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Course outline

PRM – 39
Academic Year 2019-20

Course Title: Sales and Distribution Management

Term V
Credit 2.0
Core / Elective Elective
Introduction The Sales & Distribution management course will be providing the
participants with the perspective and technical aspects of Selling of
products and services to the customers (trade partners). The delivery
of the course will be done by professionals working in their field and
they will be bringing in live cases and problems to be discussed with
the participants. The learning and delivery of the core fundamentals
will be done through such sessions from various fields.
Course Objectives - Understand the role played by the sales and distribution
function in delivering customer value and achieving
organizational objectives
- Design and manage a distribution system
- Design and manage the sales force
- Understand emerging issues in managing delivery of customer
Connect with Sales is an integral part of any product or services that the
IRMA’s Mission participants will be involved going forward in their work areas.
and Course Since a considerable percentage of the Indian population resides
in the rural areas, SDM will help the participants to reach out to
that segment that also serves as the major emerging market
Learning - Participants are expected to understand the basic nuances of
Outcomes sales
- Learn various aspects of distribution – Channel management,
conflict management, team and territory management
- Learn the Go to market plan and launching of products &
Measuring  Class Participation
Learning  Session Attendance
Outcomes &  Quiz
Evaluation Plan  Adherence to timelines on project
 Weekly reflection and progress on project

Session Plan with Please refer to attachment for detailed session plan.
Readings / Book: Tapan K Panda & Sunil Sahadev (TS)
References Readings: As per the requirement, readings, cases and required study
material will be provided during the sessions

Intake 60

Eligibility Criteria Based on Grades of MM, IGB & QARM of 1st Year
SDM: Session Plan - 2018 (PRM 38)
SDM # Sessions
SN Topic Areas to be Covered Session (90
No minutes)
Briefing about the structure of the course and
1 Introduction to Sales and Distribution Introduction to Sales & Distribution 1 1
Sales Organization
2 1
Selection of Channel Partners
Managing Logistics 3 1
Design, Challenges and Issues in Fresh Products Distribution 4 1
Designing Distributor Network for Rural and Upcountry markets 5 1
2 Distribution Channel Management
Managing International Channels of Distribution - Establishing distribution
channel in international markets 6 1

E-Commerce & Online marketing and analytics

7,8 2
Key Account Management: Modern Trade & Franchisee Model APO
Selling Skills 9 1
3 Selling Skill & Selling Strategies Selling process - Stages in selling process 10 1
Merchandising & Sales Promotion 11 1
Challenges & Opportunities in Establishing a New Brand / Product 12 1
Sales Force activation for combating competition - milk launch by DMD in
13 1
Post Mid-Term
4 Sales Territory & Managing Sales Force
Sales Territory, Dealer Management and Time Management 14 1
Sales Planning and Budgeting | Training, Roles & Responsibility 15 1
Big Data in Sales & Marketing 16 1
SDM: Session Plan - 2018 (PRM 38)
SDM # Sessions
SN Topic Areas to be Covered Session (90
No minutes)
Sales Audit & Channel Conflict | SFA & Sales Performnace
5 Managing Channel Member Behaviour 17,18 2
Market Hygeine & Legal Environment

Colgate Market Penetration 19 1

7 Go To Market Strategy Distribution Challenges in Service Industry (Case: Telecom) 20 1

Distribution Challenges in White Goods 21 1

Group Assignment Presentations

- Visit WD, WD godown and retail outlets as part of the assignment
7 :Study Distribution Channel 22,23 2
(Participants to form groups of 5 each at the beginning of the course)

***Tapan K Panda & Sunil Sahadev (TS) 23

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