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Name: Ma. Melody B.

Section: BS Architecture 5-2
Batch: March 26 AM session


When our professor mentioned this boardgame and that we’d learn about the real workings of the real
world with this game I became skeptical about it. I wasn’t so sure that a mere boardgame can end up
doing that and that board games were only meant to be fun. I thought this would be just all fun and games
but I ended up taking home many learnings that I can apply to real life. At first, I didn’t know what to
expect of this seminar but I managed to finish it with newfound knowledge and even a craving for playing
the cashflow board game again.

The first part of playing was not that exciting to me since I haven’t had the chance to be fully emersed in
the game yet and I was too confused with all of the rules I’ve been bombarded with. I didn’t think that a
game could have this many rules and I just I ended up choosing the Airline Pilot profession thinking that
this game would be easier with a job with a higher paycheck. I was still shy and timid with all the new
faces I have to interact with with this game and ended up being very clumsy and impulsive with the
playmoney I had on hand with the mindset I had. I even ended up splurging on the charity the first time I
got it and ended up regretting it in the end since I could have used the money I used for that for the small
deal I passed up on.

The lecture after the first part of the workshop changed my perspective for the second part of the game.
I’ve also become more familiar with the rules, became more comfortable with all the people I’m playing
it with, and even enjoyed it more. I believe most of us changed tactics and even ended up helping each
other in order to earn as much as we can in the game. I’ve become more focussed on gaining more
oppurtunities rather than just earning from my paycheck. I ended up getting some stocks and began to
really regret that real estate deal I passed up on the first part of the game when I didn’t have money to
invest. The people in our table ended up discussing every oppurtunity when it can affect all of us and took
advantage of the good oppurtunities that came by. I believe that by the second part pf this seminar that
the coaching and teaching of the speaker and the facilitators really opened up our perspectives regarding
how we use the money we have and how we can use it properly in the game as well in the real world.

To be honest, I wasn’t particularly looking forward to this activity at first but ended up enjoying it at the
end of the day. I didn’t know what to expect at the beginning of the seminar except the game itself but I
ended up learning some things at the end of it all. It just goes to show that learning doesn’t just end in the
classroom and that games can be educational as well as fun. Who said fun and learning can’t be mixed
together? I wished there was more time for the game after enjoying it after the second round but I guess
I’ll just have to try start getting out of the rat race in real life.

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