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9/12-9/13 TASKS


1. Open up your notebook to a brand new page.
2. Take out your ​blue​ and black pen/pencil.
3. Title a brand new page in your notebook:​ ​Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
4. Write today’s date on the top right ​9/12/19 or 9/13/19
5. ​Click Here for Google Countdown Timer​ and set the timer countdown
for each activity based on the ​red time suggestions​ below.
Part 1:​ Check It! Reflection 5 min
1. Copy the questions below into your notebook using ​BLUE PEN​.
2. Answer the questions in your notebook using ​BLACK PEN/PENCIL​.
3. Click on ​PowerSchool Grades Link​ and check your grades

A)What is your current grade in science class?

B)How do you feel about your science grade? Why?

Part 2:​ Preview It! (Vocabulary) 7 min.
1​. Copy the following chart in your notebook.
2 Click on the following link ​Science Dictionary​ ​to fill out vocab chart​ IN YOUR NOTEBOOK!


1. action
2. reaction

3. motion

Part 3:​ Watch It! 7 min.
1. ​Watch Video #1:​Third law of motion video
2. Copy the following statements and fill in the blanks in your notebook.

a)​ ​The astronaut Alexander moves less because…


b) Describe the example from the video of Newton’s cradle

c)​ L
​ aw 1 states that…


d)​ L
​ aw 2 states that…


e)​ L
​ aw 3 states that…


f) Who is Claudia and what did she accomplish?

Part 4:​ Read It! 10 min.
Directions:​Read the passage below and copy the statements into your notebook:
a. The main idea from this reading is … (write 2-3 sentences)

Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion 

This is a sketch of Jared on his skateboard. He’s on his way to Newton’s

Skate Park. When he pushes his foot against the ground, what happens
next? He moves on his skateboard in the opposite direction. How does
this happen?

Action and Reaction

Newton’s third law of motion​ explains how Jared starts his skateboard moving. This law
states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means that forces always act
in pairs. First an action occurs—Jared pushes against the ground with his foot. Then a reaction
occurs—Jared moves forward on his skateboard. The reaction is always equal in strength to the
action but in the opposite direction.

Q​: If Jared pushes against the ground with greater force, how will this affect his forward motion?

A​: His action force will be greater, so the reaction force will be greater as well. Jared will be
pushed forward with more force, and this will make him go faster and farther.

Equal and Opposite Forces

The forces involved in actions and reactions can be represented with arrows. The way an arrow
points shows the direction of the force, and the size of the arrow represents the strength of the
force. Look at the skateboarders in the ​Figure​ ​below​. In the top row, the arrows represent the
forces with which the skateboarders push against each other. This is the action. In the bottom
row, the arrows represent the forces with which the skateboarders move apart. This is the
reaction. Compare the top and bottom arrows. They point in different directions, but they are the
same size. This shows that the reaction forces are equal and opposite to the action forces.
Equal and Opposite but Not Balanced

Because action and reaction forces are equal and opposite, you might think they would cancel
out, as balanced forces do. But you would be wrong.
Balanced forces are equal and opposite forces that act on
the same object. That’s why they cancel out.

Action-reaction forces are equal and opposite forces that

act on different objects, so they don’t cancel out. In fact,
they often result in motion. Think about Jared again. He
applies force with his foot to the ground, whereas the
ground applies force to Jared and the skateboard, causing
them to move forward.

Q​: Actions and reactions occur all the time. Can you think of an example in your daily life?

A​: Here’s one example. If you lean on something like a wall or your locker, you are applying
force to it. The wall or locker applies an equal and opposite force to you. If it didn’t, you would go
right through it or else it would tip over.

Part 5:​ Write it! 10 min.
1. Copy the questions in your notebook.
2. Use the reading to help you answer the questions below:
a. Based on this reading, Newton’s Third Law of Motion is...

b. An example of an action and reaction from this reading is...

c. Action and reaction forces are not balanced forces because...

d. My own example of an action and reaction is...


Part 6: ​Apply It! 10 min.

1. Solve the problems on the worksheet below.
2. Answer the questions and show your work in your notebook.
Part 7: ​Done Early? Extend It!
1. Missing/incomplete assignments? Work on missing/incomplete tasks and get a
regrade Monday-Wednesday during lunch.
2. All assignments done? Read/Work on HW for another class.

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