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The implementation of constructivism

approach for physics learning in vocational

high school
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1778, 030057 (2016);
Published Online: 26 October 2016



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study at primary school in Kuantan, Pahang
AIP Conference Proceedings 1739, 020031 (2016);

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AIP Conference Proceedings 1778, 030057 (2016); 1778, 030057

© 2016 Author(s).
The Implementation of Constructivism Approach for
Physics Learning in Vocational High School
Tuwoso1a, b)
Study Program of Mechanical Engineering Education, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of
Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang

Abstract. The nowadays Physics learning at vocational high school is still focusing on teacher-centered. Therefore, the
learners’ activities are only listening to a lecture from the teacher and take notes. The learning process is supposed to be
students-centered, the teacher acts as a facilitator and mediator. The learning process should provide an opportunity for
learners to acquire knowledge itself in accordance with the prior knowledge they already had, which is the result of
interaction with the environment. Such learning process is in accordance with the constructivist view. The method in this
research is quantitative research, the research design pretest-posttest control group design. The research subjects are 30
students for the experimental group and 30 students in the control group. The experimental group in this research is the
group that is taught by the constructivist approach (student-centered), while the control group is taught by the teacher -
centered approach. The obtained findings have significant differences in post test results of students who are treated as
experimental groups and with the control group (p <0.05). The conclusion of this research is the implementation of
Physics in vocational learning with constructivist approach proved to be effective and influence the improvement of
learning outcome of students in the first semester for the tenth grade students of vocational high school.

In the past, the process of Physics learning is too focused on the teacher, and less focus on learners [1]. The
learning process should be focused on the learner; the teacher acts as a facilitator and mediator. Physics learning
must also be able to provide opportunities for learners to acquire knowledge itself in accordance with the prior
knowledge they already had, which is the result of interaction with the environment. Such learning process in
accordance with the constructivist view.
Susilo [2] suggested that the implementation of constructivist approach is to improve the quality of Physics
learning. Constructivist learning philosophy is very different to behaviorist teaching philosophy that has been widely
applied in schools. This shift in perspective can not be postponed due to enter the era of the 2nd century demanded
empowerment of human resources of the highest order. The essence of the constructivist learning theory that the
learning process of students actively internalize and reconstruct from the reality that exists outside in accordance
with the knowledge, attitudes and skills he already owns.
Interviews with several vocational school Physics teacher in Malang City and vocational schools in the district of
Malang obtained a description that the learning outcomes of physics have not been optimal. It can be seen from the
learners have less positive attitude on Physics learning. Characteristics of optimal learning are the involvement of
learners as a subject of study. Thought this should be the starting point for the answer to the question “what should
be done by the developer model of learning so that students are encouraged to engage in the learning event”. The
answer to that question will have implications for the design, implementation, and assessment of learning because it
contained a renewal of thinking about how to treat the students as a subject of study not - learning objects - and what
should be provided for him to learn the events happening inside him.

Proceedings of the International Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Education Conferences (IMEEEC 2016)
AIP Conf. Proc. 1778, 030057-1–030057-6; doi: 10.1063/1.4965791
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1440-2/$30.00

The Constructivists assume that teaching is not transferring knowledge from the teacher to the learner's brain.
Teaching is more an activity that helps learners build knowledge itself. Then the role of physics teacher at SMK not
only to transfer the knowledge he has to students, but more as a mediator and facilitator who helps learners can
construct their knowledge quickly and effectively. For that, physics teacher at SMK must be: (1) creating a
constructivist learning environment; (2) exploring the initial knowledge of learners; (3) using learning strategies that
enable learners can learn independently; and (4) creating service teacher-learner interaction, learner-learner.
Constructivist learning environment, teachers must prepare questions and referrals to stimulate learners' active
learning. Concrete issues of daily life can be used to stimulate students to think. Learners are given the opportunity
to speak his mind, so that teachers know whether their ideas were right or wrong.
Constructivism to the learning process, teachers need to learn the initial knowledge of learners, through this
initial knowledge of teachers will help learners develop understanding. Learners who argued one reviled not, on the
contrary their opinions are considered. Learners are given a time to think and formulate their ideas, without being
chased by the time.
Constructivism on learners, learners are given the opportunity to speak their mind, so that teachers know whether
their ideas were right or wrong. In the implementation of learning, learners are given the opportunity to make a
hypothesis, testing hypotheses, solve problems, express questions, express ideas to form a new construct contained
in students' worksheets.
Constructivism on the learning process, teachers must help students actively learn, pursue the matter and
encouraged to ask questions. Before the teachers teaching, should be prepared props / practicum that will be used for
learning smoothly. Teachers need to prepare questions and referrals to stimulate learners' active learning. Teachers
need to conduct ongoing evaluation and learning process to include in the evaluation.
Constructivism in learning strategies, teachers need to use the scientific method in the invention process, so that
learners feel finding their own knowledge. Teachers need to use a variety of teaching methods, for example the
experimental method. In addition learners are given the opportunity to seek approaches and its own way of learning
and discovery.
Key learning outcomes for constructivism is “knowing how we know.” The ability of learners to explain why or
how to solve a problem in a certain way, to analyze how they construct knowledge process of self-reflection is an
activity that needs to be realized.
Constructivism as a theory of learning which places the learner at the center of the learning activities, then
through its phases, learners are given the opportunity to actively and continuously build their own knowledge, both
personal and social (group). So it always happens change concept headed to the concept of a more detailed,
complete, and in accordance with the scientific concept.
This principle requires that learners can construct knowledge independently, think critically and creatively.
Physics learning in vocational applied this theory is based on Vygotsky and Piaget. Vigotsky emphasis on the
process of interaction between learners with learners, learners with teachers, and the environment (infrastructure of
learning). Vigotksky believe that learning occurs when children worked in their “Zone of Proximal Development”
(ZPD) [3]. The tasks in the zone of proximal development is something that they still can not be done alone but a
child can actually be done with the help of a friend or an adult who is more competent. Vigostky further believe that
the higher mental functioning normally in the conversation and cooperation among people before it exists in that
Teachers provide scaffolding (support) necessary to the group and independent learners in the individual activity.
Scaffolding can also occur in groups where the students are better able to provide assistance to other learners.
Assistance given by the teacher can be: the direction, warning, encouragement, describes the problem into another
form that allows learners to be independent. Teachers have a role as mediator and bridge encourage learners in their
efforts to build knowledge, understanding and competence.
The cornerstone of Piaget's theory of learning is also one of the cornerstones in developing physics in vocational
learning. According to Piaget's cognitive development is largely determined by manipulation and active interaction
children with their environment, knowledge comes from action. Piaget convinced that the experiences of physical
and environmental manipulation is vital to the development changes. Meanwhile, the social with friends, especially
arguing and discussion in helping to clarify thoughts that eventually load it into logical thinking.
Piaget's theory of cognitive development that sees the process where learners are actively building a system of
meaning and understanding reality through experiences and interactions interaction them. In short, personal
constructivism states that knowledge of the formation of learners themselves. Then learners will only be able to
know something, when he actively learn, process and knowledge to formulate it. Without active learning
themselves, learners will never know anything.

Studies Abraham & Renner who followed by Fajaroh [4] in physics teaching in high school do develop in three
stages, namely: exploration, concept introduction (the introduction of the concept), concept application (application
of the concept). Through three stages, learning scientific concepts takes place as a whole, so that the process of
validation of the concept and construction of knowledge takes place the better.
Learning to approach constructivist to be applied rests on: exploration - discovery concept - extension of the
concept, which is in phases (exploration, discovery concept, and the extension of the concept) has developed
important issues relating to the meaningfulness of knowledge, identification of concepts or ideas that support the
meaningfulness of knowledge, and identification of extension activities concepts or ideas, or knowledge. Through
these phases of negotiations cognitive learners in developing the concept of ongoing intensively, so that more
careful in constructing knowledge.
In the exploration phase, learners are given the opportunity to work together without any direction from the
teacher. Teachers only serve as a facilitator who is helping learners to frame questions through observation and
administration questions. Along with learning theories of Piaget, this phase is a phase of disequilibrium. In this
phase, students had the opportunity to test the predictions and hypotheses, try alternatives and discuss with the group
of their friends, record their observations and ideas and make decisions.
In the phase of explanation, the teacher gives the opportunity for learners to: (1) explain the concept of using
their own language; (2) looking for evidence and clarifying explanations; and (3) listen critically opinion group of
their friends and teachers. Therefore, in this phase learners must make observations and record their explanations. In
this phase, the teacher should use the definitions and explanations based on knowledge or experience of the learner
as a basis of discussion.
In the elaboration phase (application), students apply the concepts and skills of thinking in new situations that are
similar and use the definitions and formal label. In this phase, the students apply the information obtained
beforehand, to ask questions, express exit, make a decision, conducting experiments and record the results of
Reflection, in this stage a wide range of ideas are misconceptions that arise at the stage of orientation and
elicitation with misconceptions that have been captured in the early stages. This misconception is classified based on
the level of errors and its consistency to facilitate restructuring. Gagnon [5] at this stage of reflection “to how
students perform reflection in completing their tasks, whether learners remember about (feeling, images, and
language of Reviews their thought), what attitudes, processes, and concepts to be carried learners after out of the
In the current study physics in vocational learning methods with experiments guided/ unplanned. The main
reason is guided by an experimental model, the result will be quickly completed and more regular and purposeful, so
that learners are not easily confused. Besides the task of the teacher as mediator and facilitator in the learning
process is still needed by learners.
In constructivist learning, learners actively construct their own knowledge. They interact with a variety of
learning resources, then determine what they will learn. Key elements of the constructivist theory is that people learn
to actively construct their own knowledge, comparing new information with previous understanding and use it to
generate new understanding. Thus, learners do not simply accept or absorb information that is received from
learners or from textbooks, but students themselves construct new knowledge.
According to Slavin [3], “learning is based on the constructivist view of learning more emphasis on top-down
instead of bottom-up”. Top-down means that learners begin to solve complex problems, and then solve or find the
necessary basic skills. By contrast, in the bottom up, students begin by learning the basic skills gradually towards the
more complex skills. The use of the approach constructivist learning implications to the components of the learning
system, minimal impact on the following components that is: (1) the purpose of learning, (2) the content of learning,
(3) strategies source, (4) environmental management, (5) the relationship between teachers and learners, and (6)
The learning objectives according to the constructivist view is to build understanding. That understanding is
important, because the understanding will give meaning to what is learned. Therefore, the pressure to learn is not to
acquire or find more, but more important is to give a more meaningful understanding [6].
According to the constructivist view, teachers can not specify the contents or ingredients that must be learned by
the students, but only limited to providing learning material signs of a general nature. The process starts from the
presentation of the whole to the parts, not the other way around. Given prioritize constructivist understanding of
major concepts, the concepts presented in the actual context that is sometimes complex. Learners should be
encouraged so that they are not afraid of things that are complex.

Emphasize the constructivist view of learning environment. To that end, this learning strategy needs to be
directed to the following matters: (1) presents a real problem in the appropriate context to the level of development
of learners; (2) learning is structured around primary concepts; (3) the teacher gave encouragement to students to ask
questions themselves; (4) encourage learners to find the answer to his own question; (5) encourage students to
express opinions and appreciate their point of view; (6) challenging learners to gain a deep understanding, not just to
complete the task; (7) encourage learners to work collaboratively, (8) to encourage students to dare to accept
responsibility; and (9) assess the process and learning outcomes of students in the learning context.
Constructivist view is the learning resources that used to be a lot of choice, authentic, challenging, and real.
Learning resources recommended by Mustaji [6] is a good learning resource: (1) data or information derived from
primary sources; and (2) the materials that can be manipulated so that learners can hold interaction with these
materials. Learners own search, find and utilize the learning resources in accordance with the choice of content,
strategy and time into their own choice.
According to the constructivist view, more emphasis on the evaluation aspects of the learning process. In the
context of this evaluation, the teacher needs to be done is to show that they think it is not suitable or not suitable for
the problems faced. Teachers teaching with a constructivist approach, emphasizing not the truth, but the success of
an operation, and the principle that there is no point saying it's wrong because learners simply lowered motivation to

The experimental research design used in this study is the Non-Random Pre-test Post-test Control Group. This
research design is not done randomly. This design was chosen because during the experiment is not possible to
change the existing class. Pre-test was used to equalize early knowledge in the second group, while the post-test was
used to measure the knowledge of students after being treated
TABLE 1. Experimental Design
Group Pre-Test Treatment Post-test
Experiment T1 X T2
Control T1 O T2
Description: X = constructivist learning model
The research subjects were 30 students as the experimental group and 30 students for the control group. The
experimental group in this research is the group that was taught by the constructivist approach (student-centered),
while the control group was taught by the teacher-centered approach. By using this analysis techniques in form of t-
test used to determine differences in the pre-test and post-test on the experimental and control groups.

Here will be presented the implementation of Physics learning in vocational high school by using approach
constructivist (student - centered) and teacher- centered approach. The mean pre-test results of the learners is 32.07
and the mean post-test results 75.35. The results of t-test analysis on the pretest between the experimental group and
control group on each vocational high school has no significant difference. Here is presented the results analysis
posttest between t-test on the experimental group and the control group in each vocational activities that serve
research activities.
TABLE 2. The final T-test on Experiment and Control Groups
Final Test
T-test for Experiment and Control Group
t p
5,598 0,000

Table 2, the results of the analysis of the t-test post-test between the experimental and control groups obtained t
= 5,598 with p = 0.000. Based on the results of data analysis by t-test can be concluded that the results of post-test
learners at SMK Madyapuro Malang between the experimental and control group there is significant differences (p

TABLE 3. The final T-test on Experiment and Control Groups.
Final Test
T-test for Experiment and Control Group
t p
11,200 0,000

Table 3, the results of t-test analysis on the post-test between the experimental and control groups obtained t =
11,200dengan p = 0.000. Based on the results of data analysis by t-test can be concluded that the results of post-test
of the students of SMK Singosari Malang between the experimental and control group there is significant
differences (p <0.05).
TABLE 4. The final T-test on Experiment dan Control Groups.
Final Test
T-test for Experiment and Control Group
t p
7,805 0,000

Table 4, the analysis result of t-test post-test between T-test for Experiment and Control Group gained t=7,805
with p=0,000. Based on the analysis result data with t-test can be concluded that the post-test result of the students at
SMK Bakalan Kota Malang between T-test for Experiment and Control Group has a significant different of
TABLE 5. The final T-test on Experiment dan Control Groups.
Final Test
T-test for Experiment dan Control Groups
t p
13,949 0,000

Table 5, the results of t-test analysis on the post-test between Experiment and Control group obtained t = 13.949,
p = 0.000. Based on the results of data analysis by t-test can be concluded that the results of post-test students SMK
Malang Kepanjen between Experiment and control group has significant difference (p <0.05).

Constructivism, as a fundamental principle underlying philosophy of constructivism, believes that all knowledge
is constructed and not constructed directly perceived by the senses [7]. Knowledge is the result of a cognitive
construction of reality through one's activities. Someone forming schemes, categories, concepts and knowledge
structures. The formation process is running continuously at any time reorganized for their new understanding has
characteristics consistent constructivist approach. According to Brooks [8], “constructivist approach to learning
helps students internalize, shaping or transforming new knowledge.” Constructivism becomes the basis for several
theories of learning, for example, the concept of change theory, meaningful learning theory, and the theory of
The research findings showed the average learning outcomes of Physics students with constructivist approach
(student-centered) is higher than the control group (teacher-centered). According to analysis by the t-test can be
concluded that the results of post-test the students both in experimental and control group there were significant
differences (p <0.05). The results of this study are supported by research conducted Pardjono [9] conducted in SMK,
stating that an increase in the quality of practice learning in the competence of doing the job by using lathe with the
implementation of computer media-based constructivism approach.
In addition, the support of other research results by other studies conducted by Anderson cited by Pardjono [10],
examined troubleshooting the electrical generator by using the theory of constructivism cognitive found that
troubleshooter expert is able to understand the function of the components and the principles governing its
operations. The research findings conducted by Yuwono [11] concluded based learning model constructivism
improve student reasoning and mathematical proof. From the results of this study are supported by the results of
other studies which have shown evidence that the implementation of Physics learning with constructivist approach is
effective for improving student learning outcomes in vocational high school.

The results of the study of Physics learning by using constructivist approach has impact on enhancing the
Physics competence for the tenth-grade students of the first semester at vocational high school in Malang City and
Malang Regency. The test results of the test statistic t-test start and end of a significant difference (p <0.000). It can
be seen that Physics learning with constructivist approach can be used and developed as a means to improve the
quality of teaching and learning in vocational high school. Therefore, the learning process that comes with learning
tools (syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, student worksheets, assessment) and tools for lab work in synergy
with the Physics learning model with constructivist approach, especially for the purpose of improvement in the
learning process.

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