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Column dimension
Length (Lx) = 0.6 m
Width (Lz) = 0.6 m

Pile Cap Geometrical Data D

Pile Cap Length (L) = 2.5 m
Pile Cap Width (B) = 2.5 m
Pile Cap Thickness (D) = 1.0 m
Pile Geometrical Data
Pile Spacing (cp) = 1.5 m
Pile Edge Distance (W) = 0.50 m
Pile Diameter (Dp) = 0.6 m P1 P2
No. of Piles 4
Pile Capacities B z
Axial Capacity (Pa) = 675 kN lz
Laterial Capacity (Pl) = 35.0 kN Dp
Uplift Capacity (Pu) = 363 kN
Material Properties P4 P3
Concrete: fck = 25 MPa
Steel: Fy = 415 MPa
Reaction (Unfactored) at the Top of Pile Cap (Staad Output)
Fx (kN) Fy (kN) Fz (kN) Mx (kNm) My (kNm) Mz (kNm)
59 -2288 0 0 0 80

Self weight of pile cap = -156.25 kN

Pile Reactions
For maxm and minm load over individual pile may be found from the following expression :
V M zx M xz
R= ± ±
where , n ∑x 2
∑ z2
R =total reaction at the pile head
V=Total vertical load acting on the pile cap
n=Number of piles in the group =
Mx =Total mom about X axis = Vez
My =Total mom about Y axis = Vex
x =Distance of the pile in question from the Y axis
z =Distance of the pile in question from the X axis
∑ x2 = Sum of all the squares of all the piles from the X axis .
∑ z 2 = Sum of all the squares of all the piles from the Y axis .

Position of pile Axial Lateral Uplift
Pile mkd X (m) Y (m) (kN) (kN) (kN)
P1 -0.75 0.75 -637.73 14.750 0.00
P2 0.75 0.75 -584.40 14.750 0.00
P3 0.75 -0.75 -584.40 14.750 0.00
P4 -0.75 -0.75 -637.73 14.750 0.00
Check for Inidividual Pile Capacity
Minimum axial capacity of individual pile required is 638 kN < 675 kN
Minimum lateral capacity of individual pile required is 15 kN < 35 kN

Pile Cap Design for Bending Moment

B2 B1
Factor of Safety = 1
P1 P2
A1 A1

A2 A2
P4 P3

B2 B1

Bending moment at section A1-A1 due to (P1 + P2): -532 kNm

Bending moment at section A2-A2 due to (P3 + P4): -532 kNm
Bending moment at section B1-B1 due to (P2 + P3): -526 kNm
Bending moment at section B2-B2 due to (P1 + P4): -574 kNm
Design moment 574 kNm

Bar dia 20 mm Clear cover 75 mm

Effective depth provided = 915 mm
Effective depth required d = = 258 mm < 915 mm
0 . 138 f ck b
Mu/bd^2 = 0.274 percentage of steel required 0.077 %
Ast required 1761 mm^2
No. of 20 mm dia bars provided 21

Ast provided 6597 mm^2 pt = 0.288 %

Check for One Way Shear

critical section for one way shear shall be at a distance equal to half the effective depth (d/2) of pile cap
from the face of the column
Dist of critical section from column face ( = effective depth) = 457.5 mm
Dist of inside and outside face of pile from column face (X-dir) = 150 750 mm
Critical section lies in pile - partial shear (IS456:2000 Cl
Dist of inside and outside face of pile from column face (Z-dir) = 135 735 mm
Critical section lies in pile - partial shear (IS456:2000 Cl
d B2 B1
Column A1 A1
P1 P2

Pile inner face Pile outer face x
of pile of pile
P4 P3
V A2 A2
B2 B1
Shear force V at inner face of pile due to pile P1 and P2 = -1222.13 kN
Shear force V at inner face of pile due to pile P3 and P4 = -1222.13 kN
Shear force V at inner face of pile due to pile P2 and P3 = -1168.79 kN
Shear force V at inner face of pile due to pile P1 and P4 = -1275.46 kN

Shear force at critical sec (A1-A1) = V/600 X (735 - 457.5) -565.23 kN P1 & P2
Shear force at critical sec (A2-A2) = -565.23 kN P3 & P4
Shear force at critical sec (B1-B1) = V/600 X (750 - 457.5) -569.79 kN P2 & P3
Shear force at critical sec (B2-B2) = -621.79 kN P1 & P4

shear stress Tv at critical section in X-direction = 0.272 MPa

shear stress Tv at critical section in Z-direction = 0.247 MPa

Shear strength of concrete (Tc) for 0.288 % steel = 0.388 MPa Safe
(Table 19 IS456:2000)

Check for Two Way Shear

P1 B P2
L d/2 d/2

P4 P3

For group
Critical section for two way shear shall be the perimeter half the effective depth of pile cap away from the
face of the columnat
B= 1.515 m L= 1.545 m

Area of critical section = 5.600 m^2

Shear stress 0.436 MPa

permissible shear stress = τ c = 0 . 25 k s f ck

short side of column
k s = 0 .5 + = 1.45238095 >1 ks = 1
long side of column

permissible shear stress = 1.25 MPa > 0.44 Safe

For individual pile

Critical section for two way shear shall be the perimeter half the effective depth of pile cap away from the
square circumscribed by extreme most pile

B= 1665 m L= 1665 m
Area of critical section = 3.046 m^2
Shear stress 0.209 MPa
permissible shear stress = 1.25 MPa > 0.209 Safe

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