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Recall Topics - ISBB

Review 2016

Immunology and Serology
HLA - associated dse
Chemokines - cell that produce it
Gamma scintillation counter
Syphilis - lesions
Immunoglobulins - production, structure
History - marry mallon, ab diversity, elie, bordet, kohler, landsteiner
Slide agglutination grading (salmonella) - 25%
Method for malaria - common in phil
B- cell - %
MLR technique - microscope used
HLA typing - anticoagulant used
Transplantation - common problem
T-cell - maturation, produce what
Serologic testing - HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis
Cancer antigens

Blood Banking
Blood components - effects, composition, indications, preparation
Blood anticoagulant
Donation - requirements
ISBT number, genes
Kidd - immunogenecity and HDN
Duffy - antigens that binds complement
ID sugar and enzyme
BGS - chinese japanese, ab’s characteristics (anti U), HLA antigen, dse association
Minor BGS - characteristics
Deferrals -HIV , palawan
Irradiation - what is used
Microfilter for WBC
Difference bet type A1 to A2
HDN ABO - treatment
Open heart surgery - blood to be used
Blood letting is done by
Voluntary blood donor should be maintained by how many percent by DOH
HIV testing - 3 / mon the lab can be __
Titer - HDN
ABO immunogenecity
Transfusion reactions
History - Dr. Drew, ACD, gel technology

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