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Orange falling far

from tree ...

"What a split image you are of your

"Oh! Such a coddly chip off the old block
you are, Sanem !!"
"You are gonna take after your father's
grandeur and legacy!"

These are just a handful platitudes of the

customary and sporadic,inherited
and fundamental , rooted and intentful
familial ribbing conferred on me and you
all as our steps and first tears lay bare our
paths and valiant glory.

As a lawyer , I have been a close associate

and mate of Parsh Sumire , the Scion of
'Altitude group and co.'
Altitude has been Parsh's father's ambition
and Parsh's bequest. It's only recently that
Parsh has taken over the reins of 'Altitude'.
His elevation makes me hark
his psyche and all I can say I can make
sense of is ! "unpeaceful
I am the foreworder of Parsh's biography.

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