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1998 AAPG Annual Convention Abstract

Salt Lake City, Utah

May 17Ð28, 1998

SHANMUGAN, G., Mobil Technology Company; M. POFFENBERGER, Mobil New

Exploration and Producing Ventures; and J. TORO ALAVA,

Tide-Dominated Estuarine Facies in the Hollin and Napo (ÒTÓ and ÒUÓ) Formations
(Cretaceous), Sacha Field, Oriente Basin, Ecuador


In order to develop a sedimentological model for the Cretaceous Hollin and Napo
formations in the Sacha Field, Oriente Basin, Ecuador, a total of 516 ft of conventional
core from 7 wells was described. Based on the presence of mud drapes on bedforms,
heterolithic facies, double mud layers, bidirectional (i.e., herringbone) cross bedding,
thick-thin alternations of sand bundles, and deepening-up (i.e., transgressive) sequences,
the cored intervals of the Hollin and Napo formations are interpreted to represent tide-
dominated estuarine deposits. Previous interpretations that the Hollin and Napo
formations represent deltaic environments is not supported as progradational sequences
are absent in the core. An incised valley fill model is also difficult to envision due to the
lack of evidence in the outcrop, core, seismic, and stratigraphic analysis.
Based on bed thickness, grain size, depositional matrix, and the nature of lithofacies,
four general reservoir facies are suggested: (1) tidal sand bars with excellent reservoir
properties (i.e., 100% sand, elongate bar geometry), (2) fluvial and tidal channels with
good reservoir properties (i.e., 90-100% sand, lenticular geometry), (3) tidal sand flats
with moderate properties (i.e., 50-100% sand, high matrix, sheet geometry), and (4) shelf
sands with relatively poor properties (i.e., 80-100% sand with high matrix and glauconite,
bar to sheet geometry).


The primary purpose of this study was to develop a viable sedimentological model to
predict the distribution of the Cretaceous Hollin and Napo reservoirs in the Sacha Field,
Oriente Basin, Ecuador. Previous depositional models for the Oriente Basin advocate
fluvial-deltaic environments in an incised valley system (White et al., 1995). We propose a
tide-dominated estuary model.
1998 AAPG Annual Convention Abstract Ð 2Ð

Method preservation of delicate mud drapes indicates a

protected environment, such as an estuary. Aspects
Our approach was as follows: First, we of tide-dominated estuaries are discussed by
described cores and interpreted depositional Dalrymple et al. (1992) and Zaitlin et al. (1994a,
facies; second, calibrated depositional facies with b).
wireline logs; third, established geometries using The depositional model proposed for the Hollin
stratigraphic correlations of well logs and seismic and Napo formations is a modified version of a
data; and fourth, developed a depositional model general model proposed for the tide-dominated
by integrating core, outcrop, log and seismic data. estuary by Dalrymple et al. (1992). Unlike the
In developing the model, we also addressed some sand flats that contain upper flow regime flat beds
critical issues surrounding the application of an in the general model (Dalrymple et al., 1992), the
incised valley fill model in a sequence sand flats in the Hollin and Napo formations are
stratigraphic framework. We concluded this paper dominated by flaser bedding and mud-draped
with a discussion of four types of reservoir facies. ripples. Because the upper Hollin, Napo ÒTÓ and
A total of 516 ft of conventional core from 7 wells Napo ÒUÓ formations are all interpreted to be tide-
was described. Core description and photographic dominated estuarine facies, we suggest that the
work for this study were carded out during August tidal environment persisted throughout the
of 1995 at the PETROPRODUCCION core deposition of the Hollin and Napo formations (i.e.,
storage facility in San Rafael Valley, east of Quito time transgressive).
in Ecuador. All cored wells are straight holes. The following general stages of deposition are
Seven lithofacies were recognized in the cored suggested for the Hollin Formation (oldest to
intervals: (1) cress-bedded sandstone with youngest) following the regional uplift and erosion
erosional base is interpreted to be fluvial channel, of the Misahualli volcanics (Figure 1):
(2) heterolithic facies with erosive-based, cross- Stage 1: Minor fluvial channels (low-sinuosity
bedded sandstone is interpreted to be tidal streams) and common tide-dominated estuary
channel, (3) heterolithic facies with cross-bedded during the lower Hollin.
sandstone showing sigmoidal bedding and double Stage 2: Well-developed tide-dominated estuary
mud layers is interpreted to be tidal sand bar, (4) and shelf environments during the lower and
heterolithic facies with flaser-bedded sandstone is upper Hollin.
interpreted to be tidal sand flat, (5) mudstone with Stage 3: Drowned tide-dominated estuary during
silty lenticular beds and double mud, layers is the upper Hollin. This stage is represented in the
interpreted to be subtidal mud flat, (6) bioturbated cored interval of the upper Hollin in the Sacha
glauconitic sandstone is interpreted to be shelf 126 well.
(shallow marine) sand, and ( 7) bioturbated Stage 4: Well-developed shelf environments (i.e.,
mudstone is interpreted to be shelf (shallow complete drowning) with glauconitic sands and
marine) mud. muds during the final phase of the upper Hollin.
During the Napo ÒTÓ deposition, stages 2, 3,
Proposed Tide-Dominated Estuary and Shelf and 4 were repeated. Following the deposition of
Model the ÒBÓ limestone and overlying shales, stages 2,
3, and 4 were repeated again during the deposition
Evidence for a tide-dominated estuary in the of Napo ÒUÓ. Finally, the deposition of the ÒAÓ
Hollin, Napo ÒTÓ and ÒUÓ includes: (1) tidal limestone took place.
channels and associated fluvial channels, (2) mud- Although both the Hollin and Napo formations
draped cross beds, (3) inclined heterolithic facies, exhibit similar depositional facies and drowning
(4) double mud layers, (5) bidirectional events, there is a major difference between these
(herringbone) cross bedding, (6) crinkled two. The basal Hollin is marked by a major
laminations, and (7) deepening-up (i.e., angular unconformity, indicating erosion prior to
transgressive) sequences. In particular, the deposition. In contrast, the Napo ÒTÓ and ÒUÓ
1998 AAPG Annual Convention Abstract Ð 3Ð

Figure 1. Paleogeography of the Hollin Formation showing four stages of evolution.

1998 AAPG Annual Convention Abstract Ð 4Ð

formations rest over the shelf facies, without any 1994b). This is a result of a fluvial valley incising
evidence for erosion as seen in core. Stratigraphic into the exposed shelf during falling sea level. As
correlations show that the shelf facies beneath the a result, fluvial deposits overlie shallow marine
tidal facies in the Napo maintain a uniform parasequences. However, such a relationship is
thickness regionally, indicating a lack of erosion absent in the study area because tidal and fluvial
prior to Napo deposition. facies unconformably overlie the volcanics. More
importantly, there is no evidence in the core for
Difficulties in Advocating Incised Valley -Fill fluvial erosion within the Hollin or Napo
Model reservoirs. Also, fluvial facies is completely absent
in the Napo.
In a sequence stratigraphic framework, the (4) Parasequences are one characteristic of
concept of incised valley-fill systems is quite incised valley-fill systems, occurring both beneath
popular (Zaitlin et al., 1994b). Two types of the incision and within the valley fill (Zaitlin et al.,
incised valley systems exist, namely (1) piedmont 1994b). However, parasequences do not occur in
incised valley system, and (2) coastal-plain incised the underlying Pre-Hollin Misahualli volcanics.
valley system. White et al. (1995) interpreted the Also, parasequences are absent within the Hollin
Hollin Formation to represent fluvial paleovalley and Napo formations. The popular use of wireline
deposits associated with a coastal-plain deposits. log motifs to indicate parasequences is not valid
Such valley-fill sequences may be considered as here because cores taken from intervals showing
coastal-plain incised valley systems in a sequence coarsening-up wireline log motifs do not support a
stratigraphic framework. However, there are some incised valley parasequence interpretation. The log
major difficulties in advocating incised valley -fill motif simply suggests lithologic variations, not
model for the Hollin and Napo formations. depositional origin.
(1) An incised valley-fill system is characterized by (5) An incised valley-fill system generally is
a regional erosional surface forming a sequence characterized by a vertical association of facies
boundary (Zaitlin et al. 1994b). The presence of an composed of fluvial bayhead delta, central basin,
angular unconformity at the base of the Hollin and barrier beach in an ascending order (Zaitlin et
Formation exposed at the Hollin Loreto Coca al. 1994b). However, such an association of facies
Roadcut indicates a regional surface of erosion. is absent in the Sacha core. Both the Hollin and
However, an erosion does not necessarily mean a Napo formations contain transgressive deposits
deep incision. Evidence for significant incision can be rather than the expected regressive deltaic deposits.
established from seismic and regional correlations. (6) Wave-dominated estuarine sediments are the
Seismic data, however, do not show any evidence for most common type of deposits that fill incised
incised valley systems in the Sacha area. Stratigraphic valleys (Zaitlin et al. 1994b, p. 49). As mentioned
correlations also suggest that there is no discernible earlier, the Hollin and Napo formations do not
incision at the base of the Hollin in the Sacha area. exhibit features of a wave-dominated estuary.
Neither do we see any unconformity or deep incision (7) Incised valley systems are also considered to
at the base of Napo T and Napo U reservoirs. be filled primarily by multiple fluvial channel
(2) The regional sequence boundary in an systems within the confines of the valley margins
incised valley-fill system is related to sea level fall (Wagner and Moiola, 1997). In the Sacha area,
(Zaitlin et al. 1994b). In the case of the Sacha neither the large-scale incised valley nor the
Field area, the angular unconformity at the base of dominance of small-scale valley-fill facies (i.e..,
the Hollin is considered to be the result of uplift fluvial channels) are recognized.
and erosion associated with the early Mesozoic
tectonic activity in the Oriente Basin (Dashwood Conclusions
and Abbotts, 1990; Balkwill et al., 1995).
(3) An incised valley-fill system is characterized The Hollin and Napo formations clearly show
by a basinward shift in facies (Zaitlin et al., evidence of a tide-dominated estuary. Although
1998 AAPG Annual Convention Abstract Ð 5Ð

these formations represent a drowned fluvial Sedimentary Petrology, v. 62, p. 1130-1146.

valley, the current usage of the term Òincised Dashwood, M.F, and Abbotts, I.L., 1990, Aspects
valley-fillÓ carries with it some preconceived of the petroleum geology of the Oriente Basin,
interpretations, such as the incised valley is Ecuador, in J. Brooks, ed., Classic Petroleum
formed during a falling sea level and that the Provinces: Geological Society of London
incised valley is filled commonly by wave- Special Publication No. 50, p. 89-117.
dominated estuarine facies (Zaitlin et al. 1994b). Wagner, J. B., and Moiola, R. J., 1997,
At present, there is no evidence for incision either Recognition and development of an incised
in seismic data, stratigraphic correlations, or core valley system, Madre De Dios Basin, Bolivia:
descriptions. Therefore, we are reluctant to use the 1997 AAPG Annual Convention Official
Òincised valley-fillÓ model in order to avoid the Program, p. A121.
impression that the Hollin and Napo formations White, H.J., Skopec, R.A., Ramirez, F.A., Rodas,
represent wave-dominated estuarine deposits in a J.A., and Bonila, G., 1995, Reservoir
major incised valley system caused by a fall in sea characterization of the Hollin and Napo
level. Formations, Western Oriente Basin, in Tankard,
A.J., Suarez, R., and Welsink, H.J., eds.,
Petroleum Basins of South America: AAPG
Memoir 62, p. 573-596.
We wish to thank PETROPRODUCCION,
Zaitlin, B.A., Boyd, R., Dalrymple, R.W., and
Amoco, and Mobil for granting permission to
Leckie, D., 1994a, The stratigraphic
publish this paper.
organization of incised valley systems:
References Implications to hydrocarbon exploration and
production: Canadian Society of Petroleum
Balkwill, H.R., Rodrigue, G., Paredes, F.I., and Geologists, Calgary, XIII-17 p.
Almeida, J.P., 1995, Northern part of Oriente Zaitlin, B.A., Dalrymple, R.W., and Boyd, R.,
Basin, Ecuador: Reflection seismic expression 1994b, The stratigraphic organization of
of structures, in Tankard, A.J., Suarez, R., and incised-valley systems associated with relative
Welsink, H.J., eds., Petroleum Basins of South sea-level change, in Dalrymple, R.W., and
America: AAPG Memoir 62, p. 559-571. Zaitlin, B.A., eds., Incised-Valley Systems:
Dalrymple, R.W., Zaitlin, B.A., and Boyd, R., Origin and Sedimentary Sequences: SEPM
1992, Estuarine facies models: Conceptual basis Special Publications 51, p. 45-60.
and stratigraphic implications: Journal of

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