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A video game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate
visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display device such as a TV screen, virtual
reality headset or computer monitor. In the past few decades, interactive electronic media has
grown from virtual non-existence to one of the primary means of entertainment for college
students. In more recent years, the Internet has completely changed the landscape of
electronic media from something individual and static into something with the potential to be
interactive and social. This article examines the effects of increased student usage of
traditional video games as well as online games. The demographics of the typical game player
will be examined along with effects on the individual development and sociological perceptions.
This article will also look at the potential education utility of video games and the effect of
games on student engagement and social development. Playing violent video games is linked to
increases in aggression and decreases in sensitivity to aggression, according to a review by the
American Psychological Association (APA) of recent research. The review indicated that there is
"insufficient evidence" about whether playing violent video games can also lead to criminal
violence or delinquency, the APA announced today. The review comes in a 49-page report from
the APA Task Force on Violent Media, which the APA established in January 2013 to review
scientific literature published between 2005 and 2013 about the effects of violent video games.
"The research demonstrates a consistent relation between violent video game use and
increases in aggressive behavior, aggressive cognitions and aggressive affect, and decreases in
prosocial behavior, empathy and sensitivity to aggression," the report concludes. The
Entertainment Software Association refuted the report in a statement to Polygon, pointing out
that the Supreme Court previously dismissed the supposed link.
“Computer gaming” is just one of the most liked means of relaxation for Filipinos besides
primetime television shows and sports until such time “Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos” was
released by the Blizzard Entertainment followed by the “DOTA custom map for Warcraft”.
DOTA invaded our country massively to the extent that a great number of Filipinos are involved
in it. (Rayo, 2012) The amount of Filipino youths being hooked up in the said game nowadays is
remarkably increasing. Majority of these are men and few of which are women. Day after day,
this fact is evident when you enter an Internet cafe and computer shops. More people are
indulging in video games as a consequence of the peaks of present technology which obscurely
shape the lifestyle of players. (Ardemer, 2015. p.14) Initially, they simply gave this game a try
out of curiosity and eventually fell to addiction. These current trends of DOTA addiction
observable among the new generation in other countries have reached to the youth of our
nation today. You might wonder why? What attracted video game enthusiasts to play the
game? DOTA has its features that can be addictive. Rayo (2012) narrates the pulling factors
why Filipino gamers are into Dota. He first explains that Filipinos are lovers for games that are
into action than board games. Its “game play” is unlike any other because it can be played by
multiplayer ranging from 2 up to 10 persons while fostering collaboration among allies.
Furthermore, “The game employs high quality visual effects. Aside from good graphics, the
heroes controlled by the players have special abilities, either a special attack or a spell. Heroes
have their unique abilities or skills, which make playing the game fair and square.” Lastly, its
mode of acquisition is free. One does not have to pay a price to enjoy it, unless otherwise it is a
“computer rental”. It can easily be installed in computers. In fact, every internet cafe has this
game and the “rentals” are getting cheaper over time making it very appealing to gamers. (p.4)
But what really is DOTA? “Defense of the Ancients (DotA) is a multiplayer online battle arena
mod for the video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen
Throne, based on the “Aeon of Strife” map for StarCraft.” The objective is to annihilate the
opponent’s ancients – “heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map” while
defending their base. Players use several techniques and a wide array of heroes assisted by
“allied heroes and controlled fighters”. Hero is a term referring to the character protecting the
player’s ancients. Then they upgrade their heroes by using gold earned to buy items that can
equip the character. (“Warcraft 3: Defense of the Ancients 101”. para.1) While some are
captured by the appearances of DOTA, others are enamored by its money-producing asset. In
an interview I personally conducted to five students aged 16 to 18, at least four (4) proudly
claimed as Dota addicts. Generally, the things they liked about DOTA are tournaments and the
gambling associated with it. They defeat their opponents in order to attain their ultimate goal
which is to earn money estimated from Php100 and above. From what they mentioned, the
game made them rich. (Personal communication, November 19 2015). Since Filipinos are born
with a keen sense of curiosity, many are attracted to join the trend of playing the game. After
experiencing, they influence other people to try as well. Rayo (2012) said, “It is easy to learn,
fun to play, and user-friendly. Even kids 10 years and above know how to play the game. These
are the factors why DOTA stands out among other games.” (p.4). However, no matter how fun
and pleasing Dota is, the game itself is not a good hobby. Once DOTA invades young lives, it
touches the different aspects of a person. Anderson and Bushman (2001) said that those which
portray deliberate attempts by “individuals” to endanger others are actually “violent media”.
By referring to individual, it could be a fictional cartoon character, a human in reality, or
anything that lies in between. (p.354) DOTA therefore is notably a violent game and according
to General Aggression Model, consecutive practices and the spontaneous desires to learn more
of it will leave long-term impacts on the person due to the too much exposure to violent media.
The person may start having “perceptual schemata” or questions like ‘was it an accident or
not?’ because he thought of everything that happens as intentional; “Will other people take
revenge?” since he expects friends and everyone who surrounds him to be vengeful; and the
occurrence of severe behavioural patterns such as an insult at first and later on became
“retaliation”. (Anderson and Bushman. 2001, p. 356). Based on the above premise, one thing is
imminent- that DOTA will most likely have a hold in influencing emotional beliefs.
Unconsciously and in the long run, the person will develop some noticeable changes in oneself
in terms of character after successive playing of the game. Video-game violence is certainly
linked with the aggressively violent behaviour of the victim. (Anderson & Bushman, 2001.
Playing computer games like DOTA is such a funny one. It can relieves your stress and forget
your problems temporarily. But it has a huge impact that can affects the physiological, social,
physical and emotional well-being of the students. Excessive amount of time spent sitting in
front of a computer exposes ones eyes to ultraviolet radiation which can lead to poor eyesight.
This is commonly the problem among DOTA addicts or video game enthusiasts. Huge eye bags
will start forming under the eyes after playing overnight. Moreover, the body clock will adjust
and result to insomnia, a condition of prolonged and usually abnormal inability to get enough
sleep. Worst case scenarios could lead to obesity due to the sedentary nature of the game. It
does not require strenuous physical movement thus fats continue to build up inside the body.
In rare situations, the person could experience weight loss due to fatigue and stress or simply
by skipping meals. (Rayo, 2012). All of these only prove that the game itself is a threat to any
relationship. Therefore, a bit much of the computer “inevitably makes people more isolated
and reduces social capital”. Researchers have found out that great use of it was linked with
“declines in social involvement and psychological well-being.” (Unpacking Time Online, 1998) In
addition to that, students who are dependent on the game are known for his words. Trash-
talking is first promoted in a circle of youths playing together. Opponents use foul words
against another as a form of insult or boasting. (Rayo, 2012). The individual unknowingly applies
trash-talking in his everyday life. These words intended only during the play become an
indispensable part of a person’s speech. To support this, Jack Rodriguez wrote in his account,
the 25 Signs of Dota Addiction. He implies that people who are obsessed with DOTA calls
anything amazing as “imba” as well as those which he thinks is annoying. Even when the
occasion does not call for it as in a party setting, the consumed one discusses his new plan, new
strengths and weaknesses discovered, and how ‘imbalance’ everything is including the food. He
also mentioned a sign that determines which level of addiction a person is. He who sees
humans as appearances of Dota character, relates them to it and names them one-by-one is
surely an indication of how serious the addiction is. Defense of the Ancients, believe it or not,
greatly affects the state of our youth on a negative note. The performances of students in the
area of academics as well as the psychological, social, physical and emotional well-being of
those involved are slowly distorted by the temporary pleasures of playing the game. From the
very beginning, it has never been beneficial and will never be. DOTA, if given the power and
control, leaves a mark on every youth that could change lives for the worse. If, by any chance,
the trace is seen in you, it is not yet too late to turn away now.

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