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Department of Education sion V Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS City of Naga BUDGET OF WORK Science and Health 3 4" Grading Period Reference: PELC 2010 (refer to website COMPETENCIES NO. OF DAYS (45) _ Vi. Earth 1, State that the environment is made up of life forms such as land, water and air 1.1 Describe the environment as being made of land forms, land, water and air 3 1.2 Identify life forms found on land, in water and in air 2 2.1 Describe the soil according to their observable characteristics 2 2.2 Identify the uses of the different kinds of soil 2.3 Discuss ways of protecting/ conserving the soil 3. Explain the importance of water 3.1 Identify sources of water 3.2 Describe the uses of water 3.3 Practice ways of conserving/ Protecting water 1 4, Explain the importance of clean air. 4.1 Identify sources of clean air 4.2 Practice ways to maintain clean air ‘5. Infer bow pollution affects soil, water and air 5.1 Identify practices that cause soil, water and air pollution 5 5.11 Give characteristics of polluted soil, water and air 2 3.2 Cite evidences that soil, water and air are polluted Practice ways of protecting and conserving soil, water and air Infer that weather changes from day to day 7.1 Record ina chart the weather for the day/week using symbols 7.2 Interpret a simple weather chart 7.3 Identify activities done during certain weather conditions 7.4 Practice safety measures during certain types of weather ‘VII. Sun and Moon 1. Tnfers that the sun gives off heat and light to the Earth 1.1 Tell thatthe sun’s heat and light can be felt and seen 1.2 Tell that the sun dries up things 1.3 Tell that the land, water and air ‘become warm when the sun shines in them Discuss how plants, animals and people are affected by too much or lack of light and heat from the sun. Practice procautionary/safety measures to avoid getting hurt from the Sun's heat and light Infer that the moon shines through reflected light from the sun Noted: EMMA VC 0, CESO VI Schools Divigjon Superintendent wana ~1, Science Department of Education Region V DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS City of Naga BUDGET OF WORK Science and Health 4 4 Grading Period Reference: PELC 2010 (refer to website COMPETENCIES NO. OF DAYS (45) VI. Earth 1. Investigate certain causes of soil erosion 1.1. Identify natural causes of soil erosion 3 Water Wind : 1.2 Demonstrate how certain factors affect ‘the amount of soil carried away 7 ‘© Slope of land Strength and volume of running water Presence of cover crops ‘© Dryness and size of soil particles 1.3 Desoribe the effects of soil erosion on the 14 Demonsrats how peopl an plans help prevent soil erosion (c.g. contour plowing, alternate strip cropping, ‘ planting trees/cover crops, etc.) 2. Explain how the basic weather elements affect weather 2.1 Record observations of the basic weather elements for a week © Airtemperature © Wind speed and direction * Cloud formation © Precipitation 2.2 Interpret a weather chart 3 3. Apply knowledge of the weather condition 1 in making decisions for the day ‘VII. Earth, Moon and Sun 1. Describe the Earth’s movement 1.1 Show through a model how the Earth's Totation on its axis causes day and night LL1 Describe that the Earth’s axis is tited 1.1.2 Show through a mode! that Earth rotates in counterclockwise direction as seen above North Pole 1.2 Show through a model how the Earth revolves around the Sun 1.2.1 Show that the Earth takes one year/I2months/365% days to make a complete revolution around the Sun (366 every fourth/lcap year) following its own orbit. 2. Describe moon’s movement around the Earth 2.1 Show through a model that the Moon ‘travels around the Earth about every 29 days 2.2 Show through a model that as the moon travels around the Earth it also makes one complete rotation that ‘makes the moon face the Earth all the time 3. Explain why the shape of the moon appears to change as it revolves around the Sun 3.1 Ilustrate the appearance of the moon ‘over one month 3.2 Show through a mode! how the relative ‘position of the observer of Earth, ‘Moon and Sun cause the apparent ‘changes in the shape of the Moon. 3.3 Explain why an eclipse oocur 3.3.1 Show through a model when an eclipse occurs « Lunar © Solar 3.3.2 Practice safety measures to avoid damage of the eyes when viewing solar eclipse 3.4 Explain how high and low tides ocour 3.4.1 Show through a model the position of the Moon and the Earth to 3 places where high and low tides occur Prepared by: nb inch MA. BELEN Q. LURCHA EPS ~ 1, Science Noted: EMMAL |, CESO VI Schools Divisio Superintendent ‘Department of Education jion V Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS City of Naga BUDGET OF WORK ‘Science and Health 5 4* Grading Period Reference: PELC 2010 (refer to website COMPETENCIES NO. OF DAYS (45) VI. EARTH 1. Compare the different kinds of rocks 1.1 Observe rocks according to their 3 properties such as color, shape, texture, hardness, etc. 1.2 Describe how igneous, sedimentary and 2 metamorphic rocks are formed 1.3 Identify uses of rocks 2 2. Explain how some forces contribute to the ‘weathering of rocks 2.1 Identify the agents of weathering (¢.g. 3 Beer iauoa CidscEnER an sun) 2.2 Explain how the action of wind, water 3 and sun contribute to rock weathering 2.3 Infer that continuous weathering lead to 1 soil formation 3. Infer that unequal heating pf the carth’s surface cause air movement 3.1 Demonstrate that warm air rises and 2 cold air sinks 3.2 Compare the ability of land and water ‘to absorb and release heat 3.2.1 Demonstrate that land absorbs 2 heat faster than water 3.2.2 Demonstrate that land releases 2 heat faster than water ‘© _Intertropical Convergence Zone (arcz) © Typhoons 5. Explain how a typhoon develops 5.1 Describe a low pressure area 5.2 Illustrate how a typhoon develops es © Bye of the typhoon 5.3 Interpret public storm signal 5.4 Practice precautionary measures before, during and after a typhoon VIL. THE SOLAR SYSTEM 1. Conclude that the Solar System is an arrangement of heavenly bodies orderly. 1 1.1 State that the Sun is the center of the Solar System 1.2 Describe the characteristics of each planet in the solar system including ‘their orbit, distance from the Sun, ‘temperature and period of revolution 2. Describe the characteristics of the other ‘members of the Solar System (comets, asteroids, meteoroids) 3. Discuss new inventions and discoveries about the solar system Prepared by: MA. Q. LURCHA EPS — 1, Science Department of Education ion V Region DIVISION OF CITY SCHOOLS City of Naga BUDGET OF WORK Science and Health 6 4” Grading Period Reference: PELC 2010 (refer to website COMPETENCIES NO. OF DAYS (45) Vi EARTH 1, Describe the different layers of the earth (Gaterio) 1.1 Describe the characteristics of each 3 layer 2. Explain how an earthquake occurs 2.1 Demonstrate how blocks of 4 rocks/plates move along faults of the carth’s crust 2.2 Mlustrate the three types of plate 3 movements 2.3 Differentiate intensity from the 2 magnitude of an carthquake 2.4 Describe the effects of an earthquake (eg. landstide, tsunami, destruction of 4 property, loss of lives, etc.) 2.5 Practice precautionary measures 2 before, during and after an earthquake 3. Explain how volcanic eruption occurs 2 3.1 Describe how volcanic eruption occurs 3.2 Differentiate an active from an inactive 1 volcano 3.3 Describe the effects of a volcanic, 2 eruption 3.4 Practice precautionary measures 2 before, during, and after volcanic eruptions 4, Explain how tsunami occurs 1 4.1 Describe how tsunami occurs 42 Describe the effects of tsunami 4.3 Practice precautionary measures before, during and after the tsunami VIL STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS . Compare the characteristics of stars based on given data Color Size * Bagitness © Distance 1.1 Describe the relationship between the color and temperature of a star 2. State that a constellation is a group of stars ‘that form a pattern in the sky 2.1 Identify the common constellations in the sky 2.2 Describe how constellations are useful ‘to people 3. Discuss the usc of astronomical ‘instruments Prepared by: MA. BELEN @. LURCHA EPS — 1, Science

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