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Scores for Reference Example Images and Videos

w5ii 5E The upper eyelid is raised to reveal sclera in the maximum range,
page 467 evident on the right side, sufficient to score 5E. Notice that the
maximum 5 has stretched and lifted the lower eyelid a trace, but
there is no action of AU 7 in this item.
(Get Neutral)

7 7C The lower eyelid is raised markedly and straightened slightly, caus-

page 468 ing slight bulging, and the narrowing of the eye aperture is marked
to pronounced, sufficient to score 7C. No other actions are detect-
able in this item.
(Get Neutral)

6 G7D+6C The infraorbital triangle is raised markedly, pushing skin below the
page 468 eye up, slightly deepening the nasolabial furrow, and pulling up the
skin of the upper lip a trace. Marked crow’s feet wrinkles form at
the eye corners as the lateral top of the infraorbital triangle is
(Get Neutral) raised and the lateral part of the eyebrow is lowered slightly,
changing the shape of the eye cover fold as the outer ring of orbic-
ular muscle constricts. This evidence is sufficient to score 6C.
Even though the action of 6 is expected to push up skin below the
eye and wrinkle the lower eyelid, the eyelid in this item is pulled
far up on the eyeball, beyond the effect that 6 alone can produce,
causing severe bulging and wrinkling of the lower eyelid and nar-
rowing of the eye aperture. Note how the skin of the lower eyelid
is drawn markedly to the inner corner of the eye, narrowing
severely the angle around the lacrimal gland. The upper eyelid is
lowered, contributing to the changes in the eye cover fold pro-
duced by the action of 6. This evidence is sufficient to score 7D.
Both the wrinkling and the narrowing due to 7 are a trace greater
on the right, or R1, so the prefix G is assigned. Even though the
corners of the lips are turned up a trace and the nasolabial furrow
beyond the lip corners is pulled laterally a trace, these effects are
probably due to the AU 6 pulling, and no AU 12 is scored here,
lacking evidence from the movement.
w7 4A+7C The lower lid is raised and straightened markedly on the eyeball,
page 468 causing pronounced bulging and narrowing of the eye aperture,
sufficient to score 7C. Notice how the skin of the lower eyelid is
drawn in towards the inner eye corners to affect the angle of the
(Get Neutral) eyelid around the lacrimal duct. A trace of vertical wrinkling
between the eyebrows, a trace of brow lowering, especially the
right, is sufficient to score 4A.

Facial Action Coding System


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