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Annaliese Montgomery (Young Annaliese)- Female main character

Nathan Lucas Arunafeltz (Young Nathan)- Male main character

Zikieahe Windsor (Young Zikieahe)-Female Main antagonist

Azalea Mountbatten-Moral Lessons/Quotes Presentor

Stacy Schaffgotsch (Young Stacy)-Annaliese’s Best friend

RadleighArunafeltz- The Doctor

Xyto- Nathan's name after the accident

Phineas Lancaster(Young Phineas)- Annaliese's Husband

Annaliese Montgomery(Old Annalise)-Female lead and Narrator

Luna Havrincourt- Annaliese and Nathan's Daughter

Dominic Havrincourt- Luna's Husband

Thraia Havrincourt- Anna's Granddaughter


Scene 1: (Lancaster Mansion)

A little girl sat crying in front of the porch steps of their house.

An old lady in late 80’s approaches her and caresses her back gently.

Old Annaliese: Why are you sad, my Thraia? *Speaks in old yet endearing tone*

Thraia: Mom and Dad are fighting again. They won't stop! *She continue crying*

Old Annaliese: That's normal, my dear. Relationship do have their ups and downs, it'll pass.

Thraia: Really? What if they do separate?

Old Annaliese: I won't let that happen, I won't let my daughter experience the same thing I felt many years ago,
I won't let her be separated with the one she really loves.

Thraia: Why Grandma Annaliese? Did you get separated with Grandpa Phineas? He's your true love, right?*She
ask in childish voice*

Old Annaliese: You're still naiveté, child. Phineas was never my true love; he was never your real grandfather.

Stacy: Annaliese! Come here already! We're going to be late for lunch! I've found a perfect spot for us!

Annaliese: Okay, okay, I'm coming! you don't have to shout, Stacy.

Stacy: I know! Now, come here!

Stacy led her to an unfamiliar place.

There, it has one table and several chairs.

And a guy wearing hoodie, he seems to be writing something on the table.

Out of curiosity, Annaliese tries to approach the sitting guy, but he left even before she could come near him.

She stood there motionless, she continues walking to the table and slowly sits where the first guy sat, and she
read the writing on the table loud and clear.

Annaliese: 'Nothing seems to be okay, I'm already losing hope.' Wow, that guy seems very lonely.

Stacy: What's that, Annaliese?

She ignored her friend's question; her eyes are still fixated on the table. Then she slowly fish out her marker
from her bag and wrotean answer on the table.

Annaliese: 'Don't give up, everything will be alright.'

She doesn't know where it came from, but she only knows one thing; she want to help that guy.


Stacy: Break time's over! We have to proceed to our classroom already.

StacygrabsAnnaliese’s handand quickly run back to their room.


(The Next Day)

The same hooded guy went to that place again, but to his surprise, he saw writings that respond to his previous
statement yesterday.

Nathan: 'Don't give up, everything will be alright.'

He read it out loud. His eyebrows furrowed.

Then he picks up his marker and start writing again saying:

Nathan: 'If everything will be alright, why does it have to be havoc in the first place?'

He tries to maintain his depressed phase. And then he leaves

Meanwhile, Stacy drags Annaliese to the same place they went yesterday.

Annaliese immediately goes to that table; she was also surprised to see an answer from that guy.

Annaliese: 'If everything will be alright, why does it have to be havoc in the first place?'

She read the writings out loud.

Annaliese: Hmmmmnn...

Then she grabs her marker and starts writing again.

Annaliese: 'Life is lifeless if there are no problems, if you let these problems get you, then you'll die easily. No
thrill at all.'

She answered with a satisfactory smile.

Annaliese: Let's go, Stacy. We're done here.

Then they walk away.

(The Next Day)

The hooded guy unconsciously headed to his favorite spot.

His guts didn't fail him, there was an indeed response from that person.

Nathan: 'Life is lifeless if there are no problems, if you let these problems get you, then you'll die easily. No
thrill at all.'

He read it out loud

He unknowingly smiles to the answer.

The person who is writing on the table is really something.

But then his smile fades; he grabs his marker and answered:

Nathan: 'Maybe we're two different people, it may be easy for you but it can't be easy for everyone else.'

He leaves again, he's not hoping for a response but deep in his heart, he knows that he wanted it.

The two girls went to that place again, this time, it was Annaliese who grabs Stacy by her arm and pull her to
the table.

Annaliese: Alas! He really answered.

Stacy: What is that again, Annaliese?

Annaliese: Nothing, could you lend me your marker?

Stacy unbelievably obeyed her friend's request. She handed her the maker.

Annaliese: 'Every person is the same, only different in mind but similar in heart, we all want to be happy. It
depends on us if we want to make it possible. For me, you will have million reasons to live when you had
finally found the right person for you. All you have to do is wait and pray.'

Stacy: You're being rational lately, Annaliese.

Annaliese: I'm done, let's go now.

Days went on; the exchanging of word never stops.

Day after day, nothing could stop these two.

They're enjoying every bit of their indirect conversation that they got closer to each other.

One day,Nathan Lucas casually went to that freedom table.

He was now smiling ear to ear hoping for another message left.

But to his surprise, the table is missing!

He tried to look for it but sadly,

It was no longer there.

Suddenly, he bumped to a girl who's as confused as him.

The girl dropped her things and he helps her pick it up.

He was about to hand her the things but was mesmerized by her as soon as he looks up.

She seems to be looking for something.

Nathan: A-are you looking for s-something?*He stutters*

Annaliese: Actually yes, but it doesn’t seem to be here so I got to go, bye!*The girl runs fast*

He regrets not asking her name. Nathan had the feeling that she is the one he was talking to.

Since that day, Nathan follows her every day so their feelings grew for each other.

Scene 2: (Regret of the past)

One day, while Nathan is waiting for Annaliese in the Library, someone from behind covers Nathan’s eyes with
her hands

Someone: Guess who?*chuckles*

Nathan: Annaliese?*smiled*

Someone:Anna?What?*got annoyed a little*

She removed her hands then jumped in front of Nathan

Someone:Lucas!!!Did you miss me?*chuckles**said it with a sad tone*

Zikieahe:Yeah!I miss you so much*smiled*

Then she tried to pinch his cheeks but Nathan stepped back


Ziki: Sorry for breaking up with you but i finally realize that I love you, I really, really love you!That day I was
just tired and confused on things....I was in bad shape, I’m sorry it was just a mistake breaking up with you

Nathan:Ziki, I... I have something to tell you

Ziki: Yeah I know,please forgive me and let's just forget those sad moments then start again...Like the way we
used to be...We still can, right?

Nathan: About that...Ziki I forgive you for leaving me and I’m thankful for that

Ziki:Thankful? What do you mean?*sad tone*

Nathan:Thank you for breaking up with me I finally met the one,the one who deserves my love more than you
do...We're over Ziki we can't be together anymore,I'm sorry.

Ziki was shocked and felt sad

Ziki:So who's the lucky girl? * Fakes smile*

Nathan: Her name is Annaliese and she's from my school

Ziki: Oh!*smirked*what a nice name, I guess she's also pretty

Nathan: Yes she is; but I didn't like her just by appearanceI like her for who she is, Unlike you she understands
me so well.

Ziki: well I guess you're happy now *fakes smile*

Nathan: More than happy, I am contented and glad to have her. *smiled*

Ziki: so if that's the case then let's end our FRIENDSHIP too! *sad*

Nathan: I'm sorry Ziki, I have to go *bids goodbye*

Ziki: I can't accept this! No this can't be happening we've been together for 3 years but he chose that Annaliese
girl over me... If I will not be happy I will make sure they'll suffer as well.

Ziki accidentally bumped on Annaliese's shoulders

Annaliese books all fell down

Ziki force herself to help Annaliese

Ziki:I'm sorry

Annaliese:No,its fine by the way thank you for your help.


Ziki looked at Annaliese going to where Nathan is.

Ziki: Oh, she’s Annaliese huh.

Scene3: Realization

Nathan decides to confess his feelings for Annaliese. Annaliese didn’t seem to admit her feelings for him. She is
not yet ready for thatkind of commitment. But then Stacy talked to Annaliese that made Annaliese realize that
Nathan is important to her.

Annaliese: Thank you, Stacy. Now, I’m ready to talk to Nathan.

Stacy: Huh? Then you need to hurry up! Nathan’s scheduled flight is today!

Annaliese: What?!?!

*Annaliese took her things and immediately followed Nathan to the airport*

Nathan’s P.O.V.


Today is Nathan’s flight. He’s about to leave when a voice shouted his name. It was Annaliese.

Nathan: Annaliese? What are you doing here?

Annaliese: I’m really sorry if I didn’t confess my feelings earlier, I wasn’t ready for thatkind of commitment
yet. But I realized---

Nathan placed a finger on her lips to hush her

Nathan: Shhhh... It’s okay, I understand. So, what did you want to say again?

Annaliese: I like you, Nathan.

Nathan: What? I didn’t hear it. Say it louder.



Nathan smirks then grabs Annaliese’s hand then went outside.

Nathan: *While holdingher hands and walking together* I like you, too.

They are officially a couple now.

Scene4: (The Accident)


Nathan is staring at Annaliese

Annaliese: Hon, why are you staring at me? Is there something wrong with my face? *POUTS*

Nathan: It's been 2 years.... Well I guess every minute and every second of my life, I’ve been loving you

Annaliese: I love you more than you do

Nathan: Of course, as long as we're together we can do everything. We will make our love stronger day by day.
I may not be the greatest man on earth but I promise, I will never ever leave your side.

Annaliese: Really?

Nathan: Of course! I can even imagine them running around our house and playing around.

Hours have passed, Annaliese asked Nathan out of the blue.

Annaliese: If you will have a Daughter, what would you name her?

Nathan: I haven't thought about it yet but, hmmmmmm. Let's take it from our names, LU for Lucas and NA
from Annaliese. Luna, which means moon.

After a long time, they bid goodbye to each other.


The next morning, Nathan was so sure on proposing to Annaliese. He went to the flower shop to buy some
flowers and hurried to the place where he requested a ring with their call sign on.

After a while, Annaliese woke up due to the sudden feeling of puking.

Nathan: I hope this ring will fit on her finger and I hope she will love this

Nathan is so happy. His left hand is on the steering wheel while the other hand is holding the ring. Nathan can't
stop staring at the ring he didn't notice the truck in front of him then suddenly...


His car was hit by the truck and his vision starts to fade.

Nathan: Annaliese I...I love you..


Those were the last words he said before he lost his consciousness after the impact. Out of nowhere, a hand
grabs him from the car not knowing all along it was Ziki. Then the car exploded. Ziki has long been envious of
Annaliese. She decided to hide Nathan, and declare him dead for she hopes that Nathan will still love her.

She called for an ambulance and rushed him to a nearest private hospital.

Ziki: So how is he? Is he going to be okay? *worried*

Doctor: I'm so sorry to say this, but he's in a state of coma, his life depends on the machine.

Ziki: Wait, what!?! So you're saying he's gonna die!?

Doctor: No it's not like that there's a fifthy percent chance he's gonna live

Ziki: Please do your best to save him. *Worried*

Doctor: Yes I will.

Ziki stayed by his side till she fell asleep

5 hours later, Ziki woke up.

Ziki: I'm sorry Lucas, I'll do everything so that we can get back together.

Months have passed and Nathan was still in a state of coma. Ziki still stayed no matter what.

One day, as Ziki watches Nathan, his eyes slowly opens.

Ziki: Lucas! You're awake! Let me call the doctor.

She quickly grabs the telephone beside her and call the doctor

The doctor came in and checks Nathan up.

Ziki: Is he okay, doc?

Doctor: Yes, but don't say anything that can trigger his memories.

Ziki: What do you mean?

Doctor: You can't say something about his past until he remembers anything because that may affect him. His
amnesia is permanent

Ziki: What?!?! He is suffering from Amnesia?!?!

Ziki looks at Nathan

Doctor: Yes. So take care of him from now on.

Ziki: Thank you doc.

The Doctor exits

Scene 5: (Their Love)

Years past after his car accident.

Nathan is thinking deeply. For all these years he has been staying in this hospital, he can't remember anything.

His only hope was Ziki. She has always been there throughout the year that he has been in the state of
confusion, she calmed him, she took care of him during his comatose stage, and loved him, which Nathan is
widely aware of.

He had been thinking about it lately. He has come to a conclusion that he will not remember anything anymore.
He doesn't have anyone trying to find him, He might as well doesn’t find any relative anymore.

This moment, he had been starting intently at a box of an engagement ring which he had even before he can
remember. It had been his only hope, he thinks that it was the only thing that links him to his past, but now, he
gives up.


Zikieahe: You've been staring at that box again. The girl that was supposed to be given that must be very
special. You must really love her, Xyto. (She gives him that name)

Xyto: If she's that special, I shouldn't have forgotten about her. But it turns out, I did.

Zikieahe: She must have been waiting for you to come back.

Xyto: I don't care about my past anymore, Ziki! All I care about now is my present and our future!

Zikieahe: W-what?!

Xyto: Whoever she is, I don't love her anymore, she's not the owner of this ring nor my heart any longer. It
belongs to you already, Ziki. Whoever she might be, I will not remember her anymore.

Zikieahe: W-what do you mean?

Xyto: All these years, you are here, she was not. You calm me, not her. You help me, not her. You love me, she
did not. Whoever she is, just let her find another man, but me, I found you.

Zikieahe: Does that mean that--

Xyto: Yes, Zikieahe.

He kneels down and open the box in front of her.

Xyto: I don't care whoever I am anymore, just let me be your Xyto, I will forget all about my past, it will be just
you, me and our future children.

Zikieahe: Oh my gosh,Xyto!
Xyto: Will you marry me, Ziki?

Zikieahe: Yes, Xyto!


(Lancaster Mansion)

Annaliese has been spacing out again at the mission's garden.

Annaliese: It has been years, Nathan Lucas. They said you were already dead, I don't believe that.

A tear her eye.

Annaliese: But they found a way to force me into a marriage I don't really want. I waited for you, but you didn't
show up. I lost hope, I don't want to live anymore. But I know that I have to be strong, especially for Luna, I am
the only one that she has. Our daughter needs me, I'll always be here for her and I won't ever let her experience
the same thing I did. Goodbye, Nathan Lucas. I will always love you.

Phineas: Annaliese, Luna is crying again! Come here already, hon!

Her husband shouted at a distance.

Annaliese: This is really a goodbye, Nathan. I'll never forget you.

Then she goes to inside.




The scene resume where Old Annaliese is sitting while her granddaughter, Thraia, is crouching.

Annaliese: That's how I met Nathan Lucas, That's how I met your real grandfather.

She looked down on her granddaughter;she fell asleep while telling her their story.

Then reached her phone and dialed her daughter's number.

Phone Conversation

Annaliese: Hello?

Luna: Yes, ma?

Annaliese: You have to fetch your daughter here, Luna. She fell asleep while crying.

Luna: We're on our way, ma. We're going to fetch our child there.
Annaliese: Okay, Luna. Make sure to fix your argument with your husband! I can't bear to see my
granddaughter cry.

Luna: Yes, ma. Thank you.

Few moments later

Luna arrived with her husband, Dominic, holding each other's hand.

Luna: We’re already here, ma. This is my husband, Dominic.

Dominic: I'm sorry for always causing trouble, ma. I promise to be better husband to your daughter this moment

Annaliese smiles at the couple.

Annaliese: We could also have been be like that.

Luna: Who?

Annaliese: Nathan Lucas and I.

Dominic: Thraia, wake up already, daddy's here.

Thraia: Daddyyyyy! You are not fighting with mommy anymore?

Luna: We're not fighting anymore, Thraia.

Annaliese: Yes, granddaughter.

Luna: Let's go home, Thraia. Dom, let go home already.

Dominic: Okay. Ma, we're heading already.

Annaliese: Okay, be safe.

The moment the couple gets out. She utter her biggest regret and hopes.

Annaliese: In another life, I'll be your girl, we will keep our promises, be us against the world. In another life, I
will make you stay, so I don't have to say you were the one that got away, Nathan Lucas.


© All rights reserved 2019

Quotes of the Story

"What we see with our eyes will vanish someday, but what we store in our hearts will forever stay"
"First Love never dies and True Love lasts forever"

“Temporary People leaves permanent Lessons”

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