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Vocational Retooling Scholarship Program

Lecturer of Vocational Higher Education


Field : Competency Modules in Engineering (roads, highway and bridges)

Location : Training and Technology Transfer (TTT), New Zealand

The Retooling Scholarship Program Vocational Higher Education Vocational Lecturer Competency is
a program issued by Directorate General of Institutional, Science and Higher Education, Ministry of
Research Technology and Higher Education. The aims of program is to improve the capacity and
ability of higher education lecturers to fit the needs of business and industry. The programe
according to my profession as a lecturer in Vocational Institutions. As a lecturer in Civil Engineering
Department in Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis (State Polytechnic Bengkalis), I am required to develop
the competence continuously according to the development of the era and technology. My name is
Hendra Saputra, M.Sc, I have been a lecturer in Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis since 2011. My
background education is Master of Civil Engineering in Transportation System and Engineering,
concentrate of road engineering graduated from Gadjah Mada University.

Energy is an important supporting element that is inseparable from human life to support various
activities such as industry, vehicles and lighting. One of source of energy is the field of oil and gas.
Oil and gas is one of the main natural resources in Indonesia. The reason I choose the retooling
program in the field of “Oil and gas” because the institution where I work located in Riau Province,
especially Bengkalis Regency. National oil reserves are located in Riau more than 50 %, and most of
oil reserves are located in Bengkalis Regency such as Duri and Sungai Pakning.

Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis officially became the only State Polytechnic in Riau Province in 2011,
are located in Bengkalis Regency. Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis located in Oil-rich Regency, has a
vision and mission to be the leading polytechnic that produces the competent graduates of oil and
gas field in accordance with one of the missions: Produce graduates who are competent, character,
competitive, entrepreneurial spirit and environmental friendly. Now Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis
has 7 Departments including Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Shipping Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Business Administrationif, Maritime and has no
Department of Petroleum Engineering. If I am accepted to join the retooling scholarship in the field
of oil and gas, I will have competence and certificate in the field of oil and gas. I can give a
suggestion about new department because in the next few years Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis plans
to open the Department of Petroleum Engineering by completing the requirements set by the
Ministries of Research, Technology and Higher Education on the terms of opening new departments
in Vocational Institutions. Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis will become the first State Polytechnic in Riau
who has Department of Petroleum Engineering.

Civil Engineering is my major background. Civil engineers can work in any field, including in the
field of oil and gas. Retooling program that will be held at The Univesity of Texas will sharing
knowledge about Pipeline Technology. I am very interested in program about pipeline technology,
pipeline technology is included competence of Civil Engineering. I am also active in LSP
(Professional Certification Agencies) Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis and served as chairman of TUK
(Place of Competence Assessment) in Civil Engineering. If I get Retooling Scholarship I can add new
competency scheme in TUK test for civil engineering student, and add new knowledge for graduates
Civil Engineering.

Student Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis average come from Malay ethnic, because Bengkalis is the land
of Melayu. Retooling program is very important to preparing the student that come from Malay
ethnic to work in the oil and gas sector in their own locality, enhance the competitiveness of
graduates in competing for jobs globally that accordance with the vision of the Indonesian
government to improve human resources in 3T (Terdepan, terluar, dan tertinggal) areas. Bengkalis
Regency becomes 2T area (terdepan, terluar) by Ministry of Village, Development of
Underdeveloped Area, and Transmigration.

Beside that, my motivation in following the Retooling program is to add friends and increase my
confidence in communicating with different people from different countries. Every person from a
different country certainly has different point of view, culture, and behavior. By knowing the
behavior, ways of thinking, culture, and technology that exist in different countries, then I can better
appreciate and respect all people from different countries as well as learn positive things from
them. I hope I can be one of candidate from this Retooling Scholarship.

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