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- Why to play Atlas ?
- You’ve fought your way through Bronze, Gold and Platinum leagues so that you can play Atlas
but now it’s here you don’t know what to do. Atlas is different from War Dragons, everything
seems confusing, there’s no guide and you cannot get the simplest things done - so why bother?
- Even if you don’t intend playing Atlas intensely, here are some reasons to use Atlas to help you
with War Dragons:
- Extra Timers: With little effort you can collect over 150 One Hour Timers over a couple of days
by training troops or crafting Rider Gear during Atlas Events
- Easier XP: Attacking Poachers or Mines in Atlas give you maximum Dragon XP and minimizes the
need for XP farms
- Extra Riders: Atlas gives you access to three extra Dragon Riders - previously you only get them
in Season Events
- Rider Gear; Atlas allows you craft Rider Gear - you no longer need to buy past the second page
on an Event Rider
- Boost Base Defenses: Atlas allows you craft defensive Gear on your Dragon Rider. You can boost
your base defenses by up to 10% by putting armor on a Dragon Rider and placing the dragon on
a Perch
- Extra Eggs Atlas Missions gives 12hr assignments to your Dragon Rider so you can gain extra Egg
Tokens and Timers. Castles give egg payouts daily. Rewards from Atlas Season and Weekly
events also give egg payouts.


Definition: Primarchs are the main "game pieces" in Atlas that carry troops, move to different locations,
and give different bonuses when attacking others or defending against attacks in Atlas. There are five
Primarchs: Fighter, Destroyer, Trapper, Sieger, and Taunter. These can be summoned in the Primarch

Primarichs Basics:

Fighter: The Fighter is the first Primarch that a player receives in Atlas. It begins at level 1 and is the only
Primarch that can be used or obtained until it is level 5. You level up your fighter with Glory and Gold.
Once your Fighter is level 5, you may research any of the other Primarchs.

Who should use the Fighter Primarch?
Individuals should only use the Fighter Primarch until they have another Primarch. Once a player has
obtained other Primarchs, the Fighter should not be used.

Glory is the Atlas version of experience and is represented by a medal icon with a "G" in it. You gain
Glory by killing enemy troops with your primarch - either by attacking them directly or by being

Glory is the equivalent of experience (XP) in Atlas, and is represented by a medal icon with a "G" in it. In
order to earn Glory:

• You must engage in PvP battle in Atlas. This means against another player's Primarch while using
your Primarch.
• Troops must be killed in this battle.

The Glory amount earned in each battle is separate for Primarchs, Riders, and your team. In other
words, if a battle earns 1,000 Glory:

• The Primarch earns 1,000 Glory.
• Each Rider earns 1,000 Glory / # of eligible Riders.
• Your team earns 0.7 Team Glory.
• Team Glory is used for hiring castle guards.

Remember that your team may have requirements about "hunting Glory" to ensure your team has
enough troops to take over or keep your castle. Having enough troops in reserve "just in case" is much
more important than getting Glory.


- Once your Fighter is level 5, you have the ability to choose from the four remaining Primarchs:
the Destroyer, Taunter, Rusher, and Sieger. Each Primarch costs 1.5m gold to research, but once
that is done you can summon them freely to use! Keep reading to see more of the details about
each Primarch and advice on which to use.

DESTROYER: The Destroyer is like a beefed up Fighter. It is a balanced Primarch that isn't bad for
attacking and isn't bad for defending - it is very even and well balanced, but this also means that it isn't
great for attacking or defending either.

Who should use the Destroyer Primarch?
Players who do not want to think too much about strategy in attacking and defending
Players with only one Primarch Slot and who won't get another for awhile

TRAPPER: The Trapper is a defensive Primarch that should only be used for defending and never used
to attack. This Primarch has the special ability to "trap" another Primarch for a set period of time.
Trapping another Primarch removes their abilities and keeps them from moving away. The duration of
the trap is directly related to the number of troops on the Trapper. The potential trap duration is
increased as the Trapper levels, and is decreased if the Rusher is not carrying its maximum number of

This Primarch is a great choice and one that is useful for players of all levels due to it's trap ability. This is
a Primarch that should remained summoned at all times when a player is offline due to it's high
defensive stats.

Who should use the Trapper Primarch?
Players with a second Primarch slot
Literally all players with a second Primarch slot

TAUNTER: The Taunter is a defensive Primarch that should only be used for defending and never
used to attack. This Primarch has the special ability to "taunt" another Primarch and make itself the
target instead of any other friendly Primarch in the area. When an enemy attacks a Primarch at a
location with a Taunter present, the Taunter will become the target of the attack instead. After
losing 10% of its Troop count, the Taunter's Taunt ability will go on cooldown for an amount of time
based on the Taunter's level. A Taunter can only Taunt a Primarch with fewer Troops than itself.

Who should use the Taunter Primarch?

Players with a third Primarch Slot
Players that have a vastly stronger base (read: near max) compared to their team (& more than one
Primarch Slot)

SIEGER: The Sieger is an offensive Primarch that should only be used to attack and should never be left
in a vulnerable position where it can be easily attacked. This Primarch has the special ability to reduce
the attack and defense bonus granted by an enemy Fort by a flat amount based on Sieger's level. This
ability stacks additively with other Siegers at a Fort's location.

Who should use the Sieger Primarch?

Players with a third Primarch Slot
Players with high dragons for their team (& more than one Primarch Slot)
Players with strong dragons who can fly very well (& more than one Primarch Slot)

Each Primarch belongs to a tier, with more powerful ones to be added in later updates. Currently, these
Primarchs can be researched:

A trapper has the ability to disable a primarch’s ability, movement, and forces them to attack the said

Once a trapper has “trapped” a taunter primarch, the taunter’s ability is in a state of “Break” wherein
their ability to taunt is disabled for the duration or until the taunter who’s trapped is able to destroy
10% of the trapper’s total troops.



Troops are the basic unit of army strength in Atlas. You can think of them as "Hit Points" or HP on your
Primarch. Any Troops claimed from the Training menu will go into your Barracks by default unless you
have your Primarch stationed there, in which case it will be added to the Primarch there that you last

• Each Troop costs 1,000 Gold, 10 Farmers, and ~25 seconds to train.
• Farmers (a.k.a. "Hats" generate at a rate of 1,440/hour up to a cap of 8,000).
• “Bullhorn" items exist that can instantly call 4,000 Farmers to your reserves to allow for more
Troops to be trained. These are usually found in the Atlas Bazaar or from Value Packs.
Bullhorns behave like Energy Packs, the more you use in a short period of time, the less-effective they
will be and grant fewer Farmers. Once you have Trained over 3 days of Troops in 24 hours (roughly
10,368 Troops), the number of Farmers gained from a single Bullhorn will begin to diminish. At ~20,000
in 24 hours, a Bullhorn is only 75% effective, and at 72,000 it will only be 50% effective


When you engage in combat with another player's Primarch, NOT all of your Troops are permanently
killed! A portion of Troops lost in the battle are recovered as Revivable Troops that can be brought back
for much less Gold, Farmers, and Time to help you get back into fighting shape much more quickly.

Each Revivable Troop costs only 233 Gold, 2 Farmers, and ~12 seconds to revive.
The cap for revivable troops you can have in reserve starts off at 25,000 and increases based on your
As either the Attacker OR Defender, a minimum of 2/3 of your Troops killed become Revivable Troops.
This amount can increase up to 100% based on the kill ratio of the Attack or the Defense (which is how
many Troops were lost on one side compared to the other).

Troops must be saved in barracks so a player can control how much troops to load on each primarch and
manage the troops lose as well, don’t load primarch with max troops ever otherwise you will lose it all in
one attack.

How to load troops on barracks ?
You can park your primatch at any area just out of home then claim your trained troops , once you claim
the trained troops while your primarch out of home , the trained troops will automatically move to
barracks. Remember troops can’t be sent from primarch to barracks so must be sure before claiming the
trained troops where the primarch is.

How do I transfer troops between primarchs?

To transfer troops between primarchs, do the following:

Place 2 primarch on the same location (Safe Zone/Home Base/Owned Castle)
Tap the Castle > Manage > Primarch > Select the other primarch (which is not the primary or the one
showing on the Compass on the upper left corner of the screen) > Tap “Transfer”
Once it shows 2 primarchs instead of barracks and primarch, you can now transfer the amount that you

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