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Why Delta Wing structure is the way it is?

The small aspect ratio of delta wing (large span) makes its root chord longer than conventional
wings, which provides it strength against bending and torsion.

 Also, the small width (b/2) of the wing allows smaller bending moment.
 Having a large wing span a delta wing can be fitted with large number of ribs and spars
making it more rigid against torsion and fracture.
 The number of spars is much more compared to the number of ribs, giving it more
resistance against bending.
 There is quite a lot internal volume for fuel and landing gear
 Mig-21 and F-22 raptor have delta wings.
Why would evolution lead to such a design of bat wings, or bird
The motive of evolution is to enhance the survival ability of an organism on earth. Either to help it
get food, or prevent it from becoming someone else’s food

By the difference in structure of the wings, it can be implied that bats and birds followed a different
path of evolution.

It is said that bats evolved from a species of mammal living in trees, that used to jump between
trees. The need to take longer jumps led to the development of membrane between arms and body.
The individual bats with this mutation had slightly greater mobility than others in the species and so
were more likely to thrive and reproduce. In this way, need for wider and wider skin membranes
over time, eventually led to fully functional wings.

The wing of a bat is a thick membrane like structure with a network of flexible bones of variable
thickness for holding the membrane together (just like in a leaf). This kind of flexible wing enables
the bat to twist its wing for better manoeuvrability and speed, which is required for catching its

Birds are said to be the descendants of flying dinosaurs. A bird’s wings are characterized by its
lightness, yet great flight control.

Why wings (and hence flight) evolved to the way it is now, is a matter of contention among
scientists; various hypotheses proposed include:

 Wings evolved from gliding ancestors who began to flap their gliding structures in order to
produce thrust.
 Wings evolved from arms used to capture small prey.

Bird’s wing seems to be analogous to an aircraft wing (or the other way around), with a connection
of spar like structures (spine of a feather) to a root chord (forelimb bone of a bird), except that the
bone lies in a much lateral direction. Although the hollowness of its bone resembles the sparse
structure of a wing box, but the bones are actually quite dense providing the necessary rigidity and
The blended wing UAV design seems to be a bit different. Can you
think out why?
The blended wing UAV as the name suggests is a blend structure of fuselage and fixed-wing such
that there is no clear distinction line that could separate the wing from the main body. This is
because the thickness of the wing cross section and the main central body is similar.

The aircraft has a small longitudinal length, so as the minimise the wetted area- the surface area of
the aircraft skin, for reduction of form drag.

The wing root area is thickened and in continuation to the main body allowing a more efficient
structure, with reduced weight.

Since the entire body is a continuous wing so more lift is produced compared to an aircraft with a
distinct fuselage.

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