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The term video gaming addiction is often misinterpreted and is consequently frequently misused.
Video gaming addiction refers to an inability to control gaming behaviour which results in distress
and interferes with other aspects of an individual’s life including academic performance, social
interactions, occupation, development and behaviour (Wood, 2007). Despite this, a far greater
number of individuals are labelled addicts than is strictly accurate. Excessive play alone does not
constitute a gaming addiction, although it should be noted that addicted individuals will certainly
display this behaviour (Griffiths, 2010). Most often the use of the term video gaming addiction simply
highlights a difference in values between the criticizers and the accused rather than an actual
psychological issue (Blaszczynski, 2008).
According to Griffiths (2005) there are six core components that make up an addiction: salience,
mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflict, and relapse. Salience refers to the
activity becoming the central concern of a person’s life, dominating their actions and thoughts. Mood
modification refers to the desired changes in mood an individual experiences when s/he engages in
the problem behaviour. In the case of video gaming addictions the type of mood effect that an
individual experiences are dependent on their motivation for playing and can range from a form of
euphoria or to a numbing effect. The development of tolerance is another symptom of addiction in
which an individual must spend more and more time gaming in order to achieve the same mood
modifying effect that they desire. When addicted gamers cease or reduce the amount of time that
they spend gaming they experience unpleasant feelings and in some cases disagreeable physical
sensations. These consequences of reduced gaming are referred to as withdrawal symptoms and
are another indicator of addiction. In the case of addictions, conflict is a reference to struggles
between the individual in question and those around them, their other activities and themselves
which result from excessive playing. The final component of addiction is relapse which is the
tendency to return to earlier patterns of play following (often) brief periods of control.
Video gaming disorder is an example of what is commonly referred to as a behavioural addiction.
The disorder has been proposed as a potential addition to the DSM[explain?]although more research is
needed to establish the diagnostic criteria and course descriptions to be able to classify it as a
mental disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The current literature also frequently
compares [missing something?] to compulsive gambling as they share some similarities. In fact many of the
treatments that are currently in use for the treatment of video gaming disorder are those that have
been successful in dealing with problem gambling (Griffiths, 2008). Video gaming addiction can
cause a great deal of suffering to those affected who will often find it difficult, if not impossible, to
control their behaviour without some form of external intervention.

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