HW Week 3 2 PDF

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Homework week 3 ( 2 point each , total 40 points) Due date: September 25 , 2017

1. The biological effects of a given dose of electromagnetic energy generally become more serious as
the energy of the radiation increases: Infrared radiation has a pleasant warming effect; ultraviolet
radiation causes tanning and burning; and X rays can cause considerable tissue damage. What
energies in kilojoules per mole are associated with the following wavelengths: infrared radiation
with λ = 1.55 * 10-6 m, ultraviolet light with λ = 250 nm, and X rays with λ = 5.49 nm?

2. What is the de Broglie wavelength in meters of a small car with a mass of 1150 kg traveling at a
velocity of 55.0 mi/h (24.6 m/s)? Is this wavelength longer or shorter than the diameter of an atom
(approximately 200 pm)?

3. The following diagram shows the energy levels of the different shells in the hydrogen atom.

(a) Which transition corresponds to absorption of light with the longest wavelength?
(b) Which transition corresponds to emission of light with the shortest wavelength?

4. Identify each of the following orbitals, and give n and l quantum numbers for each.
5. A certain cellular telephone transmits at a frequency of 825 MHz and receives at a frequency of
875 MHz.
(a) What is the wavelength of the transmitted signal in cm?
(b) What is the wavelength of the received signal in cm?

6. What is the wavelength in meters of photons with the following energies? In what region of the
electromagnetic spectrum does each appear?

(a) 90.5 kJ/mol

(b) 8.05 * 10-4 kJ/mol
(c) 1.83 * 103 kJ/mol

7. One series of lines of the hydrogen spectrum is caused by emission of energy accompanying the
fall of an electron from outer shells to the fourth shell. The lines can be calculated using the Balmer–
Rydberg equation:

Where m = 4, R∞ = 1.097 * 10-2 nm-1, and n is an integer greater than 4. Calculate the wavelengths in
nanometres and energies in kilojoules per mole of the first two lines in the series. In what region of
the electromagnetic spectrum do they fall?

8. Spectroscopy is a technique that uses the interaction of radiant energy with matter to identify or
quantify a substance in a sample. A deuterium lamp is often used a light source in the ultraviolet
region of the spectrum and the emission spectrum is shown. Is this a continuous or line emission

9. Protons and electrons can be given very high energies in particle accelerators. What is the
wavelength in meters of an electron (mass = 9.11 * 10-31 kg) that has been accelerated to 5% of the
speed of light? In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum is this wavelength?
10. Give the allowable combinations of quantum numbers for each of the following electrons:

11. How many nodal surfaces does a 4s orbital have? Draw a cutaway representation of a 4s orbital
showing the nodes and the regions of maximum electron probability.

12. What is the maximum number of electrons in an atom whose highest-energy electrons have the
principal quantum number n = 5?

13. Assign a set of four quantum numbers for the outermost two electrons in Sr.

14. Which orbital in each of the following pairs is higher in energy?

15. Give the expected ground-state electron configurations for the following elements:

16. Draw orbital-filling diagrams for the following atoms. Show each electron as an up or down
arrow, and use the abbreviation of the preceding noble gas to represent inner-shell electrons.

17. How many unpaired electrons are present in each of the following ground-state atoms?
18. Why do atomic radii increase going down a group of the periodic table?

19. What is the energy of each of the following photons in kilojoules per mole?

20. Draw orbital-filling diagrams for the following atoms. Show each electron as an up or down
arrow, and use the abbreviation of the preceding noble gas to represent inner-shell electrons.

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