Excel For Auditors

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Excel for Auditors

Basic Excel functions relevant for audit use

6.6.2014 R1

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Spreadsheet design
Section Considerations Excel for Auditors Roadmap Sample Data use
Aspects of Audit

Basics Data Types Join Data Vlookup Preparing client

Prepare Clean
Cleanse Data Filtering Split Data
data for input into
Data analytics

Performing trend
Advanced analysis based
Analysis Pivot Tables Charts
Grouping Creation Filtering on journals

Reconciliations and
Rounding Count IF & recalculations (e.g.
Calculations The fx button Goal Seek
Calculations Numbers Sum If depreciation

Data Tables Data Tables
Totals & Conditional
Custom Sort External Data
and sample
Subtotals Formatting selection

Preparing Hiding & Checking

Collaborate your
Summary Formula
Showing Freeze Panes consistency
Bar Auditing
& Compare spreadsheet Data between

Checking client
Spreadsheet Checking for Track calculations (e.g.
Auditing Issues Changes warranty provision)

Layout & Sharing findings

Printing & Print Active Print Shrinking to with the partner or
Printing Page layout Sheet(s) Selection fit page client

Spreadsheet Design Considerations

The purpose of these principles is to help reduce the amount of time wasted, and the number of errors caused as a consequence of the way
they produce spreadsheets

15 principles to consider when designing your spreadsheet .

1. Ensure that everyone involved in the creation or use of spreadsheets has an appropriate level of knowledge
and competence.
2. Work collaboratively, share ownership, peer review.
3. Identify the audience. If a spreadsheet is intended to be understood and used by others, the design should
facilitate this.
4. Include an ‘About’ or ‘Welcome’ sheet to document the spreadsheet.
5. Focus on the required outputs.
6. Separate and clearly identify inputs, workings and outputs.
7. Be consistent in structure.
8. Be consistent in the use of formulae.
9. Keep formulae short and simple.
10.Never embed in a formula anything that might change or need to be changed.
11.Perform a calculation once and then refer back to that calculation.
12.Avoid using advanced features where simpler features could achieve the same result.
13.Have a system of backup and version control,
14.Rigorously test the workbook.
15.Build in checks, controls and alerts from the outset and during the course of spreadsheet design.


Sample data to use

Attached is a sample spreadsheet containing data you can use to practice the functions detailed in this presentation

Double click the icon to launch the spreadsheet

Pdf – version: see attached file

Menu Summary

Excel – Data Cleaning

Use the functions in Excel to examine cell contents and then combine them together to give you the data you require..

Getting started
About: Data Cleaning There are 3 steps to data cleaning
Why do you need to cleanse your data in Excel?
1. You often don’t have control over the format and type of Prepare Validate Cleanse
data that you import from an external data source.
Click on picture for more info
2. Cleansed data will allow you to readily access the Simple first steps – Prepare
advanced features within Excel 1. Import your data (if required) this can come from other Excel
3. Use Excel features to get data in the precise format that workbooks, Access database, CSV files etc..
you want. 2. Keep a copy of the original data in a separate workbook
4. The results generated are accurate and can be relied 3. Ensure your data is in a tabular format of rows and columns
upon. with similar data in the same columns
To prepare to cleanse your data must be: 4. Add Auto Filters to easily assess the data contained in the
columns or convert it into a table
1. In a tabular format of rows and columns with:
5. Do simple tasks that don’t require column manipulation first Excel may prompt
2. Similar data types in each column, you where it
such as Spell Checking or Find and Replace
3. All columns and rows visible, believes there is an
Next steps – Validate formats Validate issue that needs
4. No blank rows within the range. For best results, use an
1. For Excel functions to work correctly the data needs to be resolving
Excel table.
stored in the correct format
What are the steps of cleansing data: 2. Before you can proceed you need to check your data and alter
1. Prepare – Remove any unneeded data it accordingly
2. Validate – Check data types are correct 3. The most common errors you may find would be :-
3. Cleanse – Use the functions within Excel to enhance • Date stored as text or number
your data • Currency stored as general number
• Numbers stored as text
Topics Covered:- • Several data fields stored in a single cell

► Applying a Filter Finally check your data for duplicates and other
► Checking data types unwanted data
► Cleansing Data
Tip: Is your data all in one cell? This can be broken up using Text to Columns
► Text to Columns
► Using Error Checking to validate your data
Happy with your data? now use Excel to manipulates it
Menu Summary

Using Error Checking

Excel can automatically check your data to check for issues

Prepare Validate Cleanse

From the Formulas Tab in the
Ribbon select Error Checking
This data set contains some
issues that need to be resolved

Excel will report any issues plus

any suggested actions

Click Next to continue

Menu Summary

Checking data types

Raw data can have several issues as the data set below

Prepare Validate Cleanse

The date is aligned left but it looks like a valid date
1. Highlight the affected cells
2. Use the Find & Select feature to replace the “.” with “/”
Click on the picture to go back 3. Excel will understand the data

Excel may prompt you if there

is an issue that needs resolving

Here the Invoice number is aligned left.

This may indicate an issue with the data
To alter it either :
• Right click and pick Format cells and
change the Category to Number
• Or in the ‘Home’ Ribbon you can easily
To resolve click Convert to
change the type


Not sure how to store your data? Ideally data should be in the
correct format e.g. date stored as date , numbers should be
stored as numbers
Menu Summary

Cleansing Data
Your data may have duplicate records or other unwanted items
Prepare Validate Cleanse

1. Remove totals & subtotals Click any picture to go back

Can you easily check for

duplicates fields?
Use a pivot table to count the
number of records of each type

It is advisable to remove this to prevent it

accidentally being brought into your data set

2. Duplicate data
There are two rows identified that
contain the same data.
The Remove Duplicates function
can help you.

Highlight the cells you wish to check

From the Data ribbon select “Remove Duplicates” Select what fields you would like to validate


Excel will report its findings

Menu Summary
Applying a filter Ensure you
select your
Filtering allows you to easily break your data down to examine its content entire dataset
1. Highlight the data set you wish to filter or the Excel Table contiaing your data before applying

2. In the Home ribbon

select ‘Sort&Filter’ and
then ‘Filter’

Click on the pictures to go back

3. You will now be able to easily filter your data

Sorting your data will

help show the upper
and lower ranges
You can create a custom filter by within your data
typing into this box

Note this date appears differently!

This is probably because it has an
incorrect data type

Advanced Filtering
Blue row
indicate data is
Menu Summary

Advanced Filtering & Conditional formatting

Excel has the ability to inspect cells and highlight them based on your criteria
Accessed from the home ribbon
You can use a Data bar to highlight if
the value is positive or negative and by
how much

Conditional Formatting continued…

Not happy with the

built in rules you can
create your own

Highlight the column you wish to

work with

There are now bars

indicating the
relative value

Menu Summary

Conditional Formatting Accessed from the home ribbon

Excel can highlight cells based on your rules
Highlighting cells
based on their value


This can now be

combined with filters
Excel will highlight to analyse the data
any cell that meets
the criteria 10
Advanced Filtering
Menu Summary

Advanced Filters Tip: Depending on your data type different options will be presented. For
Filter can be combined with conditional formatting to drill down into your data
example for numbers you are able to select the top 10 highest records

You are then able to filter by the selected colour

Conditional formatting has been used to highlight any

cells where the balance is >0

Now just the cells in green are displayed

Tip: You can use any combination of Conditional formatting and filters to achieve
your goal

Menu Summary

Altering data – Text to columns

Text to columns once you have finished cleaning you can use Excel to enhance your data The data is in a To Resolve, highlight your
single cell data and select Data
Data may be displayed in single cell rather than individual columns, You can use Text to Columns to resolve this Text to columns

You can see a comma (,) separates the data points, this is the
delimiter. *It can be any character

You can now define the data type

for each column

Select your
separator( in this
case “,” )
Use the Fixed
Width option
where your data is
spaced out equally
You will see a
preview of your

The data is now in individual columns


You can use text to columns to easily convert a column that is

stored as text into a correct date format
Menu Summary

Excel – Data combining

Examine and combine cell contents to give you the data you require..

Getting started
About: Data Combining & Manipulation Joining and Extracting data from Cells
Why do you need to combine and manipulate
data in Excel?
1. Once your data is ready you may want to enhance by
Click on picture for more info
 Joining cells together to meet your reporting needs Simple first steps joining Cells
 Extract elements of a cell into a new cell which you can 1. Create a new column in your spreadsheet where you would like
then analyse the new cell.

2. Use features such as Vlookup and Hlookup to easily 2. In the new cell add an “=“ then click on your first cell, then add
interrogate your data an “&” and then click on the second cell.
3. Continue until you have selected all the cells you wish to
To prepare to cleanse your data must be: combine.
1. Cleaned and prepared 4. Your new cell will now contain your combined data
2. In a tabular format of rows and columns 5. Double click on the bottom right corner of the cell to “Smart If you are happy
Copy” your formula down your entire data set. with your data you
What are the steps of manipulating data: will need convert
1. Plan what outcome you would like to achieve your data from
2. Consider what data points you have available and do Or splitting cells apart Formulas to
they meet your requirements? Values
You may want to split a cells content into two or more additional
3. Consider what you need to do to your data to achieve cells
this. 1. If you data is suitable you can use Text to Columns to easily
split it up.
2. If this is not suitable you can use a combination of the LEFT,
See More
MID, RIGHT, SEARCH and LEN functions to extract your data

Topics Covered:-
► Joining Cells
► Splitting data functions
► Hlookup & Vlookup Tips

Is your data all on one cell? This can be broken up using Text
to Columns

Split text among columns by using functions Menu Summary
Text functions are useful for manipulating strings in your data, for example, distributing the first, middle,
and last names from a cell into three separate columns.
Extracting components concepts Useful functions
1. The key to successfully splitting text up is the Left –LEFT(text,num_chars) - Returns the specified numbers of characters from the start of a string
position of each character within a text string Mid – MID(text, start_num,num_chars) - Returns the characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position
2. The positions of the spaces within the text and length
string are important because they indicate
Right – RIGHT(text,num_chars) - Returns the specified numbers of characters from the end of a string
the beginning or end of name components in
a string. Search – SEARCH(find_text,within_text,start_num) - Returns the number of the character at which a specific character
or text string is first found
Len – LEN(text) - Returns the number of characters in a string

Example: Jeff Smith First Name Last Name

The first name starts with the first character in The last name starts at the space, five
1. There are two names, a first and last name the string (J) and ends at the fifth character (the characters from the right, and ends at the last
2. A single space separates the two names space). character on the right (h).
The formula returns five characters in A2, The formula extracts five characters in A2,
starting from the left. starting from the right.

1 1
Use the SEARCH function to find the value for
num_chars: Use the SEARCH and LEN functions to find
1 the value for num_chars:
Search for the numeric position of the space in
A2, starting from the left. (5) 1 Search for the numeric position of the space in
A2, starting from the left. (5)

2 Count the total length of the text string, and

then subtract the number of characters from
the left to the first space, as found in step 1.
(10 - 5 = 5)

Joining Cells Menu Summary

To join together Invoice Number and Customer number Insert a new column for your data (via right click)

Column ready for work

Now add the formula

In this formula we have cell A2

joined with “ “ to add a space
followed by Cell B3

The result of the formula is Cells A

and B joined

Double click on the bottom right of

this cell to “Smart Copy” your
formula down Finally you convert your formulas into fixed values

Highlight the
entire column,
copy & paste
special Pick Values

To access the
paste special
menu use
Menu Summary

Vlookup/Hlookup basics
Vlookup and Hlookup allow you to search a data set for a value and return a corresponding result

About: Vlookup Vlookup first steps

Using Vlookup allows you to:
Simple steps to use vlookup
1. Cross reference the columns one table with another table
in a spreadsheet ► Ensure your data is stored in table or an array

2. Links two tables together ► Identify a key cell in your data that will match both tables. This will be your lookup_value

3. Alternatively use Hlookup to cross reference rows in one ► Ensure the cell you are looking up is in the first column in your lookup table
table to another table ► Ensure your data is sorted in the same order
► Ensure the cells data type is the same in both spreadsheets. e.g. numbers are stored as
number (see Checking data types)
How does Vlookup work in Excel?
► Insert a new column in your data to hold the new formula
1. Vlookup or Hlookup is a function accessed from within
your spreadsheet by pressing the = symbol in a cell ► Insert your formula

2. The value which you are searching for should be contained

in the first column of the table or array you are searching Vlookup Formula

= VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])

Vookup example

Topics Covered: Tips

► Vlookup example
► Are you getting errors instead of results e.g #n/a ? Check the data
types between both sets of data match

Menu Summary

Vlookup Example
Compare Current year GL Account balance to the prior year balance.

= VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])

1 2 3
The data holds GL Account Range_lookup A logical value that
numbers these are common specifies whether you want VLOOKUP
between the two spreadsheets to find an exact match or an
approximate match:
and will be the lookup_value

= VLOOKUP(A2,Prior_Year_TB!A:B,2,False) The default value here should be

false to ensure only exact matches
1 2 3 are returned


Once you are happy with your

formula you can use the smart
copy feature to complete the
remaining cells

The Prior Year Balance

spreadsheet forms the
table_array in which you are
To reference it you need to
include both the The col_index_num refers to the
lookup _value and the item you number of column containing the
wish to return in this case Prior data you wish to return.
year Balance 17
In this case it is column B
therefore the value would be 2
Menu Summary

Pivot Table basics

Pivot tables simply summarise data but can also provide multi dimensional views to facilitate further understanding and interrogation of
transactional data.
Click on picture for more info
About: Pivot Tables Pivot Table creation
Using pivot tables will allow you to: Simple steps to create a pivot table
1. Quickly summarize and analyse large amounts
► Highlight or click into the cells the cells of the data you wish to
of data in lists or tables
2. View a subset of your data based on the criteria
you have selected. Ensure there are no empty rows or column-
3. Easily change how you are viewing your data titles when selecting your data
using a simple drag and drop interface
4. Allows you to easily identify trends or ► In the Home click on Pivot Table.
discrepancies in data

To use a pivot table data must be: Click on picture for more info
► Select the data you would like to display using the pivot table
1. Stored in a table within Excel with column dialogue
headings (no blanks) ► Drag and drop the fields from the top section which you want to
2. Ideally data should be in the correct format, e.g. analyse into either
Date should be stored in date format. 1. Report Filter :- Filter your entire pivot table by one or
How do Pivot table work in Excel? more categories e.g. Country
2. Column Labels :- The title for your columns e.g.
1. Pivot tables are accessible from the Insert menu
2. The Pivot table wizard allows you to select the
3. Row Labels:- The field for your rows e.g. City
data to be displayed.
4. Values :- The field expected to have the Sum / Count 1 2
3. Final adjustment of the layout e.g. sorting and
calculation performed *Should the default selection be
filtering are directly made in the pivot table itself .
incorrect it is possible to click the drop down arrow and 3 4
select 'Field Settings' to modify the calculation (eg.
Count / Sum / Min / Max / Average).
Topics Covered:- Tips
► Data preparation
► Not sure about your layout ? As you drag fields into the grid you will see
► Pivot Table creation Excel instantly presents the data in the table to the left hand side of the
► Grouping
► You can drop multiple fields to be in the grid to give your pivot table more
► Advanced Features - Top x Records
Ensure your dates Menu Summary
Pivot Data Preparation data is in the correct
Ensure the data is stored in the right format
Click on the picture to go back

The triangle will indicate number is

incorrectly stored !
To solve click on the triangle and
“Convert to Number”

Ensure your
numbers are
stored as a 19
Menu Summary

Pivot Table Creation

The column titles from

To start drag and drop your
your source data
fields from the top box to the
areas below

The columns
of data you
would like to
Filter your entire pivot
see in your
table by this field
Click on the picture to go back

The Rows you would The item you would

like to see in your like to summarise.
report e.g. Invoice value

Excel will
determine the correct
calculation to perform

If you are unhappy

with this you can
change the action.
See Advanced 20
Menu Summary

Pivot Table Grouping

Grouping:- Grouping data in a meaningful way Grouping – Example group by date

I would like to group my data by date, is this List of dates in pivot

possible? 1 2

Ensure the date field is of the correct data type in your table
1. Ensure that date field is included in the Row Labels section in
the configuration grid and select the date field
2. In the ribbon select :- Options > Group > Group Selection (or 3
right click in the date area within the pivot)
4 Data broken down by month &
3. Select what intervals you would like to group on from the year
dialogue that appears.
4. Your data is broken down by Months and Years

Advanced Features
► This works the same way for numbers, dates, days etc..
► You can drop multiple fields to be in the grid to give your pivot table more

Menu Summary

Pivot Table Advanced features – Top x records

Once you have created your pivot table you can access more advanced features to enhance your results

Excel can highlight the top x number Right clicking or selecting the Filter
of records base on your criteria drop down will enable you to access
the Value Filters, and select Top 10..

Right clicking in different areas of a

pivot table will give you different

You can now customise how to

display your records

Top 10 debtors listed


Want to rearrange your data? By changing the view to “Classic

View” right click – Pivot Table options -> Display -> Classic
PivotTable. You can now drag your fields to suit your 22
Menu Summary

Chart basics
Charts allow you to represent your data in a pictorial format

About: Graphs Chart creation

Using Graphs will allow you to: Simple steps to create a Chart
1. Display a series of numeric data in a graphical format ► Highlight or select the cells of the data you wish to show in your chart
2. Spot trends in your data and highlight any issues ► Decide what chart type you would like to display
3. Present complex data to an audience who may not be ► From the insert Menu select the chart style that you would like to show
familiar with the detail
4. Excel supports many types of charts to help you display
data in ways that are meaningful to your audience.
Click on a chart type for more info
5. Create a combination chart by using more than one chart
type in your chart.
► From the sub menu that appear select the
To create a chart your data must be: chart type you wish to display
1. Stored in a table within Excel with column headings (no
2. Data should be in the correct format, e.g. numbers should
be stored as numbers

How do charts work in Excel? Column chart example

1. A chart requires at least three data fields in order to be
generate the chart (Normally there is a x axis, a y axis and
data points)
2. Excel will generate a standard chart to which you can add or
remove elements
3. The many chart types built into Excel allow you to pick the
correct type of chart to meet your requirements

Topics Covered:-
► Chart creation ► Chart customization
► Not happy with your chart style? Once you have created you chart you
► Column charts
can change its type, by right clicking in at and picking “Change chart
► Line charts type”
► Format Axis ► Any chart in Excel can be plotted in either 2D or 3D

Menu Summary
Chart creation The methods mentioned here would apply for all chart types
Steps to create a column chart

Highlight the data you wish to show in

your chart

Ensure you include your date series

labels to give your chart meaning

You are presented with your basic chart…

Pick a basic 2d 9000000
Selling, general and
8000000 administrative expe
7000000 Payroll and benefits
6000000 Interest income
Other expense
Selling, general and
3000000 administrative expe
2000000 Payroll and benefits
Excel will pick a range based on the 1000000
data you have selected Interest income
Other expense

Once you are happy

with your basic chart
you can move on to
customizing and
enhancing it Customizing your chart

Menu Summary

Column charts
Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a column chart.

Column charts
1. Column charts are useful for showing data changes over a period of time or for
illustrating comparisons among items. Tip You can use a
2. In column charts, categories are typically organized along the horizontal axis and values
along the vertical axis.
stacked column chart
when you have
multiple data
series and when you
want to emphasize
the total.

Column charts have the following chart subtypes

Clustered column Stacked column

Clustered column charts compare values across categories. A clustered column Stacked column charts show the relationship of individual items to the whole,
chart displays values in 2-D vertical rectangles comparing the contribution of each value to a total across categories.

100% stacked column charts

Compare the percentage that each value contributes to a total across categories. Column chart example

Menu Summary
Line Charts
Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a line chart. Line charts
can display continuous data over time, set against a common scale

1. Data that is arranged in columns or rows on a worksheet can be plotted in a line chart.
2. Line charts can display continuous data over time, set against a common scale.
3. In a line chart, category data is distributed evenly along the horizontal axis, and all value data is
distributed evenly along the vertical axis.

You should use a line chart if your category labels are

text, and are representing evenly spaced values such
as months, quarters, or fiscal years.

Tip Line charts are ideal for

showing trends in data at
equal intervals.
Line charts have the following chart subtypes:

Line and line with markers Stacked line and stacked line with markers
Displayed with markers to indicate individual data values, or without, line Displayed with markers to indicate individual data values, or without, stacked line
charts are useful to show trends over time or ordered categories, charts can be used to show the trend of the contribution of each value over time or
ordered categories.

Menu Summary

Chart customization
Once you have your basic chart you can then work to improve it

By right clicking in different areas of the

chart you will be given different options

You can use “Format Axis…” to

configure this range and set its

You can easily change the style of chart

instantly by picking “Change Series
Chart Type”

Menu Summary
Customizing your chart
Once you have created your chart there are many ways to enhance it to make it more presentable
A trend line has been added to the Changing this to a stacked chart will
chart show the same data in a different
8000000 Selling, general and
administrative expe
7000000 Payroll and benefits Other expense
6000000 30000000
Interest income Interest income

5000000 Other expense 25000000 Payroll and benefits

4000000 Selling, general and 20000000 Payroll and benefits
administrative expe expenses
3000000 Payroll and benefits Selling, general and
expenses administrative expe
2000000 Interest income Other expense

1000000 Other expense Interest income

Linear (Payroll and Selling, general and
benefits expenses) administrative expe

You can use “Format Axis” (via

right click) to configure this range
and set its values Continue customizing

Menu Summary

Formatting Axis
If you are unhappy with the ranges or intervals displayed they can be altered here

Click on picture to return

The minimum and maximum range

you would like to show

The interval that you would like to

have your data increment
Layout and design options

Menu Summary

Customizing your chart continued You can use the Layout ribbon to
Once you are happy with your chart type and its range enhance your chart

It is recommended to include the

original data with your chart so
The Chart Layouts lets you easily readers can understand in more
pick predetermined chart layouts detail the data

Using the design ribbon to easily

set the colour of your chart
Menu Summary

Calculations & Formulas basics

Calculations are one of Excels most powerful features

About: Calculations & Formulas Getting started

Basic rules for creating Formulas &
Using calculations will allow you to: Calculations
1. Calculate totals within your spreadsheets 1. Consider what output you would like to produce from
the data that you have available
2. Validate the data you have been provided
2. Try to keep your formulae short and simple
3. Easily understand the status of your clients
business 3. Build up your calculations in separate cells referring Create a basic SUM formula
to the previous step
4. Use logical statements to inspect your data
4. Avoid using advanced features where simpler
To successfully perform calculations features could achieve the same result
your data must be: 5. Focus on the required outputs. Separate and clearly
1. Stored in a table within Excel with column identify inputs, workings and outputs.
headings Click on picture for more info
2. Ideally data should be in the correct format, e.g.
Date should be stored in date format. Rounding and Displaying numbers
Excel has the ability to display numbers
How do calculations work in Excel? differently
1. Excel has many built in functions that have a 1. You may require to round up or down to s
specific task. specific level . Excel can easily do this for you
using the ROUND, ROUNDUP and
2. You can combine functions together to give even ROUNDDOWN features
greater detail to your analysis

2. You may also be required to display your

numbers in larger multiples such as thousands
or millions

Topics Covered:- Displaying Numbers

► The fx button
► Basic Calculations
► Rounding Numbers
► Not sure what formulas to use ? Clicking on the fx button
► Sum If and Count If
will give you an interface to select the best function
► Goal Seek 31
Menu Summary
Formula help screen ( fx button)
Clicking on the fx button (top left) will activate the formula input box

You can type in the function name

here ( if known ) or just type in a
brief description of what you would
like to achieve e.g “Add numbers
Click on picture to return

This dropdown lets you pick a

category of function that you would
like to use e.g Math&Trig would
show you functions such as SUM

Once you have selected a function

this section gives a brief explanation
plus the functions criteria.

Press OK to add the function to your


Menu Summary
Basic Calculations
How to add together a range of cells
1. In cell E2 type in the formula
You can use the SUM function to
“=SUM( …
add together the values in the cells

2. Drag and highlight to select your


3. The calculation has been made

4. Copy the formula to the

remaining cells by double clicking Tip Excel has an Autosum
on the bottom right of the cell
function that will add up an
entire column by clicking the
Autosum button from Home

Return to summary 33
Menu Summary

Rounding Numbers
Using the INT, ROUND, ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN functions

Useful functions
Round - ROUND(number,num_digits) - Rounds a number to a specified number of digits
Roundup - ROUNDUP(number,num_digits) – Rounds a number up, away from zero.
Rounddown - ROUNDDOWN(number,num_digits) - Rounds a number down, away from zero.
INT – INT(number) – rounds a number down to the nearest integer

Tip Here you can see what

This column has used the different formulas do to the
After performing a calculation or
ROUNDUP function to two same data
after examining the data you have
been provided you may wish to decimal places upwards
round a figure up or down

The INT function has been used

to bring the number to the
nearest whole number

Tip You can easily round to

the nearest thousand or
hundred by using a negative
number in your formula

This column has used the ROUND This column has used the
=ROUND(C2,-2) function to the nearest single digit ROUNDDOWN function to two
(up or down) decimal places downwards

Return to summary 34
Menu Summary

SUMIF and COUNTIF functions

Excel can use these functions to count and Sum data based on your conditions

Useful functions
SumIf - SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range) - Adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria
CountIf - COUNTIF(range,criteria) – Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given condition

In this example 5 cells are greater

than £5000 and have been added
together using SUMIF


COUNTIF has been used to count

the number of cells that are greater
than £5000

Tip You could also use

Conditional Formatting to
highlight the cells that meet
your criteria

Return to summary
Menu Summary
Using Goal Seek to help you achieve your goals
Goal seek is the opposite of formulas.

Formulas tell you what is the output variables used in an equation (for example SUMPRODUCT is an equation involving + and *).
Goal seek tells you what inputs you need to give in order to get certain output.

Highlight the cell you would like to

In this example there is a alter (labour) and from the Data
breakdown of a manufacturing cost Ribbon, select What If Analysis, Set your variables
for a product and Goal Seek

Your target cell

Your target value

The cell you want to alter

Goal seek can be used to calculate

what the Labour cost needs to be to
make the total unit price £430

Goal seek will display its results

The labour rate has been

adjusted to meet the target
price per unit

Return to summary 36
Menu Summary
Data Tables & Manipulation
To make working with data easier, you can organize data in a table format on a worksheet.

About: Data Tables Getting started

Basic rules for creating Tables in Excel
Using Data Tables will allow you to: 1. On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you
1. Organise your data want to include in the table. The cells can be empty
or can contain data
2. Perform calculations
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as
3. Add totals Table, and then click the table style that you want.
4. Integrated Autofilter and Sort
5. Easily select Columns or Rows

To create your Data Table you require :

1. Data supplied by your client 3. If the selected range contains data that you want to
display as table headers, select the My table has
2. Data imported from an external source
headers check box in the Format as Table dialog box
3. A blank spreadsheet you wish to start working on

Why should you use data tables?

1. You can easily utilize the base features highlighted
2. You are able to access the Design toolbar to access
advanced features and design templates

Topics Covered:- Tables Features continued..

► Totals in Tables
► Custom Sort
► External sources of data
► Conditional Formatting
► Subtotals 37
Menu Summary
Tables Features
Filters and Custom Sorting
You can use Custom Autofilters are enabled.
Sort ..to define how
you would like to
search your data

The colours in the table indicate it

has been successfully converted.
The Custom Sort dialogue will
enable you to define how the data is


Tables Totals....
Menu Summary

Tables Features
Totals in tables

At the end of the data you are able

to add customised totals
From the Design Ribbon select
Total Row

A new row is added to your table

You can select how you would like

to total your data for each column

The column has been added The Maximum date has been
together displayed here


Menu Summary

Excel can break down your data using subtotals

Select which column you wish

to total 40

From the Data tab select

The data below breaks down Subtotal 40
sales by Country and office 40

Excel has grouped and sub-

totaled the data according to 40

Tip:- You can only perform

subtotal on data that is not in
an Excel table
The original Autosum is now
wrong and should be removed

Menu Summary
External Sources
Inserting data from other files into Excel from external sources

From the Data Ribbon you are able to select where your data is located

Tip:- You can also export data

using File -> Save as , and
then picking a different file
Expanded options from drop

Browse to the file you wish to


The Text to Columns wizard

will appear to finish the input 41
Menu Summary
Excel – Preparing and checking your workbook
Excel has many functions to help you examine and check data as well as helping you to prepare you workbook for sharing with others.

Getting started
About: Data Preparation
Why do you need to prepare your spreadsheet?
Preparing your workbook
1. Often a workbook that is familiar to you is difficult to
understand when reviewed by others 1. Insert a welcome page at the start of your workbook explaining
its purpose
2. When sharing with clients or regulators it is important Freeze Panes
that any review comments or notes are removed 2. Use Freeze panes and rows to help review your data
3. Use Data Validation rules to ensure only valid data is 3. Insert comments explaining your data
entered 4. Unhide any rows, columns or worksheets that are needed
5. Audit your formulas to ensure they are correct and capture all
the data using Evaluate Formulas and Trace Dependants

What functions can help you check your data?

Next steps – Prepare for review & Print Click on picture for more info
1. The summary bar at the bottom of the screen has many
easy to use totals: 1. Ask a colleague to check your work for issues
2. Use Comments when reviewing data 2. Check you workbook for issues using Inspect Document
3. Use Formula Auditing to check your formulas are 3. Set your print areas
complete. 4. Set you page breaks
4. Use Error Checking to ensure your data is in the correct 5. Adjust your print options to optimize the output
5. The Check for Issues will examine your workbook for

Tip:-As you adjust your print

Topics Covered:- ► Tracking Changes & Review
settings the preview will
► Freeze Panes automatically adjust
► Printing & Page Layouts
► Hiding Sheets and Data
► Other Print Options
► Evaluate Formulas
► Trace Dependants
► Using the Summary Bar
► Checking for Issues
Menu Summary

Freeze Panes
Using excel to freeze rows and / or columns when reviewing

In this large data set as you scroll down you loose

the column headers as you scroll down

Tip:- if you want to freeze the

first row and column in your
data highlight the first cell in
your data and use Freeze
Panes By picking Freeze Top Row the
row will remain in place as you
scroll down

Menu Summary
Hide / Unhide Data
When creating worksheets it is not always necessary to show all the data.

In this dataset the “overdue by” field is calculated Highlight the column you wish to hide
but does not need to be shown to the reviewer

The Column is hidden

Tip:- To Un-hide Columns or

rows highlight the column both
sides of the hidden column
e.g. E and G, then right click
and pick Unhide

You are also able to hide sheets that you do not

wish to show.
Tip:- To Un-hide sheets right
click within the sheets and
select Unhide. Excel will
prompt you which sheets you
wish to unhide

Right Click on the sheet you wish to

hide and select Hide The sheet is hidden

Menu Summary

Auditing Formulas
Excel has several built in functions to help check your formulas

Features are accessed from the

Formulas bar in the Ribbon

Trace Precedents:- Shows

arrows to indicate what cells affect
the value of the currently selected

You can see here a potential issue

as Column D is not included in
the calculation!

Trace Dependants:- Shows

arrows that indicate what cells are
affected by the value of the
currently selected cell Here you can see this cell has
influence over two cells

Tip:-You can remove your Evaluate Formulas:- Lets you

lines by pressing the Remove step through your formulas to Evaluate Formulas
Arrows button from the ribbon ensure they are correct

Evaluate Formulas Menu Summary

Excel allows you to step through your formula to ensure the calculations it is making are correct

Features are accessed from the

Formulas bar in the Ribbon
Highlight the cell you wish to
check and click Evaluate formula
from the Formulas Ribbon

Stage 1: The formula you have

entered is displayed

Stage 2: The Value in G3 is

By clicking on Step In you can see
the results of the equation

Stage 3: The IF statement returned a FALSE Stage 4: The Value in G3 is

result so the formula moves on to the next IF inserted

Menu Summary
Evaluate Formulas Continued
Excel Continues to process the logic in the same way

Stage 6 Stage 7 Stage 8

Stage 9

Finally the result reflected in the spreadsheet is reached

Menu Summary
Using the Summary Bar
You can utilize the summary bar at the bottom of excel to quickly check your data

In this example the data that

needs to be checked has been

Tip:-Depending on what data

you select the summary bar
will show you different totals

The Summary bar has carried out

a Average, Count and Sum on the

By right clicking in the bar you can

add more counters as required,

You can see the sum in the

summary matches the one in the
spreadsheet 48
Menu Summary
Review Comments & Track Changes
As with Word you are able to track changes and make review comments in Excel

Both features are accessed from Tip:-Before sharing a

the Review Ribbon workbook with a client
remember to remove all
tracked changes and review

The blue triangle in the top left

indicates a tracked change

Tip:-Hover the mouse over

the triangle to see the

The red triangle in the top right

indicates a review comment

Menu Summary
Checking your Workbook for issues
Excel has built in functions to check your workbook for issues

From the File Menu select the

Info option

You are then able to select what The Document Inspector will
items you would like to check return its results and give you the
option to resolve them

Menu Summary

Printing & Page Layouts

Often when printing your data will be spread across several pages making it difficult to read

There are many options to choose from when you wish to

print your data.
Highlight the cells and then from
the Page Layout Ribbon, select
If you wish to have a default set of data printed when you Print Area and then Set Print
print you can use the Set Print area function Area

In this example the table is not at the start of the sheet

but needs to be printed.

Now when printing the selected Alternatively you are

cells will be printed always able to select
specific cells to print

Other Print

You can still print the entire sheet

by selecting the Ignore Print Area
option when printing

Menu Summary
Other Print Options
There are several options to pick when printing
You are also able to scale your
data to fit your paper

This will only print the current tab

you are working on

This will print your entire workbook

This will print the data you have

currently selected

Tip:-As you adjust these

settings the preview will
automatically adjust 52

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