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Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management

ISSN : 1978-774X



Iveline Anne Marie1 , Fahmi M. Prasetyo2, Nora Azmi3.

Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology
Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia.,,


Uncertainty of supply and demand also internal disturbances in production system is faced by PT DEE, a
food company producing beef sausage. The company find difficulties in determining safety stock for raw
materials and finished products in their production operations . There is a significant excess inventory also
a significant supply shortages at the company . Safety stock based on Disturbance Control Model become
solution which is expected can control the disturbance of the production system . This model includes
Disturbance Control Action sub model, Disturbance Advanced Policy Control sub model and Inventory
Tolerance sub model to update the value of safety stock of raw materials and finished products . In this
paper we will discuss the use of the model related to PT . DEE’s problem.
Key words: production system, food industry, disturbance, model, safety stock.

1. INTRODUCTION stock is a solution for companies producing

food for controlling the production system
Food industry became one of the major disorders .
industries in the number of companies and
value added . In the food industry, there is The production system disorders cause
production process did the change of inputs deviation ( variance ) between planning and
into production outputs which are processed actual conditions . Deviations will lead to
in an internal system called the production inefficiency and hinder the achievement of
system . the target companies that reduce
productivity in the company . This deviation
Availability of production inputs which are will be one of the factors to be considered
perishable and seasonal influenced the for control activities disruption of production
production continuity and smoothness. systems in the food industry . Information on
Interaction between internal production production irregularities that occurred just as
inputs in the production system decreases well be the input to be considered in the
the efficiency of production . The decline in planning of production and inventory
production efficiency getting worse when the
input supply is not maximum. Besides that There are several studies related to the use
the uncertainty of demand becomes another of adaptive models for inventory control
major factor in aggravating the condition of activities to obtain maximum performance
production efficiency. Uncertainty in supply production systems related to internal and
and demand conditions faced by the external uncertainties .
company coupled with the internal disruption
of production systems becomes a problem Burt and Kraemer in Fransoo ( 1994)
for companies engaged in the food sector. suggest strategies to use safety stock in
anticipate output varies because of the raw
The decline in production efficiency effect in materials varies. The variability of the quality
fulfilling customer demand. To deal with the of the raw materials are also often used as
uncertainty, we need safety stock. Safety information to determine which products will

Safety Stock Determination

(Iveline) 1
Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

be generated . When the obtained quality is factor. As the uncertainty of supply or

not standard, it can be done reorder or demand grows, the required level of safety
recycling process that led to shortages of inventories increases.
supplies. This inventory shortages can be
controlled by safety stock. Safety stock is a stock that provided with the
aim to meet the demand beyond the amount
According to Kim, (2005), of inventory forecasting results in a period.
uncertainties inherent in customer-demand Determination of safety stock should be
patterns make it difficult to satisfy customer minimized without reducing service levels to
demands resulting in loosing sales customers ( Man - Yi et al , 2006). In
opportunities or keeping excessive chain- companies that use production systems with
wide inventories. In modelling inventory- strategies make to stock , the amount of
control problems, it is not practical to inventory and safety stock products should
assume that customer demands during a be regulated and controlled
period are known a priori in the form of a
constant or a statistical distribution. In this Marie , (2011 ) proposed a model of the
respect, adaptive inventory control in supply- disturbance control collaborated with
chain management should be addressed. By adaptive PPIC models to deal with
adaptive, it means that the control uncertainty in the food industry. The
parameters of inventory-control models are variability rate of raw materials in production
dynamically adjusted toward satisfying a process of food industry could potentially
target service level with the consideration of lead to disturbance in the internal system of
the nonstationarity of customer demand. The production process, and later causes the
inventory-control parameters are safety lead execution of production does not match the
time and safety stocks, respectively. The production plans, so it is necessary to
researcher using a reinforcement learning update the inventory system with a shift in
technique called action-value method, the production plans. Considering the dynamics
control parameters which are designed to of market demand and the need to control
adaptively change as customer demand disturbance in operational production
patterns changes. system, the agroindustry with its special
characteristics requires the utilization of
Mula , J. et al . (2006 ) convey various forms reliable models that can support the PPIC
of uncertainty that affect the production activities. The „adjustment‟ of PPIC should
process are categorized into two major be done immediately so as not to disturb the
groups , namely : Environmental uncertainty fulfillment of consumer demand.
: uncertainty include demand and supply
uncertainty and uncertainty System , The design of Adaptive PPIC model being
including the following : operation yields developed based on operational condition of
uncertainty and production lead time production system in food industry. The
uncertainty . In the paper , he formulated design of Adaptive PPIC Model of Food
various models of uncertainty in the Industry has a PPIC submodel collaborated
manufacturing system , among others, with disturbance control model suitable for
utilizing the concept of safety stocks and the food industry. The Disturbances Control
safety lead time . Model incorporating Operational
Disturbances Control Model and Inventory
Safety stock is inventory carried for the Tolerance Model. The models can help in
purpose of satisfying demand that exceeds controlling the disturbances occurred and
the amount forecasted for a given period. It updating the % Loss Raw Material and %
is an important measures for node Loss Finished Good to adapt the PPIC
enterprises managing uncertainty in a supply System. The Inventory Tolerance Model is
chain to hold safety stocks. The appropriate useful to calculate percentage of variance
level of safety inventory is determined by the and the calculation of Loss RM percentage
uncertainty of demand or supply factor and and Loss FG percentage based on the
the desired level of product availability results of variance percentage calculation.
The variance percentage calculation is done

Safety Stock Determination

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Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

periodically and will update the percentage . Examples include: the unavailability of
Loss RM and Loss FG that will be included production capacity due to the unavailability
as one of the summin factors in PPIC Model. of energy inputs to production, the input
With the updated percentage of Loss RM engine working hours , man hours and
and Loss FG periodically, means the unavailability of raw materials , delays and
periodic PPIC adjustment process has been interruptions in the production process due
implemented thus it is called Adaptive PPIC to limited production inputs or human error (
model. planning error , error information delivery ,
data recording errors , miscalculations ,
PT . DEE is a company which produces errors set up the machine , carelessness /
ready-to- cook foods such as beef sausages negligence of the operator in the production
located in Sentul , Bogor . The company has or engine damage due to age restrictions
a business policy to meet the customer's wear) .
response is based on the strategy make to
stock . Based on the identification of known External disturbances ( supply & demand ) is
problems that companies sometimes have a a disorder that arises due to factors that
significant excess inventory in a period and come from outside the company .
other periods experiencing significant supply Examples include: the supply of raw
shortages . Excess inventory caused materials exceeds the maximum limit ( due
companies have difficulty in placing the to error or unilateral policy by the supplier )
finished product so that the finished product which causes excess inventory position , the
should not be placed in there . This leads to supply of raw materials is less than the order
a decrease in the quality of food products based planning due to supplier problems
faster . Conditions of supply shortages led to that led to the position of a shortage of raw
the company suffered lost sales conditions materials or raw material prices soar causing
causing customers become not loyal . a reduction in the size of the raw material
ordering than normal.
This study aims to model applications
Control Disorders production systems in the
food industry as a solution to solve the 2.3 Disturbance Control Model
problems in the production system disorders Disturbance Control Model is a model
PT . DEE . consisting of the Disturbances Action
Control Sub Model , Disturbances Advanced
Policy Control Sub Model and Inventory

2.1 Safety Stock Disturbances Action Control Sub Model

Service Level is the possibility that the generate recommendations interference
supply shortage will not occur during the control action using the protocol mechanism
lead time . If demand varies little around the or rule base . Disturbances Advanced Policy
average demand , safety stock is small and Control Sub Model generate further policy
vice-versa . Variability is measured by the decisions interference control . Inventory
probability distribution indicated by the Tolerance Sub Model generate safety stock
average value and variance .Safety stock is value using the Disturbances Average
determined by the management to consider Method. Disturbance Control Model is
the service level (Tersine,1994). expected to control the production system
disorders that occur in the industry and
2.2 Food Industry Production System become a solution to solve the problems in
Disturbances the food industry prone to interference (
Disturbances that occur in the food industry Marie, 2011).
are grouped into internal disturbances and
external disturbances (Marie , 2012).

Internal disturbances is a disorder that

arises due to internal factors of the company

Safety Stock Determination

(Iveline) 3
Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

disturbances and internal disruption of

Sub Model 1 production systems).
Adaptive safety stock value will be the value
Operational Other Factor
% Variance that Affect %
a,b,c,d,e,f,g Loss
Case Base

of inventories tolerance ( % loss), which also
Inference of Disturbance
Control Action based
Disturbance occurs
adjustment calculation of % Loss RM dan
% Loss FG
will adapt the model PPIC . Figures % Loss

Sub Model 3
will be updated by considering the following :
Control Actions
Supplies Tolerance :
% Loss Raw Material
a. Operational disruptions occur production
dan % Loss Finished

b. Deviations / variances are due to

interruption of production systems
Value of Scale
Realization of Distrubance Control Recapitulation and Calculation Frequency , Severity
Action Disturbance Value and Disturbance

associated with sub-models PPIC


Advanced Policy
Analysis and Disturbance
Control Rule Base recommendations .
Disturbance Control
Sub Model 2 c . Other factors that also affect change
Advanced Policy
%Loss Raw Materials (%LossRM) or %Loss
Figure 1. Interrelationship between Finished Good (%LossFG).
disturbances control sub model
Flowchart of Calculation % Loss in Inventory
Specification : Tolerance Sub Model is in accordance with
a. variance a is a deviation between the the following figure .
Purchase Order ( PO ) item products
demand forecasts with actual sales . Input % Loss Raw Material (= RM t-1) dan % Loss Finished
Good (= LFGt-1) in the previous period

b . Variance b is the deviation between the

PO raw material suppliers to the receipt of Listing the occurs disturbance :
- Operational disturbance
raw materials from the actual suppliers . - Variance disturbance and the others
- Total number of disturbance = n
c . Variance c is the deviation between the
amount of raw material inventory calculation Determination of Value Effect on % Determination of Value Effect on %
results with the raw material requirements Loss Raw Material : Reduction or
Escalation (Scale of 1 – 3)
Loss Finished Good : Reduction or
Escalation (Scale of 1 – 3)

planning Inventory.
d . Variance d is the deviation between the Determination of related raw materials Determination of related finished good
planned production output Master
Production Scheduling with actual
- The sum of reduction influence value of % - The sum of reduction influence value of %
production . Loss Raw Material = LRM(-)
- The sum of escalation influence value of %
Loss Finished Good = LFG(-)
- The sum of escalation influence value of
e . Variance e is the deviation between the Loss Raw Material = LRM(+)
- Determine ∆ LRM = {LRM(+) + LRM(-)}/n
% Loss Finished Good = LFG(+)
- Determine ∆ LFG = {LFG(+) + LFG(-)}/n
target completion time of production based - Determine % Loss Raw Material (LRMt) =
LRMt-1 + ∆ LRM
- Determine % Loss Finished Good (LFGt) =
LFGt-1 + ∆ LFG

production scheduling with makespan actual

production . % Loss Raw Material % Loss Finished Good

f . Variance f is a deviation between the

distribution plan to order with the acceptance
of the actual distribution . Figure 2 Flowchart of Calculation % Loss in
g . Variance g deviation between the travel Inventory Tolerance Sub Model
time distribution channels of distribution
planning results with the actual travel time 3. RESEARCH METHOD
distribution . Based on field studies and literature study,
we determined the purpose of research
Inventory Tolerance Sub Model serve to which is to determine safety stock for HBS
renew / update the value of safety stock as a products in PT. DEE using Disturbance
function of safety stock . Determination of Control Model . Next, we performed data
safety stock is done by using a different collecting and processing Disturbances
approach in determining the value of safety Control Model . The results will be analyzed
stock are generally carried out . so we can get the conclusion.
Determination of safety stock is proposed to
be more adaptive periodically considering
the production system disturbances that
occur (interruption of supply , demand

Safety Stock Determination

(Iveline) 4
Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

START 4.2 Determination of Safety Stock by

General Formula
Direct observations on the production floor PT. DEE dan Interview
with Plant Manager In this study the data used to have a normal
distribution . If the data used normal
distribution , then to determine the optimal
Difficulty to determine the safety stock for raw materials and finished
products safety stock can be directly calculated by the
following formula ( Tersine , 1994) :
Literature Study

S=Zσ (1)
1. Identifying disturbances of supply, demand and internal
production system that affect inventory
2. Determining safety stock based on disturbances control model
Notation :
S : Safety Supplies
DATA COLLECTING Z : The standard deviation of normal
· Product variant
· Data of forecasting demand and actual sales of products σ : Standard deviation of demand
· Disturbance data
· Company’s safety stock data

By using the above formula then get a safety

DATA PROCESSING supply calculation as follows :
· Calculate the percentage of safety stock of raw materials and
finish good based on a common model
Z = 2.03 ( normal distribution conditions )
· Calculate the percentage of safety stock of raw materials and
finished product with Disturbances Control Model
σ = 3609 units
S = 2.03 ( 3609 ) = 7326 Unit
- Determination of the current Safety Stock
- Comparison of Calculation Results If the result is entered into the calculation of
the current condition of the company 's stock
will be :
Table 1 Calculation of Raw Material Safety
Stock using General Model
Figure 3. Research Method Flowchart.


4.1 Determination of Safety Stock at

Company today

Safety stock of finished products and raw

material excess and deficiency is a problem
companies that need solutions . Currently
companies do not know exactly how much is
the right safety stock to supply raw materials
and finished products . The Company Table 2 Calculation of Finished Good Safety
determines the safety stock based on the Stock using General Model
projected customer demand . Safety stock of
finished products is set at 30 % of the
projected demand in the relevant period and
then reduced to the stock of finished
products available . Similarly, the safety
stock of raw materials , which are
determined based on 15 % The Company
determines the safety stock based on the
projected customer demand of the projected
demand in the relevant period less the stock
of raw materials available .

Safety Stock Determination

(Iveline) 5
Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

4.3 Application of Inventory Tolerance

Sub Model

Safety stock in this sub- models will be

named percent loss ( % Loss ) . Divided into
two , namely % Loss RM for safety stock of
raw materials and % Loss FG for safety
stock of finished products . The function of
% loss is to add ( if positive ) or subtract ( if
the result is negative ) the % safety stock
periodically figures set by the company. % safety stock of finished good products for
this period is 27.07%. There is an positive
Figures % loss will be updated (updated ) by influence for next period is 0.20%, so %
considering the following : safety stock for the next period is 27.27% .
a. Internal disruption of production systems % safety stock of raw material this period is
that occur 13.34%. There is an influence for next
b Deviation ( variance ) are due to period is 1.33% so % safety stock next
interruption of production systems related to period is 14.67%.
the disorder .
c . Other factors that also affect or change % % safety stock of finished products of this
LossRM and % LossFG period is 27.07 % , % influence the finished
product next period is 0.20 % so % safety
The following table lists the results of the stock next period is 27.27 % .
Inventory tolerance calculation at PT . DEE .
Inventory results are used to perform % safety stock of raw material this period is
calculations % lossRM for beef and raw 13.34 % , % raw material influence the next
materials to finished product % lossFG for period is 1.33 % so % safety stock next
SSH will periodically change associated with period is 14.67 %
the production system disturbances that
occur in the company . The process of The applied of Disturbance Control Model
calculating % LossFG and % LossRM will generate an adaptive safety stock based
according to Figure 2 on the company's condition as shown by the
following table.
The process of calculating % Loss RM and
% LossFG will determine the safety stock of Table 4. Comparison of Raw Material Safety
raw materials and finished products beef Stock Calculation – Current vs Proposed
SSH in the next month which is used in the
calculation of production planning activities
in the company.

Table 3. Example of Inventory

Tolerance Sub Model Calculation at

Table 5. Comparison of Finish Good Safety

Stock Calculation – Current vs Proposed

Safety Stock Determination

(Iveline) 6
Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

In the table above it can be seen that the Production System. Computers Industrial
supply conditions of the proposed less than Engineering Volume 63 Issue 01.
current conditions . (d) Persona, Alessandro, et al. (2007)
Optimal Safety Stock Levels of
Disturbance Control Model Application need
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to accommodate the interference so that it Components. International Journal of
can be easily searched and updated. Production Economics Volume 110,
Issue 1-2.
By the model we can determine the right (e) Tersine, Richard J. (1994) Principles of
safety stock which is constantly updated Inventory and Material Management, 4th
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Edition; Prentice-Hall International, New
supply , demand and production system
disturbance that occurs . Jersey.
(f) Connor JM, Schiek WA. (1997) Food
There is a disadvantages of the Disturbance Processing. An Industrial Power-house
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requires the determination of parameter (g) Fransoo, Jan C. (1994) A Typology of
values for many items. To get the calculation Production Control Situations in Process
result easier to get the results we have to
Industries. International Journal of
continuously updating the data in
accordance with the dynamics uncertainties Operations & Production Management,
occur. We require supporting information Vol. 14 No. 12 : 47-57.
systems in order to maximize the utilization (h) Kim, C.O., J.Jun, J.K. Baek, R.L. Smith
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Determination of safety stock using p.1184 -1192.
disturbances control model helps companies (i) Mula, J., (2006) Models for
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disturbances. This makes the company does 103:271–285
not have the condition of lost sales or
excess inventory that is too high, so the
value of the cost savings can be suppressed AUTHOR BIOGRAPHIES
and production efficiency can be maintained.
Iveline Anne Marie is a lecturer in
6. REFERENCES Department of Industrial Engineering,
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Trisakti
(a) Man-Yi, Tan, et al. (2006). The Further University, Jakarta. She received her Master
Study of Safety Stock Under Uncertain of Industrial Engineering from Indonesia
Environment. Fuzzy Optimization and University in 1999. Next, in 2012, she
Decision Making Volume 05, Issue 02 received her Doctoral Degree from Bogor
Agriculture Institute Her research interests
(b) Marie, Iveline A, et al. (2011) Model
are in the area of Production Planning &
Design of Adaptive Production Planning Control, Facilities Planning, Method
and Inventory Control in the Food Engineering, Ergonomic and Product Desain
Industry. Asian Transactions on & Development. She is a member of the
Engineering. Volume 01, Issue 04 Production System Laboratory. Her email
(c) Nasr, Walid W, et al. (2012) address is <>
Transshipment and Safety Stock Under
Stochastic Supply Interruption in A

Safety Stock Determination

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Proceeding, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management
ISSN : 1978-774X

Safety Stock Determination

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