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‘ — Sofafions — r 7 OSCILLATIONS 1." In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force must be proportional to the: A amplitude | B. juenc} con Fe-ky | displacement | B. displacement squared ane: if: 2. An oscillatory motion must be simple harmoni A. the amplitude is small en : B. tho potential ney is aul to the kinetic mony > _ wy LOS tC wet) the motion is along the are of a circle ‘the accoloration varies sinusoidally with time E. the derivative, dl/de, of the potential energy is negative ans: : 3. Insimple harmonic motion, the magnitude of the acceleration is: nan 8 na mee ome Fe KX = me. | ‘D. greatest when the velocity is greatest E. never greater then g 4, A particle is in simple harmonic motion with period T. At time ¢ = 0 it is et the equilibrium point, Of the following tinies, at which time is it furthost from the equilibrium point? Up bu 5. A particle moves back and forth along the # axis from = harmonic motion with period T. At time t= 0 it is at ¢= it is at 2 = 0 and is traveling toward © . itis at 2 = 0 and is traveling toward « C. itat c= +p and is at rest D, itis between «= 0 and x E. itis between 2 =0 and ¢ ans: in simple +m, and is traveling toward pq, and is traveling toward 2 Wr fo Xz0 and moving —K ag fo K= foray 90d Stopped 87 te X= and moving tK »— Chspter” OSCILLATIONS D : Equilibria 6. A particle oscillating in simple harmonic motion is: 4 ‘A... never in equilibrium because it is in motion means ZF=0 B._ never in equilibrium because there is always # force Nl G. in equilibrium at the ends of its path because ite velocity is zero there in equilibrium at the center of ts path because the acceleration is zero there zU=0 E. in equilibrium at the ends of its path because the acceleration is zero there, ans: » 7, An object is undergoing simple harmonic motion. Throughout a complete cycle ‘A. has constant speed B. has varying amplitude ia 24 gos(Wwe & bar vavise patod a = —w*Acos(we) @) has varying acceleration BE. hes varying mass oo & When a body executes simple harmonic motion, its acecleration at the onds of its path must be: zero F aes Tess than g at mae &= Bmag = A more than g suddenly changing in sign ‘none of these oe @voyrr 9. A particle is in simple harmonic motion with period T. At time ¢ = 0 it is halfway between the equilibrium point and an end point of its motion, traveling toward the end point. The next time it is at the same place is: . ft . A 1=T E-True object wilt return at this Hinge Btarp bub itis not thy rext fame farm © t=T/4 t=T/8 re ks saan Ee save « SA'ZACOS (AEE) Boo nO ind at gos is)=ak et $0 tyekT tarp and g(tr-E1) 10. An object attached to one ond of a spring makes 20 complete oscillations in 10s. US period's: a B00 Jo sec 5 see (7) = eo = wd ae lose 2 5 $2 = T r @ 0508 ao rev as Chapter. OSCILLATIONS 11, An object attached to one end of a spring makes 20 vibrations in 10, Its frequency is: 2Hz 0s — ev 20 vib _ ots f= See 0 See Boe 2s 0.508 ans: nvas® 12. An object attached to one end of a spring makes 20 vibrations in 10s. Its angular frequency fmt foam . Srad/s acl Ch ee ape, arted _ Wind, syne : a Sec 13, Frequency f and angular frequency w are ce by 3. {ae w =ant Oi few 14, A block attached to.a spring oscillates in simple harmonic motion along the z axis, The-limits of its motion are x = 10cm and x = 50cm and it goes frory one of these extremes to the other in 0.255, Its amplitude and frequency are: arenes A. 40cm, 2H = as B. 200m, 4H A= doom X= 300m ea = 00 see C. 400m, 2Hz : 25em, 4He af: rev 2 aJ see f: = st - 2 re oe a Tees 9 SC ans: 15. A weight suspended from an ideal spring oscillates up and down with a period T. If the amplitude of the oscillation is doubled, the period will be: c we fb" = amt = ar m i or T/2 we go T= an ft BaMy - Chapter OSCILLATIONS | | | | | 16. In simple harmonic motion, the magnitude of the acceleration is greatest when: é the displacement is zero the displacement is maximum SHHttE et ) ie dole ematnas Po kX = 9G D. the force is zero FE. the speed is between zero anditsmsximim maz GF Jimmy =A bh 17. In simple harmonic motion, the displacement is maximum when the: A. “acceleration is zero B. velocity is maximum Nong =A velocity is zero Inetic energy is maximum E, momentwn is maximum ans: 18. In simple harmonic motion: the acceletation is greatest at the maximum displacement the velocity is greatest at the maximum displacement [— ke ©. the period depends on the amplitude Fa-BxX=Me ‘D. the acceleration is constant E. the acceleration is greatest at zero displacement ans! 19.* ‘The amplitude and phase constant of an oscillator are determined by: jou A. the frequency on B. the angular frequency g Kmay = A depends bet and tHe G. the initial placement alos a ou pul! f itial velocity alone ¥ fov y' ‘the & doth the initial displacement and velocity oe yee g ans: deme mand k 20. Two ides | undamped oscillators have the same amplitude of oscillation only if: A. they are started with the same displacement 29 a B. they are started with the same velocity u on Sam they are started with the same phase Lhytr Lm? they are started co the combination wg + vf is the oe a they are started so the combination #3 + ou} is the same oS mu? ans: wek Lor KX + I m 2 21. The amplitude of any oscillator can be doubled by: ‘A. doubling only the initial displacement ASSW#vt " 1g YizO B. doubling only the initial speed C. doubling the initial displacement ond halving the initial speed zy. fen 2 De doubling the initial epead and halving to intial displacement A Agen Lhe b ® doubling both the initial displacement and the initial speed ~~ Hn es Z oy, ans: * Chapter OSCILLATIONS 22, Ibis impossible for two particles, each executing simple harmonic motion, to remain in phase with each other if they have different: An ye earl 2 ar Agsione they + amplitudes 4 TF start m phase spring constants Kinetic energies w gzo ans Jo =Kmey =tAt 23. The acceleration of a body executing simple harmonic motion leads the velocity by what phase? Ano tun ~ i Brung Ue) = GAME) x difference C. x/4rad ® x/2red z £) f al€) = -w*A C05(w epee B. rrad a cosla-F) = sme 24. The displacement of an object oscillating on a spring is given by x(t) = ¢__cos(wt+¢). If the ans: initial displacement is zero and the initial velocity is in the negative « diroction, then the phase constant pe: . e Xe) =A Cost +o) Ao ryan } wrad feo 3n/ared Qnrad & ans: Hap 25. The displacement of an object oscillating on a spring is given by 2(#) = 2m cos(wt +4). If the object is initially displaced in the negative « direction and given a negative initial velocity, then the phase constant is between: 1d a /2rad = - a weeri Tf, 21 gosta _— ee. Above hf and us ave, between My ©. rand Sr/2rad WT —73IE would not be given $n /2 and Qarrad Ee eesie (Gis onactly 0, 2/2, x, or @n/2rad) @ MEGatwe Ye ans poe . 2 1 stat at t2o x2tA sva@ 26. A certain spring elongates 9.0mm when it is suspended vertically and a block of mass M is bung on it. The natural anguldr frequency of this blode-spring system: A. is 0.088rad/s 6 is 98rad/e hx D. is 200rad/s is 1140 rad/s x ‘! E. cannot be computed unless the value of M is gi : kxeme — keG ctf is z= 1088 7 m 5 waye'z 52.96 mdf Chapter: OSCILLATIONS 27. An object of mass m, oscillating on the end of a spring with spring constant k, has amplitude A, Its maximum speed is: ayn ile) = — aA, sin (wt) AymfE peo® i tude i Voy = Amel ans: 28. A 0.20-kg object attached to a spring whose spring constant is 500NN/im executes simple har- ionic motion. If its maxcimun speed is §.0m/s, the amplitude of its oscillation is: ‘A. “0.0020 ‘E @ 010m = a/Z£A 020m Omneg = wa mn 2510 iat 00 os 250m = Ba “7 F5=250A =pA=-lm ans: Bis al 29. A simple harmonic oscillator consists of an particle of mass m and an ideal spring with spring constant k. Particle oscillates as shown in (i) with period 7. If the epring is cut in half and used with the same particle, as shown in (i), the period will be: Ltt a @) AK TV seit 7 pean far i aoe i k Tig 270 ft ra 30. A particle moves in simple harmonic motion according to x = 2cos(504), where a is in meters and ¢ is in seconds, Its maximum velocity in m/s is: A. 100sin(50#) . B 200cas604) = dx 2 =/00 $th(Fot} Qe dé ow E. none of these is ent Wax Chapter OSCILLATIONS 31, A Ske block, attached to a spring, executes simple harmonic motion according to « = 2.c0s(50¢) where a is in meters and t is in seconds. The spring constant of the spring is; A. IN/m B. 100N/m 5 250 = ko - [Rk Q. 150N/m 7 - ™ fe age ® 7500N/m 'E. none of these oe kz 50" (3) = 7500 a 52, Let U be the potential energy (with the zero at zero oe and K be the kinetic energy of a simple harmonic oscillator. Usyy and Kaye are the average values over a cycle. Then: ‘A. Kavg > Uses 5 Kors < Use Conservo-tien of NGY SAYS PE becomes KE 33, A particle is in simple harmonic motion along the z axis. ‘The amplitude of the motfM 18 2. ‘At one point in its motion ite kinetic energy is K = 5J and its potential energy (measured with = 0 at ¢=0) is U =3J. When it is at 2 = 2p, the kinetic Seo til energies ae J and 0 3 and KE. + PEC = fee ep a SL ¢3T = Php ah kky 34, A particle is in simple harmonic motion along the x axis, The amplitude of the motion is tm. ‘When it is at 2 = 2}, its kinetic energy is K oa and its potential energy (measured with YJ =0 at 2 =0) is U = 34. When it is at « =—Jes, the Kinetic and potential energies are: Qeruras No friction $6 © KeAtandu—ay KE: + PEs = KEe + Ply D. K=OJandU=85 E, K=12SandU=—4J SE etc ar hie Shit ans: e~ KE X, be 6 at any X 35. A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the erid of the Spring with a soting constant of 200N/m. Tf the system has an energy of 6.0J, then the amplitude of the oscillation is Bore L kare ¢ 8 024m ge : tom B Gm AizG = .06 aa 700 Chapter OSCILLATIONS 36. A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a spring constant of 200N/m. Ifthe + system has an energy of 6.0J, thon the a Beet of the block is: B orale faa? EO Vong ©. 0.24m/s Bd tons G = iss) Grn Uriny =f 18 "= bm a 317. A 0.25-lg block oscillates on the end of the spring with a spring constant of 200N/m. If the oscillation is started by elongating the spring 0.15m and giving the block a speed of 3.0m/s, then the maximum speed of the block is: A. 0.13m/s phe? 4 fms floMs y+ g Lass)” B. 0.18m/s Bi a ? ang ¢ (sas = 495T E. 13m/s = 3315 = £lAM Unsere 25.2.5 88. A 0.25-kg block oscillates on the end of the oe with a spring constant of 200N/m. If the oscillation is started by elongating the spring 0.15m and giving the block speed of 3.0m/s, then the amplitude of the oscillation is b olen Same as above ME = 3.375 T é Cc oe _t A Be Bue So 3.575 =x (200) oon A 2 lfm 39, An object on the end of a spring is set into oscillation by giving it an initial velocity while it is at ite umn positon. Inthe fst teal the initial velocity is w and in the second ibis g ‘oy In Te soona OES OXF a iz “at A. the amplitude is half as great and the maximum acceleration is twice as great 2, z B. the amplitude is twice os great and the maximum aoeeloration is half as gresty th. doth the amplitude end the maximum acceleration are twice as great 3 Yt, 7. = ie ® both the amplitude and the maximum acesleration are four times as great the amplitude is four times as great and the maximum acceleration is twice as great wn Amare fe 40. A block attached to a spring undergoes simple harmonic motion on a horizontal frictionless F = -l¢ Xe surface, Is total energy = 60.J. Whoa the displacoment is half the amplitude, the ran energy ist . . th Bae Sor =£k(8)* t KE Als Sor C. I Qe ror = (50) + KE (50 -/28 = KE Chapter * — OSCILLATIONS KE =37.5T 41. A mass-spring system is oscillating with amplitude A. The kinetic energy will equal the po- tential energy only when the displacernent is: 2 Sfp eae A. nero Lhy* = fms $ ght & £A/A a & +A/v3 7 > D. £A/2 a A E. anywhere between —A and +A Kyh as LAY sy x2 fe ans: a ia V2 42. I the length of a simple pendulum is doubled, its petiod will: A. hak @ be ereater by a factor of VE t= I = Of C. be less by a factor of V2 iL Tt D. doubts et ara" Bra oT? oe Taw /2 [ 48. The period of a simple pendulum is 1s on Barth, When brought to a planet where g is one-tenth that on Earth, its period becomes: ‘T 7 AL 1s nae $ ee eS = flo [AT /S Pee as 2a = / bl , We vis Tos ‘i ne / SCC 44. ‘The amplitude of oscillation of a simplo-pendulum is increased from 1° to 4°. Tis maximum | acceleration changes by a factor off* | A 1/4 Q@ =—w*A cos (wt} B. 1/2 Ba 50 when Anew = tA» Qs 4Qe 45. A simple pendulum of length L and mass M has frequency f. ‘To increase its frequency to 2f: A. increase its length to 41 ol B. inorease its length to 20. gsc gies ant G. decrease its length to L/2 W= Z oe ® decrease its length to L/4 E. doctease its mass to < M/4 7 f= ZL 0” 29rV ho b - 2 =a 7 wom = 2 (B) 29 fo Chapter - OSCILLATIONS 48. A simple pendulum consists of a small ball tied to 2 string and set in oscillation, As the pendulum swings the tension force of the string is: ] . A. constant ES Fy -mgeose =e. B. a sinusoidal function of time TH 1 Pattee: C. the square of a sinusoidal function of time ~ D. tho reciprocal of a sinusoidal function of time | Fre mqeaso+ mlewArsinlo| ® none of the above eat ( ipe i) pele cee ans: goose ms r 47. A simple pendulum has length L and period T. As it passes through its equilibrium position, the string is suddenly clamped at its midpoint. The period then becornes: A. oT y) T BT = AW |Z ” ©. 4/2 Dd. T/4 J 1! & none of these eee Ly, a 1 lar, fF] ns: Tew = 2 VE = et J 48, A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of an elevator. ‘The elevator is accelerating upwards with acceleration a. The period of this pendulum, in terms of its length L, g, and a is: aA Sue oe {% Go jet a Gre @D wVi/GFa 1 fy ©. an/Eflg—a) Hat D. 2V/Z/a ( E (2m) VafE ans: army me Fyzmetmg =m (gta) 49, ‘Three physical pendulums, with masses m,¥n2 = ana and mg = 3mm, have the same shape and size and are suspended at the same point. Rank them according to their periods, from shortest to longest. AO 12,38 © Boa T =a2r ZL Lill hove m Dane ae mgh mn iF. © All ihe same “ Pood ic independent of mass Chapter OSCILLATIONS

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