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Biol. Cybern.

71,481-488 (1994)
9 Springer-Verlag 1994

A model of duration in normal and perturbed reaching movement

Bruce Hoff
Hughes Research Laboratories, 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. MS-RL69, Malibu, CA 90265-4799, USA

Received: 24 March 1993/Accepted in revised form: 25 April 1994

Abstract. In modeling human and primate motor mized during the movement, he derived a position func-
behavior, optimization has been used to mathematically tion of time given by a fifth-order polynomial, uniquely
describe hand trajectories during reaching movement, specified by the initial and final values of position, velo-
with the duration of the movement given as part of the city, and acceleration. If the target has zero velocity and
boundary conditions. As duration is an input to the acceleration at the start and end of the movement, the
model rather than an output, a description is lacking of velocity profile is symmetric and bell-shaped, much like
how the duration depends upon the circumstances of the the low-accuracy pointing movements performed by the
movement. In the present work, we extend a minimum subjects studied.
jerk model of reach trajectory planning to include a pen- Flash and Hogan (1985) examined subjects perform-
alty for duration and show that it can be used to quantify ing unconstrained arm movements in the horizontal
the trade-off between quickness and effort in reaching plane, holding a light-weight manipulandum. The room
movements. We then show that a given trade-off for was darkened, removing visual feedback of arm location.
a nominal reaching movement can predict the duration Targets were indicated by light-emitting diodes at distan-
of related movements, specifically reaching movements ces of 20-40 cm. Among other experiments, they had
subject to perturbation of the target during their course. subjects move between points in the plane without ob-
The mathematical model is tested against several inde- stacles. It was found that the hand's path was approxi-
pendent bodies of experimental data. mately a straight line (as predicted by the minimum jerk
criterion), regardless of the start and end points of the
movement. Also, the trajectory of the hand was predicted
well by the minimum jerk hypothesis, yielding character-
1 Introduction istic, symmetric, bell-shaped speed profiles. Thus, the
principle that explains elbow rotation also explains
It is generally accepted that voluntary, goal-directed, whole arm movements.
reaching movements involve central programming of Hoff and Arbib (1992, 1993) used the minimum jerk
motor patterns with, in many cases, some form of feed- model to reproduce reaching trajectories from three
back modulation. For example, where the equilibrium bodies of experimental data. In each of the experiments,
point hypothesis (Feldman 1986) predicts that at the reaching movements were not only made in a point-to-
beginning of a voluntary movement a joint's equilibrium point fashion in response to a single target step, but also
position shifts at once to the desired final position for in response to a perturbed, or double-step, target. The
that joint with the limb following according to the mech- behavior under the perturbation condition was modeled
anical properties of the limb and its musculature, Bizzi et in the following way: It was assumed that when the target
al. (1984) showed that instead of a simple step to a new of reach is perturbed, there is some delay while the visual
value the virtual equilibrium position follows a time target location signal reaches the neural motor circuitry
varying trajectory [this idea being dubbed the equilib- which generates the movement toward the target. When
rium trajectory hypothesis by Flash (1987)]. In exploring the new target location reaches this circuitry, a new
the nature of such motor programs, Hogan (1984) optimal movement is initiated from the current hand
modeled elbow rotations in pointing movements of mon- position toward the secondary target. This view of the
keys toward a visually located target. The movements perturbation response is discussed in detail in Hoff and
were in the horizontal plane, about 60 ~in magnitude, and Arbib (1992). In the experimental data, the duration of
of intermediate speed (about 700 ms in duration). He the two-step movement varies greatly, seemingly depen-
proposed the minimum jerk hypothesis to describe the dent on factors such as the distance and direction of
kinematics of such movements. By applying the calculus perturbation. P61isson et al. (1986) used a perturbation
of variations, using the optimization criterion that the paradigm in which at movement onset the target was
mean squared jerk (third derivative of position) be mini- occasionally and unexpectedly perturbed further away

from the subject. A small change was seen in movement the arm are activated to their maximum tension in order
time. In contrast, in the target reversal experiment car- to produce the movement. This is clearly not the case,
ried out with monkeys by Georgopoulos et al. (1981), the since we experience much more smooth, relaxed move-
movement time was more than doubled after target per- ments in our day-to-day reaching. Second, we might
turbation. What is needed is a single model of movement suggest that smoothness, effort, or energy is minimized,
time determination which predicts a variety of such data. without regard to duration. For the system described
In the two-step model, as in the original minimum jerk above, this would lead to the degenerate case of a move-
model, the duration of the movement is an input, set to ment that takes infinitely long to occur. Thirdly, we
that which is observed experimentally. The question re- might suggest that duration is purely a result of mus-
mains as to what determines the movement duration in culoskeletal mechanical properties. If this were the case,
unperturbed and perturbed reaching. In the following, we one would have no control over the duration of one's
take a step toward answering that question by extending reaching movements, which clearly not the case. Instead,
the minimum-jerk cost function to include a penalty for the minimum jerk/time model implies that both efficiency
duration, such that duration may emerge from the opti- and expediency are important in movement, and that the
mization process. We base the cost function on the dura- emergent duration is based on the trade-off between the
tion of a nominal movement and show how the duration two. This is palatable to our intuition, and the task of this
of perturbed movements emerges from subsequent op- paper is to test the model quantitatively, by comparing it
timizations. to several bodies of experimental data.
The trajectory is to go from the given initial state to
the given final state, while minimizing (2). The solution to
2 Modeling duration: the minimum jerk/minimum time this optimization problem is given in Appendix A and
model yields the complex relationship between t:, the boundary
o o f f
conditions Xl, x2, xl, x2, and R given in (A14). In Appen-
We begin by defining a dynamic system for the move- dix B, the solution is given for the particular case where
ment of the hand in space, along with a cost measure to there are static boundary conditions, i.e.
be optimized. We then perform the optimization and
compare the simulation results to empirical data. We first t: = (60D) 1/3 R 1/6 (3)
define a state vector for each dimension of a two dimen-
This says that the duration of a movement (t:) is propor-
sional movement: xi(t), i = 1, 2, are 3 x 1 vectors of posi-
tional to the cubed root of the distance moved (D), and
tion, velocity, and acceleration. Taking the driving input,
the constant of proportionality is the 'arbitrary' weight-
ui(t) to be the jerk, each dimension of the movement is
ing of smoothness versus time, R. This dependence on
described by
R is consistent with our intuition: If smoothness is penal-
X1 = Axl + BUl (la) ized more than duration, a long, slow movement will
result, with longer duration, i.e. increasing R increases t:.
X2 = Ax2 + Buz (lb)
This presents both a problem and a solution for
where modeling duration as an emergent property of an optim-
ization model. The problem is that duration is still
essentially a chosen parameter, since the modeler chooses
A= 0 , B= R. However, when movement distance varies in an ex-
periment, we can extrapolate from one movement time to
0 the movement times of other distances. We do so by
xi(O) = x ,.~
, x,(t:) = x{, i = 1, 2 solving (3) for R
The cost function consists of terms penalizing duration R = t~/(60O) z
and jerk:
Then for a chosen movement distance and time, we find
I = tf + R S (u~ W u 2)dt (2) R, which is used along with other movement distances in
t=0 (3) to find their associated durations. Further, the dura-
tion of an unperturbed movement can be used to predict
or, equivalently,
the duration of a perturbed movement. As in Hoff and
Arbib (1992, 1993), perturbed movement is modeled as an
I= ~ (Ru~ + Ru~ + 1)dt optimal trajectory interrupted and replaced by a new
trajectory connecting the current hand state to the new
where R is the (positive and constant) relative weighting target. There is some delay while the visual target loca-
between the two factors in the cost and is to be deter- tion signal reaches the neural motor circuitry which
mined later. Equation (2) gives a formal description of the implements the movement, after which a new optimal
determination of movement duration which is intuitively movement is initiated toward the secondary target. The
acceptable. Consider the following three alternative duration of this movement is predictable by solving the
models for duration determination. First, we might sug- above optimal control problem, but with novel boundary
gest that time alone is minimized. This leads to saturated conditions. The new terminal condition is given by the
control values, or 'bang-bang' control, i.e. the muscles in perturbed target location. The new initial condition is the

:::I /\
state of the system, xi(t), i = 1,2, at the time the
new trajectory begins. To find the duration of the pertur-
bed movement, we use t I and D from the non-perturbed
movement to find R. Then we apply R to (A14) and 4 41
solve the polynomial equation to find the duration of I ; I I 0
-2118 -4 260 524 7118 -21111 2 270 5311 E06
the second section of the perturbed movement. Note
that xi(0) in (A14) is the current, nonstatic state at TIME (MSEC) TIME (MSEC)

the time the perturbed movement begins. This technique

is used in the next section to model three different bodies
of target perturbation experiments and predict some new

< I I I I ~ ' - J I 1 J J ~" r I [

3 Modeling perturbation data -2EE -4 260 524 788 -2ee 2 1TO 538 806


The minimum jerk/time model was applied to reaching
data in an attempt to predict the varying movement OOUELE STEP
times which result from different target location per-
turbations. The inputs to the model are the initial and 900
perturbed target locations relative to the initial hand 9 Measured duration
location, the non-perturbed movement duration, and the
9---.-.o-.-- Model prediction
time of reaction to perturbation (which is the time of 0

target perturbation plus sensorimotor delay, or 'reaction

P61isson et al. (1986) had subjects reach 30, 40, or 50 500 9

cm, while sometimes unexpectedly perturbing the target

location 10% further at movement onset. They found
movement times similar to unperturbed movement times 300 ! i
when reaching to the slightly more distant target loca- 25 35 45 55
tions, and perturbed movement trajectories which were b M o v e m e n t amplitude (cm)
similar in shape to unperturbed ones, as shown in Fig. la.
Figure lb shows six measured movement times (averages Fig. I. a Target perturbation experiment of PElisson et al. (1986). Hand
with associated standard deviations). There are three for velocity and acceleration profiles for unperturbed reach to 40 cm target
(left) and perturbed reach, from 40 to 44 cm (right). (Reprinted from
the unperturbed movements of amplitude 30, 40, and PElisson et al. 1986, with permission from Springer-Verlag Publishers,
50 cm and three for the perturbed movements of ampli- New York.) b Movement duration in PElisson et al. (1986). Experi-
tude 33, 44, and 54 cm. In the duration model, the unper- mental data and model output shown. Note the small increase in
turbed movement times were taken to be the average for duration associated with perturbation in the same direction as the
initial movement (i.e., movements of amplitude 33, 44, 54 cm) compared
each distance, and since the perturbation occurred at with unperturbed movements (i.e., movements of amplitude 30, 40,
movement onset, the time of trajectory perturbation was 50 cm), when the perturbation occurs early in the movement. Error bars
one reaction time (RT), which was taken to be 200 ms, indicate the range of experimentally recorded values
a typical reaction time value (Stark 1968). The resulting
sixth-order polynomials (A14) were solved using Math-
ematica (trademark of Wolfram Research, Inc.), and the
results of estimating the perturbed durations are seen in target (Fig. 2a). In this case there was a significant
Fig. lb. Clearly, the model predicts the small movement increase (about 100%) in movement time, due to the
time increase seen in the perturbed movements. The movement reversal. The model predicts closely the dura-
duration prediction model takes into account not only tion for ISI = 200 ms, which is read from the velocity
the distance from the target at perturbation, but also the profile in their Fig. 2 as 550 ms (with a resolution of
direction of movement, a property akin to momentum, 10ms). The model predicts 524 ms (Fig. 2b). It also
but at the kinematics level. Since the direction of move- predicts durations for a variety of ISis, for which dura-
ment is similar to that which we would expect for an tion information is unavailable in the paper. Note that
unperturbed movement to the nearby target, a duration the model predicts a shorter overall movement time
similar to the original is predicted. The significance of when the target is switched sooner. This set of predictions
this is seen in the next modeling experiment. gives a method for testing the validity of the model
The duration prediction model was applied to the further.
target reversal experiment of Georgopoulos et al. (1981). Lastly, the model was applied to the target location
An unperturbed reaching movement in the horizontal perturbation experiment of Paulignan et al. (1991). Sub-
plane to a target 8 cm distant took 260 ms to complete. In jects reached about 24 cm to grasp a small vertical dowel.
some trials, after some interstimulus interval (ISI), the During some trials the target location was switched, at
"target was switched to a point 8 cm from the starting movement onset, to one of two dowels slightly to the left
point, in a direction opposite to the direction of the initial or right of the initially indicated dowel. The secondary

a 9 . . . . . . ,.= . . . . . .

9 .?

~,o A :b -b,
. \ -
\ ,, ,,,
STRYS ON r ~10 I00 1~0 200 2~0 300 400 ~OHTROt. AXIS

b X 50 m m
800 "-

g 800

g 600 -
-- Measured duration
"0 400 -

" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

200 -
oJ Modeled duration (ms) "~ s0o
0 ----" Measuredduration [ma)
0 9 ) ! I
0 100 2OO 300 40o
ISI (ms)
Fig. 2. a Macaque hand trajectories in target reversal task of Georg-
opoulos et al. (1981). As duration of presentation of primary target
b Target
increases, so does total movement time. (Reprinted from Georgopoulos
et al. 1981, with permission from The American Physiological Society, Fig. 3. a Target location perturbation experiment of Paulignan et al.
Bethesda.) b Movement time data and model prediction for the target (1991). Object to be grasped is unexpectedly moved left to right. Paths
reversal experiment of Georgopoulos et al. (1981). Dotted line indicates of thumb (T), index finger (I), and wrist (W) are shown for each of the
the duration of non-perturbed reaching movement. Measured duration three conditions, (Reprinted from Paulignan et al. 1991, with per-
is available for one case; the model predicts the durations for the other mission from Springer-Verlag Publishers, New York.) b Movement
perturbation cases in the experiment. ISI, interstimulus interval, the time data and model prediction for the target perturbation experiment
time before the target is switched. Note that the model predicts shorter of Paulignan et al. (1991). C20, Unperturbed movement. Modeled
overall movement time when the target is switched sooner duration is identical to measured duration by definition. PL/PR, pertur-
bed left and perturbed right

which insure the correct approach direction at the tra-

dowel positions were symmetrically displaced with jectory's end (Hoff and Arbib 1993).
respect to the initial one; however, the wrist positions
in grasping each dowel were not symmetrically offset
from these dowel positions, as can be seen in Fig. 3a. 4 Discussion
Relative to the initial wrist position, while grasping
the center dowel the wrist was at X-Y position (2 cm, In general, the duration data examined above show an
24 cm). The wrist positions for the left and right targets increase in movement time for perturbed movements.
were estimated to be ( - 6 cm, 27 cm) and (8 cm, 21 cm), This is faithfully reproduced by our model. The exception
respectively. Since the perturbation occurred at move- is the perturbation from 30 to 33 cm in the experiment of
ment onset, the time of trajectory perturbation is equal Prlisson et al. (1986), in which the average movement
to one RT, which we found gave the best fit to the data time is shorter for the perturbed movement (Fig. lb). This
when taken to be 280 ms. The results of using these is not predicted by the minimum jerk/time model, which
parameters is shown in Fig. 3b. We also found that using never predicts briefer movements for more distant
the static final state did not produce as good a fit to targets. If this discrepancy holds for a much larger experi-
the data as when a nonzero final acceleration (but zero mental data set, a rethinking of the model will be neces-
final velocity) was used to control the target approach sary. We note that the predicted value is still within one
during reaction to grasp. [This orientation constraint standard deviation of the average perturbed duration.
is discussed in Hoff and Arbib (1993).] To produce An important question is how the optimal control
the results in Fig. 3b, we used the modest terminal accel- solution with the modified cost function developed in this
eration values paper compares to the optimal control solution for the
classic minimum-jerk formulation. Intuitively, once
a duration is chosen, (2) becomes simply a minimum-jerk
x l , 3 ( t f ) = O, x2,3(tf) = -- 4m/s 2 cost functional, with a constant (the duration) added on.

Thus, one would expect that the optimum would be the xl and x2. Similarly, the costate is the concatenation of
same as that for the classic minimum-jerk. We formally Pl and Pa. Thus, the Hamiltonian is
show this equivalence in Appendix C. The added feature
H=L + pr21 + pT22
of the optimization of this model is that it gives not only
the optimal trajectory, but also the movement duration. or
Lastly, note that even though the dimensions of hand
movement are dynamically decoupled, as defined by (1), H = (Ru 2 + Ru~ + 1) + pW(Axl + Bul)
the minimization criterion yields a movement time t I
which depends on the boundary conditions for each + p r ( A x 2 + Bu2) (A4)
dimension, and which in turn affects the trajectory of Since the formulation is a linear system with a quadratic
each dimension. For example, if the target location com- cost functional, we can minimize the Hamiltonian by
ponent is changed in dimension 1 only, then t I will be differentiating with respect to the control, and setting the
affected, as will be the trajectory in dimension 2. This has derivative equal to zero.
implications for other multidimensional movements,
such as oculomotor saccades, in which one dimension of OH
eye rotation slows for the other when an oblique move- - - = 0 = 2Ru~ + prB, u* = - prB/(2R) (a5a)
ment is being made.
= 0 = 2Ru* + pTB, u~ = pTB/(ZR) (A5b)
Acknowledgements. This work was done in the Universityof Southern
California's Center for Neural Engineering under a grant from the t?u2
Human Frontier ScienceProgram, and under the advice and guidance Now (A1), (A3), and (A5) define a system of differential
of Professor Michael Arbib, to whom I owe thanks.
equations which may be solved with suitable boundary
conditions to yield the optimal trajectory. While the
boundary conditions x ~ x{, i = 1, 2, are given, since tz is
Appendix A being optimized it is not given a priori. Instead, we have
one additional constraint, that the Hamiltonian at the
Given the dynamic system defined by final time is zero (Bryson and Ho 1975)

21 = Ax1 -+- Bul (Ala) H(tf) = 0

22 = Ax2 + Bu2 (alb) Since the system dynamics and cost function integrand
are autonomous (i.e. not explicit functions of time), we
where have that the time derivative of the Hamiltonian is zero

[ilil 0

given the boundary conditions on the movement

Therefore, the Hamiltonian at any time in the trajectory
is zero
H(t) = 0 (A6)
xi(O) = X ~ xi(tf) = X { , i = 1,2
This is advantageous, as it allows us to use the constraint
and given the cost function at the most convenient time t. Setting (A4) equal to zero
t=tf 0 = (Ru 2 + R u 2 + 1) + p r ( A X l + Bul) + pT(Ax2 + Bu2)
I = ~ (Ru 2 + Ru~ + 1)dt (A2)
t=O and rearranging terms, we have
we solve for the optimum trajectory by applying the 0 = Ru .2 + PlT BUl* + Ru *z + P2T Bu2* + 1
minimum principle (Bryson and Ho 1975). First we de-
fine the costate dynamics equations + pTAxl + pTAx2

-- t51 = A r pl (A3a) We can simplify the expression by using the definition

of B
- - 152 = AT p2 (A3b)
We then define the Hamiltonian, which is to be mini-
mized by the choice of inputs ul (t), u2 (t). In the minimum B = , p~B = p,, 3, u ? = - p,, 3 / ( 2 R )
principle, the Hamiltonian is defined as
H = L + pT2
from (A5). Performing the substitution,
where L is the integrand of the cost functional, x is the 0 = p~, 3/(4R) - p~, 3/(2R) + p~, 3/(4R) - p,~ 3/(2R)
state, and p is the costate. In our case, the state is the 6 x 1
vector produced by concatenating the two 3 x 1 vectors + 1 + pTAxa + p T A x 2

and simplifying,
0 = - - p L23 / ( 4 R ) - - p 2 ,23 / ( 4 R ) +
Also, we may use the definition of A,
1 + p~Axl + p ~ A x 2 (A7) cb21(t, O) =
l~[: 0

A= 0 , Axi = 3 , pT Axi = Pi, lXi,2 + Pi,2xi,3 (Allb)
~22(t, 0 ) = --89 2 --tl
and enter it into (A7) to obtain Note that this result gives the solution trajectory for
0 = - pZ,3/(4R ) - P 2 ,2
3/(4R) + 1
(A10) if the initial conditions, x~(0) and pi(0), are known.
Two problems remain: We do not know pi(O), and we
+ Pl,lX1,2 Jr- P1,2X1,3 + P2,1X2,2 + P2,2X2,3 (A8) have still to find the duration tl, using (A8). Given the
initial and final values for the state vector, x~(0) and
which, we remind ourselves, applies at every time t.
x~(tl), we can find pi(0) as a function of ts: We assign
We return now to the problem of finding the solu-
t = t I in (A10),
tions for x~(t), p~(t), i = 1, 2. Entering u*(t) into (A1) we
have ?,(04
2, = Axi + B( - Brp,/(2R)) pi(tf)J Lq~zl(tl, 0) cl)22(tI, 0)J Lpi(0)J
Xi = Axi -- BBTpi/(2R) the first row of which is

for i = 1, 2. Combining (A9) with (A3) yields xi(tl) = @ l l ( t f , O)xi(O) + ~12(tf, O)pi(O)
Solving for p~(0),
[ ; : ] - - [ A - BBT J lPi]Xi
pi(O) = ~[21(tf, O)xi(tj-) - cb[1 (re, 0)q~ll(tl, O)xi(O) (h12)
Entering A and B, we obtain the following differential where
equation: -240 - 120t 20t 2]
-0 1 0 0 0 0 ~biz~(t, 0 ) - - - t56R 120t - 56t 2 8t3 / (A13)
0 0 1 0 0 0 Lzot 2 _ st 3 t4 J
This formula for pi(0) provides the information needed
for finding the solution trajectory. It also allows us to
find the duration. Given boundary conditions xi(0) and
000 -1 0 0 xi(tfl, we find p~(0) using (A12) and then enter it, along
000 0 -1 0 with x~(0), into (A8), the equation for the free end time
condition. (Note we are arbitrarily and conveniently
The next step is to find the state transition matrix, choosing to solve this equation at time t = 0.) This yields
defined by the following sixth-order polynomial in t I
xi(t) cb(t,~,[xi(O)~ 0=
p,(t)J = - 3600R(Ax~,l + Ax 2,1
For convenience, we define four 'sub-matrices' of the + tr 2800R(Axl. 1AXl, 2 + Ax2, lAx2.2 + 2Axl, lx], 2
state transition matrix,
+ 21x2, ~x~ + t}R( - 5761x 2, 2 - 360Axl, ~Axl, 3
[ xi(t)l = [~ll(t'O)
pi(t)J ~2,(t,O)
~'~2(t,O) Lp,(0)J
- 576Ax22,2 - 360Ax2.1Ax2, 3 - 2160 Axl. 2 x~ 2
- 2160x]21 - 2160Ax2,zx~ 2 - 2160x~22)
The solution consists of matrices of monomials of order
up to 5, + t}R(144Ax1,2Axl,3 + 144Ax2,2Ax2,3
+ 240Axx,3x],2 + 48AXl,2X~ + 240Ax2,3X~
~b11(t, O) = 1 + 48Ax2,zX~ + t } R ( - 9 1 x 2 3 - 91x~,3
0 - 12AxL3x~ -- 12x]23 -- 12Ax2,3x~
_ 5t 4 20t 2] - 12x~23) + t} (114)
-- t St 3 -- 20t 2 60t / (Alla) where Ax~ = x { - x ~ This polynomial may then be
9 ~z(t, 0) = 240---R L20t2 solved numerically, given values for the boundary
- 60t 120 J conditions x], x2, x{, x{, and a value for R.

Appendix B generality, we define the static boundary conditions, as in

Appendix B,
We solve (A14) in the special case when there are the
static boundary conditions,
X~ ~ , X

X~ = , X =
Entering these into (A19)
for i = 1, 2. Then taking (A8) at t = 0, the last four terms
vanish, leaving
0 = -- p2.3/(4R) -- p2, 3/(4R) + 1
4R : P l , 32 + P 2 ,23 (A15) Now entering the boundary conditions and this expres-
sion for p(0) into (A20)
Entering xi(0) = 0 in (A12),
pi(O) = crp;21(tf, O)xi(tf)
Introducing the static x~(ty), using (A13), and calculating
only the third component of p~(0),
Entering in the matrix definitions from (A11) and (A13)
P~,3 (0) = - 6 R t f 5 2 0 t } x f

= -- 1 2 0 R t f 3 x f
5t 3 -- 2 0 t 2 60t l
Combining this with (A15) yields
x(t) = ~ [_2~ _ 60t 120_]/
4 R = 1 2 0 2 R e t f 6xf~ + 1202 R 2 tf 6 X2f2

t~ = 60ZR(XYl~ + x{ ~)

We define D to be the distance traveled from t = 0 to

t~ ~2ot~ -8t~
120 l
- 56t} 8t} |
t) [
D = (X1fz AV x2f~) 112
To obtain the position trajectory, we take just the first
We can then write (A16) as component of x(t),

tf = ( 6 0 D ) a / 3 R 1"/6 (AI7) --t 4

pos(t) = x(t)l = 2 ~ - ~ [ t -- 5t 3 20t 23

Appendix C •
I L20t} -St}
t) J
We wish to show that the cost function defined in
this work yields the same trajectory as that given by
the classic minimum-jerk formulation. Following Hogan I240 1
(1984), we take the one-dimensional (I-D) case and --t
- 240R[t
4~ -- 5t 3 20el - 6__
R |12%| xf
assume static boundary conditions. For the 1-D system,
we can drop the 'i' subscripts, rewriting (A10) and t~ [2ot~ J
(A12) as,
= x f t / t } ( 6 t 4 -- 15t3tf + 10tzt})

[x(t)~-~-~ ~ l l ( t ' O )
p(t)J [_~z,(t, 0)
~ 1 2 ( t ' 0)~ ~ X(0) ]
q~z2(t,O)J [_p(0)J
(A18) = a{6(t/d) 5 - 1 5 ( t / d ) 4 + lO(t/d) 3}

where d = t I and a = x{. The last expression is

p(O) = ~ ; ) ( t r O)x(tr - q~{l(ty, 0)~ll(ty, 0)x(0) (A19) equivalent to that of (11) in Hogan (1984). Thus,
The top row of (A18) can be written the resulting trajectories are the same for the problem
when optimized according to either the minimum-jerk
x(t) = ~bll(t , 0)X(0) + ~ t 2 ( t , 0)p(0) (A20) or the minimum-jerk/time criterion. The added feature
of the optimization of this paper is that it gives not
With the appropriate boundary conditions, (A20) and only the trajectory, but also insight into the movement
(A19) define the system's trajectory. Without loss of duration.

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