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UIC CODE 526-1

3rd edition, July 2008

Translation OR

Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 105 mm

Wagons - Tampons à course de 105 mm
Güterwagen - Puffer mit 105 mm Hub
Leaflet to be classified in Volume:
V - Rolling stock

With effect from 1 July 2008
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of updates
1st edition, January 1981 First issue with 5 amendments

2nd edition, July 1998

3rd edition, July 2008 Computerisation of the leaflet with additions consecutive to the
publication of ERRI report B 12/RP 74.
Important: the points in this leaflet have been renumbered in the new
edition. The first digit of each point has been increased by 1
(i.e. 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 2, etc.). Please take account of this
when using cross-references from other leaflets.

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- General......................................................................................................................... 2

2- Dimensional characteristics common to all categories ......................................... 3

3- Mechanical characteristics common to all categories ............................................ 4

4- Elastic characteristics ................................................................................................ 5

4.1 - Static characteristics............................................................................................. 5

4.2 - Dynamic characteristics........................................................................................ 5

5- Identification.............................................................................................................. 10

Appendix A - Wagons - buffers with a stroke of 105 mm

Interchangeability - Dimensions .............................................................. 11

Appendix B - Maximum clearance of buffer .................................................................... 12

Appendix C - Notes on definition of envelopes for overall dimensions

of wagon buffers......................................................................................... 13

Appendix D - Mechanical resistance of buffers -

Points of application of forces .................................................................. 16

Appendix E - Mechanical characteristics ........................................................................ 17

Appendix F - Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 105 mm

Definition of dynamic tests........................................................................ 18

Appendix G - Definition of buffer energy storage capacity ........................................... 19

Appendix H - Identification mark...................................................................................... 20

Appendix I - Endurance test with buffer spring element.............................................. 22

Annexe J - Demonstrating the strength of buffer casings/boxes and their

headstock fastenings ................................................................................. 24

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................28


UIC Leaflet 526-1 specifies the general conditions with which buffers with a stroke of 105 mm must
comply. It defines the buffer categories and the governing dimensional, mechanical and elastic

The leaflet also defines the static, dynamic and endurance tests to be performed on buffers and their

1 526-1
O 1 - General

1.1 - All wagons built from 1 January 1985 must be fitted with 105 mm stroke buffers as defined in the
present leaflet.

Nota : In the case of wagons built before 1 January 1985, use of these buffers is recommended.
Wagon buffers must comply with either:
- the provisions in this leaflet, or
- the provisions in UIC Leaflets 526-2 et 526-3 (see Bibliography - page 28).

1.2 - The different 105 mm stroke buffers are classified according to their performance.

Buffer category Energy storage capacity (dynamic)

A ≥ 30 kJ
B ≥ 50 kJ
C ≥ 70 kJ

The energy storage capacity is defined in Appendix G - page 19.

1.3 - In service, wagons must always have two identical buffers at each end.

2 526-1
O 2 - Dimensional characteristics common to all
- The stroke must be 105 –5 mm.

- Interchangeability dimensions, together with the space to be reserved on the headstock for the
base plate, are defined in Appendix A - page 11.

- Appendix B - page 12 shows the envelope for overall dimensions of the side buffer1. Appendix C
- page 13 contains notes on the conditions governing determination of this envelope.

- Buffers of wagons to be built must be fitted with a guiding device for the plunger which prevents
the latter from revolving freely around its longitudinal axis. The permitted tolerance for rotation is
± 2° for buffers when new.

- Buffer-head widths shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions contained in UIC
Leaflet 527-1 (see Bibliography - page 28).

1. This envelope shall apply to each of the two side buffers on the same end of a wagon.

3 526-1
O 3 - Mechanical characteristics common to all categories

3.1 - The entire buffer unit fitted to the wagon shall be capable of withstanding the following loads:

- longitudinal force (centred) F1 ≥ 2 500 kN, exerted on the buffer head;

- longitudinal force (off-centre) F2 ≥ 500 kN, exerted on the buffer head;

- vertical force F3 ≥ 200 kN, exerted on the body of the buffer;

- total longitudinal force F4 ≥ 2 500 kN, exerted by the base plate of the buffer on a test frame.

Conditions governing the application of these forces are set out in Appendix D - page 16.

The corresponding test methods are contained in Appendix E - page 17.

3.2 - The buffer must be fixed to the wagon headstock by means of 4 M 24 ∅ fasteners of a quality
class which provides a conventional yield strength of at least 350 N/mm2.

3.3 - The strenght of buffer casings and their fastenings to headstocks must be demonstrated in
accordance with Appendix J - page 24. It is recommended to demonstrate their strength using
point J.2 - page 25 in order to enable the buffers to be freely used for all applications.

4 526-1
4 - Elastic characteristics

O 4.1 - Static characteristics

The following static characteristics shall be common to all categories of 105 mm stroke buffers:

- initial force: between 10 and 50 kN

- force following a 25 mm stroke: between 30 and 130 kN

- force following a 60 mm stroke: between 100 and 400 kN

- force following a 100 mm stroke: between 350 and 1 000 kN

- stored energy (We) for an effort not exceeding 1 000 kN: ≥ 12 500 J

- absorbed energy (Wa) corresponding to the preceding stored energy: ≥ 0,5 We

These characteristics shall be measured on a complete buffer, in the state in which it will be fitted to
the wagon, at an ambient temperature of approximately 15 °C. In addition to the centric application of
force F1 as shown in Appendix D - page 16, the characteristic curve for an off-centre application of
force (similar to force F2 in Appendix D) shall be plotted up to a force of 250 kN. At this force, for an
equivalent stroke, the stress level recorded must not exceed the stress produced by the centric
application of the force by more than 25 % (< 12 % recommended) over the entire service life of the

The compression phase shall be followed immediately by the decompression phase, and the
maximum displacement speed of the plunger in both directions must be comprised between 0,01 and
0,05 m/s. Lower speed values shall also be permitted whenever use is made of elastic systems whose
characteristics do not depend on the compression speed. When fully released, the buffer must be
found to be in the same condition as initially.

In the case of hydro-pneumatic buffers, checks must be made to ensure that the buffer reaction
remains virtually constant for 10 minutes with compression values of 30, 60 and 100 mm respectively.

4.2 - Dynamic characteristics

O 4.2.1 - General

Dynamic characteristics are those obtained when a test wagon fitted with the buffers to be tested is
impacted by another test wagon.

The values imposed are designed to ensure adequate protection of the wagon structure and the goods
carried against buffing impact, particularly in marshalling yards.

The dynamic tests covered by points 4.2.2 et 4.2.5 - page 9, are certification tests and not acceptance
tests as part of the quality control process. Railways undertakings (RUs) shall however be free to
repeat these tests at their discretion.

5 526-1
4.2.2 - Dynamic tests

O - Test wagons shall be exclusively of one of the two following types:

- standard high-sided open bogie wagon (UIC Leaflet 571-2 - see Bibliography - page 28);

- standard high-sided open 2-axle wagon (UIC Leaflet 571-1 - see Bibliography - page 28).

At least one of the 4-axle standard high-sided open wagons as per UIC Leaflet 571-2, and used as a
test wagon should correspond to the buffing wagon as per ERRI Report B 12/RP 17, Chapter 3.1 (see
Bibliography - page 28). It should be fitted with partitions and reinforced as shown in ERRI drawings
M0003-081 (see Bibliography - page 28) and loaded with standard UIC ballast.

All the other test wagons should be equipped likewise.

The measuring values:

- impact speed,

- buffer load,

- buffer travel,

- acceleration,

must be determined by reference to Appendix 10 of ERRI Report B 12/RP 17.

The acceleration curve Ẍ = f(v) should be achieved in the 8 to 12 km/h speed range, and should be
incorporated into the test documents.

The load/travel diagrams for the buffers to be examined shall be carried out at speeds of 9 km/h and
12 km/h, or up to the maximum speed that corresponds to an individual load on the buffer of 1 500 kN
(categories A and B) or 1 300 kN (category C).

The measuring signals for acceleration should be filtered for all tests at a standard frequency of 32/40 Hz.

O - For each test, a test wagon at a standstill with brakes off, shall be subjected to impact from
another test wagon on a straight, level track.

Appendix F - page 18 contains definitions of the appropriate dynamic tests for each buffer category,
setting out the wagon type, weight on rails and buffer type for each test wagon used.

O - Test series no. 1 (see Appendix F), designed to assess protection of the load, is obligatory.

Test series no. 2 (if stipulated in Appendix F) and no. 3, designed to assess protection of the wagon
structure, are also obligatory. - Test series nos. 4 and 5, designed to check that the buffers undergoing testing are
compatible with existing category A buffers, are recommended in cases where the buffers being tested
are equipped with a new type of resilient system.

6 526-1
4.2.3 - Values for dynamic characteristics - Category A

O - The following characteristics must be obtained when the tests referred to in point -
page 6 are conducted:

- Test no. 1
With a buffing speed of 7 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 4,0 g must occur.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 6,0 g must occur.

- Test no. 2
With a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 000 kN and a buffing speed of 12 km/h or over the stored
energy We must be at least 25 kJ and the absorbed energy Wa must equal at least 0,6 We.

- Test no. 3
With a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 500 kN, the stored energy We must be at least 30 kJ and
the absorbed energy Wa must equal at least 0,6 We.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, the buffer load must not exceed 1 000 kN. - During the tests referred to in point - page 6, the following characteristics shall be

- Test no. 4
With a buffing speed of 7 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 4,0 g must occur.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 6,0 g must occur.

- Test no. 5
For a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 500 kN, stored energy We must be 30 kJ minimum and
the absorbed energy Wa at least 0,6 We.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, the buffer load must not exceed 1 000 kN. - Category B

O - During the tests mentioned in point, the following characteristics must be obtained:

- Test no. 1
With a buffing speed of 7 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 4,0 g must occur.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 5,0 g must occur.

- Test no. 3
With a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 500 kN, the stored energy We must be 50 kJ minimum
and the absorbed energy Wa at least 0,6 We.
With a buffing speed of 10 km/h, the buffer load must not exceed 1 000 kN. - However, for test no. 3, it is recommended that the end-of-stroke force should not exceed
1 300 kN.

7 526-1
OR - During the tests mentioned in point - page 6, the following characteristics shall be

- Test no. 4
With a buffing speed of 7 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 4,0 g must occur.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 5,0 g must occur.

- Test no. 5
With a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 500 kN, the stored energy We must be 50 kJ minimum
and the absorbed energy Wa at least 0,6 We.
With a buffing speed of 10 km/h, the buffer load must not exceed 1 000 kN. - Category C

O - During the tests referred to in point - page 6, the following characteristics must be

- Test no. 1
With a buffing speed of 7 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 3,0 g must occur.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 4,0 g must occur.

- Test no. 3
With a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 300 kN, the stored energy We must be 70 kJ minimum
and the absorbed energy Wa at least 0,6 We.
With a buffing speed of 10 km/h, the buffer load must not exceed 1 000 kN. - However, for test no. 3, it is recommended that the end-of-stroke force should not exceed
1 000 kN. - During the tests mentioned in point - page 6, the following characteristics shall be

- Test no. 4
With a buffing speed of 7 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 3,5 g must occur.
With a buffing speed of 9 km/h, no acceleration exceeding 4,5 g must occur.

- Test no. 5
With a maximum end-of-stroke force of 1 300 kN, the stored energy We must be 70 kJ minimum
and the absorbed energy Wa at least 0,6 We minimum.
With a buffing speed of 10 km/h, the buffer load must not exceed 1 000 kN. - Comments on the test conditions

1. Filtering at 32/40 Hz is specially intended to examine the behaviour of the wagon, its fittings, the
commodities loaded, etc. The dynamic characteristic thus recorded gives a more exhaustive idea
of the dynamic phenomena which occur in the course of an impact between wagons (see also
ERRI Report B 36/RP 24 - see Bibliography - page 28).

2. The accelerations specified for categories A, B and C should be taken as limit values not to be
exceeded with a view to improving the protection of vehicle and load.

8 526-1
3. The maximum values specified for the accelerations measured during Tests 1 and 4 include the
tolerance ranges of the measuring equipment.

4. From the point of view of protection of the load, it is advisable to bring down the upper limit values
for acceleration given for Tests 1 and 4. This applies particularly to recent buffer designs.

O 4.2.4 - Temperature effects

Dynamic tests shall be carried out at an ambient temperature of between 10 °C and 25 °C.

Under extreme temperatures of - 25 °C and + 50 °C, the characteristics must not vary more than 20 %
from those recorded at ambient temperature.

O 4.2.5 - Endurance test

In order to ascertain the satisfactory behaviour of a buffer in service, it is necessary to check, by

carrying out an endurance test, that its energy storage capacity in dynamic mode remains, during the
period of use of the buffer, at least equal to 80 % of the value measured initially.

This endurance test must be performed either by an impact between wagons, or at the impact test-
bench, or on a press, under the conditions defined in Appendix I - page 22.

9 526-1
O 5 - Identification

In addition to the interchangeability marking set out in UIC Leaflet 583 (see Bibliography - page 28),
buffers with a stroke of 105 mm must also be marked with the stroke length and the letter indicating
the category.

These markings can be applied during casting or inserted on a securely-affixed metal plate, depending
on the method of manufacture.

All the markings are shown in Appendix H - page 20.

10 526-1

Appendix A - Wagons - buffers with a stroke of 105 mm

Interchangeability - Dimensions
160 ± 1

105 -50
280 ± 1
360 620

Free space to be provided on the head stock for the supporting plate.

11 526-1

Appendix B - Maximum clearance of buffer

55 Cross-section A-A Cross-section B-B Cross-section C-C Cross-section D-D
50 190


30 30
M R1 R1

G G 360 360 260


85 230 L L

Cross-section E-E Cross-section F-F




The volume defined by the dimension 85 (volume of cross-section A-A and B-B) includes the space
required for fitting and removing a buffer with a base plate 30 mm thick.
The maximum clearance must be observed irrespective of the position of the buffer head for any
distance of compression between 0 and 105 mm.
260 310

Cross-section G-G Cross-section H-H Cross-section K-K Cross-section L-L

Gauge limit in UIC Leaflet n°505-1

View M
875 from wagon centre-line



600 from wagon centre-line
10 20 28

Maximum dimensions for buffer heads - UIC Leaflet n°527-1

12 526-1

Appendix C - Notes on definition of envelopes for overall

dimensions of wagon buffers

C.1 - The maximum envelope for side buffers of wagons was obtained using data from the
following documents as a basis:

- Appendix B of UIC Leaflet 535-2 (see Bibliography - page 28) for the diameter of the main body
of the buffer (∅ 260)1;

- UIC Leaflet 527-1 (see Bibliography - page 28) for the buffer heads.

C.2 - The definitions referred to in point C.1 above have been supplemented to take account of:

- automatic couplers and locking release gear for as long as buffers are maintained during the
screw coupler-automatic coupler transition period; this concerns:

• locking release handles as shown in UIC Leaflet 535-2, Appendix G;

• sliding handle shown in the same Appendices;
• the coupler head itself;

- adjacent equipment other than the automatic coupler and its control gear.

C.3 - Study relating to definition of the envelope

C.3.1 - Main body of buffer

As the ∅ 260 maximum dimension for the diameter of the buffer was found to be too great a constraint,
a square cross-section of 260 x 260 has been taken instead, except in the case of the following cross-

C.3.1.1 - Cross-section C-C

This cross-section has a dual limit:

1. The lower left-hand quarter has a radius of R 130.

This limit is imposed by the locking release handle A (left) of the automatic coupler, as defined in
UIC Leaflet 535-2, Appendix G, in the "coupling impossible" position.

The study was conducted under the following conditions:

• handle placed in "coupling impossible" position on side A (left);

• all manufacturing tolerances taken from the most unfavourable angle, and at 60 % of their
absolute values;
• buffer centre-line positioned at 880 (875+5) from the wagon centre-line.

Handle A (left) is at a tangent to the diameter of 260 specified in point C.1.

1. All dimensions given in this text are expressed in mm.

13 526-1

2. The upper half is limited to 125.

Plate II of UIC Leaflet 526 (4th edition, 1.1.67) (see Bibliography - page 28) required the provision
of a space above the buffer which was not to be taken up by any part of the buffer (dimensions
117, 190, 160, 50). This space is taken up by the mounting of locking gear for the swinging ends
of certain types of high-sided open wagon.

Following examination of the question, the UIC Sub-Committee for Buffing and Draw Gear
(January 1979) decided to reduce this space by replacing dimension 117 with dimension 125.

C.3.1.2 - Cross-section D-D

The same limit as in the case of cross-section C-C is applicable to the lower left-hand quarter.

C.3.1.3 - Cross-section E-E

No limit for this section.

C.3.1.4 - Cross-section F-F

In response to a FS proposal, the width of this section was increased to 310 mm to allow a device to
prevent the head from rotating to be fitted.

C.3.2 - Base plate

Overall dimensions are those given in Plate II of UIC Leaflet 526 (4th edition, 1.1.67). A maximum
thickness of 30 mm for the plate is included in the envelope, and also space required for fitting or
removal of fastening nuts.

C.3.2.1 - Cross-section A-A

360 x 260 with a thickness of 50 mm.

C.3.2.2 - Cross-section B-B

The upper half is limited to 125 instead of 130.

Same remark as for cross-section C-C referred to in point C.3.1.1.

C.3.3 - Head

The limits stipulated in UIC Leaflet 527-1 (see Bibliography - page 28) were used in the envelope with
respect to:

- outer gauge;

- clearance space prescribed in the Technical Unity, taking a measurement of 200 mm from the
centre-line of the wagon to cover space taken up by screw coupling fitments;

- lower limit.

All these values are shown in view M.

14 526-1

Where the thickness and compression stroke of the head are concerned, the following dimensions
were taken as a basis:

C.3.3.1 - A head with a uniform thickness of 60 mm;

C.3.3.2 - A compression of 25 mm1 for compatibility with operating lever A of the automatic coupler.

The space required for movement of this lever is shown in cross-sections H-H, K-K and L-L.

C.3.3.3 - An additional compression of 80 mm to obtain the 105 stroke with the head defined in points
C.3.3.1 and C.3.3.2 (dimension 165 and cross-section G-G).

1. This condition was accepted by UIC Working Party 45/B/33 in May 1971.

15 526-1

Appendix D - Mechanical resistance of buffers -

Points of application of forces

F2 F1 F2 F1


Supporting frame
F4 F4

F3 Point of application of F2

Supporting frame to be used for testing with force F4

View Y

20. approx

Centre line of fastening bolts

F1 ≥ 2 500 kN
F2 ≥ 500 kN
F3 ≥ 200 kN
F4 ≥ 2 500 kN

16 526-1

Appendix E - Mechanical characteristics

E.1 - Test methods

Force F1

The test shall be conducted on a press, the buffer to be tested being placed between the plates and
the press.

Force F2

The test shall be conducted on a press, a wedge-shaped scotch being placed between the lower plate
of the press and the base plate of the buffer so that the upper plate of the press can exert force F2 on
the buffer head at the application point shown in Appendix D - page 16.

This test can also be carried out by positioning the buffer directly on the lower plate of the press and
exerting force F2 parallel to the centre-line of the buffer by means of a shaft which is rounded like a
buffer head at the point of application.

Force F3

The force shall be applied by means of a V-shaped (120°) shaft on the main body of the buffer (casing
or plunger).

Force F4

This test shall be carried out on a press, with a frame consisting of four rectangular rulers being placed
between the lower plate of the press and the base-plate of the buffer (see Appendix D).

E.2 - Results of tests

After each of the tests F1, F2 and F3, the buffer must continue to be in a condition allowing normal
functioning, and any permanent deformation must fall within the tolerance range stipulated for
manufacture. The measured diameters of the main buffer elements in particular must not vary by more
than 2 ‰.

After test F4, the base plate must not show any permanent deformation. The relevant check shall be
carried out by means of a comparator with a measuring accuracy of 0,05 mm.

17 526-1

Appendix F - Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 105 mm

Definition of dynamic tests

Category A Categories B and C

Test wagons Buffing wagon Impacted wagon Buffing wagon Impacted wagon

2-axle wagon Bogie wagon 2-axle wagon Bogie wagon

Test no. 1 20 t 80 t 40 t 80 t
buffers tested buffers tested buffers tested buffers tested

2-axle wagon 2-axle wagon

Test no. 2 40 t 40 t Nil
buffers tested buffers tested

Bogie wagon Bogie wagon Bogie wagon Bogie wagon

Test no. 3 90 ta 80 t 90 ta 80 t
buffers tested buffers tested buffers tested Buffers tested

2-axle wagon Bogie wagon 2-axle wagon Bogie wagon

20 t 80 t 20 t 80 t
Test no. 4
Category A buffer buffers tested Category A buffer buffers tested
(existing type) (existing type)

Bogie wagon Bogie wagon Bogie wagon Bogie wagon

90 ta 80 t 90 ta 80 t
Test no. 5
Category A buffer buffers tested Category A buffer buffers tested
(existing type) (existing type)

a. An 80 t buffing wagon can be substituted for a 90 t wagon. In this case, the buffing speed must be multiplied by a factor of 1,06 (energy

Nota : In conformity with the conditions contained in point - page 6 each test wagon must be
identified by its type (2-axle or bogie), weight on rails and buffer type fitted.

18 526-1

Appendix G - Definition of buffer energy storage capacity

The energy (We) stored by a buffer for a given elasticity stroke is represented, on the force-stroke
diagram, by the area lying between the compression curve, the axis of the abscissae and the straight
line, perpendicular to this axis, corresponding to the stroke under consideration.

The energy storage capacity is the maximum value of the stored energy, determined during course of
an impact test between two wagons fitted with identical buffers of the type to be tested, under the
conditions set out in point 4.2 - page 5.

The storage capacity is expressed in kilo-Joules (kJ).

NB : The definition of the energy storage capacity, measured on the force-stroke diagram for the
buffer, obtained during the impact between two test wagons, is of a pragmatic nature. The
plotting of the force-stroke diagram is, indeed, influenced by the inherent elasticity of the
underframe-body assembly of the wagons and by the type of commodity loaded.

19 526-1

Appendix H - Identification mark

3 mm approx.

5 30 5
12 4 1,5 1,5 4

46 2



40 min.

60 min.
Letter showing categorie

Fig. 1 - Former identification mark

20 526-1

3 mm approx.


Year of mounting
6 2 3
∅ 16

40 min.

Place of mounting

4 6 2 2

100 min.

Buffer stroke Letter showing category

Fig. 2 - New identification mark

21 526-1

Appendix I - Endurance test with buffer spring element

General conditions applicable to all types of spring elements.

The test consists in subjecting the complete spring element to successive stresses representing, as a
whole, all the compressions which a buffer is likely to undergo while in use.

One of the three following stresses may be selected for this test:

- repeated impacts between wagons weighing 80 tonnes on rails;

- repeated impacts on an installation simulating an impact ramp;

- repeated compressions on a press.

In these three cases, the pace of the stresses must not lead to overheating of the spring elements.

Whatever the type of stresses adopted, the element tested must undergo, the following cycles three

- 3 000 impacts or compressions corresponding to a stored energy of 0,25 We;

- 1 200 impacts or compressions corresponding to a stored energy of 0,50 We;

- 200 impacts or compressions corresponding to a stored energy of 0,85 We;

We represents the maximum value of stored energy corresponding to the category of the element

- 30 kJ for Category A buffers;

- 50 kJ for Category B buffers;

- 70 kJ for Category C buffers.

For the test with repeated compressions on a press, the sequence of operations shall be as follows:

- plotting the stored energy curve in relation to the buffer stroke, during impacts at increasing speed,
between wagons weighing 80 tonnes on rails;

- determining, on this curve, the strokes C1, C2 and C3 corresponding to stored energies 0,25 We,
0,50 We and 0,85 We,

- measuring the energy stored by the buffer during a static compression test;

22 526-1

- performing the three successive compression cycles, as follows:

Number of Stroke
3 000 C1
1 200 C2
200 C3

- measuring the energy stored by the buffer during a static compression test after carrying out the
three cycles.

The latter energy must be at least equal to 80 % of the value measured, under the same conditions,
during the static compression test carried out before the 3 cycles of the endurance test.

Special test procedure for the hydrodynamic spring elements:

If the endurance test is performed on a test bench, the hydraulic system must be filled with oil; the
regulating pointer or the corresponding component can be adapted to the altered compression speed.
In this case, the test procedure must be agreed upon by the RU and the supplier.

No loss of oil must occur. As regards the "hydrogas" spring elements, the gas pressure must be
recorded before and after the tests. After the performance of 3 cycles of tests, the gas pressure must
not be less than 90 % of the initial pressure.

Additional test for spring elements for which the elastic force is mainly related to the compression
speed and which are fitted with tightness elements.

For the examination of the behaviour of the tightness elements, it is necessary to carry out, in addition
to the main cycle to be repeated three times, the following cycle, which must also be repeated three

15 000 x 0,25 fD
15 000 x 0,10 fD

(fD = maximum elasticity stroke of the element in the mounted condition: 105 mm)

It is permissible to use a second spring element for these tests.

These tests must be carried out on a reciprocating press; the compression speed must be 0,2 to 0,3 m/s.

Before and after each series of 3 cycles, the dimensions of the cylinder and piston, as well as those
of the tightness elements, must be measured. The wear noted must not adversely affect the operation.

23 526-1

Annexe J - Demonstrating the strength of buffer casings/

boxes and their headstock fastenings

J.1 - Forces/load scenarios for buffers on wagons used in normal freight


Fatigue strength is to be demonstrated using the table of replacement loads given under point J.1.2 -
page 25.

The static strength test is to be performed using the replacement load under point J.1.1.

In all load cases the lever arm of the transverse buffer force Fy can be shortened by the buffer stroke.

This is the responsibility of the developer (manufacturer) vis-à-vis the certification authorities.

J.1.1 - Demonstration of strength against residual deformations

Dimensioning shall comply with the following conditions:

Table 1 : Forces

Buffer displacement
Fx Fy horizontal vertical
[Sy] [Sz]

+ 280 kN ± 120 kN 40 mm 0 0


Fx Fy

Fig. 3 - Centric application of force

24 526-1

J.1.2 - Demonstration of fatigue strength

The fatigue strength is to be demonstrated using the following replacement loads:

Table 2 : Replacement loads

Buffer displacement
Fx Fy horizontal vertical
[Sy] [Sz]

+ 160 kN ± 22 kN 20 mm ± 50 mm ± 110 mm
+ 243 kN ± 22 kN 29 mm 0 0



Fx Fy

Fig. 4 - Off-centric application of force

J.2 - Forces/load scenarios for buffers on wagons used in heavy freight


Fatigue strength is to be demonstrated using the table of replacement loads given under table 4 -
page 26.

The static strength test is to be performed using the replacement load under point J.2.1 - page 26.

In all load cases the lever arm of the transverse buffer force Fy can be shortened by the buffer stroke.

This is the responsibility of the developer (manufacturer) vis-à-vis the certification authorities.

25 526-1

J.2.1 - Demonstration of strength against residual deformations

Dimensioning shall comply with the following conditions:

Table 3 : Forces

Buffer displacement
Fx Fy horizontal vertical
[Sy] [Sz]

+ 280 kN ± 120 kN 40 mm 0 0


Fx Fy

Fig. 5 - Centric application of force

J.2.2 - Demonstration of fatigue strength

The fatigue strength is to be demonstrated using the following replacement loads:

Table 4 : Replacement loads

Buffer displacement
Fx Fy Fz horizontal vertical
[Sy] [Sz]

+ 274 kN ± 24 kN + 27 / - 24 kN 39 mm ± 50 mm ± 110 mm

26 526-1


Fx Fy

Fig. 6 - Off-centric application of force

J.3 - Permitted stresses

The forces described under Points J.1.1 - page 24, J.1.2 - page 25 et J.2 - page 25, may not produce
stresses exceeding the permitted stresses detailed in the TSI for freight wagons, Appendix N (see
Bibliography - page 28).

27 526-1

1. UIC leaflets

Union Internationale des Chemins de fer (UIC)

UIC Leaflet 505-1: Railway transport stock - Rolling stock construction gauge , 10th edition, May 2006

UIC Leaflet 526: Buffer gear for wagons (interchangeability), Leaflet withdrawn on 1.1.81, and then
replaced by UIC Leaflets 526-1, 526-2 and 526-3

UIC Leaflet 526-2: Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 75 mm, 1st edition of 1.1.81 and 2 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 526-3: Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 130 mm and 150 mm, (in course of preparation)

UIC Leaflet 527-1: Coaches, vans and wagons - Dimensions of buffer heads - Track layout on S-curves,
3rd edition, April 2005

UIC Leaflet 535-2: Standardisation and positioning on wagons of steps, end platforms, gangways,
handrails, tow hooks, automatic coupler (AC), automatic draw-on coupling and brake valve controls
on the UIC member RUs and OSJD member Rus, 4th edition, May 2006

UIC Leaflet 571-1: Standard wagons - Ordinary two-axle wagons - Characteristics, 5th edition,
October 2004

UIC Leaflet 571-2: Standard wagons - Ordinary bogie wagons - Characteristics, 6th edition,
February 2001

UIC Leaflet 583: Wagons - Application of a special mark on interchangeable parts, 5th edition of 1.1.86
- Reprint dated 1.7.95

UIC Leaflet 827-1: Technical specification for the supply of elastomer components for buffers,
2nd edition of 1.1.90

UIC Leaflet 827-2: Technical specification for the supply of steel rings for buffer springs, 3rd edition of

UIC Leaflet 828: Technical specification for the supply of welded components for buffers, 1st edition
of 1.1.60 and 1 Amendment (brought up-to-date on 1.10.1975)

28 526-1
2. ERRI reports

Internationale Union of Railways (UIC)

ERRI B 12/RP 17: Wagons - Programme of tests to be carried out on wagons with steel underframe
and body structure (suitable for being fitted with the automatic buffing and draw coupler) and on their
cast steel frame bogies, 8th edition) 1/04/1997

ERRI B12 /RP 74: Stresses due to transverse forces on buffers and application document for
demonstrating the strength of buffer fastenings on headstocks, 1st edition, June 2007

ERRI B 36/RP 24: Elastic systems for traction and shock gear (side buffers and centre buffers) -
Guidelines for the execution of impact tests with wagons (with side buffers or with automatic coupler),

ERRI Drawings M0003-081: Catalog of UIC drawings,

3. European standards

European Commission (UE)

2006/66/CE: Commission Decision of 23 December 2005 concerning the technical specification for
interoperability relating to the subsystem rolling stock - noise of the trans-European conventional rail
system, OJ L37 of 8.2.2006, p. 1-49

4. Minutes of meetings

Internationale Union of Railways (UIC)

Point 31.4 - Revision of leaflets ("Traction and Rolling Stock Committee"), York, May 1993

Question 25/B/FIC - Point 9.8 - Conditions for wagon-buffing tests. Approval of modifications to leaflets
526-1 and 526-3 (Joint Sub-Committee for "Wagons"), Paris, January 1998

29 526-1

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
© International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2008

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, July 2008
Dépôt Légal July 2008

ISBN 2-7461-1460-7 (French version)

ISBN 2-7461-1462-3 (German version)
ISBN 2-7461-1463-1 (English version)


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