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Vidyamandir Classes Energy and Momentum

Energy and Momentum


Work done by a Constant Force

Let F be constant force acting on a body. If the body goes through
a displacement S , then the work done by the force F is given by
W = Fs cos θ = F.s
where  = angle between force vector F and displacement
vector S .
F = magnitude of force F
and s = magnitude of displacement S .
 If  is acute, W is positive (force tries to increase the
speed of the body).
 If  = 90 i.e., force is perpendicular to displacement,
W = 0.
 If  is obtuse, W is negative (force tries to decrease
the speed of the body).

Note : (i) If F is in same direction as S  W=Fs

(ii) If F is opposite to S  W=Fs

Illustrating the concept :

For a block sliding on a rough horizontal table, force of friction ( k mg) is opposite to displacement,
so the work done by the force of friction =  k mgs where s = displacement

Work Done by a Variable Force

When the force is an arbitrary function of position, we need the
techniques of calculus to evaluate the work done by it. The
figure shows F as some function of the position x. We begin by
replacing the actual variation of the force by a series of small
steps. The area under each segment of the curve is approximately
equal to the area of a rectangle. The height of the rectangle is a
constant value of force, and its width is a small displacement

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x. Thus, the nth step involves an amount of work

Wn  Fn xn . The total work done is given approximately by
the sum of the areas of the rectangles :
W  Fn xn
As the size of the steps is reduced, the tops of the rectangles
more closely trace the actual curve shown in Fig. In the limit x
 0, which is equivalent to letting the numbers of steps tend to
infinity, the discrete sum is replaced by a continuous integral.

 xn  0
 Fn xn   F  x  dx
Thus, the work done by a variable force F (x) from an initial point A to final point B is
x B
WA  B  x A F  x  dx

Illustration - 1 A block of mass 5 Kg is being raised vertically upwards by the help of a string attached to
it. It rises with an acceleration of 2 m/s2. The block rises by 2.5 m. Match the correct choices :
Column I Column II
(A) Work done by gravity (P) 122.55
(B) Work done by tension (Q) 147.55
(C) Net work done on the block (R) – 122.55
(S) 25 J
Let us first calculate the tension. W = T s = 59 (2.5) = 147.5 J
From force diagram : Work done by the gravity
T - mg = 5a =  mgs  5 (9.8) (2.5)  122.5 J
T = 5 (9.8 + 2) = 59 N.
Net work done on block
= work done by T + work done by mg
= 147.5 + ( 122.5) = 25 J
The answer is A  R, B  Q, C  S
As the T and displacement S are in same direction
(upwards), work done by the tension T is :

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Illustration - 2 A block of mass 4 kg slides down a plane inclined at 37 with the
horizontal. The length of plane is 3m. The coefficient of sliding friction between the
block and the plane is 0.2. Find the work done by the gravity, the frictional force
and the normal reaction between the block and the plane.
As the normal reaction is perpendicular to the
displacement, Work done by the normal
reaction R
= R s cos 90 = 0
The magnitude of displacement = s = 3 m and
the angle between force of gravity (mg) and
mg sin 37 = 4  9.8  3  3/5
displacement is equal to (90°-37°)
= 70.56 J
Work done by the gravity  Work done by friction
= mgs cos (90° - 37°)
= (R)s =  (mg cos 37)s
=  0.2  4  9.8  4/5  3
= 18.816 J

ENERGY Section - 2

Anything which has the ability to do work possesses energy. When the work is done by such a body, it loses
energy. When the work is done on the body, it gains energy. Energy is a scalar quantity and measured in
joules (J).
Mechanical Energy can be of two types :
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy (KE)
It is the energy possessed by a body due to its motion.
1 2
KE = mv (m : mass of the body and v : velocity)

Potential Energy (PE) :

When work is done on a system and the system preserves this work in such a way that it can be subsequently
recovered back in form of some type of energy, the system is capable of possessing potential energy.

Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces

While analysing the problems using the principle of conservation of energy, it is important to distinguish
between two types of forces :

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Conservative Forces
There are two ways in which we can characterise a conservative force :
A force is conservative if :
 The net work done against the force in moving a mass between two points depends only on the
location of two points and not on the path followed
 The net work done against the force in moving a mass through any closed path is zero.
These two criteria are equivalent. A conservative force follows both properties.
Examples of conservative forces are - gravitational force, ideal spring forces, electrostatic forces.
We can always define an associated potential energy for every conservative force. Corresponding to
these conservative forces we have gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy and electrostatic
potential energy.

Non-Conservative Forces
Those forces which do not satisfy the above mentioned criteria are non conservative forces. Friction and
viscous forces are the most common examples of non-conservative forces.

Conservative Forces and Potential Energy

For every conservative force, there is a corresponding potential energy function. In each case, the potential
energy expression depends only on position.
For every conservative force F (x), that depends only on the position x, there is an associated potential
energy function U(x). When conservative force does positive work, the potential energy of the system
work done by conservative force = loss in PE
F(x) x = U
or F(x) =  U/x
which, in the limit, becomes F  x  
Integrating both sides for a displacement from x = a to x = b, we have :
U b  U a    F  x  dx

Note : In these equations, F is taken negative if it is opposite to x and positive if it is in same direction as x.

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Gravitational Potential energy (GPE) :

If we lift a block through some height (h) from A to B, work is
done against the gravity. This work done is stored in the form of
gravitational potential energy of the block-earth system.
We can write, work done in raising the block = (mg) h
This equal to increase in GPE of the block
If the centre of a body of mass m is raised by a height h,
Increase in GPE = mgh where h is the gain in height.w

If the centre of a body of mass m is lowered by a distance h,

Decrease in GPE = mgh where h is the loss in height.

Elastic potential energy

When a spring is elongated (or compressed), work is done
against the restoring force of the spring. This work done is stored
in the spring as elastic potential energy.
If the length of a spring is increased or decreased by a distance
x, the spring exerts a restoring force to oppose this change.
Restoring force = – k x and Applied force = + kx
k : spring constant (or force constant) ; units of k: N/m

To keep the spring elongated (or compressed) in this position, the applied force should also be of same
Work done in stretching or compressing a spring by a distance x is given by
x 1 2 1 2
= 0 kxdx  kx  Elastic potential energy stored in a spring  kx
2 2

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Illustration - 3 A bullet leaving the muzzle of a rifle barrel with a velocity v penetrates a plank and loses
one fifth of its velocity. It then strikes second plank, which it just penetrates through. Find the ratio of the
thickness of the planks supposing average resistance to the penetration is same in both the cases.
Le R = resistance force offered by the For second plank :
t1 = thickness of first plank, 1 4 
t2 = thickness of second plank. m  v   0  Rt2
2 5 
For first plank : 1 2  16 
loss in KE = work against resistance  mv    Rt2 . . . .(ii)
2  25 
1 2 1 4  Dividing (i) and (ii)
mv  m  v   Rt1
2 2 5 
t1 9
 
1 2 9  t2 16
 mv    Rt1 . . . .(i)
2  25 

Illustration - 4 A block is placed on the top of a plane inclined at 37 with

horizontal. The length of the plane is 5 m. The block slides down the plane
and reaches the bottom.
(a) Find the speed of the block at the bottom if the inclined plane is smooth.
(b) Find the speed of the block at the bottom if the coefficient of friction is 0.25.

Let h be the height of inclined plane (b) As the block comes down, it loses GPE.
 h = 5 sin 37 = 3m. It gains KE and does work against
(a) As the block slides down the inclined
plane, it loses GPE and gains KE.  Loss in GPE = gain in KE
 Loss in GPE = gain in KE + work done against friction
mg (loss in height) = KEf  KEi  mgh = (1/2 mv2  0) + ( mg cos 37)s
1 2 1
 mgh = mv  0  3mg = mv2 + (0.25)  mg  4/5  5
2 2
 v  2 gh  2  9.8  3 = 7.67 m/s  v = 4g = 6.26 m/s

Note : (i) Loss in energy = initial energy - final energy

(ii) Gain in energy = final energy - initial energy

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Illustration - 5 A 1.0 kg block collides with a horizontal light spring of force

constant 2 N/m. The block compresses the spring 4 m from the rest position.
Assuming that the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the
horizontal surface is 0.25, what was the speed of the block at the instant of
collision ?
When the block compresses the spring, let x 1 2 1
m be the amount of compression, i.e. x = 4 m.  mv  0  kx 2   mgx
2 2
Let v = velocity of the block when it collides
1 2 1
with the spring. mv  (2)(4) 2  0.251 9.8  4
2 2
Loss in KE of the block = (gain in elastic
potential energy of the spring) + (work done v2 = 51.6  v = 51.6
against friction) = 7.18 m/s

Illustration - 6 A pump is required to lift 1000 kg of water per minute from a well 20 m deep and eject it
at a rate of 20 m/s.
(a) How much work is done in lifting water ?
(b) How much work is done in giving it a KE ?
(c) What HP (horse power) engine is required for the purpose of lifting water ?
Work done in lifting water = gain in PE Power of the engine = work done per second
(potential energy) = 1/60 (1.96 + 2) 105 J
Work = 1000  g  20 = 6.6  103 W (watts)
= 1.96  105 J per minute Since 1 HP = 746 W, HP required = 8.85
Work done (per minute) in giving it KE
= 1/2 mv2
= 1/2 (1000) (20)2
= 2  105 J per minute

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Illustration - 7 A uniform chain of length  and mass m lies on a smooth table. A very small part of this
chain hangs from the table. It begins to fall under the weight of hanging end. Find the velocity of chain when
the length of hanging part becomes y.

As the chain slips down from the table, the

(mass of hanging part ) g ( loss in height of
gravitational potential energy of hanging part
decreases and gets converted into kinetic 1 2
C.G)  mv
energy. 2
The part of the chain lying on the table does  my   y  1 2
not lose any GPE.    g    mv
   2 2
loss in GPE of hanging part = gain in KE of the
gy 2 g
chain  mv 2  v2   v y
2  

Illustration - 8 The potential energy of a particle in a certain field has the form U = a/r2 - b/r, where a and
b are positive constants, r is the distance from the centre of the field. Find the value of r0 corresponding to the
equilibrium position of the particle ; examine whether this position is stable.
U(r) = a/r2 b/r
At stable equilibrium, the potential energy is
dU  2a b  minimum and at unstable equilibrium, it is
Force = F     3  2 
dr  r r  maximum. From calculus, we know that for
 br  2a  minimum value around a point r = r0 , the first
F derivative should be zero and the second
r3 derivative should be positive.
At equilibrium, F   0 For minimum potential energy,
Hence br - 2a = 0 at equilibrium. dU d 2U
0 and 0 at r = r0
r = r0 = 2a/b corresponds to dr d r2
equilibrium. dU
We have already set  0 to get
r = r0 = 2a/b.

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Let us investigate the second derivative. d 2U 6a  2br0 2a

   0.
d 2U d  dU  d  2 a b  6 a 2b dr r04 r04
    3  2   4  3
d r 2 dr  d r  dr  r r  r r Hence the potential energy function U(r) has a
minimum value at r0 = 2a/b. The system has a
At r = r0 = 2a/b, stable equilibrium at minimum potential energy


Condition to Complete the Circle

A mass m is tied to a string of length  and is rotated in a vertical circle with centre at the other end of the
Let us find the minimum velocity of the mass at the top of the circle at the bottom of the circle so that it is able
to complete the circle.
At all positions, there are two forces acting on the mass :
its own weight and the tension in the string.
Let the radius of the circle = 
(a) At the top :
Let vt = velocity at the top
Net force towards centre =

mv mv 2
T  mg  t  T  t  mg
 
For the movement in the circle, the string should remain tight i.e. the tension must be positive at all
positions. As the tension is minimum at the top Ttop  0

  mg  0  vt  g

 Minimum or critical velocity at the top =  g

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(b) At the bottom :

Let vb be the velocity at the bottom. As the particle goes up, its KE decreases and GPE increases.
 Loss in KE = gain in GPE
1 2 1 2
 mvb  mvt  mg  2 
2 2
vb2  vt2  4 g 

 vb min   vt2 min  4g

 vb min  5 g

Note : When a particle moves in a vertical circle, its speed decreases as it goes up and its speed increases as it
comes down. Hence it is an example of non-uniform circular motion.

Condition for Oscillations in a Semi-Circle

A particle of mass m is suspended from a string of length  fixed to
the point O. Let us find the velocity to be imparted to the particle in its
lowermost position so that the string is just able to reach the horizontal
diameter of the circle.
Let v be the required velocity imparted to the particle. The particle
just stops at B.

Loss in KE = Gain in GPE

1/2mv2 0 = mg

 v 2g


If vb : velocity of particle at bottom

 : radius of the circle ABCD
1. If vb  5 g  , the particle will move in the circle ABCD.
2. If vb  2 g  , the particle will oscillate right and left around point A.
3. If vb  2 g  , it will oscillate along the semicircle BAD.

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4. If 2 g   vb  5 g  , the particle will cross the

diameter DOB but will not be able to complete the
circle. It will leave the c ircular path somewhere
between B and C at a point P where tension
(or normal reaction) becomes zero.

Illustration - 9 A ball of mass 2 Kg is placed at a point A inside a smooth

semicircular track with centre O. Find the velocity of the ball when it reaches
the bottom B of the circle. Also find the force with which the ball presses
against the track at B. The radius of the track is 2 m.
The ball slides down from A to B along a circular path.

Between A and B : At B :
Loss in GPE = Gain in KE Let N = normal reaction between ball and track at B.
mv 2
mg (loss in height) = 1/2 mv  0
Net force towards centre =
Loss in height = BC = OB  OC r
= r  r cos 60 (r = radius = 2 m) mv 2
 N  mg =
 mg (r  r cos 60) = 1/2 mv2 r
mv  19.6 
 v 2 g r  0.5   19.6  4.43 m / s  N  mg   2  9.8    39.2 N
r  2 

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Illustration - 10 A block is released from rest at the top of an inclined

plane which later curves into a circular track of radius r as shown. Find
the minimum height h from where it should be released so that it is able to
complete the circle.
From A to B :
Loss in GPE = Gain in KE
 mgh = 1/2 mv2  0
mgh  m  5 gr 
To complete the circle of radius r, the 5
 h r
velocity at the top must be 2
 r g and Vbottom  5rg Hence h must be at least equal to 2.5 r.

Illustration - 11 A block is tied to one end of a light string of length  whose other end is fixed to a rigid

7 g
support. The block is given a speed of from the lowermost position. Find the height and speed at
which the block leaves the circle. Also find the maximum height to which it rises finally.
Let the velocity at the bottom = vb The block will leave the circle at some point
P, where the radius OP makes an angle 
vb  g with the upward vertical.
From A to P :
As 2 g   vb  5 g  Loss in KE = Gain in GPE
1 1
m vb2  mv 2  mg     cos   . . . .(i)
2 2
From the force diagram :
mv 2
T + mg cos  =

As the block leaves the circle at P, T = 0.

mv 2
mg cos  = . . . .(ii)

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Putting value of v2 from (ii) in (i) The velocity at that moment v is

1 2 1
mvb  m (g  cos ) g
v  g cos  
2 2 2
= mg  (1+ cos) After the string becomes slack, the block moves
1 7 mg  as a projectile in parabolic path. Now, further
 m g  (2+ 3 cos ) height attained
2 2 2
v 2 sin 2  g  3  3
 cos = 1/2   = 60 =    
2g 4 g  4  16
 Total height attained from the bottom is :
3 3 27
  
2 16 16

Hence the block leaves the circle and string

becomes slack at a height
h =  +  cos 60 = 1.5  from the bottom.

Illustration - 12 A particle tied to the end of a string oscillates along a circular arc in a vertical plane. The
other end of the string is fixed at the centre of the circle. If the string has a breaking strength of twice the
weight of the particle,
(a) find the maximum distance that the particle can cover in one cycle of oscillation. The length of the
string is 50 cm.
(b) find the tension in the extreme position
(c) find the acceleration of the particle at bottom and extreme.
As the maximum tension occurs at the lowest
position, tension at the bottom can be at most 2mg
(where m is the mass of particle).

Considering forces on the particle at the

bottom :
mu 2
Tb  mg = where u : velocity at bottom

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mu 2 (b) At extremes, the speed is zero and hence

2 mg  mg =
 radial acceleration is zero.
 u g Balancing radial forces, we get :
TE = mg cos  = mg /2

(c) At extremes :
F mg sin 60 3
ar=0m/s2and at  t  g
m m 2
 Net acceleration = g
(a) Let  = angular amplitude from bottom
At bottom :
to the extreme,
Loss in KE = Gain in GPE There are no tangential forces. Hence at = 0
mu 2 = mg (   cos) u2
ar  g
2 r
mg   mg (1  cos ) Net acceleration = g
 (1  cos ) =   = 60
Length of arc covered in one cycle
 4(  )  4  / 3


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COLLISIONS Section - 4

Conservation of Linear Momentum

If no external force acts on a system of masses, then its linear momentum remains constant.
Consider a system of masses m1, m2, m3, . . . . . moving with velocities v1, v2, v3, . . . respectively. The net
linear momentum of the system is :
p  m1v1  m2v2  m3v3  ......
If Fext  0, then p  constant.

In terms of X and Y components :

  px initial    px  final
  py initial    py  final

Head - on collision :
If the initial and final velocities of colliding masses lie along the same line (along the common normal) , then
it is known as head-on collision.

From Law of conservation of momentum :

m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2

Oblique Collision
If the velocities of colliding masses do not lie along common normal,
then it is known as oblique collision.

From Law of conservation of momentum :

Along X-axis : m1u1 cos  + m2u2 cos  = m1v1 cos 1 + m2v2 cos 2
Along Y-axis :  m1u1 sin  + m2u2 sin = m1v1 sin 1  m2v2 sin 2

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Coefficient of Restitution (Newton’s Experimental Law)

(a) For direct impact :
When two bodies collide head-on (direct impact),
their velocity of separation after impact is in a
constant ratio to their velocity of approach
before impact.
velocity of separation
velocity of approach
 (0  e  1)
Vseparation = e Vapproach

The constant e is known as coefficient of

restitution of two bodies.

(b) For oblique impact :

When two bodies collide obliquely, their approach velocity resolved along their common normal after
impact is in a constant ratio to their separation velocity before impact (resolved along common nor-
Vseparation = e Vapproach

[CN : Common normal, CT : Common tangent]

Elastic Impact
If there is no change in kinetic energy of the system, then the collision is known as elastic or perfectly elastic.
For an elastic collision :
Total KE before collision = Total KE after collision
 For elastic impact : e = 1
 For a perfectly inelastic impact (when the bodies stick together after impact) : e = 0

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A sphere of mass m collides with a fixed plane with initial speed u at an angle  with the normal. The sphere
rebounds with speed v at an angle  with normal.
The plane being fixed, remains at rest.

Vsep along CN  e Vapp along CN 
 v cos = eu cos  . . . . (i)

As there is no force along the common tangent, the velocity (or momentum) of the sphere remains constant
along that direction.
 u sin  = v sin  . . . . (ii)
Combining (i) and (ii), we get :
 tanα 
v  u e 2 cos 2   sin 2  and   tan 1  
 e 
Note : For a perfectly elastic collision, the above results are :
v = u and  = 

 For elastic collision, sphere rebound with same speed at same angle on the other side of the normal.


If the sphere collides head on (directly) with the plane,  =  = 0
Using the result of last section :
Rebound speed = v = e u


If u1, u2 are velocities before impact of the masses m1, m2 and v1, v2 are the velocities after impact, then we
m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
and v2 - v1 = e (u1 – u2)

Combining these equations, we get :

m  em2
v1  1 u1 
1  e  m2 u 1  e  m1 u  m2  e m1 u
2 and v2  1 2
m1  m2 m1  m2 m2  m1 m2  m1
For a perfectly elastic collision, we can substitute e = 1.

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Illustration - 13 A ball drops from the ceiling of the room, and after rebounding twice from the floor,
reaches a height equal to half that of ceiling. Show that the coefficient of restitution is 4 .
Let R = height of ceiling This speed is the initial speed u for upward
 Speed before first impact = 2gh motion after second impact.
 Speed after first impact = e 2gh Height attained =
The ball comes back for second impact. 2
 e2 2 gh 
 h  
 Before second impact, speed = e 2gh 
2 2g
 After second impact, speed = e 2 gh 4
h e  2 gh  1
   e  4
2 2g 2

Note : Remember the following :

(i) Height attained (with initial speed u) = u2/2g
(ii) Time of flight (up and down) = 2u/g

Illustration - 14 A ball of mass m moving with a speed u1 collides elasticity with another identical ball
moving with velocity u2
(a) Find the velocities of the balls after collision if the impact is direct.
(b) Find the angle between velocities after collision if they collide obliquely and u2 = 0.
(a) Let v1, v2 be the final velocities of balls. Note : The colliding balls of same mass in an elastic
direct impact interchange their velocities.


Conservation of momentum :
mv1 + mv2 = mu1 + mu2
v1 + v2 = u1 + u2 . . . . (i)
Newton’s Experimental Law :
v2 – v1 = 1 (u1 - u2) . . . . (ii) mu = mv1 cos 1 + mv2 cos 2 . . . . (i)
0 = mv1 sin 1  mv2 sin 2 . . . . (ii)
From (i) and (ii), we get :
1/2 mu2 = 1/2 mv12 + 1/2 mv22 . . . . (iii)
v1 = u2 ; v2 = u1

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Squaring and adding (i) and (ii), we get : Note : The balls move at right angles to each other
u2 = v12 + v22 + 2v1v2 cos (1 +  2 ) after collision if a moving ball hits another
Using (iii), we have : identical stationary ball in oblique collision.
u2 = v12 + v22
 cos  1  2   0
 1   2   / 2

Illustration - 15 A bullet of mass 2 gm travelling at a speed of 500 m/s

is fired into a ballistic pendulum of mass 1.0 kg suspended from a cord 1.0
m long. The bullet penetrates the pendulum and emerges with a velocity
of 100 m/s. Through what vertical height will the pendulum rise ?

Let m = 2 × 103 kg ; M = 1.0 kg
u = 500 m/s, v1 = 100 m/s The block swings and its kinetic energy gets
converted into potential energy.
v2 = speed of the pendulum after impact.
mu = mv1 + Mv2 Mv22  Mgh
(conservation of momentum)
m  u  v1  2 v 2 0. 8  0. 8 8
 v2   (500  100)  h 2   m
M 1000 2g 2  9.8 245
= 0.8 m/s.

Illustration - 16 A ball of mass 4 kg moving with a velocity of 12 m/s impinges directly on another ball of
mass 8 kg moving with a velocity of 4 m/s in the same direction. Find their velocities after impact and
calculate the loss of KE due to impact if e = 0.5.
u1 = 12 m/s m1 = 4 kg Newton’s experimental Law :
u2 = 4 m/s m2 = 8 kg
v2 – v1 = e (u1  u2)
Let v1 and v2 be the velocities after impact.
v2 – v1 = 0.5 (12  4) = 4 . . . . (ii)
Solving (i) and (ii), we get :
v1 = 4 m/s and v2 = 8 m/s
Loss in KE =
Conservation of momentum :
1 1 1 1
m1v1 + m2v2 = m1u1 + m2u2 m1u12  m2u22  m1v12  m2v22
2 2 2 2
 4v1 + 8v2 = 80 . . . . (i)

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1 1
  4(144)  8(16)  [4(16)  8(64)]
2 2
= 64 J.

Illustration - 17 An explosion blows a rock into three parts. Two pieces go off
at right angles to each other; 1.0 kg piece with a velocity of 12 m/s and other
2.0 kg piece with a velocity 8 m/s. If the third piece flies off with a velocity
40 m/s, compute the mass of third piece.
Let m1, m2 and m3 be the masses of three
Along X-axis : 0 = m1v1  m3v3 cos 
m1 = 1.0 kg, m2 = 2.0 kg
Along Y-axis : 0 = m2v2  m3v3 sin 
Let v1 = 12 m/s
 m1v1 = m3v3 cos  and m2v2 = m3v3 sin 
v2 = 8 m/s, v3 = 40 m/s
Squaring and adding, we get :
Let v1 and v2 be directed along X and Y axes
respectively. Let v3 be directed as shown. m1v12 + m2v22 = m32v32
By conservation of momentum : 2 2
m32 
12 12    2   8 2
Initial momentum = 0  2
m3 = 0.5 kg.
 40 

Illustration - 18 A block of mass m = 2 kg slides along a frictionless table with a speed of 10 m/s. Directly
in front of it , and moving in same direction is a block of mass m 2 = 5 kg moving at a speed of 3 m/s. A
massless spring with a constant of k = 1120 N/m is attached to the back side of m2 as shown.
When the blocks collide, what is the maximum compression ? What are the final velocities of block after they
again separate ?

When the block m1 strikes m2, the spring be-
Let v = common velocity of blocks.
gins to get compressed and m2 gains speed. At
the instant when m2 and m1 have equal veloci- Now applying momentum conservation :
ties, the compression in the spring is maximum. m1 u1 + m2 u2 = m1 v + m2 v

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When the blocks have equal speeds, spring has Using conservation of energy :
maximum compression. After this instant, the
spring again expands and after sometime m1 Loss in KE = Gain in elastic PE
loses contact with the spring. 1 1 1 1 
m1u12  m2u22   m1v 2  m2v 2 
Let v1 and v2 be the velocities of blocks after 2 2 2 2 
they lose contact.
1 2
 m1 u1 + m2 u2 = m1 v1 + m2 v2  kx
m u  m2u2  200 + 45  7 (25) = 1120 x2
 v 1 1 5m/ s
m1  m2  x = 0.25 m.
and v2  v1  e(u1  u2 )
[e  1because no loss in KE ]
Solving for v1 and v2, we get :
v1 = 0 m/s and v2 = 7 m/s.

Illustration - 19 Two equal spheres of mass m are in contact on a smooth horizontal table. A third identical
sphere impinges symmetrically on them and is reduced to rest. Prove that e = 2/3 and find the loss of KE.

Newton’s experimental Law :

For an oblique collision, we have to take
components along normal i.e., along AB for
balls A and B.

Let u = velocity of sphere A before impact. As  v – 0 = e (u cos30  0)

the spheres are identical, the triangle ABC formed
by joining their centres is equilateral. The spheres  v = eu cos 300 . . . . (ii)
B and C will move in direction AB and AC after
impact making an angle of 300 with the original Combining (i) and (ii), we get :
line of motion of ball A. e = 2/3.
Let v = speed of the other balls after impact 1 2 1 2
Momentum conservation : Loss in KE = mu  2  mv 
2 2 
mu = mv cos 30° + mv cos 30°
 u = v 3 . . . . (i) 1 2  u  1
= mu  m    mu 2
2  3 6

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Illustration - 20 A ball is projected with a velocity u at an elevation from a

point distance d from a smooth vertical wall in a plane perpendicular to it. After
rebounding from the wall, it returns to the point of projection, prove that :
 1
u2 sin 2  = gd 1   .
 e
Hence find the maximum distance d for which the ball can return to point
of projection.

The vertical force on the ball is only mg  Time taken to reach the wall
throughout its motion because during impact, it d
experiences a horizontal force from the wall. = t1 =
u cos 
 we can use uy t  1/2 gt2 = sy
and time taken to come back to O from B
Let t = total time of flight
 t2 
 0 = u sin  t  1 gt 2 e u cos 
and t1 + t2 = t
2u sin 
 t= d d 2u sin 
g  

u cos  eu cos  g
Due to impact with the wall at B, the normal
component (i.e., horizontal component) of  1
 u2 sin 2 = gd 1  
velocity is reversed and becomes e times.  e
Horizontal velocity before impact = u cos As sin 2   1
and horizontal velocity after impact = e u cos
gd  1 
 1    1
u2  e 
eu 2
g (1  e)


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The Impulse I experienced by a particle is defined as the change in its linear momentum :
I  p  p f  pi

Impulse is a vector quantity with the same unit as linear momentum (kg.m/s). Its direction is that of the
change in momentum. We may relate impulse to the net force acting on the particle with Newton’s second
law in the form F = .
Since p =  dp =  F dt, we have
I  t1 F dt  p

Impulsive Forces
The above equation is valid for any time interval t  t2  t1 ; but it is
most often applied to so- called impulsive forces. Such forces start to act at
a specific time t1, rise in value in some unknown fashion, and stop abruptly
at t2 . Impulsive forces act for a very short time interval and are very large
compared to other forces that may be acting. For example, while a tennis
ball is being struck by a racket, the fact that it is also subject to gravity and
air resistance is not significant. The change in momentum of the ball is deter-
mined almost exclusively by the impulsive force due to the racket.
We may interpret the impulse of a force graphically as the area under the
F – t graph.
I  Fdt = Area under Ft graph.

Average Value of Force :

We usually have little information on how an impulsive force varies in time. Thus, it is convenient to define the
average force acting on the particle by :
p 1 tf
Fav  
t t  ti
F dt (t = tf  ti )

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CENTRE OF MASS Section - 6

Consider a system of point masses m1, m2, m3,. . . . . . . located at the co-ordinates (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2),
. . . . . . . respectively. The centre of mass of this system of masses is a point whose co-ordinates are
(xcm, ycm , zcm) which are given by :

m x  m2 x2  ......... m y  m2 y2  ........ m z  m2 z2  .......

xcm  1 1 ; ycm  1 1 ; zcm  1 1
m1  m2  ............ m1  m2  ........ m1  m2  .......

Note : We can imagine a rigid body also as a system of masses and hence every rigid body has a centre of mass.
In case of a regularly shaped uniform rigid body, centre of mass is simply the geometric centre of the body.

By differentiating the co-ordinates of centre of mass, we can easily show that the velocity and the accelera-
tion of centre of mass are :

m v  m2v2  ........ Ptotal

Vcm  1 1  Vcm 
m1  m2  ......... M total

m a  m2a2  .......... Fext

and acm  1 1  acm 
m1  m2  ........ M total

Note : If there is no net external force acting on a system of masses, then the velocity of the centre of mass does not
change. When some particles in an isolated system (Fext = 0 ) collide , the velocity of centre of mass remains

Illustration - 21 Two small spherical balls of masses m = 2 kg and m = 10 kg move towards each other
1 2
from rest due to mutual gravitational attraction. The initial distance between them is d = 12 m. Locate the
point where they will collide.
As there is no external force on the system of
masses, the centre of mass will remain at rest m  0  m2   d 
xcm  1
(because initially it is at rest). When the m1  m2
masses collide, they coincide and hence the
x cm = 10 m
point of collision becomes their centre of mass.
Hence they will collide at the centre of mass. Hence the collide at their centre of mass which
Thanking m1 at origin initially, is 10 m from m1 and 2 m from m2.

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Illustration - 22 A log of wood of length  and mass M is floating on the surface of a river perpendicular to
the banks. One end of the log touches the banks. A man of mass m standing at the other end walks towards
the bank Calculate the displacement of the log when he reaches the nearer end of the log.
Let PQ be the log of wood. As there is no ex-
ternal force, the centre of mass of man and the
log system remains at rest. Let the bank of the
river be the origin A. Initially, the man is at the
point Q.
Let m = mass of man, M = mass of log
AP = x = displacement of log
m     M   / 2
xcm (initial) =
m M M M
 m   mx   Mx
m  x   M  / 2  x 
2 2
xcm (final) =
mM m
 x
xcm (initial) = xcm (final) m M
Hence the log moves away from the bank
through a distance of .


Example - 1 A mass m slides down a fixed plane inclined at an

angle  to the horizontal. Find the distance that it will move on the
horizontal plane after covering the entire length of the inclined plane.
The height of the inclined plane is h and the coefficient of friction over
both surfaces is  .
SOLUTION : Loss in GPE = work done against friction
mgh = WAB + WBC
mgh = (mg cos  ) AB + (mg) BC
mgh = (mg cos )   mgL
sin 
L = h   h cot 
Block starts from A and comes to rest again at C. 1 
 L  h   cot  
Along the path,  

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Example - 2 In the given system, when the ball of mass m is released, it will
swing down the dotted arc. A nail is located at a distance d below the point of
(a) What will be the speed when it reaches the lowest point in its swing ?
(b) Show that d must at least 0.6 , if the ball is to swing completely around a
circle centered along the nail.
(c) If d = 0.6  , find the change in tension in the string just after it touches the
(a) From A to B : Loss in GPE = Gain in KE (c) Just before touching the nail, the ball is mov-
1 ing in a circle of radius  .
mg   mv 2  v  2 g
2 mv 2
 Tension = mg +
(b) Radius of the circle centred at nail =   d. 
To comlete the circle centred at nail, the = mg + 2 mg = 3 mg
speed at the bottom must be at least
5g    d  Just after touching the nail, the ball is moving
in a circle of radius (  d).
To complete the circle :
mv 2 m  2 g 
2 g  5 g    d   Tension = mg +  mg 
d 0.4 
 5   5d = 2  Tension = 6 mg
3 Hence the tension in the string changes from 3mg to
 d    0.6
5 6mg as it touches the nail.

Example - 3 A small sphere tied to the string of length 0.8 m is describing a vertical circle so that the
maximum and minimum tensions in the strings are in the ratio 3 : 1. The fixed end of the string is at a height
of 5.8 m above ground.
(a) Find the velocity of the sphere at the lowest position.
(b) If the string suddenly breaks at the lowest position, when and where wills the sphere hit the ground ?
(Take g = 10 m/s2)
Let u and v be the speeds of sphere at the bottom and the top positions and m be the mass.
Radius of circle = length of string = r = 0.8 m.

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T b = tension at the bottom or the maximum tension

T t = tension at the top or the minimum tension

mu 2
Tb  mg 

m v2
Tt  mg 
 Tb = 3 Tt

 mu 2   mv 2 
  mg   3   mg 
 r   r 
   
 (3v2  u2) = 4 rg . . . .(i)

Using conservation of energy,

Loss in KE from bottom to the top = Gain in GPE

1 1
mu 2  mv 2  mg  2r 
2 2
 v2 = u2  4rg . . . . (ii)
Using (i) and (ii), we get :

3 (u2  4gr)  u2 = 4rg

 2u2 = 16 rg

 u  8rg  8  0.8 10  8m / s

(b) After breaking away from the string, thesphere moves along a parabolic path, and strikes the ground
at G.

Vertical displacement of sphere

s y = 5.8  0.8 = 5 m.
Let t = time after which the sphere hits the ground.

2 sy
 sy = 0 t + 1/2 gt2  t   1s
the horizontal displacement = x= ut = 8  1 = 8 m.

Hence the sphere hits the ground 1 s after breaking off the string and at the point G.

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Example - 4 A block of mass m is begins to slide down from a height h along the inclined surface of the
wedge M. Assuming that there is no friction and both the bodies are free to move, find the speed of the wedge
M at the instant when block m reaches the bottom of the wedge.
The velocity of block on reaching bottom is the vector sum of its relative velocity with respect wedge and
the horizontal velocity of wedge.
Let ur the velocity of block m relative to wedge M.
This velocity is directed parallel to the inclined surface as shown.
vx = ur cos   V . . . .(i)
vy = ur sin  . . . .(ii)
Loss in GPE = gain in KE
1 1
mgh 
 2

m vx2  v 2y  MV 2 . . . . (iii)
We can apply conservation of linear momentum along horizontal because there is no horizontal external
Hence m (ur cos  V) + (–MV) = 0 . . . . (iv)
Eliminate vx, vy and ur from (i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) to get :

2gh m 2 cos 2 
 m  M   M  m sin 2  
Alternative method :
Proceed on the pattern of Example27 in Chapter4 and find the acceleration of wedge and relative
acceleration of m.

mg sin  cos 
 M  m  g sin
M  m sin2  M  m sin 2 
The displacement of block relative to wedge is h cosec  along the incline.

1 2h
Hence h cosec   ar t 2 t
2 ar sin 
where t is the time taken to reach bottom.

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Now we apply V = 0 + At on the horizontal motion of wedge

V  At  A
ar sin 
Substitute for ar and A and get :

2gh m 2 cos 2 
 m  M   M  m sin 2  

Example - 5 A small bar A resting on a smooth horizontal plane is

attached by threads to a point P and by means of a weightless pulley, to a
weight B possessing the same mass as the bar itself. The bar is also attached
to a point O by means of a light non-deformed spring of length 0 = 50 cm and
stiffness k = 5 mg/ 0 where m is the mass of the bar. The thread PA having
been burned, the bar starts moving to the right. Find its velocity at the moment
when it is breaking off the plane.
Using energy conservation :
1  1
mgd  2  mv 2   k x 2
2  2
 cos   . . . . (i)
0  x
N + kx cos  = mg
 kx cos  = mg . . . . (ii)
(As N = 0)
Let d = distance covered by A and B till this instant
Let  = angle between spring and vertical at V = speed acquired by A and B.
the instant when block A breaks off the plane (same because they are connected)
(N = 0).
5mg 0 From (i) and (ii) using k 
x  mg 0
0 0  x
3 0 1 5mg  20
x  0
mg  mv 2 

4 2  0 16

3 0 3g 0 5 19 g  0
 d   0  x 2   20   v2   g  0  v
4 4 32 32

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Example - 6 A ball of mass 100 gm is projected vertically upwards from the ground with a velocity of
49 m/s. At the same time another identical ball is dropped from a height of 98 m to fall freely along the same
path as that followed by the first ball. After some time, two balls collide and stick together and finally fall to
the ground. Find the time of flight of balls.
Let t be the time after which the balls collide. Using momentum conservation, we have :
The positions of the balls at time t (taking origin
mv1 + mv2 = 2mv
at the ground) are :
1 2 v v 29.4  19.6
x1  49t  gt  v 1 2   4. 9 m / s
2 2 2
1 2 Height of the point of collision :
x2  98  gt
2 1 2
x1  x2  9.8  gt  98  19.6  78.4 m
x1 = x2 2
1 2 1 Time interval after collision :
 49t  gt  98  gt 2
2 2 Let T = time taken by balls after collision to
reach ground.
 t=2s
Velocities of balls before collision : 1 2
 S  ut  at
v1 = 49  gt = 29.4 m/s
 = 78.4 + 4.9 T  1/2 gT2
v2 = 0  gt = 19.6 m/s.
 T = 4.53 s
Velocities of balls after collision :
 Time of flight = t +T = 2 + 4.53
= 6.53 s.

Example - 7 A projectile is fired at an angle of 60 with the horizontal with a velocity of 400 m/s. At
the highest point of the trajectory, the projectile explodes into two fragments of equal masses, one of which
falls vertically from rest. How far from the point of projection does the other fragment strike if the ground is
level ?

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At the highest point :

2 4002 sin 2 60 80 3
Conservation of momentum in horizontal  AB  400  km
 2 m 400 cos 60° = m v + 0 g 2g g
v = 400 m/s 1
 The other fragments move horizontally and OA   range 
with 400 m/s.
2h 1 4002 sin120 40 3
Horizontal displacement = v    km
g 2 g g

120 3
4002 sin2 60  OB  OA  AB  km  21.2 km
where h  and v = 400 m/s. g

Example - 8 A cylindrical solid of mass 10-2 kg and cross-sectional area 10-4 m2 is moving parallel to its
axis (the X-axis) with a uniform speed of 103 m/s the positive direction. At t = 0, its front face passes the plane
x = 0. The region to the right of this plane is filled with stationary dust particles of uniform density 10-3 kg/m3.
When a dust particle collides with the face of the cylinder, it sticks to its surface. Assuming that the dimen-
sions of the cylinder remain practically unchanged, and that the dust sticks only to the front face of the
cylinder, find the x - co-ordinate of the front of the cylinder at t = 150 s.
Let x be the distance covered by the front face
of cylinder in time t. During this interval, the dx dx
M0 v0 = (M0 + Ax ) (because v= )
momentum of the cylinder is conserved. dt dt
t x
0 m0 v0 dt    M0  Ax  dx

M0 V0 t = M0 x + A x
Put t = 150 s, M0 = 102 kg,
 = 10–3 kg /m3, V0 = 103 m/s
A = 104 m2 to get the equation :
P (at t = 0) = P (at time t)
107 2
M0 V0 = (M0 + A x g) v x  10 x 2  1500  0
Where m0 is the original mass and Ax is the  x = 105 m.
mass deposited on the front face. As the mass
is increasing, the speed of the cylinder de-
creases from v0 to v

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Example - 9 A pulley fixed to the ceiling carries a thread with bodies of masses m1 and m2 attached to
its ends. The masses of the pulley and the thread are negligible and friction is absent. Find the acceleration of
the centre of mass of this system.
Taking downward direction as positive,
a1 =  a ; a2 = + a

m a  m2 a2  m1a  m2a  m2  m1  a
acm  1 1  
m1  m2 m1  m2 m2  m1

Substituting for the value of a, we have :

 m  m1 
acm   2  g
Let us assume that m2 > m1.  m2  m1 
From Example32 in Chapter  4 , we can
see that the masses have equal and opposite Alternative method :
acceleration of same magnitude.
 m2  m1  g acm 
Fext.  m  m2  g  2T  g  2T
 1
 a
m2  m1 m1  m2 m1  m2 m1  m2
2m1m2 g 4m1m2 g  m  m1 
Tension in string is T  acm  g   2  g
m2  m1 2
 m2  m1   m2  m1 

Example - 10 Two balls with masses m1 = 3 kg and m2 = 5 kg have

initial velocities v1 = 5 m/s in the directions shown in Fig. They collide at
the origin.
(a) Find the velocity of the CM 3s before the collision.
(b) Find the position of the CM 2s after the collision.

(a) The given time is of no consequence since

VCM is fixed for all times.
m1v1 y  m2v2 y
m v  m2v2 x and vCM  y  
vCM  x   1 1x M

 3  5 sin 37    5  5    2 m/s
8 kg

 3 5 cos 37    5 0   1.5 m / s
8 kg Thus, VCM  1.5 ˆi  2 ˆj m / s

32 Subjective Solved Examples Self Study Course for IITJEE with Online Support

Vidyamandir Classes Energy and Momentum

(b) Since the collision occurs at the origin  ri  0  ,

the position of the CM 2s later is :

rCM  ri  VCM t  VCM t

rCM  VCM t   3 ˆi  4 ˆj



1. If the body goes through a displacement S , then the work done by the force F is given by
W = Fs cos θ = F.s

2. (i) If F is in same direction as S  W=Fs

(ii) If F is opposite to S  W=Fs
3. The work done by a variable force F (x) from an initial point A to final point B is
WA  B  x A F  x  dx
4. Relation between Force and Potential Energy
dU b
(a) F  x  (b) U b  U a    F  x  dx
dx a

5. If vb : velocity of particle at bottom

 : radius of the circle ABCD
(a) If vb  5 g  , the particle will move in the circle ABCD.
(b) If vb  2 g  , the particle will oscillate right and left around point A.
(c) If vb  2 g  , it will oscillate along the semicircle BAD.

(d) If 2 g   vb  5 g  , the particle will cross the diameter

DOB but will not be able to complete the circle. It will leave the
circular path somewhere between B and C at a point P where
tension becomes zero.
6. When two bodies collide head-on (direct impact), their velocity of separation after impact is in a constant ratio
to their velocity of approach before impact.
velocity of separation
e  (0  e  1)
velocity of approach

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Vseparation = e Vapproach
The constant e is known as coefficient of restitution of two bodies.
m  em2
v1  1 u1 
1  e  m2 u
7. 2
m1  m2 m1  m2

v2 
1  e  m1 u m2  e m1
and 1 u2
m2  m1 m2  m1
For a perfectly elastic collision, we can substitute e = 1.
8. (a) The colliding balls of same mass in an elastic direct impact interchange their velocities.
(b) The balls move at right angles to each other after collision if a moving ball hits another identical
stationary ball in oblique elastic collision.
9. The Impulse I experienced by a particle is defined as the change in its linear momentum:
(a) I  p  p f  pi (b) I  F d t  p
10. If there is no net external force acting on a system of masses, then the velocity of the centre of mass does not
change. When some particles in an isolated system (Fext = 0 ) collide , the velocity of centre of mass remains

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