Chapter 123

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Chapter 1


The town of Bima is a city in the province of West NusaTenggara, which lies in
the eastern part of the island of Sumbawa. Bhima was in the middle of the city
and directly adjacent to Bima Regency, with its boundaries:

 S ebelah the North borders the subdistricts Ambalawi,

 S Eastern ebelah borders Wera subdistrict,
 Se latan sub borders Palibelo, and
 Next To The B arat with Bima Bay.
The Town Of Bima It is crossed by two major rivers, namely Padolo River and
the river. In General, the river has a length of Padolo 22,681 km with broad
watersheds is 216.11 km2 and 4 (four) children. The river has a length of
10.65 km Malay with DAS is 138.39 km2 and has 8 (eight) tributaries.

The heavy rain that was prevalent in Bima and Sumbawa caused major
flooding in some areas. The floods submerged thousands of homes in the
town of Bima Bima Regency, and Regency Sumbawa of West Nusa
Tenggara province on Wednesday pthere are 21 December 2016 and
December 23rd, 2016 , a flood inundate homes and economic center as high
as 0.5-3 m, salah one cause is overflowing river is a river of Padolo River and
Malay. See the following image:
BPBD together with the INDONESIAN ARMED FORCES, police, SAR, Tagana,
PMI, SEGWAY, volunteers and the community Do the evacuation of citizens, in the
activities of the handling of the flooding in his implementation plan consists of
several Activities, among others,
Some Action Plans Refer To The Table Below:

Table 1.1 Sungaii Pedolo action plan and Malays


A Handling on DAS Padolo (Padolo River)
1 Installation Brojong Retaining Grooves and open the River Cliff Ntobo
2 Installation of Bronjong Cliff retaining grooves and open the Ingko River
3 Installation Bronjong retaining grooves and open the river cliffs of Sadia
4 Installation Bronjong retaining Grooves and open the River Cliff Dodu
5 Installation of Bronjong Cliff retaining grooves and open the Rabadompu River East
6 Installation of Bronjong Cliff retaining grooves and open the Pedolo River
B Penangananan On DAS melayu (Malay River)
7 Installation Bronjong retaining grooves and open the river Cliff Dadi
8 Mounting the Retaining Bronjong cliffs and open the Parent funnel path Romo
9 Installation of Bronjong Cliff Retaining grooves and open the Parent Penatoi-nae A
10 Installation of Bronjong Cliff retaining grooves and open up the flow of the river Te
11 Installation of Bronjong Cliff retaining Grooves and open the Parent Penatoi-Nae B
Source: BPPD (body Disaster Management area)
In the plan The need for Handling the transfer/Relokasi Diperkitrakan
residents will be exposed to flood large development work activities
amounted to 404 KK and stages for the preparation of the new location
according to applicable rules such as KASIBA, LASIBA. [1]

In line with the program direncakana by the Government of the town of Bima,
the porch area of the River (BWS) Nusa Tenggara I plan the programme
"LARAP River flood control Pedolo and Malay", which later in the discussion
of this document is referred to as "the project".


1.2.1 The purpose of

The purpose of this work is to obtain data about the ownership of land,
buildings and other necessary information in detail as well as the plan of
action required in order to land acquisition and relocation of residents in the
surrounding area Project in Malay and Pedolo River in the town of Bima.

1.2.2 Targets to be achieved

The purpose of this activity is to secure the settlements and reducing the loss
of society and prevent damage to irrigation infrastructure is more due to the
flood in the river and the river Pedolo.

The provision of a reference or guide for the Government for land acquisition
and relocation of residents at the site of the planned around the Malay basin
and the river Pedolo.

1.2.3 The Scope Of The Work

The scope of his work is as follows:

 A Job: Job LARAP

 Job b: preparation of reports and Discussion

A. Job Larap Based on Act No. 2/2012 about the procurement of land for
development for the benefit of the public

At the stage of design drawings and Lay Out pre-order the Final Lay Out of
the river and the river Padolo running simultaneously, the consultants can
perform LARAP where this activity starts with field Inventory based on
secondary data collection.

1. Inventory field and the secondary Data collection

a. The Initial Survey

This activity is an early stage of field work and also for the
orientation/introduction of the location of the study, in which case the
service provider would have to coordinate with related parties with close
discussions in relation to the rules and policies that apply in the region in
relation to LARAP.
Rules and policies that apply are as follows :
 The management of the place of residence of the population (if any
relocation of the population) and monitoring;
 The rights of minorities and indigenous peoples;
 The procedures for obtaining information and involvement of the local
 The process and procedures of land acquisition (national and
regional Decree). The above regulations and policies especially
related to LARAP is needed by collecting data and map location will
be retrieved include area or a new location for a replacement.
b. Inventory field and the secondary Data collection
 Inventory field: service providers must inventory every problem that
exists in the region, either currently or in the future in an area that
was relocated (if any relocation of the population).
 Some important aspects that must be identified;
 Inventory of data/information on conditions and existing problems in
 An inventory and analysis of the evaluation of the results of the data
collection and community input on site research.
 An inventory of the existing infrastructure of the region around the
 Demographic data from the demographic inventory (the composition
of the population based on sex, age group, education, religion,
population density, and number of Heads of household) mostly to
people who lived in the area a while and landowners.
 Inventory of economic activity (agriculture, plantations, forestry,
fisheries) in the area of the river.
 Inventory processing and cultivation of the land and land owners in
the area of the river.
 Procurement and inventory plan needs the land required for the
implementation of river basin development and relocation based on
Spatial Plans (RUTR) have been determined.
 Socialization of Public Service Providers are required to undertake
dissemination to the public in the form of public consultation Meetings
to get input, suggestions and responses by involving affected
communities, community leaders and the local government.
 Measure and collect Data of land and Other Assets, mapping the
land acquisition Plans, and data Socio-Cultural Economics.
 Carry out technical data collection/information at the relevant
agencies for the purpose of the inquiry which consists of:
 Land use and ownership maps and other maps are needed to
support the implementation of the measurement field.
 Apply the measurements topography for the acquisition of land in the
river Malay and location Planning and relocation of Padolo River
Population (if any).
Some things need to be done in this activity are:
 The preparatory team led by experts in their fields;
 Conduct orientation and field survey;
 Inventory, problem identification, analysis and evaluation.
Broadly speaking, the measurement and mapping of plot
ownership include:
 Installation of plot boundaries
 Horizontal and vertical control.
 Measuring limit of the detail in the Malay ownership of plots
and location of Padolo River Planning
 The depiction. Scope Of The Survey
 The Measurement Of The Main Frame
 Measurement of boundary ownership
 Measurement of Population relocation plan.
2. Mapping A Plan Of Liberation Of Lahandan Relocation Pendudukmeliputi:
a. Mapping the land acquisition plans are measured based on the primary
framework and the framework of branches that have been
adadipasang, by measuring the swath swath of ownership limits and
ownership on the relocation plan and Malays and Padolo River.
b. Measurement of population relocation detailed mapping including
control measures control of vertical and horizontal, the measurement
situation that illustrates the conditions that exist in the relocation of
residents. The mapping population relocation comes with point
elevation and contour lines.
c. Measurement of plot ownership and limit ownership of plots created by
reading the horizontal angle of theodolite with a tool for reading.
d. The measurement plots of ownership and limits the field of ownership
should be known by their respective land ownership and local village
e. Measurements of land ownership and its relocation to the scale of
1:2,000 scale, and at a scale or 1:5000 adjusted and/or with other
guides once approved by the Board of Directors.
f. The number of compartments and wide each ownership shown in Figure
1:2,000 scale and scale 1:5000 or by adjustable scale.
g. In the column description of the picture is displayed the number of plots,
the name of ownership and the extent of any ownership at each sheet
of drawings.
h. Doing analysis/study of the efforts and plans for resettlement and
relocation of the population or area. In conducting this study experts
require the following basic considerations:
 The existing condition and problems of area area
 Analysis and evaluation of the results of the data collection and
community input on site research including the compensation
problems of land acquisition in order to:
 Hakatas bangunanhasilpanenbenda other land related to the
 The infrastructure around the river of Padolo River and Malay.
 Demographics (population composition based on gender, age
group, education, religion, family number kepadatanpendudukdan)
especially for people who lived in the area a while and landholders.
 Economic activities (agriculture, forestry, fisheries) in Padolo River
and River.
 Process and plant land owners and land in the river basin and
rivers of Padolo. plan procurement and acquisition of land required
for the implementation of the reconstruction and relocation of the
Creek and River Watersheds (DAS) Strait Luolo Spatial Plan based
on existing (RUTR), and for areas that have not yet done a land
acquisition RUTR based on spatial or existing town planning.
3. Perform an Inventory Analysis and identification through Study of LARAP
especially for people who are estimated to be exposed to relocation.
Analysis and data collection will be done on the environment around the
area of study that has been determined, with the size in accordance with
the rules in force in Indonesia. The analysis was conducted by a team of
consultants are:
a. The acquisition of land for the implementation of the construction for
the public interest, including the basic rules map of
b. Principle of land acquisition policy;
c. Committee, Deliberation, and compensation. The results of the
analysis will serve as a basis for preparing the report LARAP.
4. Preparing the Plan preparation Program site (if there is a relocation of the
population) an inventory and identification of the results has been
performed, the service provider must analyze and prepare the plan
preparation locations to help business and residence for people who are
thought to directly impacted from construction of Padolo River and River.
5. Land acquisition Procedures Regulating service providers must conduct
analysis and prepare recommendations or procedures for land acquisition
and the signing of the agreement damages and repairs.
Recommendations procedures and mechanism of land acquisition.
The acquisition of much needed by the stakeholders to obtain land by
providing compensation to those who are entitled to the land in an effort
to plan for the construction of the river and Valley of the river Padolo.

6. Prepare the procedure for Indemnification and Compensation Alternative

business opportunities is the replacement value of land and buildings,
plant and/or other objects related to the land as a result of the disposal or
transfer of land rights. Service providers are required to conduct the
analysis and prepare the procedure for compensation including
alternative business opportunities and training recommendations for
communities affected by development projects directly from streams and
Rivers Padolo.
7. Preparation of the compensation procedure is indispensable to gaining
ground by giving compensation to which is entitled to the land in which
the disposal or transfer of land rights is a legal relationship between
releasing the holders of land rights and the land has with compensation
on the basis of the deliberations. For the base and the procedure for
calculating the compensation of land will be determined on the basis of:
a. Land price based on the value of the real or actual, taking into account
the value of the object of the tax the last Building of the Earth and to
the land in question;
b. Value of the building by a local government agency responsible for the
c. The value of the sale of the plant by local government agencies
responsible for agriculture.
8. Preparation and Data collection Problems based on the urgency of
community service providers have to analyze the results of data collection
that is found in the location of the activity, as well as drawing up the
concept of levels based on the urgency of the issues facing the
community. estimated to be directly impacted by the Malays and the
development of Padolo River.
9. Create A Troubleshooting Scenario LARAP. The service provider should
create scenarios to solve problems which will arise as a result of the
relocation plan within the degree of urgency of the affected communities.
The preparation of this scenario is required by policy makers to relocate
residents from the place of origin to the place of another, and this
scenario is also required.
land compensation by the Committee in the framework of the
implementation of compensation for land procurement/construction of
Padolo River and the River, so right on target in the performance of his
10. Prepare and set up the Data provider data collection based on Land
Ownership/inventory of land ownership must describe each plot (block) of
land ownership and setting up a full inventory of the data holdings. This
data is indispensable for the team at a time when the process of land
acquisition compensation for rights to the land, buildings, plant and land
11. Prepare recommendations for solving the problem by the method of the
scale of priorities. The service provider based on the preparation of
scenarios was done then the next required to prepare recommendations
for the procedures of solving problems of compensation and relocation
(LARAP) by making the scale method perioritas.
12. The preparation of the budget plan (EE[3]) of land acquisition and
Resettlement and relocation of Residents service providers were asked
to prepare a cost estimate (EE) is required in the implementation of the
land acquisition and relocation of residents (if any relocation of the
population) in accordance with the degree of urgency.
13. The estimated cost of land acquisition and acquisition based on inventory
or collection of data carried out by the team. Some of the main things
that should be considered in the preparation of the cost estimates is;
a. Do your research and inventory of land, buildings, plants and other
objects related to the land on which the rights will be released or
turned over.
b. Do some research about the legal status of the land that will be
released or turned over.
c. Assess and propose the amount of the overall compensation to the
value of the current cost or other guides because of fluctuations.
d. Provide an explanation and expansion to the holders of land rights
related plans and goals of land acquisition.
14. Carry out the workshop LARAP to accommodate the aspirations of
stakeholders, the consultant should do the LARAP Workshop in
tingkatPemerintah Area in particular involving stakeholders, as well as
communities in the Malay and River location The river of Padolo.
purpose this LARAP Workshop is to get input, feedback, and corrections
from the communities, and all stakeholders on the overall inventory data,
the identification of the environmental conditions and the identification of
problems that have been done to establish the agreement of all the
parties concerned in an attempt to land acquisition and relocation of the
Creek and River Padolo. Service providers facilitated workshops from
various related Sectors through cross-Agency Regional Development
Planning Agency, a Government- NGO district,[4], and also the
15. The village's interests in obtaining community feedback, input, all the
16. Preparing study report LARAP service providers are required to prepare
reports results of research LARAP along with reports listing the
identification of affected communities against the development plan of
Padolo River rivers and streams that with regard to compensation of
assets as well as a picture of the location of the relocation and location.
Results to be achieved in the study of LARAP are:
a. The recommendations of the land acquisition and relocation of an
inventory location, identification and analysis of the field and
b. Proposal of a method of solving problems of compensation based on
the results of the analysis with several scale methods periority.
c. The proposed implementation plan the cost of land acquisition and
acquisition as well as relocation of residents.
d. Proposed the procurement of land to relocate the population according
to the development plan of the settlement in accordance with the
General Spatial Plan (RUTR).
e. Land Procurement planning documents in this document should
 M aksud and objectives of the development plan
 Compliance with Spatial Plan areas and national development
Plans and Soil tanahUkuran RegionalLokasi required
 Review The Status Of The Land
 Expected Time Of Implementation Of The Procurement Of
 The Estimated Period Of Development
 The Estimated Value Of The Land
 Budget plan Costs
B. Reporting d an discussion of Reporting

In the preparation of the report and the discussion are:

1. Consultants are required to submit a report on the work that has been
addressed to the Board of Directors.-the consultant held a discussion
with the directors, and doing presentations in front of the Board of
Directors and team planning.
2. Consultants are willing to attend if invited by a user called/.
3. The consultant in charge completely over data quality/planning were
produced. If the data is not valid, not realistic and/or inadequate, less
satisfactory according to the Board, the consultant should fix it.
4. Consultants are required to make the minutes of a meeting in any of the
discussions conducted by the technical team of the Board or by the
technical team at the Directorate of Trustees in Jakarta.


1.3.1 The condition of the Topography
The town of Bima about 222.25 km2, with a height of land between 0-
1,150 metres above sea level.
1.3.2 Slope Conditions
The town of Bima are classified in the slope of the flat to the very steep
slopes, the town of Bima in General can be classified into a steep slope in
the North and East of the city around 31.28% and in the town of Bima
about 33.39%.
1.3.3 Land Use Conditions
Most of the town of Bima covered with bushland area i.e. 36.12% of the
total area of the town of Bima, a farming area that is 25.13% of the total
area of the town of Bima. The other is the forest production that is 22%,
7.86%, settlements and rice paddies 6.7% of the total area of the town of
Bima. For more details can be found in the table and the image map
Table 1. 2 . Extensive Land Use Town Of Bima

No. Land Use Area The

(km2) percentage
1 Protected Forest 7.07 3.18%
2 Forest Production 20.51 9.23%
3 Limited production forest 21.08 9.49%
4 The settlement 17.47 7.86%
5 Dry Land Agriculture 4.01 1.80%
6 Dry land agriculture with Bush 55.86 25.13%
7 Rice fields 14.90 6.70%
8 Bush/shrub 80.28 36.12%
9 Embankment 1.08 0.49%
Total 222.25 100%
Source: town of Bima RTRW Year 2011
Figure 1.5. Land Use of Kota Bima
1.3.4 The Geologic Condition

Sumbawa island is included in the map of the geology of Indonesia

Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, which consists of igneous and sedimentary
rocks which are Tertiary to Quaternary. The oldest rock unit on Sumbawa
island is an old volcanic rocks (Tlmv) from the late Oligocene-early Miocene,
spread over the South and centre of the island of Sumbawa, among others in
stone months, Mokong, Lemurung, Ledang, Sepekat, Dodo, Ropang,
Lenangguar, Kalimantong, Green stone, Sekongkang, Lopok, mount Riwo
Lape, Montabaru, Ladder, mount Darambolo, mount Sorobali, mount
hopeless, pure, and Jaran Pusang Olat.
Old volcanic rocks (Tlmv) consists of lava flows (l) and breksi (b) volcanic and
pyroclastic Tuff, basaltis (t), lapia
andesite, Tuff and andesite
cougars, gray-green and purple
Tuff. The lugs are generally experiencing a high degree of weathering and
clumped with irregular patterns. In the northern part of Sumbawa island there
is an old volcanic rocks (QTv) that are the result of volcanic eruptions
Bulupasak (b), Sakedet, Sangenges (Sn), Lalumbu (l), Matua (m), Oromboha
(o), Mary and Gilibanta (g), consisting of intermittent between the lava and
Tuff, lava and volcanic ash andesitis. Petrography of rocks composed of
pyroxene andesite, basalt, glass basal and basal olivine. This Rock is
estimated to be Pliosensampai early Plistosen. Volcanic rocks consist of
breksi porphyry and lava Bracelet (characterized by quartz fenokristal 0.5 to 2
cm) dark gray coloured, dense, dasitan Tuff and tuff pasted its current state.
Volcano rocks are Tuff tufas: dashboard light gray, characterized by
phenocrysts of quartz (0.5 to 1 cm), layered and most dense, tuf green
entered its current state, tampa, limestone and tuff sandstone, locally with
breksi and lava (inserts dacitic and andesitic portion). Inset limestone contain
Figure 1.5. Land Use of Kota Bima
fossils Lepidocyclina, sumatrensis (Brady), Cycloclypeus (Word) annulatias
(Tan), transient (Word) Cycloclypeus (Tan), Operculina SP. and Amphisegina
SP. which indicates the age of the Middle Miocene. These local units were
cut by quartz veins, partially flattened and mineralized bones. The crust of
iron there is in the smallest part, there are in the region of Dorao'o.
In some areas of the beach there is a surface sedimentary rocks and
sedimentary rocks in the form of coral limestone. Sedimentary rock surface of
the estimated age of the Holocene. Sedimentary rock surface is in the form of
deposits of alluvium and the beach which consists of gravel, crust, sand, clay,
peat and mud, a local fragment containing magnetic sand. Spread along the
coastal region North of the island of Sumbawa, Empang, Plampang, Pedolo
and Mapin Melayu, Alas, Bima, Empang, Plampang, Meronge, Gapit, Bunt
Munte, Lunyuk, Brang Beh, Tente, Talabiu, Rasabuo, Tolotangga, and Utan
Rhee. Sedimentary rocks are limestone reef, composed of Coral Compact
most compact and most breksi, the bottom consists of conglomerate with
pyroxene and andesite, andesite hollow component containing a matrix of
sand, sandstone hardened and a thin layer of magnetite sand. This Rock is
estimated to be Holocene, and spreads in Labuan Sumbawa, Crying, Bora,
and the island of Moyo.

A. Fisiografi And Geological Structure

Sumbawa extends to the East-West direction and terminated by a number

of valleys leading mainly northeast-southwest and Northwest-Southeast.
Salih Bay is the biggest dent and divide the island into two main parts,
namely West Sumbawa and East Sumbawa. The coastline of the Gulf of
Pious about the region sank.
The northern part of the island is composed of Quaternary volcanoes
route, with the highest peak of 2851 m above sea level (). The crater is
located in almost all the volcanoes in this line. Gibibanta crater partially
lies below sea level. Parasitic cone 100 to 350 m situated in East, South,
South-West slopes of selatandan Tamboradan might be located in all
system cracked or straighten a volcano in accordance with the general
structure pattern of Sumbawa. The southern part consists of rough
mountains of Sumbawa and irregular, which trimmed by the North-South
and South-East, Northeast, the hills ranging from 800 to 1400 m above
sea level. The structure of the island is mostly composed of fractured
system which runs Northwest-Southeast and northeast-southwest; the
cracks are less important leading to the North-South and East-West.
Cracks-cracks these are areas that are eroded and form in valleys, such
as Brang Beh and creeks in West Sumbawa. Picture of ERTS (channels 4,
5, 6 and 7) shows a clear alignments along the Valley. Lake Meraran,
located in West Sumbawa, North of Bima, Sumbawa and the Bay of
Waworada in the East, each flowing into North-South and East-West. Bay
of Saleh, Campi Bay, Bima Bay and Sape Bay forms a system fractured
North-South-South-northeast-southwest, perhaps errors decreased,
parallel alignments can be seen in portraits and pictures of ERTS.

Table 1. 3 . The Town Of Bima Regional Geological Data

No. Code Description Of Biology Area (Km2) The percentage

1 QA Sediment Surface 15.78 7.10%
2 QL Sedimentary Rock 2.72 1.23%
3 Rocks Of Volcanic Activity 167.72 75.46
4 Ta Rock breakthrough 0.99 0.46%
5 Sedimentary Rocks- 11.50 5.17%
6 Sedimentary Rocks- 23.54 10.59%
Total 222.25 100.00%
Source: town of Bima RTRW Year 2011

B. Eartquake

Located on the island of Sumbawa in Indonesia volcano line. The

volcano is still active in the area of Mount Tambawa. The last eruption of
Mount Tambora in 1815, spewing about 105 km3 of volcanic spices,
mainly composed of ash and tuff lapili. (Hedervani, 1963).

Based on the earthquake zone map Indonesia (Acehnese remain

vulnerable to water, 1999), the region has a coefficient of earthquake
zone z = 0.6-0.9; with a dominant period of {Ts < 0.25}; correction factor
v = 0.8. From this observation also found that the work location is located
in the rocks. Analysis of seismic design for maximum acceleration on the
requirements without the damage done by the earthquake, where the
coefficient of the period re-earthquake used is T = 50 ~ 100 years that
have earthquake acceleration of air conditioning = 170 gal, so seismisitas
is as follows:
Figure 1.4 Map of Bima City Earthquake Zone
1.3.5 Socio-Economic Conditions

Gross Regional domestic product (GDP) is one of the indicators to see a

picture of economic productivity in an area, one of which is illustrated by the
amount of the value added generated by all sectors of the economy that
operates in the period certain. GDP figures are available with current price
and constant price with. Bima City GDP based on the current price of the
year 2014 has reached 2,653.59 billion dollars, an increase of 2,192.21
billion rupiah or has increased 461.38 billion rupiah in the period 2012-2014.
The same thing happened at constant prices, with a GDP of 2,062.50 billion
rupiah in the year 2012 be 2,296.21 billion dollars in 2014 in the year 2014,
the growth rate of the economy of the town of Bima recorded 5.62 percent.
The growth rate is the highest in the range of the year 2011 to 2014. The
economic growth of the town of Bima in 2011-2013 was 5.12 percent, 5.60
percent and 5.40 percent. Reflection on the economic structure of the area
can be seen from the role or the magnitude of the contribution of each
sector's response to the formation of the GDP. In the year 2014, the
contribution of Large Trade and retail sector; Car and motorcycle Repair is
still the largest contribution to gross Regional domestic product of Bima i.e. of
22.81 persenSelanjutnya followed by agriculture, forestry and fisheries (14.18
percent), government administration, defence and social security is
mandatory (12.74 percent), transportation and warehousing (10.26 per cent),
construction (8.67%), educational services sector (7.93 percent) while the
other sectors was less than 6 percent.
Of the distribution can be seen that up to the year 2014, Bima City economy
is still very dependent on the Large Trading and retail sectors; Car and
motorcycle repair. If this sector is compromised then it will have a major
impact on the economy of the town of Bima. A comparison of regional
analysis is aimed at knowing the position of the town of Bima in West Nusa
Tenggara regional context by using the indicators selected. For the value of
GDP based on the current price, the town of Bima to occupy the lowest
position compared to Mataram, Dompu and Bima. The value of GDP on the
basis of the price of the town of Bima at this time, only a quarter of the city's
GDP value of Mataram. The same order also on the value of the constant
price GDP by 2000, which put the town of Bima on the position of
terendahdari four Kabupaten/Kota. Magnitude of the value of GDP at both
the current price and constant price cannot be separated from the potential of
each region. Equal to the value of GDP, the rate of economic growth puts the
town of Bima on the last sequence with the percentage of 5.62 percent.
Dompu Regency still (6.14 per cent), Bima Regency (6.03) and Mataram
(8.10 per cent). Furthermore, HDI Bima City are on the second-highest
position of ten districts/cities in NTB. Bima City HDI numbers reach 72.23 left
rival Dompu and Bima which reaches the value IPM 63.53 and 62,61.
Poverty is a social problem which is highly respected by the Government.
According to Yudhoyono, and Harniati (2007), poverty had a significant
impact on the decline in the quality of life, leading to socio-economic burden
on communities, reduce the quality of human resources, and reduce the
public order. Therefore, the Government has conducted a variety of efforts to
tackle poverty. One is the direct cash Transfer Program society (BLSM). The
program of poverty reduction, both directly and indirectly, are expected to
reduce poverty every year. In General, there is a decrease in the percentage
of the poor population over the last four years (2011-2014) in the town of
Bima and Mataram city. Compared to the city of Mataram, the percentage of
the poor population in the town of Bima still smaller during the last four years.
In the year 2014, poverty in the town of Bima reached 9.74 percent with a
total population of poor people, while 15,270 as much compared to the year
2013, this year decreased by 0.17 percent.
Chapter 2

2.1. The Purpose Of The Action Plan The Procurement Of Land &
Resettlement (LARAP)

2.1.1 Principal Objectives

Resettlement plan to be applied to the project by keeping the lives and

assets of the people from the flood. Resettlement, however, is a complex
process and multi-dimensional with potential negative impact. The main goal
of LARAP Project is to ensure that the project's resettlement activities well
planned so that resettlement be opportunities for people affected by the
project (PAP), to rebuild and/or increase the living conditions in a safe place.
and reduce exposure to the risk of catastrophic flooding.

2.1.2 Specific Object

The specific purpose of the LARAP Project is as follows :

 Identify the need for resettlement project.

 To identify the impact and scale of the resettlement project.
 To assess the socioeconomic characteristics of the WTP project,
including socioeconomic status, the magnitude and the rate of loss of
 To provide the legal framework of the project, including the gap
analysis of the policy and resettlement and land acquisition projects.
 To provide policy on eligibility for compensation and rights, including
the definition of PAP, eligibility for compensation and assistance,
inventory losses with assessment methods for compensation of
 To provide resettlement site plan, including an assessment of the
existing resettlement location, site selection, and assessment as well
as a plan to house the necessary facilities.
 To ensure public participation.
 To provide a mechanism for handling redress of the resettlement
 To provide a framework of stitutional project, the framework of the
Organization and responsibilities of the implementation of the
resettlement project.
 To provide a schedule of the implementation of the resettlement
 To provide cost and budget of the resettlement project.
 To provide a procedure for monitoring and evaluation of the project.

2.2. Resettlement Citizen Related Projects

2.2.1 Consideration Of Disaster Risk Reduction

Management in the ProyekPengendalian flood in the town of Bima focused

on early rivers and untouched. The planned flood control is the normalization
of the river pedolo L = 2 km Cliff-the power of L = 6 km, and the embankment
L = 1.8 km. For handling in Pedolo River flood control Structure to reduce
water damaged power there are a number of alternatives are as follows:
1) Pedolo River flood control Alternatives 1
To reduce the discharge of flood in middle and downstream areas
by buildings and making the river normalize SDA for reducing power
in the form of bronjong, water damaged parapet, concrete sheet pile
and Groundsill on downstream areas, middle and upper nearby
settlements population or agricultural land, make conscientious
channel from the river Pedolo towards the Gulf of Bima and
mengptimalkan O & P Rabasalo Weirs with normalize sediment
sediments that are on the upper reaches of the dam holds Rabasalo
(Figure 4.2).

2) River flood control Pedolo Alternative 2

To reduce the discharge of flood in middle and downstream areas
by buildings and making the river normalize SDA for reducing power
in the form of bronjong, water damaged parapet, concrete sheet pile
and groundsill on downstream areas, middle and upper nearby
settlements population or agricultural land, make conscientious
channel from the river Pedolo towards the Gulf of Bima and optimize
O & P Rabasalo Weirs with normalize sediment sediments that are
on the upper reaches of the dam holds Rabasalo, or create a civil
defence emergency spillway (pictures 4.3).

3) Pedolo River flood control Alternatives 3

To reduce the discharge of flood in middle and downstream areas
by buildings and making the river normalize SDA for reducing power
in the form of bronjong, water damaged parapet, concrete sheet pile
and groundsill on downstream areas, middle and upper nearby
settlements population or agricultural land and optimize O & P
Rabasalo Weirs with normalize sediment sediments that are on the
upper reaches of the dam holds Rabasalo, or create a civil defence
emergency spillway

2.3. Residential Needs KembaliTerkiat Project

2.3.1 The relocation of people at very high risk of flooding to a safe


The occurrence of the deluge that hit the town of Bima at 21 and 23
December 2016 and enormous impact on the lives of the community of the
town of Bima, especially for people who live near the river. The flooding that
occurs when it is caused by high rainfall that lasted quite a long time and
never stopped. The capacity of the river that are not capable of causing a
torrent of water that is very large and abundant in the settlement and the
settlement. In addition, the forest area should be a buffer area of almost
entirely empty, so there is no water left in the upper part. In accordance with
the results of a preliminary survey conducted by survey teams obtained
information that uLo River are exposed to Malay project is 280 home plans in
areas such as normalization and development embankment soil. While uLo-
Proyek Pedolo River which affected as many as 128 in the House because
the plan of normalization, the construction of dykes and retaining the cliffs .

Table 2.1. Identification of the dimension of the river and the Larap
No. Description Description
The length of the
1 river P 0-P 20 (1084.32 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 44.33 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 34.03 M
the activities of
4 the P 0-P 20 (NORMALIZATION)
5 the number of kk 30 KK
6 GSS 10 M
No. Description Description
The length of the
1 river P. 21-p. 24 (258.58 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 31.05 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 34.00 M
the activities of
5 the number of kk 44 KK
6 GSS 10 M
No. Description Description
The length of the
1 river P. 21-p. 25 (258.58 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 31.05 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 34.00 M
4 the activities of ON-SITE CONCRETE PILE
5 the number of kk 33 KK
6 GSS 10 M
No. Description Description
P. p. 35-39 (231.22)
The length of the P. 39 P. 41 (96.08 M)
river P. 41-p. 43 (22.70 M)
P. p. 43-46 (162.12 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 32.01 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 34.00 M
the activities of P. 39 P. 41 (NEW BRONJONG & NEW PARAPET)
the P. 41-p. 43 (BRONJONG & NEW PARAPET)
5 the number of kk 41 KK
6 GSS 10 M
No. Description Description
The length of the
river P. p. 35-41 (287.61 M)
P. p. 41-46 (271.64 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 32.01 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 34.00 M
the activities of
5 the number of kk 29 KK
6 G.g. s 10 M

No. Description Description

The length of the
river P. p. 195-196 (40.20 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 30.03 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 31.42 M
4 the activities of P. p. 195-196 (BRONJONG EXISTING & NORMALIZATION)
5 the number of kk 29 KK
6 G.g. s 10 M

No. Description Description

The length of the
river P 202-P. 221 (900.02 M)
the width of the
2 downstream 30.08 M
the width of the
3 River upstream 30, 09M
the activities of
5 the number of kk
6 G.g. s 10 M
Source: Survey Results, DED Flood Review
The condition of the river current Malay hillir wide 8-9 m, the sedimetasi, the effective width of 6 m.
Strengthening of the cliffs along the flow, not done and not done on either side.
Socially, many of the residents who were on the river bank.
FIGURE 2.2 the conditions Existing Downstream River Malay

The condition of Padolo River downstream of the current width of 30-35 m. Castor advance water with the river bank
about 1 m at the time of install, there is a backwater.
Socially, the community settled in the embankment of the river and harnessing the river for domestic purposes (shower,
FIGURE 2.3 the conditions Existing Downstream River Padolo

2.3.2 Components Of The Project Encouraged Resettlement

Project components to induce resettlement is flood control structures such as

levees and flood walls, which were built on the boundary of the river and
require the acquisition of land with a specific width. People who live in the
home and/or buildings located on the ground need to be relocated. Apart
from the above, the land became the territory of the River with a very high
risk of flooding after construction of the structure of the project need to be
retrieved. People who live in the home and/or building on the land have to be
relocated, without regard to the components of the project.

2.3.3 Location Area

Location of KajianLARAPini meliputi10 Village which consists of Wards Pane,

Paruga, Dara, Sarae, Rontu, Magemanci, Malay, Santi, Neighborhood and
Jatiwangi. The number of affected one's family includes 408 KK, of that
number we did a test sample as much as 82 KK on the location of the project
that will be described as follows:

Areas of study include socioeconomic components of culture four (4)

districts and 10 wards, namely:

Table 2.2 Identify Neighborhood Related Projects

River Sub Village

Malay Mpunda 1 Santi
Rasanae West 2 Nae
3 Sarae
City Of Despair 4 Jatiwangi
5 Malays
Padolo Raba 1 Rontu
Mpunda 2 Manggemaci
Rasanae West 3 Pane view
4 Dara
5 Paruga
Source: Field survey results March 2018

The distribution of the sampling done in porpusive random, considering the

level of density at each sampling location. Detailed sampling of disribusi as
TABLE 2.3 The Number Of Samples On The Site Larap Pedolo And Malay
The total
No. Sub Village Agree Do Not Agree %
number of
1 Pane 1 1 1.22
2 Paruga 6 6 7.32
3 Rasanae West Dara 6 6 7.32
4 Nae 16 16 19.51
5 Sarae 6 6 7.32
6 Raba Rontu 7 7 8.54
7 Mpunda Manggemaci 11 11 13.41
Santi - - - -
8 Malay 18 18 21.95
City Of Despair
9 The Fragrance Of Teak 11 11 13.41
The total number of 82 0 82 100.00
% 100.00 0.00 100.00 198.78

- Subdistricts of Santi did not swab because: 1) the number of families that are likely
affected only 3 and 2) KK, in socio-economic conditions are very similar to the Nae
Village and Jatiwangi.
- Keluarahan Pane of the kemungkian affected only 2 families.
Image: 2.4 Pendududk Affected data retrieval

2.3.4 Areas Throughout East mpak Flood

Data from BPBD [5] , floods at the end of December 2016 impact on property
or people forced to flee their homes, as follows:

Pendididikan of 27 School facilities damaged

 18 SD




 229 drift

 716 heavily damaged

 739 moderate damage

 17,706 Submerged


 9 Bridge Damaged

 40 Km of roads Damaged in the city

 5 TAPS heavily damaged

 1 DAM moderate damage

Wellness Facilities

 4 Clinics

 29 pustu

 29 Polindes

 1 Labkesda

BPBD: …..The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) is a non-departmental
government agency that performs disaster management tasks in both provincial and
regency / municipality areas by referring to the policies set by the National Disaster
Management Agency (Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana
Figure 2. 5 . Flood Inundation Areas in the town of Bima, December 2016 (source: BPBD)
Chapter 3


3.1.1. Determination of boundary Rivers

Boundaries along the Sungai Melayu and Padolo Rivers are established, in
consideration with the presence of wider flood-prone areas and based on
research results for river morphology, inundation analysis and flood risk
assessment. In LARAP Activity The boundary of the object affected by the
approach of the River Float Line on the technical activities of the Flood
Control Design is shown in Figure 3.1 and the technical data are shown in
Table 3.1 below.

Figure 3.1. Map of Delineation of Exposed Peoples in Padolo River

Figure 3.2. Map of Delivery of Affected Persons to Malay Rivers
3.1.2. Assessment Of The Level Of Risk Of Flooding

Ample Pedolo River WATERSHED that is approximately 216.109

Km2 and has a long enough main river which is about 22.681 Km and
has 4 streams i.e. Sorry Lampe (10.729 Km), sorry Nggoro (4.58 km),
sorry Dodu (18.11 Km) and sori Sadia (4.07 Km).
The condition of the river Pedolo on the upper area is a hilly area
that has been damaged and open. Most cultivated plants by asem,
shrubs and other plants that are less good for the resapan so that it will
trigger a runoff coefficient (Run off). Also the environmental conditions in
the upper reaches of the river Pedolo many masayarakat do Minerals
mining activities C obviously this will lead to the stability of the slopes or
river pedolo become vulnerable to power the water damaged it can be
seen the large number Cekdam buildings that have been destroyed,
namely Cekdam Toi Cekdam Dorotoi, Cekdam, Lampe, Cekdam Dadiniu
and condition of the slopes of many of the avalanche. On the upstream
communities around the River Pedolo many utilize the land for farmland.
The geological conditions of the soil surface on the upstream of the river
sediment deposits comprise Pedolo i.e. sand, gravel and kerakal. Water
quality in the WATERSHED upstream of the river Pedolo is still pretty
good it is apparent from physical traits are still clear and odorless.
In the middle area of the river Pedolo the community capitalize on
the ground beside as the settlement is also used for agriculture. Also
there is still activity to Mining Minerals c. on the middle of the river
Pedolo of geological conditions of the ground surface at the base of the
river encountered bad rock river and at lerengnya consist of sedimentary
deposits i.e. sand, gravel and easy kerakal Avalanche. Water quality in
the central area of the WATERSHED of the river Pedolo is already less
well this appears from physical traits are less clear, though it does not
smell. In the central area there is a pool of floods around the river and
the border of the River as high as ± 0.70 m and the SDA building found
to cope with damaged power of water that is in the form of bronjong and
parapet are mainly located around the settlement and near the road.
Around Weirs upstream of Rababoda residing in the Eastern
Rabadompu Village sub district of sediment deposition occurred about
Raba ± 877m to do normalization.
On Pedolo River downstream of the community capitalize on the
ground beside as residential, offices, the Centre of the city, the farming
economy, there is also a port of the town of Bima to the transport trade
by sea. On downstream River Geological conditions of Pedolo land
surface consists of deposits of gravel, kerakal and soil clays. The
community a lot of trash in rivers thereby causing the river looks filthy
and rubbish a lot of middle pillar or snagged on the left of the bridge over
the River Pedolo. Around the edge of the river's many
slopes/settlements. Water quality in the downstream of the river Pedolo
is already less well this appears from physical traits are less clear, and
somewhat smelly. In this there is no downstream Flood inundation and
the capacity of the river pedolo is still capable of. In the lower reaches of
the river Pedolo SDA building is found to resolve the corrupted power of
the water that is in the form of bronjong are primarily located around the
settlement and near the road. At the mouth of the river Pedolo was
happening that point to the port of Bima.

Table 3.2. Flood Discharge Quantity

No. River Stretch Q25 year

1 Jatiwangi Main Zone 135.01 m3/s
2 Malay Upstream 138.04 m3/s
3 Malay Downstream 138.04 m3/s
4 Romo Main Zone 3.02 m3/s
5 Penatoi A Main Zone 2.72 m3/s
6 Penatoi B Main Zone 4.43 m3/s
Sumber:Masterplan Pengendalian Banjir Kota Bima Tahun 2016.

3.2 identification of Impact by the project

3.2.1. Basic concept of Flood risk management of the project

As stated in the above passage, the high risk of flooding area is not a safe
place in which people can live and, therefore, it is highly recommended for
people not to live and put any structures in this area. The basic concept of
flood risk management of the project is, therefore, to relocate people living in
flood risk areas to a safe place and to protect people from floods.

3.2.2. The level of Impact by the project

Based on the basic concept of flood risk management of the project, the
extent to which the main impact of the project are identified and described
Impact on people – there are two types of people who will be affected by the
Project in principle:
a) people living in areas affected by the project and holds a ataudeklarasi tax
on land and
b) people who live in the area affected by the project and have no title or no
tax declaration over the land. The first is called as formal, and later
settlers known as the informal settlers. Impacts on land-there are two
types of land will be acquired for the project in principle:
a. the necessary land for right of way construction projects such as the
structure of the levee and flood wall and
b. land became the territory of the River at a very high risk of flooding after
the structure of the project is built.
c. Impact on the structures there are structures that must be relocated to
projects such as residential, commercial, institutional, and other types
of structures located in the area of the right-of-way and the river.
d. Impact on repair, trees and plants-there is an improvement that will be
affected by the project such as a shed, toilet, railings, sheds, trees and
other structures.

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