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Dr. Edidon Hutasuhut, M.Pd

Rizky Ananda
DIK 18 C




All our praise and gratitude are offered to God Almighty because of grace, guidance, and the
blessings He gave me can complete the task of the Critical Journal Review (CJR) with the
CLASSROOM by Laxmi Mustika Cakrawati well and on time. . I also do not forget to thank the
Mrs / Mr Lecturer Lecturer in Educational Psychology courses.

With the existence of this paper, I hope to add insight to the readers. I realize that the report
is far from perfect, so I as a writer apologize profusely if there is an error in my paper. And I was
heartened to accept criticism and suggestions from readers as muhasabah or evaluation for
myself and other friends in making a report.

Medan, March, 20th 2019


(Rizky Ananda)


Title page ................................................................................................................................ 1

Foreword ................................................................................................................................ 2

Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... 3

Journal Identity ........................................................................................................................ 4


1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 5

1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 5

METHOD ................................................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................. 6


4.1 Strength of Research .......................................................................................................... 8

4.2 Research Weaknesses ........................................................................................................ 8

4.3 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 8

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 9




Journal : English Language Teaching and Technology Journal

(ELT - Tech Journal)

Download :

Volume and Number : Vol. 1 No. 1

Page : 22-30

Article First Receive : September 25, 2017

Final Proof Receive : November 29, 2017

Author : Laxmi Mustika Cakrawati

CHAPTER I : Introduction

1.1 Background

Due to rapid technological advancements, teachers became interested in being expected to be

able to integrate technology into the classroom to involve students who were considered as indigenous
digital. Thus, Edmodo and Quipper as online learning platforms are widely used by English teachers in
teaching and learning. The online learning platform is also used as an additional tool to promote
independent learning.

1.2 Aim

To find out student perceptions about using Edmodo and Quipper in online learning.


This study uses a mixed method approach collectitative and qualitative data . The paradigm of this
research involves the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data to provide a better
understanding in answering the research questions investigated in the study (Malik &
Hamied, 2016). That goes along with Creswell (2009) which states that a mixture of methods utilizes
qualitative strength and quantitative research. This study was conducted on 11 November - 19
November 2016. Involving 40 students consisting of 20 junior high school students and 20 high school
students. The participants came from various schools in Bandung, West Java. Questionnaires and
interviews were used to collect data in research. Questionnaires were adapted and simplified from
similar previous studies conducted by Kongchan (2012 ) and Manowong (2016). The questionnaire
consisted of 12 closed questions using a four-likert scale. The Questionaires are given to know the
perception of the students’ of use of online learning platforms such as Edmodo and Quipper in
class. Meanwhile, interviews were conducted with 1 student . The interview consisted of six questions
which aimed to get an in-depth explanation and description of the use of online learning

CHAPTER III: Results and Discussion

Discussion shown through the interpretation of the results shown in the table described with the
findings of the interview. The results of the study were obtained from 40 participants consisting of 20
junior high schools and 20 high school students. That students have used Edmodo or Quipper in English
classes for at least one year. The students stated that the online learning platform was mostly used for
reading and listening. In addition, the teacher usually uses platform learning to assign several tasks and
tests. To answer the research question, the findings from the student questionnaire are displayed in the
following explanation.

Table 1:

Table 1 shows that most respondents (SA = 17 , 5 %, Agree = 67.5%) in the study agreed that the
material provided by their teacher in Edmodo or Quipper helped them improve their understanding of
the lesson. The students (SA = 27 , 5 %, Agree = 52.5%) also think that Edmodo or Quipper is easy to
use especially in sending their assignments. Although there are students who are neutral and disagree
with question 3 which states whether or not Edmodo or Quipper can motivate them to learn lesson
questions, the percentage is still high seen by students who choose to agree (45%) and strongly agree
(12.5%) . It can be concluded that high gaps between agreeing and neutral or disagreement can
indicate that students gave positive responses to Edmodo or Quipper regarding material relevance,
comfort, and stimulus in motivating them to learn more about learning related.

Table 2:

Table 2 shows students' responses on time effectiveness and encouragement in practicing language
skills and acquiring new vocabulary. The table shows that 65% of respondents agree and strongly agree
with the statement that the use of Edmodo and Quipper saves effort and time in learning. The majority
of respondents strongly agree (15%) and agree (67 , 5 %) that the online learning platform can help
them practice their English skills. In fact, most students agree (strongly agree = 22 , 5 %, agree = 65%)
that Edmodo and Quipper can help them in gaining new English vocabulary. The table also shows that
there is a high gap between agreeing and neutral or disagreeing in question 5 and question 6. The gap
shows that students' positive attitudes towards using Edmodo or Quipper in the classroom since then
can help them to practice their language skills as well as to obtain new English vocabulary.

Table 3:

Table 3 shows that many students (neutral = 40%) cannot decide whether Edmodo or not Quipper
involves them in interesting reading experiences. However, half of the respondents (strongly agree =
17 , 5 %, agree = 37.5%) agree that reading online material through platform learning can be an
interesting experience for them. Because students believe that the use of Edmodo or Quipper saves
time and effort, the data shows that students think Edmodo or Quipper can improve learning

effectiveness. Most of the respondents (75%) also agreed that Edmodo or Quipper can facilitate
interaction and communication between teachers and students. The table also shows that although
many students choose neutral in question 7, the question " I think Edmodo or Quipper makes my
reading experience more close".

Table 4:

Table 4 shows that half of the respondents could not decide whether they would prefer to read or not
the material on paper instead or read material online. Although data from previous questions indicate
that many students feel Edmodo or Quipper read it more interesting experiences, the results of question
10 indicate that many students (very strongly agree = 10%, agree = 35%) still prefer to read material or
text in paper form. Question 11 shows that many students think Edmodo and Quipper are easy to use
learning tools. This is indicated by the high percentage of students choosing disagree (40%). The last
question shows that one of the problems in using online learning platforms is the slow-speed internet
of active mobile students. The table also shows that there are many students who choose to be neutral
in these three questions. But the percentage of students who choose disagree in questions 11 and 12 is
quite high

Data shows that students provide a variety of responses to the use of online learning platforms such as
Edmodo or Quipper on the Internet class. However, the majority of respondents from the study PT
perceived the use of Edmodo or Quipper in a positive way . Students participating in this study agree
that by using Edmodo or Quipper, they can learn special lessons outside the classroom. That student
mentions Edmodo or Quipper allows them to do the tasks given by their teacher at home or anywhere,
anytime. The online learning platform allows students to do assignments during their free time,
anywhere, as long as they have adequate internet connections. They also mentioned that online
material provided by their teachers through Edmodo or Quipper is easily accessible. The online
learning platform allows teachers to create and share materials to support student learning as well as
provide learning assignments to help them practice the language. An accessible platform encourages
students to study anywhere and anytime through computers, tablets, or smartphones (Wallace, 2014;
Hammonds et al., 2013 in Manowong, 2016). Students see the use of platform learning online in class is
environment-friendly. Although some students still prefer to read texts in newspapers, online learning
must be promoted since then without paper and is very good for the environment. Regarding the
problem of using the online learning platform in the English class, the participants involved in the study
stated that internet connection was the main problem that arose during the use of Edmodo or
Quipper. This finding is supported by the results of a study conducted by Enriquez (2014) and (Ekmekçi,
2016) which states that access to Internet is the main weakness of Edmodo use because while the
platform requires a constant internet connection, not all students have good access to internet
connections. In addition, small screens, slow internet speed, and bandwidth appear as problems
encountered by students who use Edmodo in their class (Al-Kathiri, 2015; Purnawarman, Sundayana, &
Susilawati, 2016)


4.1 Strength of Research

In the journal that I analyzed , the researcher used language that was easy for me to understand so that
I could understand this journal easily. Not only that, this journal also uses many expert opinions so that
this journal has accurate content. This journal also has references that are not too far away in the year
so that this journal can be said to be up to date.

4.2 Journal Weaknesses

Not only the advantages, in this journal there are also several shortcomings, including: This journal has a
table that I think is confusing because this table does not have a boundary between one row and
another row. This journal also invites students to use the Online Learning Platform which can only be
accessed on a gadget. This in my opinion can damage the physical of students. As we know that the
gadget has radiation to the body. One of the small examples is myopic eyes caused by the screen
radiation of the gadget. Not only that, letting students with gadgets for quite a long time can make
students become dependent on gadgets.

4.3 Conclusions

The online learning platform facilitates them with features that allow them to work independently but
share their thoughts through group discussions. In addition, students think that using an online
learning platform in the learning process is effective because it saves time and effort. They also think
online learning is environmentally friendly because it can save paper used for assignments. Some of the
benefits of using platform online learning are mentioned by students. They think that the material
provided in Edmodo or Quipper can improve their understanding towards the lessons taught by the
teachers. They also argue that using Edmodo or Quipper can help them practice their language skills,
especially reading and listening skills. Because the teacher mainly uses Edmodo or Quipper to establish
reading practices, students state that online platforms can help them get new vocabulary. In addition,
students feel that the online learning platform can motivate them to do it. Learn more. By integrating
technology, they do it not feel bored and experience a new learning atmosphere. Therefore, we can
conclude that since students understand the use of online platform learning in EFL class positively,
online learning platforms such as Edmodo or Quipper can be explored as additional learning
tools. Regarding the research findings, several recommendations are suggested. For teachers, since the
use of online learning platforms promises to be implemented in the classroom, teachers must be more
creative in choosing materials. The challenges faced by teachers choose materials that not only meet
the needs and development of students but also help students to achieve learning goals. Teachers are
also encouraged to become more interactive during the online learning process. It would be better if
they could provide immediate response and feedback on student work on a regular basis. Although
students difficulties in operating the online learning platform does not appear as one of the problems in
this study, it is recommended for teachers to show students step by step on using online platforms to
ensure they students will be able to operate online platforms outside the classroom.


Cakrawati, Laxmi Mustika. 2017. Students' Perceptions on The Use the Online Learning Platforms in
EFL Classroom . ELT-Tech Journal. Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 22-30

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