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Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078

DOI 10.1007/s00247-017-3869-y


Ultrasound of congenital and inherited disorders of the pediatric

hepatobiliary system, pancreas and spleen
Susan J. Back 1 & Carolina L. Maya 2 & Asef Khwaja 1

Received: 30 December 2016 / Revised: 26 February 2017 / Accepted: 11 April 2017 / Published online: 2 August 2017
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract Ultrasound is often the initial imaging examination Hepatobiliary system

performed of the solid organs of the pediatric abdomen. The
sonographic appearance of the hepatobiliary system, pancreas Liver development begins in the 4th week of gestation as an
and spleen changes with growth and development. This article outpouching from the ventral foregut. The liver and biliary
reviews the normal US appearance of these organs in children ducts develop from the cranial aspect of the hepatic divertic-
and illustrates, through case examples, congenital and ulum; the gallbladder and cystic duct develop from the caudal
inherited conditions that affect them. portion [1]. There is an intricate relationship among the devel-
opment of the ductal plate, the portal venous and the hepatic
arterial systems [2]. In normal development, the majority of
Keywords Liver . Pancreas . Pediatrics . Spleen . Ultrasound the liver is in the right upper abdomen, with the left hepatic
segment extending across midline to the left upper quadrant.
In children with situs abnormalities, the position of the liver
and gallbladder might be abnormal. In such cases, the liver
Introduction might be midline (bridging) or in the left upper abdomen (in
the majority), and the gallbladder might be absent [3].
Because ultrasound (US) is widely available, well tolerated, Normally the liver is on the right.
typically performed without sedation and lacks ionizing radi- The US examination is performed in the fasted state with
ation, it is commonly the first imaging modality used to assess the highest-frequency curved transducer available based on
the pediatric abdomen. The body habitus of children also the child’s body habitus. Linear high-frequency probes are
lends itself to high-quality US examination of the abdominal also used to evaluate the liver contour. The liver is examined
organs. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the through a subcostal or intercostal approach in the long and
normal sonographic appearance of the liver, biliary system, short axes to evaluate organ size and the presence of focal or
pancreas and spleen in children. Here we highlight the utility diffuse abnormality [4].
of US in the assessment of children with non-infectious and Several population studies have reported normal liver size
non-neoplastic congenital and inherited conditions that affect for age, height and weight [5–9]. While the correlation coef-
these organs. ficients between these parameters and the longitudinal liver
measurement are very similar, most report the best correlation
* Susan J. Back is with height [6]. For preterm infants, organ length correlates slightly better for weight than height, and girls tend to be
smaller than boys [9]. Normal values are also published for
Department of Radiology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia,
the gallbladder size and wall thickness and common hepatic
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, duct size. In a group of 51 children, the mean gallbladder
3401 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA length for children from birth to 1 year of age was 2.5 cm
Department of Radiology, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, (range 1.3–3.4 cm) and from 12 years to 16 years was
3401 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA 6.1 cm (range 3.8–8 cm). Across all ages, the gallbladder wall
1070 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078

thickness was always ≤3 mm and the common hepatic duct Choledochal cysts are dilations of the bile ducts. There are
less than 4 mm [10]. The echotexture of the normal liver two theories about the formation of choledochal cysts [2]. One
should be greater than that of the right kidney and less than is that they are a ductal plate malformation of the large extra-
that of the pancreas and spleen (Fig. 1). This applies to older hepatic ducts. A second theory is that abnormal common bile
children because in babies the renal parenchyma can be more duct anatomy allows reflux of pancreatic enzymes into the
echogenic. The interface between the hepatic parenchyma and duct, resulting in cholangitis and cyst formation [2]. The
the portal triads and vessel walls should be visible [11]. Todani classification categorizes cysts based on the number,
Congenital disorders of the hepatobiliary system present configuration and location (intra- or extrahepatic) of the ductal
with a wide variety of clinical signs and symptoms or bio- dilation [14]. The clinical triad of abdominal pain, jaundice
chemical abnormalities. Fibropolycystic diseases comprise a and mass is present in a minority of patients. US can readily
group of liver and biliary abnormalities that result from mal- identify right upper quadrant and intrahepatic cystic masses
formation of the hepatic ductal plate. The specific diagnosis is and therefore these lesions might be detected in the evaluation
based on the size of the affected ducts. Small-duct involve- of abdominal pain (Fig. 3). Cystic dilation of the biliary tree
ment leads to congenital hepatic fibrosis and biliary must be differentiated from hepatic cysts. MRI and magnetic
hamartoma; medium-duct involvement results in autosomal- resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) are often per-
dominant polycystic liver disease; and large-duct involvement formed for larger and inconclusive lesions because treatment
causes either choledochal cyst (extrahepatic) or Caroli disease requires surgical resection (Fig. 3) [2].
(intrahepatic) [2]. The age at presentation depends on the se- Extrahepatic biliary atresia and neonatal hepatitis are the
verity of the hepatic and renal manifestations [12]. Congenital cause of 60–90% of conjugated hyperbilirubinemia [15].
hepatic fibrosis can progress to cirrhosis and liver failure and Despite similarities of laboratory and clinical findings in these
portends an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma [2]. entities, their management is markedly different. Infants with
Typical US imaging findings include hepatomegaly, biliary atresia initially undergo portoenterostomy and often go
hyperechoic parenchymal echotexture and portal triads, poor- on to liver transplantation. The diagnosis is time-sensitive be-
ly defined portal vessels, and dilated intra- and extrahepatic cause portoenterostomy is less likely to be beneficial if per-
bile ducts (Fig. 2). Recently US shear wave elastography formed beyond the age of 3 months. In a meta-analysis of 23
(SWE) has been used to assess liver stiffness (Fig. 2). SWE studies published over 25 years on the sonographic diagnosis
measurements correlate with pediatric hepatic fibrosis and of biliary atresia, the authors concluded that gallbladder ab-
therefore might serve as a noninvasive measure of liver dis- normalities and the triangular cord sign are the most accurate
ease [13]. No imaging finding is specific for congenital hepat- sonographic findings of biliary atresia (Fig. 4). Gallbladder
ic fibrosis, and the diagnosis is ultimately made by liver biop- US findings are subjective and include its absence, small size,
sy [2]. Treatment is directed toward managing the complica- abnormal shape, abnormal wall and absent contraction. The
tions of cirrhosis and portal hypertension [12]. triangular cord sign is a triangular or tubular echogenicity in
the region of the porta hepatis on transverse or longitudinal
US and is thought to represent the fibrous remnant of the
extrahepatic duct. The summary sensitivity of 0.95 (0.7–
0.99) for these findings was greater than either sign alone
[16]. However in a prospective study limited to children youn-
ger than 90 days, the triangular cord sign was less sensitive
than previous reports [15]. It was postulated that in this age
group the triangular cord sign might be absent or too small to
identify. Irregularity of the gallbladder wall was highly sensi-
tive and specific and absent gallbladder was always associated
with extrahepatic biliary atresia [15]. Babies with indetermi-
nate US might undergo hepatobiliary scintigraphy, intraoper-
ative cholangiogram or liver biopsy. Shear wave elastography
has shown promising results in differentiating biliary atresia
from other neonatal liver diseases and normal babies based on
increased hepatic stiffness in biliary atresia [13, 17, 18].
However, in one study there was overlap in measured liver
stiffness between those with biliary atresia, and two children
Fig. 1 Normal liver. Gray-scale transabdominal US of the right upper
quadrant in a sagittal plane in a 7-year-old boy shows normal
with giant cell hepatitis and one with Alagille syndrome [19].
echogenicity of the liver and kidney. The liver (L) is hyperechoic Alagille syndrome is an autosomal-dominant disorder that
relative the right kidney (K) affects multiple organ systems and sometimes presents with
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078 1071

ƒFig. 2 Congenital hepatic fibrosis in a 3-year-old girl who presented

with abdominal distension, hepatosplenomegaly and thrombocytopenia.
Gray-scale transabdominal US image of the right upper quadrant in the
sagittal plane shows abnormal, hyperechoic and heterogeneous liver
echotexture. Liver biopsy showed portal and periportal fibrosis. a
Image of the liver (L) obtained with a curved C9–2 MHz transducer. b
Image of the liver (L) obtained with a linear 12–5 MHz transducer. c
Ultrasound elastography with increased mean shear wave velocity
(2.58 m/s) calculated from 10 velocity samples, obtained from hepatic
segment 8. This is increased relative to the normal pediatric liver stiffness
of 1.16 m/s (standard deviation 0.14 m/s) on this equipment. The green
rectangle is the region of interest where shear wave velocity was

Fig. 3 Choledochal cyst in a 4-year-old boy with several weeks of

abdominal pain. a Gray-scale transabdominal US in the sagittal plane
cholestasis. It is important to distinguish Alagille from biliary with dilation of the common bile duct (star). The fusiform nature of the
atresia because Alagille patients who undergo a dilation was better seen on MRI. Echogenic debris is seen in the lesion
portoenterostomy have a worse prognosis [20]. Alagille syn- (arrow). b Coronal T2-W half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-
drome is traditionally diagnosed based on the classic criteria echo (HASTE) MR image with fat saturation shows fusiform extrahepatic
ductal dilation (star). There is mild dilation of the intrahepatic ducts
where three of the following are present: cholestasis, charac- (arrows). Sludge was seen in the intrahepatic ducts on other images
teristic facies, cardiac defect, vertebral anomalies and ophthal- (not shown). This boy underwent type I choledochal cyst resection and
mologic findings. Liver pathology in Alagille syndrome hepaticojejunostomy. C cystic duct, G gallbladder, K kidney, L liver
1072 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078

Fig. 4 Triangular cord sign in a 5-month-old girl with known biliary

Fig. 5 Cystic fibrosis liver disease in a 16-year-old girl. Sagittal gray-
atresia pre liver transplant evaluation. Transabdominal color Doppler
scale transabdominal US image shows a heterogeneous, hyperechoic
US of the right upper quadrant in the transverse plane shows an
hepatic echotexture compatible with cystic fibrosis liver disease
echogenic linear region (arrow) adjacent to the portal vein that
measured up to 4 mm. The gallbladder was not visualized
ventral pancreatic duct merges with the central portion of the
shows a paucity of bile ducts, differentiated from ductal pres- dorsal duct. This creates the main duct (of Wirsung), which
ence in congenital hepatic fibrosis, and inflammation with extends from this union to the major papilla. The remaining
proliferation of duct and glandular elements and fibrosis in dorsal duct forms the duct of Santorini that drains into the
biliary atresia. Because of the normal progression of biliary minor papilla [24].
maturation, biopsies taken early in life sometimes incorrectly Given its location, the pancreas can be difficult to examine
conclude a lack of ducts and it is unclear at what age the ductal with US. Graded compression or water ingestion can displace
findings can be confirmed with biopsy [20]. Maintaining an overlying bowel gas. The left hepatic lobe or left kidney
index of suspicion and referral to a center that specializes in (when prone) acts as an acoustic window to increase pancre-
pediatric hepatic disease is important for the diagnosis and atic visibility.
management of these children. The pancreas has a multi-lobulated appearance and extends
Cystic fibrosis liver disease is the most common from the second portion of the duodenum toward the splenic
extrapulmonary cause of mortality in patients with cystic fi- hilum. The normal parenchyma is homogeneous and
brosis (CF) [21]. Among these patients, 5–10% develop cir- isoechoic or hyperechoic to the liver (Fig. 7). Newborn and
rhosis in childhood [21]. Other than a recent publication on premature infants tend to have hyperechoic parenchyma
trending gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) to predict cir- (Fig. 8) [26]. Ten percent of children have hypoechoic paren-
rhotic cystic fibrosis liver disease, biochemical markers have chyma [27]. The pancreas is relatively larger in children than
not been useful in predicting risk of cirrhosis [22]. US is useful adults, with rapid growth in the first year followed by slower
in detecting hepatic parenchymal changes in CF before clini- growth until 18 years of age [27]. The head and tail are similar
cal and biochemical markers (Figs. 5 and 6). Out of 719 base- in size, with the intervening body slightly thinner. Normal
line US examinations of children with CF without known liver
disease performed as part of a prospective trial on US assess-
ment of cystic fibrosis liver disease, cirrhosis was detected in
3.3% [23]. Cystic fibrosis liver disease is inhomogeneous and
unevenly distributed and therefore liver biopsy is subject to
sampling error. SWE has demonstrated progressive increase
in liver stiffness in those with cystic fibrosis liver disease and
associated portal hypertension, splenomegaly and varices
compared to those without cystic fibrosis liver disease [23].


The pancreas develops by the 4th week of gestation from

separate ventral and dorsal buds of the duodenal endodermal Fig. 6 Cystic fibrosis liver disease in a 12-year-old boy. Transverse gray-
lining [24, 25]. During development, there is rotation of the scale transabdominal US image shows a homogeneous hyperechoic
ventral pancreas, which fuses with the dorsal anlage while the hepatic echotexture, which is suggestive of hepatic steatosis
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078 1073

Given its complicated development, a spectrum of varia-

tions and malformations can occur. Pancreas divisum results
from failed dorsal and ventral bud fusion and is the most
common congenital anomaly, occurring in up to 14% of the
population based on autopsy series [25]. While divisum is
most often complete without ductal communication, there
are variations ranging from a filamentous connection to ab-
sence of the ventral duct [29]. The ductal anatomy is further
delineated with MRCP, and endoscopic retrograde
cholangiopancreatography is reserved for therapeutic inter-
ventions. However conditions thought to be associated with
divisum, such as pancreatitis, can be seen with sonography.
In annular pancreas, pancreatic tissue encircles the second
Fig. 7 Normal pancreas. Transverse gray-scale transabdominal US of the
mid upper abdomen in a 7-year-old boy shows normal echogenicity of the portion of the duodenum due to incomplete rotation of the
liver and pancreas. L liver, P pancreas. The pancreatic duct (arrow) was ventral anlage. The prevalence is approximately 1 in 2,000
normal persons [24, 30]. Two types have been proposed: (a) extramu-
ral subtype where the ventral pancreatic duct encircles the
measurements have been described throughout childhood [3]. duodenum to join the main pancreatic duct and (b) intramural
With improving technology, the pancreatic duct is frequently subtype where pancreatic tissue intermingles with duodenal
visualized by US. The normal mean diameter of the duct is wall muscle fibers and numerous small ducts drain directly
1.65 mm (±0.45 mm) and is up to 2.2 mm in adolescents [28]. into the duodenum [25]. Symptoms differ between the sub-
types. Those with the extramural subtype present with ob-
structive symptoms and those with intramural subtype present
with duodenal ulceration [31]. About half of patients present
with duodenal obstruction in the neonatal period. Pancreatic
tissue encircling the descending duodenum can be seen on US
The congenitally short pancreas results from agenesis of
the dorsal pancreatic anlage. Sonography confirms the ab-
sence of the pancreatic neck, body and tail, with stomach or
bowel loops filling the normal pancreatic bed [33]. Agenesis
of the pancreas can also be seen as part of the spectrum of
anomalies in patients with situs abnormalities [3]. Pancreatic
tissue can also be found in ectopic locations, most often the
stomach, duodenum and jejunum [34, 35]. The actual tissue is
usually not visualized by ultrasound but rather the sequela of
disease involving the ectopic tissue is seen, including bowel
wall thickening in pancreatitis, cysts or malignancy [34, 36,
Congenital hyperinsulinism causes hypoglycemia in the
newborn from hyperplasia of pancreatic beta cells, which
can be diffuse or focal. When 18F-dihydroxyphenylalanine
(DOPA) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT identifies
a focal lesion, surgical excision can be curative.
Intraoperative US with the transducer placed directly onto
the pancreas can localize these small, often <5-mm lesions
for excision (Fig. 9). Typically they are hypoechoic, heteroge-
neous or homogeneous with ill-defined margins [38]. Recent
advent of ultrahigh-resolution US systems and transducers has
Fig. 8 Pancreas in a premature infant. Transverse gray-scale further improved visibility of these lesions (Fig. 9).
transabdominal US images of the mid upper abdomen in a girl born at
35 1/7 weeks of gestation. a 1 day old. b 7 months old. The echogenicity
In children with CF, inspissated pancreatic secretions lead
of the pancreas is hyperechoic relative to the liver at 1 day but is isoechoic to obstruction of the exocrine function of the pancreas [39].
at 7 months This ultimately causes pancreatic inflammation and atrophy
1074 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078

Fig. 10 Pancreatic insufficiency in a 12-year-old boy with cystic fibrosis.

Gray-scale transabdominal US of the mid upper abdomen in a transverse
plane shows normal echogenicity of the liver and homogeneous
hyperechogenicity of the pancreas. L liver, P pancreas + calipers denote
the pancreatic head and X calipers denote the pancreatic body

functions mainly to remove old and damaged red blood cells

from the bloodstream [42].
The spleen has a lentiform shape and clefts and lobules may
be seen. Splenic size, as with most solid abdominal organs,
changes with the child’s growth, and normal reference values
based on age and body size are available [6, 7, 43–45]. Similar
to the liver, height is more commonly reported to correlate best
with the longitudinal measurement of the spleen and no signifi-
Fig. 9 Congenital hyperinsulinism in a 1-month-old girl. A lesion was cant difference is seen between genders. In preterm infants, body
detected at the pancreatic head–neck junction on preoperative 18F-
dihydroxyphenylalanine positron emission tomography (PET)/CT (not weight is a better correlate with length and girls tend to be smaller
shown). The lesion was not seen on preoperative transabdominal gray- than boys [44, 45]. In general, the spleen does not extend beyond
scale ultrasound (not shown). a Intraoperative transverse gray-scale US the lower margin of the left kidney. On US, splenic length is
with a linear 15–7 MHz transducer placed directly on the pancreas shows measured from dome of the spleen to its inferior tip. A splenic
the 3 mm by 5 mm hypoechoic lesion at the pancreatic head–neck
junction (arrows). b Intraoperative transverse gray-scale US with a 50- measurement of 1.25 times the left kidney length suggests
MHz transducer placed directly on the pancreas shows the lesion in better splenomegaly [46].
detail. Pathological evaluation described a 6x3x3-mm focus of islet cell On US imaging the spleen has uniform, homogeneous ap-
hyperplasia consistent with focal neonatal hyperinsulinism pearance with echogenicity similar to or slightly greater than
the kidneys and slightly greater than the liver (Fig. 11) [42]. A
followed by fibrosis and fat infiltration. Duct dilation, calcifi-
cations and cysts also occur. On US the pancreas is small and
hyperechoic, but the gray-scale appearance does not necessar-
ily correlate with function (Fig. 10) [39, 40]. Shear wave
elastography has shown decreased pancreatic stiffness in pa-
tients with pancreatic insufficiency compared to CF patients
without insufficiency as well as healthy subjects [23].


The spleen normally resides within the left upper quadrant of the
abdomen. It is derived from mesenchyme and composed of red
and while pulp. Red pulp consists of numerous vascular sinuses
and the white pulp is composed of lymphoid follicles and cells of Fig. 11 Normal spleen in a 10-year-old boy. Transverse gray-scale
the reticuloendothelial system [41]. In the fetus, the spleen is a transabdominal US of the left upper quadrant shows normal
site of red blood cell production. However after birth the spleen echogenicity of the spleen
Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078 1075

Fig. 12 Normal spleen in a 9-month-old boy. Transverse gray-scale

transabdominal US of the left upper quadrant using a linear 12–5 MHz
transducer shows a reticular nodular appearance (arrows) of the splenic Fig. 14 A 5-month-old boy with heterotaxy and polysplenia. Gray-scale
parenchyma. The spleen size was normal transabdominal US of the left upper quadrant in a transverse plane shows
accessory splenules (arrows)
pattern of hypoechoic sub-millimeter nodules (reticulonodular
pattern) can be visualized when using high-frequency transduc- “wandering spleen” occurs when there are lax or absent ligamen-
ers (Fig. 12). When correlated with histology, the nodules were tous attachments that allow the spleen to move within the abdo-
found by one group to represent lymphoid follicles of white pulp men and pelvis [49, 50]. When the spleen is in an abnormal
that increase in size up to 5 years of age [47]. This could account location it sometimes presents as a mass or with pain secondary
for the more prominent nodular appearance in some children and to torsion and vascular compromise (Fig. 13) [50]. The spleen
should not be mistaken for pathology. The spleen is relatively may also be abnormally located in children with abdominal wall
hypervascular on color Doppler imaging. Although the spleen or diaphragmatic defects. Accessory spleens or splenules occur
normally has a smooth contour, variations can occur. The fetal in up to 30% of patients on autopsy and are caused by failed
spleen is lobulated and this configuration can persist. Notches or fusion of the splenic anlage [47, 51]. These are usually asymp-
clefts are thought to represent residua of the grooves between tomatic and should be not be mistaken for a mass or lymph node
fetal lobulations and can be as deep as 3 cm [48]. (Fig. 14). Accessory spleens are usually less than 4 cm in size,
Anomalies of splenic location and number occur as isolated round and near the hilum, with a similar appearance to spleen.
anomalies or associated with systemic abnormalities. The Polysplenia syndrome consists of a range of abnormalities in-
cluding situs ambiguous and concomitant levoisomerism [48]
(Fig. 15). As the name suggests, splenic findings include

Fig. 13 Torsed wandering spleen in a 15-year-old girl who presented

with acute abdominal pain and abdominal mass. Panoramic sagittal
gray-scale transabdominal US of the left upper quadrant with the spleen
(calipers) displaced caudal to the left kidney (K). The spleen measured up Fig. 15 A 9-year-old girl with heterotaxy and polysplenia. Gray-scale
to 20.3 cm in length. Doppler images (not shown) showed decreased transabdominal US of the right upper quadrant in a sagittal plane shows a
parenchymal flow on color Doppler and high resistance arterial wave lobular soft-tissue structure (SP) in the right upper quadrant adjacent to
forms and poor venous drainage on spectral tracings. At laparoscopy the stomach (S). This tissue was similar in echotexture to additional
this was found to be a torsed spleen with narrow pedicle and no splenic tissue in the right upper quadrant (not shown), consistent with
abdominal attachments polysplenia
1076 Pediatr Radiol (2017) 47:1069–1078

hypertension, infection, storage diseases, leukemia/

lymphoma and hemolytic anemia (sickle cell disease
and trait, hereditary spherocytosis). Acute splenic se-
questration is an emergent cause of splenomegaly in
children with sickle cell disease [49]. Patients have a
rapid drop in hemoglobin and platelets as the spleen
traps large volumes of blood, with possible hypotension
and death [55]. On US imaging, the spleen appears
enlarged and heterogeneous [49, 55]. In time, the spleen
in patients with sickle cell disease unde rgoes
autoinfarction. The final result is a small, fibrotic and
calcified spleen [55]. Previously, children with sickle
cell disease had autosplenectomy by school age. As
more are treated with blood transfusions and hydroxy-
urea, more children with sickle cell disease not only
have a spleen but also abnormalities that are associated
with these therapies [56, 57]. Splenomegaly, abnormal
echotexture and nodules likely result from congestion,
fibrosis, hemosiderin deposition and formation of
intrasplenic nodules of preserved, functioning splenic
tissue (Fig. 16) [57, 58].


Ultrasonography can readily assess the pediatric liver, biliary

system, pancreas and spleen. A variety of congenital and
inherited disorders affect these organs. Knowledge of their
normal sonographic appearance, growth and development
Fig. 16 Spleen imaging in a 12-year-old boy with sickle cell SS disease are necessary for exam interpretation.
and history of hydroxyurea therapy. a Gray-scale transabdominal US of
the left upper quadrant shows increased echogenicity of the periphery of Compliance with ethical standards
the spleen (arrow) with multiple relatively hypoechoic round foci (star) in
the central portions. Color Doppler images (not shown) showed blood
flow within the hypoechoic foci but not in the periphery of the spleen. b Conflicts of interest The authors have no financial interests, investiga-
Axial CT through the upper abdomen obtained after intravenous contrast tional or off-label uses to disclose.
administration shows the spleen in the left upper quadrant. There is
increased attenuation (200 Hounsfield units [HU]) of the periphery of
the splenic tissue (arrow) with normal-attenuation splenic tissue (122
HU) in the central aspect (star). The liver in comparison had an
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