Matter - Decision Disagreement Framework

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A Who initiated? Sophie
B What is the decision disagreement? Do we need a filtering option for sorting through the list of items?
C Who is the decision maker? Kristina
D Who are the stakeholders? Rob, Katie, Carl, Kristina, Sophie

2. Deliberate Options
Options Effort (1-10)
1 Provide filtering functionality 9
2 Remove the filtering functionality for 1
3 requirements for our upcoming release.

3. Decide & Document

Decision made by: Kristina
Decision: Option 2
Communicated on Slack on: 6/30/2019
have feature. We also ran a quick SQL query and realized that the major
Decision rationale: list items which did not warrant building list filtering functionality.


1. Parameters

When to use this framework:

Next time you disagree with a decision ask yourself: On a scale of 1-10, how much will the decision slow down, har
rating is an 8 or above, use the framework. If your rating is a 7 or below, the disagreement is likely not worth the tim

Who initiated?
The person who raises the issue.

What is the decision disagreement?

Brevity is key. Work to keep this to 1-3 sentences max.

Who is the decision maker?

1 person only

Who are the stakeholders?

Most likely the entire company for small, pre-product market fit companies.

2. Deliberate Options

List 2 to 3 initial resolution options to discuss as a team

3. Decide & Document

After the decision maker has heard from each stakeholder, it’s time for that person to make a decision and explain t
The decision maker needs to share the decision and its rationale with the entire company within 24 hours via Slack
ering option for sorting through the list of items?

Kristina, Sophie

Pros Cons
- Users with a long lists would likely - This would required a major
benefit from
- We could a filtering
always capability
add this feature in refactor in our
- Users with engineering
long lists couldcodebase
later after shipping the MVP trouble finding items, reducing their

also ran a quick SQL query and realized that the majority of our users had on average 50
did not warrant building list filtering functionality.

le of 1-10, how much will the decision slow down, harm, or break the business? If your
7 or below, the disagreement is likely not worth the time and effort involved in using the

t fit companies.
s time for that person to make a decision and explain the rationale.
nale with the entire company within 24 hours via Slack#General or a company-wide email.
1. Parameters
A Who initiated?
B What is the decision disagreement?
C Who is the decision maker?
D Who are the stakeholders?

2. Deliberate Options
Options Effort (1-10)

3. Decide & Document

Decision made by:
Communicated on Slack on:
Decision rationale:


1. Parameters

When to use this framework:

Next time you disagree with a decision ask yourself: On a scale of 1-10, how much will the decision slow down, har
rating is an 8 or above, use the framework. If your rating is a 7 or below, the disagreement is likely not worth the tim

Who initiated?
The person who raises the issue.

What is the decision disagreement?

Brevity is key. Work to keep this to 1-3 sentences max.

Who is the decision maker?

1 person only

Who are the stakeholders?

Most likely the entire company for small, pre-product market fit companies.

2. Deliberate Options

List 2 to 3 initial resolution options to discuss as a team

3. Decide & Document

After the decision maker has heard from each stakeholder, it’s time for that person to make a decision and explain t
The decision maker needs to share the decision and its rationale with the entire company within 24 hours via Slack
Pros Cons

le of 1-10, how much will the decision slow down, harm, or break the business? If your
7 or below, the disagreement is likely not worth the time and effort involved in using the

t fit companies.
s time for that person to make a decision and explain the rationale.
nale with the entire company within 24 hours via Slack#General or a company-wide email.

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