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Prepared by: Ophelynn P. Cano

NAME: _______________________________ EXAMINEE NUMBER: ____________________

Instructions: Please answer on the sheet provided for.

1. The essence of Republicanism

A. Representation & renovation C. representation & innovation
B. renovation & freedom D. renovation & independence

2. Heavily sanctioned folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral laws are called _____.
A. beliefs B. mores C. customs D. tradition

3. What are the four elements of a state?

A. people, territory, sovereignty, government C. government, law, peace, territory
B. people, constitution, territory, government D. constitution, people, land, independence

4. Which among the following does NOT belong to the group?

A. Indigenous cultural communities, elderly, handicapped C. labor, peasant, fisherfolk
B. religious sects, foreign organization, advocates of violence D. youth, veterans, OFWs
5. The fundamental law provides that “all ___ institutions shall include the study of the Constitution as part of the curricula.”
A. primary and secondary B. vocational C. educational D. learned

6. The opportunity cost of a good is

A. the time lost in finding it
B. the quantity of other goods sacrificed to get another unit of that good
C. the expenditure on the good
D. the loss of interest in using savings

7. The following are non-legislative powers of Congress EXCEPT ONE:

A. Enactment & repeal of laws C. Declaration of the existence of a state of war
B. Canvass of the presidential elections D. Impeachment

8. The rights available to a citizen in a democratic state, provided by laws promulgated by the law-making body and, consequently, may
be abolished by the same body.
A. divine rights B. natural rights C. statutory rights D. constitutional rights

9. Mr. Francisco was teaching about on mores, folkways, customs and beliefs in his Social Studies class. What was his lesson about?
A. material culture C. tangible culture
B. non-material culture D. hereditary culture

10. What are the forms of government in which the political power is exercised by a few privileged class.
A. Oligarchy and Aristocracy C. Theocracy and Fascism
B. Aristocracy and Monarchy D. Democracy and Tyranny

11. In which organization is the Philippines a member to fight communist aggression?


12. In a free market __________ ___________.

A. governments intervene C. governments interfere
B. governments plan production D. prices adjust to reconcile scarcity and desires

13. Which situation shows a desirable relationship between teachers and other groups of people?
A. Mrs. Magsino, a newly-assigned principal to Barangay San Andres, calls on the barangay chairman.
B. The new teacher was requested to help the barangay council in a case involving one of his students. He declined.
C. Mr. Tiglao feels that the barangay council is against his plans; so, he does not consult the council even if there is a need for it.
D. The principal does her own way of campaigning for cleanliness in and outside the school; she never gets involved with the same
campaign of the barangay officials.

14. Microeconomics is concerned with ______.

A. the economy as a whole C. the study of individual economic behavior
B. the electronics industry D. the interactions within the entire economy
15. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested?
A. Cultural relativism C. Xenocentrism
B. Cultural diversity D. Ethnocentrism

16. Arrange these according to its establishment during the American Regime:
1. The Commonwealth Government
2. The Military Government
3. The Civil Government
A. 1 2 3
B. 2 3 1
C. 3 2 1
D. 2 1 3

17. Which situation shows that action is legal but not moral? Public official, entitled to specific privileges from the government
A. Takes the most economical fare in going about his duties.
B. Does his job without getting favors from the client he serves.
C. Reverts back to the public coffers the 10% commission due him.
D. Buys the latest and the most expensive car model for his department.

18. The belief that colonies exist for the good of the home country is a characteristic of which system?
A. Communism C. Mercantilism
B. Capitalism D. Feudalism

19. A series of rulers from the same family

A. clan B. aristocracy C. nepotism D. dynasty

20. Which is the best example of the fact that culture is partially influenced by the geography of an area?
A. Hindus are required to pray five times daily.
B. Buddhists are prohibited from eating pork.
C. Several political parties are found in India today.
D. Agriculture is a common occupation in the Huang He River valley.

21. The following are our constitutional rights EXCEPT to

A. Free access to legal assistance which shall not be denied due to poverty
B. Have access to all records of the government
C. Be presumed innocent until proven guilty
D. Form association and labor unions

22. There is a violation of ____ in cases of extra-judicial killings.

A. search and seizure order C. arrest warrant
B. due process of law D. equal protection under the law

23. The winner in the Philippine national president election is determined by ___ votes, while that of the U.S. by ____ votes.
A. total; sectoral votes C. popular; electoral college votes
B. national; local votes D. multi-party; one-party votes

24. What method of thinking-and-learning draws from the general qualities of knowledge to particular knowledge?
A. Induction C. Discovery
B. Deduction D. Problem-solving

25. Which is the Mindanao province that is known as the first seat of Islam in the Philippines?
A. Zamboanga C. Sulu
B. Tawi-Tawi D. Basilan

26. Choose the logical sequence to operationalize selected stages of a study on drug addiction:
I. Observation and data gathering
II. Arrive at a conclusion
III. Specify method to get data on variables
IV. Set testable hypothesis
V. Process and analyze

A. IV, III, I, V and II C. V, III, I, II and IV

B. II, I, III, V and IV D. III, II, I, IV and V

27. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the true nature of culture?
A. Culture is learned from interaction with other people.
B. Culture tells us how we ought to act and believe.
C. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance.
D. Culture helps us solve problems and adapt to our environment.

28. Signed by 117 states in 1982, the ____ gave recognition to the Philippines along the archipelagic principle that its islands and
natural features are a single geographic unit..
A. UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea)
B. UN (United Nations)
C. SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
D. ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)

29. Following a sociological insight, if a person is surrounded by lazy and dishonest people, will he also be like them?
A. Yes, because the environment influences the development of man.
B. It depends on his personality type.
C. No, he can choose to be different since man has free will.
D. That depends on the strength of the influence of the group of lazy and dishonest people around him.

30. Which does NOT characterize traditional Chinese society?

A. They believe in Confucianism. C. They practice Shintoism.
B. Their families are patrilineal. D. They advocate government examinations for government positions.

31. _____ is the scientific study of social human behavior while ___ is the scientific study of individual human behavior.
A. Sociology; Psychology C. Anthropology; Psychology
B. Psychology; Sociology D. Psychology; Anthropology

32. That government is subject to a higher law is called _____.

A. constitutionalism C. convention
B. fundamentalism D. sovereignty

33. Teacher A is analyzing income distribution which is symmetrical. Which measure/s of central tendency will be most appropriate?
A. Mean and median C. Median
B. Mode D. Mean and Mode

34. Which is a valid conclusion based on a study of European art during the Renaissance in Europe?
A. Emphasis on artistic creativity can discourage a society from pursuing reforms.
B. The development of guilds prevented artistic creativity.
C. The presence of a wealthy leisure class contributes to artistic achievement.
D. An economy based on subsistence agriculture encourages artistic development.

35. A major result of the European Age of Exploration was

A. a long period of peace and prosperity for the nations of Western Europe
B. extensive migration of people from the Western Hemisphere to Europe
C. the fall of European national monarchies and the end of the power of the Catholic Church
D. the end of regional isolation and the beginning of a period of European global domination

36. In grade distribution of a class the ___ is the basic numerical data as the average of grades.
A. median C. mean
B. mode D. measure

37. The east-west _____ line encircles the earth and divides it into two equal parts or hemispheres.
A. longitude C. meridian
B. equator D. latitude

38. Private sector groups for national advocacies are commonly referred to as ___.
A. public sector C. cooperatives
B. civil society D. party-list representatives

39. Who coined the word “sociological imagination” to underscore the relationship between what is happening in people’s personal
lives and the social forces that surround them?
A. Emile Durkheim C. Auguste Comte
B. C. Wright Mills D. Isabel Panopio

40. Baghdad is to Iraq and ___ is to Syria.
A. Jordan C. Yemen
B. Turkey D. Damascus

41. What particular event awakened national awareness of human indignity during the 1980s prior to the EDSA revolution?
A. Assassination of Ninoy Aquino C. Call of Cardinal Sin
B. Human rights violations D. Parliament of the streets

42. Which of the following may be considered as factors of production?

A. stocks, bonds and wealth
B. technology, efficiency and profits
C. capital, labor and natural resources
D. money, bank deposits and loans

43. Which element of social structure refers to a set of norms specifying the rights and obligations associated with a status?
A. value C. role
B. culture trait D. dysfunction

44. The relationship between the price of a good and the quantities that people are willing to buy is called ____.
A. demand C. equilibrium
B. supply D. production possibilities

45. The great temple of the Khmer is located in _____.

A. Indonesia C. Angkor
B. Chang Mai D. Java

46. “He who does not know how to look to the past will never reach his destination.” To which Filipino trait does this point?
A. Pakikiisa C. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
B. Mañana habit D. Utang-na-loob

47. Which is a tentative answer to a research problem?

A. Theoretical Framework C. Conclusion
B. Recommendation D. Hypothesis

48. Which of the following demonstrates divergent questioning used by teacher Karla in her History class?
A. Who were the other founders of the Katipunan other than Andres Bonifacio?
B. Between Rizal and Bonifacio who is more deserving to be our national hero?
C. During the Philippine independence celebration in Kawit, Cavite which band played the national anthem?
D. How was Gregorio del Pilar killed at the Tirad Pass?

49. High level questions have the following characteristics EXCEPT _____.
A. stimulating C. factual
B. advanced D. challenging

50. To prevent ethnocentrism, anthropologists and sociologists advocate cross-cultural understanding through a concept known as
A. cultural relativism C. global solidarity
B. ethical relativism D. acculturation

51. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea designated a ____ Exclusive Economic Zone of water around the
Philippine archipelago for sovereign right to explore, conserve and manage natural resources of ocean, seabed and subsoil.
A. 1000-mile belt C. 500-mile belt
B. 100-mile belt D. 200-mile belt

52. Which is referred to as the cause variable?

A. Dependent variable C. Independent variable
B. Moderator variable D. Extraneous

53. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire as Asoka was to the ______ Empire.
A. Roman
B. Gupta
C. Greek
D. Maurya

54. The adoption of scientific techniques to control and manipulate environment such as modem methods for farming and fishing is
called ______.
A. social change C. technological change
B. cultural change D. discovery change

55. Which of the following is a high level question in a Geography class?

A. Where is the Philippines in the world map?
B. Why is global warming a problem today?
C. Which cities are adjacent to Manila?
D. Which pollutes more, the smoker or factories?

56. What factor was a major cause of both World War I and World War II?
A. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe C. Nationalism and national borders
B. The dropping of atomic bombs D. The rise of totalitarian fascist states

57. Which statement holds TRUE of the Philippines?

A. The Philippines is far from the equator.
B. The Philippines is clear and below the equator.
C. The Philippines is clear and above the equator.
D. The Philippines is far below the equator.

58. What does the Machiavellian maxim “The end justifies the means” mean?
A. The result of an action is the basis for telling whether the action is acceptable or not.
B. Any manner of doing something is approved whenever the intended outcome is admirable.
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

59. The development of 21st century teaching and learning skills is a contemporary trend. What elements are interconnected in the
process of teaching and learning?
A. Education for all and literacy
B. Professional development
C. High budgetary appropriations
D. Student outcomes and support systems

60. The reform movement that began within the Catholic Church in the 1500s as a reaction to the Reformation.
A. Council of Trent C. the Inquisition
B. Counter-Reformation D. Excommunication

61. What is the religious divide within Islam that causes a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran?
A. Iran against Hamas C. Hamas against ISIS
B. Saudi Arabia against Al-Qaeda D. Shiites against Sunnis

62. The continuous masses of land surrounded by big bodies of water on the earth’s surface is known as ____.
A. peninsula C. archipelago
B. continents D. hemisphere

63. What skills are being recognized to prepare students for increasingly complex life and work in the 21st century?
A. Information literacy skills C. Media Literacy skills
B. Learning and innovation skills D. Global awareness and communication skills

64. What type of research can better ensure relevance in planning the development of communities?
A. survey C. interview
B. needs analysis D. case study

65. Among the industrialized countries which is the biggest emitter of CO2 (by 31%) that causes global warming?
A. United States C. China
B. India D. France

66. What is the basis in the 1987 Constitution for prohibiting the teaching of Religion in public schools?
A. Focus on Basic Education subjects
B. Values Education in the basic education curriculum
C. Freedom of religious conscience
D. Separation of church and state

67. The Arabs, who were excellent geographers and navigators, perfected the _____ a navigational instrument to determine the
altitude of stars and planets.
A. astrolabe C. telescope
B. compass D. sunglass

68. Standard deviation is to variability as mode is to _____.

A. level of difficulty C. tendency
B. correlation D. discrimination

69. The Philippine national flower is the ______.

A. ilang-ilang C. tsampaka
B. sampaguita D. waling-waling

70. Federalism in the Philippines can grant ____ to the regions.

A. autonomy C. statehood
B. sovereignty D. fiscal independence

71. The highest mountain in the Philippines standing at 9,600 feet is _____.
A. Mt. Mayon C. Mt. Pinatubo
B. Mt. Apo D. Mt. Kanlaon

72. What is the hidden conflict in the war in Syria?

A. Syrian ruler Assad against Syrian rebels C. Syria against ISIS
B. US against Russia D. Syria against UN

73. It is natural for parents to want to get involved in their children’s school work but teachers need to be ____ about skills and subjects
for which students need to be assisted or reinforced.
A. specific C. archipelago
B. continents D. hemisphere

74. Intervening the dry and wet seasons in the Philippines are the months from _____ known as the Philippine springtime, the most
delightful season of the year.
A. November to February C. June to August
B. April to June d. January to March

75. A teacher-made test can help determine progress of students for remedial instruction if needed. This test is for ___ purposes.
A. diagnostic C. formative
B. placement D. summative

76. The suttee was a certain custom frowned upon by the West. What is this about?
A. The strangulation of human victims to appease the goddess Khalil
B. The wearing of veil among women in Islamic countries
C. The burning of a widow on her husband’s funeral pyre in India
D. The slashing of one’s stomach, a Japanese honorable suicide

77. One way in which the Han and the Gupta cultures were similar is that they
A. were destroyed by military forces of European nations
B. developed great civilizations without major influence from western Europe
C. depended on trade with European nations to remain economically powerful
D. emerged from nationalist movements of the 20th century

78. Christians engaged the Muslims during the ___ in order to win back the Holy Land to Christendom.
A. Holy Wars C. Crusades
B. War of the Roses D. Punic Wars

79. The fearless head of the Huns from Mongolia who became the King of Hungary was ____.
A. Genghis Khan C. Kublai Khan
B. Attila D. Odoacer

80. These are correct types of evaluation and tools used, EXCEPT _____.
A. Diagnostic :: observations, interviews
B. Formative :: teacher-made tests and checklists
C. Placement :: teacher-made tests
D. Summative :: standardized tests and rating scales

81. What is a comprehensive list of important or relevant actions to be completed in a specified order so that no step is forgotten?
A. report card C. checklist
B. survey D. questionnaire

82. When government attempts to control inflation, what does it do?

A. It devalues the peso. C. It decreases its export.
B. It increases its import. D. It strengthens the purchasing power of the peso.

83. What research is done in a laboratory?

A. analysis C. survey
B. experiment D. assessment

84. Average fixed cost ___ as output increases.

A. increases C. remains constant
B. decreases D. becomes zero

85. How is evaluation differentiated from assessment?

A. Evaluation is value judgement of the quality of performance, assessment is the process of collecting, synthesizing and interpreting
information to aid in decision-making.
B. Evaluation is the weighing of assessment information against some standards to improve instruction.
C. Assessment uses a scoring guide; evaluation has no scoring guide.
D. Evaluation makes use of traditional tools, assessment uses authentic tools.

86. The satisfaction that individuals get from consuming goods and services is called ____.
A. usefulness C. profit
B. utility D. bliss

87. The main item product during the early galleon trade was ___.
A. rugs from Persia C. Chinese silk
B. precious metals from India D. Philippine products

88. The law of diminishing marginal utility suggests that the marginal utility schedule is _____.
A. downward sloping C. vertical
B. upward sloping D. horizontal

89. There are non-conventional sources of energy that can be harnessed to soften adverse consequences on the economy but ___ is
NOT one of them.
A. wind-turbines C. fossil fuel
B. geo-thermal D. solar panels

90. Schools provide pre-assessment test to determine fitness of students in college for some courses or in high school for learning
sections. This test is ____ evaluation.
A. formative C. achievement
B. diagnostic D. placement

91. The shrinking peso refers to the decrease in the ____ power of the peso.
A. potential C. purchasing
B. actual D. hidden

92. Where did women (200 B.C.) enjoy full property of rights and could manage their own business affairs?
A. Italy and Sicily C. Egypt and Babylonia
B. Athens and Sparta D. Near East and Middle East

93. Which is arrived at by way of a thinking process that puts together several parts to form a complex whole?
A. meaning C. synthesis
B. relationship D. deduction

94. Hammurabi the greatest of early kings who published a great code of law belonged to the ____ empire.
A. Persian C. Babylonian
B. Egyptian D. Assyrian

95. In a communist country, the following holds true EXCEPT _____.

A. productive resources are owned by government C. the government determines what shall be produced and in what quantity
B. the citizens vote on some economic policies D. the government sets wages and prices

96. Where was the starting point of Western civilization?
A. Mesopotamia C. India
B. Egypt D. China

97. Which economic principle states that each country should concentrate in producing those goods it can make most efficiently and
buy from other countries those goods it can make most efficiently and buy from other countries those goods it cannot produce as
A. Comparative advantage C. Competition
B. Economic stability D. Monopoly

98. Among the great teachers and philosophers of the Chou dynasty, ___ wrote the Tao Te Ching.
A. Mencius C. Lao Tzu
B. Confucius D. Chou en Lai

99. The value of all goods and services produced by a country in a given period refers to ____.
A. National income C. Net income
B. Gross national product D. Per capita

100. From Sung Dynasty sources in 982 A.D. how did early Chinese traders and geographers call our islands?
A. Malilu C. Mintolang
B. Ma-yi D. Lusung

101. What is a simple way of explaining the concept of a social theory?

A. Explaining social realities C. Guiding what societies do
B. Ways of looking at society D. Innovating society

102. Which market structure has one buyer only?

A. monopoly C. oligopoly
B. monopsony D. perfect competition

103. The geographic isolation of a people frequently reinforces

A. a traditional way of life C. the need for higher education
B. the development of scientific investigation D. a process of cultural diffusion

104. When teacher Jane asks History questions on names of different historical personages she is asking __ questions.
A. high level C. low level
B. moderate D. superior

105. How do you arrange the logical ordering of pivotal questions that lead to valuing on the issue of drug use among youths?
I. What are illegal drugs?
II. Will you try illegal drugs as a student?
III. How can illegal drugs reach and attract you?
IV. What would be the effects of illegal drugs on you?

A. I, III, IV and II C. IV, I, II and III

B. II, III, IV and I D. III, II, I and IV

106. Social theories can be arrived at based on ___ pattern of behavior.

A. diffused C. disparate
B. separate D. aggregate

107. During the transition period after the EDSA Revolution, the constitution that served as the framework of the government was the
A. 1935 Constitution C. 1987 Constitution
B. 1973 Constitution D. Freedom Constitution

108. Being situated on the Pacific Plate, the Philippines is prone to ___.
A. drought C. floods
B. earthquakes D. typhoons

109. Which is the leading mineral export of the Philippines?

A. Iron C. Coal
B. Copper D. Chromite

110. How does a hypothesis support inquiry?
A. They refer to evidence already proven.
B. They restate the thesis question.
C. They are tentative answers to what is true or false.
D. They provide a body of literature.

111. Which is a question by analogy?

A. Compare democracy in the Philippines and the United States
B. What elements in democracy are lacking in China today?
C. Is extra judicial killing part of democracy?
D. How is democracy like animals set free?

112. The correct measure of true development is ___.

A. economic progress C. political sovereignty
B. human development D. social equality

113. When does the day begin and end?

A. midnight C. dawn
B. midday D. sunset

114. Miss Andrea assigned her students to develop short skits of life in the slums which they shall act out with costumes in class. How
do you classify Miss Andrea’s activity?
A. role-playing C. simulation
B. games D. group dynamics

115. In Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy, rote learning corresponds to the knowledge category of ___.
A. applying C. analyzing
B. understanding D. recall

116. Which is NOT a reform in the Constitution?

A. equal protection of the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception
B. protection and advancement of rights of the people in a balanced ecology
C. separation of church and state
D. the pursuit of a nuclear weapons-free society

117. Teacher Jim is teaching the use and abuse of social media, (i.e., Facebook, Twitter). Which question is NOT relevant to ask?
A. Why is social media very attractive to high school students?
B. What mobile phones do you use for social media?
C. What do you get out of Facebook postings?
D. What bad experiences were reported about Facebook users?

118. Challenge-based learning builds on the practice of problem-based learning in which students work on real world problems. What
BEST describes the learning experiences of teachers and learners?
A. Global C. Collaborative
B. Integrative D. Cultural

119. Corazon Aquino abolished the ___ to start the reorganization of the government.
A. Batasang Pambansa C. Congress
B. Cabinet D. Supreme Court

120. One challenge in peace education is teaching students how to think critically, not what to think. What strategy may help develop
this skill?
A. debating the pros and cons of globalization
B. discussing the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
C. simulating the experiences of disadvantaged people
D. writing a reflection paper after watching a documentary film on human trafficking

121. How can Teacher Carla make her homeroom more gender sensitive?
A. Make all students, whether boys or girls, participate in all activities.
B. Structure the room that would cater to the specific needs of boys and girls.
C. Plan the seating arrangement in a girl-boy-girl pattern.
D. All of the above.

122. Which BEST describes the whole-school approach in teaching-learning social studies?
A. It transforms the teaching and learning towards holistic life skills and values.
B. It transmits changes in social institutions.
C. It integrates goals and targets in the curriculum through projects.
D. It demonstrates problem-based and project-based practices.

123. One of the most destructive volcanic eruptions of the 20th century in the Philippines is that of ____.
A. Taal Volcano C. Hibok-Hibok
B. Mt. Pinatubo D. Mt. Apo

124. Which economic system is otherwise known as free enterprise?

A. Capitalism C. Mixed economy
B. Communism D. Totalitarianism

125. For which of the following issues or concerns would a sociologist likely do an empirical inquiry?
A. Crowd behavior during rallies C. Advantages and disadvantages of democracy as an ideology
B. Medical effect of contraceptives on health D. Church doctrine behind Pope Francis wanting priests to forgive abortion

126. Why does a researcher do a literature review?

I. To survey the current state of knowledge in the area of inquiry
II. To identify key authors, articles, theories, and findings in the area of research
III. To identify gaps in knowledge in that research area
A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. II and III D. I and III

127. When data gathered from survey, interview or other methods are interpreted, this is the research stage for ___.
A. sampling C. data processing
B. operationalization D. application

128. Which data do anthropologists use in a descriptive inquiry on the cultural life of an ethnic community through data drawn from
myths, stories, songs and experiences gathered through field study?
A. unobtrusive C. documentary
B. quantitative D. qualitative

129. The research design commonly used by sociologists is ___

A. ethnography C. field study
B. the experiment D. sample survey

130. Which type of research did Anna conduct on kinds of worship among similar Christian groups?
A. Trend C. Cohort
B. Cross-sectional D. Longitudinal

131. The pattern of relationships between units of a specified whole is ____.

A. social structure C. society
B. social organization D. none of the above

132. What is the stage of a study when the researcher selects the appropriate way to gather evidence that can support analysis of
data obtained?
A. population sampling C. operationalization
B. conceptualization D. choice of research method

133. Which is NOT a characteristic of culture?

A. learned C. transmitted
B. voluntary D. integrated

134. Which step is undertaken when the researcher mulls over a chosen topic and purpose, thinking about aspects and dimensions of
a chosen social issue?
A. observation C. conceptualization
B. operationalization D. population and sampling

135. In research, which variable do you manipulate?

A. moderator C. dependent
B. independent D. extraneous

136. The opposite of ethnocentrism is ___.

A. cultural relativism C. culture complex
B. culture shock D. culture pattern

137. About 85% of gigantic waves called tsunamis occur in the ___.
A. Pacific Ocean C. Atlantic Ocean
B. China Sea D. Indian Ocean

138. Research leader Edna insisted that student researches appreciate the value of ____ data or evidence for scientific study above
mere speculation or opinion.
A. authority C. tradition
B. empirical D. logical reasoning

139. Geographers measure landforms by ___ or height above the surface of the ocean and by ___ from the ocean depth.
A. range :: width C. elevation :: sea level
B. height :: depth D. altitude :: longitude

140. In my research, I use basic classical ethnographic field methods. Which ones do I use?
I. observations III. interpretation
II. asking questions IV. Participant observation
A. I, II and III C. I, II, III and IV
B. II, III and IV D. I, III and IV

141. The bases of determining what behavior and attitudes are correct are the ___.
A. aspirations C. ideas
B. beliefs D. values

142. The largest ocean which covers more than a third of the earth’s surface is the ___ Ocean.
A. Indian C. Pacific
B. Atlantic D. Arctic

143. It is important that the South China Sea is not militarized by China or any other country because it is a ___ between East Asian
countries and Southeast Asia.
A. canal C. channel
B. sea lane D. demarcation

144. An ideal tool for teachers and students of geography is the ____ because it is a scale model of the three dimensions of the earth.
A. equal area map C. globe
B. color map D. world land mass map

145. Each year, the president of the Philippines delivers a SONA. What is meant by SONA?
A. State of the Nation Assembly C. Speech of the Nation Address
B. Speech of the Nation Assembly D. State of the Nation Address

146. The belief that monarchs hold supreme power and are responsible only to God
A. Mandate of heaven C. limited monarchy
B. Absolutism D. oligarchy

147. What right is violated by propaganda that suppresses opposition news?

A. Freedom of conscience C. Freedom of assembly
B. Freedom of the press D. Freedom against conscription

148. Which of the following may result in the home country when Filipino professionals emigrate to other countries?
A. brain drain C. population increase
B. ethnic diversity D. culture shock

149. The condition of the air at any time is the _____.

A. weather C. season
B. climate D. atmosphere

150. Which kind of data includes descriptive field notes, narration of informants, myths, stories, songs and sagas as gathered by
I. Qualitative data II. Quantitative data III. Inferential data
A. II only B. III only C. I only D. I, II and III
151. Which is a short (about 100-500 words) summary of the entire research paper that includes goals and objectives, results and
A. abstract C. conclusion
B. synopsis D. precis

152. The pattern of changes of weather over a number of years is the ____.
A. atmosphere C. climate
B. season D. temperature

153. The anthropologist who discovered the Tabon Cave man in Palawan was ___.
A. Jaime Bulatao C. Robert Fox
B. F. Landa Jocano D. Frank Lynch

154. These countries have dry-summer sub-tropical Mediterranean climate EXCEPT ___.
A. Italy C. Germany
B. Greece D. France

155. Which type of family is prevalent in the third world than in industrialized countries?
A. extended family C. family of orientation
B. nuclear family D. blended family

156. No one is above the law. Ours is a government of laws and not of men. Which principle is referred to?
A. right of the minority C. sovereignty of the people
B. rule of law D. democracy

157. The ziggurat towers of the Sumerians were used for ____.
A. palace C. worship
B. military post D. watch tower

158. The simplest form of social organization is the ____.

A. caste C. kinship
B. family D. marriage

159. In ancient China, one effect of the teachings of Confucius on government was the high status of ____.
A. scholars C. farmers
B. merchants D. soldiers

160. The forcible expulsion of a particular ethnic group from a certain territory is termed as:
A. ethnic cleansing C. genocide
B. ethnocentrism D. racial prejudice

161. Which was the characteristic of Western European nations that most enabled them to establish colonies in America, Asia and
A. rigid, social class structures C. frequent political revolutions
B. self-sufficiency D. advanced technology

162. Which buildings, believed to be symbols of American power, were attacked by Islamic fundamentalists on September 11, 2001.
A. Empire State Building C. World Trade Center
B. White House D. New York Stock Exchange

163. Which is usually a characteristic of societies that have extended family as their basic unit?
A. The society tends to be highly industrialized
B. The roles of the family members are economically and socially interdependent
C. The government usually provides incentives to increase family size
D. The functions of the family unit are defined mainly by the government

164. What does “presumption of innocence” mean as far as human rights are concerned? A suspect ___.
A. has the right to remain silent C. is considered guilty unless proven otherwise
B. has the right to a legal counsel D. remains innocent until proven guilty

165. A vetoed bill passed again in Congress becomes a law with a _____.
A. majority vote of all the members of the house
B. majority vote of all the members present constituting a quorum

C. two-thirds vote of all the members of both houses
D. two-thirds vote of all the members present constituting a quorum

166. In teaching ESD what skills are considered essential for integrating effective participation in both work and society?
A. assertiveness and mediation C. negotiation and conflict management
B. social and emotional skills D. stress and time management

167. Teaching social change can make effective use of instructional aids, but which of the following has emotional impact such as on
the issue of extreme poverty?
A. Graphs on impoverished regions C. Newspaper articles on poor communities
B. Photo language pictures of poor people D. Films featuring Robin Hood heroes

168. “Con Ass” and “Cha Cha” are associated with _____
A. imposition of martial law C. amendment of the present constitution
B. return to a dictatorial form of government D. division between Senate and House of Representatives

169. In what probing question was Teacher Reyn stimulating valuing in her Socio-cultural class?
A. How do you feel about the assassination of Ninoy Aquino in the airport tarmac?
B. What events led to the Ninoy Aquino assassination?
C. Was the assassination of Ninoy connected to People Power?
D. How was Ninoy Aquino as a politician?

170. A social science teacher conducts a research on the best practices of teaching Araling Panlipunan in Grade 9. What kind of
research does the teacher conduct?
A. Action research C. Basic research
B. Applied research D. Field research

171. Which law institutionalizes the kindergarten education into the basic education system?
A. R.A. 10167 C. R.A. 10165
B. R.A. 10148 D. R.A. 10157

172. In the ancient world, the Phoenicians were known for many skills but NOT as ____.
A. keen traders C. expert shipbuilders
B. mercenary soldiers D. skillful craftsmen

173. How is marriage characterized in the 1987 Family Code?

A. lasting C. permanent
B. temporary D. on trial basis

174. ESD involves topics on peace education, global citizenship and human rights in addition to environmental education. What
teaching-learning approach is recommended for ESD?
A. project-based C. problem-based
B. outcome-based D. concept-based

175. The greatest contribution of the Israelites to civilization that culminated in Solomon’s temple to the god Jehovah was ___ in
A. economic C. political
B. religious D. artistic

176. Teacher Annabelle wants to enhance the reading skills of her students and _____ is the most useful way for integrating ideas of
text through analysis, deduction and expansion of main thoughts.
A. underlining C. copying
B. note-taking D. discussion

177. Sir Nathan reprimanded the students who were not working as a group and chided them for having the mentality of crabs. What
was he trying to correct?
A. tendency to be careless and carefree C. the tendency to pull down one who has gained some success
B. tendency to pass the work to others D. tendency to be uncooperative

178. Which of these community resources are less likely to be visited by history classes?
A. farm C. graveyards
B. museum D. landmarks

179. In order for the students to be exposed to the products of the past, the teacher plans for an educational tour in different ___.
A. barangays C. museums
B. hospitals D. churches

180. The first civilization was made possible because it was situated between two rivers that made the land fertile. What are these
A. Amazon, Nile C. Tigris, Euphrates
B. Yangtze, Huang Ho D. Irrawady, Mekong

181. Where is the Arctic Region found?

A. Euro-Asiatic region C. North Pole region
B. South Pole region D. Antarctica

182. Why is the Nile known as an “international river”?

A. It supplies water and productivity to Egypt and Sudan
B. It is the longest river in the world.
C. It crosses eleven countries in Southeast Africa.
D. Its waters flow into the Mediterranean Ocean.

183. The term New World applies to _____.

A. South America C. European Union
B. North America D. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

184. Under which category does the Philippines fall?

A. landlocked state C. coastal state
B. island state D. archipelagic state

185. The smallest ocean in the world is the ____ Ocean.

A. Pacific C. Atlantic
B. Indian D. Arctic

186. Among landmarks with historical significance in East Visayas is ____.

A. Sto. Nino Shrine C. Lake Danao
B. Agas-Agas bridge D. MacArthur Landing Memorial

187. These are reasons why Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental were made into one integrated region EXCEPT ___.
A. one dialect C. tourism promotion
B. holistic development D. peace and order management

188. In reading a map, what is the symbol for a capital city?

A. triangle C. square
B. dot D. circled star

189. Asia, Africa and ____ belong to the eastern hemisphere of the earth.
A. Australia C. South America
B. North America D. Canada

190. Which region is said to offer limited economic opportunities because it is a narrow strip of land surrounded by mountain ranges
and sea?
A. Bicol Region C. Ilocos Region
B. Cagayan Valley D. National Capital Region

191. What are the developments brought about by the discovery of agriculture?
I. Farming enabled people to stay in one place which grew into villages.
II. The surplus of food and village living enabled the people to focus on specialization on other things.
III. The different products of farmers and artisans encouraged barter and trade.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III

192. The first people who widely used bronze tools were the ____.
A. Sumerians C. Hebrews
B. Lydians D. Arameans

193. Which is NOT a feature of a civilization?

A. centralized government C. organized religion
B. domestication of animals D. widespread agriculture
194. Which of the following happened first?
A. Aguinaldo declared Philippine independence.
B. Guerilla warfare against the US was initiated.
C. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the Treaty of Paris.
D. Aguinaldo was captured.

195. These “wedge-shaped” characters were instrumental for recording the achievements of the Sumerians and later Mesopotamians.
A. cuneiform C. hieroglyphics
B. hieratic script D. stylus

196. Which is TRUE of the historical development of the Philippines?

A. It has been an independent nation.
B. It has been an independent nation ever since.
C. It has not achieved full independence from the very beginning.
D. It has evolved from a colony to a fully independent nation.

197. Who was the lawmaker, chief executive and judge in pre-Hispanic barangays?
A. Bathala C. Laon
B. Datu D. Maharlika

198. Who opposed American rule and wrote the “Rise and Fall of the Philippine Republic” to exhort the Filipinos to keep fighting for
A. Apolinario Mabini C. Pedro Paterno
B. Claro M. Recto D. Sergio Osmena

199. What were the secrets of the Hittites for their success in warfare?
A. war ships C. iron implements and war chariots
B. plunder and intimidation D. consulting the stars before going to war

200. What is a contribution of the Assyrians in our study of Mesopotamia?

A. Tiglath Pileser invaded other lands mainly for plunder.
B. The Assyrians were able to efficiently manage their empire by employing terror.
C. A systematic library that contained thousands of clay tablets with information about Mesopotamia was excavated.
D. Ashurbanipal constucted a grandiose city highly influenced by the culture of Mesopotamia.

*Questions taken from various reviewers (published, from the net and from review centers).

---- THE END ---

GOD BLESS YOU! Study as if everything depended on you and PRAY AS IF EVERYTHING DEPENDED ON GOD. 😉
Philippians 4:13


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