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ein Table of Contents 1 Table of Contents Chapter 01 ~ Introduction and Properties of Sections (1 - 46) SIMD oper Sa Types Conduction. ‘iis and Sess i ive fam Arca 16 Momento nets = 3 Pots Momento nr Soe Radius of Cyan » 3 Ch for Momento ie a Fropertes of Connon Grometre tapes. oonn 2 ILLUSTRATIVE PROBS. 3 Chapter 02 - Bolted & Riveted Connections |, and Tension Members (7 - 128) fle etl Cameo Py ago fase Hale. 2 PesleticeiConens viernes ‘Chapter 03 - Welded Connections (125-156) | Syustura Stee! Deion Table of Contents Delton ese ‘Chapter 05 - Beams and Other Flexural Members (191 - 256) Fic Cored Are We : : = ipo Pe isn ee ee Etanintons Sel Ss a a pr hing atch tt opin Neo syprcoecton __Capaee GnGgPARty of Eel Leg Filet Weld, ie Iv _ Table of Contents Seuct eae | Fundameral aes Conn ANS sion Ghapter 06 - Combined Axial and Bending Stresses (257 - 270) ison gia od End Moment or Any Coad i AREAS Chapter 07 - Theory of Structures Deflection of Beams onsen ‘Methods of Determining Beam Defoe Double integration Method Arex Moment Method. “Tacorems on Aree*Moment : Area and Gentrids of Moment Dagar 2 Sinan Energy Methods. CCasgtno's Therein “Tee Moment Equation CCoapugate Beam Method 2 Propertis of Conjagate Beam Equi of Conjugate Beni irl Work Method sateen cosa Virtual Work Equation fr Beams and Frames. Visual Work Equation Due o Temperature Chi Visa! Work for Trusses. : Indeterminate Beams Furdamentasor CChapier 01 ~Intreauetion Sructural Ste ‘201 Properties of Section Chapter 01 Introduction 1.1 DEFINITION OF TERMS (USSR 9 ane wr of more or sn he Matec! engin of analy onde serbor ore he secondary sls eer theiceney of trap sland wen te ener atc member wesc prinary fonction cry loads ranevera fo ors tudna iy (Beit src) wwe pinay fntion (9 ay as pero ae reh grease fh pe fame fons or us embers Which support ln andthe umne which support thee members. thaneous bending of a member about bra perpendicular feame in which the resstance to atta oad or fame inetability ‘a primarily provided by a diagonal, @ K-bmce or other ousiiany system of reeng Abrupt lesvage with tle or no prior dace deformation The load at which perfectly straight member under ‘compression sssumes «deflected portion (Battin mehr mesos mel semen at an wa erniveted gether Bg ee eee los mm emis ts ge et with tel beam pu itor coming oie san componetsa dng bers = Seal members Sonne rom sc wt the est ARBRE Ascutney finite ia ial Fundanicntaegp Chapter 01 nwoducion nt structural Stee Des 2 Shanepaesotsecon SS on reir aa ee A echiam deine Wy plats aay prose ict meet Cy am onl an meh comet. gen cpl of evenly pa an, Se ean eens ae Siting coop bar Ast ea atl comes tos oes sla Foca edit pends nares ais Coane a Conan se mn td em lo esp Shree aoe gana ee ied scr cencete psudeeaes co Coneteenense bam A bam fly nce cone elt tilly il ‘eal. Cenaction ~ Combination fonts used to transit forces irenkes. A group of cements tht connec the Gy np tn aneanl oe tanned (ita tad The oad at wh tara eeu dele stably ona, aed Curvtre Th tation pe uni ength dt Fundamentals of sucal ste Desan — Daciliy facor The rato oft al defomaton at manimum Toad 10 te tlasticlit deformation -Eecenrc Brace Frame (EB -A diagonal braced frame in which at es 9 en ofeach bracing member cnet oa ears a short distance frm 9 eam-o- {alam connoton oe rom another beatorbrace connection fective lngih ~The equivalent length KL used an compresion formulas and ‘oterin by a bilureation amas -xfeive length factor K~ The ratio betwen the elective length and the unbraced ‘gi ofthe member moarurd between the centers of provity of th Bracing members + etectve moment of inetla The moment of inertia of the cross section of ae ‘emains elastic when partial plastification of the cross section ‘Chapter 01 ~ introduction ‘andPropertesofsection 3 MEDTLEN SINS ander combat of etal ses ond ppg TAS nt tern eden ec wat homens ot Ee Vealy Ano the moment ef ta wed im he design of praly «Comportement stve aifess - The stiness of a member computed using the effective moment of snertia ofits eross section. Easiie 2 th The uc wh fo pt or sb whith, wi an assumed distbution. proces tho same effect r = lal pe mah of bead eft fone, moment. stress os ‘connections based "that Chapter 01 - Introduction and Properties of Section 4 ructural Steele alee Toad ~ The citcal load of « pore) ‘column, Ht centaly onde Bh id, nena Eyebat-A particalae typeof pin-connecte te ~ y sted tension member of uni with forged or same cut ead of greater width than te boty provide approximately equal strength in thehead and bos Factored load The prodctof ths notnina oad and afd factor form thik roportoned Faslenet-Geneictrm for welts bolls, ets other connecting dvi Fatigue fractare phenomenon resulting rom a crating shess eye Flsstorder analysis - Analysis based on fstorder deformation elem conditions are formated on the urd eee jeformed structure "lame-cat plate A plate in which the longitudinal edges have been pro ‘oxygen cling fom a large plate ‘ Sete "lat width - Fors reclanguar tue, the nominal width minus tice the out comer rads, In absence of hnowledgr ofthe corner raciey tn tat aad ‘ay beaker as tho toll ection with minus thre ines the loess Floible connection - A conection ibe connection A comaton porting apt, but natal ofthese ‘hoor system - The sytem of siructural components separating the so am 125497 amt ne fa) p= (EBSD tee far [Paeee 2 n> 4775 mm 2 Boked & Rvetea na Tension Members Chapter 02 Bolted & Riveted Connections and Tension Members 47 2.1 Types of Bolted &Riveted Connections Taividoa pars or members assembled together compese ever srucre, These ‘eater nat be taencd Togetherby meana of weling, ret oF Bs ighsteength Bolts ‘High atength Dols have replaced svete athe means of making penelded Tree a nneronsThersare eo bare types of high strength bol used. CASIO A505 ond ASM ASD The matt proper of these ols ae ih bolts ats usally ghtned o develop which rls aprile clamping ore ual anaes of service ned hough nt grenin ible 2-1, High Ghike pat, Therstors SS ae con developed in the psces beng ned. Jamis containing, fighstength bole are agred ether ar apperilorfton type, where Mehrotra he Pretec ty coat athe suet vais rom rivet to vet and eve camo! Eecounied on in doin coelations aa Chapter 02 ~ Bolted & Rveted Fundamental of Stu connections and Tension Members Steel De jamenta of 52 connections and ig | Fundomenta Chapter 02 Bolted & Riveted Connections and Tension Members 53. Romina Hole Dimensions Ssmuetura ste! De59g° ‘chapter ve~ penn e Z nd Tension Members 54 eee Fundamentals of ape tpe ae ‘Chapter 02 ~ Bolted & Rete Connections and Tension Members 55 2A Allowable Beating stress on Pates st Bok Holes (Secnon 51047) (On projected area of Bolts an vas in shear connections with en itn in the fine of force not less shan 151 and the tance centertocanter 9 Dole na ese thn he allowable Bearing stress Fae as follows 4, In standard or short ltd hole with two or more bots in thelne ofc when deformation sound te hale of concern, e F120 a2 | 2, tn fongloted holes withthe axis ofthe ot perpendicalar othe direction of Joedand wih woor more alsin theline of fore, ator 2 of bolt or rivet closest to the edge in standard or short slotted or ceretemeam nema rero2 = wore 7 58 Ciena and Tension Nemes eee ermn nani ‘onder to prevent the wndesira eet ate sess 8 See ered mt 1 twee, hete& no slendermess rath Hat Ie intel movement and vibration, howe’ “ir of tension members. except cee 300. Namorial values of Fyand 6 Fundamental ot Strut Stee Design cme eee. Siaggenng of the holes increases the eet aren of the section paneer nmacen oe, ean cates ci Bee eee anon ee eer nee cra SE ocaee Chapter 02 ~ soted & vetea Connections ana Tension Members 59. Fundamenta of Chapter 02 ~ Batted & Rivets ‘suc Stes Design Connections and Tension Memoers 61 [9 toad Transfer at Avaly Loaded Connections ‘The holes in ension members ae normally fo ives or bots “Angles } Bote omens ae for amet if bac of te angle lr the ene transfer la from tne tension member info ancther. The acsumption that each equal sae fasteners transfer equsl share of the fod sehen they are arranged symmetcally Wh respect to the centroid axis ofa tension member. If connectors in tension lay splle ar acranged in wo ce more wnstaggred rows and therm ove unequal ‘umber of fasteners, exch facture line should be checked fr fens capa assuming thatthe previews facta nes hve absorbed proportionate share of thelead Pe = 100 4780+ 89- 10= 160 re al ne ae oe Saupe uiccie pt ana ‘In determining the net area across plug or sl Sane ee apter 02 ~ Bolted &Riveted Fundamennts or strug 72 Connections and Tension Members SE EE g Srcturaisteet Design ce Oe ee “onnestionsand Tension Members 73 Tao A hearing orev four ets pa ‘Ara any = 200? Lantana (P= 334.8(2000) Toston ee haa For ASTMASD Ste: Tble?-8 Ee | y= Ma RiosltMPe rene beam connected 19 a te pier by 425 mm bolls as show 21S ER cigar wh ends exe fom shear pans Fae AT ASS The anges ani conection tothe ier ane aaa rca he ade. Deteine the maximum end react ares a Tonle 2-1, Pope st wise et se sas 02 Bored § 8 undame ons SF caret Des cr 02 — Boned feted a Connections and Tension Members ‘A* total shearing PAs) pataacriee 4-218 ms ‘Crepes 02 -BoteS SA TA Gopnectons and Tense? 109855) 2109854. “For ban theca (ainsi shay prosem 2-4 Aretha stom named gee, fou Tomn-ameter tlt WESpeise tne bls are ued to ath he Bea tee col fesane glen Deine he maximum tam ond reaction the connection can ‘esrand rang. Aowebe shear on Bolts 98 MPs allowable ‘orators 18 MP i 265 column by means of two 10075 thd he anh oh of he pwetes jer 02 Bolted ae inMembers 94 —_conectionsand Tensor Paha ‘jax 2751-22500) + Aor 2astamm’ 4,=0850257.8) A= 181890 mm p= 270,91896) 39722472N PesZ2kN Ths, P=3972KN rote 2-13 Sree hl nt ee np tenn gr = diameter holes are used. oe a venta of Ferrara steel Design son TaPt!O2 Bote & ted jectonsand Tension Members 95) Figure 2-24- Ange wit eps atten into oe plane In this condition, thre sn ander oF asd ste another plate Ths. at ny given crouertion, the oad 6 100% of? Eq, 214i therefore nok re. Parone Pye pe tad Jo ag ont figare 2-29 shows mst srsed Flt spe pitted (RUM PPERSIN Ive gp Sie neawincompression. Henes fore 8h total contac area ere te nial compression beincen Re Meta) ae remains st th geome fey evomerec e102 Boted ieee Seen see Ocign recto Tennee ene 105 Tel on Satna ATFs anya Toll tratn ono bet arse Tealtesin one al To sade oes Masi son none == 758 Sinpifed eats Another way of solving the tension in the bal isto consider the bos alone shownin guest 36 Seem 106 Se beceons and Tenson Members Tic taemal or Fay Posing as osnam nett j= SI Atasnum tensors, = 21045 MPa €3564 (OK), Chapter 02 | a Conner 22 Bote & veted Eccentric Shear Tension Members 107 (= A eo] ‘sas Me gy = ME 100 M=T=64kN neo) ‘iat Rag 21120000) ey Poem 2-21 “Tho gust ett ger lay sanded shown in Figure 23 Ieaded et i Moves RyemfseoN - ree . Toon eg Ty “Se + y= AD 1a = 410 Then Rin *Rrs= R= Rr ‘vous th moet ea aad ve Ts i ey) ge S280) 0 ny ISDN = 1981N (Go oye Rag ay 2507 To 0e= M0287) T2¥5kNn Wyhasnenai ar epee Tie couple Praelh Sera Ry(15) = 035355Pe «5385p Ry 0007+ 033570 : om Ry= Rov O17 Ma duel, A302, Grade 1, hot-iven, with atl yokn th earn oan Ftp gi ae deuate tc vansnle ne el y= aioe noaera : R= Ro R= O17e7OPF + (azusP+ oom sresonthe most stressed rivet. Brceeheseorts econ the food is maintained, ‘= 02014 + 0 Sr + OODOESE > EHO) 9 Senet mmm nd Pte ery s mane share Pad Raven Nand in, P= 40,00 N.0= 250m Ing (i): Resar¥72N Masimum sear ares ‘Allowable = Faq =120% $ 575890080 10008 Inga.) {shatao:~oaanangs 09 arte a= (Conner -onerA Ri=087P 108 esy) T5000. ye Eg AR ost 3a) Re Pasa Manin R= Ry 06736-03858, anssui0* ., Shearing tres = 6 7 att Nass R= Fs = 0573? 0s FOsp=08F p= u0anns N= 1h) undamentals oF Sug mente un § Steioegs Pfr (eegaal ste! Design Caen Welded Connections ] Definition Jn welded connections, ferent elements ans connected ty eating their susaces {eaplasicor fluid state, There may or may nate pressure and there may or may fot be filler materia._Arc welding ete pneral term or te many peeceses Hak us elctsical energy in the fora ofan electri ar to generat the Rest neces iar edn, 32 Types of Welaing Notwithstanding the availablity ofboth as and arc wong, welded connections | ‘a sel strictures ate ordinanly dane by arc welding, To obtxinstisactory eanetions tonal meta suse or ining diffeent ements, In ectrc ae Ielding, the adltsonal materi a metalic rod, whch i used asthe electrode, Im this type of welding, the eecric ar produced betwoon the elements aig, need ar the electrode heats the elements and the sectrode tthe melting point This trnsformation of electrical energy thermal ney ad the suing high temperature (up to 3500 °C) cases the meillic tod 1 me off into the jin Small droplets of the molten mata clecrode ae infact ven onward f the Fine. Thus, overhead seeldingspssiblety lsc are welding ; Molten steel must be protected from the surrounding air; otherwise: gases ie Contin ae ete contin cea wah nga ie ih n Sonn ae eee en Ni es ie wl rerentng ee cit ihe srg a (Pe 3) | Se ers esp eel sca do | Sagan be removed by posing and brushing. Figure34 -Shielded Moral Arc Welding SMAW) The eectrde material is spied under vaious specication an i given in Table AL The designations such s BOX or EBX indicate a (115 NPs) ond OOH “Goo Mis) spectively for tensile strength Fy. The E denotes elecrxte. THOXS ‘presen numbers indicating the usage of Uw electrode, Se te te a isnot visible Recause the surface of the weld and 2 | : ol gral fable mated igus 228 Jn us sto «bare meal cave 32 | MANY SAW wells provide deeper pense, | samentas of i Fetetural steel sign roses’ | rosa | eae Fe = [| Frencena Ee ee eet ao | aca a E ae ca eo = ER a So a zor} if erpcoone on rae = ea oe 3.2.3 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) a inate tos proces the elerode's acnsunus ate at Stade holder, The hiking ic enti TONS ‘ure The GMAW proces ae Cs *d ovale sees whcharewsal exept thatthe coninaousy fd fl gy hoe mister within 1S Core. The gy Ticons ys does tive coating in SMAW cr the pany Sail procedure for Geld welding i severe ce uphigh ise construction. overt in gurl wr pics ave se THIS Wl spe igantabraton press cormertony ass and pice plates may Be cliinted. Bly Te ve ot nevi eer Thuy, tell welt of» weld rs somerhat sth Wat the coresponcng belle strate ‘Gas member ich a pes) ase by welding tan ding provides teuly rigid jointand continuous structures ile dawback of welding i the eed for careful exccuion and gFor is acon, Welding sommes done inthe shop sr! bolting [In aller wordy hap weiing is complamentd by the bolung iB 35 Types of Welds ‘he two common types of welds an welded ste structure ll ols illst welds spe much more popular in strut st rove welds, 35.1 Groove Welds “Two deent types of grove welds ae shown in Figure 33. Femintcn (ingle) groove wal fl past bl ‘Groove wel an be wsel hen te pieces 0 Be ‘ae plane ith sal tolerances i Tat Fanaa of Say eS aa aaa Awablestestson Webs ‘Alanab srs reo VES Conran partello Sane antaro mea Sher onesie ao 7c aT segi Sete en rc Sle eesed 2 0 erat rit inen-rstae Pai Pereaton Grcave Wa coneesen rel» hr oan Gs poneal asi saath votes ia ccs Sheratess onbaverea Ever ttace mis Ss ial nse Sgr fiat eal a} except Scren eae atce Oia nea ete sg tel tal dha creo! Sher sress on bara) Pemeoee teen | Phgand SHES arias joie a ote fovscorse filet eld. In Tongitadina! et wel, Til tothe wold line; in wangvene atte pl euro wine lo Figure 3 Fillet welds 0) Langitadina filet) Transverse lt 26 Fillet Weles | Filet welds canbe ether esua-eg or unequal gas shown in Figure 35; The Inersction point of the ginal fees of the tel elements being cennectod i fall the oa ofthe weld, The surface the wld should have slight envexiy Incompuation ofthe strength of th wel, however, this convexity i not taken Fo account a the theoretical Ft suface is sed, The neal distance om the oot tothe theoretical fee of he edi cal the rtf the el poeecire eee argh el egal 2 rece nan matching arbese mea snr eanporet weet ofl se eet phates te 9 (2) Equat leg sel ul gue 35 -ite wl )ea tl SS ee aca CO ‘Tora 1= 071 Fea equal filet the roa Treat hs shear cee = the controling factor im the devgn of filet welds | casey auld by dividing te force P acting onthe weld by te fete “thst ares the weld. The effective throat area i computed by mulsplyng th “throat ches by the length ofthe et weld This method of Lindi, average “shesrames teed fr bot longitudinal and monsvere ist nels "7 he tet aes of ier welds shal be taken athe fective length et the fective heat hick TF The tfc ng filet welds, excep filet welds in lesa slots, shal Pete overs igt of fl-ieiltinclsting returs, PW ete tint thickness of « filet weld shall be the shortest distant test tot ofthe jot oh ace ofthe dgrammatic weld excep at Piet rkls ade by the subresped ae process, the elfcive throm ticks i es elt he eg ze for 10 am ad salle filet weds, 28 ire host plas mim or et weld large than 10 “he weld se eed hat kaa uception, partealar gare shall fe ‘hikes of he = i inner par Fo andinest OF the weld Weld laken to provide suliien ‘Table 33. Minimum Sie of ile Welds aeral anes “nck: Pan Janel ura otFan te Tesmmndie a Over rms fam oar ‘Ove 2 rt Ze roe ‘Over 20 Br ‘The masini 52 of ile welds thats permted slong ees of comnts pars sal be 4) Material less than 6 ma the, not greater than the thickness of the rsteril 1) Matera 6 mam or mot in thickness not gtr than the hes ofthe ‘ote unas 16mm, uns he wld especialy designate the Grawings tobe buloutocbsinfulFhoat hess 5 ‘The minimum eetve length of filet welds designated en the bass of Are shall be ntfs than 4 ine he noal ie or ie he sizeof the Grell shal be considered not (0 excnd Me of ts elfecive lengths If longitudinal lt welds ar oe alone nerd connections of fla ba tension rember th length of ach let wd all Be ot es han the Perpendicular distance between the The unsvers spacing of a i Fel welds ase in end connection of tein members shall at excerd Joint or faving surfece wi Tyre continous filet weld of he cermponcis of fueup meres The Se fotermutent fillet welding shall be not ess than ‘imi of 38 mem zi 1p ps, he mic lp sal Ba ‘Part joined, but not Jess dhan 25 ma ‘jected ail stress let Fundamental of Stacy Steet Daag cropter 03 weises Connections Bacon ppd arts ulenly ray nt under asim oang Bese is ong flapped parts and to join components E fbekingoaparson appl ct Cee ea let elds ay overlap, subject tthe proving TREE Fl wetsin Robs or sas are rat to be considered plop ory Be ws Sy of Bee et we trang al ends oss, spectively. of party Setar alt wherever rac, be retumed continuously round ie Genes ince notes than 2 ines the nominal sie of he wold Ts ete all aply to ie ontop il wel connecting brash, beg fescue connections onthe plane about which Geng womens Ste computed. for fing angles ase end pate connections wah deperdugon desty ofthe oustanding ing fr connect fe fetus shallot ececfowr nes the nce see te weld. Filet el Geter en opps of common tooth welds End ruts shel Ide onthe Sign and details drawings 363 Copaciy of equatieg Filet wel Load capacity, P= Fx 0707 L fas 035, end ioe of weld Veg) Letotallangtnef wed Fr=alloable shearing eres of well metal Table 34- Allowable Working Srength of Fa Log Fillet Welds Allwabie Lead ir sui Mad |FS29x Eecoaele Toxx iecroooe s99H Coco Fesétian | rye 70ha) Fsaisubs | mn | eset Fests laa | ot Frcomertal of a Stel Dest fetal stee! Design 57 Groowe Welds a wos ae od o corms Geo rember hate ay jane, If @ groove well i to transmit the fll oad of ie ee same eld sould fave the stv ength asthe pas ose ees he inane pein reas West cms tp do not eend completely ong ae Tie pol peetatie oe tls resol he pcs hey are : foaney ose Figure 36- Types groove wells 371 Ettective Area of Groove Wales Theetective area of groove elds bulb Based onthe felling 1. The effective area a groove welds shall be consideted as the effective length fe weld tine the eet hoa hes The effective length a groove weki shall be the width of the part joined. ‘The effective throat thickness of a complete penetration groove wel shall be ‘hecho of he Niner pone 4. Thetxtve thm hha fa priaezneaion oe Wet oa ‘shown in Table 35. y ke 5. The etecive ehskns o pritnimionerine nel im intabiess ia eae Te efecive thoat dns oe ue $itface of a bar or 90° bend 8 formed 36, Random sats of prodain wal FapgamertatoF st ee arr by Gig dacaments al Busey ea peti cleine boat cosy ota Seer Bezagalsted Des 7s 37. Minimums EiecieeTR PartiahPenetation Grove Wot those in Table 36 are permit ‘Watoval Tekan of % res ee ton ca Teo ame Fame i riatorcaneablsh by quelication tate cn consist wee heres Set ef aie Garon al oun “sean ee formal o sans, at mi-length and terminal ends Si, | oust Sm fre Se Sr ie of costs of Matera ash ee See fee ti fa carcntonsaorareciy ag a a Feromnin fens "e orate = Sire aa ae “obte 35- Este That Thickness of Partial penetration Groove Welds cna an | Bammer Wee] “wean | REE ; reat | NESS 39 Pig and slot Welds a Pre evi Teor oreeny ise nga el eat ee |. Saha auneea ee | a lavas | Pande ! i ae Radavel | tate Tent a = a a (Bee ace ms nets aces son cstng fas me ive thoat thickness of a partal-penetration groove weld stall Paris ee except that the weld size need not excced H joined. For this excepti yarticular care shall BE lice te rane ak fae re (0 consistent ce nn . The eficctive shearing cof plug and slot wells he ‘eh rsa apt eet erin Tans of Pg ands rwerss tein rant sein ap ino op 1 tare ofp meron sta ot sess han the tihng aa theres leper oc oe ued mim or 2% ths fe ors oe a Pg an + Theda fhe ole ora pg we Ser cotningt pls Sm een the ranma case thickness of the weld. a tecetirt center to cener spacing of plug Wels shall be four tines * aewtrefihetee The minim spacing of lines of slot elds in a dectionWansverse to tha Frege bod tins he wih of be lot The minim cevlertocene Fea ogi elrecoon on ay ne al be 2 ines the length tae 5 Te engin of ft for a sh weld sta not ee 10 nes the hicks Dawe Te width states than the eke of he at Heres Si or sale lpr than 2 neste coe Gio ca sends ofthe snl varclr or ll have the core Pensa vas vot has tm te tihoem of he pat contsinng rears ch exec iotx san tc pr eno rst rd a mae 16 mm rls in tice habe cqeal otis th marian rl ver 6. ik thelr of the wold hl bt ant the chs o the tral a alas tan 6mm "49 combination of welds © iis or tre ofthe genetal types of wel rs r sof wed (goo. lt, plug, lt) ae combi asin jon een put of enh shale spars empl 1 ee to the axis of the group in order to determine the allowable capacity © the process consumables fr all wel eb Aeposited ina joint sell metal Farzal steel Design E Firwelding symbols | | Ree |S |e a [oo | fe) | are Sandel Coione Deerfs Mae ranma ee ea Sooeerconn i eth eae Gihing epg Lunghat we me ee) pene Se Tasca nen 27 eed sett Soman iy peel naman Socata tunel Seaeeta tae Terrmnanrtge VP. ornate Tir batonced Weld Group fe some cash members subpced ty metrical and ease cents mefglseion welded ta pasa pte uy Seger} mn Septet panei Meo insmsein Peeps cn, wer, andl Ps ae capociis ofeach wel ee {all these welds are equableg filet and tave the uations may be use ®37- Common uses of welding symbols, LemaLtte+ty sto moment Stel rape ve goon foie) cm Tenn aa Os othe =) 5 . s = aan E é y ee apie) a | you? S wae | orator me Tae A) bis S ors, Batata aye fae= (8/6) / 2) vaso ferro 7ILUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS problem 31 (CE May 2005) ro tea aes ech 350 mm de ad 2 i eo a i th Ska sled © oer 7) Determine the maximum weld ie tt canbe used 4) eerie the ltr et ae he it weld ng he musa size allowed by the c 4 eterine the maximum oad that can be resi by the weld using the Inaxinum weld sz allowed by theca SOWTION Pat Maxim siz of weld ner shown in Figure 11 consstof two angles 125mm ksh 125 mm sie welded toe guset plat. The member tee fore of 8 AN.” Usng Gun fl weld wih uscd on bas oa a Ao txL=66 (onto P=AFI —— sel = 704mm oe thin=ba (+= 2m8+te7e Problem 33 100» 100» 10 nm ange fo Be welds gust pi {12 The ange canes a fad of 18 RN app summit of fille weld tht an Be aed 58 ma shes of 94 MPa. Detersunathe ngs ofthe side let eld ade ate ond of th angle e sowuTion p77 Direct lou #4707 = 9407078101 Ro=P/t e=Mam ‘Ro = 90,000/(5033) P3(100) ~ 185(71) -30.837(71) ae y= 109456 KN= 107856 N Location of Le =Ely $50 = 1500) + 50075)? Fa n67in 2100+ 190+ 100-1167 £22333 mm a2 175-167-983 mm b= 167mm x c= 100+ 159-1167=193mm ed ova welded oa gusset plate shown in Figure 3.13. < force pr mnt of wld ds fo monet 0% ithe meld group, vf prmilietr of eld due tothe given ot sownion ee Moment, i i j-ELwpae +x) esis = (50055299) = 2 reoans/12 6-100 : 153933353 m0? Ty _ seco) pe “ee ee a en The load is transmitted tothe column by the plates sa pesocag) 2 eta BG fee ee fo BE 1 runaerentaso ns Stee sae thot weld at eye iss =f07716K0) : sree . ae) robe 37 (CE My 2008) be Henin gris welt on onesie ofa scelcslurn wa gyi *stonnrtng on bas ie Mshownin guste a Sbrcene te maximum ster ros on the weld Aan anon tee hres i eee ee tre sahara fica nie Sy Wier het il ae rit coat oe 2 Canine tenia cata 9 eee dime, fe ls 74855-1555 0707) feos He? oa. mac) my 2] (he) 41 INTRODUCTION Eon inenies eae ‘ieuing hun Of the ees bulge D iace chev in ruses ond racing mee than hers fr carrying compressive ld tine ere needed ng saraot be supported by dial red ha Frnt in ight esc, eos angry tore economical ha wpa ‘ation are greater for the same sel eed roof ses, a pif ees sal Se tsed with ow Bente i Figure 41 - Minor Ans Backing and Bracing 45 UNITING SLENDERWESS RATIO glo Seton 5028. the limiting senders rato Kl for mer bers whose son comprestive ore preferable shall pot excrc} 200 ins bed on trl force thelimng elndemes rai L/+prelelh ecesd 3 ‘mente abe column ses vars with the slendemess rato. Inelastic Wott *SR Sand elec tuclng curs when SR > Fraomenin of «saree Oesgn = Forde Coli, where SE Gy sere sh ret aur of 46 LOCAL BUCKLING axa buckling of a plate clement i a rolled shape or ult-p co pmber may occur before Euler buckling ms 1. The ally af pate sctons to covs the an -gven in F5. 410, a reduced elfecuve width fy shall be uscd e tkesign properties of the sston containing the ison, excreta ote akenasles thon the applicable valve given in the sation 4 Cros sections composed ent 1 Gos seton compose ent © Goss sectors camposed ol oh Set ee W\ Gini ‘ments, Q= Q.Qe When He 5, masonry and conerete foundations must mex, conas team es The ques se Phe rag | Golam Fe Fai Enea Rowse bearing srt covert, According o Section ID;49 Mths offoderenton te (living ists pp sna and mete fy 2760 pigsiicmmtneie = con -17sure Geib fll ofa concee suppor. y= 035. ‘Orie than efile of coerce $69 nnn" 857. YT 07, _ f.= spect compressivestength of concrete Pa (A= ata of steel conentally Isang. on conte support sn? | Ars aximum rex ofthe potion of the supporting surface hata © seometrcalisinvar oad concn withthe oeded son. ma? 4fase pits than fll aes of concrete support thoes under Wop column itis assured tat Fo 8 OF6L DAE rectangle ats a a uiformly tl atest, Fin the cantilever portion 1s 073 LD, i“ . ae Figure 4.~ Canter portion etoud fom phar ee Tie f t=tmm ; d= plate thickness . M= moment atertical section — roe a U8" 2) Vp aw eA 1,7 a a problem 4-1 (CE May 1999) 1p wide flange section for 2 5 m long ol following properties: (Cross-sectional area =8,000 mn? Radius of gyration, 7, = 100mm Radius of gyration 750mm ‘Modulus of elasticity, E= 210000 MPa Determine the Euler eral oad ofthe calm, soLuTION ule cecal load, = A = column base plat is jut Iarge enough the accommodate Be Euler cncal ses, makes re and small the cols ood i as.ed (oe nach smaller han the base plete The required thickness (Cr large of Eq 4.28 or Ea 42. a ' an009) oy [=F] P=1974(800) 2.=15Ra0N Prien 42 (ce November 4) fe ‘column has the follows Sees) et saat ‘Arca = 2315 aim! 1 lomm = 5331494 mm N= 1AC745 mm x 0.6 value for fixe both ends) (recommenced value for fed ) 74996 SETA 655 mm Properties of 2. 159 «90 19 with long legs back-to-back 4)=2474630mm 1521, 10662868 mime eso ITA 98 fyo2 tlt an y=2 flaso74s «2215036 5H = 6» angles are use with a 10mm guset plats to creates ep “The ong lps are back-to-back makang the sport legs uns he sala expaciy fora lengthof? meters. Since 8/1 < ftom Hie te ey ompresive ses Ll bing Po SRI0 N-Se01 ks 2-07) <(t From Baa pret chr membros ras canis of 2-120» 1 RK es bakiobuchin 10mm guest pie The member sori | 13 00070260 ile tm vey 219 tly en othe Cue PE i. the fro ges are atte apeter ih ly ogitered Cle Sonny else envugh ue dose sag mea , * thllnd eng sc Asse Qu a Snel Fee) acT860 Fs 1255 MPa PafexA=t “ Peuis7760) =1461405N P= SDASISSAN~ 50867 kN umn with F= 250 MPa having an unbraces Ing of Sone Toad of L3C0 KN. Which of the following sens. a forthe gen loads Thecolunin hinged! both crs = T3ACD mm, = 25363 «1» 67.5910 17706105 ny" 39.1410 45260718 mun = 1229108 91.7808 me = 1072840 P=Fx AaB P=115252N P1815 KN> an axial load of 190 kN. at both ends is carries Tong, legs back to back ayy of unequal legs wi se thickness is 11 mm, Use A36 steel with F = yy "= 700,000 MPa. Three sections are ive properties relevant ofthis problem (length units ate in meter) considered, as follows, yg Am?) 21125 75x12 20150 x 90x10 150% 90x12 ) Which ofthe sections gives the largest } Which ofthe sections gives the small ) Which of the sections gives the mos Toad? For 2L125% 75x12 KL_ 1) wag75> gems Inte = 22x? (200,000) BURL 2501875)? 723(187.5)" F.=29.29 MPa Jo = le eae 3 Ce 7a 3 Fa saa 2 {66m ) 28 7 (ae pe nsann Sci thllonable sorte asvelengihof 5a Use Fy= 288M the set ota tnd ton See ten ottawa 2rasa7y) Tat Flange anstisened element) Fem mn | =20 Wes BDO fE From Tablea2 : Par Daermin tn llomabl ain Port Iengtot 381m Ue fy 245 ME Hy Jy = 25078 ‘Since b/t> HY JE the Q,-0007 Wel (ened vement: 5S 2fome c= 81m ayaa, = 004 From Tabled? 1) fy ~ 64) =8 Fonds = 57mm tocamy an aia ond of 3000 KN. Design N= 40945 + 2: = 745.25 mm: Mere The base plate tres on flare gf je ABD stool bse plate. r= (50~80945)/2 = 170 aoe n= @50- 212)/2=169 mm s,n00.600 4 “S500750) 7273 MPa PE = ERE ae #4945 mm say 50mm opie 12 Derrmine the capacity of the 38-mm thick A36 tel Base plate shown in 420" The base plate rests om a GD mm * 600 mam concrete column. Us ta e Fr 03f.- 0252) Teeter 1 | com cus a Oe ener ee ers Oeion Beams and Other _ Flexural Members Teas ate members acted upon primary by tanec loading Ge loads that ate {pple ight anes to the longitudinal as ofthe member. They ae Pal [Rhee to sure or bonding Beams may Be sec fanavoiabh) by sine Du oading, Ths fool load x goeraly egghead the member {rated suc) as « beam. However if thea compressive ad is subsantal bigute, the emer i called a ancl, which wl be discussed inthe next ater. 52 TPES OF BEAMS Bes are uly designated by name th arpa of hel ens A ly he mst np ae wha a ies istmape dee) bar nat chen pov saparteraer inane At a mat suppers lear A pin fo team spening ven eo Bil ames. singer main egal eam sl) a Air han a rene bom ie Aa tse permet ofthe ung. iti ht am 2 "err doting trom hn "At sometimes ed we Tand LshapesDeubly At. most ecient Channels ave TREE nd they require enzo ‘abe ony for bp aos. ion cane inproved by adding lange py the spare are to Tong for #sandae a ® laters ae bul wp from plea apt lemons ar wally considered pate NEOPM plates ace dtingsshe rom beat es ratio ofthe web (ile) the width ticknay mae strted as plate ger othervise ity itis ole shape oe built up. Bet) section to qualily as co rch or webs and the See ea ee ee ipa Ge widths ted the values shown for no fies of any compression element Gis as slender lemon ect. sor ant ements, which ae + dston ofthe compression fo For fanges of shape members and width 2 For lgs of angles and Manges of dimension. For plotes, bis the distance fom ferline of welds, Forstems ovebs of rll, bully ‘etiveen anges —— eatin poche sips To be compact the ae yeh. Therefore, a tent wel dows nt cindard rolled shapes wat Peal compression) eed in co a Tage ied By dig “por members with nom Members wi Ueallonabe Be loyabe bending sss Destiny sis chang sl ya eae the mallet the ger bending moment at the ends of nd wher the ao of omens iss positive wen Md perverse curvatre bending) and negative when and ingle curva bending). When the Bending moment 81 alma npr thane both ens ofthis lengh c= 10 azo Figure 5-4-Sign and vals of tee Ips Range width, ma flange thickness, mm £2 pth om se> web thickness, mm para of compression flange = (a) ‘ 1 Ls = distance betwoon crosesectons bral again | Aiplacensents of the compression Mange D> ras of gyration ofthe seeien comeing 173 ot we compression web aa len aa rem : a *4 ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESS: #3 Mc AXIS BENDING OF ESHAPED MEMBERS, SOLID BARS, AND RECTANGULARPLATES Nett seit Compa Seton Ly symmetrical (Ie and Hi-shapes) 72 Ma Stcur about its weak axis, and secon tsa inthe vitnty ofa large concentrated fad tht mayo spporing pdr, Wee ing ae eo types of local buckling as shown in Figure cr, bearing stones shall be provided ated lacs, whe the cOMPrESVE ore ey roa fis(2'e) | (Fat tated oad or reaction. N inglength rot ss than kforend reaction), mm feltive movement by 5 ena compressive leads that whee: ‘largest tray unbraced length along fie flange at ye ange victhy mm 4 (24) = web depth clear of fletsammm = Normally aus s rien with he wobete plae ding a), lhough the Bem 8) 8 Ne weak ans bending, yy as) T= noir the principles. Unome Aout an ais other than one of OP “tenes app fram mre ta oe Peete Figure $9 Cases of unsymmetrical bending aout) Ho unsynmetial being ae resolved into xan? 530, The component ofthe orc, Fr, cals i wcomponent of the force, Fy, creates moment dco moments ae east! estan ptt deflection ofthe bea s comple ag: aS ier 65 the deflection in ther een eae tiyedtecton cased by a, cused 512 BEAM BEARING PLATES ost of sce! sm are supported through contacto ean, but some booms are support te spor esi sucuiy nents, such swale or ples. Being ie Sepreaie overs lege aen of once ce RET Yona bes ult sb ngecmh oaa athe nde the plac does not exceed the lowe Een Pe sgh so tht eb capping or web yieling dss anton 24 ( 2th the allow bending ses sa FB = Anis nat exceed Tescua bearing aren ofp a eas) Aor, a ‘arn plas coverings than the ul are of concreve support refers 2 (aE Js the manimun ars ofthe portion ofthe supporting l= seemeticalyslar to and concentie withthe loaded wo or ore thin ayers of cae unt to gain more tot) TF enese bolts oF rivets sr ach acne The shearing stress atthe contact sures a Se scion whch econ Bie en swron a < pase teams lly encased bears which depend ath the concrete and (@) those sith shu othe sab with he sel ea not nese cree rot ae 1) Onecighth of the beam span cnt Tr Sout Sta Bye onnesors Pebvcch ep ero moet vatuecf (ra) fase, Eases Es sey shee io ke reste by the connectors betwen the pig momentand point sof 70 moment under partial compare sn permite oe ess ha eV Varah Fess ebb stn roe onan enn Tae) an hi latest he ees Opt nn moment finer of he el secon, mnt ten modus fe ection ma? pests ae fh tel etn mn tae of effechve concrete ange =H, mn? | 285 working srresses wires asec Design Tables for One Conn Connectors “Emm D250 foskedorheadal nal _| 225500 al “omen sien “Ts eckaorteadalstad | 5586 Din 97m a ook or ended stud mn» Sem a Ioohedorteadatond | O82 | ABO | Crannat ea awe | Oa | caus | oc | Channel S26 orsiers | osaiee [asta | “Appt ooh oan naib STN CBSE | + Rosie hort oe ed ae aaa elegans alls 5194 ALLowABLe sTESSES I COMPOST BEANS Theale bending stress th te eam oe deck {fad ood plus tv toad) for both shored end unshored _Moserte nt permite oecead DT sh it wig pr ea Neel wasps z (;-20824) cee aad 336007, 201550)" SRE EO 55193955 mm! 06F, = 1485 MPa Therefore Fin 1379 MPa Put ee eae at iy seyret 9 ens 348 64,0000 mnt 5.400805 a p-e27imm 1749532000000 mm 48535055 mm = 5034 mm supported at supports only. Determine she allowable Sfe}2mn) 4m 9m ance) tom. Use, = 28 MPa ofthe setion (This may not be aces senda lad shapes ee compact). Tone fore = smaller value of 137.900 Wap ‘Therefore L. = 2909 mm arta: ly=2m Since Ly < and the sction compact. = 166248) x = 16368 MPa Pate edm>L Allowable sues in tenston: A= D6Fy lovable sea i ens, f= DSH) = 188 Mi allowable stress m compression Lir= 000/58 18-6758 FBO _ 25 827401175) i, Fa= = “soon “972M Sas05) 06% = 1688s “Therefore, the allowable bending ses an comp (ne same in tension) Moment capacity: Me MW rin) see u Sy i 9,334.4 «10° M1389 105 mn M= 13 Om Value of 1 = 1.389 Nem Ma 992.4 kNem fis) = O27 Ma? ATS Parte Frobiem 54 (CE Board) Asinply supported beam with spon of 8m upc ement at he lee support and a counterclockwise a ‘eit 150% ofthe moment atthe et supprt. Bo Bsr axis ofthe beam, The beam isnot resin mb 436 tel with F = 246 Ma The Beam #720 Per ar Rr =0053 11 0539 m 4-021 m. (postive because “reverse curvature] (067) + O310067? vse Gn23 a= SOM by ssa, Se) A) Fas 060M 0, 06(28) = 108 MPa Thorefore, y= 1488 MP at Maxima moment ate spp Alowable bending tes Fr= 06,1888 In compression: Use Fee 1488 MP Maw Mey ent the ight equal to inthe plant of the minor an hit Heel buckling, The ben is Aso Perens ae nd lem ae yr OI6meters — $0002077 mer! an (Bsi6s005 aq Fs Layger of fn & Fs) <6h, Fax WIPRAOO Cink Lr7a1000430805) a5 _ 2.240, wayay) = S2740(150605) ations 066, = 485 MPa since Lin Allowable strsein compression Mange, f= 98205 MPs art = Nanaman moment at ef suppomt Allowable bending ses Tntension. 2 06Fy= 185 In compression = 982058 Use Fp= 98.205 MPa M ono =) seas: Mae am ga Nm “unoroly-dstrbatag jh ele stengt nt trl bling, The bea, 3 orth problem are 4 Thecefore, A= 15213 MP art ¢ Maximum moment at fed sport Allowable bending stress Tntension Fre OF, = 1588 Incompresson, Re aT MPa Use Fea 13218 MP Br parnon# spe span of 4 disributed loud of Z200 cine asqcy of the section Deceit ees 53 oe ae sro oo sta peo cca = epee sm Pun sense ea pono oe cea Pippen i vopported in the plan fe ap ee Berne ccee oe pul cine ye ee Se es Tian orl ote op lang ofthe pun oA pe ee a Mayet ond a2 Nid he li pu ets croc Totoriye ics Scyome Si 2en to mae ermine he nal being ses onthe putin. Solurion mine the center-to-center 9 —_ Oietdesherarae am rie he etancelt pa z py eerie eer eg han te 4p Damme he enertocenr Piet deletion punon rate Th shear apc of Reet Hs Tae Y= nsesai969 vane resin ‘This shear servesas the ection Rat he ends sine the bent lodedunferly, Ten Ooms 17kN/m The bss weight 72k4/e The tld i 5 ie i feng and tat she al section AF, Use A363! ‘MPa and he allowable bearing sees on concen he size and thickness ofthe see base pit Pant Plotearna= 8 = 2 Plate apes = 105820 ma? Pan 096% R TaN ash) 1,600,000 aaa N= 518 cam caesar 2106, Unt unio 5051 Pa (49.95) $2,706, tray) s2740d) Soe Sa O6F,~ 150 MPa Therefore, f= 6RS7MPa Pant Uniform load: “Moment capacity ne eM am Mah 5,0 68572077710 Mo napsass0 Na a y a q Secs 28 9 zee a 2S BAe if oo tat the fat of tancral aie ‘Thus, Fy 9225 MPa vat fo Laven lite we vesn29¢76<33) Vasen797 N= 088 Ve Reaction, R= BE z ~ Hts) vas Ht p= 409 Nm Froblem 5-13 (CE November 2005) {12-20 mam entre th 0 8 aa top and bottom flanges by two roms of 20 sum te BPO chr spun am nese 2 Ye including its own weight. The sheet soit Wake ant 415550 mm T<000351 mt i ache R-904N <2~ corny Azso0>2-sebeey Ve fetta ac ‘V = 270(6)/2 810 KN 2.009 10's0000«2) Loam TER) Pitch, #151 mm Pitch, = Problem 514 Api ond angle ieder is aint by aaching the shor loge a ‘Bangles to «wb plate 1100 mm by 10m to frm a seton M120 dawn in Fire 818. Allowable searing sess on bolts is Fy Aleve bering ses for bots in single shear Fy = 20 MP, (0 Pa. Delertne the pacing of rivet ata seston where of oneangl section 2590 mi PFA ante for sem, The fear imply spore over aspen ot a Aloraitedcetons 1 ermine the centerto-center. a ae a 1 Mowable bending stress Ee an "towable deflection so.uTiON at The shea xp eae 0 Te =o Gs 0165 = 2766889 BN 2505S Ths shar serie a he easton Rat heeds Sate toned sory, Than eH) zeese 2 | m65~ HD r= 04m Since he ni 730 4N/m ten e l a a oa. 7322 8 ouENfmein a The mement copay oe e's ie MAM anor pwc 13730%105 “hand fren stioncsshown a Figure3-17. The moment due ers ing stengh (2360 ENC subeoqc fn appl lead induces a alisonal nomett HEGEMON, Asie tht the bess mot assume thal creep ond shrinkage stesso pt ection id Sin the ower Hang ofthe ssel en ia 0810/2) ik usm Aer concrete alan tength SISO) 79) = 28490489-) ep 75=480.11- 10555 713 mm 11 3758.6« 10-2 25480489 = 1977 * 417.703 201360 min Meg _ (010°). Wo 7-1 t= Fyn. factual ie ce] ae a Aun = 21684901) = 608 Weight of beam, ab = 9285g/m x 28h =<9n1 AN Tota dead ea. ty B69 0911-6575ICNfm Mo= BOE 18354 ar ae thei Fes 99 1621 N/a Floor, ty = 4.7% 241128 N/mm en STi Patton sp ©085"24=2081N ‘tal ve lad. ay ~1125+228=9865Nom tem HL ec Non og rfeamhathe ollrng dat cheat b= i near, v= Bee = 3033502) ., Maxim shear, Ws SIS ae tim wei fi= 26a Maximum sear, Y= 18] AN tence 2.65N/m0 i seit, Beam properties 2 ATOR L. ta i —_ + y= BMP Modilae ratio n= 9, Assuming fil sits cree Shor uring construction #y q arshered dri constuction. Asimne the required numb ‘Mowe y= MozMey a (i835 26onaa "5 $8.407015) ‘f7 424 MPas 04 “The bean is adequate we shored — vt Unshored Steel ses y= Mo, Mi Mss sa ju 183508 | 2ma0! J" pares * “aazaaee [18197 O68 (OK) Concrete sre yy pa zene {tbe top fone: = 1471 mm na] 1 ss) 1585500 [f= BBG < 055 (0K) F-94876 mm ‘The boom is adequcte chen wesared Pate: Number of suds: Vy=smaller ale of Vicar Vie We vge ALS aioe z 2 vp “1a Waa il Mya, Soap - toot stene, p UBS 9 2409 OE ET. a Stoel eos f= EAD MPa 0667, (OK) Saecsie My+My (inl ae 1 pn note sus bens pond = ao cml perlive moment and zero memento, 3 Ge = 16289 mm. (iss 2440s)s108 65728) Concrete, f.=37 MPa <045f Concrete, . nore Poare Fragbay 159351 10553583 «10) Stoo sees, r= MO. mean “Chie G6 = combined Asal are Stresses: mr Chapter 06 Combined Axial — and Bending Stresses _ {1 INTRODUCTION Members subject to combined anal force and bending moment ae called fenmoln The bending moment can be duet skal leds or an ecenie a (62 AXIAL COMPRESSION AND BENDING When a memier i acted upon by dese lads, te sess produced (axa ses anc Lenving tres) to not added to obtain the combined: stress Additional stresses resulting fom a secondary mamen Caused by Ps effet). ‘st be taken into account especially when the member is subject t lrg ‘ial compressive foc The secondary moment are known as srondy-onder efits, Ta account foe tha second-orcer effects, moment amplifation flrs ase used 42. sats axial COMPRESSION [fF £015) : ‘aial compressive load natn caunels ae 5 Kes not exceed 0.15. Such a member sen 3 asim ‘Mleraetion equation is used without the amples HSI Ley ie sro Be Py c sppere Te ma 1 ner “y ini of su fs lowing values are RSCR, the meber must For members whote ends ae rene erat re * iy ane of ending, Ce 088 {Yor eres wot a ge plane of bending, C,=10 ea a rember i femmes subject to joint erarsttin poms eres one seat vance Figue61- Vales eat compuied aa ses ‘nue bending ste rallies ramen ates PL. dvatc milsteenaliee ne minh pln of bond Awa compressive bang sta 8 he the meer bot i ota fective length factor Seta unbrace length in ‘somresponding radi OF = oatom (K = 07) aid is Subject lo Oe eerie tose 6-2 clue n Bhar cme My supported abouts wank x atte the marin value of P The allowable bending srs fhe Re is2hPa | futon 362) 53 “teal robe 62 rector 36 c HON The colar i pee geen BUN noaMis f= 06h Tellon ablebending sess b= M9 MPa Ine pops ofthe section seas ellen te 013 mt $.= 000512 4) Determine the computed (ecu axa ste th cok 1) Determne Use computed octal bending ses a thc 4) Determine the moment capac ofthe eon SOLUTION fd Fy-769297015 Ful 0669 015 argeaxsl com Datemine the computed Daten eae of een chan Pea souuTion ‘Computed aval sts, mn salted al Ind P= 40 KN and a td Sng tie The column i 9\m long and en Computed at se ss a midbsight. The steel is 6 steel with Fy 2 tr K= 10. The scion wedi compacts 5 45 TLE MPa and ie allowable Past: 10 Gaia Gr=08S (dewey perma Computed axa sts 6-188 MPa Petlerm co PEE , fstcony BURL IY) Ld “ie ets e808) (6.058 sig Hast fs-1s oul tongs The wnsuper a) ein arson ceoay). Ue a (6308)? 226167 ) sears swengthrteion i fas So og Teoh, * Fe Ty 10565 O56 soeas7<10 ager aueaf (iF) s06F, (2B), FasarG |” Chapter 07 Theory of Structures 7A)DEFLECTION OF BEAMS ‘te deformation of «bea is usually expres in terms of deflation fom ite gina unlossed positon. The deicton s messed from te crginl real Iuice of the beam to the neutal sure of the deformed beam. The Ciligorion sesoned by the deformed maul surface Known a2 te lee fae ofthe beam, Figure 7a ~EnsieCurre 72 METHO0S OF DETERMINING BEAM DEFLECTIONS Nuerous methods are aval rte dtemiation of a Pets lade 1 Dou integration method 2 Areemementiethod ‘ 3. Seinenery method Cast E tet §. Conjugate-beam ethos! {Naha 1 Vesa wk cl Sacto ya he otha shown ma Sey pa olin solving defec Hivany distance x. Eis the re ei ie nny met do be mete Means! HEROS dance x fom Uv enor hahah ras he ang Gemmtngtyottn beam first integration yields the slope of the elastic curve and the second Pe gation es the defection e the beam at ny distance % she sulting solution must contain two constants of tegration since El ‘ewe onder. These te constants aust be evant front known endian eetning the slope and deflection at certain ots ofthe beam. For instance, (Gleave ofa simply supported beam with rigid supports als = Gand : = LO Jinmen y= 9 ancl in locating the point of maximum deflecooe mest te slope Gikeabstic curve y tozero. 4 TA AREA MOMENT METHOD Another metho of cetermining the slopes ae deflections fa teams i he are ‘eement method, which involves the ares of tie moment agram Consider the two points A and B shownin Fgure7St Ho the cite curve a any yy 8 male by the ane Fane etee pet den fo the elastic came Beep evielartlheorigoal potion cbt (jelous ythe monet ofan en cout Bl erase 1 i funn (Aro) Fy tas* 2 (Aceau) X, and t= 2 rea) Ey if deri nd aeatine if cousecocovise #hepealislovetie tangent ine and negative tre POH a TSSTRAIN ENERGY METHODS ee Ther are various tctnagus (aie rom the pews r forteding dcormatons a vas ohne oct Ths tclased upon geometric considerations. ih oregy method is brat upon elas Rees he ae {55 2 the intemal sain csr sors pain formation proces. This press more genet and "seus geometric approaches q 751 STRAIN ENERGY, U ; oesn external ore ate upon anes be Sefer store winina bed n eo Seclarquaity UM = MM / EN) wi ‘ ace carts Ife bending moment varies along theKngth ofthe bar the tll intemal strain voor is ME de TEL here is central angle subtended by thecircuar arcofradius PS2CASTIGUANO'S THEOREM ak The placement of an elatic Body under pint of applestion of the ditection ofthat fore x given by the paris dna tn once with respect oat 2 i Fora body su ject to combined axial t oe Bere cc more em Pa etl See orace ns mrndg te eactone continuous bear a propstons etecn smi elanges dastare . leromhe oh [ayy log be hong bance [ita Mab oes gap lea mie Ma LP aM] fea pay ea Fe a= [aaa elie nthe fen [Aaah Ma Lang la Melange var gle baa aah aN Subsite 6 tn to Fa.) en ry [tithes ai 6A Maly (ls +1) + Mota te weal) hte Par sma stem lee omg Farm Fa? 5.7.2) err ral a eve i nd fr oj The pstofam star fore cntgtc arconesponds forthe alam BY pl af mimi moment oe comigate beam concayonds 4 “Pont maximum defltn othe el om, Tsble7-2-Suppontsovitions mio eS ie Sppoe eo Seo conan = at 772 EQUILIBRIUM OF CONJUGATE BEAMS Gjupate beams ace sae tatty dtr ene th en ‘hes ofthe cosyugate beam are easly compat by sla In ‘Souza may appear to be unstable du fo ising racine but it can be obacrved that the postive a *4sfrums duo the acta balances te cose rconsideaton duc toapplied od ped at ep tthe bondi moment he com ste ed it Oe bende mone ee econ ele. fb eolation at point required, apply» unt coupe at a point and ws he ain op [Mme Ci] sare Mis the benlng moment tthe clement under consterton dio ppl Bigs and mp the Rondiag moment dee by the unt couple applied the there te rotation sree 782 VIRTUAL, WORK EQUATION DUE TO TEMPERATURE CHANGE The vita! work souation du to temperature changes Sena ane hares th sess im the member due to nt load 8 Be ance ‘pension ofthe member, and AT isthe ampere change 782 VIRTUAL WORK FOR TRUSSES. The viral work for russes is GRRE the stress na member rosssetional of he Wis inthe memberd _sucural tea page Per ae ioe | eee pa titres roves Gemumeee Beer erin cout ie necesary we supplement the equilibrium equations wi Fain em the deformation ofthe beam ee ermine For 9 coplinar sctre there ere at kas the sul tat cane mode BF, = 0, EF = 0. & 2M = 0) An fain sma forever intemal hinge presen duc to the fot ha be are FEF FACING fore, exes Ina ee pent cr osetia Mpa of etal reaons exces (he rama oes deteminny he ference between the suber of reactor en equate atcan bea. [eNambcrof reactions Number of equations Ps the following structs subject to arbitrary external Jontng tht at sf rections, R=3 +225 eteqiaion E=3+2-5 Note: 2 internal ing the stcture is stalcally determinate Reactions; R=1*142—4 Eaualons, E-3 42-5). Qintemalkings] ce RE he structures atable (cieen Rewstisns, R23 #255 Equations, £=347(Litomal ing) Equabons, = Since R> f the stucre ls Indeterminate tothe (54) it ere SGPERPOSITION METHOD Me ct ere. ot = Ft beams and propped cantilevers, ean beat ‘aPhent deformation procedure known athe sepepctin nln Tae Se Eicon hee te ted Ta Se fe kon condone 5 Fre procedurecan be ald fons Choose rstuntant member to be rrows sy th compte the deste Bada to the given ondings igre Indcterite Bons is cad roped eo sipped canter hos ws hove une IM Ths senor th fist doce. is fad al cnc end und fas 2 Oextie spring support a the eet {ie of a simple lear sping, the flexible suppor exerts» tho beam deflton al that pet doc dupa oth cds and sa perfcty restrained OP mints tot lhtddepie aly, tho reaction Rott is foe el ae esc erctan ee Bees coin base ae Mas 20. Three equations wl thee Maton canbe obtained by taking pons f-.c tints -C-D. The third equation canbe otsned ty ond the restrained end A, and taking points O-8, with al rns tot ees Afpimaginary pan hove zor valucs, Ths for beams with retrained end ened Imaginary beam to complete the neesary equations oven eee | Figure 79 - Contos Boa Note The inaginaey span senesde only theres ase end 113 Moen olsrAIBUTION METHOD nen databtion i ted on areal of ane SERB yntest by ty Coa, Thematedaprate YRS analysis tion (Se do pp 275) i an elfectiv equation ino tat euation the ee a ports of continuous bran omnis A,B, and CU hese muport ce rigid the ai Ean constant te equation say be writen in he MUL t1a)+ Meter S41 , SAria eat 7113.1 CARRY-OVER MOMENT a a Cany-over moment is defined she mone cE the action of a moment applied a he ote 2 moment applied at Band lncs he sin (Oral Fe ML) AL/9) + (HME) Msi he moment applied at # cers oer othe ied ent,» xomnent thats is the moment requled by th simply eupported end ofa eam © sition ofthat end the ctherend being rigidly fixed. me Beam shown in page 794, th rottion of relative to the tangent Hou aly 1 radian, Me called os the i en equals eu snes a Land © Beam sins Src andes ne eee tote = SL = Reanve k= 2 1 {4 not species, 48 convent ake Las the common mull of the span ge 7433 FIXED -eND MOMENTS (FEM ft monet dibtion mato me a refaned at both ends then we compute he (sgn cutie mare! at th ae ith, and coctase moments cing te ae gate. For bans nth et Sasa the end and postive mont i abe 5 nd 582s following are he fi usa with moment citnboton +>) Cet) Saad 2.13. DisTRIBUTION FACTOR. OF tn ws between any sno apse Continuous beam, the moment equal. The unbalanced moment mast be dtbued ‘The ratio of dixtibutin any bam scaled Sefined by Atfxed-nd, DF=0 ‘thinged or roller end O = 206/67 | 206% nee 0K OLN EN Sip he unbalanced momenta cach ap ret " FEMa= 601m Brag bedtaten er earl see in ep 28 ena Free arene pm Beam stiffness se ep .a@ tepecily those Kings orrllor end, and cavty-over the moment “tnlenor support thin begin dstrbutng Ue est ofthe roments Kec 20.00 990=109) op ea Ditton Factors Esa DFce=1 nacus beams with Ringe oF rele ends the final moment at that end “he disubatin of moment will bcome easier sf we mull the Brat Blas § Kal the span containing that support by %, which would eliminate ay Aistbtion of moment on that suppor. De not apply this for xe Kaa "Ric Duy 1060210" osint Toa «07 +910 pgs ee Katte oat? Dijc= Sk Errceenec rT oil mi eles Cnr Tet 994 Fe ‘rth eo 24Gb Baa=o) ‘y * 2046627 = 200) + 208) +633) Ro= 65KN 1q=20+ 20460-20466 68 Ra = HSE KN eae ae ae aly ae nufn ale alr sfo slo Moment 1114 SLOPE-DEFLECTION METHOD ‘he slopesdefecion method was inoduced by George A; Maney of the Eee cis Univer of Sinesot inthe year 19S. hs method, the moment at the endo fach mentor seapressed in ens ofthe) fad-nd moment du to ox Keo 1067 107»075~8 10) Teds (to rotation ofthe tangent atthe an ofeach elastic cave, and) the ye "94104075 =675> 10" ‘lbton the chord joining tho end of he ate, Disinbutin actors DFu= DFa=1 kK ’ 718.1 SLOPE-DEFLECTION EQUATION. Brn Kae = __txt0 Kin+Ric B10" 67507 Ofae Kee 675 etoY Kas*Kac 8x10? +675030" % ee ioe oi lees wressed in terms of nec eprened in iemso! be garni en een ee abe miedty vaca Bsns tei epee 1 thw moment M is 2eo at simple ends ofthe beam sch Mn inthe beam sports such hat = 0, tw equation becomes Shown above Nn EEN £20400) 4. Thesumof the ve moments atan tear support must be er 16 Ma = FEM K(25) pees ‘tho feed ent moments & the same os that used) on the momen tho (Ser page 95) Fe slopedeficton equation canbe expresed as ‘My =FEM + K(204 +6) 40) points of suppers A, Band (9-8) Ficedend moments * May PL) 49/8 208 Myay= 2048 Mace sul2/12= oy6P/12= BN Mey 15 XN eam stness (Relative K= Ut Assume! = 12 Joint Condition: n= 0; a cic Mond om i+ (45 + 4p 80)=0 Wyetteeseo 74.6) area _ Structural Sigg SEI ee ae {TIBPROPPED BEAM FORMULAS een ET ae yd. Pa) e-0) frac an2ee pem0-@+a)=8-2 ue fomnenvear >t eS [oncaetetatia aa faproductorW ad the ar fe enc nuns NaS movement of » unit load Fa structure such a5 rections, shea, po asec to sry le ss dngram whose ordinates show the m, ove ace as 9 To moves gaan sr gies the value ofthe fun ding the fcton hen forming lads. It's used to determine. ‘xanple7-6 under heuer ed En Fancton = Ara ers Tarte beam sown in the figure, daw the flusce ines ortho reaction at jibe sbeur at D, and (2) the moment aD. (4 Deine the masa vals a Gu aretions de to moving load of5 KN and () termine th ai f tae PROPERTIES OF INFLUENCE LINES flrcons due to uniform load oF DEN raughoa! the ete beam “1 the Single concentrated moving los equal | smaitd of the ad mulpid bythe ordinate ofthe luence dagen i Tee Dig Function = Ph etal furson duet several concentrated moving onda cgi fhe lec fetchicad dered property niet! ee ia ‘uence ner Fao Fado TNT De srescionst A Ry = «aro of fluence diagram Re = 10 BACK) - HQN025), Rs =2754N shear at Yp=w x area of influence diagram Vo~ 10 1H6N075)-1(2}0.25)-H92)025): vo =175 EN ‘+ Moment at D Mo 1 x ore of influence diagram Mo = 101¥48)(.8)- W2VOS)E Mo= S51 120 APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURES 720.1 CANTILEVER METHOD Assumptions Cantilever Method: 1. point finiection secur th midspan ofeach ger 2 Appoint of investion occurs atmidheight of each om. 4. The anil force in each column is diy proportional te dite om Ahe center of gravity ofall chums on tat vel SAyr10) =O Vas y= 025 N= Rs) = (-029)2)>-05 pee ‘The matin reaction a occurs when the load is at A a= 50) =SkN | + The asin postive stearatD cca when the lon so st 8 | tight: i 2202 PoRTAL METHOD, Asimptions in Portal Method: J Tein foe divine nerd 2% point of innction occurs at the mesepan let 3 point of inflation occurs atthe mith af 4 The horzontal shear ata given try dt "hat coh tri cnn esis Teas for Framer aa iors ere Pemex 306 2=2251N oly eral on some members ipiaforceon member DE=93754N Moment at = 135 KN-m Shear on momber EH =301N parple7-8 ole the fume shown using the cantilever mated Bee ON bua HBA: For D104 Ere, Bs omit, Ph ure Fc 721 DYNAMIC (IMPACT| LOADING Te efonation reduced n dat bode neces hpalthough that nat tee The spring constant ofa Beam ean beck om rearing eh Osea aa orlegteL ashowe, © nee lore ang fom a height of the recling deformation 6 an fe 5 za Beat 61H There i ih vloity o te mas bfoe impact 222 TRUSSES Anus is structure composed of slender members pint pe Poni These are use fo support onsand ridge 72,1 ROOF TRUSSES Root trusses are often used ao pat of os ZS V2 Le EZ 2j the truss ineterminate tthe fi degre. Pee AS-7% Ese tie pate ola ‘nerf cusps = 3 Nate otn)=6 Pers “a Sie) = 2) he seit me Figure AN-17e:Extraliy sale ‘Namberof membors,8= 12 a ‘Number of external port reactions Number of joints 1=8 bere ae intreally unstable ae Srce fo 7) <2, the eas isi ‘Chapter 07 ~ theory of smcties 3 iti go to meas Se= SFB) «051 ee) Be ctinciasey aa real unit load. pin: Sj = 10DKN (tension) Sua = Spo ~ 105 KN (tension) Aijoint A Sus(/+[73) = S40 = S8OSEN Compression) e ce the required the vera efhston tj re apy 8 versal unt inwat 7 Fundamen suctura Stet [ oo istee! 02599 pte Theo ot FOIA) RAG), Toa Seer pot tien indlerlnae ts) fins we remove AC (choosing isthe relundat member) and cmput the Sea) ‘i i yo0) Rar= Re 201N fe a pr 0) R= 400KN z mE [Ete | amy | “ry aot pen AC et et {00 | pe ett | ano | is eae} See aot| a | — aa Be racers dc 53 [asm Palio onteriee ACon the rus shown, a-ha +0 e050 +1480) CONOST ye = 00. 7E Now. we sive forthe selnve displacement of AC dae ISTRATIVE PROBLEMS Deflection of Beams 71 teeny seppored shown in ge 78 es dor ado 241 Bidet the slope ard deflection atm fom he lltsppot wang te Pees Peon Method. Use E=200 GP, f= 240% 30. se0n/ AE WB /AE Fee — Leese ee ‘Figure 744 fe=0+ (09241) xe = DUBN (Compression) S0LuT1ON By double integration method 00+ (05)@241) Flo 108348 (Tension) ‘ Ely! == 10x 2e(%) Ely = 120-12 Fy =6o2-a0+ 90) By= 29-44 0n+G 20) When oy=08 EA i ar e7 the Sea Stuctres 333° na 20/5 +120 f pgs Es From tC: IM = (@P/5+ 120) =~ 2460/2) 395/54 1a tna asfoP~32/5 os From 810: e M2 (29/5 12) 2/2) = 204/50 120-8 seme ane? =f dns 035° me et Bee ta eb rom 55.0) 204) 1006) 26 Na sro= [o-nasapics foncmsievse fou aad ht -12f saree 2s763000! j _ 2976210004 69am downward (@oa.a0?210-40) Tosoive the rotation at 6 ple é a couplemat he Theorem sing th Canin’ Theo Solving for the reaction : AOR + = 241098) on Ryo 120-10 the point where the 20.10 ten fei From Ato. homens serif 1H PL Ghaeoarg ed ton" ar (200016/9)- Lacamyayy ya 24/81 By aio tnd proportion; jsp [m8 0/19— w= are : ct ame B20" ten $= soot 10/1 2576/¢1 2700)! 2 ny 240 10%) 3-@nm fer a2 “onan940310) ‘The rotation at C the angle beeen tbe tangent hough pine Cand “p= 00nsI6y aden 0559" the point of minus defection which, Because of syne, apn y= 560) 19680) = SON 4:5 (1/3), = (0/3})092)= 26a L cn Fay mt _ _ 26x =r a pn(240-107) = 9006167 rasians= 035 oe ‘Chater —Thecryot Suvctres 337 are sides di BB, 85, Mate ae arasy 9 0022 rains oor Teor sed tel -2mm | 8 = seoo/Bl +9)052/ en -49}480/e ens Eaten 5 e000" ‘én Bm span simple beam carries a urvform load of 2 KN/tn and a concerted = Sehponaans i) fod of EN? mom the lft spot. Cake the mipon det sing te “ae = 000667 radians buble intron method, Use E= 100% 10 MPsand]=80 106m He =0sss soLuTION ELy"= M= 11x 26)(¢/2)-40—-) Eby Disa ale-2) Tota The lee Gap val ny for 22 Bays Ba $name tiye dh gate 3-791 9) eo 37100) ano) Wienieay=0 ow deal Ing. (2): C=O Whenx=5,9=0 Ini 6 Oe q 7 er beam of feng Ears rior lad tha fend to (N/m) atthe right end. Wi is hat isthe rottion Se bent? ASSUm® lis constant weal vLYSEL Btn 2 sen Sy TB tag =F (Areans) Xe] & Fasano b= -thobynatet td ad ee Batemine the deflestin al the Good ae Pee the maximum defen oe | = 29 Canter sa neem he moment wer ting lone 4 one incr rane Pat ‘ace 4 Deflection due to concentrated load i= Mi” i 8, = (93(2)(20/E2)] «283 = ——— a= __Aeecion aaa 92238 mm Patt: poem Deflection dive to momenhGss sao tas fea he een aE y= (905/E0)«15= ep Peale th cetera ee GPa and sts cross-section has a ad P wil case 2er0 def toy he x bed ror they sce 343 aoa td Hen 0 hr cr a gag Bsn i The ee Fen on tote st in Pol an many fe Be onstage este io et thd Trine the vertical deviation’ f poi Brie tt tnge! dawn nee ete eae 4 cal deflection a 4p bacrmine the vertical dfleton 9 Sraprang UMEHAINY - Ye A0002/2) {ye 900113579 1135 mee the olation and defection at point ofthe beam shown n gute P17 < Iam tho oy y= 12672000) y= 240)(10560/9 1267 200/ 1 soon 2078 2.534 400/81 At At As y= Rae = 12.672,000/ 61 + 1267200) EI ~ 2584001) Da 15475,00/] ~ 00578 adi Sam Mae Ai (260) + A246 54= (12672,000/ Efe + (.257.20/ E01 & 54= 3446,784,000/F1 ‘ 51-1208 mm Se col? Mepesion aD 7 Be decon a Figure UTION ee he cer eee ec Te lun=0y do the middle ofa 6m long bear from a eight of m9 7-0. The bea 100 em #230 mm. rip delet fhe ons Were ma dropped asim dram deflection atthe midepan ofthe beam nium impart ending rene pate Statiestress By 1422) ogo i? Poy as 5~18.05(138) = 219 mm M=PL/4=8(6/4 M=12kNm eM a 612108) 100050)" foa~ 1152MPa fe f Be Jey. fe 20794 MPa fs Th ye 720}: Te sructare consis of membe sats and some forms close loo ee Feo of selon toc tne ate wen - Pero avd tuee unkown etone tase Ce ev mente at “Figure 721 28 statically determina oe. ae ment he and al dh eeu yacly ne taney secions cut there arethree Gains ut canbemaie en Rose ebeasieed ote eo Numberof reactions, R=8 Number of sections, = 2 Number of equations, E=34=6 1R> E, indeterminate tothe third degree | Paton 7-16 (Gasty cach of the structures shown in Figure 2-2 a sal determine [tlaly indotecninate, or uneable If indeterminate, spe te dos ol Ricoriniy, Te scares assed tata leis a =e own and can set anyoehere and inany destin. ‘SPE HEFO7 STH Sucre: 353 Ee aianres Tesi Figure Me moment in kN-m Re reaction in KN at radion Bue 7219: Ninbeof members 15 1 Nearer of ines j= 9 “Naumbeaf ete reactions, | Numberafurknowns= be r= 19 ‘Namberefequstons=2) 18 ‘Since (e+ 9) 3, ndeeritcto he fit degree ' Fim - ee) 200,000(5510°) 000 = ae -25R MaaR= 135 >) fun= 2 reas 2-01 Avena za = MCs) = WORE 8 M=teR/3 FER) #3 shown in Figure 728. The moment applied at th simp aunt af that end, Ppl MBq. (1); 16R/3-4R= 15 = 9375kN Meg = 1663759 M500 KN nk Om PABIERD » 0/5)- Cayo 79) (25/3)Re- 191250 Re=459N, pac TM = 5 — 450) Ma = 5459) -450 My=-2205 Nem tu = areapel a £6 16459)- 079991950) «- Lanznm 00900 Xn? igen 12875 goon esian Toonm Foblem 7-19 ones Mepropped beam shown in Figure 7-25 E=200 GPa and = 5010 a 9 Determine the moment at A using the tree memes eR #) Determine the vertical reaction a 8 nt and do 1) Determine the rotation at B using the ata momen! a methods z | sm TO TF funda ign z by =r 10-250 a hen x= 4, <0 1258 oa Man if) 10-5160) Ro =11.25 &N Bie (0-0-0+38353 Nm 35998 Slope= y Lean za Se ) oe 33841030) ae ie S +200,000(5010") Slope = 0 0088353 rad = 28" * Be E i Petr 7.20 sed S ‘Pe strained beam shown in igure 796 caries #wnfomnls ties ae sine bone shown in Figure SEPstof he pan ond couple. Us hespomet main se, Secibetaags a : r= Gyr) au eae en 3 0-° Bs: subtract: ()*2 = Bh ~_6Ry=3M+ 165/36-0 0 M,=26B=9 Ma 2656 KN . InFa.(1)) 3Ry- 26m eM7/t8<0 Ry" OSKIAN, Ms~ 3+ 5(0588)- 2684-6 Ma= 2195 Kem Thus: rsiem 721 ‘finden! boar loaded a shown Figure 227 ha E=200 Ps n= 258 sa 4) Determine ne moment at 1) Determine ve wercal reacnonat A 8} Determine se micepon defacto. nasi Figure 7-28 Supported atthe ken or te an, B= 10 and = 5 a Figure? ‘0uuTON Deflection ot A when the springs somata wilt ‘by= —Pouway 100072 Sieh AEOUBE utesinim > rote SSO $0208 rst Bae ser + S000) .107) by 301200 Deflection at A due to 1 KN oad acting at wth espn remoyed Pe 1<10°(4000)* Wequ= 2 er 7 qo 00)85%10) (Gu 25098 mm perk Ba Mn) arse 215250 002 BatorsiN 9 Pat ie eee, Gau= Pally: Wnlu Ket e=84) 25,098(0.05)e+¢= 3022 © 120197 mm “k= 60 EN/m= DOSEN / (Res ke) Ry gtr cs : Pvc wall 0: Ne ten 297 ee ateec cee sonine Sac, aes sn Rn foot cope eee en Continuous Beams poter 724 Forte beam loaded a shown in Figure 730, €=200CPs sn! 100» 1 mat Determine the midspan deflection of beam AC bfote Be supp a LUTION By superposition metho: When the suppor at ie romoved 5(95.001150%2)* ‘SoM omO« 10) 287 mm Fria deecon td ota 8 th supp 9 ce oved eee eos cr 3(200,000)(780 10°) (i020 per bX y= 162.5% 209000) 230 Shaper 07 —Treoyot eoryol Swuctres 3 eer propor at is removed. eaigrmine the vertical reaction ag, Figue?-31 «tion a B hen the supports nan <7. 00)" tow sow Donon. 10) 7 1du= 22) gyn 8000 wet!" en ooyscosioF (2 =0533 mm ce ; = 209000 600 10+ mt 1 i ‘ Bat (arena Beeieteriteza ete amce ot!“ A feel Fp baoo0 610054 rcs) equation a4, Band Cin the continuous beam shove in Figure 732 Me= 40) ~-20 N-m cab: Mio Mitta) +l BA » SAB eg o-auora nee 2+ Ma 1000 oa ABC: | Mala + 2Mo(Ca+ b+ Mela oH. 0 say Nate) (291+ EE stg saci at amg 4 183860 Subtract Eq.) ~2*E. @) 2+ My +1000 22 Ma 265670 _sructurl sies Desh shown in Figure? 38 using the ne i Figure7.93 moment equation for points ABC Mats + 2s 1) raters SAE 4 SAE ae PMa(la + La) + Mela, pe. pm | Sahar HB, oo Via Consider span AB to be 5 om ata step suppretendicie fn al pe rctora | e a0 18 Dirt met dogam \ pars itapetion ort) | | j Ai | ga BX) + ¢27n16}0) + 0/oy-2092)051 eee Pacer, Consider span BC fo be ‘amply supported end soive for the simple reactions Draw the moment diagram by parts with respect to C[orB) Saat] ‘we aBHO}A) «}@)608/5) Then; Ds2ha(d +3) +0 8925-37800 Me= 9078 Nem Pebiem 7.28, J the moment aictebution method, determine th mens as Hebeam loaded ae shown i Figure 7-4, Asani ETS Maes Band Col ere sahcrorret sits. Teesepona NPs and J 500 10m, "BUS725 by superposition method. Ye FEMay=203/124 30/20 FEMs,~3.54N-m = 3600N-m_ eon ae FM = 6(98/12-29)/30 er TiMie=- Stn = S00 Nom Fomeove support Band soValorBs on FM = 682/22" 307/20 SFE) S45 KN SNe ie =a - I eal ; Sen and Dstbuen Fc: : L Tonipkenis Deena 4 fe Disa = DFsc= 4 Uae hao TEM =0) taRe= 906) +068) Reesa6hN = sok a saa, , Sb 0 T Ma ly + 2Ma(la + La) + Me Le Z a Sie c= Me y= #0) 362) = HER, = Ma Myr = 3366) -68)- 359)" ESS G0 anh By [ 4 0534 Re+ 2018) - 51) -361618) HA 116 + Rats) 361617) Theee-Moment Equation Me=-88kN-m MnO 0+ aba(8 + 6) + ¢88)6)+ A 4 SA | otem 73) ton eed 7 Sie (or moment qin Problem 7-29 using the manent i ‘ec ae “2umon (op see —= 7 astend moments a Fenty SBE =a FeMge = 200% = 1920 Maat ep o7- ea of 34 ina Peoblem 7-29 assuming the support ce 6 he suppor 8 sles by «0 am eg g “aero eres Ue 8] 7. get) te oh e-toam souuTion y= 165120 (Ge 0.5857 som per kN peek ise a feo to e=6s] OSHS Ry 40 16512 me y= 280884 Beets ie si pte 0 eK 780 | : { se TT, Lay= athe moment daca sdey seo ne Fa= 100 any vate wl do) FEM 3" FEMas = FEMeo = FEMac= 100 Tea = 58+ 9B (ao) Mas=481 kN G 58+ Bt eo) Mac ®4813Nm = 4.81101 9 eas 272 20 Mer=A7t im Meo * 272+ 22 (50) Meo * 371 KNm= 371 km 1.364 Bg (30) Moc = -268 KN-m=268 Nam © ooiem 72-45 Soke for the sioment at ach jnt thé bal fume shown i Egute Sas Es tho same for all members LUTION Influence Lines 7-46 (CE May 2005), Figure 745, {0LU110 Tfluence ine for eatin at Solving fr by taking moment about D Wen thew lad cat Re(2} = 105) Rom 128 en the uit oad eat = en the unload at Bal L2} > 165 Ra= 05 t ‘when the unit load sat. 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Es pam ‘ode reper oF gy peer Teo | 407 immer “sucitnatee fee on) 5 ean as Fos O70 has aerenerm Vrattnd at 078+ Facsin S— 1 Fao" 3539 neon) Properties of Steel Sections BG occurs wher masini ond Is at (Bang the highest ordinate ncom oad in within. (S Pig above). 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