Davis Lecuyer Us History

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Welcome to United States History and Government!

This course is a one-year survey of United States history with an emphasis on the US
Constitution and the workings of our government. As our study unfolds, a wide range of social
and political issues will be examined through the lens of history with the intent of illuminating
contemporary American society, its people, and its role in the world.

There is a Regents exam at the end of the course that you must pass to receive a Regents
Diploma; therefore, a great deal of our effort and yours will be aimed at getting you successfully
through that test. To that end, Mrs. LeCuyer and I maintain regular office hours after school
most days for the purpose of tutoring, grade recovery, and/or mentoring. Our schedule will be
available at the beginning of the fall term.
Contact is encouraged via email: edavis@albany.k12.ny.us or clecuyer@albany.k12.ny.us

Grading Policy

In alignment with district grading policy, grades are based on student performance and
achievement. Tests fall under the category of summative assignments that allow students an
opportunity to demonstrate their academic proficiency. Summative assessments make up 40% of
a student’s overall grade. Almost all assessments that impact your class grade will be announced
in advance to allow you time to prepare. Informal “practice” questions or writing assignments
may be given at any time. Test questions are generally drawn from past Regents exams to
increase ones exposure to testing language. Benchmark assessments are also summative grades
and count for another 10% of a student’s grade. They are designed to assess academic progress
moving forward toward the “gate keeper” test at the end of the course. Any student who feels they
need more preparation for an upcoming test can schedule a test review session with either Mr.
Davis or Mrs. LeCuyer after school by request. Make-ups will be available to those who were
absent on the day of the assessment.

Formative assessment – the assessment that informs daily instruction – comprises the remaining
50% of a student’s grade and is divided between the following categories:

Homework makes up 10% of a student’s overall class grade; moreover, it will be given AT
LEAST once a week and will consist of relevant historical readings followed by questions that
are to be answered completely. The readings will be about things we learned in class and the
questions are used to make one think more deeply about the material they have read. I estimate
that the overall weekly assignment would take no more than 90 - 120 minutes to finish, so if you
wanted to, you could easily complete a week’s worth of homework in less than 2 hours. Teachers
are available after school every day except on Friday if you need homework help.
Writing assignments, such as Document Based Questions and Thematic Essays are formative
assessments that comprise 30% of a student’s overall grade. Specific writing techniques are
emphasized in class as students move toward proficiency on the Regents exam. After-school
help is available for those in need and multiple opportunities will be offered for students to
complete writing activities.

Participation in class is expected, and it will make up the final 10% of the class grade.
Participation means getting to class on time, having the materials to do what’s required, and
giving your education your full attention while in class, including limiting phone usage to
emergency situations only. Our expectation is that you will BE SAFE, BE RESPONSIBLE, and

Teachers’ note: We always have extra pens, pencils, and loose leaf for student use, and all are
certainly welcome to use them. We do expect, however, that you will bring what you need to
class most of the time.

Mrs. LeCuyer and I sincerely look forward to helping you in any way that we can to complete
this course successfully. To be sure, a great deal of your success or failure is in your hands.
COME TO CLASS EVERYDAY, try to follow our suggestions and instruction (our only job is
to help you through this), and most important of all, take pride in your work. Together, we can
easily make it to June and you’ll pass that Regents exam at the end.

Mr. Davis and Mrs. LeCuyer

Mr. Earl Davis is a veteran teacher who has taught in the Albany City School District for over 25
years and has served as an adjunct member of the faculty at Hudson Valley Community College.
He is a graduate of SUNY Empire State College and the College of St. Rose, holding degrees in
Cultural Studies, History, and a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies. He is also proud graduate of
Albany High School (class of 1968) as is his wife of 50 years, Patricia Davis (class of 1969).
They have two daughters --also AHS grads and three wonderful grandsons.

“Our family is proud to share a commitment to this school, this community, and
the mission of improving lives through public education.”
Mrs. Casey LeCuyer has four years of teaching experience in the Albany City School District
and two years of teaching experience in the Troy City School District. She is a native of Troy,
NY and a graduate of Lansingburgh High School, class of 2005. She holds a Bachelor of Arts
degree in History from Siena College, as well as a Master of Science degree in Adolescent
Education (Social Studies 7-12) and Special Education from The College of Saint Rose. She
currently lives in South Colonie with her husband of six years, Zac LeCuyer. They have two
children, Griffin and Lucas, and two dogs, Louie and Chewie. She enjoys being a baseball and
football mom for her boys as well as vacationing in Jersey Shore in the summertime.

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