B. Taxation: Yamane vs. BA Lepanto Condominium Corporation 474 SCRA 258, October 25, 2005

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Taxation the evidence adduced before the Secretary of

2. Procedure for Approving Tax Ordinance

Same; Local Government Code; Taxation;

Review by Secretary of Justice of Tax
3. Source of taxing power of LGU’s
Ordinances; A Memorandum issued by the
Justice Secretary directing the Chief State
Yamane vs. BA Lepanto Condominium
Counsel to refrain from acting on or
Corporation 474 SCRA 258 , October 25,
accepting appeals filed under Section 187 of
the Local Government Code and to “inform
the appellants to file their appeal directly
Same; Constitutional Law; Local
with the courts” amounted to an abdication
Governments; The power of local
by the Secretary of Justice of his jurisdiction
government units to impose taxes within its
over the appeal such that any subsequent
territorial jurisdiction derives from the
action before the Regional Trial Court
Constitution itself, which recognizes the
cannot be deemed to be anything but an
power of these units “to create its own
original action whereby the function of the
sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees,
trial court cannot be limited to reviewing the
and charges subject to such guidelines and
evidence adduced before the Secretary of
limitations as the Congress may provide,
Justice.—Consider, too, the circumstances
consistent with the basic policy of local
under which respondents sought relief from
autonomy.”—The power of local
the RTC. Perhaps doubting his jurisdiction
government units to impose taxes within its
to entertain respondents’ appeal as a result
territorial jurisdiction derives from the
of the filing of Drilon vs. Lim, supra, the
Constitution itself, which recognizes the
Justice Secretary issued a Memorandum
power of these units “to create its own
directing the Chief State Counsel to refrain
sources of revenue and to levy taxes, fees,
from acting on or accepting appeals filed
and charges subject to such guidelines and
under Section 187 of the Local Government
limitations as the Congress may provide,
Code and to “inform the appellants (herein
consistent with the basic policy of local
petitioners) to file their appeal directly with
autonomy.” These guidelines and limitations
the courts.” The Chief State Counsel,
as provided by Congress are in main
complying with the Memorandum, advised
contained in the Local Government Code of
in his letter to respondents to “file their
1991 (the “Code”), which provides for
appeal with the court of competent
comprehensive instances when and how
jurisdiction,” the “appeal” referring to an
local government units may impose taxes.
action to question the validity of the subject
The significant limitations are enumerated
ordinance. The Memorandum and the
primarily in Section 133 of the Code, which
accompanying letter thus amounted to an
include among others, a prohibition on the
abdication by the Secretary of Justice of his
imposition of income taxes except when
jurisdiction over the appeal, as conferred by
levied on banks and other financial
Section 187. Accordingly, the action before
institutions. None of the other general
the RTC cannot be deemed to be anything
limitations under Section 133 find
but an original action, and the function of
application to the case at bar.
the trial court cannot be limited to reviewing
City Government of Quezon City vs. Bayan lands.—In any case, the remaining issues
Telecommunications, Inc. 484 SCRA 169 , raised by petitioner are likewise devoid of
March 06, 2006 merit, a province having no authority to
impose taxes on stones, sand, gravel,
Same; Same; Same; Same; The power to tax earth and other quarry resources
is primarily vested in the Congress; extracted from private lands.
however, in our jurisdiction, it may be Same; Same; Same; A province may
exercised by local legislative bodies, no not levy excise taxes on articles already
longer merely by virtue of a valid delegation taxed by the National Internal Revenue
as before, but pursuant to direct authority Code.—The Court of Appeals erred in
ruling that a province can impose only the
conferred by Section 5, Article X of the
taxes specifically mentioned under the
Constitution.—Bayantel’s posture is well-
Local Government Code. As correctly
taken. While the system of local government
pointed out by petitioners, Section 186
taxation has changed with the onset of the allows a province to levy taxes other than
1987 Constitution, the power of local those specifically enumerated under the
government units to tax is still limited. As Code, subject to the conditions specified
we explained in Mactan Cebu International therein. This finding, nevertheless,
Airport Authority: The power to tax is affords cold comfort to petitioners as they
primarily vested in the Congress; however, are still prohibited from imposing taxes
in our jurisdiction, it may be exercised by on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
local legislative bodies, no longer merely quarry resources extracted from private
by virtue of a valid delegation as before, lands.The tax imposed by the Province of
but pursuant to direct authority Bulacan is an excise tax, being a tax upon
conferred by Section 5, Article X of the the perfor-mance, carrying on, or exercise
Constitution. Under the latter, the exercise of an activity.
of the power may be subject to such Same; Same; Same; A province may
guidelines and limitations as the Congress not ordinarily impose taxes on stones,
may provide which, however, must be sand, gravel, earth and other quarry
consistent with the basic policy of local resources, as the same are already taxed
autonomy. (at p. 680; Emphasis supplied.) under the National Internal Revenue
Code.—It is clearly apparent from the
above provision that the National Internal
4. Limitations on Municipal Taxing power Revenue Code levies a tax on all quarry
resources, regardless of origin, whether
(Sec 133, LGC)
extracted from public or private land.
Thus, a province may not ordinarily
impose taxes on stones, sand, gravel,
Cases: earth and other quarry resources, as the
same are already taxed under the
Province of Bulacan vs. Court of National Internal Revenue Code. The
Appeals 299 SCRA 442 , province can, however, impose a tax on
November 27, 1998 stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
quarry resources extracted from public
Taxation; Municipal land because it is expressly empowered to
Corporations; Local Government Units; A do so under the Local Government Code.
province has no authority to impose taxes As to stones, sand, gravel, earth and other
on stones, sand, gravel, earth and other quarry resources extracted from private
quarry resources extracted from private land, however, it may not do so, because
of the limitation provided by Section 133 taxes or charges in any form whatsoever.—
of the Code in relation to Section 151 of By express language of Sections 153 and
the National Internal Revenue Code. 155 of RA No. 7160, local government
Same; Same; Same; Natural units, through their Sanggunian, may
Resources; Regalian Doctrine; A province prescribe the terms and conditions for the
may not invoke the Regalian doctrine to imposition of toll fees or charges for the
extend the coverage of its ordinance to use of any public road, pier or wharf
quarry resources extracted from private funded and constructed by them. A
lands, for taxes, being burdens, are not to service fee imposed on vehicles using
be presumed beyond what the applicable municipal roads leading to the wharf is
statute expressly and clearly declares, tax thus valid. However, Section 133(e) of RA
statutes being construed strictissimi juris No. 7160 prohibits the imposition, in the
against the government.—Section 21 of guise of wharfage, of fees—as well as all
Provincial Ordinance No. 3 is practically other taxes or charges in any form
only a reproduction of Section 138 of the whatsoever—on goods or merchandise. It
Local Government Code. A cursory is therefore irrelevant if the fees imposed
reading of both would show that both are actually for police surveillance on the
refer to ordinary sand, stone, gravel, earth goods, because any other form of
and other quarry resources extracted imposition on goods passing through the
from public lands. Even if we disregard territorial jurisdiction of the municipality
the limitation set by Section 133 of the is clearly prohibited by Section 133(e).
Local Government Code, petitioners may Same; A wharfage does not lose its
not impose taxes on stones, sand, gravel, basic character by being labeled as a
earth and other quarry resources service fee “for police surveillance on all
extracted from private lands on the basis goods.”—Under Section 131 (y) of RA No.
of Section 21 of Provincial Ordinance No. 7160, wharfage is defined as “a fee
3 as the latter clearly applies only to assessed against the cargo of a vessel
quarry resources extracted from public engaged in foreign or domestic trade
lands. Petitioners may not invoke the based on quantity, weight, or measure
Regalian doctrine to extend the coverage received and/or discharged by vessel.” It is
of their ordinance to quarry resources apparent that a wharfage does not lose its
extracted from private lands, for taxes, basic character by being labeled as a
being burdens, are not to be presumed service fee “for police surveillance on all
beyond what the applicable statute goods.”
expressly and clearly declares, tax Same; Unjust Enrichment; Two
statutes being construed strictissimi conditions for unjust enrichment to be
juris against the government. deemed present; There is no unjust
enrichment where the one receiving the
benefit has a legal right or entitlement
thereto, or when there is no causal relation
Palma Development Corporation between one’s enrichment and the other’s
vs. Municipality of Malangas, impoverishment.—Unpersuasive is the
Zamboanga del Sur 413 SCRA contention of respondent that petitioner
572 , October 16, 2003 would unjustly be enriched at the former’s
expense. Though the rules thereon apply
Taxation; Section 133(e) of RA No. equally well to the government, for unjust
7160 prohibit the imposition, in the guise enrichment to be deemed present, two
of wharfage, of fees—as well as all other conditions must generally concur: (a) a
person is unjustly benefited, and (b) such
benefit is derived at another’s expense or confer such tax powers subject only to
damage. In the instant case, the benefits specific exceptions that the law might
from the use of the municipal roads and prescribe.
the wharf were not unjustly derived by Same; Same; Same; Limitations on the
petitioner. Those benefits resulted from Exercise of Taxing Power by Local
the infrastructure that the municipality Government Units; Under the now
was mandated by law to provide. There is prevailing Constitution, where there is
no unjust enrichment where the one neither a grant nor a prohibition by statute,
receiving the benefit has a legal right or the tax power must be deemed to exist
entitlement thereto, or when there is no although Congress may provide statutory
causal relation between one’s enrichment limitations and guidelines.—Under the now
and the other’s impoverishment. prevailing Constitution, where there is
neither a grant nor a prohibition
by statute, the tax power must be deemed to
Manila Electric Company vs. exist although Congress may provide
Province of Laguna 306 SCRA statutory limitations and guidelines. The
750 , May 05, 1999 basic rationale for the current rule is to
safeguard the viability and self-sufficiency
Taxation; Municipal of local government units by directly
Corporations; Local Governments; Local granting them general and broad tax powers.
governments do not have the inherent Nevertheless, the fundamental law did not
power to tax except to the extent that such intend the delegation to be absolute and
power might be delegated to them either by unconditional; the constitutional objective
the basic law or by statute.—Prefatorily, it
obviously is to ensure that, while the local
might be well to recall that local
government units are being strengthened and
governments do not have
made more autonomous, the legislature must
the inherent power to tax except to the
extent that such power might
still see to it that (a) the taxpayer will not be
be delegated to them either by the basic over-burdened or saddled with multiple and
law or by statute. Presently, under Article unreasonable impositions; (b) each local
X of the 1987 Constitution, a general government unit will have its fair share of
delegation of that power has been given in available resources; (c) the resources of the
favor of local government units. national government will not be unduly
Same; Same; Same; Under the regime disturbed; and (d) local taxation will be fair,
of the 1935 Constitution local government uniform, and just.
units derived their tax powers under a Same; Same; Same; Indicative of the
limited statutory authority.—Under the legislative intent to carry out the
regime of the 1935 Constitution no similar Constitutional mandate of vesting broad tax
delegation of tax powers was provided, powers to local government units, the Local
and local government units instead Government Code has effectively withdrawn
derived their tax powers under a limited tax exemptions or incentives theretofore
statutory authority. Whereas, then, the enjoyed by certain entities.—Indicative of
delegation of tax powers granted at that the legislative intent to carry out the
time by statute to local governments was Constitutional mandate of vesting broad tax
confined and defined (outside of which the powers to local government units, the Local
power was deemed withheld), the present Government Code has effectively
constitutional rule (starting with the 1973 withdrawn, under Section 193 thereof, tax
Constitution), however, would broadly
exemptions or incentives theretofore
enjoyed by certain entities. This law states: debentures, lawfully entered into by them
“Section 193. Withdrawal of Tax Exemption under enabling laws in which the
Privileges.—Unless otherwise provided in government, acting in its private capacity,
this Code, tax exemptions or incentives sheds its cloak of authority and waives its
granted to, or presently enjoyed by all governmental immunity, which
persons, whether natural or contractual tax exemptions, however, are
juridical, including government-owned or not to be confused with tax exemptions
controlled corporations, except local water granted under franchises.—While the
districts, cooperatives duly registered under Court has not too infrequently, referred to
R.A. No. 6938, non-stock and non-profit tax exemptions contained in special
franchises as being in the nature
hospitals and educational institutions, are
of contracts and a part of the inducement
hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this
for carrying on the franchise, these
Code. (Italics supplied for emphasis)
exemptions, nevertheless, are far from
Same; Same; Same; The Supreme
being strictly contractual in
Court has viewed its previous rulings as
nature. Contractual tax exemptions, in the
laying stress more on the legislative intent
real sense of the term and where the non-
of the amendatory law—whether the tax
impairment clause of the Constitution can
exemption privilege is to be withdrawn or
rightly be invoked, are those agreed to by
not—rather than on whether the law can
the taxing authority in contracts, such as
withdraw, without violating the
those contained in government bonds or
Constitution, the tax exemption or not.—In
debentures, lawfully entered into by them
the recent case of the City Government of
under enabling laws in which the
San Pablo, etc., et al. vs. Hon. Bienvenido
government, acting in its private capacity,
V. Reyes, et al., the Court has held that
sheds its cloak of authority and waives its
the phrase in lieu of all taxes“have to give
governmental immunity. Truly, tax
way to the peremptory language of the
exemptions of this kind may not be
Local Government Code specifically
revoked without impairing the obligations
providing for the withdrawal of such
of contracts. These contractual tax
exemptions, privileges,” and that “upon
exemptions, however, are not to be
the effectivity of the Local Government
confused with tax exemptions granted
Code all exemptions except only as
under franchises. A franchise partakes
provided therein can no longer be invoked
the nature of a grant which is beyond the
by MERALCO to disclaim liability for the
purview of the non-impairment clause of
local tax.” In fine, the Court has viewed its
the Constitution. Indeed, Article XII,
previous rulings as laying stress more on
Section 11, of the 1987 Constitution, like
the legislative intent of the amendatory
its precursor provisions in the 1935 and
law—whether the tax exemption privilege
the 1973 Constitutions, is explicit that no
is to be withdrawn or not—rather than on
franchise for the operation of a public
whether the law can withdraw, without
utility shall be granted except under the
violating the Constitution, the tax
condition that such privilege shall be
exemption or not.
subject to amendment, alteration or
Same; Same; Same; Non-Impairment
repeal by Congress as and when the
Clause; Contractual tax exemptions, in the
common good so requires.
real sense of the term and where the non-
impairment clause of the Constitution can
rightly be invoked, are those agreed to by
the taxing authority in contracts, such as
those contained in government bonds or
Ericsson Telecommunications, From the amount constructively received
Inc. vs. City of Pasig 538 SCRA by the lending bank, the depository bank
99 , November 22, 2007 deducts the final withholding tax and
remits it to the government for the
Taxation; Business Taxes; Words and account of the lending bank. Thus, the
Phrases; “Gross Receipts” Defined; Gross interest income actually received by the
receipts include money or its equivalent lending bank, both physically and
actually or constructively received in constructively, is the net interest plus the
consideration of services rendered or amount withheld as final tax. The concept
of a withholding tax on incomeobviously
articles sold, exchanged or leased, whether
actual or constructive.—The above and necessarily implies that the amount of
provision specifically refers to gross the tax withheld comes from the income
receipts which is defined under Section 131 earned by the taxpayer. Since the amount of
of the Local Government Code, as follows: the tax withheld constitutes income earned
x x x x (n) “Gross Sales or Receipts” include by the taxpayer, then that amount manifestly
the total amount of money or its equivalent forms part of the taxpayer’s gross receipts.
representing the contract price, Because the amount withheld belongs to the
compensation or service fee, including the taxpayer, he can transfer its ownership to the
amount charged or materials supplied with government in payment of his tax liability.
the services and the deposits or advance The amount withheld indubitably comes
payments actually or constructively received from income of the taxpayer, and thus forms
during the taxable quarter for the services part of his gross receipts. (Emphasis
performed or to be performed for another supplied)
person excluding discounts if determinable Same; Same; Same; Constructive
at the time of sales, sales return, excise tax, receipt occurs when the money
and value-added tax (VAT); x x x x The law consideration or its equivalent is placed at
is clear. Gross receipts include money or its the control of the person who rendered the
equivalent actually or constructively service without restrictions by the payor;
received in consideration of services There is constructive receipt, when the
rendered or articles sold, exchanged or consideration for the articles sold,
leased, whether actual or constructive. exchanged or leased, or the services
Same; Same; Same; “Gross receipts”
rendered has already been placed under the
includes those which are actually or control of the person who sold the goods or
constructively received.—In Commissioner rendered the services without any restriction
of Internal Revenue v. Bank of Commerce, by the payor.—Revenue Regulations No.
459 SCRA 638 (2005), the Court 16-2005 dated September 1, 2005 defined
interpreted gross receipts as including and gave examples of “constructive receipt,”
those which were actually or to wit: SEC. 4. 108-4. Definition of Gross
constructively received, viz.: Actual Receipts.—x x x “Constructive receipt”
receipt of interest income is not limited to occurs when the money consideration or its
physical receipt. Actual receipt may either equivalent is placed at the control of the
be physical receipt or constructive receipt. person who rendered the service without
When the depository bank withholds the restrictions by the payor. The following are
final tax to pay the tax liability of the examples of constructive receipts: (1)
lending bank, there is prior to the deposit in banks which are made available to
withholding a constructive receipt by the the seller of services without restrictions; (2)
lending bank of the amount withheld. issuance by the debtor of a notice to offset
any debt or obligation and acceptance receive the income, and the amount can
thereof by the seller as payment for services be determined with reasonable accuracy;
rendered; and (3) transfer of the amounts the right to receive income, and not the
retained by the payor to the account of the actual receipt, determines when to include
contractor. There is, therefore, constructive the amount in gross income. The
receipt, when the consideration for the imposition of local business tax based on
articles sold, exchanged or leased, or the petitioner’s gross revenue will inevitably
services rendered has already been placed result in the constitutionally proscribed
under the control of the person who sold the double taxation—taxing of the same
goods or rendered the services without any person twice by the same jurisdiction for
the same thing—inasmuch as petitioner’s
restriction by the payor.
revenue or income for a taxable year will
Same; Same; Same; “Gross Revenue”
definitely include its gross receipts
Defined; Gross revenue covers money or its
already reported during the previous year
equivalent actually or constructively
and for which local business tax has
received, including the value of services
already been paid. Thus, respondent
rendered or articles sold, exchanged or
committed a palpable error when it
leased, the payment of which is yet to be
assessed petitioner’s local business tax
received.—Gross revenue covers money or
based on its gross revenue as reported in
its equivalent actually or constructively
its audited financial statements, as
received, including the value of
Section 143 of the Local Government Code
services rendered or articles sold,
and Section 22(e) of the Pasig Revenue
exchanged or leased, the payment of
Code clearly provide that the tax should
which is yet to be received. This is in
be computed based on gross receipts.
consonance with the International
Financial Re-porting Standards, which
defines revenue as the gross inflow of
economic benefits (cash, receivables, and
Petron Corporation vs.
other assets) arising from the ordinary Tiangco 551 SCRA 484 , April 16,
operating activities of an enterprise (such 2008
as sales of goods, sales of services,
interest, royalties, and dividends), which Taxation; Local Government Code;
is measured at the fair value of the Section 133 prescribes the limitations on
consideration received or receivable. the capacity of local government units to
Same; Same; Double exercise their taxing powers otherwise
Taxation; Municipal Corporations; The granted to them under the Local
imposition of local business tax based on Government Code (LGC); Two kinds of
gross revenue inevitably results in double taxes which cannot be imposed by local
taxation—taxing of the same person twice government units.—Section 133 prescribes
by the same jurisdiction over the same the limitations on the capacity of local
thing.—In petitioner’s case, its audited government units to exercise their taxing
financial statements reflect income or powers otherwise granted to them under
revenue which accrued to it during the the LGC. Apparently, paragraph (h) of the
taxable period although not yet actually Section mentions two kinds of taxes which
or constructively received or paid. This is cannot be imposed by local government
because petitioner uses the accrual units, namely: “excise taxes on articles
method of accounting, where income is enumerated under the National Internal
reportable when all the events have Revenue Code [(NIRC)], as amended”; and
occurred that fix the taxpayer’s right to
“taxes, fees or charges on petroleum Local Government Code (LGC) is one such
products.” limitation.—Congress has the
Same; Same; Excise Tax; The current constitutional authority to impose
definition of an excise tax is that of a tax limitations on the power to tax of local
levied on a specific article rather than one government units, and Section 133 of the
upon the performance, carrying on, or the LGC is one such limitation. Indeed, the
exercise of an activity.—It is evident provision is the explicit statutory
that Am Jur aside, the current definition impediment to the enjoyment of absolute
of an excise tax is that of a tax levied on a taxing power by local government units,
specific article, rather than one “upon the not to mention the reality that such power
performance, carrying on, or the exercise is a delegated power. To cite one example,
of an activity.” This current definition was under Section 133(g), local government
already in place when the LGC was units are disallowed from levying
enacted in 1991, and we can only presume business taxes on “business enterprises
that it was what the Congress had certified to by the Board of Investments as
intended as it specified that local pioneer or non-pioneer for a period of six
government units could not impose “excise (6) and (4) four years, respectively from
taxes on articles enumerated under the the date of registration.”
[NIRC].” This prohibition must pertain to Same; Same; Same; The prohibition
the same kind of excise taxes as imposed with respect to petroleum products extends
by the NIRC, and not those previously not only to excise taxes thereon, but all
defined “excise taxes” which were not “taxes, fees and charges.”—The language
integrated or denominated as such in our of Section 133(h) makes plain that the
present tax law. prohibition with respect to petroleum
Same; Same; Same; Starting in 1986, products extends not only to excise taxes
excise taxes in this jurisdiction refer thereon, but all “taxes, fees and charges.”
exclusively to specific or ad valorem taxes, The earlier reference in paragraph (h) to
imposed under the National Internal excise taxes comprehends a wider range of
Revenue Code (NIRC).—It is quite subjects of taxation: all articles already
apparent, therefore, that our current body covered by excise taxation under the
of taxation law does not explicitly NIRC, such as alcohol products, tobacco
accommodate the traditional definition of products, mineral products, automobiles,
excise tax offered by Petron. In fact, and such non-essential goods as jewelry,
absent any statutory adoption of the goods made of precious metals, perfumes,
traditional definition, it may be said that and yachts and other vessels intended for
starting in 1986 excise taxes in this pleasure or sports. In contrast, the later
jurisdiction refer exclusively to specific reference to “taxes, fees and charges”
or ad valorem taxes imposed under the pertains only to one class of articles of the
NIRC. At the very least, it is this concept many subjects of excise taxes, specifically,
of excise tax which we can reasonably “petroleum products.” While local
assume that Congress had in mind and government units are authorized to
actually adopted when it crafted the LGC. burden all such other class of goods with
The palpable absurdity that ensues “taxes, fees and charges,” excepting excise
should the alternative interpretation taxes, a specific prohibition is imposed
prevail all but strengthens this position. barring the levying of any other type of
Same; Same; Same; Congress has the taxes with respect to petroleum products.
constitutional authority to impose Same; Same; Same; Even absent
limitations on the power to tax of local Article 232, local government units cannot
government units and Section 133 of the impose business taxes on petroleum
products.—Assuming that the LGC does controlled corporations, except local water
not, in fact, prohibit the imposition of districts, cooperatives duly registered
business taxes on petroleum products, we under R.A. No. 6938, non-stock and non-
would agree that the IRR could not profit hospitals and educational
impose such a prohibition. With our institutions, are hereby withdrawn upon
ruling that Section 133(h) does indeed the effectivity of this Code.
prohibit the imposition of local business
taxes on petroleum products, however, the Section 534. Repealing Clause. -
RTC declaration that Article 232 was (a) Batas Pambansa Blg. 337, otherwise
invalid is, in turn, itself invalid. Even known as the Local Government Code,
absent Article 232, local government units Executive Order No. 112 (1987), and
cannot impose business taxes on Executive Order No. 319 (1988) are
petroleum products. If anything, Article hereby repealed.
232 merely reiterates what the LGC itself (b) Presidential Decree Nos. 684, 1191,
already provides, with the additional 1508 and such other decrees, orders,
explanation that such prohibition was “in instructions, memoranda and issuances
line with existing national policy.” related to or concerning the barangay are
hereby repealed.
(c) The provisions of Sections 2, 3, and 4 of
Republic Act No. 1939 regarding hospital
5. Franchise Taxes fund; Section 3, a (3) and b (2) of Republic
Act No. 5447 regarding the Special
Section137. Franchise Tax. - Education Fund; Presidential Decree No.
Notwithstanding any exemption granted 144 as amended by Presidential Decree
by any law or other special law, the Nos. 559 and 1741; Presidential Decree
province may impose a tax on businesses No. 231 as amended; Presidential Decree
enjoying a franchise, at the rate not No. 436 as amended by Presidential
exceeding fifty percent (50%) of one Decree No. 558; and Presidential Decree
percent (1%) of the gross annual receipts Nos. 381, 436, 464, 477, 526, 632, 752, and
for the preceding calendar year based on 1136 are hereby repealed and rendered of
the incoming receipt, or realized, within no force and effect.
its territorial jurisdiction. (d) Presidential Decree No. 1594 is hereby
repealed insofar as it governs locally-
In the case of a newly started business, funded projects.
the tax shall not exceed one-twentieth (e) The following provisions are hereby
(1/20) of one percent (1%) of the capital repealed or amended insofar as they are
investment. In the succeeding calendar inconsistent with the provisions of this
year, regardless of when the business Code: Sections 2, 16 and 29 of Presidential
started to operate, the tax shall be based Decree No. 704; Section 12 of Presidential
on the gross receipts for the preceding Decree No. 87, as amended; Section 52,
calendar year, or any fraction thereon, as 53, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, and 74 of
provided herein. Presidential Decree No. 463, as amended;
and Section 16 of Presidential Decree No.
Section 193. Withdrawal of Tax 972, as amended, and
Exemption Privileges. - Unless otherwise (f) All general and special laws, acts, city
provided in this Code, tax exemptions or charters, decrees, executive orders,
incentives granted to, or presently enjoyed proclamations and administrative
by all persons, whether natural or regulations, or part or parts thereof which
juridical, including government-owned or are inconsistent with any of the provisions
of this Code are hereby repealed or of a privilege. As Section 137 of the LGC
modified accordingly. provides, franchise tax shall be based on
gross receipts precisely because it is a tax
on business, rather than on persons or
(a) Definitions and Requisites of a property. Since it partakes of the nature
Franchise Tax of an excise tax, the situsof taxation is the
place where the privilege is exercised, in
City of Iriga vs. Camarines Sur this case in the City of Iriga, where
III Electric Cooperative, Inc. CASURECO III has its principal office
(CASURECO III) 680 SCRA 236 , and from where it operates, regardless of
September 05, 2012 the place where its services or products
are delivered. Hence, franchise tax covers
Same; Franchise Tax; Words and all gross receipts from Iriga City and the
Phrases; A franchise tax is a tax on the Rinconada area.
privilege of transacting business in the
state and exercising corporate franchises CASES
granted by the state.—In National Power
Corporation v. City of Cabanatuan, 401 Radio Communications of the Philippines,
SCRA 259 (2003), the Court declared that Inc. (RCPI) vs. Provincial Assessor of South
“a franchise tax is ‘a tax on the privilege of Cotabato 456 SCRA 1 , April 13, 2005
transacting business in the state and
exercising corporate franchises granted by
the state.’ ” It is not levied on the Same; Same; Same; Statutory Construction;
corporation simply for existing as a It is an elementary rule in taxation that
corporation, upon its property or its exemptions are strictly construed against the
income, but on its exercise of the rights or taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
privileges granted to it by the authority—it is the taxpayer’s duty to justify
government. “It is within this context that the exemption by words too plain to be
the phrase tax on businesses enjoying a mistaken and too categorical to be
franchise in Section 137 of the LGC misinterpreted.—RCPI cannot also invoke
should be interpreted and understood.” the equality of treatment clause under
Same; Same; Requisites That Must Section 23 of Republic Act No. 7925. The
Concur in Order to be Liable for Local franchises of Smart, Islacom, TeleTech,
Franchise Tax.—To be liable for local
Bell, Major Telecoms, Island Country, and
franchise tax, the following requisites
IslaTel, all expressly declare that the
should concur: (1) that one has a
franchisee shall pay the real estate tax,
“franchise” in the sense of a secondary or
special franchise; and (2) that it is
using words similar to Section 14 of RA
exercising its rights or privileges under 2036, as amended. The provisions of these
this franchise within the territory of the subsequent telecommunication franchises
pertinent local government unit. imposing the real estate tax on franchisees
Same; Same; Franchise tax shall be only confirm that RCPI is subject to the real
based on gross receipts precisely because it estate tax. Otherwise, RCPI will stick out
is a tax on business, rather than on like a sore thumb, being the only
persons or property.—It should be stressed telecommunications company exempt from
that what the petitioner seeks to collect the real estate tax, in mockery of the spirit of
from CASURECO III is a franchise tax, equality of treatment that RCPI is invoking,
which as defined, is a tax on the exercise not to mention the violation of the
constitutional rule on uniformity of taxation. SEC. 137. Franchise Tax.—
It is an elementary rule in taxation that Notwithstanding any exemption granted by
exemptions are strictly construed against the any law or other special law, the province
taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing may impose a tax on businesses enjoying a
authority. It is the taxpayer’s duty to justify franchise, at a rate not exceeding fifty
the exemption by words too plain to be percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the
mistaken and too categorical to be gross annual receipts for the preceding
misinterpreted. calendar year based on the incoming receipt,
or realized, within its territorial jurisdiction.
National Power Corporation vs. Province of x x x x SEC. 193. Withdrawal of Tax
Isabela 491 SCRA 169 , June 16, 2006 Exemption Privileges.—Unless otherwise
provided in this Code, tax exemptions or
incentives granted to, or presently enjoyed
Same; Tax exemptions should be granted by all persons, whether natural or juridical,
only by clear and unequivocal provision of including government-owned or controlled
law on the basis of language too plain to be corporations, except local water districts,
mistaken; They cannot be extended by mere cooperatives duly registered under R.A. No.
implication or inference.—Indeed, taxation 6938, non-stock and nonprofit hospitals and
is the rule and exemption is the exception. educational institutions, are hereby
The burden of proof rests upon the party withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code.
claiming exemption to prove that it is, in SEC. 534. Repealing Clause.—x x x. (f) All
fact, covered by the exemption so claimed. general and special laws, acts, city charters,
Tax exemptions should be granted only by decrees, executive orders, proclamations and
clear and unequivocal provision of law on administrative regulations, or part or parts
the basis of language too plain to be thereof which are inconsistent with any of
mistaken. They cannot be extended by mere the provisions of this Code are hereby
implication or inference. In this case, repealed or modified accordingly.
petitioner relies solely on the exemption
granted to it by its charter, arguing that its 6. Payment of Taxesunder Protest
exemption from franchise tax remained
despite the enactment of the LGC. Olivares vs. Marquez 438 SCRA 679 ,
September 22, 2004
Cagayan Electric Power and Light Co., Inc.
vs. City of Cagayan de Oro 685 SCRA 609 ,
November 14, 2012 Taxation; Protest; Taxpayer should first pay
the tax before his protest can be
Same; Tax Exemptions; Franchise Tax; The entertained.—Thus, should the taxpayer/real
Local Government Code withdrew tax property owner question the excessiveness
exemption privileges previously given to or reasonableness of the assessment, Section
natural or juridical persons, and granted 252 directs that the taxpayer should first pay
local government units the power to impose the tax due before his protest can be
franchise tax.—The Local Government entertained. There shall be annotated on the
Code withdrew tax exemption privileges tax receipts the words “paid under protest.”
previously given to natural or juridical It is only after the taxpayer has paid the tax
persons, and granted local government units due that he may file a protest in writing
the power to impose franchise tax, thus: within thirty days from payment of the tax to
the Provincial, City or Municipal Treasurer,
who shall decide the protest within sixty Cebu International Airport Authority is a
days from receipt. In no case is the local government-owned corporation, it
treasurer obliged to entertain the protest necessarily follows that its exemption from
unless the tax due has been paid. such tax granted it in Section 14 of its
Charter, R.A 6958, has been withdrawn.—
Camp John Hay Development Corporation Since the last paragraph of Section 234
vs. Central Board of Assessment Appeals unequivocally withdrew, upon the effectivity
706 SCRA 547 , October 02, 2013 of the LGC, exemptions from payment of
real property taxes granted to natural or
Same; Same; The burden of proving juridical persons, including government-
exemption from local taxation is upon whom owned or controlled corporations, except as
the subject real property is declared; thus, provided in the said section, and the
said person shall be considered by law as petitioner is, undoubtedly, a government-
the taxpayer thereof.—Section 206 of RA owned corporation, it necessarily follows
No. 7160 or the LGC of 1991, categorically that its exemption from such tax granted it in
provides that every person by or for whom Section 14 of its Charter, R.A. No. 6958, has
real property is declared, who shall claim been withdrawn. Any claim to the contrary
exemption from payment of real property can only be justified if the petitioner can
taxes imposed against said property, shall seek refuge under any of the exceptions
file with the provincial, city or municipal provided in Section 234, but not under
assessor sufficient documentary evidence in Section 133, as it now asserts, since, as
support of such claim. Clearly, the burden of shown above, the said section is qualified by
proving exemption from local taxation is Sections 232 and 234
upon whom the subject real property is
declared; thus, said person shall be Manila International Airport Authority vs.
considered by law as the taxpayer thereof. Court of Appeals 495 SCRA 591 , July 20,
Failure to do so, said property shall be listed 2006
as taxable in the assessment roll.
Manila International Airport Authority;
Taxation; MIAA’s Airport Lands and
Buildings are exempt from real estate tax
7. LGU cannot tax a government imposed by local governments.—We rule
instrumentality that MIAA’s Airport Lands and Buildings
are exempt from real estate tax imposed by
Mactan Cebu International Airport local governments. First, MIAA is not a
Authority vs. Marcos 261 SCRA 667 , government-owned or controlled corporation
September 11, 1996 but an instrumentality of the National
Government and thus exempt from local
Same; Same; Same; Since the last taxation. Second, the real properties of
paragraph of Section 234 of the LGC MIAA are owned by the Republic of the
unequivocally withdrew, upon the effectivity Philippines and thus exempt from real estate
of the LGC, exemptions from payment of tax.
real property taxes granted to natural or
juridical persons, including government- Same; Same; While there is no dispute that a
owned or controlled corporations, except as government-owned or controlled
provided in the said section, and Mactan corporation is not exempt from real estate
tax, MIAA is not a government-owned or imposed on the same subject matter, for the
controlled corporation; A government- same purpose, by the same taxing authority,
owned or controlled corporation must be within the same jurisdiction, during the
“organized as a stock or non-stock same taxing period, and the taxes must be of
corporation,” of which MIAA is neither; the same kind or character.—Petitioners
MIAA is not a stock corporation because it obstinately ignore the exempting proviso in
has no capital stock divided into shares.— Section 21 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, to
There is no dispute that a government- their own detriment. Said exempting proviso
owned or controlled corporation is not was precisely included in said section so as
exempt from real estate tax. However, to avoid double taxation. Double taxation
MIAA is not a government-owned or means taxing the same property twice when
controlled corporation. Section 2(13) of the it should be taxed only once; that is, “taxing
Introductory Provisions of the the same person twice by the same
Administrative Code of 1987 defines a jurisdiction for the same thing.” It is
government-owned or controlled corporation obnoxious when the taxpayer is taxed twice,
as follows: SEC. 2. General Terms when it should be but once. Otherwise
Defined.—x x x x (13) Government-owned described as “direct duplicate taxation,” the
or controlled corporation refers to any two taxes must be imposed on the same
agency organized as a stock or non-stock subject matter, for the same purpose, by
corporation, vested with functions relating the same taxing authority, within the
to public needs whether governmental or same jurisdiction, during the same taxing
proprietary in nature, and owned by the period; and the taxes must be of the same
Government directly or through its kind or character. Using the
instrumentalities either wholly, or, where aforementioned test, the Court finds that
applicable as in the case of stock there is indeed double taxation if respondent
corporations, to the extent of at least fifty- is subjected to the taxes under both Sections
one (51) percent of its capital stock: x x x. 14 and 21 of Tax Ordinance No. 7794, since
(Emphasis supplied) A government-owned these are being imposed: (1) on the same
or controlled corporation must be subject matter—the privilege of doing
“organized as a stock or non-stock business in the City of Manila; (2) for the
corporation.” MIAA is not organized as a same purpose—to make persons conducting
stock or non-stock corporation. MIAA is not business within the City of Manila
a stock corporation because it has no capital contribute to city revenues; (3) by the same
stock divided into shares. taxing authority—petitioner City of Manila;
(4) within the same taxing jurisdiction—
City of Manila vs. Coca-Cola Bottlers within the territorial jurisdiction of the City
Philippines, Inc. 595 SCRA 299 , August of Manila; (5) for the same taxing periods—
04, 2009 per calendar year; and (6) of the same kind
or character—a local business tax imposed
Same; Double Taxation; Words and on gross sales or receipts of the business.
Phrases; Double taxation means taxing the
same property twice when it should be taxed
only once, that is, “taxing the same person
twice by the same jurisdiction for the same 8. Tax Exemptions
thing”; Otherwise described as “direct
duplicate taxation,” the two taxes must be
C. Power to Open and Close repurchase said property; If land is
expropriated for a particular purpose, with
Roads (Sec. 21, LGC, Art. 34-45, the condition that when the purpose is
IRR) ended or abandoned the property shall
return to its former owner, then, of course,
1. Who controls and regulates use of roads when the purpose is terminated or
abandoned the former owner reacquires
Figuracion vs. Libi 539 SCRA 50 , the property so expropriated, but, if, upon
November 28, 2007 the contrary, however, the decree of
expropriation gives to the entity a fee
Eminent Domain; Reconveyance; Local simple title, then, of course, the land
Government Units; The reconveyance of becomes the absolute property of the
property of the public domain is subject to expropriator, whether it be the State, a
strict legal requirements, foremost among province, or municipality, and in that case
the requirements being that the public the non-user does not have the effect of
property sought to be reconveyed be defeating the title acquired by the
alienable; As a general rule, local roads expropriation proceedings.—The other
used for public service are considered requirement for a valid reconveyance is
public property under the absolute control that it be established that the former
of Congress, and while local governments owner or his successors-in-interest,
have no authority to control or regulate petitioners in this case, have the right to
their use, Congress has, however, under repurchase said property. As we explained
Section 10, Chapter II of the Local in Fery v. Municipality of Cabanatuan, 42
Phil. 28 (1921): The question presented by
Government Code, delegated to political
the petitioner and demurrer is this: When
subdivisions some control of local roads.—
private land is expropriated for a
Lot No. 899-D-2-A, being part of Lot No. particular public use, and that particular
899-D, which was expropriated by Cebu public use is abandoned, does the land so
City for the construction of N. Escario expropriated return to its former owner?
Street, is property of the public domain, the The answer to that question depends
reconveyance of which is subject to strict upon the character of the title acquired by
legal requirements. Foremost among the the expropriator, whether it be the State,
requirements is that the public property a province, a municipality, or a
sought to be reconveyed be alienable. As a corporation which has the right to acquire
general rule, local roads used for public property under the power of eminent
service are considered public property under domain. If, for example, land is
the absolute control of Congress; hence, expropriated for a particular purpose, with
local governments have no authority to the condition that when that purpose is
control or regulate their use. However, under ended or abandoned the property shall
Section 10, Chapter II of the Local return to its former owner, then, of course,
Government Code, Congress delegated to when the purpose is terminated or
political subdivisions some control of local abandoned the former owner reacquires
roads. the property so expropriated. If, for
Same; Same; Same; The other example, land is expropriated for a public
requirement for a valid recon-veyance is street and the expropriation is granted
that it be established that the former upon condition that the city can only use
owner or his succes-sors-in-interest, it for a public street, then, of course, when
petitioners in this case, have the right to the city abandons its use as a public
street, it returns to the former owner,
unless there is some statutory provisions Court of Appeals, 346 SCRA 126
to the contrary. Many other similar (2000), Reyes v. National Housing
examples might be given. If, upon the Authority, 395 SCRA 494 (2003), and Air
contrary, however, the decree of Transportation Office v. Gopuco, Jr., 462
expropriation gives to the entity a fee SCRA 544 (2005), that where there is
simple title, then, of course, the land insufficient evidence that the former
becomes the absolute property of the owners of expropriated properties were
expropriator, whether it be the State, a granted the right to repurchase the same,
province, or municipality, and in that case the latter may not insist on recovering
the non-user does not have the effect of their properties even when the public
defeating the title acquired by the purpose for which said properties were
expropriation proceedings. (10 R.C.L., 240, expropriated is abandoned.
sec. 202; 20 C.J., 1234, secs. 593-599, and
numerous cases cited; Reichling vs.
Covington Lumber Co., 57 Wash., 225; 135
Am. St. Rep., 976; McConlihay vs. Wright, 2. Factors to consider in vacating a
121 U.S., 201.) (Emphasis supplied.) The street
enunciated rule in Fery is still controlling
to this day. Favis vs. City of Baguio 27 SCRA
Same; Same; Same; Where there is 1060 , April 25, 1969
preponderant evidence of the existence of a
right to repurchase, the former owner of an
Same; Same; Power to vacate a, street
expropriated property is entitled to exercise
or alley discretionary with the city
such option once the public purpose for
council—So it is, that appellant may not
which the local government initially
challenge the city council’s act of
intended the expropriated property is
withdrawing a strip of Lapu-Lapu Street
abandoned or not pursued but “where
at its dead end from public use and
there is insufficient evidence that the
converting the remainder thereof into an
former owners of expropriated properties
alley. These are acts well within the
were granted the right to repurchase the
ambit of the power to close a city street.
same, the latter may not insist on
The city council, is the authority
recovering their properties even when the
competent to determine whether or not a
public purpose for which said properties
certain property is still necessary for
were expropriated is abandoned.—
public use. Such power to vacate a street
In Moreno v. Mactan-Cebu International
or alley is discretionary. And the
Airport Authority, 413 SCRA 502 (2003),
discretion will not ordinarily be controlled
we clarified that where there is
or interfered with by the courts, absent a
preponderant evidence of the existence of
plain case of abuse or fraud or collusion.
a right to repurchase, the former owner of
Faithfulness to the public trust will be
an expropriated property is entitled to
presumed. So the fact that some private
exercise such option once the public
interests may be served incidentally will
purpose for which the local government
not invalidate the vacation ordinance. (11
initially intended the expropriated
McQuillin, Municipal Corporations, 3rd
property is abandoned or not pursued.
ed., p. 128, citing cases.)
Further elucidating on the right of the
former owner to repurchase the
expropriated property, we held in Mactan-
Cebu International Airport Authority v. 3. Who controls parking in local
Ozamis City is expressly granted by its
City of Ozamis vs. Lumapas 65 Charter the power to regulate the use of
SCRA 33 , July 15, 1975 its streets. The ordinance in question
appears to have been enacted in
Same; Same; Municipalities are pursuance of this grant. The parking fee
empowered to regulate the use of street.— imposed is minimal in amount, the
The City of Ozamis has been clothed with maximum being only P1.00 a day for each
full power to control and regulate its passenger bus and P1.00 for each cargo
streets for the purpose of promoting truck, the rates being lower for smaller
health, safety and welfare. Indeed, types of vehicles. This indicates that its
municipal power to regulate the use of purpose is not for revenue but for
streets is a delegation of the police power regulation. Moreover, it is undeniable
of the national government, and in the that by designating a specific place
exercise of such power, a municipal wherein passenger and freight vehicles
corporation can make all necessary and may load and unload passengers and
desirable regulations which are cargoes, benefits are accorded to the city’s
reasonable and manifestly in the interest residents in the form of increased safety
of public safety and convenience. and convenience arising from the
Same; Same; Municipality may decongestion of traffic.
charge “parking fees” on vehicles that stop
and load or unload on public streets.—It
is not pretended that the public utility 4. Other cases
vehicles are subject to the payment, if
they pass without stopping thru the Macasiano vs. Diokno 212 SCRA 464 ,
aforesaid sections of Zulueta Street. August 10, 1992
Considering that the public utility
vehicles are only charged the fee when
said vehicles stop on “any portion of the Same; Same; Properties of public dominion
existing parking areas for the purpose of devoted to public use and made available to
loading or unloading passengers or the public in general are outside the
cargoes,” the fees collected are actually in
commerce of men and cannot be disposed of
the nature of parking fees and not toll fees
or leased by the local government unit to
for the use of Zulueta Street. This is clear
private persons.—However, the aforestated
from the Stipulation of Facts which shows
that fees were not exacted for mere
legal provision which gives authority to
passage thru the street but for stopping in local government units to close roads and
the designated parking areas therein to other similar public places should be read
unload or load passengers or cargoes. It and interpreted in accordance with basic
was not, therefore, a toll fee for the use of principles already established by law. These
public roads, within the context of Section basic principles have the effect of limiting
59[b] of Republic Act No. 4136, which such authority of the province, city or
requires the authorization of the municipality to close a public street or
President of the Philippines. thoroughfare. Article 424 of the Civil Code
Constitutional law; Police lays down the basic principle that properties
power; P1.00 maximum regulatory fee is a of public dominion devoted to public use
reasonable charge for use by vehicles of and made available to the public in general
designated places for loading and are outside the commerce of man and cannot
unloading.—The Municipal Board of be disposed of or leased by the local
government unit to private persons. Aside as road lots include roads, sidewalks, alleys
from the requirement of due process which and planting strips. Thus, what is true for
should be complied with before closing a subdivision roads or streets applies to
road, street or park, the closure should be for subdivision sidewalks as well. Ownership of
the sole purpose of withdrawing the road or the sidewalks in a private subdivision
other public property from public use when belongs to the subdivision owner/developer
circumstances show that such property is no until it is either transferred to the
longer intended or necessary for public use government by way of donation or acquired
or public service. When it is already by the government through expropriation.
withdrawn from public use, the property
then becomes patrimonial property of the
local government unit concerned (Article
422, Civil Code; Cebu Oxygen, etc. et al. v. D. Corporate Powers
Bercilles, et al., G.R. No. L-40474, August
29, 1975, 66 SCRA 481). It is only then that B. Exceptions
the respondent municipality can “use or
convey them for any purpose for which 1. As provided by law (cases)
other real property belonging to the local
unit concerned might be lawfully used or a) Art. 2189
conveyed” in accordance with the last
sentence of Section 10, Chapter II of Blg. City of Manila vs. Teotico 22 SCRA 267 ,
337, known as Local Government Code. January 29, 1968
Same; Same; Roads and streets which are Civil Law; Damages; Liability of the City of
available to the public in general and Manila for damages suffered by reason of
ordinarily used for vehicular traffic are still defective condition of streets and other
considered public property devoted to public public works under their control or
use.—However, those roads and streets supervision; Case at bar.—Where a person
which are available to the public in general "fell inside an uncovered and unlighted
and ordinarily used for vehicular traffic are catchbasin or manhole on P. Burgos
still considered public property devoted to Avenue," which street is under the control or
public use. In such case, the local supervision of the City of Manila, the latter
government has no power to use it for is liable for damages for the injuries suffered
another purpose or to dispose of or lease it to by the former. The liability of the City of
private persons. Manila in the case at bar is governed by
Article 2189 of the Civil Code which
Albon vs. Fernando 494 SCRA 141 , June provides that: "Provinces, cities and
30, 2006 municipalities shall be liable for damages
for the death of, or injuries suffered by, any
Same; Ownership of the sidewalks in a person by reason of the defective condition
private subdivision belongs to the of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings,
subdivision owner/developer until it is either and other public works under their control or
transferred to the government by way of supervision."
donation or acquired by the government
through expropriation.—Under subdivision Same; Section 4 of Republic Act 409
laws, lots allotted by subdivision developers (Charter of Manila) and Article 2189 of the
Civil Code distinguished.—Section 4 of have seen to it that the openings were
Republic Act 409 refers to liability arising covered. Sadly, the evidence in-
from negligence, in general, regardless of
the object thereof, whereas Article 2189 of dicates that long before petitioner fell into
the Civil Code governs liability due to the opening, it was already uncovered, and
"defective streets," in particular. five (5) months after the incident happened,
the opening was still uncovered. (Rollo, pp.
Same; Article 2189 of the Civil Code does 57; 69). Moreover, while there are findings
not require that the defective roads should that during floods the vendors remove the
belong to the province, city or iron grills to hasten the flow of water
municipality.—Under Article 2189 of the (Decision, AC-G.R. CV No. 01387, Rollo,
Civil Code, it is not necessary for the p. 17), there is no showing that such practice
liability therein established to attach that the has ever been prohibited, much less
defective roads or streets belong to the penalized by the City of Manila. Neither was
province, city or municipality from which it shown that any sign had been placed
responsibility is exacted. What said article thereabouts to warn passers-by of the
requires is that the province, city or impending danger.
municipality has either "control or
supervision" o ver said street or road. SAMUEL DUMLAO, petitioner, vs. THE
Jimenez vs. City of Manila 150 SCRA 510 , FLORANTE, PACIFICO, LEO,
Same; Same; Same; Same; Respondent City minors and all surnamed CERVANTES-
of Manila failed to exercise the diligence of ELIZALDE, respondents. 114 SCRA 247 ,
a good father of a family which is a defense May 31, 1982
in quasi-delict.—As a defense against
liability on the basis of a quasidelict, one Civil Law; Damages; A public official
must have exercised the diligence of a good becomes liable in his personal private
father of a family. (Art. 1173 of the Civil capacity for damages that may be caused by
Code). There is no argument that it is the his act done with malice and in bad faith or
duty of the City of Manila to exercise beyond the scope of his authority or
reasonable care to keep the public market jurisdiction.—Nevertheless, it is a well-
reasonably safe for people frequenting the settled principle of law that a public official
place for their marketing needs. While it may be liable in his personal private
may be conceded that the fulfillment of such capacity for whatever damage he may have
duties is extremely difficult during storms caused by his act done with malice and in
and floods, it must however, be admitted bad faith, or beyond the scope of his
that ordinary precautions could have been authority or jurisdiction.
taken during good weather to minimize the
dangers to life and limb under those difficult
circumstances. For instance,. the drainage
hole could have been placed under the stalls Phil. Long Distance Telephone Co., Inc. vs.
instead of on the passage ways. Even more Court of Appeals 178 SCRA 94 , September
important is the fact, that the City should 29, 1989
Same; Same; Same; Last Clear Chance; another has the burden of proving the
Private respondent cannot recover existence of such fault or negligence
notwithstanding the negligence he imputes causative thereof. The facts constitutive of
to PLDT considering that he had the last negligence must be affirmatively established
clear chance to avoid the injury.—The by competent evidence. Whosoever relies on
presence of warning signs could not have negligence for his cause of action has the
completely prevented the accident; the only burden in the first instance of proving the
purpose of said signs was to inform and existence of the same if contested, otherwise
warn the public of the presence of his action must fail.
excavations on the site. The private
respondents already knew of the presence of
said excavations. It was not the lack of
knowledge of these excavations which b) Art. 2180, NCC
caused the jeep of respondents to fall into
the excavation but the unexplained sudden Art. 2176. Whoever by act or omission
swerving of the jeep from the inside lane causes damage to another, there being
towards the accident mound. As opined in fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for
some quarters, the omission to perform a the damage done. Such fault or
duty, such as the placing of warning signs on negligence, if there is no pre-existing
the site of the excavation, constitutes the contractual relation between the parties,
proximate cause only when the doing of the is called a quasi-delict and is governed by
said omitted act would have prevented the the provisions of this Chapter. (1902a)
injury. It is basic that private respondents
cannot charge PLDT for their injuries where Art. 2180. The obligation imposed by
their own failure to exercise due and Article 2176 is demandable not only for
reasonable care was the cause thereof. It is one's own acts or omissions, but also for
both a societal norm and necessity that one those of persons for whom one is
should exercise a reasonable degree of responsible.
caution for his own protection. Furthermore,
respondent Antonio Esteban had the last
clear chance or opportunity to avoid the
accident, notwithstanding the negligence he Palafox, et al. vs. Province of Ilocos Norte,
imputes to petitioner PLDT. As a resident of District Engineer, and Provincial Treasurer
Lacson Street, he passed on that street 102 Phil. 1186 , January 31, 1958
almost everyday and had knowledge of the
presence and location of the excavations ULEP NOTES
there. It was his negligence that exposed him
and his wife to danger, hence he is solely
responsible for the consequences of his
imprudence. 2. Liability for Torts, if engaged in
proprietary function
Same; Same; One who claims damages for
the negligence of another has the burden of Torio vs. Fontanilla 85 SCRA 599 , October
proof to show existence of such fault or 23, 1978
negligence causative thereof.—A person
claiming damages for the negligence of
Damages; Municipal corporations; In the Same; Same; Under the doctrine of
absence of a statutory law, municipal respondent superior, a municipality may be
corporations are not liable for damages for held liable for the acts of Us agent relative
acts done in the performance of to the exercise thereof of acts proprietary in
governmental functions.—If the injury is character.—Lastly, petitioner or appellant
caused in the course of the performance of a Municipality cannot evade responsibility
governmental function or duty no recovery, and/or liability under the claim that it was
as a rule, can be had from the municipality Jose Macaraeg who constructed the stage.
unless there is an existing statute on the The municipality acting through its
matter, nor from its officers, so long as they municipal council appointed, Macaraeg as
performed their duties honestly and in good chairman of the sub-committee on
faith or that they did not act wantonly and entertainment and in charge of the
maliciously. In Palafox, et al. v. Province of construction of the “zarzuela” stage.
Ilocos Norte, et al., 1958, a truck driver Macaraeg acted merely as an agent of the
employed by the provincial government of Municipality. Under the doctrine of
Ilocos Norte ran over Proceto Palafox in the respondent superior mentioned earlier,
course of his work at the construction of a petitioner is responsible or liable for the
road. The Supreme Court in affirming the negligence of its agent acting within his
trial court’s dismissal of the complaint for assigned tasks.
damages held that the province could not be
made liable because its employee was in the Same; Same; Article 27 of the Civil Code
performance of a governmental function— providing indemnification for damages
the construction and maintenance of roads— where a public servant “refuses or neglects,
and however tragic and deplorable it may without just cause, to perform his official
be, the death of Palafox imposed on the duty” covers a case of non-feasance as
province no duty to pay monetary distinguished from negligence or
consideration. misfeasance in carrying out official duties.
Municipal councilors found negligent in
Same; Same; The rule is otherwise where it supervising safe use of a stage used in a
is engaged in the exercise of proprietary town fiesta are not liable under this article
functions.—With respect to proprietary of the Civil Code.—In their Petition for
functions, the settled rule is that a municipal review the municipal councilors allege that
corporation can be held liable to third the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the
persons ex contractu or ex delicto. holding of a town fiesta is not a
Municipal corporations are subject to be governmental function and that there was
sued upon contracts and in tort. negligence on their part for not maintaining
and supervising the safe use of the stage, in
Same; Same; The holding of a town fiesta by applying Article 27 of the Civil Code against
a municipality is an exercise of a private them, and in not holding Jose Macaraeg
function of the municipality.—Coming to the liable for the collapse of the stage and the
case before Us, and applying the general consequent death of Vicente Fontanilla. We
tests given above, We hold that the holding agree with petitioners that the Court of
of the town fiesta in 1959 by the Appeals erred in applying Article 27 of the
Municipality of Malasiqui, Pangasinan, was Civil Code against them, for this particular
an exercise of a private or proprietary article covers a case of non-feasance or non-
function of the municipality. performance by a public officer of his
official duty; it does nof apply to a case of (1912) or ex delicto (Mendoza v. de Leon,
negligence or misfeasance in carrying out an 33 Phil. 508 (1916).
official duty.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Damages;
Same; Same; A municipal corporation The North Cemetery is a patrimonial
exercising proprietary functions is on the property of the City of Manila; Lease; A
same footing as a private corporation. Its lease contract executed by the lessor and
governing board or municipal council is not lessee remains as the law between them;
liable solidarily for acts committed by its Breach of contractual provision entitles the
employees unless there is bad faith or other party to damages.—Under the
wanton negligence on their part.—The foregoing considerations and in the absence
Court of Appeals in its decision now under of a special law, the North Cemetery is a
review held that the celebration of a town patrimonial property of the City of Manila
fiesta by the Municipality of Malasiqui was which was created by resolution of the
not a governmental function. We upheld that Municipal Board of August 27, 1903 and
ruling. The legal consequence thereof is that January 7, 1904 (Petition, Rollo pp. 20-21
the Municipality stands on the same footing Compilation of the Ordinances of the City of
as an ordinary private corporation with the Manila). The administration and government
municipal council acting as its board of of the cemetery are under the City of Health
directors. It is an elementary principle that a Officer (Ibid., Sec. 3189), the order and
corporation has a personality, separate and police of the cemetery (Ibid., Sec. 319), the
distinct from its officers, directors, or opening of graves, niches, or tombs, the
persons composing it and the latter are not exhuming of remains, and the purification of
as a rule co-responsible in an action for the same (Ibid., Sec. 327) are under the
damages for tort or negligence (culpa charge and responsibility of the
aquiliana) committed by the corporation’s superintendent of the cemetery. The City of
employees or agents unless there is a Manila furthermore prescribes the procedure
showing of bad faith or gross or wanton and guidelines for the use and dispositions
negligence on their part. of burial lots and plots within the North
Cemetery through Administrative Order No.
5, s. 1975 (Rollo, p. 44). With the acts of
dominion, there is, therefore no doubt that
Liability for Contract the North Cemetery is within the class of
property which the City of Manila owns in
City of Manila vs. Intermediate Appellate its proprietary or private character.
Court 179 SCRA 428 , November 15, 1989 . Furthermore, there is no dispute that the
burial lot was leased in favor of the private
respondents. Hence, obligations arising from
Same; Same; Same; Contracts; Liability to contracts have the force of law between the
third persons ex contractu of a municipal contracting parties. Thus a lease contract
corporation.—Thus in Torio v. Fontanilla, executed by the lessor and lessee remains as
supra, the Court declared that with respect to the law between them. (Henson v.
proprietary functions the settled rule is that a Intermediate Appellate Court, 148 SCRA 11
municipal corporation can be held liable to [1987]). Therefore, a breach of contractual
third persons ex contractu (Municipality of provision entitles the other party to damages
Moncada v. Cajuigan, et al., 21 Phil. 184 even if no penalty for such breach is
prescribed in the contract. (Boysaw v. foregoing provision, prior authorization by
Interphil Promotions, Inc., 148 SCRA 636 the sanggunian concerned is required before
[1987]). the local chief executive may enter into
contracts on behalf of the local government
Same; Same; Same; Same; Torts and unit.
Damages; Under the doctrine of respondeat
superior, the City of Manila is liable for the Same; Same; Same; Statutory Construction;
tortious act committed by its agents; Case at To construe Sections 306 and 346 of R.A.
bar.—Under the doctrine of respondeat No. 7160 as exceptions to Sec. 22(c) would
superior, (Torio v. Fontanilla, supra), render the requirement of prior sanggunian
petitioner City of Manila is liable for the authorization superfluous, useless and
tortious act committed by its agents who irrelevant.—To construe Sections 306 and
failed to verify and check the duration of the 346 of R.A. No. 7160 as exceptions to Sec.
contract of lease. The contention of the 22(c) would render the requirement of prior
petitioner-city that the lease is covered by sanggunian authorization superfluous,
Administrative Order No. 5, series of 1975 useless and irrelevant. There would be no
dated March 6, 1975 of the City of Manila instance when such prior authorization
for five (5) years only beginning from June would be required, as in contracts involving
6, 1971 is not meritorious for the said the disbursement of appropriated funds. Yet,
administrative order covers new leases. this is obviously not the effect Congress had
When subject lot was certified on January in mind when it required, as a condition to
25, 1978 as ready for exhumation, the lease the local chief executive’s representation of
contract for fifty (50) years was still in full the local government unit in business
force and effect. transactions, the prior authorization of the
sanggunian concerned. The requirement was
Quisimbing vs. Garcia 573 SCRA 266 , deliberately added as a measure of check
December 08, 2008 *** and balance, to temper the authority of the
local chief executive, and in recognition of
Municipal Corporations; Local Government the fact that the corporate powers of the
Code; Contracts; Prior authorization by the local government unit are wielded as much
sanggunian concerned is required before the by its chief executive as by its council.
local chief executive may enter into However, as will be discussed later, the
contracts on behalf of the local government sanggunian authorization may be in the
unit.—Sec. 22(c) of R.A. No. 7160 form of an appropriation ordinance passed
provides: Sec. 22. Corporate Powers.—(a) for the year which specifically covers the
Every local government unit, as a project, cost or contract to be entered into by
corporation, shall have the following the local government unit.
powers: x x x (c) Unless otherwise provided
in this Code, no contract may be entered into Same; Same; Same; Should the
by the local chief executive in behalf of the appropriation ordinance already contain in
local government unit without prior sufficient detail the project and cost of a
authorization by the sanggunian concerned. capital outlay such that all that the local
A legible copy of such contract shall be chief executive needs to do after undergoing
posted at a conspicuous place in the the requisite public bidding is to execute the
provincial capitol or the city, municipal or contract, no further authorization is
barangay hall. As it clearly appears from the required, the appropriation ordinance
already being sufficient, but if the Doctrine of Implied Municipal Liability
appropriation ordinance describes the contra personal liability
projects in generic terms such as
“infrastructure projects,” “inter-municipal Inciong vs. Domingo 211 SCRA 139 , July
waterworks, drainage and sewerage, flood 03, 1992
control, and irrigation systems projects,”
“reclamation projects” or “roads and
bridges,” there is an obvious need for a Same; Same; Employment of petitioner as
covering contract for every specific project counsel even if unauthorized by the
that in turn requires approval by the Sangguniang Barangay is binding on
sanggunian.—The question of whether a Barangay Caloocan.—The employment by
sanggunian authorization separate from the Barangay Caloocan of petitioner as its
appropriation ordinance is required should counsel, even if allegedly unauthorized by
be resolved depending on the particular the Sangguniang Barangay, is binding on
circumstances of the case. Resort to the Barangay Caloocan as it took no prompt
appropriation ordinance is necessary in order measure to repudiate petitioner’s
to determine if there is a provision therein employment.
which specifically covers the expense to be
incurred or the contract to be entered into. Province of Cebu vs. Intermediate Appellate
Should the appropriation ordinance, for Court 147 SCRA 447 , January 29, 1987
instance, already contain in sufficient detail
the project and cost of a capital outlay such
that all that the local chief executive needs Attorneys; Local Governments; Private
to do after undergoing the requisite public attorneys cannot represent a province or
bidding is to execute the contract, no further municipality in lawsuits; Exceptions.—The
authorization is required, the appropriation above provision, complemented by Section
ordinance already being sufficient. On the 3 of the Local Autonomy Law, is clear in
other hand, should the appropriation providing that only the provincial fiscal and
ordinance describe the projects in generic the municipal attorney can represent a
terms such as “infrastructure projects,” province or municipality in its lawsuits. The
“inter-municipal waterworks, drainage and provision is mandatory. The municipality’s
sewerage, flood control, and irrigation authority to employ a private lawyer is
systems projects,” “reclamation projects” or expressly limited only to situations where
“roads and bridges,” there is an obvious the provincial fiscal is disqualified to
need for a covering contract for every represent it
specific project that in turn requires approval
by the sanggunian. Specific sanggunian Same; Same; Same; Same; Estoppel;
approval may also be required for the Employment of private attorney by the
purchase of goods and services which are Governor for the benefit of the province
neither specified in the appropriation even if ultra vires would estop the latter
ordinance nor encompassed within the from questioning its validity after having
regular personal services and maintenance reaped benefits from such representation.—
operating expenses. 'The petitioner can not set up the plea that
the contract was ultra vires and still retain
benefits thereunder. Having regarded the
contract as valid for purposes of reaping
some benefits, the petitioner is estopped to and oppressive, hence, by way of example or
question its validity f or the purposes of correction for the public good, respondent
denying answerability. Mayor is liable personally to the petitioner
for exemplary or corrective damages.
Pilar vs. Sanguniang Bayan of Dasol,
Pangasinan 128 SCRA 173 , March 12,
Liability of Mayor if Driver assigned to him
Damages; Local Governments; Public commits negligence
Officers; Attorneys; Municipal Mayor is
personally liable for moral and exemplary Jayme vs. Apostol 572 SCRA 41 ,
damages and attorney’s fees for having November 27, 2008
vetoed in bad faith a resolution
appropriating funds for salary of vice-
mayor.—Nevertheless, We find and rule that
petitioner is entitled to damages and State Immunity; The municipality may not be
attorney’s fees because the facts show that sued because it is an agency of the State
petitioner was forced to litigate in order to engaged in governmental functions and,
claim his lawful salary which was unduly hence, immune from suit.—As correctly held
denied him for three (3) years and that the by the trial court, the true and lawful
Mayor acted in gross and evident bad faith employer of Lozano is the Municipality of
in refusing to satisfy petitioners plainly Koronadal. Unfortunately for Spouses
valid, just and demandable claim. Jayme, the municipality may not be sued
because it is an agency of the State engaged
in governmental functions and, hence,
Same; Same; Same; Same.—That respondent immune from suit. This immunity is
Hon. Mayor Lodovico Espinosa alone illustrated in Municipality of San Fernando,
should be held liable and responsible for the La Union v. Firme, 195 SCRA 692 (1991),
miserable plight of the petitioner is clear. where this Court held: It has already been
Respondent Mayor vetoed without just cause remarked that municipal corporations are
on October 26, 1982 the Resolution of the suable because their charters grant them the
Sanguniang Bayan appropriating the salary competence to sue and be sued.
of the petitioner. While “to veto or not to Nevertheless, they are generally not liable
veto involves the exercise of discretion” as for torts committed by them in the discharge
contended by respondents, respondent of governmental functions and can only be
Mayor, however, exceeded his authority in held answerable only if it can be shown that
an arbitrary manner when he vetoed the they were acting in proprietary capacity. In
resolution since there exists sufficient permitting such entities to be sued, the State
municipal funds from which the salary of the merely gives the claimant the right to show
petitioner could be paid. Respondent that the defendant was not acting in
Mayor’s refusal, neglect or omission in governmental capacity when the injury was
complying with the directives of the committed or that the case comes under the
Provincial Budget Officer and the Director exceptions recognized by law. Failing this,
of the Bureau of Local Government that the the claimant cannot recover.
salary of the petitioner be provided for and
paid the prescribed salary rate, is reckless
Legislative Powers (see ulep notes) 4. Sangguniang panlungsod has no
contempt powers
3. Meaning of Quorum
Negros Oriental II Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Zamora vs. Caballero 419 SCRA 384 , vs. Sangguniang Panlungsod of Dumaguete
January 14, 2004 155 SCRA 421 , November 05, 1987

Administrative Law; Local Government Same; Same; Local Government; Contempt

Code; Words and Phrases; Definition of power of the legislature sui generis and
Quorum and Majority.—“Quorum” is local legislative bodies cannot correctly
defined as that number of members of a claim to possess it.—The exercise of the
body which, when legally assembled in their legislature of the contempt power is a matter
proper places, will enable the body to of self-preservation as that branch of the
transact its proper business or that number government vested with the legislative
which makes a lawful body and gives it power, independently of the judicial branch,
power to pass upon a law or ordinance or do asserts its authority and punishes contempts
any valid act. “Majority,” when required to thereof. The contempt power of the
constitute a quorum, means the number legislature is, therefore, sui generis, and
greater than half or more than half of any local legislative bodies cannot correctly
total. In fine, the entire membership must be claim to possess it for the same reasons that
taken into account in computing the quorum the national legislature does. The power
of the sangguniang panlalawigan, for while attaches not to the discharge of legislative
the constitution merely states that “majority functions per se but to the character of the
of each House shall constitute a quorum,” legislature as one of the three independent
Section 53 of the LGC is more exacting as it and coordinate branches of government. The
requires that the “majority of all members of same thing cannot be said of local legislative
the sanggunian . . . elected and qualified” bodies which are creations of law.
shall constitute a quorum.
Same; Same; Same; No express provision
Same; Same; Same; A temporary presiding either in the 1973 Constitution or in the
officer who merely steps into the shoes of the Local Government Code granting local
presiding officer could not have greater legislative bodies the power to subpoena
power than that possessed by the latter who witnesses and the power to punish non-
can vote only in case of a tie.—While acting members for contempt; Contempt power and
as presiding officer, Board Member Osorio subpoena power partake of a judicial
may not, at the same time, be allowed to nature.—To begin with, there is no express
exercise the rights of a regular board provision either in the 1973 Constitution or
member including that of voting even when in the Local Government Code (Batas
there is no tie to break. A temporary Pambansa Blg. 337) granting local
presiding officer who merely steps into the legislative bodies, the power to subpoena
shoes of the presiding officer could not have witnesses and the power to punish non-
greater power than that possessed by the members for contempt. Absent a
latter who can vote only in case of a tie. constitutional or legal provision for the
exercise of these powers, the only possible
justification for the issuance of a subpoena
and for the punishment of non-members for share these unique and awesome powers
contumacious behaviour would be for said with the local legislative bodies must
power to be deemed implied in the statutory therefore clearly appear in pertinent
grant of delegated legislative power. But, the legislation.
contempt power and the subpoena power
partake of a judicial nature. They cannot be
implied in the grant of legislative power.
Neither can they exist as mere incidents of 5. Other cases
the performance of legislative functions. To
allow local legislative bodies or Batangas CATV, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals
administrative agencies to exercise these 439 SCRA 326 , September 29, 2004
powers without express statutory basis
would run afoul of the doctrine of separation Political Law; Local Governments;
of powers. Ordinances passed by virtue of the implied
power found in the general welfare clause
Same; Same; Same; Same; Contempt power must be reasonable, consonant with the
and subpoena power cannot be deemed general powers and purposes of the
implied in the delegation of certain corporation, and not inconsistent with the
legislative functions to local legislative laws or policy of the State.—Speaking for
bodies.—Thus, the contempt power, as well the Court in the leading case of United
as the subpoena power, which the framers of States vs. Abendan, Justice Moreland said:
the fundamental law did not expressly “An ordinance enacted by virtue of the
provide for but which the then Congress has general welfare clause is valid, unless it
asserted essentially for self-preservation as contravenes the fundamental law of the
one of three co-equal branches of the Philippine Islands, or an Act of the
government cannot be deemed implied in Philippine Legislature, or unless it is
the delegation of certain legislative functions against public policy, or is unreasonable,
to local legislative bodies. These cannot be oppressive, partial, discriminating, or in
presumed to exist in favor of the latter and derogation of common right.” In De la Cruz
must be considered as an exception to Sec. 4 vs. Paras, we laid the general rule “that
of B.P. 337 which provides for liberal rules ordinances passed by virtue of the implied
of interpretation in favor of local autonomy. power found in the general welfare clause
Since the existence of the contempt power in must be reasonable, consonant with the
conjunction with the subpoena power in any general powers and purposes of the
government body inevitably poses a corporation, and not inconsistent with the
potential derogation of individual rights, i.e. laws or policy of the State.”
compulsion of testimony and punishment for
refusal to testify, the law cannot be liberally
construed to have impliedly granted such
powers to local legislative bodies. It cannot VII. REQUIREMENTS AND
be lightly presumed that the sovereign PROHIBITIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL
people, the ultimate source of all LOCAL OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES
government powers, have reposed these
powers in all government agencies. The (See Ulep Notes)
intention of the sovereign people, through
their representatives in the legislature, to RA 6636
Section 5. Term. - Local officials duly AMENDING SECTION 3, PARAGRAPHS
elected shall assume office at noon on the (C) AND (D) OF REPUBLIC ACT NO.
second day of February 1988 and shall serve 7166
until noon of June 30, 1992.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
If no candidate has been elected and Representatives of the Philippines in
qualified to assume office on the Congress assembled:
aforementioned date and time, the officer-in-
charge shall continue to hold office until the SECTION 1. Section 3, paragraphs (c) and
duly elected officer has qualified. (d) of Republic Act No. 7166, is hereby
amended to read as follows:

“(c) The number and election of elective

RA 7166 members of the sangguniang panlungsod
and sangguniang bayan in the Metro Manila
AN ACT PROVIDING FOR area, City of Cebu, City of Davao and any
SYNCHRONIZED NATIONAL AND other city with two (2) or more legislative
LOCAL ELECTIONS AND FOR districts shall be elected by districts and in
ELECTORAL REFORMS, accordance with the provisions of Sections 2
AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATIONS and 3 of Republic Act No. 6636: Provided,
THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER That, all cities with one (1) legislative
PURPOSES district and all municipalities in the Metro
Manila area shall have twelve (12)
Section 2. Date of Elections. - In accordance councilors each: Provided, further, That, the
with the policy hereinbefore stated, there Commission shall divide all cities with one
shall be an election for President, Vice- legislative district and each of the
President, twenty-four (24) Senators, all municipalities in Metro Manila area into two
elective Members of the House of (2) districts by barangay for purposes of
Representatives, and all elective provincial, representation in the sangguniang bayan as
city and municipal officials on the second nearly as practicable according to the
Monday of May, 1992. Thereafter, the number of inhabitants, each district
President and Vice-President shall be elected comprising a compact, contiguous and
on the same day every six (6) years; while adjacent territory, and
the Senators, elective Members of the House
of Representatives and all elective
provincial, city and municipal officials shall
be elected on the same day every three (3) “(d) For purposes of the regular elections on
years, except that with respect to Senators, May 11, 1992 and all general elections
only twelve (12) shall be elected. thereafter, the regular elective members of
the sangguniang panlungsod and
sangguniang bayan, shall be elected at large
in accordance with existing laws.
“The Commission shall promulgate rules cities and municipalities shall serve
and regulations to effectively implement the as ex officio members of the
provisions of law which may hereafter be sangguniang panlalawigan
enacted providing for the election of sectoral concerned. The presidents of the liga
representatives.” ng mga barangay and the pederasyon
ng mga sangguniang kabataan
elected by their respective chapters,
as provided in this Code, shall serve
RA 8553 as ex officio members of the
sangguniang panlalawigan,
AN ACT AMENDING SECTION 41(B) sangguniang panlungsod, and
OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7160, sangguniang bayan."
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Philippines in Teves vs. Sandiganbayan 447 SCRA 309 ,
Congress assembled:: December 17, 2004

Section 1. Sec. 41(b) of Republic Act No. Same; Same; Same; Local Government
7160, otherwise known as the Local Code; Cockpits; Since it is the Sangguniang
Government Code of 1991, is hereby Bayan that has the authority to issue a
amended to read as follows: license for the establishment, operation, and
maintenance of cockpits, a mayor could not
"(b) The regular members of the be found to have intervened or taken part in
sangguniang panlalawigan, his official capacity in the issuance of a
sangguniang panlungsod, and cockpit license because he is not a member
sangguniang bayan shall be elected of the Sangguniang Bayan, and if there is no
by district as follows: finding that the mayor is guilty, a fortiori,
there is no legal basis to convict an alleged
"First and second-class provinces co-conspirator.—The Sandiganbayan found
shall have ten (10) regular members; that the charge against Mayor Teves for
third and fourth-class provinces, causing the issuance of the business permit
eight (8); and fifth and sixth-class or license to operate the Valencia Cockpit
provinces, six (6): Provided, That in and Recreation Center is “not well-
provinces having more than five (5) founded.” This it based, and rightly so, on
legislative districts, each district shall the additional finding that only the
have two (2) sangguniang Sangguniang Bayan could have issued a
panlalawigan members, without permit to operate the Valencia Cockpit in the
prejudice to the provisions of Sec. 2 year 1992. Indeed, under Section 447(3) of
of Republic Act No. 6637. the LGC of 1991, which took effect on 1
Sangguniang barangay members January 1992, it is the Sangguniang Bayan
shall be elected at large. The that has the authority to issue a license for
presidents of the leagues of the establishment, operation, and
sanggunian members of component maintenance of cockpits. Unlike in the old
LGC, Batas Pambansa Blg. 337, wherein the Urdaneta City, however, the position of city
municipal mayor was the presiding officer legal officer is still vacant, although its
of the Sangguniang Bayan, under the LGC charter was enacted way back in 1998.
of 1991, the mayor is not so anymore and is Because of such vacancy, the City
not even a member of the Sangguniang Prosecutor’s appearance as counsel of
Bayan. Hence, Mayor Teves could not have Urdaneta City is proper. The City Prosecutor
intervened or taken part in his official remains as the city’s legal adviser and
capacity in the issuance of a cockpit license officer for civil cases, a function that could
during the material time, as alleged in the not yet be transferred to the city legal
information, because he was not a member officer. Under the circumstances, the RTC
of the Sangguniang Bayan. A fortiori, there should not have allowed the entry of
is no legal basis to convict Teresita Teves as appearance of the Lazaro Law Firm vice the
a co-conspirator in the absence of a finding City Prosecutor. Notably, the city’s Answer
that Mayor Teves himself is guilty of the was sworn to before the City Prosecutor by
offense charged. In short, the Sandiganbayan Mayor Perez. The City Prosecutor prepared
correctly absolved the petitioners of the the city’s pre-trial brief and represented the
charge based on the first mode. And there is city in the pre-trial conference. No question
no need to belabor this point. was raised against the City Prosecutor’s
actions until the Lazaro Law Firm entered its
appearance and claimed that the city lacked
adequate legal representation.
Asean Pacific Planners vs. City of Urdaneta
566 SCRA 219 , September 23, 2008 Same; Same; Same; A local government unit
cannot be represented by private counsel as
Same; Local Government Units; Attorneys; only public officers may act for and in
The city legal officer is supposed to behalf of public entities and public funds
represent the city in all civil actions and should not be spent to hire private
special proceedings wherein the city or any lawyers.—The appearance of the Lazaro
of its officials is a party, but where the Law Firm as counsel for Urdaneta City is
position is as yet vacant, the City Prosecutor against the law. Section 481(b)(3)(i) of the
remains the city’s legal adviser and officer LGC provides when a special legal officer
for civil cases.—Section 481(a) of the Local may be employed, that is, in actions or
Government Code (LGC) of 1991 mandates proceedings where a component city or
the appointment of a city legal officer. municipality is a party adverse to the
Under Section 481(b)(3)(i) of the LGC, the provincial government. But this case is not
city legal officer is supposed to represent the between Urdaneta City and the Province of
city in all civil actions, as in this case, and Pangasinan. And we have consistently held
special proceedings wherein the city or any that a local government unit cannot be
of its officials is a party. In Ramos v. Court represented by private counsel as only
of Appeals, 269 SCRA 34 (1997), we cited public officers may act for and in behalf of
that under Section 19 of Republic Act No. public entities and public funds should not
5185, city governments may already create be spent to hire private lawyers. Pro bono
the position of city legal officer to whom the representation in collaboration with the
function of the city fiscal (now prosecutor) municipal attorney and prosecutor has not
as legal adviser and officer for civil cases of even been allowed.
the city shall be transferred. In the case of
RA 8171


A. Qualification and Election AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE

Section 6. Section 424 of Republic Act No. MARRIAGE TO ALIENS AND OF
7160, otherwise known as the Local NATURAL-BORN FILIPINOS.
Government Code of 1991, is hereby
amended to read as follows: Section 1. Filipino women who have lost
their Philippine citizenship by marriage to
"Sec. 424. Katipunan ng Kabataan. aliens and natural-born Filipinos who have
– The katipunan ng kabataan shall be lost their Philippine citizenship, including
composed of Filipino citizens their minor children, on account of political
actually residing in the barangay for or economic necessity, may reacquire
at least six (6) months, who are Philippine citizenship
fifteen (15) but less than eighteen through repatriation in the manner provided
(18) years of age on the day of the in Section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. 63,
election, and who are duly registered as amended: Provided, That the applicant
in the list of the sangguniang is not a:
kabataan or in the official barangay
list in the custody of the barangay (1) Person opposed to organized
secretary." government or affiliated with any
association or group of persons who uphold
Section 7. Section 428 of Republic Act No. and teach doctrines opposing organized
7160, otherwise known as the Local government;
Government Code of 1991, is hereby (2) Person defending or teaching the
amended to read as follows: necessity or propriety of violence, personal
assault, or associatEon for the predominance
"Sec. 428. Qualifications. – An of their ideas;
elective official of the sangguniang (3) Person convictad of crimes involving
kabataan must be a Filipino citizen, a moral turpitude; or
qualified voter of the katipunan ng (4) Person suffering from mental
kabataan, a resident of the barangay alienation or incurablecontagious diseases.
for at least one (1) year immediately
prior to election, at least fifteen (15) Sec. 2. Repatriation shall be effected by
years but less than eighteen (18) taking the necessary oath of allegiance to the
years of age on the day of the Republic of the Philippines and registration
election, able to read and write in the proper civil registry and in the Bureau
Filipino, English, or the local dialect, or Immigration. The Bureau of Immigration
and must not have been convicted of shall thereupon cancel the pertinent alien
any crime involving moral certificate of registration and issue the
turpitude." certificate of identification as Filipino
citizen to the repatriated citizen.
RA 9165 is proclaimed and at the start of his term—in
this case, on June 30, 1995. Paraphrasing
Section 36. this Court’s ruling in Vasquez vs. Giap and
Li Seng Giap & Sons, if the purpose of the
(g) All candidates for public office whether citizenship requirement is to ensure that our
appointed or elected both in the national or people and country do not end up being
local government shall undergo a mandatory governed by aliens, i.e., persons owing
drug test. allegiance to another nation, that aim or
purpose would not be thwarted but instead
achieved by construing the citizenship
qualification as applying to the time of
CASES proclamation of the elected official and at
the start of his term.
Frivaldo vs. Commission on Elections 257
SCRA 727 , June 28, 1996 – PRO HAC Same; Same; Same; The Local Government
VICE Code requires an elective official to be a
registered voter, it does not require him to
Same; Same; The law does not specify any vote actually.—If the law intended the
particular date or time when the candidate citizenship qualification to be possessed
must possess citizenship unlike that for prior to election consistent with the
residence and age.—From the above, it will requirement of being a registered voter, then
be noted that the law does not specify any it would not have made citizenship a
particular date or time when the candidate SEPARATE qualification. The law abhors a
must possess citizenship, unlike that for redundancy. It therefore stands to reason that
residence (which must consist of at least one the law intended CITIZENSHIP to be a
year’s residency immediately preceding the qualification distinct from being a VOTER,
day of election) and age (at least twenty even if being a voter presumes being a
three years of age on election day). citizen first. It also stands to reason that the
voter requirement was included as another
Same; Same; Section 39 of the Local qualification (aside from “citizenship”), not
Government Code speaks of Qualifications to reiterate the need for nationality but to
of Elective Officials not of candidates.—So require that the official be registered as a
too, even from a literal (as distinguished voter IN THE AREA OR TERRITORY he
from liberal) construction, it should be noted seeks to govern, i.e., the law states: “a
that Section 39 of the Local Government registered voter in the barangay,
Code speaks of “Qualifications” of municipality, city, or province x x x where
“ELECTIVE OFFICIALS,” not of he intends to be elected.” It should be
candidates. Why then should such emphasized that the Local Government
qualification be required at the time of Code requires an elective official to be a
election or at the time of the filing of the registered voter. It does not require him to
certificates of candidacies, as Lee insists? vote actually. Hence, registration—not the
Literally, such qualifications—unless actual voting—is the core of this
otherwise expressly conditioned, as in the “qualification.” In other words, the law’s
case of age and residence—should thus be purpose in this second requirement is to
possessed when the “elective [or elected] ensure that the prospective official is
official” begins to govern, i.e., at the time he
actually registered in the area he seeks to prevent incumbents of elective offices from
govern—and not anywhere else. exerting political influence and pressure on
the management of the affairs of the
Same; Same; The repatriation of Frivaldo cooperative. This purpose cannot be fully
retroacted to the date of the filing of his achieved if one who is appointed to an
application on August 17, 1994.—But to elective office is not made subject to the
remove all doubts on this important issue, same disqualification.
we also hold that the repatriation of
Frivaldo RETROACTED to the date of the Same; Same; Same; Same; Petitioner having
filing of his application on August 17, 1994. been appointed as member of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan which is a
Same; Same; Frivaldo deserves a liberal position above the rank of barangay
interpretation of Philippine laws and captain, cannot remain as director of an
whatever defects there were in his electric cooperative.—Petitioner, having
nationality should now be deemed mooted been appointed as member of the
by his repatriation.—Being a former Sangguniang Panlalawigan of La Union, a
Filipino who has served the people position decidedly above the rank of
repeatedly, Frivaldo deserves a liberal Barangay Captain, cannot remain as
interpretation of Philippine laws and Director of LUELCO without violating the
whatever defects there were in his spirit and intent of Section 21 P.D. No. 269,
nationality should now be deemed mooted as amended, and Section 3(c) Article IV of
by his repatriation. the By-laws of Electric Cooperatives.

Salomon vs. National Electrification Cayat vs. Commission on Elections 522

Administration 169 SCRA 507 , January 26, SCRA 23 , April 24, 2007
Same; Disqualification of Candidates;
Administrative Law; Local Governments; Doctrine on Rejection of Second Placers;
Disqualification mandated by provisions Where one of two candidates for the position
which pertains to elective officers of the of mayor was disqualified by final judgment
government, except barrio captains and before election day, the remaining
councilors, is equally applicable to an candidate, as the only candidate, was not a
appointed member of the Sangguniang second placer even if he got lower number
Panlalawigan which is an elective office; of votes—he was the sole and only placer,
Purpose of disqualification.—Although the second to none.—The COMELEC First
disqualification mandated by the provisions Division’s Resolution of 12 April 2004
pertains to elective officers of the cancelling Cayat’s certificate of candidacy
government, except barrio captains and due to disqualification became final and
councilors, the same is equally applicable to executory on 17 April 2004 when Cayat
an appointed member of the Sangguniang failed to pay the prescribed filing fee. Thus,
Panlalawigan which is an elective office. Palileng was the only candidate for Mayor
The prohibition should be construed to refer of Buguias, Benguet in the 10 May 2004
to a person holding an office, the assumption elections. Twenty–three days before election
to which, while generally determined by an day, Cayat was already disqualified by
election, is not precluded by appointment. final judgment to run for Mayor in the 10
The purpose of the disqualification is to May 2004 elections. As the only candidate,
Palileng was not a second placer. On the disqualified by final judgment 23 days
contrary, Palileng was the sole and only before the 10 May 2004 elections. On
placer, second to none. The doctrine on the election day, Cayat was no longer legally a
rejection of the second placer, which triggers candidate for mayor. In short, Cayat’s
the rule on succession, does not apply in the candidacy for Mayor of Buguias, Benguet
present case because Palileng is not a was legally non-existent in the 10 May
second-placer but the only placer. 2004 elections. The law expressly declares
Consequently, Palileng’s proclamation as that a candidate disqualified by final
Mayor of Buguias, Benguet is beyond judgment before an election cannot be voted
question. for, and votes cast for him shall not be
counted. This is a mandatory provision of
Same; Same; Same; Labo, Jr. v. COMELEC, law.
211 SCRA 297 (1992), and the other cases
applying the doctrine on the rejection of the Jalover vs. Osmeña 736 SCRA 267 ,
second placer have one common essential September 23, 2014
condition—the disqualification of the
candidate had not become final before the Same; Residence; The law does not require
elections.—Labo, Jr. v. COMELEC, which a person to be in his home twenty-four (24)
enunciates the doctrine on the rejection of hours a day, seven (7) days a week, to fulfill
the second placer, does not apply to the the residency requirement.—The petitioners,
present case because in Labo there was no in the present case, largely rely on
final judgment of disqualification before the statements that Osmeña was “hardly seen”
elections. The doctrine on the rejection of in Toledo City, Cebu to support their claim
the second placer was applied in Labo and a of error of jurisdiction. These affidavits,
host of other cases because the judgment however, deserve little consideration and
declaring the candidate’s disqualification loudly speak of their inherent weakness as
in Labo and the other cases had not evidence. The law does not require a person
become final before the elections. To to be in his home twenty-four (24) hours a
repeat, Labo and the other cases applying day, seven (7) days a week, to fulfill the
the doctrine on the rejection of the second residency requirement. In Fernandez v.
placer have one common essential House Electoral Tribunal, 608 SCRA 733
condition—the disqualification of the (2009), we ruled that the “fact that a few
candidate had not become final before the barangay health workers attested that they
elections. This essential condition does not had failed to see petitioner whenever they
exist in the present case. allegedly made the rounds in Villa de
Toledo is of no moment, especially
Same; Same; Same; The law expressly considering that there were witnesses
declares that a candidate disqualified by (including petitioner’s neighbors in Villa de
final judgment before an election cannot be Toledo) that were in turn presented by
voted for, and votes cast for him shall not be petitioner to prove that he was actually a
counted—this is a mandatory provision of resident of Villa de Toledo, in the address he
law.—In Labo, Labo’s disqualification stated in his COC. x x x It may be that
became final only on 14 May 1992, three whenever these health workers do their
days after the 11 May 1992 elections. On rounds petitioner was out of the house to
election day itself, Labo was still legally a attend to his own employment or business.”
candidate. In the present case, Cayat was
Same; The fact that Osmeña has no violence, injury, punishment, torture,
registered property under his name does not damage, loss or disadvantage to any
belie his actual residence in Toledo City person or persons aspiring to become
because property ownership is not among a candidate or that of the immediate
the qualifications required of candidates for member of his family, his honor or
local election.—The fact that Osmeña has property that is meant to eliminate all
no registered property under his name does other potential candidate.
not belie his actual residence in Toledo City
because property ownership is not among Section 5. Prohibited acts, election offenses
the qualifications required of candidates for and penalties. – Any act of coercion,
local election. It is enough that he should bribery, threat, harassment, intimidation,
live in the locality, even in a rented house or terrorism, or actually causing, inflicting or
that of a friend or relative. To use ownership producing violence, injury, punishment,
of property in the district as the torture, damage, loss or disadvantage to
determinative indicium of permanence of discourage any other person or persons from
domicile or residence implies that only the filing a certificate of candidacy in order to
landed can establish compliance with the eliminate all other potential candidate from
residency requirement. running in a special election shall constitute
as an election offense. Violations of this
provision shall be prosecuted and penalized
in accordance with the provision of Sec. 264
B. Disqualification of the Omnibus Election Code.

RA 8295

Section 4. Disqualification. – In addition to RA 9165

the disqualifications mentioned in Sec.s 12
and 68 of the Omnibus Election Code and Section 27. Criminal Liability of a Public
Sec. 40 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise Officer or Employee for Misappropriation,
known as the Local Government Code, Misapplication or Failure to Account for the
whenever the evidence of guilt is strong, the Confiscated, Seized and/or Surrendered
following persons are disqualified to run in a Dangerous Drugs, Plant Sources of
special election called to fill the vacancy in Dangerous Drugs, Controlled Precursors
an elective office, to wit: and Essential Chemicals,
Instruments/Paraphernalia and/or
a) Any elective official who has Laboratory Equipment Including the
resigned from his office by accepting Proceeds or Properties Obtained from the
an appointive office or for whatever Unlawful Act Committed. – The penalty of
reason which he previously occupied life imprisonment to death and a fine
but has caused to become vacant due ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos
to his resignation; and (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos
(P10,000,000.00), in addition to absolute
b) Any person who, directly or perpetual disqualification from any public
indirectly, coerces, bribes, threatens, office, shall be imposed upon any public
harasses, intimidates or actually officer or employee who misappropriates,
causes, inflicts or produces any misapplies or fails to account for
confiscated, seized or surrendered dangerous support and defend the Constitution
drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, of the Republic of the Philippines
controlled precursors and essential and obey the laws and legal orders
chemicals, instruments/paraphernalia and/or promulgated by the duly constituted
laboratory equipment including the proceeds authorities of the Philippines; and I
or properties obtained from the unlawful hereby declare that I recognize and
acts as provided for in this Act. accept the supreme authority of the
Philippines and will maintain true
Any elective local or national official found faith and allegiance thereto; and that
to have benefited from the proceeds of the I imposed this obligation upon
trafficking of dangerous drugs as prescribed myself voluntarily without mental
in this Act, or have received any financial or reservation or purpose of evasion."
material contributions or donations from
natural or juridical persons found guilty of Natural born citizens of the Philippines who,
trafficking dangerous drugs as prescribed in after the effectivity of this Act, become
this Act, shall be removed from office and citizens of a foreign country shall retain their
perpetually disqualified from holding any Philippine citizenship upon taking the
elective or appointive positions in the aforesaid oath.
government, its divisions, subdivisions, and
intermediaries, including government-owned Section 4. Derivative Citizenship - The
or –controlled corporations. unmarried child, whether legitimate,
illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen (18)
Section 28. Criminal Liability of years of age, of those who re-acquire
Government Officials and Employees. – The Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of
maximum penalties of the unlawful acts this Act shall be deemed citizenship of the
provided for in this Act shall be imposed, in Philippines.
addition to absolute perpetual
disqualification from any public office, if
those found guilty of such unlawful acts are
government officials and employees. Labo, Jr. vs. Commission on Election 176
SCRA 1 , August 01, 1989

Election Law; The qualifications for an

RA 9225 elective office are continuing requirements,
once any of them is lost during incumbency,
Section 3. Retention of Philippine title to the office itself is deemed forfeited.—
Citizenship - Any provision of law to the The probability that many of those who
contrary notwithstanding, natural-born voted for the petitioner may have done so in
citizenship by reason of their naturalization the belief that he was qualified only
as citizens of a foreign country are hereby strengthens the conclusion that the results of
deemed to have re-acquired Philippine the election cannot nullify the qualifications
citizenship upon taking the following oath of for the office now held by him. These
allegiance to the Republic: qualifications are continuing requirements;
once any of them is lost during incumbency,
"I _____________________, title to the office itself is deemed forfeited.
solemny swear (or affrim) that I will In the case at bar, the citizenship and voting
requirements were not subsequently lost but plurality of votes is proclaimed a winner and
were not possessed at all in the first place on imposed as the representative of a
the day of the election. The petitioner was constituency, the majority of which have
disqualified from running as mayor and, positively declared through their ballots that
although elected, is not now qualified to they do not choose him. Sound policy
serve as such. dictates that public elective offices are filled
by those who have received the highest
Same; The candidate who obtained the number of votes cast in the election for that
second highest number of votes cannot office, and it is a fundamental idea in all
occupy the office that was vacated as a republican forms of government that no one
result of the disqualification of the candidate can be declared elected and no measure can
who obtained the highest number of votes.— be declared carried unless he or it receives a
Finally, there is the question of whether or majority or plurality of the legal votes cast
not the private respondent, who filed the quo in the election. (20 Corpus Juris 2nd, S 243,
warranto petition, can replace the petitioner p. 676.) The fact that the candidate who
as mayor. He cannot. The simple reason is obtained the highest number of votes is later
that as he obtained only the second highest declared to be disqualified or not eligible for
number of votes in the election, he was the office to which he was elected does not
obviously not the choice of the people of necessarily entitle the candidate who
Baguio City. The latest ruling of the Court obtained the second highest number of votes
on this issue is Santos v. Commission on to be declared the winner of the elective
Elections, decided in 1985. In that case, the office. The votes cast for a dead,
candidate who placed second was disqualified, or non-eligible person may not
proclaimed elected after the votes for his be valid to vote the winner into office or
winning rival, who was disqualified as a maintain him there. However, in the absence
turncoat and considered a non-candidate, of a statute which clearly asserts a contrary
were all disregarded as stray. In effect, the political and legislative policy on the matter,
second placer won by default. That decision if the votes were cast in the sincere belief
was supported by eight members of the that the candidate was alive, qualified, or
Court then, with three dissenting and another eligible, they should not be treated as stray,
two reserving their vote. One was on official void or meaningless.
leave. Re-examining that decision, the Court
finds, and so holds, that it should be Dela Torre vs. Commission on Elections
reversed in favor of the earlier case of 258 SCRA 483 , July 05, 1996
Geronimo v. Ramos, which represents the
more logical and democratic rule. That case, Criminal Procedure; Probation; The legal
which reiterated the doctrine first announced effect of probation is only to suspend the
in 1912 in Topacio vs. Paredes, was execution of the sentence.—Anent the
supported by ten members of the Court, second issue where petitioner contends that
without any dissent, although one reserved his probation had the effect of suspending
his vote, another took no part, and two the applicability of Section 40 (a) of the
others were on leave. There the Court held: Local Government Code, suffice it to say
“x x x it would be extremely repugnant to that the legal effect of probation is only to
the basic concept of the constitutionally suspend the execution of the sentence.
guaranteed right to suffrage if a candidate Petitioner’s conviction of fencing which we
who has not acquired the majority or have heretofore declared as a crime of moral
turpitude and thus falling squarely under the referring to “dual allegiance.” Consequently,
disqualification found in Section 40(a), persons with mere dual citizenship do not
subsists and remains totally unaffected fall under this disqualification. Unlike those
notwithstanding the grant of probation. In with dual allegiance, who must, therefore, be
fact, a judgment of conviction in a criminal subject to strict process with respect to the
case ipso facto attains finality when the termination of their status, for candidates
accused applies for probation, although it is with dual citizenship, it should suffice if,
not executory pending resolution of the upon the filing of their certificates of
application for probation. Clearly then, candidacy, they elect Philippine citizenship
petitioner’s theory has no merit. to terminate their status as persons with dual
citizenship considering that their condition is
Mercado vs. Manzano 307 SCRA 630 , May the unavoidable consequence of conflicting
26, 1999 laws of different states.

Under Section 40(d) of the Local De Guzman vs. Commission on Elections

Government Code, those holding dual 590 SCRA 149 , June 19, 2009
citizenship are disqualified from running for
any elective local position. Same; Same; Same; Republic Act No. 9225
imposes an additional requirement on those
WHEREFORE, the Commission hereby who wish to seek elective public office that
declares the respondent Eduardo Barrios is, renunciation of any and all foreign
Manzano DISQUALIFIED as candidate for citizenship.—In the instant case, there is no
Vice-Mayor of Makati City. question that petitioner reacquired his
Philippine citizenship after taking the oath
The disqualification of private respondent of allegiance on September 6, 2006.
Manzano is being sought under §40 of the However, it must be emphasized that R.A.
Local Government Code of 1991 (R.A. No. No. 9225 imposes an additional requirement
7160), which declares as “disqualified from on those who wish to seek elective public
running for any elective local position: . . . office, as follows: x x x x (2) Those seeking
(d) Those with dual citizenship.” This elective public office in the Philippines shall
provision is incorporated in the Charter of meet the qualifications for holding such
the City of Makati.8 public office as required by the Constitution
and existing laws and, at the time of the
Same; Same; The phrase “dual citizenship” filing of the certificate of candidacy, make a
in Republic Act No. 7160, §40(d) and in personal and sworn renunciation of any and
Republic Act No. 7854, §20 must be all foreign citizenship before any public
understood as referring to “dual officer authorized to administer an oath.
allegiance.”—In including §5 in Article IV
on citizenship, the concern of the Same; Same; Same; The filing of a
Constitutional Commission was not with certificate of candidacy does not ipso facto
dual citizens per se but with naturalized amount to a renunciation of his foreign
citizens who maintain their allegiance to citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225.—
their countries of origin even after their Contrary to petitioner’s claims, the filing of
naturalization. Hence, the phrase “dual a certificate of candidacy does not ipso facto
citizenship” in R.A. No. 7160, §40(d) and in amount to a renunciation of his foreign
R.A. No. 7854, §20 must be understood as citizenship under R.A. No. 9225. Our
rulings in the cases of Frivaldo and Mercado Filipino name the voting public was thereby
are not applicable to the instant case because deceived.
R.A. No. 9225 provides for more
requirements. Kare vs. Commission on Elections 428
SCRA 264 , April 28, 2004
Same; Same; Same; Section 5(2) of Republic
Act No. 9225 requires the twin requirements Election Law; Election Code; The
of swearing to an Oath of Allegiance and COMELEC cannot proclaim as winner the
executing a Renunciation of Foreign candidate who obtained the second highest
Citizenship.—In Japzon v. COMELEC (576 number of votes, should the winning
SCRA 331 [2009]), the Court held that candidate be declared ineligible or
Section 5(2) of R.A. No. 9225 requires the disqualified.—In every election, the choice
twin requirements of swearing to an Oath of of the people is the paramount consideration,
Allegiance and executing a Renunciation of and their expressed will must at all times be
Foreign Citizenship, viz.: Breaking down the given effect. When the majority speaks by
afore-quoted provision, for a natural born giving a candidate the highest number of
Filipino, who reacquired or retained his votes in the election for an office, no one
Philippine citizenship under Republic Act else can be declared elected in place of the
No. 9225, to run for public office, he must: former. In a long line of cases, this Court has
(1) meet the qualifications for holding such definitively ruled that the Comelec cannot
public office as required by the Constitution proclaim as winner the candidate who
and existing laws; and (2) make a personal obtained the second highest number of
and sworn renunciation of any and all votes, should the winning candidate be
foreign citizenships before any public officer declared ineligible or disqualified.
authorized to administer an oath.
Same; Same; Where an “ineligible”
Justimbaste vs. Commission on Elections candidate has garnered either a majority or
572 SCRA 736 , November 28, 2008 a plurality of votes, by no mathematical
formulation can the runner-up in the
Same; Same; Same; Same; The use of a election be construed to have obtained the
name other than that stated in the certificate majority or the plurality of votes cast.—
of birth is not a material misrepresentation, There are instances in which the votes
as “material misrepresentation” under received by the second placer may not be
Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code considered numerically insignificant. In such
refers to “qualifications for elective situations, if the equation changes because
office.”—AT ALL EVENTS, the use of a of the disqualification of an ineligible
name other than that stated in the certificate candidate, voters’ preferences would
of birth is not a material misrepresentation, nonetheless be so volatile and unpredictable
as “material misrepresentation” under the that the results for qualified candidates
earlier-quoted Section 78 of the Omnibus would not be self-evident. The absence of
Election Code refers to “qualifications for the apparent though ineligible winner among
elective office.” It need not be emphasized the choices could lead to a shifting of votes
that there is no showing that there was an to candidates other than the second placer.
intent to deceive the electorate as to private Where an “ineligible” candidate has
respondent’s identity, nor that by using his garnered either a majority or a plurality of
the votes, by no mathematical formulation
can the runner-up in the election be shall serve until noon of June 30,
construed to have obtained the majority or 1992.
the plurality of votes cast.
(b) No local elective official shall
Amora, Jr. vs. Commission on Elections 640 serve for more than three (3)
SCRA 473 , January 25, 2011 consecutive terms in the same
position. Voluntary renunciation of
Same; Same; Laws prescribing the office for any length of time shall
qualifications for and disqualifications from not be considered as an interruption
office are liberally construed in favor of in the continuity of service for the
eligibility since the privilege of holding an full term for which the elective
office is a valuable one.—Apart from the official concerned was elected.
qualifications provided for in the
Constitution, the power to prescribe (c) The term of office of barangay
additional qualifications for elective office officials and members of the
and grounds for disqualification therefrom, sangguniang kabataan shall be for
consistent with the constitutional provisions, three (3) years, which shall begin
is vested in Congress. However, laws after the regular election of barangay
prescribing qualifications for and officials on the second Monday of
disqualifications from office are liberally May 1994.
construed in favor of eligibility since the
privilege of holding an office is a valuable 1987 Constitution Article X
one. We cannot overemphasize the principle
that where a candidate has received popular Section 8. The term of office of elective
mandate, all possible doubts should be local officials, except barangay officials,
resolved in favor of the candidate’s which shall be determined by law, shall be
eligibility, for to rule otherwise is to defeat three years and no such official shall serve
the will of the people. for more than three consecutive terms.
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any
length of time shall not be considered as an
interruption in the continuity of his service
C. Term of office for the full term for which he was elected.

Section 43. Term of Office. -

(a) The term of office of all local RA 8524

elective officials elected after the
effectivity of this Code shall be three AN ACT CHANGING THE TERM OF
(3) years, starting from noon of June OFFICE OF BARANGAY OFFICIALS
30, 1992 or such date as may be AND MEMBERS OF THE
provided for by law, except that of SANGGUNIANG KABATAAN FROM
elective barangay officials: Provided, THREE (3) YEARS TO FIVE (5) YEARS,
That all local officials first elected AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE
during the local elections SECTION 43 OF REPUBLIC ACT
immediately following the NUMBERED SEVEN THOUSAND ONE
ratification of the 1987 Constitution HUNDRED SIXTY, OTHERWISE
KNOWN AS THE LOCAL attempt to circumvent the three-term limit
GOVERNMENT CODE OF 1991, AND by a voluntary renunciation of office and at
FOR OTHER PURPOSES the same time respect the people’s choice
and grant their elected official full service of
a term is evident in this provision. Voluntary
renunciation of a term does not cancel the
RA 9164 renounced term in the computation of the
three term limit; conversely, involuntary
Section 2. Term of Office. –The term of severance from office for any length of time
office of all barangay and sangguniang short of the full term provided by law
kabataan officials after the effectivity of this amounts to an interruption of continuity of
Act shall be three (3) years. service. The petitioner vacated his post a
few months before the next mayoral
elections, not by voluntary renunciation but
in compliance with the legal process of writ
CASES of execution issued by the COMELEC to
that effect. Such involuntary severance from
Lonzanida vs. Commission on Elections 311 office is an interruption of continuity of
SCRA 602 , July 28, 1999 service and thus, the petitioner did not fully
serve the 1995-1998 mayoral term.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Voluntary
renunciation of a term does not cancel the Montebon vs. Commission on Elections 551
renounced term in the computation of the SCRA 50 , April 09, 2008
threeterm limit; conversely, involuntary
severance from office for any length of time Election Law; Three-Term Limit; The two
short of the full term provided by law conditions for the application of the
amounts to an interruption of continuity of disqualification must concur: 1) that the
service.—The petitioner cannot be deemed official concerned has been elected for three
to have served the May 1995 to 1998 term consecutive terms in the same local
because he was ordered to vacate his post government post; and 2) that he has fully
before the expiration of the term. The served three consecutive terms.—In
respondents’ contention that the petitioner Lonzanida v. Commission on Elections, 311
should be deemed to have served one full SCRA 602 (1999), the Court held that the
term from May 1995-1998 because he two conditions for the application of the
served the greater portion of that term has no disqualification must concur: 1) that the
legal basis to support it; it disregards the official concerned has been elected for three
second requisite for the application of the consecutive terms in the same local
disqualification, i.e., that he has fully served government post; and 2) that he has fully
three consecutive terms. The second served three consecutive terms. In Borja, Jr.
sentence of the constitutional provision v. Commission on Elections, 295 SCRA 157
under scrutiny states, “Voluntary (1998), the Court emphasized that the term
renunciation of office for any length of time limit for elective officials must be taken to
shall not be considered as an interruption in refer to the right to be elected as well as the
the continuity of service for the full term for right to serve in the same elective position.
which he was elected.” The clear intent of Thus, for the disqualification to apply, it is
the framers of the constitution to bar any not enough that the official has been elected
three consecutive times; he must also have
served three consecutive terms in the same
position. D. Vacancies and succession( See Ulep
Notes p. 85)
Same; Same; Succession in local
government offices is by operation of law; CASES
The assumption of office as vice mayor by
the highest ranking municipal councilor in Fariñas vs. Barba 256 SCRA 396 , April 19,
accordance with law is not considered a 1996
voluntary renunciation of his office as
municipal councilor.—Succession in local Municipal Corporations; Local Government
government offices is by operation of law. Code; Vacancies; Appointments; Statutory
Section 44 of Republic Act No. 7160, Construction; Reference to provisions of the
otherwise known as the Local Government former Local Government Code (B.P. Blg.
Code, provides that if a permanent vacancy 337) is appropriate because implicit in these
occurs in the office of the vice mayor, the provisions is a policy to vest in the
highest ranking sanggunian member shall President, the governor and the mayor in
become vice mayor. Thus: SEC. 44. descending order the exercise of an
Permanent Vacancies in the Offices of the executive power whether to appoint in order
Governor, Vice Governor, Mayor, and Vice to fill vacancies in local councils or to
Mayor.—(a) If a permanent vacancy occurs suspend local officials.—Reference to these
in the office of the governor or mayor, the provisions is appropriate not for the reason
vice governor or vice mayor concerned shall advanced by petitioners, i.e., that the power
become the governor or mayor. If a to appoint implies the power to remove, but
permanent vacancy occurs in the offices of because implicit in these provisions is a
the governor, vice governor, mayor or vice policy to vest in the President, the governor
mayor, the highest ranking sanggunian and the mayor in descending order the
member or, in case of his permanent exercise of an executive power whether to
inability, the second highest ranking appoint in order to fill vacancies in local
sanggunian member, shall become the councils or to suspend local officials. These
governor, vice governor, mayor or vice provisions are in pari materia with §45.
mayor, as the case may be. Subsequent
vacancies in the said office shall be filled Same; Same; Same; Same; There is only one
automatically by the other sanggunian rule governing appointments to the
members according to their ranking as Sangguniang Barangay—any vacancy
defined herein. x x x In this case, a therein caused by the cessation from office
permanent vacancy occurred in the office of of a member must be made by the mayor
the vice mayor due to the retirement of Vice upon the recommendation of that
Mayor Mendoza. Respondent, being the Sanggunian.—There is only one rule
highest ranking municipal councilor, governing appointments to the Sangguniang
succeeded him in accordance with law. It is Barangay. Any vacancy therein caused by
clear therefore that his assumption of office the cessation from office of a member must
as vice mayor can in no way be considered a be made by the mayor upon the
voluntary renunciation of his office as recommendation of that Sanggunian. The
municipal councilor. reason is that members of the Sangguniang
Barangay are not allowed to have party election coupled by his assumption of office
affiliations. and his continuous exercise of the functions
thereof from start to finish of the term,
should legally be taken as service for a full
term in contemplation of the three-term rule.
E. Recall (See Ulep Notes p. 90)
Socrates vs. Commission on Elections 391
CASES SCRA 457 , November 12, 2002

Ong vs. Alegre 479 SCRA 473 , January 23, Same; Same; Same; Recall; A recall election
2006 mid-way in the term following the third
consecutive term is a subsequent election
Election Law; Local Government Code; but not an immediate reelection after the
Term of Office; Requisites for the Three- third term.—Clearly, what the Constitution
Term Limit for Elective Local Government prohibits is an immediate reelection for a
Officials to Apply.—For the three-term limit fourth term following three consecutive
for elective local government officials to terms. The Constitution, however, does not
apply, two conditions or requisites must prohibit a subsequent reelection for a fourth
concur, to wit: (1) that the official concerned term as long as the reelection is not
has been elected for three (3) consecutive immediately after the end of the third
terms in the same local government post, consecutive term. A recall election mid-way
and (2) that he has fully served three (3) in the term following the third consecutive
consecutive terms. term is a subsequent election but not an
immediate reelection after the third term.
Same; Same; Same; Petitioner Francis’
contention that he was only a presumptive Same; Same; Same; Same; The winner in the
winner in the 1998 mayoralty derby as his recall election cannot be charged or
proclamation was under protest did not credited with the full term of three years for
make him less than a duly elected mayor.— purposes of counting the consecutiveness of
It is true that the RTC-Daet, Camarines an elective official’s terms in office.—In
Norte ruled in Election Protest Case No. Adormeo, the recall term of Talaga began
6850, that it was Francis’ opponent (Alegre) only from the date he assumed office after
who “won” in the 1998 mayoralty race and, winning the recall election. Talaga’s recall
therefore, was the legally elected mayor of term did not retroact to include the tenure in
San Vicente. However, that disposition, it office of his predecessor. If Talaga’s recall
must be stressed, was without practical and term was made to so retroact, then he would
legal use and value, having been have been disqualified to run in the 2001
promulgated after the term of the contested elections because he would already have
office has expired. Petitioner Francis’ served three consecutive terms prior to the
contention that he was only a presumptive 2001 elections. One who wins and serves a
winner in the 1998 mayoralty derby as his recall term does not serve the full term of his
proclamation was under protest did not predecessor but only the unexpired term.
make him less than a duly elected mayor. The period of time prior to the recall term,
His proclamation by the Municipal Board of when another elective official holds office,
Canvassers of San Vicente as the duly constitutes an interruption in continuity of
elected mayor in the 1998 mayoralty service. Clearly, Adormeo established the
rule that the winner in the recall election
cannot be charged or credited with the full
term of three years for purposes of counting F. Local Initiative and Referendum (See
the consecutiveness of an elective official’s Ulep Notes p. 94)
terms in office.
Goh vs. Bayron 742 SCRA 303 , November
25, 2014 Lambino vs. Commission on Elections 505
SCRA 160 , October 25, 2006
Same; Same; Same; When the Commission
on Elections (COMELEC) receives a Constitutional Law; Amendments and
budgetary appropriation for its “Current Revisions of the Constitution; People’s
Operating Expenditures,” such Initiative; The essence of amendments
appropriation includes expenditures to carry “directly proposed by the people through
out its constitutional functions, including the initiative upon a petition” is that the entire
conduct of recall elections.—Despite proposal on its face is a petition by the
Resolution No. 9882’s statement about the people—first, the people must author and
alleged failure of the 2014 GAA to provide thus sign the entire proposal, and, second,
for a line item appropriation for the conduct as an initiative upon a petition, the proposal
of recall elections, we hold that the 2014 must be embodied in a petition; The full text
GAA actually expressly provides for a of the proposed amendments may be either
line item appropriation for the conduct written on the face of the petition, or
and supervision of recall elections. This is attached to it, and if so attached, the petition
found in the Programs category of its 2014 must state the fact of such attachment.—The
budget, which the COMELEC admits in its essence of amendments “directly proposed
Resolution No. 9882 is a “line item for the by the people through initiative upon a
‘Conduct and supervision of elections, petition” is that the entire proposal on its
referenda, recall votes and plebiscites.’” In face is a petition by the people. This means
addition, one of the specific constitutional two essential elements must be present.
functions of the COMELEC is to conduct First, the people must author and thus sign
recall elections. When the COMELEC the entire proposal. No agent or
receives a budgetary appropriation for its representative can sign on their behalf.
“Current Operating Expenditures,” such Second, as an initiative upon a petition, the
appropriation includes expenditures to carry proposal must be embodied in a petition.
out its constitutional functions, including the These essential elements are present only if
conduct of recall elections. Thus, in Socrates the full text of the proposed amendments is
v. COMELEC, 391 SCRA 457 (2002) first shown to the people who express their
(Socrates), recall elections were conducted assent by signing such complete proposal in
even without a specific appropriation for a petition. Thus, an amendment is
recall elections in the 2002 GAA “directly proposed by the people through
initiative upon a petition” only if the
people sign on a petition that contains the
full text of the proposed amendments. The
full text of the proposed amendments may
be either written on the face of the petition,
or attached to it. If so attached, the petition
must state the fact of such attachment. This other grounds.—The present petition
is an assurance that every one of the several warrants dismissal for failure to comply with
millions of signatories to the petition had the basic requirements of Section 2, Article
seen the full text of the proposed XVII of the Constitution on the conduct and
amendments before signing. Otherwise, it is scope of a people’s initiative to amend the
physically impossible, given the time Constitution. There is no need to revisit this
constraint, to prove that every one of the Court’s ruling in Santiago declaring RA
millions of signatories had seen the full text 6735 “incomplete, inadequate or wanting in
of the proposed amendments before signing. essential terms and conditions” to cover the
system of initiative to amend the
Same; Same; Same; “Amendment” and Constitution. An affirmation or reversal of
“Revision,” Distinguished; Words and Santiago will not change the outcome of the
Phrases; The framers of the Constitution present petition. Thus, this Court must
intended, and wrote, a clear distinction decline to revisit Santiago which effectively
between “amendment” and “revision” of ruled that RA 6735 does not comply with
the Constitution.—There can be no mistake the requirements of the Constitution to
about it. The framers of the Constitution implement the initiative clause on
intended, and wrote, a clear distinction amendments to the Constitution. This Court
between “amendment” and “revision” of the must avoid revisiting a ruling involving the
Constitution. The framers intended, and constitutionality of a statute if the case
wrote, that only Congress or a constitutional before the Court can be resolved on some
convention may propose revisions to the other grounds. Such avoidance is a logical
Constitution. The framers intended, and consequence of the well-settled doctrine that
wrote, that a people’s initiative may propose courts will not pass upon the
only amendments to the Constitution. Where constitutionality of a statute if the case can
the intent and language of the Constitution be resolved on some other grounds.
clearly withhold from the people the power
to propose revisions to the Constitution, the
people cannot propose revisions even as
they are empowered to propose G. Disciplinary Action ( see Ulep notes
amendments. p. 96)

Same; Same; Same; Initiative and Rule X

Referendum Act (R.A. No. 6735); Judicial Grounds for Administrative
Review; There is no need to revisit the Disciplinary Action
Court’s ruling in Santiago v. Commission on
Elections, 270 SCRA 106 (1997), declaring Section 1.
R.A. No. 6735 “incomplete, inadequate or In addition to the grounds for
wanting in essential terms and conditions”
administrative disciplinary action
to cover the system of initiative to amend the
prescribed under existing laws, the
Constitution—an affirmation or reversal of
acts and omissions of any official or
Santiago will not change the outcome of the
present petition; The Court must avoid employee, whether or not he holds
revisiting a ruling involving the office or employment in a casual,
constitutionality of a statute if the case temporary, hold-over, permanent or
before the Court can be resolved on some regular capacity, declared unlawful or
prohibited by the Code, shall
constitute the grounds for hereof shall be a ground for
administrative disciplinary action, and administrative disciplinary action
without prejudice to criminal and civil upon re-entry to the government
liabilities provided herein, such as: service.
(a) Directly or indirectly having e) Disclosing or misusing confidential
financial and material interest in any or classified information officially
transaction requiring the approval of known to him by reason of his office
his office. Financial and material and not made available to the public,
interest is defined as a pecuniary or to further his private interests or give
proprietary interest by which a person undue advantage to anyone, or to
will gain or lose something; prejudice the public interest;
(b) Owning, controlling, managing or (f) Soliciting or accepting, directly or
accepting employment as officer, indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor,
employee, consultant, counsel, broker, entertainment, loan or anything of
agent, trustee, or nominee in any monetary value which in the course of
private enterprise regulated, his official duties or in connection with
supervised or licensed by his office, any operation being regulated by, or
unless expressly allowed by law; any transaction which may be affected
(c) Engaging in the private practice of by the functions of, his office. The
his profession unless authorized by the propriety or impropriety of the
Constitution, law or regulation, foregoing shall be determined by its
provided that such practice will not value, kinship or relationship between
conflict or tend to conflict with his giver and receiver and the motivation.
official functions; A thing of monetary value is one
(d) Recommending any person to any which is evidently or manifestly
position in a private enterprise which excessive by its very nature.
has a regular or pending official Gift refers to a thing or a right
transaction with his office, unless such disposed of gratuitously, or any act of
recommendation or referral is liberality, in favor of another who
mandated by (1) law, or (2) accepts it, and shall include a
international agreements, simulated sale or an ostensibly
commitment and obligation, or as part onerous disposition thereof.
of the functions of his office; Loan covers simple loan and
These acts shall continue to be commodatum as well as guarantees,
prohibited for a period of one (1) year financing arrangement or
after resignation, retirement, or accommodation intended to ensure its
separation from public office, except in approval.
the case of paragraph (c) above, but Commodatum refers to a
the professional concerned cannot contract whereby one of the parties
practice his profession in connection delivers to another something not
with any matter before the office he consumable so that the latter may use
used to be with, within one year after the same for a certain time and return
such resignation, retirement, or it.
separation, provided that any violation
therefor would be to serve the greater public
interest. It is clearly within the power of the
CASES President not only to grant "executive
clemency" but also to reverse or modify a
Llamas vs. Orbos 202 SCRA 844 , October ruling issued by a subordinate against an
15, 1991 erring public official, where a
reconsideration of the facts alleged would
support the same. It is in this sense that the
Same; Same; Same; Same; It is the Court's alleged executive clemency was granted,
considered view that if the President can after adducing reasons that subserve the
grant reprieves, commutations and pardons public interest.
and remit fines and forfeitures in criminal
cases with much more reason can she grant Same; Same; Same; When the Court says the
executive clemency in administrative President can grant executive clemency in
cases.—In the same vein, We do not clearly administrative cases, the Court refers only
see any valid and convincing reason why the to all administrative cases in the Executive
President cannot grant executive clemency branch of the government.—We wish to
in administrative cases. It is Our considered stress however that when we say the
view that if the President can grant President can grant executive clemency in
reprieves, commutations and pardons, and administrative Cases, We refer only to all
remit fines and forfeitures in criminal cases, administrative cases in the Executive
with much more reason can she grant branch, not in the Judicial or Legislative
executive clemency in administrative cases, branches of the government.
which are clearly less serious than. criminal
offenses. Carpio-Morales vs. Court of Appeals (Sixth
Division) 774 SCRA 431 , November 10,
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; It is 2015
clearly within the power of the President not
only to grant executive clemency but also to
reverse or modify a ruling issued by a Same; Same; Condonation Doctrine; The
subordinate against an erring public doctrine of condonation is actually bereft of
official.—Under the doctrine of Qualified legal bases.—Section 52(a) of the RRACCS
Political Agency, the different executive provides that the penalty of dismissal from
departments are mere adjuncts of the service carries the accessory penalty of
President. Their acts are presumptively the perpetual disqualification from holding
acts of the President until countermanded or public office: Section 52. Administrative
reprobated by her (Villena v. Secretary, 67 Disabilities Inherent in Certain Penalties.—
Phil. 451; Free Telephone Workers Union a. The penalty of dismissal shall carry with it
vs. Minister of Labor and Employment, 108 cancellation of eligibility, forfeiture of
SCRA 757 [1981]). Relying upon this view, retirement benefits, perpetual
it is urged by the Solicitor General that in disqualification from holding public office,
the present case, the President, in the and bar from taking the civil service
exercise of her power of supervision and examinations. In contrast, Section 66(b) of
control over all executive departments, may the LGC states that the penalty of
substitute her decision for that of her suspension shall not exceed the unexpired
subordinate, most especially where the basis term of the elective local official nor
constitute a bar to his candidacy for as long term. In this jurisdiction, liability arising
as he meets the qualifications required for from administrative offenses may be
the office. Note, however, that the provision condoned by the President in light of
only pertains to the duration of the penalty Section 19, Article VII of the 1987
and its effect on the official’s candidacy. Constitution which was interpreted in
Nothing therein states that the Llamas v. Orbos, 202 SCRA 844 (1991), to
administrative liability therefor is apply to administrative offenses.
extinguished by the fact of reelection:
Section 66. Form and Notice of Decision.— Same; Same; Same; Nothing in Section
x x x. x x x x (b) The penalty of suspension 66(b) states that the elective local official’s
shall not exceed the unexpired term of the administrative liability is extinguished by the
respondent or a period of six (6) months for fact of reelection. Thus, at all events, no
every administrative offense, nor shall said legal provision actually supports the theory
penalty be a bar to the candidacy of the that the liability is condoned.—At best,
respondent so suspended as long as he meets Section 66(b) of the LGC prohibits the
the qualifications required for the office. enforcement of the penalty of suspension
Reading the 1987 Constitution together with beyond the unexpired portion of the elective
the above cited legal provisions now leads local official’s prior term, and likewise
this Court to the conclusion that the doctrine allows said official to still run for reelection.
of condonation is actually bereft of legal This treatment is similar to People ex rel.
bases. Bagshaw v. Thompson, (55 Cal. App. 2d
147; 130 P.2d.237 [1942]), and Montgomery
Same; Same; Same; Election is not a mode v. Nowell, (183 Ark. 1116; 40 S.W.2d 418
of condoning an administrative offense, and [1931]), both cited in Pascual, wherein it
there is simply no constitutional or statutory was ruled that an officer cannot be
basis in our jurisdiction to support the suspended for a misconduct committed
notion that an official elected for a different during a prior term. However, as previously
term is fully absolved of any administrative stated, nothing in Section 66(b) states that
liability arising from an offense done during the elective local official’s administrative
a prior term.—The concept of public office liability is extinguished by the fact of
is a public trust and the corollary reelection. Thus, at all events, no legal
requirement of accountability to the provision actually supports the theory that
people at all times, as mandated under the the liability is condoned.
1987 Constitution, is plainly inconsistent
with the idea that an elective local official’s Same; Same; Same; The Supreme Court’s
administrative liability for a misconduct (SC’s) abandonment of the condonation
committed during a prior term can be wiped doctrine should be prospective in
off by the fact that he was elected to a application for the reason that judicial
second term of office, or even another decisions applying or interpreting the laws
elective post. Election is not a mode of or the Constitution, until reversed, shall
condoning an administrative offense, and form part of the legal system of the
there is simply no constitutional or statutory Philippines.—This Court simply finds no
basis in our jurisdiction to support the notion legal authority to sustain the condonation
that an official elected for a different term is doctrine in this jurisdiction. As can be seen
fully absolved of any administrative liability from this discourse, it was a doctrine
arising from an offense done during a prior adopted from one class of US rulings way
back in 1959 and thus, out of touch from — therefore barred from running for an
and now rendered obsolete by — the current elective position.—Anent Basco’s alleged
legal regime. In consequence, it is high time circumvention of the prohibition in
for this Court to abandon the condonation Tordesillas against reinstatement to any
doctrine that originated from Pascual, and position in the national or local government,
affirmed in the cases following the same, including its agencies and instrumentalities,
such as Aguinaldo v. Santos, 212 SCRA 768 as well as government-owned or controlled
(1992), Salalima v. Guingona, Jr., 257 corporations, we are of the view that
SCRA 55 (1996), Mayor Garcia v. Mojica, petitioner’s contention is baseless. Neither
314 SCRA 207 (1999), and Governor does petitioner’s argument that the term
Garcia, Jr. v. CA, 586 SCRA 799 (2009), “any position” is broad enough to cover
which were all relied upon by the CA. It without distinction both appointive and
should, however, be clarified that this elective positions merit any consideration.
Court’s abandonment of the condonation Contrary to petitioner’s assertion, the
doctrine should be prospective in Tordesillas decision did not bar Basco from
application for the reason that judicial running for any elective position. As can be
decisions applying or interpreting the laws gleaned from the decretal portion of the said
or the Constitution, until reversed, shall decision, the Court couched the prohibition
form part of the legal system of the in this wise: “x x x AND WITH
Philippines. Unto this Court devolves the PREJUDICE TO REINSTATEMENT TO
sole authority to interpret what the ANY POSITION IN THE NATIONAL OR
Constitution means, and all persons are LOCAL GOVERNMENT, INCLUDING
bound to follow its interpretation. As ITS AGENCIES AND
explained in De Castro v. Judicial Bar INSTRUMENTALITIES, OR
Council, 618 SCRA 639 (2010): Judicial GOVERNMENT-OWNED OR
decisions assume the same authority as a CONTROLLED CORPORATIONS.” In
statute itself and, until authoritatively this regard, particular attention is directed to
abandoned, necessarily become, to the the use of the term “reinstatement.” Under
extent that they are applicable, the criteria the former Civil Service Decree, the law
that must control the actuations, not only of applicable at the time Basco, a public
those called upon to abide by them, but also officer, was administratively dismissed from
of those duty-bound to enforce obedience to office, the term “reinstatement” had a
them. technical meaning, referring only to an
appointive position. In light of these
definitions, there is, therefore, no basis for
Grego vs. Commission on Elections 274 holding that Basco is likewise barred from
SCRA 481 , June 19, 1997 running for an elective position inasmuch as
what is contemplated by the prohibition in
Tordesillas is reinstatement to an appointive
Same; Civil Service Law; Words and position.
Phrases; Reinstatement; Under Presidential
Decree No. 807, the former Civil Service
Decree, the term “reinstatement” had a
technical meaning, referring only to an 3. Procedure ( see Ulep Notes p. 99)
appointive position—a public officer
administratively dismissed then was not 4. Kinds (same same same)
5. Rights of Respondent (see Ulep
notes p. 103)

6. Administrative Investigation
appeals (same same same)

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Sec 399-420 of LGC

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