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1. Choose the correct form

1. He do/does/is doing his homework every day.
2. We are cleaning/clean/is cleaning our rooms now.
3. They met/meet/will meet an old friend last week.
4. Mathew haven’t come/hasn’t come/didn’t come yet.
5. Sarah left/will leave/has left tomorrow.
6. I will call/am calling/call my friend if I remember/will remember/remembered her number.
7. You told me that he has forgotten/had forgotten/had forget to invite you to his birthday party.
8. Your children have been playing/have playing/played in the garden since 9 a.m.
9. If he left/has left/would leave, he told/would tell/has told me.
10. They would have come/had come/came if you had ask/had asked/would ask them.

2. Complete the sentences with “who” , “which” or “where”

1. The street………………. I live is very noisy.

2. This is Alison, ………….works in the same company as my sister.
3. There’s a shop near here ………….. I buy magazines.
4. People ………. smoke can get a lot of disease.
5. I live in Cleja, ………… a beautiful village in the East of Romania.
3. Find the Past Tense and Past Participle forms of these verbs:
a) begin_________________________ f) see ___________________________________
b) go ___________________________ g) eat ___________________________________
c) write__________________________ h)come _________________________________
d) do ___________________________ i) make _________________________________
e) buy___________________________ j) drink
4. Complete with: must/have to; mustn’t; do not have to; should/shouldn’t (10x1p=10p):
1. When you enter the building you…………………… the guard your pass.
2. You really……………………stop smoking.
3. You…………………….wear a uniform at this school, it’s not necessary.
4. You……………………..drink and drive.
5. We……………………check the gas before we leave.
6. It’s really a good film. You…………………..go and see it.
7. You…………………..take pictures here. It’s forbidden.
8. I………………………finish this work today.
9. You……………………cross now. The light is red.
10. You still have plenty of time. You……………………….finish this paper today.

1. 10 x 2p=20 points
1) does; 2) are cleaning; 3) met; 4)hasn’t come ; 5) will leave; 6) will call-remember; 7) had forgotten;
8)have been playing; 9)left-would tell; 10) would have come- had asked;

2. 5 x 2p= 10 points
a) where ; b) who; c)where; d)who; e) which;

3. 10 x 1 p= 10 points
a) began-begun; b) went-gone; c) wrote-written; d) did-done; e) bought-bought; f) saw-seen; g)ate-
eaten; h)came-come; i) made-made; j) drank-drunk;

4. 10 x 1p=10 points
1) must; 2) must; 3) do not have to; 4)mustn’t/shouldn’t; 5) must/should; 6) should/must; 7)mustn’t;
8)have to/must; 9)shouldn’t/mustn’t; 10)do not have to;

4. 5 x 2p=10 points
1)to read; 2)to read; 3)to become; 4)writing; 5)waiting for;

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