PDF - Week 1 - Meal Plans

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LIN 21

Week 1 - Align
April 17 - April 23




Breakfast Morning Snack Lunch Afternoon Snack Supper
Sunday 1 Moimoi p. 49 Carrot - 200g Choice Lunch 1 Sweet Potato Chips p. 72 1 Tilapia soup p. 31
17-Apr 0.5 Oatmeal p. 22 Max -340 calories Cucumber - 400g Green Plantain (boiled) - 50g
Monday 0.5 Vegetable Omelet p. 25 Garden Egg - 100g 1 Shrimp Fried Rice p. 47 Large Banana 1 Moimoi p. 49
18-Apr 1 Slice 100% Whole Grain Toast 1 Shaved Carrot Salad p. 41
Tuesday 1 Moimoi p. 49 Carrot - 200g 1 Shrimp Fried Rice p. 47 1 Sweet Potato Chips p. 72 1 Tilapia soup p. 31
19-Apr 0.5 Oatmeal p. 22 Cucumber - 300g Green Plantain (boiled) - 50g
Wednesday 0.5 Vegetable Omelet p. 25 Garden Egg - 100g 1 Shrimp Fried Rice p. 47 Large Banana 1 Moimoi p. 49
20-Apr 1 Slice 100% Whole Grain Toast 1 Shaved Carrot Salad p. 41
Thursday 1 Moimoi p. 49 Carrot - 200g 1 Shrimp Fried Rice p. 47 1 Sweet Potato Chips p. 72 1 Tilapia Soup p. 31
21-Apr 0.5 Oatmeal p. 22 Cucumber - 300g Green Plantain (boiled) - 50g
Friday 0.5 Vegetable Omelet p. 25 Garden Egg - 100g 1 Shrimp Fried Rice p. 47 Large Banana 1 Moimoi p. 49
22-Apr 1 Slice 100% Whole Grain Toast 1 Shaved Carrot Salad p. 41
Saturday 1 Moimoi p. 49 Carrot - 200g Choice Lunch 1 Sweet Potato Chips p. 72 1 Tilapia soup p. 31
23-Apr 0.5 Oatmeal p. 22 Max -340 calories Cucumber - 400g Green Plantain (boiled) - 50g

Recipe Note
Moimoi recipe on page 49 was modified by increasing beans by 1/2 cup and doubling all other ingredients except oil. As a side, the recipe serves 7

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