherently unstable and
common carrier that will transport his goods. He also has full
unseaworthy . . . .
discretion in the choice of assurer that will underwrite a particular
We believe, therefore, and so hold that
the proximate cause of the sinking of the M/V
We need not belabor the alleged breach of warranty of seaworthiness
"Asilda" was her condition of unseaworthiness
by the assured as painstakingly pointed out by FELMAN to stress
arising from her having been top-heavy when she
that subrogation will not work in this case. In policies where the law
departed from the Port of Zamboanga. Her having
will generally imply a warranty of seaworthiness, it can only be
capsized and eventually sunk was bound to
excluded by terms in writing in the policy in the clearest
happen and was therefore in the category of an
language. 13 And where the policy stipulates that the seaworthiness of
inevitable occurrence (emphasis supplied).6
the vessel as between the assured and the assurer is admitted, the
question of seaworthiness cannot be raised by the assurer without
We subscribe to the findings of the Elite Adjusters, Inc., and the Court showing concealment or misrepresentation by the assured. 14
of Appeals that the proximate cause of the sinking of "MV Asilda" was
its being top-heavy. Contrary to the ship captain's allegations,
The marine policy issued by PHILAMGEN to the Coca-Cola bottling
evidence shows that approximately 2,500 cases of softdrink bottles
firm in at least two (2) instances has dispensed with the usual
were stowed on deck. Several days after "MV Asilda" sank, an
warranty of worthiness. Paragraph 15 of the Marine Open Policy No.
estimated 2,500 empty Coca-Cola plastic cases were recovered near
100367-PAG reads "(t)he liberties as per Contract of Affreightment
the vicinity of the sinking. Considering that the ship's hatches were
the presence of the Negligence Clause and/or Latent Defect Clause in
properly secured, the empty Coca-Cola cases recovered could have
the Bill of Lading and/or Charter Party and/or Contract of
come only from the vessel's deck cargo. It is settled that carrying a
Affreightment as between the Assured and the Company shall not
deck cargo raises the presumption of unseaworthiness unless it can be
prejudice the insurance. The seaworthiness of the vessel as between
shown that the deck cargo will not interfere with the proper
the Assured and the Assurers is hereby admitted."15
management of the ship. However, in this case it was established that
"MV Asilda" was not designed to carry substantial amount of cargo on
deck. The inordinate loading of cargo deck resulted in the decrease of The same clause is present in par. 8 of the Institute Cargo Clauses
the vessel's metacentric height 7 thus making it unstable. The strong (F.P.A.) of the policy which states "(t)he seaworthiness of the vessel as
winds and waves encountered by the vessel are but the ordinary between the Assured and Underwriters in hereby admitted . . . ." 16
vicissitudes of a sea voyage and as such merely contributed to its
already unstable and unseaworthy condition.
The result of the admission of seaworthiness by the assurer
PHILAMGEN may mean one or two things: (a) that the warranty of
On the second issue, Art. 587 of the Code of Commerce is not the seaworthiness is to be taken as fulfilled; or, (b) that the risk of
applicable to the case at bar.8 Simply put, the ship agent is liable for unseaworthiness is assumed by the insurance company. 17 The
the negligent acts of the captain in the care of goods loaded on the insertion of such waiver clauses in cargo policies is in recognition of
the realistic fact that cargo owners cannot control the state of the to recover the lost items, but the driver ignored them and proceeded to
vessel. Thus it can be said that with such categorical waiver, Legazpi City.
PHILAMGEN has accepted the risk of unseaworthiness so that if the
ship should sink by unseaworthiness, as what occurred in this case,
Fatima immediately reported the loss to her mother who, in turn,
PHILAMGEN is liable.
went to petitioner's office in Legazpi City and later at its head office in
Manila. Petitioner, however, merely offered her P1,000.00 for each
Having disposed of this matter, we move on to the legal basis for piece of luggage lost, which she turned down. After returning to Bicol,
subrogation. PHILAMGEN's action against FELMAN is squarely disappointed but not defeated, mother and daughter asked assistance
sanctioned by Art. 2207 of the Civil Code which provides: from the radio stations and even from Philtranco bus drivers who
plied the same route on August 31st. The effort paid off when one of
Fatima's bags was recovered. Marisol further reported the incident to
Art. 2207. If the plaintiff's property has been
the National Bureau of Investigation's field office in Legazpi City and
insured, and he has received indemnity from the
to the local police.
insurance company for the injury or loss arising
out of the wrong or breach of contract complained
of, the insurance company shall be subrogated to On September 20, 1984, respondents, through counsel, formally
the rights of the insured against the wrongdoer or demanded satisfaction of their complaint from petitioner. In a letter
the person who has violated the contract. If the dated October 1, 1984, the latter apologized for the delay and said
amount paid by the insurance company does not that "(a) team has been sent out to Bicol for the purpose of recovering
fully cover the injury or loss, the aggrieved party or at least getting the full detail"1 of the incident.
shall be entitled to recover the deficiency from the
person causing the loss or injury.
After more than nine months of fruitless waiting, respondents decided
to file the case below to recover the value of the remaining lost items,
In Pan Malayan Insurance Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 18 we said as well as moral and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and
that payment by the assurer to the assured operates as an equitable expenses of litigation. They claimed that the loss was due to
assignment to the assurer of all the remedies which the assured may petitioner's failure to observe extraordinary diligence in the care of
have against the third party whose negligence or wrongful act caused Fatima's luggage and that petitioner dealt with them in bad faith
the loss. The right of subrogation is not dependent upon, nor does it from the start. Petitioner, on the other hand, disowned any liability
grow out of any privity of contract or upon payment by the insurance for the loss on the ground that Fatima allegedly did not declare any
company of the insurance claim. It accrues simply upon payment by excess baggage upon boarding its bus.
the insurance company of the insurance claim.
On June 15, 1988, after trial on the merits, the court a quo adjudged
The doctrine of subrogation has its roots in equity. It is designed to the case in favor of respondents, viz.:
promote and to accomplish justice and is the mode which equity
adopts to compel the ultimate payment of a debt by one who in justice,
PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is hereby rendered in
equity and good conscience ought to pay. 19 Therefore, the payment
favor of the plaintiffs (herein respondents) and against the
made by PHILAMGEN to Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines, Inc., gave
herein defendant Sarkies Tours Philippines, Inc., ordering
the former the right to bring an action as subrogee against FELMAN.
the latter to pay to the former the following sums of money,
Having failed to rebut the presumption of fault, the liability of
to wit:
FELMAN for the loss of the 7,500 cases of 1-liter Coca-Cola softdrink
bottles is inevitable.
1. The sum of P30,000.00 equivalent to the value of the
personal belongings of plaintiff Fatima Minerva Fortades,
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. Respondent FELMAN
etc. less the value of one luggage recovered;
SHIPPING LINES is ordered to pay petitioner PHILIPPINE
Fifty-five Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Pesos (P755,250.00) plus 2. The sum of P90,000.00 for the transportation expenses, as
legal interest thereon counted from 29 November 1983, the date of well as moral damages;
judicial demand, pursuant to Arts. 2212 and 2213 of the Civil Code. 20
3. The sum of P10,000.00 by way of exemplary damages;
4. The sum of P5,000.00 as attorney's fees; and
G.R. No. 108897 October 2, 1997
5. The sum of P5,000.00 as litigation expenses or a total of
SARKIES TOURS PHILIPPINES, INC., petitioner, One Hundred Forty Thousand (P140,000.00) Pesos.
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS (TENTH DIVISION), DR. to be paid by herein defendant Sarkies Tours Philippines,
ELINO G. FORTADES, MARISOL A. FORTADES and FATIMA Inc. to the herein plaintiffs within 30 days from receipt of
MINERVA A. FORTADES, respondents. this Decision.


ROMERO, J.: On appeal, the appellate court affirmed the trial court's judgment, but
deleted the award of moral and exemplary damages. Thus,
This petition for review is seeking the reversal of the decision of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 18979 promulgated on January WHEREFORE, premises considered, except as above
13, 1993, as well as its resolution of February 19, 1993, denying modified, fixing the award for transportation expenses at
petitioner's motion for reconsideration for being a mere rehash of the P30,000.00 and the deletion of the award for moral and
arguments raised in the appellant's brief. exemplary damages, the decision appealed from is
AFFIRMED, with costs against defendant-appellant.
The case arose from a damage suit filed by private respondents Elino,
Marisol, and Fatima Minerva, all surnamed Fortades, against SO ORDERED.
petitioner for breach of contract of carriage allegedly attended by bad
Its motion for reconsideration was likewise rejected by the Court of
Appeals, so petitioner elevated its case to this Court for a review.
On August 31, 1984, Fatima boarded petitioner's De Luxe Bus No. 5
in Manila on her way to Legazpi City. Her brother Raul helped her
load three pieces of luggage containing all of her optometry review After a careful scrutiny of the records of this case, we are convinced
books, materials and equipment, trial lenses, trial contact lenses, that the trial and appellate courts resolved the issues judiciously
passport and visa, as well as her mother Marisol's U.S. immigration based on the evidence at hand.
(green) card, among other important documents and personal
belongings. Her belongings were kept in the baggage compartment of Petitioner claims that Fatima did not bring any piece of luggage with
the bus, but during a stopover at Daet, it was discovered that only one her, and even if she did, none was declared at the start of the trip. The
bag remained in the open compartment. The others, including documentary and testimonial evidence presented at the trial,
Fatima's things, were missing and might have dropped along the way. however, established that Fatima indeed boarded petitioner's De Luxe
Some of the passengers suggested retracing the route of the bus to try Bus No. 5 in the evening of August 31, 1984, and she brought three
pieces of luggage with her, as testified by her brother Raul,2 who
helped her pack her things and load them on said bus. One of the bags RESOLUTION
was even recovered by a Philtranco bus driver. In its letter dated
October 1, 1984, petitioner tacitly admitted its liability by apologizing
to respondents and assuring them that efforts were being made to
recover the lost items.
The records also reveal that respondents went to great lengths just to
salvage their loss. The incident was reported to the police, the NBI, This is a petition for review of a Decision rendered by the Court of
and the regional and head offices of petitioner. Marisol even sought Appeals, dated December 17, 1993, affirming Branch 35 of the
the assistance of Philtranco bus drivers and the radio stations. To Regional Trial Court, Manila in holding that herein petitioner is liable
expedite the replacement of her mother's lost U.S. immigration to pay herein private respondent the amount of P700,000.00, plus
documents, Fatima also had to execute an affidavit of loss.3 Clearly, legal interest thereon, another sum of P100,000.00 as attorney's fees
they would not have gone through all that trouble in pursuit of a and the cost of the suit.
fancied loss.
The factual background of this case is as follows:
Fatima was not the only one who lost her luggage. Apparently, other
passengers had suffered a similar fate: Dr. Lita Samarista testified Pag-asa Sales, Inc. entered into a contract to transport molasses from
that petitioner offered her P1,000.00 for her lost baggage and she the province of Negros to Manila with Coastwise Lighterage
accepted it;4 Carleen Carullo-Magno lost her chemical engineering Corporation (Coastwise for brevity), using the latter's dumb barges.
review materials, while her brother lost abaca products he was The barges were towed in tandem by the tugboat MT Marica, which is
transporting to Bicol.5 likewise owned by Coastwise.

Petitioner's receipt of Fatima's personal luggage having been thus Upon reaching Manila Bay, while approaching Pier 18, one of the
established, it must now be determined if, as a common carrier, it is barges, "Coastwise 9", struck an unknown sunken object. The forward
responsible for their loss. Under the Civil Code, "(c)ommon carriers, buoyancy compartment was damaged, and water gushed in through a
from the nature of their business and for reasons of public policy, are hole "two inches wide and twenty-two inches long"1 As a consequence,
bound to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the the molasses at the cargo tanks were contaminated and rendered
goods . . . transported by them,"6 and this liability "lasts from the time unfit for the use it was intended. This prompted the consignee, Pag-
the goods are unconditionally placed in the possession of, and received asa Sales, Inc. to reject the shipment of molasses as a total loss.
by the carrier for transportation until the same are delivered, actually Thereafter, Pag-asa Sales, Inc. filed a formal claim with the insurer of
or constructively, by the carrier to . . . the person who has a right to its lost cargo, herein private respondent, Philippine General
receive them,"7 unless the loss is due to any of the excepted causes Insurance Company (PhilGen, for short) and against the carrier,
under Article 1734 thereof.8 herein petitioner, Coastwise Lighterage. Coastwise Lighterage denied
the claim and it was PhilGen which paid the consignee, Pag-asa Sales,
The cause of the loss in the case at bar was petitioner's negligence in Inc., the amount of P700,000.00, representing the value of the
not ensuring that the doors of the baggage compartment of its bus damaged cargo of molasses.
were securely fastened. As a result of this lack of care, almost all of
the luggage was lost, to the prejudice of the paying passengers. As the In turn, PhilGen then filed an action against Coastwise Lighterage
Court of Appeals correctly observed: before the Regional Trial Court of Manila, seeking to recover the
amount of P700,000.00 which it paid to Pag-asa Sales, Inc. for the
. . . . Where the common carrier accepted its passenger's latter's lost cargo. PhilGen now claims to be subrogated to all the
baggage for transportation and even had it placed in the contractual rights and claims which the consignee may have against
vehicle by its own employee, its failure to collect the freight the carrier, which is presumed to have violated the contract of
charge is the common carrier's own lookout. It is responsible carriage.
for the consequent loss of the baggage. In the instant case,
defendant appellant's employee even helped Fatima The RTC awarded the amount prayed for by PhilGen. On Coastwise
Minerva Fortades and her brother load the Lighterage's appeal to the Court of Appeals, the award was affirmed.
luggages/baggages in the bus' baggage compartment,
without asking that they be weighed, declared, receipted or
paid for (TSN, August 4, 1986, pp. 29, 34, 54, 57, 70; Hence, this petition.
December 23, 1987, p. 35). Neither was this required of the
other passengers (TSN, August 4, 1986, p. 104; February 5, There are two main issues to be resolved herein. First, whether or not
1988; p. 13). petitioner Coastwise Lighterage was transformed into a private
carrier, by virtue of the contract of affreightment which it entered into
Finally, petitioner questions the award of actual damages to with the consignee, Pag-asa Sales, Inc. Corollarily, if it were in fact
respondents. On this point, we likewise agree with the trial and transformed into a private carrier, did it exercise the ordinary
appellate courts' conclusions. There is no dispute that of the three diligence to which a private carrier is in turn bound? Second, whether
pieces of luggage of Fatima, only one was recovered. The other two or not the insurer was subrogated into the rights of the consignee
contained optometry books, materials, equipment, as well as vital against the carrier, upon payment by the insurer of the value of the
documents and personal belongings. Respondents had to shuttle consignee's goods lost while on board one of the carrier's vessels.
between Bicol and Manila in their efforts to be compensated for the
loss. During the trial, Fatima and Marisol had to travel from the On the first issue, petitioner contends that the RTC and the Court of
United States just to be able to testify. Expenses were also incurred in Appeals erred in finding that it was a common carrier. It stresses the
reconstituting their lost documents. Under these circumstances, the fact that it contracted with Pag-asa Sales, Inc. to transport the
Court agrees with the Court of Appeals in awarding P30,000.00 for shipment of molasses from Negros Oriental to Manila and refers to
the lost items and P30,000.00 for the transportation expenses, but this contract as a "charter agreement". It then proceeds to cite the
disagrees with the deletion of the award of moral and exemplary case of Home Insurance Company vs. American Steamship Agencies,
damages which, in view of the foregoing proven facts, with negligence Inc.2 wherein this Court held: ". . . a common carrier undertaking to
and bad faith on the fault of petitioner having been duly established, carry a special cargo or chartered to a special person only becomes a
should be granted to respondents in the amount of P20,000.00 and private carrier."
P5,000.00, respectively.

Petitioner's reliance on the aforementioned case is misplaced. In its

WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals dated entirety, the conclusions of the court are as follows:
January 13, 1993, and its resolution dated February 19, 1993, are
hereby AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that petitioner is
ordered to pay respondents an additional P20,000.00 as moral Accordingly, the charter party contract is one of
damages and P5,000.00 as exemplary damages. Costs against affreightment over the whole vessel, rather than a
petitioner. demise. As such, the liability of the shipowner for
acts or negligence of its captain and crew, would
remain in the absence of stipulation.3
G.R. No. 114167 July 12, 1995

The distinction between the two kinds of charter parties (i.e. bareboat
COASTWISE LIGHTERAGE CORPORATION, petitioner, or demise and contract of affreightment) is more clearly set out in the
vs. case of Puromines, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals,4 wherein we ruled:
Under the demise or bareboat charter of the
vessel, the charterer will generally be regarded as
the owner for the voyage or service stipulated. The according to the same for the discharge of the
charterer mans the vessel with his own people and duties of the position. . . .
becomes the owner pro hac vice, subject to liability
to others for damages caused by negligence. To
Clearly, petitioner Coastwise Lighterage's embarking on a voyage
create a demise, the owner of a vessel must
with an unlicensed patron violates this rule. It cannot safely claim to
completely and exclusively relinquish possession,
have exercised extraordinary diligence, by placing a person whose
command and navigation thereof to the
navigational skills are questionable, at the helm of the vessel which
charterer, anything short of such a complete
eventually met the fateful accident. It may also logically, follow that a
transfer is a contract of affreightment (time or
person without license to navigate, lacks not just the skill to do so, but
voyage charter party) or not a charter party at all.
also the utmost familiarity with the usual and safe routes taken by
seasoned and legally authorized ones. Had the patron been licensed,
On the other hand a contract of affreightment is he could be presumed to have both the skill and the knowledge that
one in which the owner of the vessel leases part or would have prevented the vessel's hitting the sunken derelict ship
all of its space to haul goods for others. It is a that lay on their way to Pier 18.
contract for special service to be rendered by the
owner of the vessel and under such contract the
As a common carrier, petitioner is liable for breach of the contract of
general owner retains the possession, command
carriage, having failed to overcome the presumption of negligence
and navigation of the ship, the charterer or
with the loss and destruction of goods it transported, by proof of its
freighter merely having use of the space in the
exercise of extraordinary diligence.
vessel in return for his payment of the charter
hire. . . . .
On the issue of subrogation, which petitioner contends as inapplicable
in this case, we once more rule against the petitioner. We have
. . . . An owner who retains possession of the ship
already found petitioner liable for breach of the contract of carriage it
though the hold is the property of the charterer,
entered into with Pag-asa Sales, Inc. However, for the damage
remains liable as carrier and must answer for any
sustained by the loss of the cargo which petitioner-carrier was
breach of duty as to the care, loading and
transporting, it was not the carrier which paid the value thereof to
unloading of the cargo. . . .
Pag-asa Sales, Inc. but the latter's insurer, herein private respondent
Although a charter party may transform a common carrier into a
private one, the same however is not true in a contract of
Article 2207 of the Civil Code is explicit on this point:
affreightment on account of the aforementioned distinctions between
the two.
Art. 2207. If the plaintiffs property has been
insured, and he has received indemnity from the
Petitioner admits that the contract it entered into with the consignee
insurance company for the injury or loss arising
was one of affreightment.5 We agree. Pag-asa Sales, Inc. only leased
out of the wrong or breach of contract complained
three of petitioner's vessels, in order to carry cargo from one point to
of, the insurance company shall be subrogated to
another, but the possession, command and navigation of the vessels
the rights of the insured against the wrongdoer or
remained with petitioner Coastwise Lighterage.
the person who violated the contract. . . .

Pursuant therefore to the ruling in the aforecited Puromines case,

This legal provision containing the equitable principle of subrogation
Coastwise Lighterage, by the contract of affreightment, was not
has been applied in a long line of cases including Compania Maritima
converted into a private carrier, but remained a common carrier and
v. Insurance Company of North America;7 Fireman's Fund Insurance
was still liable as such.
Company v. Jamilla & Company, Inc.,8 and Pan Malayan Insurance
Corporation v. Court of Appeals,9 wherein this Court explained:
The law and jurisprudence on common carriers both hold that the
mere proof of delivery of goods in good order to a carrier and the
Article 2207 of the Civil Code is founded on the
subsequent arrival of the same goods at the place of destination in bad
well-settled principle of subrogation. If the insured
order makes for a prima facie case against the carrier.
property is destroyed or damaged through the
fault or negligence of a party other than the
It follows then that the presumption of negligence that attaches to assured, then the insurer, upon payment to the
common carriers, once the goods it transports are lost, destroyed or assured will be subrogated to the rights of the
deteriorated, applies to the petitioner. This presumption, which is assured to recover from the wrongdoer to the
overcome only by proof of the exercise of extraordinary diligence, extent that the insurer has been obligated to
remained unrebutted in this case. pay. Payment by the insurer to the assured
operated as an equitable assignment to the former
of all remedies which the latter may have against
The records show that the damage to the barge which carried the
the third party whose negligence or wrongful act
cargo of molasses was caused by its hitting an unknown sunken object
caused the loss. The right of subrogation is not
as it was heading for Pier 18. The object turned out to be a submerged
dependent upon, nor does it grow out of, any
derelict vessel. Petitioner contends that this navigational hazard was
privity of contract or upon written assignment of
the efficient cause of the accident. Further it asserts that the fact that
claim. It accrues simply upon payment of the
the Philippine Coastguard "has not exerted any effort to prepare a
insurance claim by the insurer.
chart to indicate the location of sunken derelicts within Manila North
Harbor to avoid navigational accidents"6 effectively contributed to the
happening of this mishap. Thus, being unaware of the hidden danger Undoubtedly, upon payment by respondent insurer PhilGen of the
that lies in its path, it became impossible for the petitioner to avoid amount of P700,000.00 to Pag-asa Sales, Inc., the consignee of the
the same. Nothing could have prevented the event, making it beyond cargo of molasses totally damaged while being transported by
the pale of even the exercise of extraordinary diligence. petitioner Coastwise Lighterage, the former was subrogated into all
the rights which Pag-asa Sales, Inc. may have had against the carrier,
herein petitioner Coastwise Lighterage.
However, petitioner's assertion is belied by the evidence on record
where it appeared that far from having rendered service with the
greatest skill and utmost foresight, and being free from fault, the WHEREFORE, premises considered, this petition is DENIED and the
carrier was culpably remiss in the observance of its duties. appealed decision affirming the order of Branch 35 of the Regional
Trial Court of Manila for petitioner Coastwise Lighterage to pay
respondent Philippine General Insurance Company the "principal
Jesus R. Constantino, the patron of the vessel "Coastwise 9" admitted
amount of P700,000.00 plus interest thereon at the legal rate
that he was not licensed. The Code of Commerce, which subsidiarily
computed from March 29, 1989, the date the complaint was filed until
governs common carriers (which are primarily governed by the
fully paid and another sum of P100,000.00 as attorney's fees and
provisions of the Civil Code) provides:
costs"10 is likewise hereby AFFIRMED

Art. 609. — Captains, masters, or patrons of

G.R. No. 171468 August 24, 2011
vessels must be Filipinos, have legal capacity to
contract in accordance with this code, and prove
the skill capacity and qualifications necessary to NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PHILS.),
command and direct the vessel, as established by INC., Petitioner,
marine and navigation laws, ordinances or vs.
regulations, and must not be disqualified NYK-FILJAPAN SHIPPING CORP., LEP PROFIT
PHILIPPINES, INC., DMT CORP., ADVATECH INDUSTRIES, the RTC, to exercise the degree of diligence required of it in the face of
INC., MARINA PORT SERVICES, INC., SERBROS CARRIER a foretold raging typhoon in its path.
INC., Respondents.
The RTC ruled, however, that petitioner New World filed its claim
against the vessel owner NYK beyond the one year provided under the
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA). New World filed its complaint
on October 11, 1994 when the deadline for filing the action (on or
before October 7, 1994) had already lapsed. The RTC held that the
G.R. No. 174241
one-year period should be counted from the date the goods were
delivered to the arrastre operator and not from the date they were
NEW WORLD INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (PHILS.), delivered to petitioner’s job site.1
INC., Petitioner,
As regards petitioner New World’s claim against Seaboard, its
insurer, the RTC held that the latter cannot be faulted for denying the
claim against it since New World refused to submit the itemized list
DECISION that Seaboard needed for assessing the damage to the shipment.
Likewise, the belated filing of the complaint prejudiced Seaboard’s
ABAD, J.: right to pursue a claim against NYK in the event of subrogation.

These consolidated petitions involve a cargo owner’s right to recover On appeal, the Court of Appeals (CA) rendered judgment on January
damages from the loss of insured goods under the Carriage of Goods 31, 2006,2 affirming the RTC’s rulings except with respect to
by Sea Act and the Insurance Code. Seaboard’s liability. The CA held that petitioner New World can still
recoup its loss from Seaboard’s marine insurance policy, considering
a) that the submission of the itemized listing is an unreasonable
The Facts and the Case imposition and b) that the one-year prescriptive period under the
COGSA did not affect New World’s right under the insurance policy
Petitioner New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. (New since it was the Insurance Code that governed the relation between
World) bought from DMT Corporation (DMT) through its agent, the insurer and the insured.
Advatech Industries, Inc. (Advatech) three emergency generator sets
worth US$721,500.00. Although petitioner New World promptly filed a petition for review of
the CA decision before the Court in G.R. 171468, Seaboard chose to
DMT shipped the generator sets by truck from Wisconsin, United file a motion for reconsideration of that decision. On August 17, 2006
States, to LEP Profit International, Inc. (LEP Profit) in Chicago, the CA rendered an amended decision, reversing itself as regards the
Illinois. From there, the shipment went by train to Oakland, claim against Seaboard. The CA held that the submission of the
California, where it was loaded on S/S California Luna V59, owned itemized listing was a reasonable requirement that Seaboard asked of
and operated by NYK Fil-Japan Shipping Corporation (NYK) for New World. Further, the CA held that the one-year prescriptive
delivery to petitioner New World in Manila. NYK issued a bill of period for maritime claims applied to Seaboard, as insurer and
lading, declaring that it received the goods in good condition. subrogee of New World’s right against the vessel owner. New World’s
failure to comply promptly with what was required of it prejudiced
such right.
NYK unloaded the shipment in Hong Kong and transshipped it to S/S
ACX Ruby V/72 that it also owned and operated. On its journey to
Manila, however, ACX Ruby encountered typhoon Kadiang whose Instead of filing a motion for reconsideration, petitioner instituted a
captain filed a sea protest on arrival at the Manila South Harbor on second petition for review before the Court in G.R. 174241, assailing
October 5, 1993 respecting the loss and damage that the goods on the CA’s amended decision.
board his vessel suffered.
The Issues Presented
Marina Port Services, Inc. (Marina), the Manila South Harbor
arrastre or cargo-handling operator, received the shipment on October The issues presented in this case are as follows:
7, 1993. Upon inspection of the three container vans separately
carrying the generator sets, two vans bore signs of external damage
while the third van appeared unscathed. The shipment remained at a) In G.R. 171468, whether or not the CA erred in affirming
Pier 3’s Container Yard under Marina’s care pending clearance from the RTC’s release from liability of respondents DMT,
the Bureau of Customs. Eventually, on October 20, 1993 customs Advatech, LEP, LEP Profit, Marina, and Serbros who were
authorities allowed petitioner’s customs broker, Serbros Carrier at one time or another involved in handling the shipment;
Corporation (Serbros), to withdraw the shipment and deliver the same and
to petitioner New World’s job site in Makati City.
b) In G.R. 174241, 1) whether or not the CA erred in ruling
An examination of the three generator sets in the presence of that Seaboard’s request from petitioner New World for an
petitioner New World’s representatives, Federal Builders (the project itemized list is a reasonable imposition and did not violate
contractor) and surveyors of petitioner New World’s insurer, the insurance contract between them; and 2) whether or not
Seaboard–Eastern Insurance Company (Seaboard), revealed that all the CA erred in failing to rule that the one-year COGSA
three sets suffered extensive damage and could no longer be repaired. prescriptive period for marine claims does not apply to
For these reasons, New World demanded recompense for its loss from petitioner New World’s prosecution of its claim against
respondents NYK, DMT, Advatech, LEP Profit, LEP International Seaboard, its insurer.
Philippines, Inc. (LEP), Marina, and Serbros. While LEP and NYK
acknowledged receipt of the demand, both denied liability for the loss. The Court’s Rulings

Since Seaboard covered the goods with a marine insurance policy, In G.R. 171468 --
petitioner New World sent it a formal claim dated November 16, 1993.
Replying on February 14, 1994, Seaboard required petitioner New
Petitioner New World asserts that the roles of respondents DMT,
World to submit to it an itemized list of the damaged units, parts, and
Advatech, LEP, LEP Profit, Marina and Serbros in handling and
accessories, with corresponding values, for the processing of the claim.
transporting its shipment from Wisconsin to Manila collectively
But petitioner New World did not submit what was required of it,
resulted in the damage to the same, rendering such respondents
insisting that the insurance policy did not include the submission of
solidarily liable with NYK, the vessel owner.
such a list in connection with an insurance claim. Reacting to this,
Seaboard refused to process the claim.
But the issue regarding which of the parties to a dispute incurred
negligence is factual and is not a proper subject of a petition for
On October 11, 1994 petitioner New World filed an action for specific
review on certiorari. And petitioner New World has been unable to
performance and damages against all the respondents before the
make out an exception to this rule.3Consequently, the Court will not
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati City, Branch 62, in Civil Case
disturb the finding of the RTC, affirmed by the CA, that the generator
sets were totally damaged during the typhoon which beset the vessel’s
voyage from Hong Kong to Manila and that it was her negligence in
On August 16, 2001 the RTC rendered a decision absolving the continuing with that journey despite the adverse condition which
various respondents from liability with the exception of NYK. The caused petitioner New World’s loss.
RTC found that the generator sets were damaged during transit while
in the care of NYK’s vessel, ACX Ruby. The latter failed, according to
That the loss was occasioned by a typhoon, an exempting cause under NYK and the others. Ultimately, the fault for the delayed court suit
Article 1734 of the Civil Code, does not automatically relieve the could be brought to Seaboard’s doorstep.
common carrier of liability. The latter had the burden of proving that
the typhoon was the proximate and only cause of loss and that it
Section 241 of the Insurance Code provides that no insurance
exercised due diligence to prevent or minimize such loss before,
company doing business in the Philippines shall refuse without just
during, and after the disastrous typhoon.4 As found by the RTC and
cause to pay or settle claims arising under coverages provided by its
the CA, NYK failed to discharge this burden.
policies. And, under Section 243, the insurer has 30 days after proof of
loss is received and ascertainment of the loss or damage within which
In G.R. 174241 -- to pay the claim. If such ascertainment is not had within 60 days from
receipt of evidence of loss, the insurer has 90 days to pay or settle the
claim. And, in case the insurer refuses or fails to pay within the
One. The Court does not regard as substantial the question of
prescribed time, the insured shall be entitled to interest on the
reasonableness of Seaboard’s additional requirement of an itemized
proceeds of the policy for the duration of delay at the rate of twice the
listing of the damage that the generator sets suffered. The record
ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board.
shows that petitioner New World complied with the documentary
requirements evidencing damage to its generator sets.
Notably, Seaboard already incurred delay when it failed to settle
petitioner New World’s claim as Section 243 required. Under Section
The marine open policy that Seaboard issued to New World was an
244, a prima facie evidence of unreasonable delay in payment of the
all-risk policy. Such a policy insured against all causes of conceivable
claim is created by the failure of the insurer to pay the claim within
loss or damage except when otherwise excluded or when the loss or
the time fixed in Section 243.
damage was due to fraud or intentional misconduct committed by the
insured. The policy covered all losses during the voyage whether or
not arising from a marine peril.5 Consequently, Seaboard should pay interest on the proceeds of the
policy for the duration of the delay until the claim is fully satisfied at
the rate of twice the ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board. The
Here, the policy enumerated certain exceptions like unsuitable
term "ceiling prescribed by the Monetary Board" means the legal rate
packaging, inherent vice, delay in voyage, or vessels unseaworthiness,
of interest of 12% per annum provided in Central Bank Circular 416,
among others.6 But Seaboard had been unable to show that petitioner
pursuant to Presidential Decree 116.9 Section 244 of the Insurance
New World’s loss or damage fell within some or one of the enumerated
Code also provides for an award of attorney’s fees and other expenses
incurred by the assured due to the unreasonable withholding of
payment of his claim.
What is more, Seaboard had been unable to explain how it could not
verify the damage that New World’s goods suffered going by the
In Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. v. Trans-Asia Shipping
documents that it already submitted, namely, (1) copy of the
Lines, Inc.,10 the Court regarded as proper an award of 10% of the
Supplier’s Invoice KL2504; (2) copy of the Packing List; (3) copy of the
insurance proceeds as attorney’s fees. Such amount is fair considering
Bill of Lading 01130E93004458; (4) the Delivery of Waybill Receipts
the length of time that has passed in prosecuting the
1135, 1222, and 1224; (5) original copy of Marine Insurance Policy
claim.11 Pursuant to the Court’s ruling in Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc.
MA-HO-000266; (6) copies of Damage Report from Supplier and
v. Court of Appeals,12 a 12% interest per annum from the finality of
Insurance Adjusters; (7) Consumption Report from the Customs
judgment until full satisfaction of the claim should likewise be
Examiner; and (8) Copies of Received Formal Claim from the
imposed, the interim period equivalent to a forbearance of
following: a) LEP International Philippines, Inc.; b) Marina Port
Services, Inc.; and c) Serbros Carrier Corporation.7 Notably,
Seaboard’s own marine surveyor attended the inspection of the
generator sets. Petitioner New World is entitled to the value stated in the policy
which is commensurate to the value of the three emergency generator
sets or US$721,500.00 with double interest plus attorney’s fees as
Seaboard cannot pretend that the above documents are inadequate
discussed above.
since they were precisely the documents listed in its insurance
policy.8 Being a contract of adhesion, an insurance policy is construed
strongly against the insurer who prepared it. The Court cannot read a WHEREFORE, the Court DENIES the petition in G.R. 171468 and
requirement in the policy that was not there. AFFIRMS the Court of Appeals decision of January 31, 2006 insofar
as petitioner New World International Development (Phils.), Inc. is
not allowed to recover against respondents DMT Corporation,
Further, it appears from the exchanges of communications between
Advatech Industries, Inc., LEP International Philippines, Inc., LEP
Seaboard and Advatech that submission of the requested itemized
Profit International, Inc., Marina Port Services, Inc. and Serbros
listing was incumbent on the latter as the seller DMT’s local agent.
Carrier Corporation.
Petitioner New World should not be made to suffer for Advatech’s
With respect to G.R. 174241, the Court GRANTS the petition and
REVERSES and SETS ASIDE the Court of Appeals Amended
Two. Regarding prescription of claims, Section 3(6) of the COGSA
Decision of August 17, 2006. The Court DIRECTS Seaboard-Eastern
provides that the carrier and the ship shall be discharged from all
Insurance Company, Inc. to pay petitioner New World International
liability in case of loss or damage unless the suit is brought within one
Development (Phils.), Inc. US$721,500.00 under Policy MA-HO-
year after delivery of the goods or the date when the goods should
000266, with 24% interest per annum for the duration of delay in
have been delivered.
accordance with Sections 243 and 244 of the Insurance Code and
attorney’s fees equivalent to 10% of the insurance proceeds. Seaboard
But whose fault was it that the suit against NYK, the common carrier, shall also pay, from finality of judgment, a 12% interest per annum on
was not brought to court on time? The last day for filing such a suit the total amount due to petitioner until its full satisfaction.
fell on October 7, 1994. The record shows that petitioner New World
filed its formal claim for its loss with Seaboard, its insurer, a remedy
G.R. No. L-26700 May 15, 1969
it had the right to take, as early as November 16, 1993 or about 11
months before the suit against NYK would have fallen due.
MALAYAN INSURANCE CO., INC., plaintiff-appellee,
In the ordinary course, if Seaboard had processed that claim and paid
the same, Seaboard would have been subrogated to petitioner New
CO., defendants-appellants.
World’s right to recover from NYK. And it could have then filed the
suit as a subrogee. But, as discussed above, Seaboard made an
unreasonable demand on February 14, 1994 for an itemized list of the San Juan, Africa and Benedicto for plaintiff-appellee.
damaged units, parts, and accessories, with corresponding values Corporate Legal Counsel D. F. Macaranas and Jose P. Guzman for
when it appeared settled that New World’s loss was total and when defendants-appellants.
the insurance policy did not require the production of such a list in the
event of a claim.

Besides, when petitioner New World declined to comply with the

In a suit for recovery of money arising out of short delivery and
demand for the list, Seaboard against whom a formal claim was
pilferage of goods — which came into the Philippines under four
pending should not have remained obstinate in refusing to process
importations — while in the possession of the Manila Port Service,
that claim. It should have examined the same, found it
judgment was rendered by the City Court of Manila against
unsubstantiated by documents if that were the case, and formally
defendants. The latter appealed. In the Court of First Instance of
rejected it. That would have at least given petitioner New World a
Manila, the case came up for decision upon a stipulation of
clear signal that it needed to promptly file its suit directly against
facts. 1 Judgment was thereafter rendered sentencing defendants to
pay plaintiff "the sum of P1,447.51 with legal interest thereon from 3. Nor will defendants escape liability by pleading that no claim was
the date the complaint was filed on December 28, 1962, until full filed within 15 days from "the date of discharge of the last package
payment is made, plus the sum of P200 by way of attorney's fees" and from the carrying vessel", 9 a condition precedent to recovery, as set
the costs. forth in the said Section 15 of the Management Contract. It is correct
to say that there is no proof of the date of discharge of each of the four
shipments. But then, there is no necessity for such proof. There is the
Defendants appealed on points of law.
fact that provisional claims on each of the shipments were filed well
within the 15-day period following the arrival of each of the vessels.
On December 31, 1961, the "Pioneer Ming" arrived at the imported Naturally, those claims were presented within 15 days from the date
from the United States a shipment of 343 cartons and two crates of of delivery. The sufficiency of these provisional claims is not
electrical surface raceways and fittings. This was placed on board the challenged. And although the provisional claims do not specify the
SS "Pioneer Ming". On December 31, 1961, the "Pioneer Ming" arrived value of the goods lost and were not accompanied by supporting
at the port of Manila and discharged the shipment into the custody of papers, the jurisprudence is that such claims substantially fulfill the
the Manila Port Service. One carton was pilfered of its contents while requirement. 10
six cartons were not delivered. Plaintiff's loss arising therefrom is the
subject of the first cause of action.
4. Defendants' next point is that they are not liable for the sum
P1,447.51 adjudged in the decision below. They say that their
On November 29, 1961, Brunette Shoe Factory imported from the admission in paragraph VI of the Stipulation of Facts was delimited
United States three cases upper leather carried on board the same SS by the words "if any" recoverable.11lawphi1.ñetParagraph VI of the
"Pioneer Ming" in that same voyage. SS "Pioneer Ming" discharged Stipulation of Facts reads:
the cargo into the custody of the Manila Port Service. The leather
delivered was short of 111-¾ square feet. This is covered by plaintiff's
VI. That the value of the alleged claims recoverable, if any, by the
second cause of action.
plaintiff from the defendants is as follows:

For the third cause of action, plaintiff's case is predicated upon the
1. P355.00 — First cause of action
facts following: On November 27, 1961, Dupro (Philippines), Inc.
imported from the United States 18 cases of auto parts shipped on
board the SS "Pioneer Ming". This vessel arrived in Manila on 2. P66.92 — Second cause of action
December 28, 1961. The shipment was discharged into the custody of
the Manila Port Service. One case of that shipment was pilfered of its
3. P25.59 — Third cause of action
contents. Loss was occasioned to plaintiff.

4. P1,000.00 — Fourth cause of action.

The fourth cause of action refers to a shipment of 15 cases black
umbrella cloth imported by Chua Luan and Co., Inc. from Japan on
September 7, 1962, per SS "Narra" which arrived in Manila on Since the value of each claim is admitted and considering that
September 15, 1962. The shipment was discharged into the custody of plaintiff is entitled thereto as earlier expressed in this opinion and
the Manila Port Service. It turned out, however, that two cases of the upon the terms of the stipulation just quoted, the lower court was
shipment were pilfered of contents resulting in loss to the consignee. correct in sentencing defendants to pay the total amount therein
stated. 12
Having paid for the losses to the different importers upon covering
insurance policies, plaintiff became the subrogee of the consignees. 5. Defendants next question the award of legal interest from the date
the complaint was filed until full payment is made. 13 They also object
to the award of attorneys' fees. 14
1. It is now futile for defendants to pass on liability to the carriers
which are not parties to this action. Paragraph 7 of the Stipulation of
Facts will stop them. It reads: "VII. That the goods were discharged Interest upon an obligation which calls for the payment of money,
complete into the custody of the defendant." Not that the stipulation absent a stipulation, is the legal rate. Such interest normally is
stands alone. Defendants in their brief 2 categorically state that the allowable from the date of demand, judicial or extrajudicial. 15 The
opinion of the lower court "that the shipments in question were trial court opted for judicial demand as the starting point.
discharged into the custody of the defendant Manila Port Service
complete with respect to quantity, is not disputed." But then upon the provisions of Article 2213 of the Civil Code, interest
"cannot be recovered upon unliquidated claims or damages, except
But defendants argue that the fact that the shipments were received when the demand can be established with reasonable certainty." And
by defendant Manila Port Service complete, does not mean that the as was held by this Court in Rivera vs. Perez, L-6998, February 29,
goods were received in "good order". Defendants miss the point. This 1956, if the suit were for damages, "unliquidated and not known until
is immaterial. Because plaintiff's claim is for short delivery and definitely ascertained, assessed and determined by the courts after
pilferage. 3 proof (Montilla v. Corporacion de P. P. Agustinos, 25 Phil. 447;
Lichauco v. Guzman, 38 Phil. 302)", then, interest "should be from the
date of the decision."
Consequently, liability cannot be shifted to the carriers.

Defendants are correct in that Article 2213 of the Civil Code and the
2. Seizing upon the trial court's finding that there is "no proof that
ruling in Rivera vs. Perez should govern the present case. The total of
said shortages or damages with respect to the said goods were due to
plaintiff's unliquidated claim for the value of the undelivered goods, as
the negligence of the defendant, Manila Port Service", 4 defendants
set forth in its complaint, amounted to P3,947.20. This demand was
now put forth disclaimer of liability.
not established in its totality. It was not definitely ascertained.
Indeed, plaintiff settled for an amount (P1,447.51) very much less
We start with the presumption in Article 1265 of the Civil Code that than that demanded — in fact less than fifty percent (50%) of the
whenever "the thing is lost in the possession of the debtor, it shall be claim. This amount of P1,447.51 was not known until definitely
presumed that the loss was due to his fault, unless there is proof to agreed upon in the stipulation of facts. Said stipulation was entered
the contrary." As early as 1907, this Court held that under Article into in lieu of proof. These are the facts which place the present case
1183 of the Spanish Civil Code (Article 1265 of the new Code), "the within the coverage of the rule set forth in Article 2213 of the Civil
burden of explanation of the loss rested upon the depositary and Code and elaborated in Rivera vs. Perez. For which reason, interest
under article 1769 [of the Spanish Civil Code — now Article 1981 of should start from the date of the decision.
the new Civil Code], the fault is presumed to be his." 5 It has been said
that the legal relationship created between the consignee and the
No reason exists why we should disturb the award of attorneys' fees.
arrastre operator "is sufficiently akin to that existing between the
The court's authority to grant such attorneys' fees is well within the
consignee or owner of shipped goods and the common carrier or that
compass of Article 2208(11) of the Civil Code providing that attorneys'
between a depositor and the warehouseman." 6 And, as custodian of
fees may be recovered in "any other case where the court deems it just
the goods discharged from the vessel, it is the duty of the arrastre
and equitable."
operator to take good care of the goods and turn them over to the
party entitled to their possession. 7 It would seem quite elementary
that since the care to be used in the safekeeping of the goods rests FOR THE REASONS GIVEN, the judgment under review is hereby
peculiarly within the knowledge of the Manila Port Service, it is modified in the sense that the amount of P1,447.51 shall bear legal
incumbent upon said defendant to prove that the losses were not due interest from the date of the decision below. Thus modified, the
to its negligence or that of its employees. judgment under review is affirmed in all other respects.

Because there is no proof that the losses occurred either without G.R. No. 186312 June 29, 2010
defendants' fault or by reason of caso fortuito, defendants are liable. 8
SPOUSES DANTE CRUZ and LEONORA CRUZ, Petitioners, contrary to petitioners’ allegation, there was no storm on September
vs. 11, 2000 as the Coast Guard in fact cleared the voyage; and M/B Coco
SUN HOLIDAYS, INC., Respondent. Beach III was not filled to capacity and had sufficient life jackets for
its passengers. By way of Counterclaim, respondent alleged that it is
entitled to an award for attorney’s fees and litigation expenses
amounting to not less than ₱300,000.


Carlos Bonquin, captain of M/B Coco Beach III, averred that the
Resort customarily requires four conditions to be met before a boat is
Spouses Dante and Leonora Cruz (petitioners) lodged a Complaint on allowed to sail, to wit: (1) the sea is calm, (2) there is clearance from
January 25, 20011 against Sun Holidays, Inc. (respondent) with the the Coast Guard, (3) there is clearance from the captain and (4) there
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City for damages arising from the is clearance from the Resort’s assistant manager.8 He added that M/B
death of their son Ruelito C. Cruz (Ruelito) who perished with his wife Coco Beach III met all four conditions on September 11, 2000, 9 but a
on September 11, 2000 on board the boat M/B Coco Beach III that subasco or squall, characterized by strong winds and big waves,
capsized en route to Batangas from Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro suddenly occurred, causing the boat to capsize.10
where the couple had stayed at Coco Beach Island Resort (Resort)
owned and operated by respondent.
By Decision of February 16, 2005,11 Branch 267 of the Pasig RTC
dismissed petitioners’ Complaint and respondent’s Counterclaim.
The stay of the newly wed Ruelito and his wife at the Resort from
September 9 to 11, 2000 was by virtue of a tour package-contract with
Petitioners’ Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by Order
respondent that included transportation to and from the Resort and
dated September 2, 2005,12 they appealed to the Court of Appeals.
the point of departure in Batangas.

By Decision of August 19, 2008,13 the appellate court denied

Miguel C. Matute (Matute),2 a scuba diving instructor and one of the
petitioners’ appeal, holding, among other things, that the trial court
survivors, gave his account of the incident that led to the filing of the
correctly ruled that respondent is a private carrier which is only
complaint as follows:
required to observe ordinary diligence; that respondent in fact
observed extraordinary diligence in transporting its guests on board
Matute stayed at the Resort from September 8 to 11, 2000. He was M/B Coco Beach III; and that the proximate cause of the incident was
originally scheduled to leave the Resort in the afternoon of September a squall, a fortuitous event.
10, 2000, but was advised to stay for another night because of strong
winds and heavy rains.
Petitioners’ Motion for Reconsideration having been denied by
Resolution dated January 16, 2009,14 they filed the present Petition
On September 11, 2000, as it was still windy, Matute and 25 other for Review.15
Resort guests including petitioners’ son and his wife trekked to the
other side of the Coco Beach mountain that was sheltered from the
Petitioners maintain the position they took before the trial court,
wind where they boarded M/B Coco Beach III, which was to ferry
adding that respondent is a common carrier since by its tour package,
them to Batangas.
the transporting of its guests is an integral part of its resort business.
They inform that another division of the appellate court in fact held
Shortly after the boat sailed, it started to rain. As it moved farther respondent liable for damages to the other survivors of the incident.
away from Puerto Galera and into the open seas, the rain and wind
got stronger, causing the boat to tilt from side to side and the captain
Upon the other hand, respondent contends that petitioners failed to
to step forward to the front, leaving the wheel to one of the crew
present evidence to prove that it is a common carrier; that the Resort’s
ferry services for guests cannot be considered as ancillary to its
business as no income is derived therefrom; that it exercised
The waves got more unwieldy. After getting hit by two big waves extraordinary diligence as shown by the conditions it had imposed
which came one after the other, M/B Coco Beach III capsized putting before allowing M/B Coco Beach III to sail; that the incident was
all passengers underwater. caused by a fortuitous event without any contributory negligence on
its part; and that the other case wherein the appellate court held it
The passengers, who had put on their life jackets, struggled to get out liable for damages involved different plaintiffs, issues and evidence.16
of the boat. Upon seeing the captain, Matute and the other passengers
who reached the surface asked him what they could do to save the The petition is impressed with merit.
people who were still trapped under the boat. The captain replied
"Iligtas niyo na lang ang sarili niyo" (Just save yourselves).
Petitioners correctly rely on De Guzman v. Court of Appeals17 in
characterizing respondent as a common carrier.
Help came after about 45 minutes when two boats owned by Asia
Divers in Sabang, Puerto Galera passed by the capsized M/B Coco
The Civil Code defines "common carriers" in the following terms:
Beach III. Boarded on those two boats were 22 persons, consisting of
18 passengers and four crew members, who were brought to Pisa
Island. Eight passengers, including petitioners’ son and his wife, died Article 1732. Common carriers are persons, corporations, firms or
during the incident. associations engaged in the business of carrying or transporting
passengers or goods or both, by land, water, or air for compensation,
offering their services to the public.
At the time of Ruelito’s death, he was 28 years old and employed as a
contractual worker for Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Arabia,
Ltd. in Saudi Arabia, with a basic monthly salary of $900.3 The above article makes no distinction between one whose principal
business activity is the carrying of persons or goods or both, and one
who does such carrying only as an ancillary activity (in local idiom, as
Petitioners, by letter of October 26, 2000,4 demanded indemnification
"a sideline"). Article 1732 also carefully avoids making any distinction
from respondent for the death of their son in the amount of at least
₱4,000,000. between a person or enterprise offering transportation service on
a regular or scheduled basis and one offering such service on
an occasional, episodic or unscheduled basis. Neither does Article
Replying, respondent, by letter dated November 7, 2000,5 denied any 1732 distinguish between a carrier offering its services to the "general
responsibility for the incident which it considered to be a fortuitous public," i.e., the general community or population, and one who offers
event. It nevertheless offered, as an act of commiseration, the amount services or solicits business only from a narrow segment of the general
of ₱10,000 to petitioners upon their signing of a waiver. population. We think that Article 1733 deliberately refrained from
making such distinctions.
As petitioners declined respondent’s offer, they filed the Complaint, as
earlier reflected, alleging that respondent, as a common carrier, was So understood, the concept of "common carrier" under Article 1732
guilty of negligence in allowing M/B Coco Beach III to sail may be seen to coincide neatly with the notion of "public service,"
notwithstanding storm warning bulletins issued by the Philippine under the Public Service Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1416, as
Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration amended) which at least partially supplements the law on common
(PAGASA) as early as 5:00 a.m. of September 11, 2000.6 carriers set forth in the Civil Code. Under Section 13, paragraph (b) of
the Public Service Act, "public service" includes:
In its Answer,7 respondent denied being a common carrier, alleging
that its boats are not available to the general public as they only ferry . . . every person that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage, or
Resort guests and crew members. Nonetheless, it claimed that it control in the Philippines, for hire or compensation, with general or
exercised the utmost diligence in ensuring the safety of its passengers;
limited clientele, whether permanent, occasional or accidental, and To fully free a common carrier from any liability, the fortuitous event
done for general business purposes, any common carrier, railroad, must have been the proximate and only causeof the loss. And it should
street railway, traction railway, subway motor vehicle, either for have exercised due diligence to prevent or minimize the loss before,
freight or passenger, or both, with or without fixed route and during and after the occurrence of the fortuitous event.25
whatever may be its classification, freight or carrier service of any
class, express service, steamboat, or steamship line, pontines, ferries
Respondent cites the squall that occurred during the voyage as the
and water craft, engaged in the transportation of passengers or
fortuitous event that overturned M/B Coco Beach III. As reflected
freight or both, shipyard, marine repair shop, wharf or dock, ice plant,
above, however, the occurrence of squalls was expected under the
ice-refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation system, gas, electric light,
weather condition of September 11, 2000. Moreover, evidence shows
heat and power, water supply and power petroleum, sewerage system,
that M/B Coco Beach III suffered engine trouble before it capsized and
wire or wireless communications systems, wire or wireless
sank.26 The incident was, therefore, not completely free from human
broadcasting stations and other similar public services . . .18 (emphasis
and underscoring supplied.)

The Court need not belabor how respondent’s evidence likewise fails
Indeed, respondent is a common carrier. Its ferry services are so
to demonstrate that it exercised due diligence to prevent or minimize
intertwined with its main business as to be properly considered
the loss before, during and after the occurrence of the squall.
ancillary thereto. The constancy of respondent’s ferry services in its
resort operations is underscored by its having its own Coco Beach
boats. And the tour packages it offers, which include the ferry Article 176427 vis-à-vis Article 220628 of the Civil Code holds the
services, may be availed of by anyone who can afford to pay the same. common carrier in breach of its contract of carriage that results in the
These services are thus available to the public. death of a passenger liable to pay the following: (1) indemnity for
death, (2) indemnity for loss of earning capacity and (3) moral
That respondent does not charge a separate fee or fare for its ferry
services is of no moment. It would be imprudent to suppose that it
provides said services at a loss. The Court is aware of the practice of Petitioners are entitled to indemnity for the death of Ruelito which is
beach resort operators offering tour packages to factor the fixed at ₱50,000.29
transportation fee in arriving at the tour package price. That guests
who opt not to avail of respondent’s ferry services pay the same As for damages representing unearned income, the formula for its
amount is likewise inconsequential. These guests may only be deemed computation is:
to have overpaid.

Net Earning Capacity = life expectancy x (gross annual income -

As De Guzman instructs, Article 1732 of the Civil Code defining reasonable and necessary living expenses).
"common carriers" has deliberately refrained from making
distinctions on whether the carrying of persons or goods is the
carrier’s principal business, whether it is offered on a regular basis, or Life expectancy is determined in accordance with the formula:
whether it is offered to the general public. The intent of the law is
thus to not consider such distinctions. Otherwise, there is no telling 2 / 3 x [80 — age of deceased at the time of death]30
how many other distinctions may be concocted by unscrupulous
businessmen engaged in the carrying of persons or goods in order to
avoid the legal obligations and liabilities of common carriers. The first factor, i.e., life expectancy, is computed by applying the
formula (2/3 x [80 — age at death]) adopted in the American
Expectancy Table of Mortality or the Actuarial of Combined
Under the Civil Code, common carriers, from the nature of their Experience Table of Mortality.31
business and for reasons of public policy, are bound to observe
extraordinary diligence for the safety of the passengers transported by
them, according to all the circumstances of each case.19 They are The second factor is computed by multiplying the life expectancy by
bound to carry the passengers safely as far as human care and the net earnings of the deceased, i.e., the total earnings less expenses
foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious necessary in the creation of such earnings or income and less living
persons, with due regard for all the circumstances.20 and other incidental expenses.32 The loss is not equivalent to the
entire earnings of the deceased, but only such portion as he would
have used to support his dependents or heirs. Hence, to be deducted
When a passenger dies or is injured in the discharge of a contract of from his gross earnings are the necessary expenses supposed to be
carriage, it is presumed that the common carrier is at fault or used by the deceased for his own needs.33
negligent. In fact, there is even no need for the court to make an
express finding of fault or negligence on the part of the common
carrier. This statutory presumption may only be overcome by evidence In computing the third factor – necessary living expense, Smith Bell
that the carrier exercised extraordinary diligence.21 Dodwell Shipping Agency Corp. v. Borja34teaches that when, as in this
case, there is no showing that the living expenses constituted the
smaller percentage of the gross income, the living expenses are fixed
Respondent nevertheless harps on its strict compliance with the at half of the gross income.
earlier mentioned conditions of voyage before it allowed M/B Coco
Beach III to sail on September 11, 2000. Respondent’s position does
not impress. Applying the above guidelines, the Court determines Ruelito's life
expectancy as follows:

The evidence shows that PAGASA issued 24-hour public weather

forecasts and tropical cyclone warnings for shipping on September 10 Life expectancy 2/3 x [80 - age of deceased at the time of
and 11, 2000 advising of tropical depressions in Northern Luzon = death]
which would also affect the province of Mindoro.22 By the testimony of 2/3 x [80 - 28]
Dr. Frisco Nilo, supervising weather specialist of PAGASA, squalls 2/3 x [52]
are to be expected under such weather condition.23
Life expectancy
A very cautious person exercising the utmost diligence would thus not =
brave such stormy weather and put other people’s lives at risk. The
extraordinary diligence required of common carriers demands that
they take care of the goods or lives entrusted to their hands as if they Documentary evidence shows that Ruelito was earning a basic
were their own. This respondent failed to do. monthly salary of $90035 which, when converted to Philippine peso
applying the annual average exchange rate of $1 = ₱44 in
2000,36 amounts to ₱39,600. Ruelito’s net earning capacity is thus
Respondent’s insistence that the incident was caused by a fortuitous computed as follows:
event does not impress either.

The elements of a "fortuitous event" are: (a) the cause of the Net Earning = life expectancy x (gross annual income -
unforeseen and unexpected occurrence, or the failure of the debtors to Capacity reasonable and necessary living expenses).
comply with their obligations, must have been independent of human = 35 x (₱475,200 - ₱237,600)
will; (b) the event that constituted the caso fortuito must have been = 35 x (₱237,600)
impossible to foresee or, if foreseeable, impossible to avoid; (c) the
occurrence must have been such as to render it impossible for the Net Earning
= ₱8,316,000
debtors to fulfill their obligation in a normal manner; and (d) the Capacity
obligor must have been free from any participation in the aggravation
of the resulting injury to the creditor.24
Respecting the award of moral damages, since respondent common PHILIPPINE AIRLINES, INC., petitioner,
carrier’s breach of contract of carriage resulted in the death of vs.
petitioners’ son, following Article 1764 vis-à-vis Article 2206 of the COURT OF APPEALS and GILDA C. MEJIA, respondents.
Civil Code, petitioners are entitled to moral damages.

Since respondent failed to prove that it exercised the extraordinary

diligence required of common carriers, it is presumed to have acted
recklessly, thus warranting the award too of exemplary damages,
which are granted in contractual obligations if the defendant acted in
a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive or malevolent manner.37 This is definitely not a case of first impression. The incident which
eventuated in the present controversy is a drama of common
contentious occurrence between passengers and carriers whenever
Under the circumstances, it is reasonable to award petitioners the
loss is sustained by the former. Withal, the exposition of the factual
amount of ₱100,000 as moral damages and ₱100,000 as exemplary
ambience and the legal precepts in this adjudication may hopefully
channel the assertiveness of passengers and the intransigence of
carriers into the realization that at times a bad extrajudicial
Pursuant to Article 220839 of the Civil Code, attorney's fees may also compromise could be better than a good judicial victory.
be awarded where exemplary damages are awarded. The Court finds
that 10% of the total amount adjudged against respondent is
Assailed in this petition for review is the decision of respondent Court
reasonable for the purpose.
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 427441 which affirmed the decision of
the lower court 2 finding petitioner Philippine Air Lines, Inc. (PAL)
Finally, Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals40 teaches liable as follows:
that when an obligation, regardless of its source, i.e., law, contracts,
quasi-contracts, delicts or quasi-delicts is breached, the contravenor
ACCORDINGLY, judgment is hereby rendered
can be held liable for payment of interest in the concept of actual and
ordering defendant Philippine Air Lines, Inc., to
compensatory damages, subject to the following rules, to wit —
pay plaintiff Gilda C. Mejia:

1. When the obligation is breached, and it consists in the

(1) P30,000.00 by way of actual damages of the
payment of a sum of money, i.e., a loan or forbearance of
microwave oven;
money, the interest due should be that which may have been
stipulated in writing. Furthermore, the interest due shall
itself earn legal interest from the time it is judicially (2) P10,000.00 by way of moral damages;
demanded. In the absence of stipulation, the rate of interest
shall be 12% per annum to be computed from default, i.e., (3) P20,000.00 by way of exemplary damages;
from judicial or extrajudicial demand under and subject to
the provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil Code.
(4) P10,000.00 as attorney's fee;
2. When an obligation, not constituting a loan or forbearance
of money, is breached, an interest on the amount of damages all in addition to the costs of the suit.
awarded may be imposed at the discretion of the court at the
rate of 6% per annum. No interest, however, shall be Defendant's counterclaim is hereby dismissed for
adjudged on unliquidated claims or damages except when or lack of merit.3
until the demand can be established with reasonable
certainty. Accordingly, where the demand is established
with reasonable certainty, the interest shall begin to run The facts as found by respondent Court of Appeals are as follows:
from the time the claim is made judicially or extrajudicially
(Art. 1169, Civil Code) but when such certainty cannot be so On January 27, 1990, plaintiff Gilda C. Mejia
reasonably established at the time the demand is made, the shipped thru defendant, Philippine Airlines, one
interest shall begin to run only from the date the judgment (1) unit microwave oven, with a gross weight of 33
of the court is made (at which time the quantification of kilograms from San Francisco, U.S.A. to Manila,
damages may be deemed to have been reasonably Philippines. Upon arrival, however, of said article
ascertained). The actual base for the computation of legal in Manila, Philippines, plaintiff discovered that its
interest shall, in any case, be on the amount finally front glass door was broken and the damage
adjudged. rendered it unserviceable. Demands both oral and
written were made by plaintiff against the
3. When the judgment of the court awarding a sum of money defendant for the reimbursement of the value of
becomes final and executory, the rate of legal interest, the damaged microwave oven, and transportation
whether the case falls under paragraph 1 or paragraph 2, charges paid by plaintiff to defendant company.
above, shall be 12% per annum from such finality until its But these demands fell on deaf ears.
satisfaction, this interim period being deemed to be by then
an equivalent to a forbearance of credit. (emphasis On September 25, 1990, plaintiff Gilda C. Mejia
supplied). filed the instant action for damages against
defendant in the lower court.
Since the amounts payable by respondent have been determined with
certainty only in the present petition, the interest due shall be In its answer, defendant Airlines alleged inter
computed upon the finality of this decision at the rate of 12% per alia, by way of special and affirmative defenses,
annum until satisfaction, in accordance with paragraph number 3 of that the court has no jurisdiction over the case;
the immediately cited guideline in Easter Shipping Lines, Inc. that plaintiff has no valid cause of action against
defendant since it acted only in good faith and in
WHEREFORE, the Court of Appeals Decision of August 19, 2008 is compliance with the requirements of the law,
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Judgment is rendered in favor of regulations, conventions and contractual
petitioners ordering respondent to pay petitioners the following: (1) commitments; and that defendant had always
₱50,000 as indemnity for the death of Ruelito Cruz; (2) ₱8,316,000 as exercised the required diligence in the selection,
indemnity for Ruelito’s loss of earning capacity; (3) ₱100,000 as moral hiring and supervision of its employees.4
damages; (4) ₱100,000 as exemplary damages; (5) 10% of the total
amount adjudged against respondent as attorneys fees; and (6) the What had theretofore transpired at the trial in the court a quo is
costs of suit. narrated as follows:

The total amount adjudged against respondent shall earn interest at Plaintiff Gilda Mejia testified that sometime on
the rate of 12% per annum computed from the finality of this decision January 27, 1990, she took defendant's plane from
until full payment. San Francisco, U.S.A. for Manila, Philippines
(Exh. "F"). Amongst her baggages (sic) was a
G.R. No. 119706 March 14, 1996 slightly used microwave oven with the brand name
"Sharp" under PAL Air Waybill No. 0-79-1013008-
3 (Exh. "A"). When shipped, defendant's office at
San Francisco inspected it. It was in good
condition with its front glass intact. She did not
declare its value upon the advice of defendant's The conclusion that inescapably emerges from the
personnel at San Francisco. above findings of fact is to concede it with
credence. . . . .8
When she arrived in Manila, she gave her sister
Concepcion C. Diño authority to claim her Respondent appellate court approved said findings of the trial court in
baggag(e) (Exh. "G") and took a connecting flight this manner:
for Bacolod City.
We cannot agree with defendant-appellant's above
When Concepcion C. Diño claimed the baggag(e) contention. Under our jurisprudence, the Air
(Exh. "B") with defendant, then with the Bureau of Waybill is a contract of adhesion considering that
Customs, the front glass of the microwave oven all the provisions thereof are prepared and drafted
was already broken and cannot be repaired only by the carrier (Sweet Lines v. Teves, 83 SCRA
because of the danger of radiation. They demanded 361). The only participation left of the other party
from defendant thru Atty. Paco P30,000.00 for the is to affix his signature thereto (BPI Credit
damages although a brand new one costs Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 204 SCRA 601;
P40,000.00, but defendant refused to pay. Saludo, Jr. vs. C.A., 207 SCRA 498; Maersk vs.
Court of Appeals, 222 SCRA 108, among the recent
cases). In the earlier case of Angeles v. Calasanz,
Hence, plaintiff engaged the services of counsel.
135 SCRA 323, the Supreme Court ruled that "the
Despite demand (Exh. "E") by counsel, defendant
terms of a contract [of adhesion] must be
still refused to pay.
interpreted against the party who drafted the
same." . . . .9
The damaged oven is still with defendant. Plaintiff
is engaged in (the) catering and restaurant
Petitioner airlines argues that the legal principle enunciated
business. Hence, the necessity of the oven.
in Fieldmen's Insurance does not apply to the present case because
Plaintiff suffered sleepless nights when defendant
the provisions of the contract involved here are neither ambiguous nor
refused to pay her (for) the broken oven and claims
obscure. The front portion of the air waybill contains a simple warning
P10,000.00 moral damages, P20,000.00 exemplary
that the shipment is subject to the conditions of the contract on the
damages, P10,000.00 attorney's fees plus P300.00
dorsal portion thereof regarding the limited liability of the carrier
per court appearance and P15,000.00 monthly loss
unless a higher valuation is declared, as well as the reglementary
of income in her business beginning February,
period within which to submit a written claim to the carrier in case of
damage or loss to the cargo. Granting that the air waybill is a contract
of adhesion, it has been ruled by the Court that such contracts are not
Defendant Philippine Airlines thru its employees entirely prohibited and are in fact binding regardless of whether or
Rodolfo Pandes and Vicente Villaruz posited that not respondent herein read the provisions thereof. Having contracted
plaintiff's claim was not investigated until after the services of petitioner carrier instead of other airlines, private
the filing of the formal claim on August 13, 1990 respondent in effect negotiated the terms of the contract and thus
(Exh. "6" also Exh. "E"). During the investigations, became bound thereby. 10
plaintiff failed to submit positive proof of the value
of the cargo. Hence her claim was denied.
Counsel for private respondent refutes these arguments by saying
that due to her eagerness to ship the microwave oven to Manila,
Also plaintiff's claim was filed out of time under private respondent assented to the terms and conditions of the
paragraph 12, a (1) of the Air Waybill (Exh. "A", contract without any opportunity to question or change its terms
also Exh. "1") which provides: "(a) the person which are practically on a "take-it-or-leave-it" basis, her only
entitled to delivery must make a complaint to the participation therein being the affixation of her signature. Further,
carrier in writing in case: (1) of visible damage to reliance on the Fieldmen's Insurance case is misplaced since it is not
the goods, immediately after discovery of the the ambiguity or obscurity of the stipulation that renders necessary
damage and at the latest within 14 days from the the strict interpretation of a contract of adhesion against the drafter,
receipt of the goods. 5 but the peculiarity of the transaction wherein one party, normally a
corporation, drafts all the provisions of the contract without any
As stated at the outset, respondent Court of Appeals similarly ruled in participation whatsoever on the part of the other party other than
favor of private respondent by affirming in full the trial court's affixment of signature. 11
judgment in Civil Case No. 6210, with costs against
petitioner.6 Consequently, petitioner now impugns respondent A review of jurisprudence on the matter reveals the consistent holding
appellate court's ruling insofar as it agrees with (1) the conclusions of of the Court that contracts of adhesion are not invalid per se and that
the trial court that since the air waybill is a contract of adhesion, its it has on numerous occasions upheld the binding effect thereof. 12 As
provisions should be strictly construed against herein petitioner; (2) explained in Ong Yiu vs. Court of Appeals, et al., supra:
the finding of the trial court that herein petitioner's liability is not
limited by the provisions of the air waybill; and (3) the award by the
. . . . Such provisions have been held to be a part of
trial court to private respondent of moral and exemplary damages,
the contract of carriage, and valid and binding
attorney's fees and litigation expenses.
upon the passenger regardless of the latter's lack
of knowledge or assent to the regulation. It is what
The trial court relied on the ruling in the case of Fieldmen's Insurance is known as a contract of "adhesion," in regards
Co., Inc. vs. Vda. De Songco, et al.7 in finding that the provisions of the which it has been said that contracts of adhesion
air waybill should be strictly construed against petitioner. More wherein one party imposes a ready-made form of
particularly, the court below stated its findings thus: contract on the other, as the plane ticket in the
case at bar, are contracts not entirely prohibited.
In this case, it is seriously doubted whether The one who adheres to the contract is in reality
plaintiff had read the printed conditions at the free to reject it entirely; if he adheres, he gives his
back of the Air Waybill (Exh. "1"), or even if she consent. . . , a contract limiting liability upon an
had, if she was given a chance to negotiate on the agreed valuation does not offend against the policy
conditions for loading her microwave oven. Instead of the law forbidding one from contracting against
she was advised by defendant's employee at San his own negligence.
Francisco, U.S.A., that there is no need to declare
the value of her oven since it is not brand new. As rationalized in Saludo, Jr. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., supra:
Further, plaintiff testified that she immediately
submitted a formal claim for P30,000.00 with
. . . , it should be borne in mind that a contract of
defendant. But their claim was referred from one
adhesion may be struck down as void and
employee to another th(e)n told to come back the
unenforceable, for being subversive of public
next day, and the next day, until she was referred
policy, only when the weaker party is imposed
to a certain Atty. Paco. When they got tired and
upon in dealing with the dominant bargaining
frustrated of coming without a settlement of their
party and is reduced to the alternative of taking it
claim in sight, they consulted a lawyer who
or leaving it, completely deprived of the
demanded from defendant on August 13, 1990
opportunity to bargain on equal footing. . . . .
(Exh. "E", an[d] Exh. "6").

but subject to the caveat that —

. . . . Just because we have said that Condition No. Petitioner insists that both respondent court and the trial court erred
5 of the airway bill is binding upon the parties to in finding that petitioner's liability, if any, is not limited by the
and fully operative in this transaction, it does not provisions of the air waybill, for, as evidence of the contract of
mean, and let this serve as fair warning to carriage between petitioner and private respondent, it substantially
respondent carriers, that they can at all times states that the shipper certifies to the correctness of the entries
whimsical seek refuge from liability in the contained therein and accepts that the carrier's liability is limited to
exculpatory sanctuary of said Condition No. 5 . . . . US $20 per kilogram of goods lost, damaged or destroyed unless a
value is declared and a supplementary charge paid. Inasmuch as no
such declaration was made by private respondent, as she admitted
The peculiar nature of such contracts behooves the Court to closely
during cross-examination, the liability of petitioner, if any, should be
scrutinize the factual milieu to which the provisions are intended to
limited to 28 kilograms multiplied by US $20, or $560. Moreover, the
apply. Thus, just as consistently and unhesitatingly, but without
validity of these conditions has been upheld in the leading case of Ong
categorically invalidating such contracts, the Court has construed
Yiu vs. Court of Appeals, et al., supra, and subsequent cases, for being
obscurities and ambiguities in the restrictive provisions of contracts of
a mere reiteration of the limitation of liability under the Warsaw
adhesion strictly albeit not unreasonably against the drafter thereof
Convention, which treaty has the force and effect of law. 16
when justified in light of the operative facts and surrounding
circumstances. 13
It is additionally averred that since private respondent was merely
advised, not ordered, that she need not declare a higher value for her
We find nothing objectionable about the lower court's reliance upon
cargo, the final decision of refraining from making such a declaration
the Fieldmen's Insurance case, the principles wherein squarely apply
fell on private respondent and should not put the petitioner in
to the present petition. The parallelism between the aforementioned
estoppel from invoking its limited liability.17
case and this one is readily apparent for, just as in the instant case, it
is the binding effect of the provisions in a contract of adhesion (an
insurance policy in Fieldmen's Insurance) that is put to test. In refutation, private respondent explains that the reason for the
absence of a declaration of a higher value was precisely because
petitioner's personnel in San Francisco, U.S.A. advised her not to
A judicious reading of the case reveals that what was pivotal in the
declare the value of her cargo, which testimony has not at all been
judgment of liability against petitioner insurance company therein,
rebutted by petitioner. This being so, petitioner is estopped from
and necessarily interpreting the provisions of the insurance policy as
faulting private respondent for her failure to declare the value of the
ineffective, was the finding that the representations made by the
microwave oven. 18
agent of the insurance company rendered it impossible to comply with
the conditions of the contract in question, rather than the mere
ambiguity of its terms. The extended pronouncements regarding strict The validity of provisions limiting the liability of carriers contained in
construction of ambiguous provisions in an adhesion contract against bills of lading have been consistently upheld for the following reason:
its drafter, which although made by the Court as an aside but has
perforce evolved into a judicial tenet over time, was actually an
. . . . The stipulation in the bill of lading limiting
incidental statement intended to emphasize the duty of the court to
the common carrier's liability to the value of goods
protect the weaker, as against the more dominant, party to a contract,
appearing in the bill, unless the shipper or owner
as well as to prevent the iniquitous situation wherein the will of one
declares a greater value, is valid and binding. The
party is imposed upon the other in the course of negotiation.
limitation of the carrier's liability is sanctioned by
the freedom of the contracting parties to establish
Thus, there can be no further question as to the validity of the terms such stipulations, clauses, terms, or conditions as
of the air waybill, even if the same constitutes a contract of adhesion. they may deem convenient, provided they are not
Whether or not the provisions thereof particularly on the limited contrary to law, morals, good customs and public
liability of the carrier are binding on private respondent in this policy. . . . . 19
instance must be determined from the facts and circumstances
involved vis-a-vis the nature of the provisions sought to be enforced,
However, the Court has likewise cautioned against blind
taking care that equity and fair play should characterize the
reliance on adhesion contracts where the facts and
transaction under review.
circumstances warrant that they should be disregarded. 20

On petitioner's insistence that its liability for the damage to private

In the case at bar, it will be noted that private respondent signified an
respondent's microwave oven, if any, should be limited by the
intention to declare the value of the microwave oven prior to
provisions of the air waybill, the lower court had this to say:
shipment, but was explicitly advised against doing so by PAL's
personnel in San Francisco, U.S.A., as borne out by her testimony in
By and large, defendant's evidence is anchored court:
principally on plaintiff's alleged failure to comply
with paragraph 12, a(1) (Exh. "1-C-2") of the Air
xxx xxx xxx
waybill (Exh. "A," also Exh. "1"), by filing a formal
claim immediately after discovery of the damage.
Plaintiff filed her formal claim only on August 13, Q Did you declare the value of
1990 (Exh. "6", also Exh. "E"). And, failed to the shipment?
present positive proof on the value of the damaged
microwave oven. Hence, the denial of her claim. A No. I was advised not to.

This Court has misgivings about these pretensions Q Who advised you?
of defendant.

A At the PAL Air Cargo. 21

xxx xxx xxx

It cannot be denied that the attention of PAL through its personnel in

Finally, the Court finds no merit to defendant's San Francisco was sufficiently called to the fact that private
contention that under the Warsaw Convention, its respondent's cargo was highly susceptible to breakage as would
liability if any, cannot exceed U.S. $20.00 based on necessitate the declaration of its actual value. Petitioner had all the
weight as plaintiff did not declare the contents of opportunity to check the condition and manner of packing prior to
her baggage nor pay additional charges before the acceptance for shipment, 22 as well as during the preparation of the air
flight. 14 waybill by PAL's Acceptance Personnel based on information supplied
by the shipper, 23 and to reject the cargo if the contents or the packing
The appellate court declared correct the non-application by the trial did not meet the company's required specifications. Certainly, PAL
court of the limited liability of therein defendant-appellant under the could not have been otherwise prevailed upon to merely accept the
"Conditions of the Contract" contained in the air waybill, based on the cargo.
ruling in Cathay Pacific Airways, Ltd. vs. Court of Appeals, et
al., 15 which substantially enunciates the rule that while the Warsaw While Vicente Villaruz, officer-in-charge of the PAL Import Section at
Convention has the force and effect of law in the Philippines, being a the time of incident, posited that there may have been inadequate and
treaty commitment by the government and as a signatory thereto, the improper packing of the cargo, 24 which by itself could be a ground for
same does not operate as an exclusive enumeration of the instances refusing carriage of the goods presented for shipment, he nonetheless
when a carrier shall be liable for breach of contract or as an absolute admitted on cross-examination that private respondent's cargo was
limit of the extent of liability, nor does it preclude the operation of the accepted by PAL in its San Francisco office:
Civil Code or other pertinent laws.

So that, be So, this

that as it baggage
may, my was
particular accepted
concern is and
that, it is admitted in
the PAL San
personnel Francisco?
that accepts

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

And you
could not
show any
Also, if he document
comes from to the Court
abroad like that would
in this suggest
particular that this
case, it is baggage
the PAL was denied
personnel admittance
who accepts by your
the office at
baggage? San
Yes, sir.
No, I

And the
may or may Now, can
not accept you show
the any
baggage? document
that would
that there
Yes, sir. insufficient
ATTY. VINCO on this
According from
to what is abroad?
stated as in
acceptance WITNESS
of the
cargo, it is No, sir. 25
to the best
interest of
In response to the trial court's questions during the trial, he also
the airlines,
stated that while the passenger's declaration regarding the general or
that is, he
fragile character of the cargo is to a certain extent determinative of its
want(s) also
classification, PAL nevertheless has and exercises discretion as to the
that the
manner of handling required by the nature of the cargo it accepts for
carriage. He further opined that the microwave oven was only a
would be
general, not a fragile, cargo which did not require any special
free from
handling. 26
Could that There is no absolute obligation on the part of a carrier to accept a
be one of cargo. Where a common carrier accepts a cargo for shipment for
the grounds valuable consideration, it takes the risk of delivering it in good
for not condition as when it was loaded. And if the fact of improper packing is
admitting a known to the carrier or its personnel, or apparent upon observation
baggage? but it accepts the goods notwithstanding such condition, it is not
relieved of liability for loss or injury resulting therefrom. 27
The acceptance in due course by PAL of private respondent's cargo as
packed and its advice against the need for declaration of its actual
Safety is
value operated as an assurance to private respondent that in fact
number one
there was no need for such a declaration. Petitioner can hardly be
faulted for relying on the representations of PAL's own personnel.

xxx xxx xxx

In other words, private respondent Mejia could and would have up to June
complied with the conditions stated in the air waybill, i.e., declaration 1990.
of a higher value and payment of supplemental transportation
charges, entitling her to recovery of damages beyond the stipulated
limit of US $20 per kilogram of cargo in the event of loss or damage,
had she not been effectively prevented from doing so upon the advice
of PAL's personnel for reasons best known to themselves. And what
results did
As pointed out by private respondent, the aforestated facts were not
denied by PAL in any of its pleadings nor rebutted by way of evidence
presented in the course of the trial, and thus in effect it judicially
admitted that such an advice was given by its personnel in San
Francisco, U.S.A. Petitioner, therefore, is estopped from blaming WITNESS
private respondent for not declaring the value of the cargo shipped
and which would have otherwise entitled her to recover a higher All they
amount of damages. The Court's bidding in the Fieldmen's said (was)
Insurance case once again rings true: that the
. . . As estoppel is primarily based on the doctrine was being
of good faith and the avoidance of harm that will processed,
befall an innocent party due to its injurious that they
reliance, the failure to apply it in this case would were
result in gross travesty of justice. waiting for
Atty. Paco
to report to
We likewise uphold the lower court's finding that private respondent
the office
complied with the requirement for the immediate filing of a formal
and they
claim for damages as required in the air waybill or, at least, we find
could refer
that there was substantial compliance therewith.
the matter
to Atty.
Private respondent testified that she authorized her sister, Paco.
Concepcion Diño, to claim her cargo consisting of a microwave oven
since the former had to take a connecting flight to Bacolod City on the
very same afternoon of the day of her arrival. 28 As instructed,
Concepcion Diño promptly proceeded to PAL's Import Section the next
day to claim the oven. Upon discovering that the glass door was Who is this
broken, she immediately filed a claim by way of the baggage freight Atty. Paco?
claim 29 on which was duly annotated the damage sustained by the
oven. 30 WITNESS

Her testimony relates what took place thereafter: He was the

one in-
ATTY. VINCO charge of
our claim.
So, after
inspection, ATTY. VINCO
what did
you do? Were you
able to see
WITNESS Atty. Paco?

After that WITNESS

placed by Yes, sir. I
Mr. personally
Villaruz, I visited
went home Atty. Paco
and I together
followed it with my
up the next auntie who
day with was a
the Clerk of former PAL
PAL cargo employee.

xxx xxx xxx


What did
the clerk
tell you? So, what
did you do,
did you
WITNESS make a
report or
She told me did you tell
that the Atty. Paco
claim was of your
being scouting
processed around for
and I made a possible
several replacemen
phone calls t?
after that. I
started my WITNESS
I did call A Yes, sir.
him back at
his office. I
made a
call. Q And the Claim Officer
happened to be Atty. Paco?
And what
answer did A Yes, sir.
Atty. Paco
make after ATTY. VINCO:
you have
back to Q And you know that the
him? plaintiff thru her authorized
representative Concepcion
Diño, who is her sister had
WITNESS many times gone to Atty. Paco,
in connection with this claim of
They told her sister?
me that
they were WITNESS:
going to
process the
claim based A Yes, sir.
on the price
that I gave ATTY. VINCO:
them but
there was
no definite Q As a matter of fact even
result. when the complaint was
already filed here in Court the
claimant had continued to call
ATTY. VINCO about the settlement of her
claim with Atty. Paco, is that
How many correct?
times did
you go and xxx xxx xxx
see Atty.
regarding WITNESS:
the claim of
your sister? A Yes, sir.


I made one Q You know this fact because a

personal personnel saw you in one of the
visit and pre-trial here when this case
several was heard before the sala of
follow-up Judge Moscardon, is that
calls. With correct?
Atty. Paco,
I made one
phone call WITNESS:
but I made
several A Yes.
phone calls
with his
secretary or
the clerk at
PAL cargo Q In other words, the plaintiff
office and I rather had never stop(ped) in
was trying her desire for your company to
to locate settle this claim, right?
him but
ly, he was
always out
of his A Yes, sir. 33
office. 31
Considering the abovementioned incidents and private respondent
PAL claims processor, Rodolfo Pandes, * confirmed having received Mejia's own zealous efforts in following up the claim, 34 it was clearly
the baggage freight claim on January 30, 1990 32 and the referral to not her fault that the letter of demand for damages could only be filed,
and extended pendency of the private respondent's claim with the after months of exasperating follow-up of the claim, on August 13,
office of Atty. Paco, to wit: 1990. 35 If there was any failure at all to file the formal claim within
the prescriptive period contemplated in the air waybill, this was
largely because of PAL's own doing, the consequences of which cannot,
in all fairness, be attributed to private respondent.

Q And you did instruct the

Even if the claim for damages was conditioned on the timely filing of a
claimant to see the Claim
formal claim, under Article 1186 of the Civil Code that condition was
Officer of the company, right?
deemed fulfilled, considering that the collective action of PAL's
personnel in tossing around the claim and leaving it unresolved for an
WITNESS: indefinite period of time was tantamount to "voluntarily preventing
its fulfillment." On grounds of equity, the filing of the baggage freight
claim, which sufficiently informed PAL of the damage sustained by unjust refusal to comply with her valid demand for
private respondent's cargo, constituted substantial compliance with payment, thereby also entitling her to reasonable
the requirement in the contract for the filing of a formal claim. attorney's fees [Art. 2208 (2) and (11), id.]. 41

All told, therefore, respondent appellate court did not err in ruling It will be noted that petitioner never denied that the damage to the
that the provision on limited liability is not applicable in this case. microwave oven was sustained while the same was in its custody. The
We, however, note in passing that while the facts and circumstances possibility that said damage was due to causes beyond the control of
of this case do not call for the direct application of the provisions of PAL has effectively been ruled out since the entire process in handling
the Warsaw Convention, it should be stressed that, indeed, of the cargo — from the unloading thereof from the plane, the towing
recognition of the Warsaw Convention does not preclude the operation and transfer to the PAL warehouse, the transfer to the Customs
of the Civil Code and other pertinent laws in the determination of the examination area, and its release thereafter to the shipper — was
extent of liability of the common carrier. 36 done almost exclusively by, and with the intervention or, at the very
least, under the direct supervision of a responsible PAL personnel. 42
The Warsaw Convention, being a treaty to which the Philippines is a
signatory, is as much a part of Philippine law as the Civil Code, Code The very admissions of PAL, through Vicente Villaruz of its Import
of Commerce and other municipal special laws. 3 7 The provisions Section, as follows:
therein contained, specifically on the limitation of carrier's liability,
are operative in the Philippines but only in appropriate situations.

Petitioner ascribes ultimate error in the award of moral and

So that, you
exemplary damages and attorney's fees in favor of private respondent
now claim,
in that other than the statement of the trial court that petitioner
acted in bad faith in denying private respondent's claim, which was
affirmed by the Court of Appeals, there is no evidence on record that
that from
the same is true. The denial of private respondent's claim was
the time
supposedly in the honest belief that the same had prescribed, there
the cargo
being no timely formal claim filed; and despite having been given an
opportunity to submit positive proof of the value of the damaged
microwave oven, no such proof was submitted. Petitioner insists that
from the
its failure to deliver the oven in the condition in which it was shipped
plane until
could hardly be considered as amounting to bad faith. 38
the time it
reaches the
Private respondent counters that petitioner's failure to deliver the Customs
microwave oven in the condition in which it was received can be counter
described as gross negligence amounting to bad faith, on the further where it
consideration that it failed to prove that it exercised the extraordinary was
diligence required by law, and that no explanation whatsoever was inspected,
given as to why the front glass of the oven was broken. 39 all the way,
it was the
The trial court justified its award of actual, moral and exemplary
damages, and attorney's fees in favor of private respondent in this
who did all
Since the plaintiff's baggage destination was the
Philippines, Philippine law governs the liability of
the defendant for damages for the microwave oven.

The provisions of the New Civil Code on common
carriers are Article(s) 1733, 1735 and 1753 . . . .
there is also
what we
xxx xxx xxx call the
In this case, defendant failed to overcome, not only storekeeper
the presumption but more importantly, plaintiff's and the
evidence that defendant's negligence was the Customs
proximate cause of the damages of the microwave guard along
oven. Further plaintiff has established that with the
defendant acted in bad faith when it denied the cargo.
former's claim on the ground that the formal claim
was filed beyond the period as provided in ATTY. VINCO
paragraph 12 (a-1) (Exh. "1-C-2") of the Air
Waybill (Exh. "1", also Exh. "A"), when actually,
You made
Concepcion Diño, sister of plaintiff has
immediately filed the formal claim upon discovery
about a
of the damage. 40

Respondent appellate court was in full agreement with the trial

court's finding of bad faith on the part of petitioner as a basis for the
award of the aforestated damages, declaring that:
Yes, sir.
As to the last assigned error, a perusal of the facts
and law of the case reveals that the lower court's ATTY. VINCO
award of moral and exemplary damages,
attorney's fees and costs of suit to plaintiff-
appellee is in accordance with current laws and
locator, is
jurisprudence on the matter. Indeed, aside from
he an
the fact that defendant-appellant acted in bad
employee of
faith in breaching the contract and in denying
the PAL or
plaintiff's valid claim for damages, plaintiff-
appellee underwent profound distress, sleepless
nights, and anxiety upon knowledge of her
damaged microwave oven in possession of
defendant-appellant, entitling her to the award of WITNESS
moral and exemplary damages (Cathay Pacific
Airways, Ltd. vs. C.A., supra; Arts. 2219 & 2221,
New Civil Code), and certainly plaintiff-appellant's
He is a PAL Mindanao Terminal loaded and stowed the cargoes aboard the M/V
employee. 43 Mistrau. The vessel set sail from the port of Davao City and arrived at
the port of Inchon, Korea. It was then discovered upon discharge that
some of the cargo was in bad condition. The Marine Cargo Damage
lead to the inevitable conclusion that whatever damage may
Surveyor of Incok Loss and Average Adjuster of Korea, through its
have been sustained by the cargo is due to causes
representative Byeong Yong Ahn (Byeong), surveyed the extent of the
attributable to PAL's personnel or, at all events, under their
damage of the shipment. In a survey report, it was stated that 16,069
cartons of the banana shipment and 2,185 cartons of the pineapple
shipment were so damaged that they no longer had commercial
Moreover, the trial court underscored the fact that petitioner was not value.5
able to overcome the statutory presumption of negligence in Article
1735 which, as a common carrier, it was laboring under in case of loss,
Del Monte Produce filed a claim under the open cargo policy for the
destruction or deterioration of goods, through proper showing of the
damages to its shipment. McGee’s Marine Claims Insurance Adjuster
exercise of extraordinary diligence. Neither did it prove that the
evaluated the claim and recommended that payment in the amount of
damage to the microwave oven was because of any of the excepting
$210,266.43 be made. A check for the recommended amount was sent
causes under Article 1734, all of the same Code. Inasmuch as the
to Del Monte Produce; the latter then issued a subrogation receipt6 to
subject item was received in apparent good condition, no contrary
Phoenix and McGee.
notation or exception having been made on the air waybill upon its
acceptance for shipment, the fact that it was delivered with a broken
glass door raises the presumption that PAL's personnel were Phoenix and McGee instituted an action for damages7 against
negligent in the carriage and handling of the cargo. 44 Mindanao Terminal in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Davao City,
Branch 12. After trial, the RTC,8 in a decision dated 20 October 1999,
held that the only participation of Mindanao Terminal was to load the
Furthermore, there was glaringly no attempt whatsoever on the part
cargoes on board the M/V Mistrau under the direction and
of petitioner to explain the cause of the damage to the oven. The
supervision of the ship’s officers, who would not have accepted the
unexplained cause of damage to private respondent's cargo constitutes
cargoes on board the vessel and signed the foreman’s report unless
gross carelessness or negligence which by itself justifies the present
they were properly arranged and tightly secured to withstand voyage
award of damages. 45 The equally unexplained and inordinate delay in
across the open seas. Accordingly, Mindanao Terminal cannot be held
acting on the claim upon referral thereof to the claims officer, Atty.
liable for whatever happened to the cargoes after it had loaded and
Paco, and the noncommittal responses to private respondent's
stowed them. Moreover, citing the survey report, it was found by the
entreaties for settlement of her claim for damages belies petitioner's
RTC that the cargoes were damaged on account of a typhoon
pretension that there was no bad faith on its part. This unprofessional
which M/V Mistrau had encountered during the voyage. It was
indifference of PAL's personnel despite full and actual knowledge of
further held that Phoenix and McGee had no cause of action against
the damage to private respondent's cargo, just to be exculpated from
Mindanao Terminal because the latter, whose services were
liability on pure technicality and bureaucratic subterfuge, smacks of
contracted by Del Monte, a distinct corporation from Del Monte
willful misconduct and insensitivity to a passenger's plight
Produce, had no contract with the assured Del Monte Produce. The
tantamount to bad faith 46 and renders unquestionable petitioner's
RTC dismissed the complaint and awarded the counterclaim of
liability for damages. In sum, there is no reason to disturb the
Mindanao Terminal in the amount of ₱83,945.80 as actual damages
findings of the trial court in this case, especially with its full
and ₱100,000.00 as attorney’s fees.9 The actual damages were
affirmance by respondent Court of Appeals.
awarded as reimbursement for the expenses incurred by Mindanao
Terminal’s lawyer in attending the hearings in the case wherein he
On this note, the case at bar goes into the annals of our jurisprudence had to travel all the way from Metro Manila to Davao City.
after six years and recedes into the memories of our legal experience
as just another inexplicable inevitability. We will never know exactly
Phoenix and McGee appealed to the Court of Appeals. The appellate
how many man-hours went into the preparation, litigation and
court reversed and set aside10 the decision of the RTC in its 29
adjudication of this simple dispute over an oven, which the parties
October 2003 decision. The same court ordered Mindanao Terminal to
will no doubt insist they contested as a matter of principle. One thing,
pay Phoenix and McGee "the total amount of $210,265.45 plus legal
however, is certain. As long as the first letter in "principle" is
interest from the filing of the complaint until fully paid and attorney’s
somehow outplaced by the peso sign, the courts will always have to
fees of 20% of the claim."11 It sustained Phoenix’s and McGee’s
resolve similar controversies although mutual goodwill could have
argument that the damage in the cargoes was the result of improper
dispensed with judicial recourse.
stowage by Mindanao Terminal. It imposed on Mindanao Terminal, as
the stevedore of the cargo, the duty to exercise extraordinary diligence
IN VIEW OF ALL OF THE FOREGOING, the assailed judgment of in loading and stowing the cargoes. It further held that even with the
respondent Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED in toto. absence of a contractual relationship between Mindanao Terminal
and Del Monte Produce, the cause of action of Phoenix and McGee
G.R. No. 162467 May 8, 2009 could be based on quasi-delict under Article 2176 of the Civil Code.12

MINDANAO TERMINAL AND BROKERAGE SERVICE, Mindanao Terminal filed a motion for reconsideration,13 which the
INC. Petitioner, Court of Appeals denied in its 26 February 200414 resolution. Hence,
vs. the present petition for review.
CO., INC., Respondent. Mindanao Terminal raises two issues in the case at bar, namely:
whether it was careless and negligent in the loading and stowage of
DECISION the cargoes onboard M/V Mistrau making it liable for damages; and,
whether Phoenix and McGee has a cause of action against Mindanao
Terminal under Article 2176 of the Civil Code on quasi-delict. To
TINGA, J.: resolve the petition, three questions have to be answered: first,
whether Phoenix and McGee have a cause of action against Mindanao
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari1 under Rule 45 of the Terminal; second, whether Mindanao Terminal, as a stevedoring
1997 Rules of Civil Procedure of the 29 October 20032 Decision of the company, is under obligation to observe the same extraordinary
Court of Appeals and the 26 February 2004 Resolution3 of the same degree of diligence in the conduct of its business as required by law for
court denying petitioner’s motion for reconsideration. common carriers15 and warehousemen;16 and third, whether Mindanao
Terminal observed the degree of diligence required by law of a
stevedoring company.
The facts of the case are not disputed.

We agree with the Court of Appeals that the complaint filed by

Del Monte Philippines, Inc. (Del Monte) contracted petitioner Phoenix and McGee against Mindanao Terminal, from which the
Mindanao Terminal and Brokerage Service, Inc. (Mindanao present case has arisen, states a cause of action. The present action is
Terminal), a stevedoring company, to load and stow a shipment of based on quasi-delict, arising from the negligent and careless loading
146,288 cartons of fresh green Philippine bananas and 15,202 cartons and stowing of the cargoes belonging to Del Monte Produce. Even
of fresh pineapples belonging to Del Monte Fresh Produce assuming that both Phoenix and McGee have only been subrogated in
International, Inc. (Del Monte Produce) into the cargo hold of the the rights of Del Monte Produce, who is not a party to the contract of
vessel M/V Mistrau. The vessel was docked at the port of Davao City service between Mindanao Terminal and Del Monte, still the
and the goods were to be transported by it to the port of Inchon, Korea insurance carriers may have a cause of action in light of the Court’s
in favor of consignee Taegu Industries, Inc. Del Monte Produce consistent ruling that the act that breaks the contract may be also a
insured the shipment under an "open cargo policy" with private tort.17 In fine, a liability for tort may arise even under a contract,
respondent Phoenix Assurance Company of New York (Phoenix), a where tort is that which breaches the contract18 . In the present case,
non-life insurance company, and private respondent McGee & Co. Inc. Phoenix and McGee are not suing for damages for injuries arising
(McGee), the underwriting manager/agent of Phoenix.4 from the breach of the contract of service but from the alleged
negligent manner by which Mindanao Terminal handled the cargoes having the burden of proof fails upon that issue. That is to say, if the
belonging to Del Monte Produce. Despite the absence of contractual evidence touching a disputed fact is equally balanced, or if it does not
relationship between Del Monte Produce and Mindanao Terminal, the produce a just, rational belief of its existence, or if it leaves the mind
allegation of negligence on the part of the defendant should be in a state of perplexity, the party holding the affirmative as to such
sufficient to establish a cause of action arising from quasi-delict.19 fact must fail.261avvphi1

The resolution of the two remaining issues is determinative of the We adopt the findings27 of the RTC,28 which are not disputed by
ultimate result of this case. Phoenix and McGee. The Court of Appeals did not make any new
findings of fact when it reversed the decision of the trial court. The
only participation of Mindanao Terminal was to load the cargoes on
Article 1173 of the Civil Code is very clear that if the law or contract
board M/V Mistrau.29 It was not disputed by Phoenix and McGee that
does not state the degree of diligence which is to be observed in the
the materials, such as ropes, pallets, and cardboards, used in lashing
performance of an obligation then that which is expected of a good
and rigging the cargoes were all provided by M/V Mistrau and these
father of a family or ordinary diligence shall be required. Mindanao
materials meets industry standard.30
Terminal, a stevedoring company which was charged with the loading
and stowing the cargoes of Del Monte Produce aboard M/V Mistrau,
had acted merely as a labor provider in the case at bar. There is no It was further established that Mindanao Terminal loaded and stowed
specific provision of law that imposes a higher degree of diligence than the cargoes of Del Monte Produce aboard the M/V Mistrau in
ordinary diligence for a stevedoring company or one who is charged accordance with the stowage plan, a guide for the area assignments of
only with the loading and stowing of cargoes. It was neither alleged the goods in the vessel’s hold, prepared by Del Monte Produce and the
nor proven by Phoenix and McGee that Mindanao Terminal was officers of M/V Mistrau.31 The loading and stowing was done under
bound by contractual stipulation to observe a higher degree of the direction and supervision of the ship officers. The vessel’s officer
diligence than that required of a good father of a family. We therefore would order the closing of the hatches only if the loading was done
conclude that following Article 1173, Mindanao Terminal was correctly after a final inspection.32 The said ship officers would not
required to observe ordinary diligence only in loading and stowing the have accepted the cargoes on board the vessel if they were not
cargoes of Del Monte Produce aboard M/V Mistrau. properly arranged and tightly secured to withstand the voyage in open
seas. They would order the stevedore to rectify any error in its loading
and stowing. A foreman’s report, as proof of work done on board the
imposing a higher degree of diligence,21 on Mindanao Terminal in
vessel, was prepared by the checkers of Mindanao Terminal and
loading and stowing the cargoes. The case of Summa Insurance
concurred in by the Chief Officer of M/V Mistrau after they were
Corporation v. CA, which involved the issue of whether an arrastre
satisfied that the cargoes were properly loaded.33
operator is legally liable for the loss of a shipment in its custody and
the extent of its liability, is inapplicable to the factual circumstances
of the case at bar. Therein, a vessel owned by the National Galleon Phoenix and McGee relied heavily on the deposition of Byeong Yong
Shipping Corporation (NGSC) arrived at Pier 3, South Harbor, Ahn34 and on the survey report35 of the damage to the cargoes.
Manila, carrying a shipment consigned to the order of Caterpillar Far Byeong, whose testimony was refreshed by the survey report,36 found
East Ltd. with Semirara Coal Corporation (Semirara) as "notify that the cause of the damage was improper stowage 37 due to the
party." The shipment, including a bundle of PC 8 U blades, was manner the cargoes were arranged such that there were no spaces
discharged from the vessel to the custody of the private respondent, between cartons, the use of cardboards as support system, and the use
the exclusive arrastre operator at the South Harbor. Accordingly, of small rope to tie the cartons together but not by the negligent
three good-order cargo receipts were issued by NGSC, duly signed by conduct of Mindanao Terminal in loading and stowing the cargoes. As
the ship's checker and a representative of private respondent. When admitted by Phoenix and McGee in their Comment38 before us, the
Semirara inspected the shipment at house, it discovered that the latter is merely a stevedoring company which was tasked by Del
bundle of PC8U blades was missing. From those facts, the Court Monte to load and stow the shipments of fresh banana and pineapple
observed: of Del Monte Produce aboard the M/V Mistrau. How and where it
should load and stow a shipment in a vessel is wholly dependent on
the shipper and the officers of the vessel. In other words, the work of
x x x The relationship therefore between the consignee and the
the stevedore was under the supervision of the shipper and officers of
arrastre operator must be examined. This relationship is much akin
the vessel. Even the materials used for stowage, such as ropes,
to that existing between the consignee or owner of shipped goods and
pallets, and cardboards, are provided for by the vessel. Even the
the common carrier, or that between a depositor and a
survey report found that it was because of the boisterous stormy
warehouseman[22 ]. In the performance of its obligations, an arrastre
weather due to the typhoon Seth, as encountered by M/V
operator should observe the same degree of diligence as that
Mistrau during its voyage, which caused the shipments in the cargo
required of a common carrier and a warehouseman as
hold to collapse, shift and bruise in extensive extent.39 Even the
enunciated under Article 1733 of the Civil Code and Section 3(b) of the
deposition of Byeong was not supported by the conclusion in the
Warehouse Receipts Law, respectively. Being the custodian of the
survey report that:
goods discharged from a vessel, an arrastre operator's duty is
to take good care of the goods and to turn them over to the
party entitled to their possession. (Emphasis supplied)23 CAUSE OF DAMAGE

There is a distinction between an arrastre and a stevedore.24 Arrastre, xxx

a Spanish word which refers to hauling of cargo, comprehends the
handling of cargo on the wharf or between the establishment of the
From the above facts and our survey results, we are of the opinion
consignee or shipper and the ship's tackle. The responsibility of the
that damage occurred aboard the carrying vessel during sea transit,
arrastre operator lasts until the delivery of the cargo to the consignee.
being caused by ship’s heavy rolling and pitching under boisterous
The service is usually performed by longshoremen. On the other hand,
weather while proceeding from 1600 hrs on 7th October to 0700 hrs on
stevedoring refers to the handling of the cargo in the holds of the
12th October, 1994 as described in the sea protest.40
vessel or between the ship's tackle and the holds of the vessel. The
responsibility of the stevedore ends upon the loading and stowing of
the cargo in the vessel.1avvphi1 As it is clear that Mindanao Terminal had duly exercised the required
degree of diligence in loading and stowing the cargoes, which is the
ordinary diligence of a good father of a family, the grant of the petition
It is not disputed that Mindanao Terminal was performing purely
is in order.
stevedoring function while the private respondent in the Summa case
was performing arrastre function. In the present case, Mindanao
Terminal, as a stevedore, was only charged with the loading and However, the Court finds no basis for the award of attorney’s fees in
stowing of the cargoes from the pier to the ship’s cargo hold; it was favor of None of the circumstances enumerated
never the custodian of the shipment of Del Monte Produce. A in Article 2208 of the Civil Code exists. The present case is clearly not
stevedore is not a common carrier for it does not transport goods or an unfounded civil action against the plaintiff as there is no showing
passengers; it is not akin to a warehouseman for it does not store that it was instituted for the mere purpose of vexation or injury. It is
goods for profit. The loading and stowing of cargoes would not have a not sound public policy to set a premium to the right to litigate where
far reaching public ramification as that of a common carrier and a such right is exercised in good faith, even if erroneously. 41 Likewise,
warehouseman; the public is adequately protected by our laws on the RTC erred in awarding ₱83,945.80 actual damages to Mindanao
contract and on quasi-delict. The public policy considerations in Terminal. Although actual expenses were incurred by Mindanao
legally imposing upon a common carrier or a warehouseman a higher Terminal in relation to the trial of this case in Davao City, the lawyer
degree of diligence is not present in a stevedoring outfit which mainly of Mindanao Terminal incurred expenses for plane fare, hotel
provides labor in loading and stowing of cargoes for its clients. accommodations and food, as well as other miscellaneous expenses, as
he attended the trials coming all the way from Manila. But there is no
showing that Phoenix and McGee made a false claim against
In the third issue, Phoenix and McGee failed to prove by
Mindanao Terminal resulting in the protracted trial of the case
preponderance of evidence25 that Mindanao Terminal had acted
necessitating the incurrence of expenditures.42
negligently. Where the evidence on an issue of fact is in equipoise or
there is any doubt on which side the evidence preponderates the party
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of the Court As between the aforementioned two documentary exhibits,
of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 66121 is SET ASIDE and the decision of the Court is more inclined to give credence to the cargo
the Regional Trial Court of Davao City, Branch 12 in Civil Case No. receipts. Said cargo receipts were signed by a checker of
25,311.97 is hereby REINSTATED MINUS the awards of defendant NGSC and a representative of Metro Port. It is
₱100,000.00 as attorney’s fees and ₱83,945.80 as actual damages. safe to presume that the cargo receipts accurately describe
the quantity and condition of the shipment when it was
discharged from the vessel. Metro Port's representative
G.R. No. 84680 February 5, 1996
would not have signed the cargo receipts if only four (4)
packages were discharged from the vessel and given to the
SUMMA INSURANCE CORPORATION, petitioner, possession and custody of the arrastre operator. Having
vs. been signed by its representative, the Metro Port is bound
COURT OF APPEALS and METRO PORT SERVICE, by the contents of the cargo receipts.
INC., respondents.
On the other hand, the Metro Port's shortlanded certificate
DECISION could not be given much weight considering that, as
correctly argued by counsel for defendant NGSC, it was
PANGANIBAN, J.: issued by Metro Port alone and was not countersigned by
the representatives of the shipping company and the
consignee. Besides, the certificate was prepared by Atty.
Is an arrastre operator legally liable for the loss of a shipment in its Servillano V. Dolina, Second Deputy General Manager of
custody? If so, what is the extent of its liability? These are the two Metro Port, and there is no proof on record that he was
questions that this Court faced in this petition for review present at the time the subject shipment was unloaded from
on certiorari of the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals2 in CA-G.R. No. the vessel and received by the arrastre operator. Moreover,
CV 04964 promulgated on April 27, 1988, which affirmed with the shortlanded certificate bears the date of March 15, 1982,
modification the decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila in more than three months after the discharge of the cargo
Civil Case No. 82-13988, ordering petitioner to pay private respondent from the carrying vessel.
a sum of money, with legal interest, attorney's fees and the costs of
the suit.
Neither could the Court give probative value to the marine
report (Exhibit "J", also Exhibit "l"-Razon). The attending
The Facts surveyor who attended the unloading of the shipment did
not take the witness stand to testify on said report.
On November 22, 1981, the S/S "Galleon Sapphire", a vessel owned by Although Transnational Adjustment Co.'s general manager,
the National Galleon Shipping Corporation (NGSC), arrived at Pier 3, Mariano C. Remorin, was presented as a witness, his
South Harbor, Manila, carrying a shipment consigned to the order of testimony is not competent because he was not present at
Caterpillar Far East Ltd. with Semirara Coal Corporation (Semirara) the time of the discharge of the cargo.
as "notify party". The shipment, including a bundle of PC 8 U blades,
was covered by marine insurance under Certificate No. 82/012-FEZ Under the foregoing considerations, the Court finds that the
issued by petitioner and Bill of Lading No. SF/MLA 1014. The one (1) bundle of PC8U blade in question was not lost while
shipment was discharged from the vessel to the custody of private the cargo was in the custody of the carrying vessel.
respondent, formerly known as E. Razon, Inc., the exclusive arrastre Considering that the missing bundle was discharged from
operator at the South Harbor. Accordingly, three good-order cargo the vessel unto the custody of defendant arrastre operator
receipts were issued by NGSC, duly signed by the ship's checker and a and considering further that the consignee did not receive
representative of private respondent. this cargo from the arrastre operator, it is safe to conclude
from these facts that said missing cargo was lost while same
On February 24, 1982, the forwarder, Sterling International was in the possession and control of defendant Metro Port.
Brokerage Corporation, withdrew the shipment from the pier and Defendant Metro Port has not introduced competent
loaded it on the barge "Semirara 8104". The barge arrived at its port evidence to prove that the loss was not due to its fault or
of destination, Semirara Island, on March 9, 1982. When Semirara negligence. Consequently, only the Metro Port must answer
inspected the shipment at its warehouse, it discovered that the bundle for the value of the missing cargo. Defendant NGSC is
of PC8U blades was missing. absolved of any liability for such loss.

On March 15, 1982, private respondent issued a short-landed On appeal, the Court of Appeals modified the decision of the trial
certificate-stating that the bundle of PC8U blades was already court and reduced private respondent's liability to P3,500.00 as
missing when it received the shipment from the NGSC vessel. follows3 :
Semirara then filed with petitioner, private respondent and NGSC its
claim for P280,969.68, the alleged value of the lost bundle. WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is MODIFIED
in that defendant Metro Port Service, Inc., is ordered to pay
On September 29, 1982, petitioner paid Semirara the invoice value of plaintiff Summa Insurance Corporation:
the lost shipment. Semirara thereafter executed a release of claim and
subrogation receipt. Consequently, petitioner filed its claims with (1) the sum of P3,500.00, with legal interest from November
NGSC and private respondent but it was unsuccessful. 22, 1982, until fully paid; and

Petitioner then filed a complaint (Civil Case No. 8213988) with the (2) the sum of P7,000.00, as and for attorney's fees.
Regional Trial Court, Branch XXIV, Manila, against NGSC and
private respondent for collection of a sum of money, damages and
attorney's fees. Costs against defendant Metro Port Service, Inc.

On August 2, 1984, the trial court rendered a decision absolving Petitioner moved for reconsideration of the said decision but the Court
NGSC from any liability but finding private respondent liable to of Appeals denied the same. Hence, the instant petition.
petitioner. The dispositive portion of the decision reads as follows:
The Issues
PREMISES CONSIDERED, judgment is hereby rendered
ordering defendant Metro Port Service, Inc. to pay plaintiff The issues brought by the parties could be stated as follows:
Summa Insurance Corporation the sum of P280,969.68 with
legal interest from November 22, 1982, the date of the filing
(1) Is the private respondent legally liable for the loss of the
of the complaint, until full payment, and attorney's fees in
shipment in question?
the sum of P20,000.00, with costs of suit.

(2) If so, what is the extent of its liability?

The complaint as against defendant National Galleon
Shipping Corporation and the counterclaim interposed by
said defendant are hereby dismissed. (Rollo, p. 32). The First Issue: Liability for Loss of Shipment

In resolving the issue as to who had custody of the shipment when it Petitioner was subrogated to the rights of the consignee. The
was lost, the trial court relied more on the good-order cargo receipts relationship therefore between the consignee and the arrastre
issued by NGSC than on the short-landed certificate issued by private operator must be examined. This relationship is much akin to that
respondent. The trial court held: existing between the consignee or owner of shipped goods and the
common carrier, or that between a depositor and a warehouseman 4 . values, nor exercise care and caution only for the handling of goods
In the performance of its obligations, an arrastre operator should announced to it beforehand to be of sizeable value, for that would be
observe the same degree of diligence as that required of a common spurning the public service nature of its business.
carrier and a warehouseman as enunciated under Article 1733 of the
Civil Code and Section 3(8) of the Warehouse Receipts Law,
On the same provision limiting the arrastre operator's liability, the
respectively. Being the custodian of the goods discharged from a
Court held in Northern Motors, Inc. v. Prince Line12:
vessel, an arrastre operator's duty is to take good care of the goods
and to turn them over to the party entitled to their possession.
Appellant claims that the above quoted provision is null and
void, as it limits the liability of appellee for the loss,
In this case, it has been established that the shipment was lost while
destruction or damage of any merchandise, to P500.00 per
in the custody of private respondent. We find private respondent
package, contending that to sustain the validity of the
liable for the loss. This is an issue of fact determined by the trial court
limitation would be to encourage acts of conversion and
and respondent Court, which is not reviewable in a petition under
unjust enrichment on the part of the arrastre operator.
Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
Appellant, however, overlooks the fact that the limitation of
appellee's liability under said provision, is not absolute or
The Second Issue: Extent of Liability unqualified, for if the value of the merchandise is specified
or manifested by the consignee, and the corresponding
arrastre charges are paid on the basis of the declared value,
In the performance of its job, an arrastre operator is bound by the
the limitation does not apply. Consequently, the questioned
management contract it had executed with the Bureau of Customs.
provision is neither unfair nor abitrary, as contended,
However, a management contract, which is a sort of a stipulation pour
because the consignee has it in his hands to hold, if he so
autrui within the meaning of Article 1311 of the Civil Code, is also
wishes, the arrastre operator responsible for the full value of
binding on a consignee because it is incorporated in the gate pass and
his merchandise by merely specifying it in any of the various
delivery receipt which must be presented by the consignee before
documents required of him, in clearing the merchandise
delivery can be effected to5 .The insurer, as successor-in-interest of the
from the customs. For then, the appellee arrastre operator,
consignee, is likewise bound by the management contract6 . Indeed,
by reasons of the payment to it of a commensurate charge
upon taking delivery of the cargo, a consignee (and necessarily its
based on the higher declared value of the merchandise,
successor-in-interest) tacitly accepts the provisions of the
could and should take extraordinary care of the special or
management contract, including those which are intended to limit the
valuable cargo. In this manner, there would be mutuality.
liability of one of the contracting parties, the arrastre operator. 7
What would, indeed, be unfair and arbitrary is to hold the
arrastre operator liable for the full value of the merchandise
However, a consignee who does not avail of the services of the arrastre after the consignee has paid the arrastre charges only (on) a
operator is not bound by the management contract8 . Such an basis much lower than the true value of the goods.
exception to the rule does not obtain here as the consignee did in fact
accept delivery of the cargo from the arrastre operator.
In this case, no evidence was offered by petitioner proving the amount
of arrastre fees paid to private respondent so as to put the latter on
Section 1, Article VI of the Management Contract between private notice of the value of the cargo. While petitioner alleged that prior to
respondent and the Bureau of Customs9 provides: the loss of the package, its value had been relayed to private
respondent through the documents the latter had processed,
1. Responsibility and Liability for Losses and Damages The petitioner does not categorically state that among the submitted
CONTRACTOR shall, at its own expense handle all documents were the pro forma invoice value and the certified packing
merchandise in the piers and other designated places and at list. Neither does petitioner pretend that these two documents were
its own expense perform all work undertaken by it prerequisites to the issuance of a permit to deliver or were
hereunder diligently and in a skillful workmanlike and attachments thereto. Even the permit to deliver, upon which
efficient manner; that the CONTRACTOR shall be solely petitioner anchors its arguments, may not be considered by the Court
responsible as an independent CONTRACTOR, and hereby because it was not identified and formally offered in evidence 13 .
agrees to accept liability and to promptly pay to the
steamship company, consignee, consignor or other interested In civil cases, the burden of proof is on the party who would be
party or parties for the loss, damage, or non-delivery of defeated if no evidence is given on either side. Said party must
cargoes to the extent of the actual invoice value of each establish his case by a preponderance of evidence, which means that
package which in no case shall be more than Three the evidence as a whole adduced by one side is superior to that of the
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P3,500.00) for each package other 14 . Petitioner having asserted the affirmative of the issue in this
unless the value of the importation is otherwise specified or case, it should have presented evidence required to obtain a favorable
manifested or communicated in writing together with the judgment.
invoice value and supported by a certified packing list to the
CONTRACTOR by the interested party or parties before the
On the other hand, on top of its denial that it had received the invoice
discharge of the goods, as well as all damage that may be
value and the packing list before the discharge of the shipment,
suffered on account of loss, damage, or destruction of any
private respondent was able to prove that it was apprised of the value
merchandise while in custody or under the control of the
of the cargo only after its discharge from the vessel, ironically through
CONTRACTOR in any pier, shed, warehouse, facility or
petitioner's claim for the lost package to which were attached the
other designated place under the supervision of the
invoice and packing list. All told, petitioner failed to convince the
BUREAU, . . . (Emphasis supplied).
Court that the requirement of the management contract had been
complied with to entitle it to recover the actual invoice value of the
Interpreting a similar provision in the management contract between lost shipment.
private respondent's predecessor, E. Razon, Inc. and the Bureau of
Customs, the Court said in E. Razon Inc. vs. Court of Appeals 10 :
Anent the attorney 's fees, we find the award to be proper considering
that the acts and omissions of private respondent have compelled
Indeed, the provision in the management contract regarding petitioner to litigate or incur expenses to protect its rights 15 .
the declaration of the actual invoice value "before the arrival However, as to the amount of the award, we find no reason to re-
of the goods" must be understood to mean a declaration examine the appellate court's determination thereon in view of the
before the arrival of the goods in the custody of the arrastre amount of the principal obligation. Otherwise, we would be
operator, whether it be done long before the landing of the disregarding the doctrine that discretion, when well exercised, should
shipment at port, or immediately before turn-over thereof to not be disturbed.
the arrastre operator's custody. What is essential is
knowledge beforehand of the extent of the risk to be
WHEREFORE, the petition for review on certiorari is DENIED and
undertaken by the arrastre operator, as determined by the
the decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED. Costs against
value of the property committed to its care that it may
define its responsibility for loss or damage to such cargo and
to ascertain compensation commensurate to such risk
assumed . . . . G.R. No. 125524 August 25, 1999

In the same case, the Court added that the advance notice of the BENITO MACAM doing business under the name and style
actual invoice of the goods entrusted to the arrastre operator is "for BEN-MAC ENTERPRISES, petitioner,
the purpose of determining its liability, that it may obtain vs.
compensation commensurable to the risk it assumes, (and) not for the COURT OF APPEALS, CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING CO., and/or
purpose of determining the degree of care or diligence it must exercise WALLEM PHILIPPINES SHIPPING, INC.,respondents.
as a depository or warehouseman" 11 since the arrastre operator
should not discriminate between cargoes of substantial and small
BELLOSILLO, J.: transactions between the parties, shipped cargoes were sometimes
actually delivered not to the consignee but to notify party GPC
without need of the bills of lading or bank guarantee.6 Moreover, the
On 4 April 1989 petitioner Benito Macam, doing business under the
bills of lading were viewed by respondent court to have been properly
name and style Ben-Mac Enterprises, shipped on board the vessel Nen
superseded by the telex instruction and to implement the instruction,
Jiang, owned and operated by respondent China Ocean Shipping Co.,
the delivery of the shipment must be to GPC, the real importer/buyer
through local agent respondent Wallem Philippines Shipping, Inc.
of the goods as shown by the export invoices,7 and not to PAKISTAN
(hereinafter WALLEM), 3,500 boxes of watermelons valued at
BANK since the latter could very well present the bills of lading in its
US$5,950.00 covered by Bill of Lading No. HKG 99012 and exported
possession; likewise, if it were the PAKISTAN BANK to which the
through Letter of Credit No. HK 1031/30 issued by National Bank of
cargoes were to be strictly delivered it would no longer be proper to
Pakistan, Hongkong (hereinafter PAKISTAN BANK) and 1,611 boxes
require a bank guarantee. Respondent court noted that besides, GPC
of fresh mangoes with a value of US$14,273.46 covered by Bill of
was listed as a consignee in the telex. It observed further that the
Lading No. HKG 99013 and exported through Letter of Credit No. HK
demand letter of petitioner to respondents never complained of
1032/30 also issued by PAKISTAN BANK. The Bills of Lading
misdelivery of goods. Lastly, respondent court found that petitioner's
contained the following pertinent provision: "One of the Bills of
claim of having reimbursed the amount involved to SOLIDBANK was
Lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods
unsubstantiated. Thus, on 13 March 1996 respondent court set aside
or delivery order.1 The shipment was bound for Hongkong with
the decision of the trial court and dismissed the complaint together
PAKISTAN BANK as consignee and Great Prospect Company of
with the counterclaims.8 On 5 July 1996 reconsideration was denied.9
Kowloon, Hongkong (hereinafter GPC) as notify party.

Petitioner submits that the fact that the shipment was not delivered
On 6 April 1989, per letter of credit requirement, copies of the bills of
to the consignee as stated in the bill of lading or to a party designated
lading and commercial invoices were submitted to petitioner's
or named by the consignee constitutes a misdelivery thereof.
depository bank, Consolidated Banking Corporation (hereinafter
Moreover, petitioner argues that from the text of the telex, assuming
SOLIDBANK), which paid petitioner in advance the total value of the
there was such an instruction, the delivery of the shipment without
shipment of US$20,223.46.1âwphi1.nêt
the required bill of lading or bank guarantee should be made only to
the designated consignee, referring to PAKISTAN BANK.
Upon arrival in Hongkong, the shipment was delivered by respondent
WALLEM directly to GPC, not to PAKISTAN BANK, and without the
We are not persuaded. The submission of petitioner that "the fact that
required bill of lading having been surrendered. Subsequently, GPC
the shipment was not delivered to the consignee as stated in the Bill
failed to pay PAKISTAN BANK such that the latter, still in
of Lading or to a party designated or named by the consignee
possession of the original bills of lading, refused to pay petitioner
constitutes a misdelivery thereof" is a deviation from his cause of
through SOLIDBANK. Since SOLIDBANK already pre-paid
action before the trial court. It is clear from the allegation in his
petitioner the value of the shipment, it demanded payment from
complaint that it does not deal with misdelivery of the cargoes but of
respondent WALLEM through five (5) letters but was refused.
delivery to GPC without the required bills of lading and bank
Petitioner was thus allegedly constrained to return the amount
guarantee —
involved to SOLIDBANK, then demanded payment from respondent
WALLEM in writing but to no avail.
6. The goods arrived in Hongkong and were released by the
defendant Wallem directly to the buyer/notify party, Great
On 25 September 1991 petitioner sought collection of the value of the
Prospect Company and not to the consignee, the National
shipment of US$20,223.46 or its equivalent of P546,033.42 from
Bank of Pakistan, Hongkong, without the required bills of
respondents before the Regional Trial Court of Manila, based on
lading and bank guarantee for the release of the shipment
delivery of the shipment to GPC without presentation of the bills of
issued by the consignee of the goods . . . .10
lading and bank guarantee.

Even going back to an event that transpired prior to the filing of the
Respondents contended that the shipment was delivered to GPC
present case or when petitioner wrote respondent WALLEM
without presentation of the bills of lading and bank guarantee per
demanding payment of the value of the cargoes, misdelivery of the
request of petitioner himself because the shipment consisted of
cargoes did not come into the picture —
perishable goods. The telex dated 5 April 1989 conveying such request
read —
We are writing you on behalf of our client, Ben-Mac
Enterprises who informed us that Bills of Lading No. 99012
and 99013 with a total value of US$20,223.46 were released
to Great Prospect, Hongkong without the necessary bank
guarantee. We were further informed that the consignee of
guarantee since for prepaid shipt ofrt charges already fully
the goods, National Bank of Pakistan, Hongkong, did not
paid our end . . . .3
release or endorse the original bills of lading. As a result
thereof, neither the consignee, National Bank of Pakistan,
Respondents explained that it is a standard maritime practice, when Hongkong, nor the importer, Great Prospect Company,
immediate delivery is of the essence, for the shipper to request or Hongkong, paid our client for the goods . . . .11
instruct the carrier to deliver the goods to the buyer upon arrival at
the port of destination without requiring presentation of the bill of
At any rate, we shall dwell on petitioner's submission only as a
lading as that usually takes time. As proof thereof, respondents
prelude to our discussion on the imputed liability of respondents
apprised the trial court that for the duration of their two-year
concerning the shipped goods. Article 1736 of the Civil Code provides
business relationship with petitioner concerning similar shipments to

GPC deliveries were effected without presentation of the bills of
lading.4 Respondents advanced next that the refusal of PAKISTAN
BANK to pay the letters of credit to SOLIDBANK was due to the Art. 1736. The extraordinary responsibility of the common
latter's failure to submit a Certificate of Quantity and Quality. carriers lasts from the time the goods are unconditionally
Respondents counterclaimed for attorney's fees and costs of suit. placed in the possession of, and received by the carrier for
transportation until the same are delivered, actually or
constructively, by the carrier to the consignee, or to the
On 14 May 1993 the trial court ordered respondents to pay, jointly
person who has a right to receive them, without prejudice to
and severally, the following amounts: (1) P546,033.42 plus legal
the provisions of article 1738.12
interest from 6 April 1989 until full payment; (2) P10,000.00 as
attorney's fees; and, (3) the costs. The counterclaims were dismissed
for lack of merit.5 The trial court opined that respondents breached We emphasize that the extraordinary responsibility of the common
the provision in the bill of lading requiring that "one of the Bills of carriers lasts until actual or constructive delivery of the cargoes to the
Lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods consignee or to the person who has a right to receive them. PAKISTAN
or delivery order," when they released the shipment to GPC without BANK was indicated in the bills of lading as consignee whereas GPC
presentation of the bills of lading and the bank guarantee that should was the notify party. However, in the export invoices GPC was clearly
have been issued by PAKISTAN BANK in lieu of the bills of lading. named as buyer/importer. Petitioner also referred to GPC as such in
The trial court added that the shipment should not have been released his demand letter to respondent WALLEM and in his complaint
to GPC at all since the instruction contained in the telex was to before the trial court. This premise draws us to conclude that the
arrange delivery to the respective consignees and not to any party. delivery of the cargoes to GPC as buyer/importer which, conformably
The trial court observed that the only role of GPC in the transaction with Art. 1736 had, other than the consignee, the right to receive
as notify party was precisely to be notified of the arrival of the cargoes them14 was proper.
in Hongkong so it could in turn duly advise the consignee.
The real issue is whether respondents are liable to petitioner for
Respondent Court of Appeals appreciated the evidence in a different releasing the goods to GPC without the bills of lading or bank
manner. According to it, as established by previous similar guarantee.
Respondents submitted in evidence a telex dated 5 April 1989 as basis Q: Can you explain (to) this Honorable Court what
for delivering the cargoes to GPC without the bills of lading and bank telegraphic transfer is?
guarantee. The telex instructed delivery of various shipments to the
respective consignees without need of presenting the bill of lading and
A: Telegraphic transfer, it means advance payment that I
bank guarantee per the respective shipper's request since "for prepaid
am already fully paid . . . .
shipt ofrt charges already fully paid." Petitioner was named therein as
shipper and GPC as consignee with respect to Bill of Lading Nos.
HKG 99012 and HKG 99013. Petitioner disputes the existence of such Q: Mr. Macam, with regard to Wallem and to Great
instruction and claims that this evidence is self-serving. Prospect, would you know and can you recall that any of
your shipment was released to Great Prospect by Wallem
through telegraphic transfer?
From the testimony of petitioner, we gather that he has been
transacting with GPC as buyer/importer for around two (2) or three
(3) years already. When mangoes and watermelons are in season, his A: I could not recall but there were so many instances sir.
shipment to GPC using the facilities of respondents is twice or thrice a
week. The goods are released to GPC. It has been the practice of Q: Mr. Witness, do you confirm before this Court that in
petitioner to request the shipping lines to immediately release previous shipments of your goods through Wallem, you
perishable cargoes such as watermelons and fresh mangoes through requested Wallem to release immediately your perishable
telephone calls by himself or his "people." In transactions covered by a goods to the buyer?
letter of credit, bank guarantee is normally required by the shipping
lines prior to releasing the goods. But for buyers using telegraphic
transfers, petitioner dispenses with the bank guarantee because the A: Yes, that is the request of the shippers of the perishable
goods are already fully paid. In his several years of business goods . . . .16
relationship with GPC and respondents, there was not a single
instance when the bill of lading was first presented before the release Q: Now, Mr. Macam, if you request the Shipping Lines for
of the cargoes. He admitted the existence of the telex of 3 July 1989 the release of your goods immediately even without the
containing his request to deliver the shipment to the consignee presentation of OBL, how do you course it?
without presentation of the bill of lading15 but not the telex of 5 April
1989 because he could not remember having made such request.
A: Usually, I call up the Shipping Lines, sir . . . .17

Consider pertinent portions of petitioner's testimony —

Q: You also testified you made this request through phone
calls. Who of you talked whenever you made such phone
Q: Are you aware of any document which would indicate or call?
show that your request to the defendant Wallem for the
immediate release of your fresh fruits, perishable goods, to
Great Prospect without the presentation of the original Bill A: Mostly I let my people to call, sir. (sic)
of Lading?
Q: So everytime you made a shipment on perishable goods
A: Yes, by telegraphic transfer, which means that it is fully you let your people to call? (sic)
paid. And I requested immediate release of the cargo
because there was immediate payment. A: Not everytime, sir.

Q: And you are referring, therefore, to this copy Telex Q: You did not make this request in writing?
release that you mentioned where your Company's name
appears Ben-Mac?
A: No, sir. I think I have no written request with Wallem . . .
Atty. Hernandez: Just for the record, Your Honor,
the witness is showing a Bill of Lading referring to
SKG (sic) 93023 and 93026 with Great Prospect Against petitioner's claim of "not remembering" having made a
Company. request for delivery of subject cargoes to GPC without presentation of
the bills of lading and bank guarantee as reflected in the telex of 5
April 1989 are damaging disclosures in his testimony. He declared
Atty. Ventura: that it was his practice to ask the shipping lines to immediately
release shipment of perishable goods through telephone calls by
Q: Is that the telegraphic transfer? himself or his "people." He no longer required presentation of a bill of
lading nor of a bank guarantee as a condition to releasing the goods in
case he was already fully paid. Thus, taking into account that subject
A: Yes, actually, all the shippers partially request for the shipment consisted of perishable goods and SOLIDBANK pre-paid the
immediate release of the goods when they are perishable. I full amount of the value thereof, it is not hard to believe the claim of
thought Wallem Shipping Lines is not neophyte in the respondent WALLEM that petitioner indeed requested the release of
business. As far as LC is concerned, Bank guarantee is the goods to GPC without presentation of the bills of lading and bank
needed for the immediate release of the goods . . . .15 guarantee.

Q: Mr. Witness, you testified that if is the practice of the The instruction in the telex of 5 April 1989 was "to deliver the
shipper of the perishable goods to ask the shipping lines to shipment to respective consignees." And so petitioner argues that,
release immediately the shipment. Is that correct? assuming there was such an instruction, the consignee referred to was
PAKISTAN BANK. We find the argument too simplistic. Respondent
A: Yes, sir. court analyzed the telex in its entirety and correctly arrived at the
conclusion that the consignee referred to was not PAKISTAN BANK
but GPC —
Q: Now, it is also the practice of the shipper to allow the
shipping lines to release the perishable goods to the
importer of goods without a Bill of Lading or Bank There is no mistake that the originals of the two (2) subject
guarantee? Bills of Lading are still in the possession of the Pakistani
Bank. The appealed decision affirms this fact. Conformably,
to implement the said telex instruction, the delivery of the
A: No, it cannot be without the Bank Guarantee. shipment must be to GPC, the notify party or real
importer/buyer of the goods and not the Pakistani Bank
Atty. Hernandez: since the latter can very well present the original Bills of
Lading in its possession. Likewise, if it were the Pakistani
Bank to whom the cargoes were to be strictly delivered, it
Q: Can you tell us an instance when you will allow the
will no longer be proper to require a bank guarantee as a
release of the perishable goods by the shipping lines to the
substitute for the Bill of Lading. To construe otherwise will
importer without the Bank guarantee and without the Bill
render meaningless the telex instruction. After all, the
of Lading?
cargoes consist of perishable fresh fruits and immediate
delivery thereof to the buyer/importer is essentially a factor
A: As far as telegraphic transfer is concerned. to reckon with. Besides, GPC is listed as one among the
several consignees in the telex (Exhibit 5-B) and the
instruction in the telex was to arrange delivery of A/M
shipment (not any party) to respective consignees without carrier undertook to transport the goods in its vessel, M/S
presentation of OB/L and bank guarantee . . . .20 SCHWABENSTEIN only up to the "port of discharge from ship-
Manila. Thereafter, the goods were to be transshipped by the carrier
to the port of destination or "port of discharge of goods The stipulation
Apart from the foregoing obstacles to the success of petitioner's cause,
is plainly indicated on the face of the bill which contains the following
petitioner failed to substantiate his claim that he returned to
phrase printed below the space provided for the port of discharge from
SOLIDBANK the full amount of the value of the cargoes. It is not far-
ship", thus: têñ.£îhqwâ£
fetched to entertain the notion, as did respondent court, that he
merely accommodated SOLIDBANK in order to recover the cost of the
shipped cargoes from respondents. We note that it was SOLIDBANK if goods are to be transshipped at port of
which initially demanded payment from respondents through five (5) discharge, show destination under the column for
letters. SOLIDBANK must have realized the absence of privity of "description of contents" 7
contract between itself and respondents. That is why petitioner
conveniently took the cudgels for the bank.
As instructed above, the following words appeared typewritten under
the column for "description of contents": têñ.£îhqwâ£
In view of petitioner's utter failure to establish the liability of
respondents over the cargoes, no reversible error was committed by
respondent court in ruling against him.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The decision of respondent

It is clear, then, that in discharging the goods from the ship at the
Court of Appeals of 13 March 1996 dismissing the complaint of
port of Manila, and delivering the same into the custody of AMCYL,
petitioner Benito Macam and the counterclaims of respondents China
the bonded warehouse, appellants were acting in full accord with the
Ocean Shipping Co. and/or Wallem Philippines Shipping, Inc., as well
contractual stipulations contained in Bill of Lading No. 18. The
as its resolution of 5 July 1996 denying reconsideration, is
delivery of the goods to AMCYL was part of appellants' duty to
transship the goods from Manila to their port of destination-Davao.
The word "transship" means: têñ.£îhqwâ£
G.R. No. L-28673 October 23, 1984
to transfer for further transportation from one
SAMAR MINING COMPANY, INC., plaintiff-appellee, ship or conveyance to another 9
The extent of appellant carrier's responsibility and/or liability in the
INC., defendants-appellants.
transshipment of the goods in question are spelled out and delineated
under Section 1, paragraph 3 of Bill of Lading No. 18, to
wit: têñ.£îhqwâ£

CUEVAS, J.:ñé+.£ªwph!1 The carrier shall not be liable in any capacity

whatsoever for any delay, loss or damage occurring
before the goods enter ship's tackle to be loaded
This is an appeal taken directly to Us on certiorari from the decision
or after the goods leave ship's tackle to be
of the defunct Court of First Instance of Manila, finding defendants
discharged, transshipped or forwarded ...
carrier and agent, liable for the value of goods never delivered to
(Emphasis supplied)
plaintiff consignee. The issue raised is a pure question of law, which
is, the liability of the defendants, now appellants, under the bill of
lading covering the subject shipment. and in Section 11 of the same Bill, which provides: têñ.£îhqwâ£

The case arose from an importation made by plaintiff, now appellee, Whenever the carrier or m aster may deem it
SAMAR MINING COMPANY, INC., of one (1) crate Optima welded advisable or in any case where the goods are
wedge wire sieves through the M/S SCHWABENSTEIN a vessel placed at carrier's disposal at or consigned to a
owned by defendant-appellant NORDEUTSCHER LLOYD, point where the ship does not expect to load or
(represented in the Philippines by its agent, C.F. SHARP & CO., discharge, the carrier or master may, without
INC.), which shipment is covered by Bill of Lading No. 18 duly issued notice, forward the whole or any part of the goods
to consignee SAMAR MINING COMPANY, INC. Upon arrival of the before or after loading at the original port of
aforesaid vessel at the port of Manila, the aforementioned importation shipment, ... This carrier, in making arrangements
was unloaded and delivered in good order and condition to the bonded for any transshipping or forwarding vessels or
warehouse of AMCYL. 1 The goods were however never delivered to, means of transportation not operated by this
nor received by, the consignee at the port of destination — Davao. carrier shall be considered solely the forwarding
agent of the shipper and without any other
responsibility whatsoever even though the freight
When the letters of complaint sent to defendants failed to elicit the
for the whole transport has been collected by him.
desired response, consignee herein appellee, filed a formal claim for
... Pending or during forwarding or transshipping
P1,691.93, the equivalent of $424.00 at the prevailing rate of exchange
the carrier may store the goods ashore or afloat
at that time, against the former, but neither paid. Hence, the filing of
solely as agent of the shipper and at risk and
the instant suit to enforce payment. Defendants-appellants brought in
expense of the goods and the carrier shall not be
AMCYL as third party defendant.
liable for detention nor responsible for the acts,
neglect, delay or failure to act of anyone to whom
The trial court rendered judgment in favor of plaintiff, ordering the goods are entrusted or delivered for storage,
defendants to pay the amount of P1,691.93 plus attorney's fees and handling or any service incidental thereto
costs. However, the Court stated that defendants may recoup (Emphasis supplied) 10
whatever they may pay plaintiff by enforcing the judgment against
third party defendant AMCYL which had earlier been declared in
Defendants-appellants now shirk liability for the loss of the subject
default. Only the defendants appealed from said decision.
goods by claiming that they have discharged the same in full and good
condition unto the custody of AMCYL at the port of discharge from
The issue at hand demands a close scrutiny of Bill of Lading No. 18 ship — Manila, and therefore, pursuant to the aforequoted stipulation
and its various clauses and stipulations which should be examined in (Sec. 11) in the bill of lading, their responsibility for the cargo had
the light of pertinent legal provisions and settled jurisprudence. This ceased. 11
undertaking is not only proper but necessary as well because of the
nature of the bill of lading which operates both as a receipt for the
We find merit in appellants' stand. The validity of stipulations in bills
goods; and more importantly, as a contract to transport and deliver
of lading exempting the carrier from liability for loss or damage to the
the same as stipulated therein. 2 Being a contract, it is the law
goods when the same are not in its actual custody has been upheld by
between the parties thereto 3 who are bound by its terms and
conditions 4 provided that these are not contrary to law, morals, good
LINES, 22 SCRA 674 (1968). Said case matches the present
customs, public order and public policy. 5
controversy not only as to the material facts but more importantly, as
to the stipulations contained in the bill of lading concerned. As if to
Bill of Lading No. 18 sets forth in page 2 thereof 6 that one (1) crate of underline their awesome likeness, the goods in question in both cases
Optima welded wedge wire sieves was received by the carrier were destined for Davao, but were discharged from ship in Manila, in
NORDEUTSCHER LLOYD at the "port of loading" which is Bremen, accordance with their respective bills of lading.
Germany, while the freight had been prepaid up to the port of
destination or the "port of discharge of goods in this case, Davao, the
The stipulations in the bill of lading in the PHOENIX case which are possession by the seller, and the actual apprehension of corporeal
substantially the same as the subject stipulations before Us, possession by the buyer or by some person authorized by him to
provides: têñ.£îhqw⣠receive the goods as his representative for the purpose of custody or
disposal. 17 By the same token, there is actual delivery in contracts
for the transport of goods when possession has been turned over to the
The carrier shall not be liable in any capacity
consignee or to his duly authorized agent and a reasonable time is
whatsoever for any loss or damage to the goods
given him to remove the goods. 18 The court a quo found that there
while the goods are not in its actual custody. (Par.
was actual delivery to the consignee through its duly authorized
2, last subpar.)
agent, the carrier.

xxx xxx xxx

It becomes necessary at this point to dissect the complex relationship
that had developed between appellant and appellee in the course of
The carrier or master, in making arrangements the transactions that gave birth to the present suit. Two undertakings
with any person for or in connection with all appeared embodied and/or provided for in the Bill of Lading 19 in
transshipping or forwarding of the goods or the question. The first is FOR THE TRANSPORT OF GOODS from
use of any means of transportation or forwarding Bremen, Germany to Manila. The second, THE TRANSSHIPMENT
of goods not used or operated by the carrier, shall OF THE SAME GOODS from Manila to Davao, with appellant acting
be considered solely the agent of the shipper and as agent of the consignee. 20 At the hiatus between these two
consignee and without any other responsibility undertakings of appellant which is the moment when the subject
whatsoever or for the cost thereof ... (Par. 16). 12 goods are discharged in Manila, its personality changes from that of
carrier to that of agent of the consignee. Thus, the character of
Finding the above stipulations not contrary to law, morals, good appellant's possession also changes, from possession in its own name
customs, public order or public policy, We sustained their as carrier, into possession in the name of consignee as the latter's
validity 13 Applying said stipulations as the law between the parties agent. Such being the case, there was, in effect, actual delivery of the
in the aforecited case, the Court concluded that: têñ.£îhqw⣠goods from appellant as carrier to the same appellant as agent of the
consignee. Upon such delivery, the appellant, as erstwhile carrier,
ceases to be responsible for any loss or damage that may befall the
... The short form Bill of Lading ( ) states in no goods from that point onwards. This is the full import of Article 1736,
uncertain terms that the port of discharge of the as applied to the case before Us.
cargo is Manila, but that the same was to be
transshipped beyond the port of discharge to
Davao City. Pursuant to the terms of the long form But even as agent of the consignee, the appellant cannot be made
Bill of Lading ( ), appellee's responsibility as a answerable for the value of the missing goods, It is true that the
common carrier ceased the moment the goods were transshipment of the goods, which was the object of the agency, was
unloaded in Manila and in the matter of not fully performed. However, appellant had commenced said
transshipment, appellee acted merely as an agent performance, the completion of which was aborted by circumstances
of the shipper and consignee. ... (Emphasis beyond its control. An agent who carries out the orders and
supplied) 14 instructions of the principal without being guilty of negligence, deceit
or fraud, cannot be held responsible for the failure of the principal to
accomplish the object of the agency, 21This can be gleaned from the
Coming now to the case before Us, We hold, that by the authority of following provisions of the New Civil Code on the obligations of the
the above pronouncements, and in conformity with the pertinent agent: têñ.£îhqwâ£
provisions of the New Civil Code, Section 11 of Bill of Lading No. 18
and the third paragraph of Section 1 thereof are valid stipulations
between the parties insofar as they exempt the carrier from liability Article 1884. The agent is bound by his acceptance
for loss or damage to the goods while the same are not in the latter's to carry out the agency, and is liable for the
actual custody. damages which, through his non-performance, the
principal may suffer.

The liability of the common carrier for the loss, destruction or

deterioration of goods transported from a foreign country to the xxx xxx xxx
Philippines is governed primarily by the New Civil Code. 15 In all
matters not regulated by said Code, the rights and obligations of Article 1889. The agent shall be liable for damages
common carriers shall be governed by the Code of Commerce and by if, there being a conflict between his interests and
special laws. 16 A careful perusal of the provisions of the New Civil those of the principal, he should prefer his own.
Code on common carriers (Section 4, Title VIII, Book IV) directs our
attention to Article 1736 thereof, which reads: têñ.£îhqwâ£
Article 1892. The agent may appoint a substitute if
the principal has not prohibited him from doing so;
Article 1736. The extraordinary responsibility of but he shall be responsible for the acts of the
the common carrier lasts from the time the goods substitute:
are unconditionally placed in the possession of,
and received by the carrier for transportation until
(1) When he was not given the power to appoint
the same are delivered, actually or constructively,
by the carrier to the consignee, or to the person
who has a right to receive them, without prejudice
to the provisions of article 1738. (2) When he was given such power but without
designating the person and the person appointed
was notoriously incompetent or insolvent.
Article 1738 referred to in the foregoing provision runs
thus: têñ.£îhqwâ£
xxx xxx xxx
Article 1738. The extraordinary liability of the
common carrier continues to be operative even Article 1909. The agent is responsible not only for
during the time the goods are stored in a fraud, but also for negligence which shall be
warehouse of the carrier at the place of judged with more or less rigor by the courts,
destination, until the consignee has been advised according to whether the agency was or was not
of the arrival of the goods and has had reasonable for a compensation.
opportunity thereafter to remove them or
otherwise dispose of them.
The records fail to reveal proof of negligence, deceit or fraud
committed by appellant or by its representative in the Philippines.
There is no doubt that Art. 1738 finds no applicability to the instant Neither is there any showing of notorious incompetence or insolvency
case. The said article contemplates a situation where the goods had on the part of AMCYT, which acted as appellant's substitute in
already reached their place of destination and are stored in the storing the goods awaiting transshipment.
warehouse of the carrier. The subject goods were still awaiting
transshipment to their port of destination, and were stored in the
The actions of appellant carrier and of its representative in the
warehouse of a third party when last seen and/or heard of. However,
Philippines being in full faith with the lawful stipulations of Bill of
Article 1736 is applicable to the instant suit. Under said article, the
Lading No. 18 and in conformity with the provisions of the New Civil
carrier may be relieved of the responsibility for loss or damage to the
Code on common carriers, agency and contracts, they incur no liability
goods upon actual or constructive delivery of the same by the carrier
for the loss of the goods in question.
to the consignee, or to the person who has a right to receive them. In
sales, actual delivery has been defined as the ceding of corporeal
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is hereby REVERSED. Plaintiff- Article 1736 of the Civil Code imposes upon common carriers the duty
appellee's complaint is hereby DISMISSED. to observe extraordinary diligence from the moment the goods are
unconditionally placed in their possession "until the same are
delivered, actually or constructively, by the carrier to the consignee or
G.R. No. L-36481-2 October 23, 1982
to the person who has a right to receive them, without prejudice to the
provisions of Article 1738. "
AMPARO C. SERVANDO, CLARA UY BICO, plaintiffs-appellees,
The court a quo held that the delivery of the shipment in question to
the warehouse of the Bureau of Customs is not the delivery
contemplated by Article 1736; and since the burning of the warehouse
Zoilo de la Cruz, Jr. & Associate for plaintiff-appellee Amparo occurred before actual or constructive delivery of the goods to the
Servando. appellees, the loss is chargeable against the appellant.

Benedicto, Sumbingco & Associate for appellee Clara Uy Bico. It should be pointed out, however, that in the bills of lading issued for
the cargoes in question, the parties agreed to limit the responsibility
Ross, Salcedo, del Rosario, Bito & Misa for defendant-appellant. of the carrier for the loss or damage that may be caused to the
shipment by inserting therein the following stipulation:

Clause 14. Carrier shall not be responsible for loss

or damage to shipments billed 'owner's risk' unless
ESCOLIN, J.: such loss or damage is due to negligence of carrier.
Nor shall carrier be responsible for loss or damage
This appeal, originally brought to the Court of Appeals, seeks to set caused by force majeure, dangers or accidents of
aside the decision of the Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental the sea or other waters; war; public enemies; . . .
in Civil Cases Nos. 7354 and 7428, declaring appellant Philippine fire . ...
Steam Navigation liable for damages for the loss of the appellees'
cargoes as a result of a fire which gutted the Bureau of Customs' We sustain the validity of the above stipulation; there is nothing
warehouse in Pulupandan, Negros Occidental. therein that is contrary to law, morals or public policy.

The Court of Appeals certified the case to Us because only pure Appellees would contend that the above stipulation does not bind
questions of law are raised therein. them because it was printed in fine letters on the back-of the bills of
lading; and that they did not sign the same. This argument overlooks
The facts culled from the pleadings and the stipulations submitted by the pronouncement of this Court in Ong Yiu vs. Court of Appeals,
the parties are as follows: promulgated June 29, 1979, 3 where the same issue was resolved in
this wise:

On November 6, 1963, appellees Clara Uy Bico and Amparo Servando

loaded on board the appellant's vessel, FS-176, for carriage from While it may be true that petitioner had not
Manila to Pulupandan, Negros Occidental, the following cargoes, to signed the plane ticket (Exh. '12'), he is
wit: nevertheless bound by the provisions thereof.
'Such provisions have been held to be a part of the
contract of carriage, and valid and binding upon
Clara Uy Bico — the passenger regardless of the latter's lack of
knowledge or assent to the regulation'. It is what
1,528 cavans of rice valued is known as a contract of 'adhesion', in regards
which it has been said that contracts of adhesion
wherein one party imposes a ready made form of
at P40,907.50; contract on the other, as the plane ticket in the
case at bar, are contracts not entirely prohibited.
Amparo Servando — The one who adheres to the contract is in reality
free to reject it entirely; if he adheres, he gives his
consent." (Tolentino, Civil Code, Vol. IV, 1962 Ed.,
44 cartons of colored paper,
p. 462, citing Mr. Justice J.B.L. Reyes, Lawyer's
Journal, Jan. 31, 1951, p. 49).
toys and general merchandise
valued at P1,070.50;
Besides, the agreement contained in the above quoted Clause 14 is a
mere iteration of the basic principle of law written in Article 1 1 7 4 of
as evidenced by the corresponding bills of lading issued by the the Civil Code:
appellant. 1
Article 1174. Except in cases expressly specified by
Upon arrival of the vessel at Pulupandan, in the morning of the law, or when it is otherwise declared by
November 18, 1963, the cargoes were discharged, complete and in stipulation, or when the nature of the obligation
good order, unto the warehouse of the Bureau of Customs. At about requires the assumption of risk, no person shall be
2:00 in the afternoon of the same day, said warehouse was razed by a responsible for those events which could not be
fire of unknown origin, destroying appellees' cargoes. Before the fire, foreseen, or which, though foreseen, were
however, appellee Uy Bico was able to take delivery of 907 cavans of inevitable.
rice 2 Appellees' claims for the value of said goods were rejected by the
Thus, where fortuitous event or force majeure is the immediate and
proximate cause of the loss, the obligor is exempt from liability for
On the bases of the foregoing facts, the lower court rendered a non-performance. The Partidas, 4 the antecedent of Article 1174 of the
decision, the decretal portion of which reads as follows: Civil Code, defines 'caso fortuito' as 'an event that takes place by
accident and could not have been foreseen. Examples of this are
destruction of houses, unexpected fire, shipwreck, violence of robbers.'
WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered as follows:

In its dissertation of the phrase 'caso fortuito' the Enciclopedia

1. In case No. 7354, the defendant is hereby
Juridicada Espanola 5 says: "In a legal sense and, consequently, also
ordered to pay the plaintiff Amparo C. Servando
in relation to contracts, a 'caso fortuito' presents the following
the aggregate sum of P1,070.50 with legal interest
essential characteristics: (1) the cause of the unforeseen and
thereon from the date of the filing of the complaint
unexpected occurrence, or of the failure of the debtor to comply with
until fully paid, and to pay the costs.
his obligation, must be independent of the human will; (2) it must be
impossible to foresee the event which constitutes the 'caso fortuito', or
2. In case No. 7428, the defendant is hereby if it can be foreseen, it must be impossible to avoid; (3) the occurrence
ordered to pay to plaintiff Clara Uy Bico the must be such as to render it impossible for the debtor to fulfill his
aggregate sum of P16,625.00 with legal interest obligation in a normal manner; and (4) the obligor must be free from
thereon from the date of the filing of the complaint any participation in the aggravation of the injury resulting to the
until fully paid, and to pay the costs. creditor." In the case at bar, the burning of the customs warehouse
was an extraordinary event which happened independently of the will Denying that it committed breach of contract, petitioner alleged in its
of the appellant. The latter could not have foreseen the event. that answer that the subject shipment was transported in accordance
with the provisions of the covering bill of lading and that its liability
under the law on transportation of good attaches only in case of loss,
There is nothing in the record to show that appellant carrier ,incurred
destruction or deterioration of the goods as provided for in Article
in delay in the performance of its obligation. It appears that appellant
1734 of Civil Code (Rollo, p. 16).
had not only notified appellees of the arrival of their shipment, but
had demanded that the same be withdrawn. In fact, pursuant to such
demand, appellee Uy Bico had taken delivery of 907 cavans of rice Defendant Eli Lilly, Inc., on the other hand, filed its answer with
before the burning of the warehouse. compulsory and cross-claim. In its cross-claim, it alleged that the
delay in the arrival of the the subject merchandise was due solely to
the gross negligence of petitioner Maersk Line.
Nor can the appellant or its employees be charged with negligence.
The storage of the goods in the Customs warehouse pending
withdrawal thereof by the appellees was undoubtedly made with their The issues having been joined, private respondent moved for the
knowledge and consent. Since the warehouse belonged to and was dismissal of the complaint against Eli Lilly, Inc.on the ground that the
maintained by the government, it would be unfair to impute evidence on record shows that the delay in the delivery of the
negligence to the appellant, the latter having no control whatsoever shipment was attributable solely to petitioner.
over the same.
Acting on private respondent's motion, the trial court dismissed the
The lower court in its decision relied on the ruling laid down in Yu complaint against Eli Lilly, Inc. Correspondingly, the latter withdraw
Biao Sontua vs. Ossorio 6, where this Court held the defendant liable its cross-claim against petitioner in a joint motion dated December 3,
for damages arising from a fire caused by the negligence of the 1979.
defendant's employees while loading cases of gasoline and petroleon
products. But unlike in the said case, there is not a shred of proof in
After trial held between respondent and petitioner, the court a
the present case that the cause of the fire that broke out in the
quo rendered judgment dated January 8, 1982 in favor of respondent
Custom's warehouse was in any way attributable to the negligence of
Castillo, the dispositive portion of which reads:
the appellant or its employees. Under the circumstances, the
appellant is plainly not responsible.
believe (sic) and so hold (sic) that there was a
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby set aside. No
breach in the performance of their obligation by
the defendant Maersk Line consisting of their
negligence to ship the 6 drums of empty Gelatin
G.R. No. 94761 May 17, 1993 Capsules which under their own memorandum
shipment would arrive in the Philippines on April
3, 1977 which under Art. 1170 of the New Civil
MAERSK LINE, petitioner,
Code, they stood liable for damages.
business under the name and style of Ethegal Considering that the only evidence presented by
Laboratories, respondents. the defendant Maersk line thru its agent the
Compania de Tabacos de Filipinas is the testimony
of Rolando Ramirez who testified on Exhs. "1" to
Bito, Lozada, Ortega & Castillo for petitioner.
"5" which this Court believe (sic) did not change
the findings of this Court in its decision rendered
Humberto A. Jambora for private respondent. on September 4, 1980, this Court hereby renders
judgment in favor of the plaintiff Efren Castillo as
against the defendant Maersk Line thru its agent,
FILIPINAS and ordering:
(a) Defendant to pay the plaintiff Efren V. Castillo
Petitioner Maersk Line is engaged in the transportation of goods by the amount of THREE HUNDRED SIXTY NINE
sea, doing business in the Philippines through its general agent THOUSAND PESOS, (P369,000.00) as unrealized
Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas. profit;.

Private respondent Efren Castillo, on the other hand, is the proprietor (b) Defendant to pay plaintiff the sum of TWO
of Ethegal Laboratories, a firm engaged in the manutacture of HUNDRED THOUSAND PESOS (P200,000.00),
pharmaceutical products. as moral damages;

On November 12, 1976, private respondent ordered from Eli Lilly. Inc. (c) Defendant to pay plaintiff the sum of TEN
of Puerto Rico through its (Eli Lilly, Inc.'s) agent in the Philippines, THOUSAND PESOS (P10,000.00) as exemplary
Elanco Products, 600,000 empty gelatin capsules for the manufacture damages;
of his pharmaceutical products. The capsules were placed in six (6)
drums of 100,000 capsules each valued at US $1,668.71.
(d) Defendant to pay plaintiff the sum of ELEVEN
Through a Memorandum of Shipment (Exh. "B"; AC GR CV No.10340, AND NINETY SEVEN CENTAVOS (P11,680.97)
Folder of Exhibits, pp. 5-6), the shipper Eli Lilly, Inc. of Puerto Rico as cost of credit line; and
advised private respondent as consignee that the 600,000 empty
gelatin capsules in six (6) drums of 100,000 capsules each, were
already shipped on board MV "Anders Maerskline" under Voyage No. (e) Defendant to pay plaintiff the sum of FIFTY
7703 for shipment to the Philippines via Oakland, California. In said THOUSAND PESOS (P50,000.00), as attorney's
Memorandum, shipper Eli Lilly, Inc. specified the date of arrival to be fees and to pay the costs of suit.
April 3, 1977.
That the above sums due to the plaintiff will bear
For reasons unknown, said cargo of capsules were mishipped and the legal rate of interest until they are fully paid
diverted to Richmond, Virginia, USA and then transported back from the time the case was filed.
Oakland, Califorilia. The goods finally arrived in the Philippines on
June 10, 1977 or after two (2) months from the date specified in the SO ORDERED. (AC-GR CV No. 10340, Rollo, p.
memorandum. As a consequence, private respondent as consignee 15).
refused to take delivery of the goods on account of its failure to arrive
on time.
On appeal, respondent court rendered its decision dated August 1,
1990 affirming with modifications the lower court's decision as
Private respondent alleging gross negligence and undue delay in the follows:
delivery of the goods, filed an action before the court a quo for
rescission of contract with damages against petitioner and Eli Lilly,
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is
Inc. as defendants.
affirmed with a modification, and, as modified, the
judgment in this case should read as follows:
Judgment is hereby rendered ordering defendant- appellant Maersk Line, the trial court committed
appellant Maersk Line to pay plaintiff-appellee (1) no error, therefore, in holding the latter appellant
compensatory damages of P11,680.97 at 6% ultimately liable to appellee. (Rollo, pp. 47-50;
annual interest from filing of the complaint until Emphasis supplied)
fully paid, (2) moral damages of P50,000.00, (3)
exemplary damages of P20,000,00, (3) attorney's
Reacting to the foregoing declaration, petitioner submits that its
fees, per appearance fees, and litigation expenses
liability is predicated on the cross-claim filed its co-defendant Eli
of P30,000.00, (4) 30% of the total damages
Lilly, Inc. which cross-claim has been dismissed, the original
awarded except item (3) above, and the costs of
complaint against it should likewise be dismissed. We disagree. It
should be recalled that the complaint was filed originally against Eli
Lilly, Inc. as shipper-supplier and petitioner as carrier. Petitioner
SO ORDERED. (Rollo, p. 50) being an original party defendant upon whom the delayed shipment is
imputed cannot claim that the dismissal of the complaint against Eli
Lilly, Inc. inured to its benefit.
In its Memorandum, petitioner submits the following "issues" for
resolution of the court :
Respondent court, erred in declaring that the trial court based
petitioner's liability on the cross-claim of Eli Lilly, Inc. As borne out
by the record, the trial court anchored its decision on petitioner's
delay or negligence to deliver the six (6) drums of gelatin capsules
Whether or not the respondent Court of Appeals within a reasonable time on the basis of which petitioner was held
committed an error when it ruled that a liable for damages under Article 1170 of the New Civil Code which
defendant's cross-claim against a co-defendant provides that those who in the performance of their obligations are
survives or subsists even after the dismissal of the guilty of fraud, negligence, or delay and those who in any manner
complaint against defendant-cross claimant. contravene the tenor thereof, are liable for damages.

II Nonetheless, petitioner maintains that it cannot be held for damages

for the alleged delay in the delivery of the 600,000 empty gelatin
Whether or not respondent Castillo is entitled to capsules since it acted in good faith and there was no special contract
damages resulting from delay in the delivery of the under which the carrier undertook to deliver the shipment on or
shipment in the absence in the bill of lading of a before a specific date (Rollo, p. 103).
stipulation on the period of delivery.
On the other hand, private respondent claims that during the period
III before the specified date of arrival of the goods, he had made several
commitments and contract of adhesion. Therefore, petitioner can be
held liable for the damages suffered by private respondent for the
Whether or not the respondent appellate court cancellation of the contracts he entered into.
erred in awarding actual, moral and exemplary
damages and attorney's fees despite the absence of
factual findings and/or legal bases in the text of We have carefully reviewed the decisions of respondent court and the
the decision as support for such awards. trial court and both of them show that, in finding petitioner liable for
damages for the delay in the delivery of goods, reliance was made on
the rule that contracts of adhesion are void. Added to this, the lower
IV court stated that the exemption against liability for delay is against
public policy and is thus, void. Besides, private respondent's action is
Whether or not the respondent Court of Appeals anchored on Article 1170 of the New Civil Code and not under the law
committed an error when it rendered an on Admiralty (AC-GR CV No. 10340, Rollo, p. 14).
ambiguous and unexplained award in the
dispositive portion of the decision which is not The bill of lading covering the subject shipment among others, reads:
supported by the body or the text of the decision.
(Rollo, pp.94-95).

With regard to the first issue raised by petitioner on whether or not a

defendant's cross-claim against co-defendant (petitioner herein) (1) The Carrier does not undertake that the goods
survives or subsists even after the dismissal of the complaint against shall arive at the port of discharge or the place of
defendant-cross-claimant (petitioner herein), we rule in the negative. delivery at any particular time or to meet any
particular market or use and save as is provided in
clause 4 the Carrier shall in no circumstances be
Apparently this issue was raised by reason of the declaration made by liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss
respondent court in its questioned decision, as follows: or damage caused by delay. If the Carrier should
nevertheless be held legally liable for any such
Re the first assigned error: What should be direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage
rescinded in this case is not the "Memorandum of caused by delay, such liability shall in no event
Shipment" but the contract between appellee and exceed the freight paid for the transport covered
defendant Eli Lilly (embodied in three documents, by this Bill of Lading. (Exh. "1-A"; AC-G.R. CV No.
namely: Exhs. A, A-1 and A-2) whereby the former 10340, Folder of Exhibits, p. 41)
agreed to buy and the latter to sell those six drums
of gelatin capsules. It is by virtue of the cross-claim It is not disputed that the aforequoted provision at the back of the bill
by appellant Eli Lilly against defendant Maersk of lading, in fine print, is a contract of adhesion. Generally, contracts
Line for the latter's gross negligence in diverting of adhesion are considered void since almost all the provisions of these
the shipment thus causing the delay and damage to types of contracts are prepared and drafted only by one party, usually
appellee that the trial court found appellant the carrier (Sweet Lines v. Teves, 83 SCRA 361 [1978]). The only
Maersk Line liable. . . . participation left of the other party in such a contract is the affixing of
his signature thereto, hence the term "Adhesion" (BPI Credit
xxx xxx xxx Corporation v. Court of Appeals, 204 SCRA 601 [1991]; Angeles v.
Calasanz, 135 SCRA 323 [1985]).

Re the fourth assigned error: Appellant Maersk

Line's insistence that appellee has no cause of Nonetheless, settled is the rule that bills of lading are contracts not
action against it and appellant Eli Lilly because entirely prohibited (Ong Yiu v. Court of Appeals, et al., 91 SCRA 223
the shipment was delivered in good order and [1979]; Servando, et al. v. Philippine Steam Navigation Co., 117 SCRA
condition, and the bill of lading in question 832 [1982]). One who adheres to the contract is in reality free to reject
contains "stipulations, exceptions and conditions" it in its entirety; if he adheres, he gives his consent (Magellan
Maersk Line's liability only to the "loss, Manufacturing Marketing Corporation v. Court of Appeals, et al., 201
destruction or deterioration," indeed, this issue of SCRA 102 [1991]).
lack of cause of action has already been considered
in our foregoing discussion on the second assigned In Magellan, (supra), we ruled:
error, and our resolution here is still that appellee
has a cause of action against appellant Eli Lilly.
Since the latter had filed a cross-claim against
It is a long standing jurisprudential rule that a bill case at bar, private respondent was able to sufficiently prove through
of lading operates both as a receipt and as contract an invoice (Exh. 'A-1'), certification from the issuer of the letter of
to transport and deliver the same a therein credit (Exh.'A-2') and the Memorandum of Shipment (Exh. "B"), the
stipulated. As a contract, it names the parties, amount he paid as costs of the credit line for the subject goods.
which includes the consignee, fixes the route, Therefore, respondent court acted correctly in affirming the award of
destination, and freight rates or charges, and eleven thousand six hundred eighty pesos and ninety seven centavos
stipulates the rights and obligations assumed by (P11,680.97) as costs of said credit line.
the parties. Being a contract, it is the law between
the parties who are bound by its terms and
As to the propriety of the award of moral damages, Article 2220 of the
conditions provided that these are not contrary to
Civil Code provides that moral damages may be awarded in "breaches
law, morals, good customs, public order and public
of contract where the defendant acted fraudulently or in bad faith"
policy. A bill of lading usually becomes effective
(Pan American World Airways v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 186
upon its delivery to and acceptance by the
SCRA 687 [1990]).
shipper. It is presumed that the stipulations of the
bill were, in the absence of fraud, concealment or
improper conduct, known to the shipper, and he is In the case before us, we that the only evidence presented by
generally bound by his acceptance whether he petitioner was the testimony of Mr. Rolando Ramirez, a claims
reads the bill or not. (Emphasis supplied) manager of its agent Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, who
merely testified on Exhs. '1' to '5' (AC-GR CV No. 10340, p. 2) and
nothing else. Petitioner never even bothered to explain the course for
However, the aforequoted ruling applies only if such contracts will not
the delay, i.e. more than two (2) months, in the delivery of subject
create an absurd situation as in the case at bar. The questioned
shipment. Under the circumstances of the case, we hold that
provision in the subject bill of lading has the effect of practically
petitioner is liable for breach of contract of carriage through gross
leaving the date of arrival of the subject shipment on the sole
negligence amounting to bad faith. Thus, the award of moral damages
determination and will of the carrier.
if therefore proper in this case.

While it is true that common carriers are not obligated by law to carry
In line with this pronouncement, we hold that exemplary damages
and to deliver merchandise, and persons are not vested with the right
may be awarded to the private respondent. In contracts, exemplary
to prompt delivery, unless such common carriers previously assume
damages may be awarded if the defendant acted in a wanton,
the obligation to deliver at a given date or time (Mendoza v.
fraudulent, reckless, oppresive or malevolent manner. There was
Philippine Air Lines, Inc., 90 Phil. 836 [1952]), delivery of shipment or
gross negligence on the part of the petitioner in mishiping the subject
cargo should at least be made within a reasonable time.
goods destined for Manila but was inexplicably shipped to Richmond,
Virginia, U.S.A. Gross carelessness or negligence contitutes wanton
In Saludo, Jr. v. Court of Appeals (207 SCRA 498 [1992]) this Court misconduct, hence, exemplary damages may be awarded to the
held: aggrieved party (Radio Communication of the Phils., Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, 195 SCRA 147 [1991]).
The oft-repeated rule regarding a carrier's liability
for delay is that in the absence of a special Although attorney's fees are generally not recoverable, a party can be
contract, a carrier is not an insurer against delay held lible for such if exemplary damages are awarded (Artice 2208,
in transportation of goods. When a common carrier New Civil Code). In the case at bar, we hold that private respondent is
undertakes to convey goods, the law implies a entitled to reasonable attorney`s fees since petitioner acte with gross
contract that they shall be delivered at destination negligence amounting to bad faith.
within a reasonable time, in the absence, of any
agreement as to the time of delivery. But where a
However, we find item 4 in the dispositive portion of respondent
carrier has made an express contract to transport
court`s decision which awarded thirty (30) percent of the total
and deliver properly within a specified time, it is
damages awarded except item 3 regarding attorney`s fees and
bound to fulfill its contract and is liable for any
litigation expenses in favor of private respondent, to be unconsionable,
delay, no matter from what cause it may have
the same should be deleted.
arisen. This result logically follows from the well-
settled rule that where the law creates a duty or
charge, and the default in himself, and has no WHEREFORE, with the modification regarding the deletion of item 4
remedy over, then his own contract creates a duty of respondent court`s decision, the appealed decision is is hereby
or charge upon himself, he is bound to make it AFFIRMED in all respects.
good notwithstanding any accident or delay by
inevitable necessity because he might have G.R. No. 143008 June 10, 2002
provided against it by contract. Whether or not
there has been such an undertaking on the part of
the carrier is to be determined from the SMITH BELL DODWELL SHIPPING AGENCY
circumstances surrounding the case and by CORPORATION, petitioner,
application of the ordinary rules for the vs.
interpretation of contracts. CATALINO BORJA and INTERNATIONAL TO WAGE AND
An examination of the subject bill of lading (Exh. "1"; AC GR CV No.
10340, Folder of Exhibits, p. 41) shows that the subject shipment was PANGANIBAN, J.:
estimated to arrive in Manila on April 3, 1977. While there was no
special contract entered into by the parties indicating the date of The owner or the person in possession and control of a vessel is liable
arrival of the subject shipment, petitioner nevertheless, was very well for all natural and proximate damages caused to persons and property
aware of the specific date when the goods were expected to arrive as by reason of negligence in its management or navigation. The liability
indicated in the bill of lading itself. In this regard, there arises no for the loss of the earning capacity of the deceased is fixed by taking
need to execute another contract for the purpose as it would be a mere into account the net income of the victim at the time of death -- of the
superfluity. incident in this case -- and that person's probable life
In the case before us, we find that a delay in the delivery of the goods
spanning a period of two (2) months and seven (7) days falls was The Case
beyond the realm of reasonableness. Described as gelatin capsules for
use in pharmaceutical products, subject shipment was delivered to,
and left in, the possession and custody of petitioner-carrier for Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the
transport to Manila via Oakland, California. But through petitioner's Rules of Court, challenging the March 6, 2000 Decision1 and the April
negligence was mishipped to Richmond, Virginia. Petitioner's 25, 2000 Resolution2 of the Court of Appeals3 (CA) in CA-GR CV No.
insitence that it cannot be held liable for the delay finds no merit. 57470. The assailed Decision disposed as follows:

Petition maintains that the award of actual, moral and exemplary "WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant appeal is
dames and attorney's fees are not valid since there are no factual hereby DENIED. The questioned decision of the lower court
findings or legal bases stated in the text of the trial court's decision to is hereby AFFIRMED in toto. No pronouncement as to
support the award thereof. costs."4

Indeed, it is settled that actual and compensataory damages requires Reconsideration was denied in the assailed Resolution.
substantial proof (Capco v. Macasaet. 189 SCRA 561 [1990]). In the
The Facts The Issues

The facts of the case are set forth by the CA as follows: In its Memorandum,9 petitioner raises the following issues:

"It appears that on September 23, 1987, Smith Bell [herein "1. Whether petitioner should be held liable for the injuries
petitioner] filed a written request with the Bureau of of Respondent Catalino Borja.
Customs for the attendance of the latter's inspection team
on vessel M/T King Family which was due to arrive at the
"2. Whether Respondent ITTC should be held liable for the
port of Manila on September 24, 1987.
injuries of Respondent Catalino Borja.

"Said vessel contained 750 metric tons of alkyl benzene and

"3. Assuming without admitting that Respondent Catalino
methyl methacrylate monomer.
Borja is entitled to damages, whether Respondent Borja is
entitled to the amount of damages awarded to him by the
"On the same day, Supervising Customs Inspector Manuel trial court."10
Ma. D. Nalgan instructed [Respondent Catalino Borja] to
board said vessel and perform his duties as inspector upon
Simply put, these issues can be summed up in these two questions: (1)
the vessel's arrival until its departure. At that time, [Borja]
Who, if any, is liable for Borja's injuries? (2) What is the proper
was a customs inspector of the Bureau of Customs receiving
amount of liability?
a salary of P31,188.25 per annum.

This Court's Ruling

"At about 11 o'clock in the morning on September 24, 1987,
while M/T King Family was unloading chemicals unto two
(2) barges [--] ITTC 101 and CLC-1002 [--] owned by The Petition is partly meritorious.
[Respondent] ITTC, a sudden explosion occurred setting the
vessels afire. Upon hearing the explosion, [Borja], who was First Issue:
at that time inside the cabin preparing reports, ran outside Responsibility for Injuries
to check what happened. Again, another explosion was
Petitioner avers that both lower courts labored under a
misapprehension of the facts. It claims that the documents adduced in
"Seeing the fire and fearing for his life, [Borja] hurriedly the RTC conclusively revealed that the explosion that caused the fire
jumped over board to save himself. However, the [water] on M/T King Family had originated from the barge ITTC-101, a
[was] likewise on fire due mainly to the spilled chemicals. conclusion based on three grounds. First, the Survey Report (Exh.
Despite the tremendous heat, [Borja] swam his way for one "10") dated October 21, 1987 submitted by the Admiral Surveyors and
(1) hour until he was rescued by the people living in the Adjusters, Inc., showed that no part of M/T King Family sustained
squatters' area and sent to San Juan De Dios Hospital. any sharp or violent damage that would otherwise be observed if
indeed an explosion had occurred on it. On the other hand, the fact
"After weeks of intensive care at the hospital, his attending that the vessel sustained cracks on its shell plating was noted in two
physician diagnosed [Borja] to be permanently disabled due Survey Reports from Greutzman Divers Underwater Specialist, dated
to the incident. [Borja] made demands against Smith Bell October 6, 1987 (Exh. "11"), and during the underwater inspection on
and ITTC for the damages caused by the explosion. the sunken barge ITTC-101.
However, both denied liabilities and attributed to each other
negligence."5 Second, external fire damage on the hull of M/T King
Family indicated that the fire had started from outside the vessel and
The trial court6 (RTC) ruled in favor of Respondent Borja and held from ITTC-101. The port side of the vessel to which the ITTC barge
petitioner liable for damages and loss of income. The RTC disposed as was tied was completely gutted by fire, while the starboard side to
follows: which the barge CLC-1002 was tied sustained only slight fire damage.

"WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby Third, testimonial evidence proved that the explosion came from the
rendered ordering [Petitioner] Smith Bell Dodwell barge of the ITTC and not from its vessel. Security Guard Vivencio
[S]hipping Agency Corporation to pay [Borja]: Estrella testified that he had seen the sudden explosion of monomer
on the barge with fire that went up to about 60 meters. Third Mate
Choi Seong Hwan and Second Mate Nam Bang Choun of M/T King
1. The amount of P495,360.00 as actual damages
Family narrated that while they were discharging the chemicals, they
for loss of earning capacity:
saw and heard an explosion from the barge ITTC-101. Chief Security
Guard Reynaldo Patron, in turn, testified that he was 7 to 10 meters
2. The amount of P100,000.00 for moral damages; away from the barge when he heard the explosion from the port side
and of M/T King Family and saw the barge already on fire.

3. The amount of P50,000.00 for and as reasonable We are not persuaded. Both the RTC and the CA ruled that the fire
attorney's fees. and the explosion had originated from petitioner's vessel. Said the
trial court:
"The cross-claim of [Petitioner] Smith Bell Dodwell Shipping
Agency Corporation against co-defendant International "The attempts of [Petitioner] Smith Bell to shift the blame
Towage and Transport Corporation and the latter's on x x x ITTC were all for naught. First, the testimony of its
counterclaim against [Borja] and cross-claim with alleged eyewitness was stricken off the record for his failure
compulsory counterclaim against Smith Bell are hereby to appear for cross-examination (p. 361, Record). Second, the
ordered dismissed."7 documents offered to prove that the fire originated from
barge ITTC-101 were all denied admission by the [c]ourt for
being, in effect, hearsay (pp. 335 and 362). x x x Thus, there
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
is nothing in the record to support [petitioner's] contention
that the fire and explosion originated from barge ITTC-
Affirming the trial court, the CA rejected the plea of petitioner that it 101."11
be exonerated from liability for Respondent Borja's injuries. Contrary
to the claim of petitioner that no physical evidence was shown to
We find no cogent reason to overturn these factual findings. Nothing
prove that the explosion had originated from its vessel, the CA held
is more settled in jurisprudence than that this Court is bound by the
that the fire had originated from M/T King Family. This conclusion
factual findings of the Court of Appeals when these are supported by
was amply supported by the testimonies of Borja and Eulogio
substantial evidence and are not under any of the exceptions
Laurente (the eyewitness of International Towage and Transport
in Fuentes v. Court of Appeals;12 more so, when such findings affirm
Corporation or ITTC) as well as by the investigation conducted by the
those of the trial court.13 Verily, this Court reviews only issues of law.
Special Board of Marine Inquiry and affirmed by the secretary of the
Department of National Defense. On the other hand, the RTC, which
the CA sustained, had not given probative value to the evidence of Negligence is conduct that creates undue risk of harm to another. It is
petitioner, whose sole eyewitness had not shown up for cross- the failure to observe that degree of care, precaution and vigilance
examination. that the circumstances justly demand, whereby that other person
suffers injury.14Petitioner's vessel was carrying chemical cargo -- alkyl
benzene and methyl methacrylate monomer.15 While knowing that
Hence, this Petition.8
their vessel was carrying dangerous inflammable chemicals, its Counsel for Respondent Borja is also correct in saying that life
officers and crew failed to take all the necessary precautions to expectancy should not be based on the retirement age of government
prevent an accident. Petitioner was, therefore, negligent. employees, which is pegged at 65. In Negros Navigation Co, Inc. v.
CA,25 the Court resolved that in calculating the life expectancy of an
individual for the purpose of determining loss of earning capacity
The three elements of quasi delict are: (a) damages suffered by the
under Article 2206(1) of the Civil Code, it is assumed that the
plaintiff, (b) fault or negligence of the defendant, and (c) the
deceased would have earned income even after retirement from a
connection of cause and effect between the fault or negligence of the
particular job.1âwphi1.nêt
defendant and the damages inflicted on the plaintiff.16 All these
elements were established in this case. Knowing fully well that it was
carrying dangerous chemicals, petitioner was negligent in not taking Respondent Borja should not be situated differently just because he
all the necessary precautions in transporting the cargo. was a government employee. Private employees, given the retirement
packages provided by their companies, usually retire earlier than
government employees; yet, the life expectancy of the former is not
As a result of the fire and the explosion during the unloading of the
pegged at 65 years.
chemicals from petitioner's vessel, Respondent Borja suffered the
following damage: and injuries: "(1) chemical burns of the face and
arms; (2) inhalation of fumes from burning chemicals; (3) exposure to Petitioner avers that Respondent Borja died nine years after the
the elements [while] floating in sea water for about three (3) hours; (4) incident and, hence, his life expectancy of 80 years should yield to the
homonymous hemianopsia or blurring of the right eye [which was of] reality that he was only 59 when he actually died.
possible toxic origin; and (5) [c]erebral infract with neo-
vascularization, left occipital region with right sided headache and the
We disagree. The Court uses the American Experience/Expectancy
blurring of vision of right eye."17
Table of Mortality or the Actuarial or Combined Experience Table of
Mortality, which consistently pegs the life span of the average Filipino
Hence, the owner or the person in possession and control of a vessel at 80 years, from which it extrapolates the estimated income to be
and the vessel are liable for all natural and proximate damage caused earned by the deceased had he or she not been killed. 26
to persons and property by reason of negligent management or
Respondent Borja's demise earlier than the estimated life span is of
no moment. For purposes of determining loss of earning capacity, life
Second Issue: expectancy remains at 80. Otherwise, the computation of loss of
Amount of Liability earning capacity will never become final, being always subject to the
eventuality of the victim's death. The computation should not change
even if Borja lived beyond 80 years. Fair is fair.
Petitioner insists that Borja is not entitled to the full amount of
damages awarded by the lower courts. It disputes the use of his gross
earning as basis for the computation of the award for loss of earning Based on the foregoing discussion, the award for loss of earning
capacity. Both courts, in computing the value of such loss, used the capacity should be computed as follows:
remaining years of the victim as a government employee and the
amount he had been receiving per annum at the time of the incident.
Loss of earning capacity = [2 (80-50)] x [(P2,752x12)-16,512]
Counsel for Respondent Borja, on the other hand, claims that
petitioner had no cause to complain, because the miscomputation had
ironically been in its favor. The multiplier used in the computation = P330,240
was erroneously based on the remaining years in government service,
instead of the life expectancy, of the victim. Borja's counsel also points
out that the award was based on the former's meager salary in 1987, Having been duly proven, the moral damages and attorney's fees
or about 23 years ago when the foreign exchange was still P14 to $1. awarded are justified under the Civil Code's Article 2219, paragraph
Hence, the questioned award is consistent with the primary purpose 2; and Article 2208, paragraph 11, respectively.
of giving what is just, moral and legally due the victim as the
aggrieved party. WHEREFORE, the Petition is PARTLY GRANTED. The assailed
Decision is AFFIRMED with the
Both parties have a point. In determining the reasonableness of the following MODIFICATIONS: petitioner is ordered to pay the heirs of
damages awarded under Article 1764 in conjunction with Article 2206 the victim damages in the amount of P320,240 as loss of earning
of the Civil Code, the factors to be considered are: (1) life expectancy capacity, moral damages in the amount of P100,000, plus
(considering the health of the victim and the mortality table which is another P50,000 as attorney's fees. Costs against petitioner.
deemed conclusive) and loss of earning capacity; (b) pecuniary loss,
loss of support and service; and (c) moral and mental sufferings. 19 The G.R. No. 120027 April 21, 1999
loss of earning capacity is based mainly on the number of years
remaining in the person's expected life span. In turn, this number is
EDNA A. RAYNERA, for herself and on behalf of the minors
the basis of the damages that shall be computed and the rate at which
RIANNA and REIANNE RAYNERA, petitioners,
the loss sustained by the heirs shall be fixed.20
The formula for the computation of loss of earning capacity is as

Net earning capacity = Life expectancy x [Gross

Annual Income - Living Expenses (50% of gross annual
income)], where life expectancy = 2/3 (80 - the age of
the deceased).22 The case is a petition for review certiorari of the decision of the Court
of Appeals, 1 reversing that of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 45,
Manila. 2
Petitioner is correct in arguing that it is net income (or gross income
less living expenses) which is to be used in the computation of the
award for loss of income. Villa Rey Transit v. Court of The rule is well-settled that factual findings of the Court of Appeals
Appeals23 explained that "the amount recoverable is not the loss of the are generally considered final and may not be reviewed on appeal.
entire earning, but rather the loss of that portion of the earnings However, this principle admits of certain exceptions, among which is
which the beneficiary would have received." Hence, in fixing the when the findings of the appellate court are contrary to those of the
amount of the said damages, the necessary expenses of the deceased trial court, a re-examination of the facts and evidence may be
should be deducted from his earnings. undertaken. 3 This case falls under the cited exception.

In other words, only net earnings, not gross earnings, are to be The antecedent facts are as follows:
considered; that is, the total of the earnings less expenses necessary in
the creation of such earnings or income, less living and other
Petitioner Edna A. Raynera was the widow of Reynaldo Raynera and
incidental expenses. When there is no showing that the living
the mother and legal guardian of the minors Rianna and Reianne,
expenses constituted a smaller percentage of the gross income, we fix
both surnamed Raynera. Respondents Freddie Hiceta and Jimmy
the living expenses at half of the gross income. To hold that one would
Orpilla were the owner and driver, respectively, of an Isuzu truck-
have used only a small part of the income, with the larger part going
trailer with plate No. NXC 848, involved in the accident.1âwphi1.nêt
to the support of one's children, would be conjectural and
On March 23, 1989, at about 2:00 in the morning, Reynaldo Raynera damage sustained by the plaintiffs may be
was on his way home. He was riding a motorcycle traveling on the estimated at P1,674,000.00 for the 31 years of
southbound lane of East Service Road, Cupang, Muntinlupa. The Reynaldo Raynera's life expectancy.
Isuzu truck was travelling ahead of him at 20 to 30 kilometers per
hour. 4 The truck was loaded with two (2) metal sheets extended on
Taking into account the cooperative negligence of
both sides, two (2) feet on the left and three (3) feet on the right. There
the deceased Reynaldo Raynera, the Court
were two (2) pairs of red lights, about 35 watts each, on both sides of
believes that the demand of substantial justice are
the metal plates. 5 The asphalt road was not well lighted.
satisfied by allocating the damages on 80-20 ratio.
Thus, P1,337,200.00 shall be paid by the
At some point on the road, Reynaldo Raynera crashed his motorcycle defendants with interest thereon, at the legal rate,
into the left rear portion of the truck trailer, which was without tail from date of decision, as damages for the loss of
lights. Due to the collision, Reynaldo sustained head injuries and earnings. To this sum, the following shall be
truck helper Geraldino D. added:
Lutelo 6 rushed him to the Parañaque Medical Center. Upon arrival at
the hospital, the attending physician, Dr. Marivic
Aguirre, 7 pronounced Reynaldo Raynera dead on arrival.
At the time of his death, Reynaldo was manager of the Engineering spent for
Department, Kawasaki Motors (Phils.) Corporation. He was 32 years funeral
old, had a life expectancy of sixty five (65) years, and an annual net services,
earnings of not less than seventy three thousand five hundred interment
(P73,500.00) pesos, 8 with a potential increase in annual net earnings and
of not less than ten percent (10%) of his salary. 9 memorial
On May 12, 1989, the heirs of the deceased demanded 10 from
respondents payment of damages arising from the death of Reynaldo (b) P20,000.00 as attorney's fees;
Raynera as a result of the vehicular accident. The respondents refused
to pay the claims.
(c) cost of suit.

On September 13, 1989, petitioners filed with the Regional Trial

Court, Manila 11 a complaint12 for damages against respondents owner
and driver of the Isuzu truck.
On January 10, 1992, respondents Hiceta and Orpilla appealed to the
Court of Appeals. 21
In their complaint against respondents, petitioners sought recovery of
damages for the death of Reynaldo Raynera caused by the negligent
operation of the truck-trailer at nighttime on the highway, without After due proceedings, on April 28, 1995, the Court of Appeals
tail lights. rendered decision setting aside the appealed decision. The appellate
court held that Reynaldo Raynera's bumping into the left rear portion
of the truck was the proximate cause or his death, 22 and
In their answer filed on April 4, 1990, respondents alleged that the
consequently, absolved respondents from liability.
truck was travelling slowly on the service road, not parked improperly
at a dark portion of the road, with no tail lights, license plate and
early warning device. Hence, this petitition for review on certiorari.

At the trial, petitioners presented Virgilio Santos. He testified that at In this petition, the heirs of Reynaldo Raynera contend that the
about 1.00 and 2:00 in the morning of March 23, 1989, he and his wife appellate court erred in: (1) overturning the trial court's finding that
went to Alabang, market, on board a tricycle. They passed by the respondents' negligent operation of the Isuzu truck was the proximate
service road going south, and saw a parked truck trailer, with its hood cause of the victim's death; (2) applying the doctrine of last clear
open and without tail lights. They would have bumped the truck but chance; (3) setting aside the trial court's award of actual and
the tricycle driver was quick in avoiding a collision. The place was compensatory damages.
dark, and the truck had no early warning device to alert passing
motorists. 13 The issues presented are (a) whether respondents were negligent, and
if so, (b) whether such negligence was the proximate cause of the
On the other hand, respondents presented truck helper Geraldino death of Reynaldo Raynera.
Lucelo. 14 He testified that at the time the incident happened, the
truck was slowly traveling at approximately 20 to 30 kilometers per Petitioners maintain that the proximate cause of Reynaldo Raynera's
hour. Another employee of respondents, auto-mechanic Rogoberto death was respondents' negligence in operating the truck trailer on
Reyes, 15 testified that at about 3:00 in the afternoon of March 22, the highway without tail lights and license plate.
1989, with the help of Lucelo, he installed two (2) pairs of red lights,
about 30 to 40 watts each, on both sides of the steel plates. 16 On his
part, traffic investigation officer Cpl. Virgilio del Monte 17 admitted The Court finds no reason to disturb the factual findings of the Court
that these lights were visible at a distance of 100 meters. of Appeals.

On December 19, 1991, the trial court rendered decision in favor of "Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man,
petitioners. It found respondents Freddie Hiceta and Jimmy Orpilla guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct
negligent in view of these circumstances: (1) the truck trailer had no of human affairs, would do, or the doing of something, which a
license plate and tail lights; (2) there were only two pairs of red lights, prudent and reasonable man would not do." 23
50 watts 18 each, on both sides of the steel plates; and (3) the truck
trailer was improperly parked in a dark area. Proximate cause is "that cause, which, in natural and continous
sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces the
The trial court held that respondents' negligence was the immediate injury, and without which the result would not have occured." 24
and proximate cause of Reynaldo Raynera's death, for which they are
jointly and severally liable to pay damages to petitioners. The trial During the trial, it was established that the truck had no tail lights.
court also held that the victim was himself negligent, although this The photographs taken of the scene of the accident showed that there
was insufficient to overcome respondents' negligence. The trial court were no tail lights of license plates installed on the Isuzu truck.
applied the doctrine of contributory negligence 19 and reduced the Instead, what were installed were two (2) pairs of lights on top of the
responsibility of respondents by 20% on account of the victim's own steel plates, and one (1) pair of lights in front of the truck. With
negligence. regard to the rear of the truck, the photos taken and the sketch in the
spot report proved that there were no tail lights.
The dispositive portion of the lower court's decision reads as follows:
Despite the absence of tail lights and license plate, respondents truck
All things considered, the Court is of the opinion was visible in the highway. It was traveling at a moderate speed,
that it is fair and reasonable to fix the living and approximately 20 to 30 kilometers per hour. It used the service road,
other expenses of the deceased the sum of instead of the highway, because the cargo they were hauling posed a
P54,000.00 a year or about P4,500.00 a month danger to passing motorists. In compliance with the Land
(P150.00 p/d) and that, consequently, the loss or Transportation Traffic Code (Republic Act No. 4136)" 25 respondents
installed 2 pairs of lights on top of the steel plates, as the vehicle's In the ordinary and usual course of banking operations, current
cargo load extended beyond the bed or body thereof. account deposits are accepted by the bank on the basis of deposit slips
prepared and signed by the depositor, or the latter's agent or
representative, who indicates therein the current account number to
We find that the direct cause of the accident was the negligence of the
which the deposit is to be credited, the name of the depositor or
victim. Traveling behind the truck, he had the responsibility of
current account holder, the date of the deposit, and the amount of the
avoiding bumping the vehicle in front of him. He was in control of the
deposit either in cash or checks. The deposit slip has an upper portion
situation. His motorcycle was equipped with headlights to enable him
or stub, which is detached and given to the depositor or his agent; the
to see what was in front of him. He was traversing the service road
lower portion is retained by the bank. In some instances, however, the
where the prescribed speed limit was less than that in the highway.
deposit slips are prepared in duplicate by the depositor. The original
of the deposit slip is retained by the bank, while the duplicate copy is
Traffic investigator Cpl. Virgilio del Monte testified that two pairs of returned or given to the depositor.
50-watts bulbs were on top of the steel plates, 26which were visible
from a distance of 100 meters . 27 Virgilio Santos admitted that from
From May 5, 1975 to July 16, 1976, petitioner Romeo Lipana claims to
the tricycle where he was on board, he saw the truck and its cargo of
have entrusted RMC funds in the form of cash totalling P304,979.74
iron plates from a distance of ten (10) meters. 28 In light of these
to his secretary, Irene Yabut, for the purpose of depositing said funds
circumstances, an accident could have been easily avoided, unless the
in the current accounts of RMC with PBC. It turned out, however,
victim had been driving too fast and did not exercise dues care and
that these deposits, on all occasions, were not credited to RMC's
prudence demanded of him under the circumstances.
account but were instead deposited to Account No. 53-01734-7 of
Yabut's husband, Bienvenido Cotas who likewise maintains an
Virgilio Santos' testimony strengthened respondents' defense that it account with the same bank. During this period, petitioner bank had,
was the victim who was reckless and negligent in driving his however, been regularly furnishing private respondent with monthly
motorcycle at high speed. The tricycle where Santos was on board was statements showing its current accounts balances. Unfortunately, it
not much different from the victim's motorcycle that figured in the had never been the practice of Romeo Lipana to check these monthly
accident. Although Santos claimed the tricycle almost bumped into statements of account reposing complete trust and confidence on
the improperly parked truck, the tricycle driver was able to void petitioner bank.
hitting the truck.
Irene Yabut's modus operandi is far from complicated. She would
It has been said that drivers of vehicles "who bump the rear of accomplish two (2) copies of the deposit slip, an original and a
another vehicle" are presumed to be "the cause of the accident, unless duplicate. The original showed the name of her husband as depositor
contradicted by other evidence". 29 The rationale behind the and his current account number. On the duplicate copy was written
presumption is that the driver of the rear vehicle has full control of the account number of her husband but the name of the account
the situation as he is in a position to observe the vehicle in front of holder was left blank. PBC's teller, Azucena Mabayad, would,
him. however, validate and stamp both the original and the duplicate of
these deposit slips retaining only the original copy despite the lack of
We agree with the Court of Appeals that the responsibility to avoid information on the duplicate slip. The second copy was kept by Irene
the collision with the front vehicle lies with the driver of the rear Yabut allegedly for record purposes. After validation, Yabut would
vehicle. then fill up the name of RMC in the space left blank in the duplicate
copy and change the account number written thereon, which is that of
her husband's, and make it appear to be RMC's account number, i.e.,
Consequently, no other person was to blame but the victim himself C.A. No. 53-01980-3. With the daily remittance records also prepared
since he was the one who bumped his motorcycle into the rear of the by Ms. Yabut and submitted to private respondent RMC together with
Isuzu truck. He had the last clear chance of avoiding the accident. the validated duplicate slips with the latter's name and account
number, she made her company believe that all the while the amounts
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition for review on certiorari and she deposited were being credited to its account when, in truth and in
AFFIRM the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. fact, they were being deposited by her and credited by the petitioner
35895, dismissing the amended complaint in Civil Case No. 89-50355, bank in the account of Cotas. This went on in a span of more than one
Regional Trial Court, Branch 45, Manila.1âwphi1.nêt (1) year without private respondent's knowledge.

.R. No. 97626 March 14, 1997 Upon discovery of the loss of its funds, RMC demanded from
petitioner bank the return of its money, but as its demand went
unheeded, it filed a collection suit before the Regional Trial Court of
PHILIPPINE BANK OF COMMERCE, now absorbed by Pasig, Branch 160. The trial court found petitioner bank negligent
PASCUAL, et al., petitioners,
vs. WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered
THE COURT OF APPEALS, ROMMEL'S MARKETING CORP., sentencing defendant Philippine Bank of
represented by ROMEO LIPANA, its President & General Commerce, now absorbed by defendant Philippine
Manager, respondents. Commercial & Industrial Bank, and defendant
Azucena Mabayad to pay the plaintiff, jointly and
severally, and without prejudice to any criminal
action which may be instituted if found warranted:

HERMOSISIMA, JR., J.: 1. The sum of P304,979.72, representing plaintiffs

lost deposit, plus interest thereon at the legal rate
Challenged in this petition for review is the Decision dated February from the filing of the complaint;
28, 19911 rendered by public respondent Court of Appeals which
affirmed the Decision dated November 15, 1985 of the Regional Trial 2. A sum equivalent to 14% thereof, as exemplary
Court, National Capital Judicial Region, Branch CLX (160), Pasig damages;
City, in Civil Case No. 27288 entitled "Rommel's Marketing
Corporation, etc. v. Philippine Bank of Commerce, now absorbed by
Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank." 3. A sum equivalent to 25% of the total amount
due, as and for attorney's fees; and

The case stemmed from a complaint filed by the private respondent

Rommel's Marketing Corporation (RMC for brevity), represented by 4. Costs.
its President and General Manager Romeo Lipana, to recover from the
former Philippine Bank of Commerce (PBC for brevity), now absorbed Defendants' counterclaim is hereby dismissed for
by the Philippine Commercial International Bank, the sum of lack of merit.2
P304,979.74 representing various deposits it had made in its current
account with said bank but which were not credited to its account, and
were instead deposited to the account of one Bienvenido Cotas, On appeal, the appellate court affirmed the foregoing decision with
allegedly due to the gross and inexcusable negligence of the petitioner modifications, viz:
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from herein
RMC maintained two (2) separate current accounts, Current Account is MODIFIED in the sense that the awards of
Nos. 53-01980-3 and 53-01748-7, with the Pasig Branch of PBC in exemplary damages and attorney's fees specified
connection with its business of selling appliances. therein are eliminated and instead, appellants are
ordered to pay plaintiff, in addition to the
principal sum of P304,979.74 representing Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man,
plaintiff's lost deposit plus legal interest thereon guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct
from the filing of the complaint, P25,000.00 of human affairs, would do, or the doing of something which a prudent
attorney's fees and costs in the lower court as well and reasonable man would do. The seventy-eight (78)-year-old, yet
as in this Court.3 still relevant, case of Picart v. Smith,8 provides the test by which to
determine the existence of negligence in a particular case which may
be stated as follows: Did the defendant in doing the alleged negligent
Hence, this petition anchored on the following grounds:
act use that reasonable care and caution which an ordinarily prudent
person would have used in the same situation? If not, then he is guilty
1) The proximate cause of the loss is the of negligence. The law here in effect adopts the standard supposed to
negligence of respondent Rommel Marketing be supplied by the imaginary conduct of the discreet paterfamilias of
Corporation and Romeo Lipana in entrusting cash the Roman law. The existence of negligence in a given case is not
to a dishonest employee. determined by reference to the personal judgment of the actor in the
situation before him. The law considers what would be reckless,
2) The failure of respondent Rommel Marketing blameworthy, or negligent in the man of ordinary intelligence and
Corporation to cross-check the bank's statements prudence and determines liability by that.
of account with its own records during the entire
period of more than one (1) year is the proximate Applying the above test, it appears that the bank's teller, Ms. Azucena
cause of the commission of subsequent frauds and Mabayad, was negligent in validating, officially stamping and signing
misappropriation committed by Ms. Irene Yabut. all the deposit slips prepared and presented by Ms. Yabut, despite the
glaring fact that the duplicate copy was not completely accomplished
3) The duplicate copies of the deposit slips contrary to the self-imposed procedure of the bank with respect to the
presented by respondent Rommel Marketing proper validation of deposit slips, original or duplicate, as testified to
Corporation are falsified and are not proof that the by Ms. Mabayad herself, thus:
amounts appearing thereon were deposited to
respondent Rommel Marketing Corporation's Q: Now, as teller of PCIB,
account with the bank, Pasig Branch, will you please
tell us Mrs. Mabayad your
4) The duplicate copies of the deposit slips were important duties and
used by Ms. Irene Yabut to cover up her functions?
fraudulent acts against respondent Rommel
Marketing Corporation, and not as records of A: I accept current and savings
deposits she made with the bank.4 deposits from depositors and
The petition has no merit.
Q: Now in the handling of
Simply put, the main issue posited before us is: What is the proximate current account deposits of
cause of the loss, to the tune of P304,979.74, suffered by the private bank clients, could you tell us
respondent RMC — petitioner bank's negligence or that of private the procedure you follow?
A: The client or depositor or the
Petitioners submit that the proximate cause of the loss is the authorized representative
negligence of respondent RMC and Romeo Lipana in entrusting cash prepares a deposit slip by
to a dishonest employee in the person of Ms. Irene Yabut. 5 According filling up the deposit slip with
to them, it was impossible for the bank to know that the money the name, the account number,
deposited by Ms. Irene Yabut belong to RMC; neither was the bank the date, the cash breakdown, if
forewarned by RMC that Yabut will be depositing cash to its account. it is deposited for cash, and the
Thus, it was impossible for the bank to know the fraudulent design of check number, the amount and
Yabut considering that her husband, Bienvenido Cotas, also then he signs the deposit slip.
maintained an account with the bank. For the bank to inquire into the
ownership of the cash deposited by Ms. Irene Yabut would be Q: Now, how many deposit
irregular. Otherwise stated, it was RMC's negligence in entrusting slips do you normally require
cash to a dishonest employee which provided Ms. Irene Yabut the in accomplishing current
opportunity to defraud RMC.6 account deposit, Mrs.
Private respondent, on the other hand, maintains that the proximate
cause of the loss was the negligent act of the bank, thru its teller Ms. A: The bank requires only one
Azucena Mabayad, in validating the deposit slips, both original and copy of the deposit although
duplicate, presented by Ms. Yabut to Ms. Mabayad, notwithstanding some of our clients prepare the
the fact that one of the deposit slips was not completely accomplished. deposit slip in duplicate.

We sustain the private respondent. Q: Now in accomplishing

current account deposits from
Our law on quasi-delicts states: your clients, what do you issue
to the depositor to evidence the
deposit made?
Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission causes
damage to another, there being fault or negligence,
is obliged to pay for the damage done. Such fault A: We issue or we give to the
or negligence, if there is no pre-existing clients the depositor's stub as a
contractual relation between the parties, is called receipt of the deposit.
a quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of
this Chapter. Q: And who prepares the
deposit slip?
There are three elements of a quasi-delict: (a) damages suffered by the
plaintiff; (b) fault or negligence of the defendant, or some other person A: The depositor or the
for whose acts he must respond; and (c) the connection of cause and authorized representative sir?
effect between the fault or negligence of the defendant and the
damages incurred by the plaintiff.7
Q: Where does the depositor's
stub comes (sic) from Mrs.
In the case at bench, there is no dispute as to the damage suffered by Mabayad, is it with the deposit
the private respondent (plaintiff in the trial court) RMC in the slip?
amount of P304,979.74. It is in ascribing fault or negligence which
caused the damage where the parties point to each other as the
A: The depositor's stub is
connected with the deposit slip
or the bank's copy. In a deposit
slip, the upper portion is the A: Yes, sir. 13
depositor's stub and the lower
portion is the bank's copy, and
Prescinding from the above, public respondent Court of Appeals aptly
you can detach the bank's copy
from the depositor's stub by
tearing it sir.
xxx xxx xxx
Q: Now what do you do upon
presentment of the deposit slip It was in fact only when he testified in this case in
by the depositor or the February, 1983, or after the lapse of more than
depositor's authorized seven (7) years counted from the period when the
representative? funds in question were deposited in plaintiff's
accounts (May, 1975 to July, 1976) that bank
manager Bonifacio admittedly became aware of
A: We see to it that the deposit
the practice of his teller Mabayad of validating
slip9 is properly accomplished
blank deposit slips. Undoubtedly, this is gross,
and then we count the money
wanton, and inexcusable negligence in the
and then we tally it with the
appellant bank's supervision of its employees. 14
deposit slip sir.

It was this negligence of Ms. Azucena Mabayad, coupled by the

Q: Now is the depositor's stub
negligence of the petitioner bank in the selection and supervision of
which you issued to your clients
its bank teller, which was the proximate cause of the loss suffered by
the private respondent, and not the latter's act of entrusting cash to a
dishonest employee, as insisted by the petitioners.
A: Yes, sir. 10 [Emphasis ours]
Proximate cause is determined on the facts of each case upon mixed
Clearly, Ms. Mabayad failed to observe this very important considerations of logic, common sense, policy and precedent. 15 Vda. de
procedure. The fact that the duplicate slip was not Bataclan v. Medina, 16 reiterated in the case of Bank of the
compulsorily required by the bank in accepting deposits Phil. Islands v. Court of Appeals, 17 defines proximate cause as "that
should not relieve the petitioner bank of responsibility. The cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any
odd circumstance alone that such duplicate copy lacked one efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which
vital information — that of the name of the account holder the result would not have occurred. . . ." In this case, absent the act of
— should have already put Ms. Mabayad on guard. Rather Ms. Mabayad in negligently validating the incomplete duplicate copy
than readily validating the incomplete duplicate copy, she of the deposit slip, Ms. Irene Yabut would not have the facility with
should have proceeded more cautiously by being more which to perpetrate her fraudulent scheme with impunity. Apropos,
probing as to the true reason why the name of the account once again, is the pronouncement made by the respondent appellate
holder in the duplicate slip was left blank while that in the court, to wit:
original was filled up. She should not have been so naive in
accepting hook, line and sinker the too shallow excuse of Ms.
. . . . Even if Yabut had the fraudulent intention to
Irene Yabut to the effect that since the duplicate copy was
misappropriate the funds entrusted to her by
only for her personal record, she would simply fill up the
plaintiff, she would not have been able to deposit
blank space later on. 11 A "reasonable man of ordinary
those funds in her husband's current account, and
prudence" 12 would not have given credence to such
then make plaintiff believe that it was in the
explanation and would have insisted that the space left
latter's accounts wherein she had deposited them,
blank be filled up as a condition for validation.
had it not been for bank teller Mabayad's aforesaid
Unfortunately, this was not how bank teller Mabayad
gross and reckless negligence. The latter's
proceeded thus resulting in huge losses to the private
negligence was thus the proximate, immediate and
efficient cause that brought about the loss claimed
by plaintiff in this case, and the failure of plaintiff
Negligence here lies not only on the part of Ms. Mabayad but also on to discover the same soon enough by failing to
the part of the bank itself in its lackadaisical selection and scrutinize the monthly statements of account
supervision of Ms. Mabayad. This was exemplified in the testimony of being sent to it by appellant bank could not have
Mr. Romeo Bonifacio, then Manager of the Pasig Branch of the prevented the fraud and misappropriation which
petitioner bank and now its Vice-President, to the effect that, while he Irene Yabut had already completed when she
ordered the investigation of the incident, he never came to know that deposited plaintiff's money to the account of her
blank deposit slips were validated in total disregard of the bank's husband instead of to the latter's accounts. 18
validation procedures, viz:
Furthermore, under the doctrine of "last clear chance" (also referred
Q: Did he ever tell you that one to, at times as "supervening negligence" or as "discovered peril"),
of your cashiers affixed the petitioner bank was indeed the culpable party. This doctrine, in
stamp mark of the bank on the essence, states that where both parties are negligent, but the
deposit slips and they negligent act of one is appreciably later in time than that of the other,
validated the same with the or when it is impossible to determine whose fault or negligence should
machine, the fact that those be attributed to the incident, the one who had the last clear
deposit slips were unfilled up, opportunity to avoid the impending harm and failed to do so is
is there any report similar to chargeable with the consequences thereof. 19Stated differently, the
that? rule would also mean that an antecedent negligence of a person does
not preclude the recovery of damages for the supervening negligence
of, or bar a defense against liability sought by another, if the latter,
A: No, it was not the cashier
who had the last fair chance, could have avoided the impending harm
but the teller.
by the exercise of due diligence. 20Here, assuming that private
respondent RMC was negligent in entrusting cash to a dishonest
Q: The teller validated the employee, thus providing the latter with the opportunity to defraud
blank deposit slip? the company, as advanced by the petitioner, yet it cannot be denied
that the petitioner bank, thru its teller, had the last clear opportunity
A: No it was not reported. to avert the injury incurred by its client, simply by faithfully
observing their self-imposed validation procedure.

Q: You did not know that any

one in the bank tellers or At this juncture, it is worth to discuss the degree of diligence ought to
cashiers validated the blank be exercised by banks in dealing with their clients.
deposit slip?
The New Civil Code provides:
A: I am not aware of that.
Art. 1173. The fault or negligence of the obligor
Q: It is only now that you are consists in the omission of that diligence which is
aware of that? required by the nature of the obligation and
corresponds with the circumstances of the persons,
of the time and of the place. When negligence award of attorney's fees shall be borne exclusively by the
shows bad faith, the provisions of articles 1171 petitioners.
and 2201, paragraph 2, shall apply.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the respondent Court of Appeals is
If the law or contract does not state the diligence modified by reducing the amount of actual damages private
which is to be observed in the performance, that respondent is entitled to by 40%. Petitioners may recover from Ms.
which is expected of a good father of a family shall Azucena Mabayad the amount they would pay the private respondent.
be required. (1104a) Private respondent shall have recourse against Ms. Irene Yabut. In all
other respects, the appellate court's decision is AFFIRMED.
In the case of banks, however, the degree of diligence required is more
than that of a good father of a family. Considering the fiduciary G.R. No. 115024 February 7, 1996
nature of their relationship with their depositors, banks are duty
bound to treat the accounts of their clients with the highest degree of
care. 21
As elucidated in Simex International (Manila), Inc. v. Court of COMMERCIAL, INC., respondents.
Appeals, 22 in every case, the depositor expects the bank to treat his
account with the utmost fidelity, whether such account consists only
of a few hundred pesos or of millions. The bank must record every
single transaction accurately, down to the last centavo, and as
promptly as possible. This has to be done if the account is to reflect at G.R. No. 117944 February 7, 1996
any given time the amount of money the depositor can dispose as he
sees fit, confident that the bank will deliver it as and to whomever he RICHARD LI, petitioner,
directs. A blunder on the part of the bank, such as the failure to duly vs.
credit him his deposits as soon as they are made, can cause the COURT OF APPEALS and LOURDES
depositor not a little embarrassment if not financial loss and perhaps VALENZUELA, respondents.
even civil and criminal litigation.

The point is that as a business affected with public interest and
because of the nature of its functions, the bank is under obligation to
treat the accounts of its depositors with meticulous care, always KAPUNAN, J.:
having in mind the fiduciary nature of their relationship. In the case
before us, it is apparent that the petitioner bank was remiss in that These two petitions for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
duty and violated that relationship. Revised Rules of Court stem from an action to recover damages by
petitioner Lourdes Valenzuela in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
Petitioners nevertheless aver that the failure of respondent RMC to City for injuries sustained by her in a vehicular accident in the early
cross-check the bank's statements of account with its own records morning of June 24, 1990. The facts found by the trial court are
during the entire period of more than one (1) year is the proximate succinctly summarized by the Court of Appeals below:
cause of the commission of subsequent frauds and misappropriation
committed by Ms. Irene Yabut. This is an action to recover damages based on quasi-delict,
for serious physical injuries sustained in a vehicular
We do not agree. accident.

While it is true that had private respondent checked the monthly Plaintiff's version of the accident is as follows: At around
statements of account sent by the petitioner bank to RMC, the latter 2:00 in the morning of June 24, 1990, plaintiff Ma. Lourdes
would have discovered the loss early on, such cannot be used by the Valenzuela was driving a blue Mitsubishi lancer with Plate
petitioners to escape liability. This omission on the part of the private No. FFU 542 from her restaurant at Marcos highway to her
respondent does not change the fact that were it not for the wanton home at Palanza Street, Araneta Avenue. She was
and reckless negligence of the petitioners' employee in validating the travelling along Aurora Blvd. with a companion, Cecilia
incomplete duplicate deposit slips presented by Ms. Irene Yabut, the Ramon, heading towards the direction of Manila. Before
loss would not have occurred. Considering, however, that the fraud reaching A. Lake Street, she noticed something wrong with
was committed in a span of more than one (1) year covering various her tires; she stopped at a lighted place where there were
deposits, common human experience dictates that the same would not people, to verify whether she had a flat tire and to solicit
have been possible without any form of collusion between Ms. Yabut help if needed. Having been told by the people present that
and bank teller Mabayad. Ms. Mabayad was negligent in the her rear right tire was flat and that she cannot reach her
performance of her duties as bank teller nonetheless. Thus, the home in that car's condition, she parked along the sidewalk,
petitioners are entitled to claim reimbursement from her for whatever about 1-1/2 feet away, put on her emergency lights, alighted
they shall be ordered to pay in this case. from the car, and went to the rear to open the trunk. She
was standing at the left side of the rear of her car pointing
to the tools to a man who will help her fix the tire when she
The foregoing notwithstanding, it cannot be denied that, indeed, was suddenly bumped by a 1987 Mitsubishi Lancer driven
private respondent was likewise negligent in not checking its monthly by defendant Richard Li and registered in the name of
statements of account. Had it done so, the company would have been defendant Alexander Commercial, Inc. Because of the
alerted to the series of frauds being committed against RMC by its impact plaintiff was thrown against the windshield of the
secretary. The damage would definitely not have ballooned to such an car of the defendant, which was destroyed, and then fell to
amount if only RMC, particularly Romeo Lipana, had exercised even a the ground. She was pulled out from under defendant's car.
little vigilance in their financial affairs. This omission by RMC Plaintiff's left leg was severed up to the middle of her thigh,
amounts to contributory negligence which shall mitigate the damages with only some skin and sucle connected to the rest of the
that may be awarded to the private respondent 23 under Article 2179 body. She was brought to the UERM Medical Memorial
of the New Civil Code, to wit: Center where she was found to have a "traumatic
amputation, leg, left up to distal thigh (above knee)". She
. . . When the plaintiff's own negligence was the was confined in the hospital for twenty (20) days and was
immediate and proximate cause of his injury, he eventually fitted with an artificial leg. The expenses for the
cannot recover damages. But if his negligence was hospital confinement (P120,000.00) and the cost of the
only contributory, the immediate and proximate artificial leg (P27,000.00) were paid by defendants from the
cause of the injury being the defendant's lack of car insurance.
due care, the plaintiff may recover damages, but
the courts shall mitigate the damages to be In her complaint, plaintiff prayed for moral damages in the
awarded. amount of P1 million, exemplary damages in the amount of
P100,000.00 and other medical and related expenses
In view of this, we believe that the demands of substantial amounting to a total of P180,000.00, including loss of
justice are satisfied by allocating the damage on a 60-40 expected earnings.
ratio. Thus, 40% of the damage awarded by the respondent
appellate court, except the award of P25,000.00 attorney's Defendant Richard Li denied that he was negligent. He was
fees, shall be borne by private respondent RMC; only the on his way home, travelling at 55 kph; considering that it
balance of 60% needs to be paid by the petitioners. The was raining, visibility was affected and the road was wet.
Traffic was light. He testified that he was driving along the
inner portion of the right lane of Aurora Blvd. towards the Defendant Li's testimony that he was driving at a safe speed
direction of Araneta Avenue, when he was suddenly of 55 km./hour is self serving; it was not corroborated. It was
confronted, in the vicinity of A. Lake Street, San Juan, with in fact contradicted by eyewitness Rodriguez who stated
a car coming from the opposite direction, travelling at 80 that he was outside his beerhouse located at Aurora
kph, with "full bright lights". Temporarily blinded, he Boulevard after A. Lake Street, at or about 2:00 a.m. of June
instinctively swerved to the right to avoid colliding with the 24, 1990 when his attention was caught by a beautiful lady
oncoming vehicle, and bumped plaintiff's car, which he did (referring to the plaintiff) alighting from her car and
not see because it was midnight blue in color, with no opening the trunk compartment; he noticed the car of
parking lights or early warning device, and the area was Richard Li "approaching very fast ten (10) meters away from
poorly lighted. He alleged in his defense that the left rear the scene"; defendant's car was zigzagging", although there
portion of plaintiff's car was protruding as it was then "at a were no holes and hazards on the street, and "bumped the
standstill diagonally" on the outer portion of the right lane leg of the plaintiff" who was thrown against the windshield
towards Araneta Avenue (par. 18, Answer). He confirmed of defendant's care, causing its destruction. He came to the
the testimony of plaintiff's witness that after being bumped rescue of the plaintiff, who was pulled out from under
the car of the plaintiff swerved to the right and hit another defendant's car and was able to say "hurting words" to
car parked on the sidewalk. Defendants counterclaimed for Richard Li because he noticed that the latter was under the
damages, alleging that plaintiff was reckless or negligent, as influence of liquor, because he "could smell it very well" (p.
she was not a licensed driver. 36, et. seq., tsn, June 17, 1991). He knew that plaintiff
owned a beerhouse in Sta. Mesa in the 1970's, but did not
know either plaintiff or defendant Li before the accident.
The police investigator, Pfc. Felic Ramos, who prepared the
vehicular accident report and the sketch of the three cars
involved in the accident, testified that the plaintiff's car was In agreeing with the trial court that the defendant Li was liable for
"near the sidewalk"; this witness did not remember whether the injuries sustained by the plaintiff, the Court of Appeals, in its
the hazard lights of plaintiff's car were on, and did not decision, however, absolved the Li's employer, Alexander Commercial,
notice if there was an early warning device; there was a Inc. from any liability towards petitioner Lourdes Valenzuela and
street light at the corner of Aurora Blvd. and F. Roman, reduced the amount of moral damages to P500,000.00. Finding
about 100 meters away. It was not mostly dark, i.e. "things justification for exemplary damages, the respondent court allowed an
can be seen" (p. 16, tsn, Oct. 28, 1991). award of P50,000.00 for the same, in addition to costs, attorney's fees
and the other damages. The Court of Appeals, likewise, dismissed the
defendants' counterclaims.3
A witness for the plaintiff, Rogelio Rodriguez, testified that
after plaintiff alighted from her car and opened the trunk
compartment, defendant's car came approaching very fast Consequently, both parties assail the respondent court's decision by
ten meters from the scene; the car was "zigzagging". The filing two separate petitions before this Court. Richard Li, in G.R. No.
rear left side of plaintiff's car was bumped by the front right 117944, contends that he should not be held liable for damages
portion of defendant's car; as a consequence, the plaintiff's because the proximate cause of the accident was Ma. Lourdes
car swerved to the right and hit the parked car on the Valenzuela's own negligence. Alternatively, he argues that in the
sidewalk. Plaintiff was thrown to the windshield of event that this Court finds him negligent, such negligence ought to be
defendant's car, which was destroyed, and landed under the mitigated by the contributory negligence of Valenzuela.
car. He stated that defendant was under the influence of
liquor as he could "smell it very well" (pp. 43, 79, tsn, June
On the other hand, in G.R. No. 115024, Ma. Lourdes Valenzuela
17, 1991).
assails the respondent court's decision insofar as it absolves
Alexander Commercial, Inc. from liability as the owner of the car
After trial, the lower court sustained the plaintiff's submissions and driven by Richard Li and insofar as it reduces the amount of the
found defendant Richard Li guilty of gross negligence and liable for actual and moral damages awarded by the trial court.4
damages under Article 2176 of the Civil Code. The trial court likewise
held Alexander Commercial, Inc., Li's employer, jointly and severally
As the issues are intimately related, both petitions are hereby
liable for damages pursuant to Article 2180. It ordered the defendants
to jointly and severally pay the following amounts:

It is plainly evident that the petition for review in G.R. No. 117944
1. P41,840.00, as actual damages, representing the
raises no substantial questions of law. What it, in effect, attempts to
miscellaneous expenses of the plaintiff as a result of her
have this Court review are factual findings of the trial court, as
severed left leg;
sustained by the Court of Appeals finding Richard Li grossly negligent
in driving the Mitsubishi Lancer provided by his company in the early
2. The sums of (a) P37,500.00, for the unrealized profits morning hours of June 24, 1990. This we will not do. As a general
because of the stoppage of plaintiff's Bistro La Conga rule, findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are binding and
restaurant three (3) weeks after the accident on June 24, conclusive upon us, and this Court will not normally disturb such
1990; (b) P20,000.00, a month, as unrealized profits of the factual findings unless the findings of fact of the said court are
plaintiff in her Bistro La Conga restaurant, from August, palpably unsupported by the evidence on record or unless the
1990 until the date of this judgment and (c) P30,000.00, a judgment itself is based on a misapprehension of facts.5
month for unrealized profits in plaintiff's two (2) beauty
salons from July, 1990 until the date of this decision;
In the first place, Valenzuela's version of the incident was fully
corroborated by an uninterested witness, Rogelio Rodriguez, the
3. P1,000,000.00, in moral damages; owner-operator of an establishment located just across the scene of
the accident. On trial, he testified that he observed a car being driven
at a "very fast" speed, racing towards the general direction of Araneta
4. P50,000.00, as exemplary damages;
Avenue.6 Rodriguez further added that he was standing in front of his
establishment, just ten to twenty feet away from the scene of the
5. P60,000.00, as reasonable attorney's fees; and accident, when he saw the car hit Valenzuela, hurtling her against the
windshield of the defendant's Mitsubishi Lancer, from where she
6. Costs. eventually fell under the defendant's car. Spontaneously reacting to
the incident, he crossed the street, noting that a man reeking with the
smell of liquor had alighted from the offending vehicle in order to
As a result of the trial court's decision, defendants filed an Omnibus survey the incident.7 Equally important, Rodriguez declared that he
Motion for New Trial and for Reconsideration, citing testimony in observed Valenzuela's car parked parallel and very near the
Criminal Case O.C. No. 804367 (People vs. Richard Li), tending to sidewalk,8 contrary to Li's allegation that Valenzuela's car was close to
show that the point of impact, as depicted by the pieces of glass/debris the center of the right lane. We agree that as between Li's "self-
from the parties' cars, appeared to be at the center of the right lane of serving" asseverations and the observations of a witness who did not
Aurora Blvd. The trial court denied the motion. Defendants forthwith even know the accident victim personally and who immediately gave a
filed an appeal with the respondent Court of Appeals. In a Decision statement of the incident similar to his testimony to the investigator
rendered March 30, 1994, the Court of Appeals found that there was immediately after the incident, the latter's testimony deserves greater
"ample basis from the evidence of record for the trial court's finding weight. As the court emphasized:
that the plaintiff's car was properly parked at the right, beside the
sidewalk when it was bumped by defendant's car."1 Dismissing the
defendants' argument that the plaintiff's car was improperly parked, The issue is one of credibility and from Our own
almost at the center of the road, the respondent court noted that examination of the transcript, We are not prepared to set
evidence which was supposed to prove that the car was at or near aside the trial court's reliance on the testimony of Rodriguez
center of the right lane was never presented during the trial of the negating defendant's assertion that he was driving at a safe
case.2 The respondent court furthermore observed that: speed. While Rodriguez drives only a motorcycle, his
perception of speed is not necessarily impaired. He was
subjected to cross-examination and no attempt was made to Since, according to him, in his narration to the San Juan
question .his competence or the accuracy of his statement Police, he put on his brakes when he saw the plaintiff's car
that defendant was driving "very fast". This was the same in front of him, but that it failed as the road was wet and
statement he gave to the police investigator after the slippery, this goes to show again, that, contrary to his claim,
incident, as told to a newspaper report (Exh. "P"). We see no he was, indeed, running very fast. For, were it otherwise, he
compelling basis for disregarding his testimony. could have easily completely stopped his car, thereby
avoiding the bumping of the plaintiff, notwithstanding that
the road was wet and slippery. Verily, since, if, indeed, he
The alleged inconsistencies in Rodriguez' testimony are not
was running slow, as he claimed, at only about 55
borne out by an examination of the testimony. Rodriguez
kilometers per hour, then, inspite of the wet and slippery
testified that the scene of the accident was across the street
road, he could have avoided hitting the plaintiff by the mere
where his beerhouse is located about ten to twenty feet away
expedient or applying his brakes at the proper time and
(pp. 35-36, tsn, June 17, 1991). He did not state that the
accident transpired immediately in front of his
establishment. The ownership of the Lambingan se
Kambingan is not material; the business is registered in the It could not be true, therefore, as he now claims during his
name of his mother, but he explained that he owns the testimony, which is contrary to what he told the police
establishment (p. 5, tsn, June 20, 1991). Moreover, the immediately after the accident and is, therefore, more
testimony that the streetlights on his side of Aurora believable, that he did not actually step on his brakes but
Boulevard were on the night the accident transpired (p. 8) is simply swerved a little to the right when he saw the on-
not necessarily contradictory to the testimony of Pfc. Ramos coming car with glaring headlights, from the opposite
that there was a streetlight at the corner of Aurora direction, in order to avoid it.
Boulevard and F. Roman Street (p. 45, tsn, Oct. 20, 1991).
For, had this been what he did, he would not have bumped
With respect to the weather condition, Rodriguez testified the car of the plaintiff which was properly parked at the
that there was only a drizzle, not a heavy rain and the rain right beside the sidewalk. And, it was not even necessary for
has stopped and he was outside his establishment at the him to swerve a little to the right in order to safely avoid a
time the accident transpired (pp. 64-65, tsn, June 17, 1991). collision with the on-coming car, considering that Aurora
This was consistent with plaintiff's testimony that it was no Blvd. is a double lane avenue separated at the center by a
longer raining when she left Bistro La Conga (pp. 10-11, tsn, dotted white paint, and there is plenty of space for both cars,
April 29, 1991). It was defendant Li who stated that it was since her car was running at the right lane going towards
raining all the way in an attempt to explain why he was Manila on the on-coming car was also on its right lane going
travelling at only 50-55 kph. (p. 11, tsn, Oct. 14, 1991). As to to Cubao.13
the testimony of Pfc. Ramos that it was raining, he arrived
at the scene only in response to a telephone call after the
Having come to the conclusion that Li was negligent in driving his
accident had transpired (pp. 9-10, tsn, Oct. 28, 1991). We
company-issued Mitsubishi Lancer, the next question for us to
find no substantial inconsistencies in Rodriguez's testimony
determine is whether or not Valenzuela was likewise guilty of
that would impair the essential integrity of his testimony or
contributory negligence in parking her car alongside Aurora
reflect on his honesty. We are compelled to affirm the trial
Boulevard, which entire area Li points out, is a no parking zone.
court's acceptance of the testimony of said eyewitness.

We agree with the respondent court that Valenzuela was not guilty of
Against the unassailable testimony of witness Rodriguez we note that
contributory negligence.
Li's testimony was peppered with so many inconsistencies leading us
to conclude that his version of the accident was merely adroitly
crafted to provide a version, obviously self-serving, which would Contributory negligence is conduct on the part of the injured party,
exculpate him from any and all liability in the incident. Against contributing as a legal cause to the harm he has suffered, which falls
Valenzuela's corroborated claims, his allegations were neither backed below the standard to which he is required to conform for his own
up by other witnesses nor by the circumstances proven in the course protection.14 Based on the foregoing definition, the standard or act to
of trial. He claimed that he was driving merely at a speed of 55 kph. which, according to petitioner Li, Valenzuela ought to have conformed
when "out of nowhere he saw a dark maroon lancer right in front of for her own protection was not to park at all at any point of Aurora
him, which was (the) plaintiff's car". He alleged that upon seeing this Boulevard, a no parking zone. We cannot agree.
sudden "apparition" he put on his brakes to no avail as the road was
slippery.9 Courts have traditionally been compelled to recognize that an actor
who is confronted with an emergency is not to be held up to the
One will have to suspend disbelief in order to give credence to Li's standard of conduct normally applied to an individual who is in no
disingenuous and patently self-serving asseverations. The average such situation. The law takes stock of impulses of humanity when
motorist alert to road conditions will have no difficulty applying the placed in threatening or dangerous situations and does not require
brakes to a car traveling at the speed claimed by Li. Given a light the same standard of thoughtful and reflective care from persons
rainfall, the visibility of the street, and the road conditions on a confronted by unusual and oftentimes threatening conditions.15
principal metropolitan thoroughfare like Aurora Boulevard, Li would
have had ample time to react to the changing conditions of the road if Under the "emergency rule" adopted by this Court in Gan vs. Court of
he were alert - as every driver should be - to those conditions. Driving Appeals,16 an individual who suddenly finds himself in a situation of
exacts a more than usual toll on the senses. Physiological "fight or danger and is required to act without much time to consider the best
flight" 10 mechanisms are at work, provided such mechanisms were means that may be adopted to avoid the impending danger, is not
not dulled by drugs, alcohol, exhaustion, drowsiness, etc.11 Li's failure guilty of negligence if he fails to undertake what subsequently and
to react in a manner which would have avoided the accident could upon reflection may appear to be a better solution, unless the
therefore have been only due to either or both of the two factors: 1) emergency was brought by his own negligence.17
that he was driving at a "very fast" speed as testified by Rodriguez;
and 2) that he was under the influence of alcohol.12 Either factor
working independently would have diminished his responsiveness to Applying this principle to a case in which the victims in a vehicular
road conditions, since normally he would have slowed down prior to accident swerved to the wrong lane to avoid hitting two children
reaching Valenzuela's car, rather than be in a situation forcing him to suddenly darting into the street, we held, in Mc Kee vs. Intermediate
suddenly apply his brakes. As the trial court noted (quoted with Appellate Court,18 that the driver therein, Jose Koh, "adopted the best
approval by respondent court): means possible in the given situation" to avoid hitting the children.
Using the "emergency rule" the Court concluded that Koh, in spite of
the fact that he was in the wrong lane when the collision with an
Secondly, as narrated by defendant Richard Li to the San oncoming truck occurred, was not guilty of negligence.19
Juan Police immediately after the incident, he said that
while driving along Aurora Blvd., out of nowhere he saw a
dark maroon lancer right in front of him which was While the emergency rule applies to those cases in which reflective
plaintiff's car, indicating, again, thereby that, indeed, he thought, or the opportunity to adequately weigh a threatening
was driving very fast, oblivious of his surroundings and the situation is absent, the conduct which is required of an individual in
road ahead of him, because if he was not, then he could not such cases is dictated not exclusively by the suddenness of the event
have missed noticing at a still far distance the parked car of which absolutely negates thoroughful care, but by the over-all nature
the plaintiff at the right side near the sidewalk which had of the circumstances. A woman driving a vehicle suddenly crippled by
its emergency lights on, thereby avoiding forcefully bumping a flat tire on a rainy night will not be faulted for stopping at a point
at the plaintiff who was then standing at the left rear edge which is both convenient for her to do so and which is not a hazard to
of her car. other motorists. She is not expected to run the entire boulevard in
search for a parking zone or turn on a dark street or alley where she
would likely find no one to help her. It would be hazardous for her not
to stop and assess the emergency (simply because the entire length of
Aurora Boulevard is a no-parking zone) because the hobbling vehicle employee, in furtherance of the interests of the employer or
would be both a threat to her safety and to other motorists. In the for the account of the employer at the time of the infliction of
instant case, Valenzuela, upon reaching that portion of Aurora the injury or damage (Filamer Christian Institute vs.
Boulevard close to A. Lake St., noticed that she had a flat tire. To Intermediate Appellate Court, 212 SCRA 637). An employer
avoid putting herself and other motorists in danger, she did what was is expected to impose upon its employees the necessary
best under the situation. As narrated by respondent court: "She discipline called for in the performance of any act
stopped at a lighted place where there were people, to verify whether "indispensable to the business and beneficial to their
she had a flat tire and to solicit help if needed. Having been told by employer" (at p. 645).
the people present that her rear right tire was flat and that she
cannot reach her home she parked along the sidewalk, about 1 1/2 feet
In light of the foregoing, We are unable to sustain the trial
away, behind a Toyota Corona Car."20 In fact, respondent court noted,
court's finding that since defendant Li was authorized by
Pfc. Felix Ramos, the investigator on the scene of the accident
the company to use the company car "either officially or
confirmed that Valenzuela's car was parked very close to the
socially or even bring it home", he can be considered as
sidewalk.21 The sketch which he prepared after the incident showed
using the company car in the service of his employer or on
Valenzuela's car partly straddling the sidewalk, clear and at a
the occasion of his functions. Driving the company car was
convenient distance from motorists passing the right lane of Aurora
not among his functions as assistant manager; using it for
Boulevard. This fact was itself corroborated by the testimony of
non-official purposes would appear to be a fringe benefit, one
witness Rodriguez.22
of the perks attached to his position. But to impose liability
upon the employer under Article 2180 of the Civil Code,
Under the circumstances described, Valenzuela did exercise the earlier quoted, there must be a showing that the damage
standard reasonably dictated by the emergency and could not be was caused by their employees in the service of the employer
considered to have contributed to the unfortunate circumstances or on the occasion of their functions. There is no evidence
which eventually led to the amputation of one of her lower that Richard Li was at the time of the accident performing
extremities. The emergency which led her to park her car on a any act in furtherance of the company's business or its
sidewalk in Aurora Boulevard was not of her own making, and it was interests, or at least for its benefit. The imposition of
evident that she had taken all reasonable precautions. solidary liability against defendant Alexander Commercial
Corporation must therefore fail.27
Obviously in the case at bench, the only negligence ascribable was the
negligence of Li on the night of the accident. "Negligence, as it is We agree with the respondent court that the relationship in question
commonly understood is conduct which creates an undue risk of harm is not based on the principle of respondeat superior, which holds the
to others."23 It is the failure to observe that degree of care, precaution, master liable for acts of the servant, but that of pater familias, in
and vigilance which the circumstances justly demand, whereby such which the liability ultimately falls upon the employer, for his failure
other person suffers injury.24 We stressed, in Corliss vs. Manila to exercise the diligence of a good father of the family in the selection
Railroad Company,25 that negligence is the want of care required by and supervision of his employees. It is up to this point, however, that
the circumstances. our agreement with the respondent court ends. Utilizing the bonus
pater familias standard expressed in Article 2180 of the Civil
Code, 28 we are of the opinion that Li's employer, Alexander
The circumstances established by the evidence adduced in the court
Commercial, Inc. is jointly and solidarily liable for the damage caused
below plainly demonstrate that Li was grossly negligent in driving his
by the accident of June 24, 1990.
Mitsubishi Lancer. It bears emphasis that he was driving at a fast
speed at about 2:00 A.M. after a heavy downpour had settled into a
drizzle rendering the street slippery. There is ample testimonial First, the case of St. Francis High School vs. Court of Appeals29 upon
evidence on record to show that he was under the influence of liquor. which respondent court has placed undue reliance, dealt with the
Under these conditions, his chances of effectively dealing with subject of a school and its teacher's supervision of students during an
changing conditions on the road were significantly lessened. As extracurricular activity. These cases now fall under the provision on
Presser and Keaton emphasize: special parental authority found in Art. 218 of the Family Code which
generally encompasses all authorized school activities, whether inside
or outside school premises.
[U]nder present day traffic conditions, any driver of an
automobile must be prepared for the sudden appearance of
obstacles and persons on the highway, and of other vehicles Second, the employer's primary liability under the concept of pater
at intersections, such as one who sees a child on the curb familias embodied by Art 2180 (in relation to Art. 2176) of the Civil
may be required to anticipate its sudden dash into the Code is quasi-delictual or tortious in character. His liability is relieved
street, and his failure to act properly when they appear may on a showing that he exercised the diligence of a good father of the
be found to amount to negligence.26 family in the selection and supervision of its employees. Once
evidence is introduced showing that the employer exercised the
required amount of care in selecting its employees, half of the
Li's obvious unpreparedness to cope with the situation confronting
employer's burden is overcome. The question of diligent supervision,
him on the night of the accident was clearly of his own making.
however, depends on the circumstances of employment.

We now come to the question of the liability of Alexander Commercial,

Ordinarily, evidence demonstrating that the employer has exercised
Inc. Li's employer. In denying liability on the part of Alexander
diligent supervision of its employee during the performance of the
Commercial, the respondent court held that:
latter's assigned tasks would be enough to relieve him of the liability
imposed by Article 2180 in relation to Article 2176 of the Civil Code.
There is no evidence, not even defendant Li's testimony, The employer is not expected to exercise supervision over either the
that the visit was in connection with official matters. His employee's private activities or during the performance of tasks either
functions as assistant manager sometimes required him to unsanctioned by the former or unrelated to the employee's tasks. The
perform work outside the office as he has to visit buyers and case at bench presents a situation of a different character, involving a
company clients, but he admitted that on the night of the practice utilized by large companies with either their employees of
accident he came from BF Homes Paranaque he did not managerial rank or their representatives.
have "business from the company" (pp. 25-26, ten, Sept. 23,
1991). The use of the company car was partly required by
It is customary for large companies to provide certain classes of their
the nature of his work, but the privilege of using it for non-
employees with courtesy vehicles. These company cars are either
official business is a "benefit", apparently referring to the
wholly owned and maintained by the company itself or are subject to
fringe benefits attaching to his position.
various plans through which employees eventually acquire their
vehicles after a given period of service, or after paying a token
Under the civil law, an employer is liable for the negligence amount. Many companies provide liberal "car plans" to enable their
of his employees in the discharge of their respective duties, managerial or other employees of rank to purchase cars, which, given
the basis of which liability is not respondeat superior, but the cost of vehicles these days, they would not otherwise be able to
the relationship of pater familias, which theory bases the purchase on their own.
liability of the master ultimately on his own negligence and
not on that of his servant (Cuison v. Norton and Harrison
Under the first example, the company actually owns and maintains
Co., 55 Phil. 18). Before an employer may be held liable for
the car up to the point of turnover of ownership to the employee; in
the negligence of his employee, the act or omission which
the second example, the car is really owned and maintained by the
caused damage must have occurred while an employee was
employee himself. In furnishing vehicles to such employees, are
in the actual performance of his assigned tasks or duties
companies totally absolved of responsibility when an accident
(Francis High School vs. Court of Appeals, 194 SCRA 341).
involving a company-issued car occurs during private use after normal
In defining an employer's liability for the acts done within
office hours?
the scope of the employee's assigned tasks, the Supreme
Court has held that this includes any act done by an
Most pharmaceutical companies, for instance, which provide cars required to undergo adjustments in her prosthetic devise due to the
under the first plan, require rigorous tests of road worthiness from shrinkage of the stump from the process of healing.
their agents prior to turning over the car (subject of company
maintenance) to their representatives. In other words, like a good
These adjustments entail costs, prosthetic replacements and months
father of a family, they entrust the company vehicle only after they
of physical and occupational rehabilitation and therapy. During her
are satisfied that the employee to whom the car has been given full
lifetime, the prosthetic devise will have to be replaced and re-adjusted
use of the said company car for company or private purposes will not
to changes in the size of her lower limb effected by the biological
be a threat or menace to himself, the company or to others. When a
changes of middle-age, menopause and aging. Assuming she reaches
company gives full use and enjoyment of a company car to its
menopause, for example, the prosthetic will have to be adjusted to
employee, it in effect guarantees that it is, like every good father,
respond to the changes in bone resulting from a precipitate decrease
satisfied that its employee will use the privilege reasonably and
in calcium levels observed in the bones of all post-menopausal women.
In other words, the damage done to her would not only be permanent
and lasting, it would also be permanently changing and adjusting to
In the ordinary course of business, not all company employees are the physiologic changes which her body would normally undergo
given the privilege of using a company-issued car. For large through the years. The replacements, changes, and adjustments will
companies other than those cited in the example of the preceding require corresponding adjustive physical and occupational therapy.
paragraph, the privilege serves important business purposes either All of these adjustments, it has been documented, are painful.
related to the image of success an entity intends to present to its
clients and to the public in general, or - for practical and utilitarian
The foregoing discussion does not even scratch the surface of the
reasons - to enable its managerial and other employees of rank or its
nature of the resulting damage because it would be highly speculative
sales agents to reach clients conveniently. In most cases, providing a
to estimate the amount of psychological pain, damage and injury
company car serves both purposes. Since important business
which goes with the sudden severing of a vital portion of the human
transactions and decisions may occur at all hours in all sorts of
body. A prosthetic device, however technologically advanced, will only
situations and under all kinds of guises, the provision for the
allow a reasonable amount of functional restoration of the motor
unlimited use of a company car therefore principally serves the
functions of the lower limb. The sensory functions are forever lost. The
business and goodwill of a company and only incidentally the private
resultant anxiety, sleeplessness, psychological injury, mental and
purposes of the individual who actually uses the car, the managerial
physical pain are inestimable.
employee or company sales agent. As such, in providing for a company
car for business use and/or for the purpose of furthering the
company's image, a company owes a responsibility to the public to see As the amount of moral damages are subject to this Court's discretion,
to it that the managerial or other employees to whom it entrusts we are of the opinion that the amount of P1,000,000.00 granted by the
virtually unlimited use of a company issued car are able to use the trial court is in greater accord with the extent and nature of the injury
company issue capably and responsibly. - physical and psychological - suffered by Valenzuela as a result of Li's
grossly negligent driving of his Mitsubishi Lancer in the early
morning hours of the accident.
In the instant case, Li was an Assistant Manager of Alexander
Commercial, Inc. In his testimony before the trial court, he admitted
that his functions as Assistant Manager did not require him to WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the decision of the Court
scrupulously keep normal office hours as he was required quite often of Appeals is modified with the effect of REINSTATING the judgment
to perform work outside the office, visiting prospective buyers and of the Regional Trial Court.
contacting and meeting with company clients. 30 These meetings,
clearly, were not strictly confined to routine hours because, as a G.R. No. 119197 May 16, 1997
managerial employee tasked with the job of representing his company
with its clients, meetings with clients were both social as well as
work-related functions. The service car assigned to Li by Alexander TABACALERA INSURANCE CO., PRUDENTIAL GUARANTEE
Commercial, Inc. therefore enabled both Li - as well as the corporation & ASSURANCE, INC., and NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE CO.,
- to put up the front of a highly successful entity, increasing the LTD., petitioners,
latter's goodwill before its clientele. It also facilitated meeting vs.
between Li and its clients by providing the former with a convenient NORTH FRONT SHIPPING SERVICES, INC., and COURT OF
mode of travel. APPEALS, respondents.

Moreover, Li's claim that he happened to be on the road on the night

of the accident because he was coming from a social visit with an
officemate in Paranaque was a bare allegation which was never BELLOSILLO, J.:
corroborated in the court below. It was obviously self-serving.
Assuming he really came from his officemate's place, the same could
give rise to speculation that he and his officemate had just been from TABACALERA INSURANCE CO., Prudential Guarantee &
a work-related function, or they were together to discuss sales and Assurance, Inc., and New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd., in this petition
other work related strategies. for review on certiorari, assail the 22 December 1994 decision of the
Court of Appeals and its Resolution of 16 February 1995 which
affirmed the 1 June 1993 decision of the Regional Trial Court
In fine, Alexander Commercial, inc. has not demonstrated, to our dismissing their complaint for damages against North Front Shipping
satisfaction, that it exercised the care and diligence of a good father of Services, Inc.
the family in entrusting its company car to Li. No allegations were
made as to whether or not the company took the steps necessary to
determine or ascertain the driving proficiency and history of Li, to On 2 August 1990, 20,234 sacks of corn grains valued at
whom it gave full and unlimited use of a company car.31 Not having P3,500,640.00 were shipped on board North Front 777, a vessel owned
been able to overcome the burden of demonstrating that it should be by North Front Shipping Services, Inc. The cargo was consigned to
absolved of liability for entrusting its company car to Li, said Republic Flour Mills Corporation in Manila under Bill of Lading No.
company, based on the principle of bonus pater familias, ought to be 001 1 and insured with the herein mentioned insurance companies.
jointly and severally liable with the former for the injuries sustained The vessel was inspected prior to actual loading by representatives of
by Ma. Lourdes Valenzuela during the accident. the shipper and was found fit to carry the merchandise. The cargo was
covered with tarpaulins and wooden boards. The hatches were sealed
and could only be opened by representatives of Republic Flour Mills
Finally, we find no reason to overturn the amount of damages Corporation.
awarded by the respondent court, except as to the amount of moral
damages. In the case of moral damages, while the said damages are
not intended to enrich the plaintiff at the expense of a defendant, the The vessel left Cagayan de Oro City on 2 August 1990 and arrived
award should nonetheless be commensurate to the suffering inflicted. Manila on 16 August 1990. Republic Flour Mills Corporation was
In the instant case we are of the opinion that the reduction in moral advised of its arrival but it did not immediately commence the
damages from an amount of P1,000,000.00 to P800,000,00 by the unloading operations. There were days when unloading had to be
Court of Appeals was not justified considering the nature of the stopped due to variable weather conditions and sometimes for no
resulting damage and the predictable sequelae of the injury. apparent reason at all. When the cargo was eventually unloaded there
was a shortage of 26.333 metric tons. The remaining merchandise was
already moldy, rancid and deteriorating. The unloading operations
As a result of the accident, Ma. Lourdes Valenzuela underwent a were completed on 5 September 1990 or twenty (20) days after the
traumatic amputation of her left lower extremity at the distal left arrival of the barge at the wharf of Republic Flour Mills Corporation
thigh just above the knee. Because of this, Valenzuela will forever be in Pasig City.
deprived of the full ambulatory functions of her left extremity, even
with the use of state of the art prosthetic technology. Well beyond the
period of hospitalization (which was paid for by Li), she will be Precision Analytical Services, Inc., was hired to examine the corn
grains and determine the cause of deterioration. A Certificate of
Analysis was issued indicating that the corn grains had 18.56% whole or portion of a vessel by one or more persons,
moisture content and the wetting was due to contact with salt water. provided the charter is limited to the shin only, as
The mold growth was only incipient and not sufficient to make the in the case of a time-charter or voyage-
corn grains toxic and unfit for consumption. In fact the mold growth charter (emphasis supplied).
could still be arrested by drying.
North Front Shipping Services, Inc., is a corporation engaged in the
Republic Flour Mills Corporation rejected the entire cargo and business of transporting cargo and offers its services indiscriminately
formally demanded from North Front Shipping Services, Inc., to the public. It is without doubt a common carrier. As such it is
payment for the damages suffered by it. The demands however were required to observe extraordinary diligence in its vigilance over the
unheeded. The insurance companies were perforce obliged to pay goods it transports. 3 When goods placed in its care are lost or
Republic Flour Mills Corporation P2,189,433.40. damaged, the carrier is presumed to have been at fault or to have
acted negligently. 4 North Front Shipping Services, Inc., therefore has
the burden of proving that it observed extraordinary diligence in order
By virtue of the payment made by the insurance companies they were
to avoid responsibility for the lost cargo.
subrogated to the rights of Republic Flour Mills Corporation. Thusly,
they lodged a complaint for damages against North Front Shipping
Services, Inc., claiming that the loss was exclusively attributable to North Front Shipping Services, Inc., proved that the vessel was
the fault and negligence of the carrier. The Marine Cargo Adjusters inspected prior to actual loading by representatives of the shipper and
hired by the insurance companies conducted a survey and found was found fit to take a load of corn grains. They were also
cracks in the bodega of the barge and heavy concentration of molds on issued Permit to Sail by the Coast Guard. The master of the vessel
the tarpaulins and wooden boards. They did not notice any seals in testified that the corn grains were farm wet when loaded. However,
the hatches. The tarpaulins were not brand new as there were patches this testimony was disproved by the clean bill of lading issued by
on them, contrary to the claim of North Front Shipping Services, Inc., North Front Shipping Services, Inc., which did not contain a notation
thus making it possible for water to seep in. They also discovered that that the corn grains were wet and improperly dried. Having been in
the bulkhead of the barge was rusty. the service since 1968, the master of the vessel would have known at
the outset that corn grains that were farm wet and not properly dried
would eventually deteriorate when stored in sealed and hot
North Front Shipping Services, Inc., averred in refutation that it
compartments as in hatches of a ship. Equipped with this knowledge,
could not be made culpable for the loss and deterioration of the cargo
the master of the vessel and his crew should have undertaken
as it was never negligent. Captain Solomon Villanueva, master of the
precautionary measures to avoid or lessen the cargo's possible
vessel, reiterated that the barge was inspected prior to the actual
deterioration as they were presumed knowledgeable about the nature
loading and was found adequate and seaworthy. In addition, they
of such cargo. But none of such measures was taken.
were issued a permit to sail by the Coast Guard. The tarpaulins were
doubled and brand new and the hatches were properly sealed. They
did not encounter big waves hence it was not possible for water to In Compania Maritima v. Court of Appeals 5 we ruled —
seep in. He further averred that the corn grains were farm wet and
not properly dried when loaded.
. . . Mere proof of delivery of the goods in good
order to a common carrier, and of their arrival at
The court below dismissed the complaint and ruled that the contract the place of destination in bad order, makes
entered into between North Front Shipping Services, Inc., and out prima facie case against the common carrier,
Republic Flour Mills Corporation was a charter-party agreement. As so that if no explanation is given as to how the
such, only ordinary diligencein the care of goods was required of loss, deterioration or destruction of the goods
North Front Shipping Services, Inc. The inspection of the barge by the occurred, the common carrier must be held
shipper and the representatives of the shipping company before actual responsible. Otherwise stated, it is incumbent
loading, coupled with the Permit to Sail issued by the Coast Guard, upon the common carrier to prove that the loss,
sufficed to meet the degree of diligence required of the carrier. deterioration or destruction was due to accident or
some other circumstances inconsistent with its
liability . . .
On the other hand, the Court of Appeals ruled that as a common
carrier required to observe a higher degree of diligence North
Front 777 satisfactorily complied with all the requirements hence was The extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over
issued a Permit to Sail after proper inspection. Consequently, the the goods tendered for shipment requires the
complaint was dismissed and the motion for reconsideration rejected. common carrier to know and to follow the required
precaution for avoiding damage to, or destruction
of the goods entrusted to it for safe carriage and
The charter-party agreement between North Front Shipping Services,
delivery. It requires common carriers to render
Inc., and Republic Flour Mills Corporation did not in any way convert
service with the greatest skill and foresight and "to
the common carrier into a private carrier. We have already resolved
use all reasonable means to ascertain the nature
this issue with finality in Planters Products, Inc. v. Court of
and characteristics of goods tendered for shipment,
Appeals 2 thus —
and to exercise due care in the handling and
stowage, including such methods as their nature
A "charter-party" is defined as a contract by which requires" (emphasis supplied).
an entire ship, or some principal part thereof, is let
by the owner to another person for a specified time
In fine, we find that the carrier failed to observe the
or use; a contract of affreightment by which the
required extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods placed
owner of a ship or other vessel lets the whole or a
in its care. The proofs presented by North Front Shipping Services,
part of her to a merchant or other person for the
Inc., were insufficient to rebut the prima facie presumption of private
conveyance of goods, on a particular voyage, in
respondent's negligence, more so if we consider the evidence adduced
consideration of the payment of freight . . .
by petitioners.
Contract of affreightment may either be time
charter, wherein the vessel is leased to the
charterer for a fixed period of time, or voyage It is not denied by the insurance companies that the vessel was indeed
charter, wherein the ship is leased for a single inspected before actual loading and that North Front 777 was issued
voyage. In both cases, the charter-party provides a Permit to Sail. They proved the fact of shipment and its consequent
for the hire of the vessel only, either for a loss or damage while in the actual possession of the carrier. Notably,
determinate period of time or for a single or the carrier failed to volunteer any explanation why there was spoilage
consecutive voyage, the ship owner to supply the and how it occurred. On the other hand, it was shown during the trial
ship's store, pay for the wages of the master of the that the vessel had rusty bulkheads and the wooden boards and
crew, and defray the expenses for the maintenance tarpaulins bore heavy concentration of molds. The tarpaulins used
of the ship. were not new, contrary to the claim of North Front Shipping Services,
Inc., as there were already several patches on them, hence, making it
highly probable for water to enter.
Upon the other hand, the term "common or public
carrier" is defined in Art. 1732 of the Civil Code.
The definition extends to carriers either by land, Laboratory analysis revealed that the corn grains were contaminated
air or water which hold themselves out as ready to with salt water. North Front Shipping Services, Inc., failed to rebut
engage in carrying goods or transporting all these arguments. It did not even endeavor to establish that the
passengers or both for compensation as a public loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods was due to the following:
employment and not as a casual occupation . . . (a) flood, storm, earthquake, lightning, or other natural disaster or
calamity; (b) act of the public enemy in war, whether international or
civil; (c) act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods; (d) the
It is therefore imperative that a public carrier shall
character of the goods or defects in the packing or in the containers;
remain as such, notwithstanding the charter of the
(e) order or act of competent public authority. 6 This is a closed list. If cargo or property. The carrier shall be responsible as to the
the cause of destruction, loss or deterioration is other than the correctness of any such mark, descriptions or representations. 4
enumerated circumstances, then the carrier is rightly liable therefor.
The shipment was contained in two wooden crates, namely, Crate No.
However, we cannot attribute the destruction, loss or deterioration of 1 and Crate No. 2, complete and in good order condition, covered by
the cargo solely to the carrier. We find the consignee Republic Flour Commercial Invoice No. YJ-73564 DTD5 and a Packing List.6 There
Mills Corporation guilty of contributory negligence. It was seasonably were no markings on the outer portion of the crates except the name
notified of the arrival of the barge but did not immediately start the of the consignee.7 Crate No. 1 measured 24 cubic meters and weighed
unloading operations. No explanation was proffered by the consignee 3,620 kgs. It contained the following articles: one (1) unit Lathe
as to why there was a delay of six (6) days. Had the unloading been Machine complete with parts and accessories; one (1) unit Surface
commenced immediately the loss could have been completely avoided Grinder complete with parts and accessories; and one (1) unit Milling
or at least minimized. As testified to by the chemist who analyzed the Machine complete with parts and accessories. On the flooring of the
corn samples, the mold growth was only at its incipient stage and wooden crates were three wooden battens placed side by side to
could still be arrested by drying. The corn grains were not yet toxic or support the weight of the cargo. Crate No. 2, on the other hand,
unfit for consumption. For its contributory negligence, Republic Flour measured 10 cubic meters and weighed 2,060 kgs. The Lathe Machine
Mills Corporation should share at least 40% of the loss. 7 was stuffed in the crate. The shipment had a total invoice value of
US$90,000.00 C&F Manila.8 It was insured for ₱2,547,270.00 with the
Philippine Charter Insurance Corporation (PCIC) thru its general
WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Court of Appeals of 22 December
agent, Family Insurance and Investment Corporation,9 under Marine
1994 and its Resolution of 16 February 1995 are REVERSED and SET
Risk Note No. 68043 dated October 24, 1994.10
ASIDE. Respondent North Front Shipping Services, Inc., is ordered to
pay petitioners Tabacalera Insurance Co., Prudential Guarantee &
Assurance, Inc., and New Zealand Insurance Co. Ltd., P1,313,660.00 The M/V "National Honor" arrived at the Manila International
which is 60% of the amount paid by the insurance companies to Container Terminal (MICT) on November 14, 1995. The International
Republic Flour Mills Corporation, plus interest at the rate of 12% per Container Terminal Services, Incorporated (ICTSI) was furnished
annum from the time this judgment becomes final until full payment. with a copy of the crate cargo list and bill of lading, and it knew the
contents of the crate.11 The following day, the vessel started
discharging its cargoes using its winch crane. The crane was operated
G.R. No. 161833. July 8, 2005
by Olegario Balsa, a winchman from the ICTSI,12 the exclusive
arrastre operator of MICT.
CORPORATION, Petitioners,
Denasto Dauz, Jr., the checker-inspector of the NSCP, along with the
crew and the surveyor of the ICTSI, conducted an inspection of the
cargo.13 They inspected the hatches, checked the cargo and found it in
apparent good condition.14 Claudio Cansino, the stevedore of the
ICTSI, placed two sling cables on each end of Crate No. 1.15 No sling
SERVICES, INC., Respondents.
cable was fastened on the mid-portion of the crate. In Dauz’s
experience, this was a normal procedure.16 As the crate was being
DECISION hoisted from the vessel’s hatch, the mid-portion of the wooden flooring
suddenly snapped in the air, about five feet high from the vessel’s
CALLEJO, SR., J.: twin deck, sending all its contents crashing down hard,17 resulting in
extensive damage to the shipment.

This is a petition for review under Rule 45 of the 1997 Revised Rules
of Civil Procedure assailing the Decision1dated January 19, 2004 of BMICI’s customs broker, JRM Incorporated, took delivery of the cargo
the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 57357 which affirmed in such damaged condition.18 Upon receipt of the damaged shipment,
the Decision dated February 17, 1997 of the Regional Trial Court BMICI found that the same could no longer be used for the intended
(RTC) of Manila, Branch 37, in Civil Case No. 95-73338. purpose. The Mariners’ Adjustment Corporation hired by PCIC
conducted a survey and declared that the packing of the shipment was
considered insufficient. It ruled out the possibility of taxes due to
The Antecedent insufficiency of packing. It opined that three to four pieces of cable or
wire rope slings, held in all equal setting, never by-passing the center
On November 5, 1995, J. Trading Co. Ltd. of Seoul, Korea, loaded a of the crate, should have been used, considering that the crate
shipment of four units of parts and accessories in the port of Pusan, contained heavy machinery.19
Korea, on board the vessel M/V "National Honor," represented in the
Philippines by its agent, National Shipping Corporation of the BMICI subsequently filed separate claims against the NSCP,20 the
Philippines (NSCP). The shipment was for delivery to Manila, ICTSI,21 and its insurer, the PCIC,22 for US$61,500.00. When the
Philippines. Freight forwarder, Samhwa Inter-Trans Co., Ltd., issued other companies denied liability, PCIC paid the claim and was issued
Bill of Lading No. SH94103062 in the name of the shipper consigned a Subrogation Receipt23 for ₱1,740,634.50.
to the order of Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company with arrival
notice in Manila to ultimate consignee Blue Mono International
Company, Incorporated (BMICI), Binondo, Manila. On March 22, 1995, PCIC, as subrogee, filed with the RTC of Manila,
Branch 35, a Complaint for Damages24against the "Unknown owner of
the vessel M/V National Honor," NSCP and ICTSI, as defendants.
NSCP, for its part, issued Bill of Lading No. NSGPBSML5125653 in
the name of the freight forwarder, as shipper, consigned to the order
of Stamm International Inc., Makati, Philippines. It is provided PCIC alleged that the loss was due to the fault and negligence of the
therein that: defendants. It prayed, among others –

12. This Bill of Lading shall be prima facie evidence of the receipt of WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that
the Carrier in apparent good order and condition except as, otherwise, judgment be rendered ordering defendants to pay plaintiff, jointly or
noted of the total number of Containers or other packages or units in the alternative, the following:
enumerated overleaf. Proof to the contrary shall be admissible when
this Bill of Lading has been transferred to a third party acting in good 1. Actual damages in the amount of ₱1,740,634.50 plus legal interest
faith. No representation is made by the Carrier as to the weight, at the time of the filing of this complaint until fully paid;
contents, measure, quantity, quality, description, condition, marks,
numbers, or value of the Goods and the Carrier shall be under no
2. Attorney’s fees in the amount of ₱100,000.00;
responsibility whatsoever in respect of such description or particulars.

3. Cost of suit.25
13. The shipper, whether principal or agent, represents and warrants
that the goods are properly described, marked, secured, and packed
and may be handled in ordinary course without damage to the goods, ICTSI, for its part, filed its Answer with Counterclaim and Cross-
ship, or property or persons and guarantees the correctness of the claim against its co-defendant NSCP, claiming that the loss/damage of
particulars, weight or each piece or package and description of the the shipment was caused exclusively by the defective material of the
goods and agrees to ascertain and to disclose in writing on shipment, wooden battens of the shipment, insufficient packing or acts of the
any condition, nature, quality, ingredient or characteristic that may shipper.
cause damage, injury or detriment to the goods, other property, the
ship or to persons, and for the failure to do so the shipper agrees to be
At the trial, Anthony Abarquez, the safety inspector of ICTSI, testified
liable for and fully indemnify the carrier and hold it harmless in
that the wooden battens placed on the wooden flooring of the crate
respect of any injury or death of any person and loss or damage to
was of good material but was not strong enough to support the weight
of the machines inside the crate. He averred that most stevedores did against it; in such case, it is liable for the loss or damage to the cargo
not know how to read and write; hence, he placed the sling cables only absent satisfactory explanation given by the carrier as to the exercise
on those portions of the crate where the arrow signs were placed, as in of extraordinary diligence. The petitioner avers that the shipment was
the case of fragile cargo. He said that unless otherwise indicated by sufficiently packed in wooden boxes, as shown by the fact that it was
arrow signs, the ICTSI used only two cable slings on each side of the accepted on board the vessel and arrived in Manila safely. It
crate and would not place a sling cable in the mid-section.26 He emphasizes that the respondents did not contest the contents of the
declared that the crate fell from the cranes because the wooden batten bill of lading, and that the respondents knew that the manner and
in the mid-portion was broken as it was being lifted.27 He concluded condition of the packing of the cargo was normal and barren of
that the loss/damage was caused by the failure of the shipper or its defects. It maintains that it behooved the respondent ICTSI to place
packer to place wooden battens of strong materials under the flooring three to four cables or wire slings in equal settings, including the
of the crate, and to place a sign in its mid-term section where the sling center portion of the crate to prevent damage to the cargo:
cables would be placed.
… [A] simple look at the manifesto of the cargo and the bill of lading
The ICTSI adduced in evidence the report of the R.J. Del Pan & Co., would have alerted respondents of the nature of the cargo consisting
Inc. that the damage to the cargo could be attributed to insufficient of thick and heavy machinery. Extra-care should have been made and
packing and unbalanced weight distribution of the cargo inside the extended in the discharge of the subject shipment. Had the
crate as evidenced by the types and shapes of items found. 28 respondent only bothered to check the list of its contents, they would
have been nervous enough to place additional slings and cables to
support those massive machines, which were composed almost
The trial court rendered judgment for PCIC and ordered the
entirely of thick steel, clearly intended for heavy industries. As
complaint dismissed, thus:
indicated in the list, the boxes contained one lat[h]e machine, one
milling machine and one grinding machine-all coming with complete
WHEREFORE, the complaint of the plaintiff, and the respective parts and accessories. Yet, not one among the respondents were
counterclaims of the two defendants are dismissed, with costs against cautious enough. Here lies the utter failure of the respondents to
the plaintiff. observed extraordinary diligence in the handling of the cargo in their
custody and possession, which the Court of Appeals should have
SO ORDERED.29 readily observed in its appreciation of the pertinent facts. 37

According to the trial court, the loss of the shipment contained in The petitioner posits that the loss/damage was caused by the
Crate No. 1 was due to the internal defect and weakness of the mishandling of the shipment by therein respondent ICTSI, the
materials used in the fabrication of the crates. The middle wooden arrastre operator, and not by its negligence.
batten had a hole (bukong-bukong). The trial court rejected the
certification30 of the shipper, stating that the shipment was properly The petitioner insists that the respondents did not observe
packed and secured, as mere hearsay and devoid of any evidentiary extraordinary diligence in the care of the goods. It argues that in the
weight, the affiant not having testified. performance of its obligations, the respondent ICTSI should observe
the same degree of diligence as that required of a common carrier
Not satisfied, PCIC appealed31 to the CA which rendered judgment on under the New Civil Code of the Philippines. Citing Eastern Shipping
January 19, 2004 affirming in toto the appealed decision, with Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,38 it posits that respondents are liable
this fallo – in solidum to it, inasmuch as both are charged with the obligation to
deliver the goods in good condition to its consignee, BMICI.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Manila,

Branch 35, dated February 17, 1997, is AFFIRMED. Respondent NSCP counters that if ever respondent ICTSI is adjudged
liable, it is not solidarily liable with it. It further avers that the
"carrier cannot discharge directly to the consignee because cargo
SO ORDERED.32 discharging is the monopoly of the arrastre." Liability, therefore, falls
solely upon the shoulder of respondent ICTSI, inasmuch as the
The appellate court held, inter alia, that it was bound by the finding discharging of cargoes from the vessel was its exclusive responsibility.
of facts of the RTC, especially so where the evidence in support Besides, the petitioner is raising questions of facts, improper in a
thereof is more than substantial. It ratiocinated that the loss of the petition for review on certiorari.39
shipment was due to an excepted cause – "[t]he character of the goods
or defects in the packing or in the containers" and the failure of the Respondent ICTSI avers that the issues raised are factual, hence,
shipper to indicate signs to notify the stevedores that extra care improper under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. It claims that it is
should be employed in handling the shipment.33 It blamed the shipper merely a depository and not a common carrier; hence, it is not obliged
for its failure to use materials of stronger quality to support the heavy to exercise extraordinary diligence. It reiterates that the loss/damage
machines and to indicate an arrow in the middle portion of the cargo was caused by the failure of the shipper or his packer to place a sign
where additional slings should be attached.34 The CA concluded that on the sides and middle portion of the crate that extra care should be
common carriers are not absolute insurers against all risks in the employed in handling the shipment, and that the middle wooden
transport of the goods.35 batten on the flooring of the crate had a hole. The respondent asserts
that the testimony of Anthony Abarquez, who conducted his
Hence, this petition by the PCIC, where it alleges that: investigation at the site of the incident, should prevail over that of
Rolando Balatbat. As an alternative, it argues that if ever adjudged
liable, its liability is limited only to ₱3,500.00 as expressed in the
I. liability clause of Gate Pass CFS-BR-GP No. 319773.

SHIPMENT IN THE POSSESSION OF THE ARRASTRE The well-entrenched rule in our jurisdiction is that only questions of
OPERATOR. law may be entertained by this Court in a petition for review on
certiorari. This rule, however, is not ironclad and admits certain
exceptions, such as when (1) the conclusion is grounded on
II. speculations, surmises or conjectures; (2) the inference is manifestly
mistaken, absurd or impossible; (3) there is grave abuse of discretion;
THE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED SERIOUS ERROR OF (4) the judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) the
LAW IN NOT APPLYING THE STATUTORY PRESUMPTION OF findings of fact are conflicting; (6) there is no citation of specific
FAULT AND NEGLIGENCE IN THE CASE AT BAR. evidence on which the factual findings are based; (7) the findings of
absence of facts are contradicted by the presence of evidence on
record; (8) the findings of the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of
III. the trial court; (9) the Court of Appeals manifestly overlooked certain
relevant and undisputed facts that, if properly considered, would
THE COURT OF APPEALS GROSSLY MISCOMPREHENDED THE justify a different conclusion; (10) the findings of the Court of Appeals
FACTS IN FINDING THAT THE DAMAGE SUSTAINED BY THE are beyond the issues of the case; and (11) such findings are contrary
[SHIPMENT] WAS DUE TO ITS DEFECTIVE PACKING AND NOT to the admissions of both parties.40
We have reviewed the records and find no justification to warrant the
The petitioner asserts that the mere proof of receipt of the shipment application of any exception to the general rule.
by the common carrier (to the carrier) in good order, and their arrival
at the place of destination in bad order makes out a prima facie case
We agree with the contention of the petitioner that common carriers, wooden battens gave way and collapsed (TSN, Sept. 26, 1996, pp. 20-
from the nature of their business and for reasons of public policy, are 24).
mandated to observe extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the
goods and for the safety of the passengers transported by them,
Crate No. 1 was provided by the shipper of the machineries in Seoul,
according to all the circumstances of each case.41 The Court has
Korea. There is nothing in the record which would indicate that
defined extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods as
defendant ICTSI had any role in the choice of the materials used in
fabricating this crate. Said defendant, therefore, cannot be held as
blame worthy for the loss of the machineries contained in Crate No.
The extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods tendered 1.50
for shipment requires the common carrier to know and to follow the
required precaution for avoiding damage to, or destruction of the
The CA affirmed the ruling of the RTC, thus:
goods entrusted to it for sale, carriage and delivery. It requires
common carriers to render service with the greatest skill and foresight
and "to use all reasonable means to ascertain the nature and The case at bar falls under one of the exceptions mentioned in Article
characteristic of goods tendered for shipment, and to exercise due care 1734 of the Civil Code, particularly number (4) thereof, i.e., the
in the handling and stowage, including such methods as their nature character of the goods or defects in the packing or in the containers.
requires."42 The trial court found that the breakage of the crate was not due to the
fault or negligence of ICTSI, but to the inherent defect and weakness
of the materials used in the fabrication of the said crate.
The common carrier’s duty to observe the requisite diligence in the
shipment of goods lasts from the time the articles are surrendered to
or unconditionally placed in the possession of, and received by, the Upon examination of the records, We find no compelling reason to
carrier for transportation until delivered to, or until the lapse of a depart from the factual findings of the trial court.
reasonable time for their acceptance, by the person entitled to receive
them.43 When the goods shipped are either lost or arrive in damaged It appears that the wooden batten used as support for the flooring was
condition, a presumption arises against the carrier of its failure to not made of good materials, which caused the middle portion thereof
observe that diligence, and there need not be an express finding of to give way when it was lifted. The shipper also failed to indicate
negligence to hold it liable.44 To overcome the presumption of signs to notify the stevedores that extra care should be employed in
negligence in the case of loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods, handling the shipment.
the common carrier must prove that it exercised extraordinary
Claudio Cansino, a stevedore of ICTSI, testified before the court their
duties and responsibilities:
However, under Article 1734 of the New Civil Code, the presumption
of negligence does not apply to any of the following causes:
"Q: With regard to crates, what do you do with the crates?
1. Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning or other natural disaster or
calamity; A: Everyday with the crates, there is an arrow drawn where the sling
is placed, Ma’am.
2. Act of the public enemy in war, whether international or civil;
Q: When the crates have arrows drawn and where you placed the
slings, what do you do with these crates?
3. Act or omission of the shipper or owner of the goods;

A: A sling is placed on it, Ma’am.

4. The character of the goods or defects in the packing or in the
Q: After you placed the slings, what do you do with the crates?
5. Order or act of competent public authority.
A: After I have placed a sling properly, I ask the crane (sic) to haul it,
It bears stressing that the enumeration in Article 1734 of the New
Civil Code which exempts the common carrier for the loss or damage
to the cargo is a closed list.46 To exculpate itself from liability for the …
loss/damage to the cargo under any of the causes, the common carrier
is burdened to prove any of the aforecited causes claimed by it by a Q: Now, what, if any, were written or were marked on the crate?
preponderance of evidence. If the carrier succeeds, the burden of
evidence is shifted to the shipper to prove that the carrier is
negligent.47 A: The thing that was marked on the cargo is an arrow just like of a
chain, Ma’am.

"Defect" is the want or absence of something necessary for

completeness or perfection; a lack or absence of something essential to Q: And where did you see or what parts of the crate did you see those
completeness; a deficiency in something essential to the proper use for arrows?
the purpose for which a thing is to be used.48 On the other hand,
inferior means of poor quality, mediocre, or second rate.49 A thing may A: At the corner of the crate, Ma’am.
be of inferior quality but not necessarily defective. In other words,
"defectiveness" is not synonymous with "inferiority."
Q: How many arrows did you see?

In the present case, the trial court declared that based on the record,
the loss of the shipment was caused by the negligence of the petitioner A: Four (4) on both sides, Ma’am.
as the shipper:

The same may be said with respect to defendant ICTSI. The breakage
and collapse of Crate No. 1 and the total destruction of its contents Q: What did you do with the arrows?
were not imputable to any fault or negligence on the part of said
defendant in handling the unloading of the cargoes from the carrying
A: When I saw the arrows, that’s where I placed the slings, Ma’am.
vessel, but was due solely to the inherent defect and weakness of the
materials used in the fabrication of said crate.

The crate should have three solid and strong wooden batten placed
side by side underneath or on the flooring of the crate to support the Q: Now, did you find any other marks on the crate?
weight of its contents. However, in the case of the crate in dispute,
although there were three wooden battens placed side by side on its
A: Nothing more, Ma’am.
flooring, the middle wooden batten, which carried substantial volume
of the weight of the crate’s contents, had a knot hole or "bukong-
bukong," which considerably affected, reduced and weakened its Q: Now, Mr. Witness, if there are no arrows, would you place slings on
strength. Because of the enormous weight of the machineries inside the parts where there are no arrows?
this crate, the middle wooden batten gave way and collapsed. As the
combined strength of the other two wooden battens were not sufficient A: You can not place slings if there are no arrows, Ma’am."
to hold and carry the load, they too simultaneously with the middle
Appellant’s allegation that since the cargo arrived safely from the port
of [P]usan, Korea without defect, the fault should be attributed to the
arrastre operator who mishandled the cargo, is without merit. The
cargo fell while it was being carried only at about five (5) feet high
above the ground. It would not have so easily collapsed had the cargo
been properly packed. The shipper should have used materials of
stronger quality to support the heavy machines. Not only did the
shipper fail to properly pack the cargo, it also failed to indicate an
arrow in the middle portion of the cargo where additional slings
should be attached. At any rate, the issue of negligence is factual in
nature and in this regard, it is settled that factual findings of the
lower courts are entitled to great weight and respect on appeal, and,
in fact, accorded finality when supported by substantial evidence.51

We agree with the trial and appellate courts.

The petitioner failed to adduce any evidence to counter that of

respondent ICTSI. The petitioner failed to rebut the testimony of
Dauz, that the crates were sealed and that the contents thereof could
not be seen from the outside.52While it is true that the crate contained
machineries and spare parts, it cannot thereby be concluded that the
respondents knew or should have known that the middle wooden
batten had a hole, or that it was not strong enough to bear the weight
of the shipment.

There is no showing in the Bill of Lading that the shipment was in good
order or condition when the carrier received the cargo, or that the three
wooden battens under the flooring of the cargo were not defective or
insufficient or inadequate. On the other hand, under Bill of Lading No.
NSGPBSML512565 issued by the respondent NSCP and accepted by the
petitioner, the latter represented and warranted that the goods were
properly packed, and disclosed in writing the "condition, nature, quality
or characteristic that may cause damage, injury or detriment to the
goods." Absent any signs on the shipment requiring the placement of a
sling cable in the mid-portion of the crate, the respondent ICTSI was not
obliged to do so.

The statement in the Bill of Lading, that the shipment was in

apparent good condition, is sufficient to sustain a finding of absence of
defects in the merchandise. Case law has it that such statement will
create a prima faciepresumption only as to the external condition and
not to that not open to inspection.53


lack of merit.

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