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Questions of 3 marks.

1. Define communication.
2. List various types of communication.
3. What are the different forms of communication?
4. List the channels of communication.
5. What is the medium of communication?
6. Explain the term Encoding. Who is the encoder of a message?
7. Differentiate between formal and informal communication.
8. How can you further classify formal and informal communication.
9. What is meant by informal communication?
10. Distinguish between lateral and diagonal communication.
11. Discuss Graperine communication.
12. Differentiate between oral and written communication.
13. Discuss merits and demerits of oral and written communication.
14. Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication.
15. Explain various barriers in communication.
16. Explain diagrammatically the process of communication.
17. Discuss in detail the channels of communication.
18. Suggest come methods to overcome barriers of communication.
19. What role do communication skills play in society? Illustrate your answer with suitable
20. What do you understand by Semantic gap? How does it affect the process of
21. Write a note on business communication.

Questions of 5 marks.

1. What is Communication? Explain with suitable examples.

2. Define communication
3. What is verbal communication? Give examples.
4. What is non verbal communication?
5. What is diagonal communication?
6. State two disadvantages of oral communication.
7. State two advantages of written communication.
8. What is Grapevine Communication? Write one advantage and one disadvantage.
9. What are Barriers to Communication? Name some important barriers.

Questions of 10 marks.

1. Explain any four principles of effective communication.

2. Write four advantages of Oral communication.
3. Explain Mechanical barriers and Physical barriers with examples.
4. Draw the communication cycle and state the important elements.
5. State the importance of communication in the engineering industry.

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