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Quality Assurance for Sterile Products.

Article  in  International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding · August 2013

Source: PubMed

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2 authors:

Eric S Kastango Kate Douglass

Clinical IQ, LLC and CriticalPoint, LLC CriticalPoint, LLC


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The focus of this article is twofold. The first is to emphasize that
the operating standards described in the ASHP Guidelines on Qual-
ity Assurance for Pharmacy-Prepared Products11 and/or USP Chap-

Assurance ter <1206>13 should be reviewed and followed by responsible phar-

macy personnel (pharmacists or technicians) who prepare sterile
products such as compounds for intravenous or intramuscular ad-

for Sterile ministration, ophthalmic use, or inhalation. The second focus is

that of identifying operating metrics that can used to design a
quality system for the preparation of sterile products in a pharmacy.

Products ASHP Quality Assurance Guidelines

and USP Chapter <1206>
Eric S. Kastango, RPh, MBA, FASHP The ASHP quality assurance guidelines define activities that
Clinical IQ, LLC, Madison, New Jersey should be used in the preparation of sterile products in the phar-
Kate Douglass, CCNS, MS, CRNI macy. In those guidelines, a variety of different operating param-
Coram Healthcare Corporation, Totowa, New Jersey eters such as physical plant, types of products used, and length of
product storage are described. The guidelines are also intended to
The focus on developing, implementing, and using quality sys- “help pharmacists and pharmacy technicians prepare sterile prod-
tems during the preparation of pharmacy-prepared sterile products ucts of the highest quality.”11 They were developed for use in a va-
has never been more important than it is today. On November 17, riety of practice settings that include hospitals, community retail
1998, former President William Jefferson Clinton signed into law pharmacies, long-term care facilities, and home care organiza-
the US Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act (FDAMA) tions.
of 1997. Section 503A of the FDAMA, which is titled “Pharmacy In USP Chapter <1206>, key requirements that are essential in
Compounding,” defined the limits of legitimate compounding. the production of quality products are defined. Several of those re-
By limiting the scope of pharmacy compounding, the law is designed quirements are described below.12
to protect patients from the unnecessary use of compounded drugs. ■ Personnel must be capable and qualified to perform their assigned
Commercially manufactured drugs are scientifically tested, ap- duties.
proved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and manu- ■ Ingredients used in compounding must have their expected
factured under controlled conditions that meet current good man- identity, quality, and purity.
ufacturing practices (cGMPs).1 ■ Critical processes must be validated to ensure that procedures
By virtue of the FDAMA, the FDA is empowered to identify cer- used consistently result in the expected quality of the finished
tain drug products that are difficult to compound and for which com- product.
pounding can adversely affect safety or effectiveness. The Pharmacy ■ The production environment must be suitable for its intended
Compounding Advisory Committee of the FDA agreed that ster-
ile products prepared by means of procedures other than those de-
scribed in <Chapter 1206> (“Sterile Drug Products for Home Figure 1. Types of Activities Validated by Process
Use”) of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) met the requirements Simulation Testing.
for being difficult to compound.2 Process Simulation Testing Validates . . .
Although Section 503A was ruled unconstitutional by the 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals on February 6, 2001,3 pharmacists must Gowning and
realize that the FDA has taken a great interest in pharmacy com- gloving procedures
pounding. That interest and the issues surrounding Section 503A
may not go away. USP Chapter <1206>, which is constantly un- Physical
dergoing revision, can be used as the standard for the compound- plant
ing of sterile preparations. function
Over the past two decades, news articles have reported patient in- per
engineering Individual
juries and deaths caused by pharmacy compounding errors.4-9 Many specifica- aseptic Facility
of those errors resulted from inadequate quality control measures. tions manipulations cleaning
In 1996, the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
(ASHP) conducted a national survey of quality assurance for phar-
macy-prepared sterile products. That survey indicated that few
pharmacies were equipped with adequately controlled compound-
ing environments, which are essential in producing a sterile prod- Ability of compounding
uct. The survey also indicated that many pharmacists were not per- equipment to produce
aseptic product
forming critical quality assurance checks by means of environmental
monitoring, end-product testing, and process validation.10 Adapted with permission by Coram Healthcare Corporation.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

purposes with respect to environmental cleanliness, control, ment? Usually, professional organizations or regulatory agencies
monitoring, and the determination of environmental microbial do not dictate specific actions that have to be followed but instead
action limits. publish general guidelines for creating a quality product. The
■ Appropriate release checks or testing procedures must be per- FDA does not dictate how drug or medical-device manufacturers
formed to ensure that finished products have their expected potency, should meet the standards of cGMPs or quality system requirements
purity, quality, and characteristics at the time of release. (QSRs). It is the responsibility of each sterile-product manufacturer
■ Appropriate stability evaluation must be performed to establish to use the guidelines described to develop, implement, validate, and
reliable beyond-use dates to ensure that finished products have their monitor critical phases of sterile-product preparation.
expected potency, purity, quality, and characteristics, at least until Quality is the consistent production of products or services that
the respective beyond-use date. meet or exceed customer expectations. It does not occur by acci-
■ Processes must always be carried out as intended or specified dent or by chance. The quality of sterile products depends on the
and must be under control. control of factors that can destroy chemical stability and sterility.
■ Preparation conditions and procedures must be designed to To ensure quality, those who prepare such products must monitor
prevent mix-ups. the following factors:
■ Effective procedures for investigating and correcting failures or ■ The controlled work area microbial bioburden
problems in the preparation or testing of a product (or in the ■ Routine cleaning procedures
product itself) must be followed and recorded. ■ Initial and ongoing aseptic technique testing and/or process
■ Quality control functions and decisions must be adequately validation
separated from those of production. ■ The compounding setup, solution verification processes, and final
Those sets of guidelines, however, do not provide pharmacists and product inspection
technicians with specific actions that facilitate environmental mon-
itoring, cleaning, and facility maintenance or the assessment of qual- Process Simulation Testing
ity assurance activities in daily sterile-product preparation.13 How Process simulation testing (Figure 1) is used to validate sterile-
do pharmacists and technicians decide which actions to imple- product preparation during all phases of production.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

Figure 2. Pharmacy Cleanroom Environmental Sampling Table 1. Baseline, Alert, and Action-limit Values
Locations. for Pharmacy Cleanroom Environmental Sampling.

Baseline Alert Action

Workcart Room Description Location* (Ideal) Limit Limit
Hood A
Cleanroom Air A 0 0 3
A sampling B1 0 0 3
B1 B2 ≤5 >5 8
B1 Surface A 0 >0 3
sampling C ≤ 10 > 10 15
B2 Gowning Air B2 ≤ 10 > 10 15
CLEANROOM B1 area and sampling
Hood pass-through Surface C ≤ 20 > 20 30
(if applicable) sampling
C *Letter corresponds to the legend and locations from the previous
THROUGH work areas by monitoring air and surface samples. The total
GOWNING amount of airborne particles (viable and nonviable) under stat-
AREA ic conditions should be determined twice a year during routine
hood and cleanroom certification. This is referred to as a “room
particle count.” Routine ongoing environmental monitoring
Gowning involves establishing baseline data for the microbial bioburden
C cart of the controlled work areas. Air and surface sampling involve
collecting environmental “snapshots” on tryptic soy broth
(TSB)/agar (TSA) plates that support the growth of many types
of microorganisms. Air sampling is accomplished by placing air-
A sites = surface sampling HD = hand dryer settling plates at various locations throughout the controlled
B sites = air sampling environment according to the types of activities performed or the
C sites = surface (wall) sampling number of personnel and extent of product movement in the area.
In Figure 2, various locations that can be used for environmen-
Developing a Dynamic tal sampling are illustrated.
Each location is assigned three values: baseline (ideal), alert, and
Environmental Monitoring Program action limit (Table 1). Before the baseline is determined, the con-
The ability to achieve and maintain the integrity of the con- trolled work area should be thoroughly cleaned with a disinfect-
trolled work areas and the sterility of pharmacy-prepared products ing detergent. After the cleaned areas are dry, locations from which
depends on factors such as: samples are obtained should be tested. In class 100 environments
■ The ingredients of the compounded product (sterile versus (hoods or clean zones), the ideal baseline should be zero. The in-
nonsterile) tegrity of class 100 environments is closely correlated with the steril-
■ The compounding equipment and processes used (closed sys- ity of pharmacy-prepared sterile products.
tems versus open systems) Settling plates are TSA agar plates that are 100 mm in diameter.
■ Hand washing, garbing, and gloving procedures They should be exposed to cleanroom air for a period of 1 hour but
■ Aseptic technique used for compounding not more than 3 hours. Exposure of longer than 3 hours causes the
■ Facility and environmental conditions under which products are agar to dry out. Air sampling is a cost-effective way of obtaining
prepared quantitative data relative to the viable microbial particles expect-
Both the ASHP and the USP publish recommendations about the ed to settle from the air at each sampling site. Other volume-of-
type and frequency of environmental monitoring according to the air samplers such as the slit-to-agar (STA) sampler and the Reuter
risk involved in the compounding process. Most pharmacy oper- Centrifugal Air Sampler (RCS) (Biotest Hycon Corporation,
ations batch-prepare and store antibiotics for more than 28 hours Denville, New Jersey) can also be used to collect air samples.
and prepare parenteral nutrition solutions (TPNs) by means of an Those methods, which require the purchase of expensive collec-
automated compounding device. Those operations should be con- tion devices, also provide quantitative sampling data.12
ducted according to ASHP risk level II procedures, which are Surface sampling is performed with raised TSA plates that are 60
closely related to the USP high-risk category I. mm in diameter (RODAC plates). The TSA in RODAC plates is
It is important to monitor the microbial bioburden of controlled mixed with polysorbate 80 and lecithin, which inactivate many

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

residual disinfectants. Polysorbate 80 neutralizes phenols, hex-

achlorophene, and formalin, and lecithin inactivates quaternary Figure 3. Sample Environmental Monitoring Schedule.
ammonium compounds. During sampling, a RODAC plate is
pressed onto the area to be tested. Any microorganisms on the sur-
face of the area tested (which should ideally be flat) are transferred Perform cleaning
onto the RODAC plate. After the sample has been obtained, the area
tested should be wiped down with isopropyl alcohol to remove any
residue left by the RODAC plate. While the sample is being obtained, Monitor daily for
operating conditions should be rotated between production (dynamic) 3 consecutive days
and nonproduction (static) times. Testing under dynamic conditions
is useful in monitoring the effectiveness of hand washing, garbing, CFU count at or below
and gloving by personnel. It also records the microbial condition action limits
of the controlled work area when staff are present. Testing under
static conditions provides information about the functioning of Monitor weekly for
high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and controls for pres- 12 weeks
sure differentials, air exchanges, temperature, and humidity and about
the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitizing procedures. CFU count at or below
The sampling plates are incubated for 48 hours at 86˚F to 95˚F. action limits
Any discrete colonies, which are known as colony forming units cleaning
(CFUs), that grow on the plates are counted at the completion of
Monitor biweekly for
the incubation period and are noted on a collection form. Ideally, 12 weeks
the plates with CFUs should be sent for analysis so that the species
of the microorganisms can be identified.
CFU count at or below
Environmental monitoring should be performed daily at all action limits
sampling locations for 1 week to establish a microbial baseline and Perform
then once weekly to monitor overall bioburden trends over time. procedure
After a baseline has been established, action limits can be iden- monthly
tified for each area and routine monitoring is required less fre-
quently. A sample environmental monitoring schedule is shown
in Figure 3. CFU count at or below
action limits
Observing the trends in the microbial bioburden over time is the
key to having an effective environmental monitoring program.
Any sudden increase in established action limits or trended increases Repeat process
as required
in bioburden over time is a signal that an investigation should
occur and that possible intervention may be necessary. Potential
interventions include: CFU, Colony forming unit
■ Retesting sampling areas if alert limits are breached
■ Reassessing cleaning procedures, which may include a review of Sanitizing eliminates many or all pathogenic microorganisms
cleaning documentation and the training of personnel on inanimate objects. Disinfectants, which do not kill endospores
■ Examining recent production activities for changes, such as the and are not sterile, are used in the pharmaceutical industry to kill
arrival of new compounding equipment in the controlled work vegetative bacteria and fungi. A sanitizing agent should reduce
area or irregularities that may have contributed to an increased the non–spore-forming microbial population by 3 logs or should
cause a 99.999% reduction in the number of microorganisms with-
■ Performing a three-time cleaning of the controlled work area
in 30 seconds of contact time.15
■ Using a different cleaning agent
Effective cleaning and sanitizing agents are from one of four
■ Reviewing other validation outcomes to see whether they indi-
chemical families. They include:
cate an increase in the bioburden
■ Phenolic compounds
■ Retraining cleaning and compounding staff members
■ Quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATs)
Routine Cleaning ■ Chlorine compounds
■ Alcohol compounds
and Sanitizing Procedures
Table 2 provides detailed information about each chemical family.
Staff who work in controlled work areas are the greatest source After the initial construction of a controlled work area or at the
of viable and nonviable contamination.14 All controlled work areas conclusion of a controlled work area certification process, a spe-
in which the staging, compounding, and storage of pharmacy-pre- cial three-time cleaning of all surfaces (ceiling, walls, floor, hoods,
pared sterile products are performed should undergo routine clean- carts, etc) must be performed with appropriate agents. Two cycles
ing and sanitizing to maintain facility and environmental controls. of a sanitizing detergent like Vesphene LpH (Calgon Vestal, St.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

Table 2. Characteristics of Cleaning and Sanitizing Agents.

Recommended Comments and

Class Use Advantages Disadvantages Hazards Examples
Phenolic Excellent bactericide Nonspecific concern- Unpleasant odor Skin and eye irritant Hil-Phene
compounds Excellent fungicide ing bactericidal and Some areas have Sensitizer LpH
Excellent tuberculocide fungicidal action disposal restrictions Corrosive Metar
Excellent viricide If boiling water causes Effectiveness reduced Toxic Vesphene brand
rusting, the pres- by alkaline pH,
ence of phenolic natural soap, or
substances produces organic material
an antirusting effect Not sporicidal

70% Isopropyl Cleaning some Fairly inexpensive < 50% Solution not Flammable –
alcohol solution instruments very effective Eye irritant
Cleaning skin Not active when organ- Toxic
ic matter is present
Not active against
certain types of
Evaporates quickly
Contact time not
sufficient for killing
Chlorine Spills of human body Kills hardy viruses Corrodes metals such Follow spill proce- Bleach solutions
compounds fluids (eg, hepatitis) as stainless steel and dure and dilution (sodium
Good bactericide Kills a wide range of aluminum instructions hypochlorite)
Good fungicide organisms Organics may reduce Make fresh solutions Clorox
Good sporicide at Inexpensive activity before use Cyosan
>1000 ppm sodium Penetrates well Increases alkalinity Eye, skin, and Purex
hypochlorite Relatively quick Decreases bactericidal respiratory irritant
microbial kill properties Corrosive
May be used on food Unpleasant taste and Toxic
prep surfaces odor
Tuberculocidal with
extended contact
Quaternary Ordinary housekeep- Contains a detergent Does not eliminate Select from EPA list Quatsyl
ammonium ing (eg, for floors, to help loosen soil spores, tuberculosis of hospital disinfec- Coverage 258
compounds furniture, walls) Rapid action bacteria, some tants End-Bac
(QUATS) Excellent bactericide Colorless, odorless viruses Skin and eye irritant Hi Tor
Good fungicide Nontoxic, less Effectiveness influ- Toxic
Good viricide (not as corrosive enced by hard water
effective as phenols) Highly stable Layer of soap inter-
May be used on food feres with action
prep surfaces

Source: Barbara Fox Nellis EPA, Environmental Protection Agency

Louis, Missouri) followed by one cleaning cycle of sodium hypochlo- should be alternated weekly and should be rotated with another
rite (bleach) should be performed. This type of cleaning removes cleaning agent like Quatsyl-256 (Sterling Drug, Montvale, New
viable and nonviable contaminants from certification personnel, cer- Jersey) at least every 3 months. A sample cleaning plan is outlined
tification equipment and tools, and compounds such as poly (alpha- in Table 3.
olefin) (Emery 3004) (Cognis Corporation, Cincinnati, Ohio) that Buckets and other cleaning tools should be dedicated to each
are used to test the HEPA filters and other parts of the heating, vent- area of use. Buckets used to clean floors should never be used to clean
ing, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. This establishes a base- hoods or walls. To prevent inadvertent contamination, the clean-
line cleanliness level that can be used to determine the baseline ing implements used in the cleanroom or controlled work areas should
bioburden. be dedicated to those areas and should not be used in the anteroom
A phenol-based cleaning agent such as Vesphene LpH (Calgon or preparation area. To prevent soiled wipes from contaminating the
Vestal) should be alternated with sodium hypochlorite to prevent cleaning solutions, low-lint wipes should be used only once to wipe
the development of microbicide-resistant bacteria. Cleaning agents down equipment, after which they should be discarded.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

Table 3. Sample Cleaning Plan for Controlled Work Areas.

Area Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Agent Vesphene LpH Bleach Vesphene LpH Vesphene LpH Vesphene LpH

Class 100 Wipe down Wipe down Wipe down Wipe down Wipe down
Aseptic processing equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment
area Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor
Hoods Mop walls
Mop ceilings*
Class 10,000 Wipe down Wipe down Wipe down Wipe down Wipe down
Anteroom equipment equipment equipment equipment equipment
Gowning room Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor
Mop walls
Mop ceilings*
Class 100,000 Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor Mop floor Wipe down counter
Pass-through tops
Prep area Mop floor
Wipe down bins*
*Performed monthly.
Equipment: Interior surfaces of hoods, chairs, workstations, pumps, wire storage (Metro) carts, garbage cans, and benches.

It is critical that all activities associated with cleaning, such as the den is at the highest level. TSB should not be used while sterile prod-
preparation of cleaning solutions, be properly documented in logs ucts are being prepared because of the potential for cross-contam-
or notebooks. Special three-time cleanings as well as routine daily, ination and dispensing errors (such as cases in which media-fill
weekly, and monthly cleaning procedures must be performed and units are accidentally labeled and sent to patients for infusion).
documented consistently. The training of personnel who perform Several aseptic technique validation kits are currently available.
cleaning procedures but are not pharmacy staff must be docu- Some are limited to the use of only ampules, vials, and syringes. Al-
mented to ensure proper monitoring as well as compliance with poli- though those kits produce a valid representation of aseptic technique
cies on sterile compounding. Routine, consistent cleaning minimizes for ampule and vial transfer activities, many do not include aseptic
the overall bioburden of the controlled work area. manipulations performed in most pharmacy operations. Other
methods may be required to mimic the range of activities per-
Aseptic Technique Validation formed in pharmacies that compound parenteral solutions. Ideal-
Proper aseptic technique is an acquired skill. Pharmacists and tech- ly, a media-fill procedure should incorporate multiple manipulations
nicians who compound must complete aseptic technique validation with syringes, ampules, vials, media-fill bags, transfer tubing, and
before they are allowed to produce products for patient use. Asep- empty bags for the administration of intravenous medication.
tic technique validation is accomplished by means of media fills, Sample Media-Fill Procedure
in which actual compounding conditions and aseptic processes are
simulated to demonstrate that microorganisms are not introduced One MFU can be produced by the following method:
during process-related activities. The activities performed by the ■ Use a straight needle (not a filter needle) to withdraw 1 mL of
operator of the media fill should mimic actual compounding ac- sterile, preservative-free water from a glass ampule and inject the
water into each of two TSB bags.
tivities, because the greatest risk of contamination occurs during
■ Make five additional 1-mL withdrawals from the vial of ster-
normal production runs.
ile, preservative-free water and inject the water into each TSB
The amount and frequency of media-fill runs are controversial top-
ics. At a minimum, the initial media-fill validation should occur daily ■ Transfer the content of both TSB bags via a Y-type transfer set
for 3 days. This will allow the operator’s technique to be tested for into an empty bag used for the administration of intravenous med-
consistency and reproducibility and will eliminate results skewed ications.
by chance. It may be reasonable to consider quarterly media-fill runs, ■ Clamp the tubing of the transfer set, crimp the tubing to seal
if that frequency is sufficient to satisfy minimum competency re- it, cut the tubing, and incubate the bag for 7 days at room tem-
quirements. The frequency, number, and results of media-fill units perature and then for 7 days in an incubator at a temperature be-
(MFUs) must be documented. Media fills should not be performed tween 30˚C and 35˚C.
during normal production, but rather immediately after daily pro- The instructions of the manufacturers of media-fill test kits must
duction activity under worst-case conditions when microbial biobur- be carefully followed. The MFU should be incubated according to

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

ing down processes into individual steps

Sample Validation Plan. and identifying each of the critical tasks
necessary to achieve a product of consistent
Validation Type Requirement yield and quality. SPC also enables the in-
Initial validation of operator aseptic technique clusion of critical indicators generated by
end-product testing such as random prod-
Must be successfully completed before the product 3 consecutive daily
is mixed for use by patients media-fill runsa uct sterility checks. Those indications are
the source of crucial data used to ensure op-
Revalidation after failure of media fill timal product quality demonstrated by prop-
Must be completed if operator has one media- 3 consecutive daily erly prepared sterile products.
positive bag during the initial validation or two media-fill runsa The ASHP risk level II recommendations
media-positive bags during ongoing revalidation for end-product testing are as follows:
Ongoing revalidation of operator aseptic technique ■ End products should be inspected to de-
Must be completed quarterly 1 media-fill runa tect leaks, irregularities in the appearance
of solutions (cloudiness, particulates, un-
a A media-fill run is defined as 10 media-fill units per day. expected color), and final volume by a phar-
macist and by technicians.
the following guidelines from the USP: The initial validation procedure for all ■ Pharmacists should verify the accuracy of
seven days at room temperature followed by pieces of equipment should be consistent. the amounts and types of the compounded
7 days at a temperature between 30˚C and TSB should be used as the source solution product components by means of direct ob-
35˚C or 14 days at room temperature (15˚C during equipment validation, during which servation throughout the process, a review
to 30˚C). the entire compounding process must be of documentation, and rechecking of cal-
Ideally, MFUs should be read daily, but mimicked. Ten units of TSB should be pre- culations.
they must be read on days 7 (the last day of pared and incubated for 7 days at room ■ A formal sampling plan should be fol-
room temperature incubation) and 14 (the temperature followed by 7 days in the in- lowed during sterility testing. That plan
last day of incubator incubation). Cloudi- cubator. Evidence of no growth is usually should be specified in writing as a policy and
ness or turbidity indicates a media-positive sufficient to validate equipment. After suc- procedure of the organization; it must set
(contaminated) bag. No one should be per- cessful validation, an automated com- standards for sampling and outcomes and
mitted to compound a product for use by pa- pounder can be used to produce patient must identify methods of recalling batches
tients until he or she can successfully pre- products. This process validates only the ca- that demonstrate bacterial growth. If steril-
pare MFUs that demonstrate no microbial pability of the automated compounder to ity is examined via culturing processes, then
growth. Policies on the type and frequen- produce sterile products and does not re- daily inspection of media must be performed.
cy of validation of aseptic technique re- place the need for its daily calibration, which Unlike the ASHP, in USP Chapter <1206>,
quired for compounding staff must also be is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the sterility testing for only category II high-risk
in place. products produced. operations is recommended. According to
the USP, in a category II high-risk facility,
Validation of End-product Testing sterile products are produced from non-
Compounding Equipment sterile powder or open solution transfer
Sterility Assurance
Manufacturers validate the capability of methods are used. The classification “cat-
their equipment to measure components The requirement for end-product test- egory II, high risk” is analogous to the
from source containers and to produce an ing is controversial. The ASHP and the ASHP risk level III. Most hospitals, com-
accurate (but not sterile) product. Validat- USP differ in their recommendations for munity retail pharmacies, long-term care fa-
ing the ability of each type of equipment sterility testing. Ideally, a compounding cilities, and home care organizations do not
used to compound sterile products accord- process should be built on the integration use processes that require risk level III qual-
ing to written policy is strongly recom- of systematic process controls (SPCs) rather ity assurance procedures.
mended. After the initial validation, equip- than on a greater reliance on end-product Other issues about sterility testing also
ment does not need to be revalidated unless testing. “Systematic process control” is de- merit discussion. Unless sterility testing is
it is moved or physically modified. If for ex- fined as validated policies, procedures, and accomplished via a filter-integrity method,
ample, a syringe-filler or TPN automated processes that are used to consistently pro- which produces an immediate pass-or-fail re-
compounder is relocated to a different type duce products of the highest quality. sult, products are released before sample
or size of hood (eg, from an 8-foot hood to Demonstrating control of the production cultures from those products have been suf-
a 6-foot hood), revalidation is required. process, the performance of personnel, and ficiently incubated. This is especially true in
Environmental factors can adversely affect the quality of the product over time by a hospital or regionalized mixing facility in
the aseptic operation of compounding means of complete, consistent collection which sterile products are prepared and used
equipment. As a result, revalidation is re- of data is an essential component of SPC.14 on a daily basis. In those instances, even
quired when environmental changes in the SPC is designed to eliminate variations when mechanisms that ensure daily reading
sterile-compounding environment occur. caused by the performance of staff by break- of media cultures are available, patients

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001

receive products before the final sample addition of quantitative end-product test- reviewing, and collating quality assurance
culture reading has occurred, and sterility ing if complex solutions such as TPN and data on a monthly basis. Complaints about
testing is of little practical value. Sterility cardioplegia are compounded without the the quality of the end products will be re-
testing is also performed on randomly se- aid of automated compounders. Although duced; physicians, nurses, and patients will
lected products. Because not all products can systematic process controls can be inte- receive a higher quality product and service;
be examined, end-product testing provides grated into a manual process, they may not product wastage will be reduced; redelivery
only one data point, which may not be ensure product accuracy because of the vari- costs will be unnecessary; and additional
statistically significant and therefore not ability of human performance. Organiza- business can be garnered because the phar-
representative of all the products prepared. tions must assess their own processes as macy will acquire a reputation for produc-
Effective process validation controls can well as the types of products they routine- ing quality products.
also be used to monitor the efficacy of the ly prepare. All processes used individually By embracing these types of quality
compounding process. Those controls can be and collectively to ensure product integri- systems, we as pharmacists will demonstrate
used to validate all manipulations made dur- ty must be documented in policy and pro- to the FDA our concern with preparing
ing routine compounding (withdrawals from cedure; the need for this documentation sterile products of the highest quality and
vials and ampules, connections to bags, trans- cannot be overemphasized. integrity. Pharmacy compounding is a priv-
fer through tubing and compounding equip- Such procedures may appear over- ilege and not a right. We must control the
ment, and needle manipulations). It may be whelming, expensive, and unattainable, but destiny of the profession, and we must not
preferable to perform routine sterility checks by slowly implementing one process at a allow others to control what pharmacists and
of compounded products by obtaining ran- time, these quality systems can be estab- technicians can and cannot do. If we do not
dom samples of production units. Deter- lished. After the systems have been imple- take this action, others will.
mining the appropriate methods of sample mented, maintaining them requires vigi-
collection and sample sizes is then necessary. lance and follow up. Some initial costs are Address correspondence to: Eric S. Kastango,
associated with establishing these systems, RPh, MBA, FASHP, Clinical IQ, LLC, 21
Quantitative Testing
but the time, energy, and cost required to Madison Plaza, Suite 149, Madison, NJ
Quantitative end-product testing involves maintain them is far less than that of ret- 07940-1410. E-mail: ekastango@clinic
verifying that the components of the solu- rospective or manual systems of collecting,
tions are of the correct type and amount.
Various methods, such as refractive index
and flame spectrophotometry, can be used
to test the accuracy of end products. If sys- 1. Nordenberg T. Pharmacy compounding: Cus- trition pouches: The refrigerator as an unusual
tematic process controls are used, howev- tomizing prescription drugs. FDA Consumer Mag- cause. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1991; 15:474-475.
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding

Vol. 5 No. 4 July/August 2001
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