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Intro to Engineering and Design II

Rescue Delivery System (week 5-9)
Delivery of PT. Pindad Excavator for Palu

 Prologue
 To strengthen students creative
minds, a project to build “rescue
delivery system” is given.
 In this challenge, each group must
design, construct and operate, a
rescue delivery system which can be Emergency area
launched rapidly, glide for a
certain distance, and deliver
payload safely at a targeted area.
 Keep in mind that delivering payload
safely at the target area requires a
predictable gliding behavior, smooth
landing and that the system maintain
structural integrity.
Rescue via air delivery

Rescue Delivery System
 Team:
 Each team consists of 6 (six) students (must be mixed between FTMD
& SITHR and must be mixed gender).

 Rescue Delivery System is composed of an Aerial Vehicle and a


 Best System criteria :

 The best system is the lightest aerial vehicle able to consistently deliver
intact payload at the target area, without any damage to the aerial
vehicle. The system has to be designed and built by the team.

Rescue Delivery System
 Aerial Vehicle:
 Aerial vehicle shall has a means to accommodate and carry payload.
 Aerial vehicle shall has the capability to glide and land/deliver payload.
 The wing span (distance between two wing tips) of Aerial vehicle shall not be less
than 200 mm and not be more than 600 mm.
 Aerial vehicle shall be initially propelled by launcher, and does not incorporated any
propulsion system.
 Use of Styrofoam/Hard foam is not allowed.
 Launcher:
 Launcher shall be rubber band powered and shall has track to guide launch direction.
 Number of rubber band used shall be 6 or less. Rubber band type is typical No. 14 to 16
(Length 50-60 mm, Width 1-2 mm, Thickness: 1-2 mm)
 Maximum length of launcher shall be 500 mm. Stretched rubber band shall be within
launcher length.
 Payload:
 The payload is two pieces of blackboard chalk typically used in class room weighing around
10 grams.
 Payload may be wrapped by any materials without gluing/sticking directly to the payload
Mission Arena
 Mission Area:
1) The aerial vehicle must deliver the payload on the
targeted area (A) of a circle having 2 m in diameter.
2) A buffer area (B) extend 1 m from the target area.
3) The center of target area is located 8 meters from the
launch area (C). Height of launch area is 75cm from
4) Before launch, any part of the launcher or aerial vehicle
should be behind the start line (D).
8m 75 cm

Scoring and Testing Procedure
 Scoring (per launch):
 Mission completion include: delivery in target area (max 20), structural integrity (max 10),
payload condition (max 10)
 Payload delivery spot
 inside the target area: 20 (touch down until stop is inside the target area) (reference identification
point is the payload location)
 inside the buffer area: 15 (touch down or stop is inside the buffer area) (reference identification
point is the payload location)
 Outside target area: 5
 Payload condition
 Each intact chalk: 5
 Structural integrity
 Perfect integrity: 10
 Damaged: 5
 Final score : total sum of each launch score

 Testing Procedure
 Each team has to fly three missions within 9 minutes
 Only three team member are allowed to enter the arena, each is responsible for launcher,
system recovery and support/documentation
 Class assistant will weigh the aerial system three times and take the average
 For each mission, landing spot will be noted; payload and vehicle condition will be checked
 Launcher has to be placed on launch area

Riding the air

Aerodynamic Forces Lift
Paper plane


 Lift -> Aerodynamic Force perpendicular to the airspeed

due to pressure difference
 generated by Lifting Surface
 different shape produce different force (and moment)

 Drag -> Aerodynamic Force parallel to airspeed in

opposite direction
Aerodynamic Forces
 Kite Lift

Airspeed (wind)


Wire Tension

Maintaining flight direction

Typical unpowered aircraft general component
(Wing) Horizontal

Center of

Wing : generate Lift (large surface)

Tailplane : provide stability (smaller surface)
Fuselage : integrate wing and tailplane, plus contain payload (rigid)
Flight quality : Determined by aircraft shape, size and c.g. location

Some questions…..
 What might be the shape and size of aerial vehicle ?
 How to construct a strong and light-weight aerial
vehicle ?
 How to accommodate and protect payload ?
 At what speed and angle the aerial vehicle should be
launched ?
 How to make sure the aerial vehicle follow the
desired gliding path ?
 Can it be improved ?
 ….

Activity Schedule (5 weeks)
 Feb. 11 – Intro and announcement
 Intro, project announcement and group assignment
 Feb. 18 – Concept discussion
 All groups must show their concept (in 5 ppt slides not including title slide) to the
lecturer and assistants and discuss their difficulties
 Feb. 25 – Discussion on the trial results
 All groups must show their results of the trial (in 5 ppt slides) to the lecturer and
assistants and discuss their difficulties
 Mar. 4 – Technical briefing
 Explanation on test execution and lottery to determine the order of testing
 Mar. 10 – Rescue Delivery System Challenge Test Day
 All groups bring their best System. group ID should be clearly marked on the Aerial
 Mar. 18 – Reporting and presentation due
 Class presentation
 Write a report with youtube link (slides – see p 16), send to lecturer and assistant
email before 1 pm, Mar. 18, 2019
 Make a video of group activity (less than 5 mins). The video must include the Mar.
10 testing. Upload to youtube before 1 pm, Mar. 18, 2019

Final Report
 Final report (in .ppt or .pptx, max 10 slides) should ‘at least’ contain
the following:
 ID: Project title, group name, name and student ID of group members
 Project description and problem definition (DR&O)
 Conceptual design
 Design alternatives
 Evaluation and selection
 Detail design
 Design characteristic and principle
 Prototyping (including testing)
 Design modification and improvement
 Final design description (drawing, size, paper type and weight, paper folding
and gluing process, etc.)
 Hyperlink of the youtube video
 Reflection (lesson learned)
 Testing results
 Lesson learned
 Possible improvement

 Originality & design concept (20%)
 System construction (50%)
 Test result (pass/fail)
 Weight
 Assembly
 Posters, discussions & final report (30%)

To do
 Explore information corresponding to the challenge
 Keywords : simple glider, aeromodelling, paper plane,….



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