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Name: Victoria A.


Educational Attainment: MAED

School Address: Balongating, Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur

Designation/ Position: Master Teacher I

Length of Service: 26 years

Mobile Phone Number: 09306351763

Research/ Project Priority Area:

Project Duration: June 2016- March 2017

I. Action Research Title: Solutions To Improve Grade 10 Justice Academic

Performance In English

II. Situation

Based on the previous years’ experience, the fourth year students were given

National Achievement Test. The results showed that most of the examinees’ least

learned competency was on reading comprehension. The same findings in

administering our quarter examination because reading comprehension has been one

of the areas included. If they felt the difficulty in one selection or paragraph only how

much more to the NAT? When more or less 80% of the test coverage measures their

reading comprehension skill.

The researcher for having been with the fourth year students for twenty-six years

believes that through this action research the incoming Grade 10 Justice students will

improve their academic performance.

III. Problem

This action research tries to find solutions to improve the academic performance

of the incoming Grade 10 Justice students of Balongating National High School year


Specifically, this study identifies those areas needed to be answered in

preparation for National Achievement Test such as:

1. Spelling

2. Vocabulary

3. Basic Grammar

4. Sentence Construction

5. Paragraph Writing

6. Reading Comprehension

7. Individual Oral Reading Inventory

IV. Plan of Action

To hold remedial class to the incoming Grade 10 Justice students everyday from

twelve-thirty noon to one o’clock in the afternoon.

The researcher should find time and prepare the necessary instructional

materials to be used in the assessment. The order of assessment starts where the

students are.

Individual Oral Reading Inventory

To find out if how many of the students are slow readers. In other words they will

be categorized as to their capacity to read. Identified fast readers will assist the slow

readers through Each One Teach One method. Slow readers will be evaluated monthly.
For any improvement, both the student teacher and the student will be given a cash

incentive from the researcher.


Even the common words our students cannot give the correct spelling for one

reason-they don’t love reading. There are several techniques that can be applied in this

particular area. One is to give them the word by using it in a sentence. Another is to

provide them group of words wherein one of them has the wrong spelling. It can be

done also by providing a sentence and the correct spelling will be identified among the



This can be treated by providing them list of synonyms first and later teacher

uses them in a sentence for the context clue. As students choose the appropriate word

to be used in a sentence from the list provided. The SRA (Science Research

Association) materials can be of great help to this problem on vocabulary. Finally,

students themselves should look for the meaning of difficult words encountered while

reading the best way to increase their vocabulary.

Basic Grammar

One needs to familiarize the basic rules in grammar because they play vital role

in speaking and writing as to their usage. Verbal analogy is one of the areas included in

an admission test given by colleges and universities. Since English class during this

century focuses on communicative competence, for one to become good in the

language he has the speaking skill at the same time has an enough background on

basic rule in grammar.

Sentence Construction

Prior a student can write a single sentence he should recall first his background

on parts of speech considering that the two essential parts of a sentence are subject

and predicate. Probably students may start constructing a sentence with a two word or

three word sentence as long as the subject and the predicate can be immediately

identified. Later on students can add modifiers whether phrasal or clausal and they can

place it in the subject or object position.

Paragraph Writing

How to write a paragraph first and foremost students have not mastered though

this has been taught to them since in their elementary years. Standards to be observed

in writing paragraph need to be refreshed like the size of the margin and indention still

have not been familiarized. Here, they should be exposed on the different ways how to

start a paragraph. It can be in a form of description, narration of definition. This area

demands for constant practice to come up with a correct form.

Reading Comprehension

This area has the biggest number of items in National Achievement Test.

According to Jose B. Bilasano et al the authors of CORRECT (Comprehensive

Reviewer For College Admission Test) say that Reading Comprehension measure five

skills. These are: (1) noting details, (2) extent of vocabulary, (3) getting the main idea or

theme of the selection, (4) inferring details and (5) predicting results. The SRA materials

have enough exercises for this particular area.

V. Action/ Implementation

Strategies Data to be Collected Data Analysis

Preparation of Tools to improve students’ Frequency Weighted

Assessment Tools academic performance Arithmetic Mean

And Ranking
Name: Victoria A. Erana

Educational Attainment: MAED

School Address: Balongating, Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur

Designation/ Position: Master Teacher I

Length of Service: 26 years

Mobile Phone Number: 09306351763

Research/ Project Priority Area:

Project Duration: June 2016- March 2017

I. Action Research Title: Incentives Keeping Students To Have Regular Attendance

In English Class

II. Situation

Usually, as it has been observed students get crowded in the classroom on the

first month of classes. Later on, some tend to be irregular in attendance due to several

reasons to mention. Others have their own story to tell. Well, their endurance in coming

to school is still good until the first grading only. Though the class adviser has been

calling the attention of those concerned parents, yet, some insisted to be irregular I their


III. Problem

Students have become irregular in their attendance in class usually after first

grading. To hold these students in class, one of the best techniques is to give students
incentives if they have good attendance in class and one who will have the highest

grade per grading period.

The researcher believes through giving incentives to students having best in

attendance and getting the highest possible grade per grading period will challenge

them to be in class always. Incentives can be in a form of cash, school supplies or

grocery items.

Specifically, this action research proposal focuses on the incoming Grade 10

English Justice students of Balongating National High School school year 2016-2017.

This strategy was tried during January attendance of flag raising and proven

effective since students see to it to be in school before the time. Even in answering

some trivia questions they enjoy. The first one to answer can receive a cash incentive

from the officer of the day. The researcher is positive that if giving such reward worked

in big crowd much more to a small group, the classroom.

IV. Plan of Action

On the very first day of classes, students will be informed by the English subject

teacher regarding the giving of monthly incentives to the highest number of attendance

and to whoever gets the highest possible grade every grading period. It might be in a

form of cash for the first month then the next months onward probably food provided

that there is a variation of incentives monthly.

If adults feel happy when given incentive for a job well-done how much more to our

students? This action research proposal challenges students to be in class always and

observe study habits in improving their academic performance in English class.

V. Action/ Implementation

Strategies Data to be collected

Strict monitoring of student’s attendance by Daily attendance sheet

providing an attendance sheet duly signed Computation of grades in

English by the students every grading period

Subject teacher computes if who among

the students has the highest grade every

grading period

VI. Evaluation/ Follow-Up ( Monitoring and Evaluation/ Administration of

Instrument/ Survey/ Preparation of Research Report)

Name: Victoria A. Erana

Educational Attainment: MAED

School Address: Balongating, Guipos, Zamboanga del Sur

Designation/ Position: Master Teacher I

Length of Service: 26 years

Mobile Phone Number: 09306351763

Research/ Project Priority Area:

Project Duration: June 2016- March 2017

I. Action Research Title: Holding of Special Class: A Diversion from Staying Idle in


II. Situation

Nowadays students don’t feel ashamed and afraid if they get zero in the class. Some

seem to be proud of obtaining nothing. This is because they don’t have the study habit.

Who in the class will learn if they don’t spend time to go over their day’s lessons in all

subject areas?

During quarter examination students are seldom seen studying religiously. In fact,

during testing days, there is enough time allocated per subject area for them to prepare each

subject prior the examination. Since the nature of the exam is a multiple choice type, to some,

they just do it by guessing.

Besides, complying of subject requirements students failed to submit on time. Some

may have them but only for compliance purposes. They don’t make them as expected- come

what may.

III. Problem

One of the effective ways to keep students busy during lunch break is to provide them

junior teachers whom they feel comfortable if they have some questions or clarification

regarding basic knowledge in English and Math subjects.

The researcher would like to revive of what was practiced in the past few years where

students stayed at different learning parks doing their Each-One-Teach-One.

This action research proposal challenges deserving incoming Grade 10 Integrity students

to be junior teachers of the incoming Grade 7 Charity and Simplicity slow learners in English and

Math of Balongating National High School come school year 2016-2017.

IV. Plan of Action

Incoming deserving 10 Integrity students will be organized and oriented on what to

do their Each-One-Teach-One class during lunch break.

These junior teacher will coordinate with the Grade 7 Charity and Simplicity subject

teachers in English and Math in their student’s outputs as the bases of their meetings with

those identified slow learners.

As a motivation, junior teachers and their learners will receive every grading period

an incentive from the organizer be it in a form of cash or school supplies.

The giving of incentive to junior teachers and the learners as well will be done during

the flag raising ceremony. This is to inspire them both of their efforts to continue the good

practice of helping one another.

V. Action/ Implementation

Strategies Data to be collected

There should be information dissemination Daily attendance of junior teachers

in Grade 10 Integrity during subject and slow learners.


Deserving students will be organized Outputs given during their meetings.

and guided of the needed materials in their


The most important one is to inform

Them on incentives they will receive per grading

depending on their performance. Besides, an

additional grade incentive will be given to those

who will faithfully- the junior teachers and the

slow learners.

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