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Instructor’s Resource Manual to accompany Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Eighth Edition Containing Solutions to Problems in Text Solutions to Laboratory Experiments Test Item File Robert L. Boylestad Louis Nashelsky Franz J. Monssen Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Columbus, Ohio Copyright © 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America, This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department. Instructors of classes using Boylestad & Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Eighth Edition, may reproduce material from the instructor's resource manual for classroom use. 10987654321 ISBN 0-13-092212.9 Contents Solutions to Problems in Text Solutions to Laboratory Experiments Prepared by Franz J. Monssen Test Item File Prepared by Rajiv Kapadia 205 299 Chapter 1. (odd) ~ An "ideal" device or system is one that has the character- istics we would prefer to have when using a device or system in a practical application. Usually, however, technology only permits a close replica of the desired characteristics. The "ideal" characteristics provide an excellent basis for comparison with the actual device characteristics permitting an estimate of how well the device or system will perform. On occasion, the "ideal" device or system can be assumed to obtain a good estimate of the overall response of the design. When assuming an "ideal" device or system there is no regard for component or manufacturing tolerances or any variation from device to device of a particular lot. 3. The most important difference between the characteristics of a diode and a simple switch is that the switch, being mechanical, is capable of conducting current in either direction while the diode only allows charge to flow through the element in one direction(specifically the direction defined by the arrow of the symbol using conventional current flow) . 5. p = 50x103st-em (Si) , f= 1O7FS2-em (Cun) oe R=fh = (50x103s2-em) (3am) = \SOkse Clem?) ©) Re = (Sonio8srem) Clem? = 12.5 hem?) © Reh = (Sono Remon) = Sook. MO Raph = 110 r-em) OSS) th em a ¢ Bees" = Base Re, Ray = Sond: 1 7. Intrinsic material: an intrinsic semiconductor is one that has been refined to be as pure as physically possible. That is, one with the fewest possible number of impurities. Negative temperature coefficient: materials with negative temperature coefficients have decreasing resistance levels as the the temperature increases. Covalent bonding: covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons between neighboring atoms to form complete outermost shells and a more stable lattice structure. 4. We OV = (6C)(3V) = 18T. MN. GaP Gallium Phosphide Eg =224eV ZnS Zine Sulfide Ey = 3.67eV 13, A'donor atom has five electrehs in its outermost valence shell while an acceptor atom has only 3 electrons in the valence shell. 15. same basic appearance as Fig. 1.9 since Arsenic also has 5 valence electrons (pentavalent). 17. = 19: For forward bias, the positive potential is applied to the p-type material and the negative potential to the n-type material. 21. R= 1L600/4 = 1600/2 = 5800 (11 = 2 4or Vo= 0.6V) Te = Te +273 = 10042735 373 (3800%0.6¥) 33 ete ze 373 = 7 = 127x107 ) gze%= 4d (2) Fer veov, eos d amd TaTeC ie 25. For most applications the silicon diode is the device of choice due to its higher temperature capability. Ge typically has a working limit of about 85 degrees centigrade while Si can be used at temperatures approaching 200 degrees centigrade. Silicon diodes also have a higher current handling capability. Germanium diodes are the better device for some RF small signal applications, where the smaller threshold voltage may prove advantageous. 27. Vy 8o.cev, Ip=2ma Roc = VE = OO8V a 3282 Ip Zma Vpe -30y, Tye T= -O1Fl Ree = Ye = 3%, = 300M2 Th OYA Ds the reverse vorTase unoreacee, the reverse reacoTomee sintresase weeTly Camica the diode | Bt. Tp l0mA, Vp = O-76V Races YE = OEY = 7632 Ip Omi — vas BVA 2 0.74V-O76V 5 0.03V — 352. * Bia” TSmA- SmA” Tome = Rae >> A 33, Ip=imA, ra Tp=i5eQ, ras Zer¥ = > ras sma BS. rg= AVA = OBv-OTV L 8e8Y_ a3 5H current remains onitaat) = 2(2ERY) =2 (20m) =. Sz vs SSsz (#32) = v ZomYV © 1.7: vs. 28% (#32, ZomV — 113s Bra TB Se A IA (relatively close Te average valine atobse 34) om: 37, Uouig the besT apgroimatinn Toth conve begenet peor : _ ANA 2 0.8V-02V _ ow © tags BS aoa = Somat Se ot 39. As the magnitude of the reverse-bias potential increases the capacitance drops rapidly from a level of about 5pF with no bias. For reverse-bias potentials in excess of l0V the capacitance levels off at about 1.5pF. YH. Log scale : Tqa=z2s%, Te = OSma Tas 00'C, Te = 600A the chamge 12 significadT 60mA:0.5nA = 1201 pee FST Te wont srerenar To CMA sTonTunly with 0.5m A & S%C) om Boulotinng the leved sows rere, AB. Ta 25°C! Page = SOOMNT Tw 100°C: Pace = Z00mWr Prag = Ve men = Vee Tee Pat, SOOM = ny.24mA Ne Iv Tra Pree. 2600W = S743 Ve OAV W24mA: SNASMA = AZ 1 S21 AS. (a) Vg s -25V: Cr & O.7SeF Vpe -lov: Cy 1.2596 ee a eee lncespsieecgl eka ev Benet 1OV! Gps LZSpF ‘ ae 3ee |=) = | '25e8 =34F| Ave voy — Iv ©) o.atet/y : O.033eF/v = 88:1 F611 WWereated sensiTivitiy mean Vp= OV 47. The transition capacitance is due to the depletion region acting like a dielectric in the reverse-bias region, ‘while the diffusion capacitance is determined by the rate of charge in- jection into the region just outside the depletion boundaries of a forward-biased device. Both capacitances are present in both the reverse and forward-bias directions, but the transition capacitance is the dominant effect for reverse-biased diodes and the diffusion capacitance is the dominant effect for forward- biased conditions. = OY ct M4 y= 1X atm Tye se teste ot = dns Come ts r2ts= Uns ts= Sus tye ath = one ‘Se = OG4eFV v = SY 2 osma torn AY2 Sl, 240.072 = DYZ— x 100% Vz (t-te) 0.012 = 8-75V.x100 yov CT,-25) Y) x 100% = TI% 68v) the 20V Zener is therefore = bBVauck Z4V measured fromthe 6.8V At Iz= olmA, Te 20.06%/T CSV=SEV) x 100% = HH (6-8V-3.6V) whe SV 2ener is therefore S4% fpthe disTanee becca B.0V and G.8V measured dyem-the 3.6V chara TerisTc. At Tz <0.mA, Te 2 0.025% /°C 5S. 24V Zener: O.zmA : ImA Oma : the STeeger the curve Chigh; dynamic vesisTamce. BT. Fig. 55 Cf) Te S13mA Fig. 55 (e) Ve 22:3 TTL A the disTance between aractoristic. er AT/Av) the less the 54. a. ims = 1 Ss, f= soon, From Fig hSSOM Lpesk men 1g Zac cman 2 gente omagy = 8 Lae omayy = 1.8 (ZOmA) = SomA b. lms = loooms, $= 10045, Fram Fig. bS5th) Teese one) 22.7 Tae tmady = 2tzomny= Smt Sena th, $2300; Fe100H, 4 Trek 7 eons) 7 a eins) B.3ms FtgA Sams 7 ——rrapah 5 roms The plots above reveal thas for the same durdTioepulte, the. (ewer ae fregvency the higher the permiled wen for the duralion of The potse — conen wih our expedalios, 3 Chapter _1. (even) Seen the Forward-bias region the Ov drop across the diode at any level of current results in a resistance level of zero ohms - the "on" state - conduction is established. In the reverse-bias region the zero current level at any reverse-bias voltage assures a very high resistance level - the open-circuit or "off" state - conduction is interrupted. 4, Semiconductor: materials with conduction characteristics lying between those of a conductor and insulator. Typically materials whose conduction level is a function of the "doping" levels. Resistivity: that characteristic of materials that will determine level of opposition to the flow of charge (current) through the material. Bulk resistance: (from additional reading and section 1.7) the actual resistance of a semiconductor material. Ohmic contact resistance: (from additional reading and section 1,7) the resistance introduced by the connection between the metal lead and the semiconductor material. 6. Copper has 29 orbiting electrons with only one electron in the outermost shell. ‘The fact that the outermost shell with its 29th electron is incomplete(subshell can contain 2 electrons) and distant from the nucleus reveals that this electron is loosely bound to its parent atom. The application of an external electric field of the correct polarity can easily draw this loosely bound electron from its atomic structure for conduction. Both intrinsic silicon and germanium have complete outer shells due to the sharing(covalent bonding) of electrons between atoms. Electrons that are part of a complete shell structure require increased levels of applied attractive torces to be removed from their parent atom. 8. 10. 48eV =48C1.0x1074 TF) = 768x104 e=W= 6.8x10"T _ 6 to x10", av Get x10 ig the ange aasaciates with HelerTe ons, 12. an n-type semiconductor material has an excess of electrons for conduction established by doping an intrinsic material with donor atoms having more valence electrons then needed to establish the covalent bonding. The majority carrier is the electron while the minority carrier is the hole. ‘A p-type semiconductor material is formed by doping an intrinsic material with acceptor atoms having an insufficient number of electrons in the valence shell to complete the covalent bonding thereby creating a hole in the covalent structure. The majority carrier is the hole while the minority carrier is the electron. 14, Majority carriers are those carriers of a material that far exceed the number of any other carriers in the material. Minority carriers are those carriers of a material that are less in number than any other carrier of the material. 16. Same basic appearance as Fig. 1.11 since Boron also has 3 valence electrons (trivalent). 1s. 20, Ty = 204273 =243 k= Weoofn, = Neoe/z Clow valve Vp) = 5800 Tn = Ts (ete 1) = Sone BEMEM = Soxio“4Ce 8771) = 7.147 mA 22. (a) Tee20 +273 9243 Re ty600/y = 1600/2 = S800 A «S8001C10¥) Tye Tele tVOre -1) = O1mACe gas -") = x10 Oe 97951) = 0.11076 (1.07 x1 BO Fone = OA an Ip =Ts=0.1.A (by The resuit is expedied aura dicde curr under reverse tice condiBione should eye tha saTuraTion Vadis. Ak var0'% : Ty =0.1p8 Te 30%. : Tye 2COpAI= O2.A (devbore every IE rise im Tompuratore) Tedore : Ty 2 2C0.%uA= O4A Te 50% * Ty =2(ohn)= 0.848 Te bore + Ty2260.8yA) =1.ouA . . LeepA 0.ys0 a> 16:1 sincrenaa din Te rise uh enrpersTure 2 O°, 26. From Fig.ht4: Vp decrenvedl with sreresae. sin TomperaTore LIV: 0.65V 32.0:1 Ts uoreaaR with mureaas in ComperaTore 2pA:O.yA = 20:1 Dt Ip = \SmA, Vp = 0-82V rc = Ye = 0.82v .s44.c7a T> sma As the forward diode evrrenT sinwreacee tht sTaTic. reotslamcs, decrease. 28. 30. Ca ry = ANd = 0.14V~ 0.70 . 0038¥ 23 BI, iSmA-SmA~ 10mA ©) ya ZomV L ZomV¥ = fon = on a 26: OD 7 Toma * SOS © qaite close 32. 2 AM. O72v-0.0W Ip= ima, ras SMa = 55% , Bia, On oe ras = 0.8V— Tpe Sma, ras Ros OSL OTT 2s, Yay= Mb = OAV=O8V cause BIg 1 SmA--emA ‘Vays BNt = OAY=OTV _ OVS hase On KE mA om be 38. 200. 100. CIES cman 40. == We. Bt Nos-28V, Tp —0.2mA and uh Yp=—\00v, Tp —O.4SnA, ough the chamey win Tg vo move Hoan 100% “tre level A Te andl “the venus chemi is reatindy emast for mosTegghishione, AZ. Tes 0.1mQ: 142 oor Tes \SmA: 42 702 Tes zomA: rat ose The resoits suggort the Ack ther “the duymamic or Ae restsTamen decreaces ragidly with imcrenaning current levels. Jt, Uoaag the boom righT graph a Fig.1.36: Tp =S0OmA@ Te? Ae Ee = 250mA, T 210 4G. From Fig. 1-37: Vp= OV, Cp = 3:3¢E Vp= 0.25V, Cp= 4p 4B. Vp=0.2V, Cpa 13¢F Kee shee” amconns rage) = sehen p= -20V, Cy = 04 pF : for gape” saGnuyKoage= BAT Se 5O- gavivz) 16.8V6VR) Z_20yACTe) S2. crate Ave x 100% VzCh-Ted = BY48V) grco% = 0.0534/"C SvGieo%259 4. a0 ' S¢. Ve = 2.0V which is courier stoly | silicas (ZOAV). For gormamivan iT 42.8611 ratio. 58. iqher than gevamiven(S O3V) or Ta nie and Gee Stee Ca) ReleTive eFficionery ie Sms oe 10m 102 0.82 xi00%= 244b % noreaos 0.82, ratio 102 _ 2h 82 ——— & ive efficiency @ ZOmA = 138 Cb) Relative efficien 9 Bees 12 “138, 100% = 24% snoremes 136 — ratio LAZ 21.03 3g ©) For currents grestor “than watt SOMA ‘the goraniX aincrean, is significant, tess “Hoan hiner currents A, leste— one oe meron coronas A cay = 20.25 e 275° —— Fig. VSSQ) #75) ® os 4=40° Chapter Z Codd) = 24.24 m AQ amd ie will we + Ips = BY A, The load Ii N wlersedl oh Tp= E = BY Tag = 22.2mA Vg = E-Vpg = BV—0-1V= 13V © Vope ov Ip, =24.24mA Ve = E- Vbg = 8V-ov=8v For (a) +Cb? levels of Yop and Trp are quite dose. Levels Pere Ce) ave reasmably close buT a0 expected dua To Weve agelict volTlase e. 3. Load Uwe through Tpp=!0mA 4 chanacterhTics and Vye WV w io lersee Tp ais oe 1.25 mA. sl2SmA=E = Iv Tp =N2smA=E =v 5. ca) T=OmA ; dicde reverse—biaced, (OY Va gg = 20¥—O-1V = 19.39 (Kirchhoffts vorta se ans) Ts '93V _ 04058 “ 208. OT =1OV 1A, contr branch open vos. = 5 1. @ Vy=_2en(z0v-0av-03v) Zien+ Zest 4 =4.5v = £czov-w) =¥ 014v) = ESV CO) TD = sov+2V-0.1V Lu3v 2 1.41SmA Vea ster 54 Via TR= Cas man dts) =4V Ve = V'=2V = GV-2V=1V 4. Cay Vo,= 12v-0.01V= av Vop= 2.3 fb) Vo, = -10V #0.3V-+0.1V= =4V, = 2mA, Vog=—(2mAX3.3e2)=-6.6V T= lov-onv-03v _ dv VZee+3.3e2 4SkR 10 U1. Ca) Ge diode Yon" erevewTuing Si diode Prem Tormaing "on" Vo = WOV—0.3V = 4.1V (&) Ls lbv-0.7V-0.7v-12v _ 26V TR = Reese Vo = I2V + (0.553mA X44.7e2) = MCV = O.553mA 13. Fer the gawaslel Si- 2k branches a Thevenin equivalent will vresurt (fer “ont dialer) an o aurgle series branch Joana ee vesisTer as showre below: vey 1 Fea + ae = 3043v) eS F2ER Lev Em, Pm Zang = S2Y = 3.1mA eee Fe p= Tek = 3.1mA z z 1S. Both diodes "on", Vy = lov- os 17, Both diodes "off", Vo = 10V 19. OV ah ant Termine? is “wore pasiTive’ than -SV a4 the other iupeT Termine, Therefore acowme lower dicde “on” and upper dicwe. “off The resu ft: -5SmA Vo= OV —onVv = 0.1 The resuiT Fugports “the above Assumptions. 2M. The Si diode recuires mere Terminal voltage raw “the Ge diods, Sete aes aceasta Si diode “off" and Ge dicde Yon" ‘the resutT: Vo= SV-o3v =41V The vertu suggerTs the abour scoumeTions. Using Vac ™ 0.318 (Vm—Vr) AV = 0.318 CVm-o-7Y) Solving: Vm= 6.48V = 101 we z6v fatiad .BSmA 01 ~e9Bv uu a3, 28: v= Buoy = 155.56V Vae = 0-318 Vm= 0.318. (15S.Sev) = ATV S5.5oV AT Prygy = bmw = 00-7V)Tp Tp = MieW = 2oma Vv O) 4A7eallSeese = 4-34esz Vp = OV- oV= 154.3 Zap = 189-39 = 26-iaA mm Tres OO or = Ty = 56cTimA. 18.36m0 diode = “ee = SectimBln 18.somh @) yes Tp =2omA> 18.36mA 2 Laide = 36-71MAD> Emus ZOmA 24. ih Piv = 1009 Séov au. e gulte Te tet 4, becom lefT dicde Yous" Bree N22 =e Vo ies Q70v) _ se.e7v coed Wes. + 2.2 Negative guise YE Tog left diode Sons", boom left diode, “off* Ve, = bikes2zQtIov) _ seciv "eee Mesa 2.2 sz, Vae= 0-630(S6.67V) = 36.04V rd ; Izv BB. Ca) Postlive pulse od) Vit 7 No= 2keseCiov—-00V) _sepy |" Lov UN 2an + ZZ RSt Negetive prise aac 4% lav WO Positive evise y No = tov ~o-Tv + Sv =43V + Low Negative pv: we corte et squat Di=OV 2 35. (4) Diode “m* r wy RIV For i >47V, Vo y+oav= ATV For mi < 4.1y, diode “off” amd Me Me ZARTV buT Me ong. acwoss “the Sion Fer at: >+t7y, % For ah, <1, diode “off, Tp =Te= Om an 3 We ay o= Ob Mz aON, Me=— AV 37a) Startwing with UL= -20v, the diode is du Ha "en" Tate amd he cagasiiior quick changge av Te = 20V +. During this stoma 4 time Ue is acvont “the on" Bods (shevT-cauuaT equaivalecF) a2 Ng= OV When aj swiThes Te Ha +20V lev the Rioda ators tha “oft sraTe Copen- etrouit equivatent) aunt Nox Wir Ue = 2OVH2OV=+HOV "%, ° 4ov 4 TEL ising d} Vow ToaRswingg AU el & t sing 4 swing (bh) STanting with Wy = —Zov, the diode a sin “tha on state an the opacto~ chan To —ISV +. Note thas Wp = +20V Om Athe SV supgly ae Sad tive heross te capacitor: pang thie Time stove tr, is across “m" dieds and SV svegly be = - SV. hon Wy switemes To the +zov level the diode eTors the Soff" grate amd Yon Vite = 2OV+ISV = 3SV h +35V 13, 34. (ay Pe RC = (SOW ICO.1UF) = Soms St= 28me de) Sa=zBms >>T = 1: ze Gey Positive guise ge Vo= o.5ms, Sot! -2V +oave —1.3V 3 Te 10V+2V—O7V = IL3V Diode "on" am. Capacitor chan. Agative eotse Me! Diode tof" andl Vom —iov—thave ~213V -. = SAY J-2.3v HL Network of Fig. 2161 with 2V ballery rovers pane + & I aN AB.aNZ <12v, R= Me = Y= con bag F~ 200m MLaVesizv= Biv 5 cose Ciev) RurRs Con+es 20 +1ZRs=460 12Re= 2HO Es=202 cb) — Pe mag = V2 Tz man =Ulzv}Kz00mA) AWS 45. AT 30V ue have T be sure Zener diode is "ow" Vie zov= Be» Nee (ov) Ree lees Solving, AT. Viq = LHIACIZOV) = 161 68V Nyy = 21164. 68v, 14 Chagter Beery = SY =221mA 2.(ay Ip= BR 2zen she load line exTends from Fp=2:27mA Te Vp= SV. vy Trg ZmA bg % OF ad 2 () myo = BY oe lotta he lend Uinta eatends from Tne 10.t4mA Te Vp= SV. Yn = 0.8v 1 7ap% Ie « =27.78mi Toe B= Fron 727789 ame toad line @¢Tends from Ips 2778nA Te VbeSv. Vop% 0-43V, Tn, = 22.5m0 The vesviting valves 4 Veg are quite close while Trg aeTemds from ZmA To ZZ-SmA, +6), oes ExYe 2 30V-0.17 213.3208 = ZAR Vp = O.1V, Vg= €-Vp= 30v-onv = 203V SO) T= Exe. SOV—OY = 13.64mA =~ 13.44 A Baer Vp = OV, Vp = Sov Ayo) eter, EDD Vr the levels qh Tp a8 Vin one quite cloce. 6. cay Diode for wand-bieoed, Kirchhotf's vo Tage laws Cew): -SV401V-Vo=O a “s No= —43V Te=Te=' =lYa Av ssmA 22k (en Diode forwanct-biaceds Ip= Sv-0rv Resse Vo = Vistas * Vp = (124m AKA Tee) +O.7¥ 124A 3 B. 6a) DeTerminoe the Thavenins eggeiveteut cirasit fr-the 10mA scores, amd 2.22 resister: En, = TS = C1OmAKZ.2e2) = 22V omen Diode forwand-biaced BVO een ZreRetTKs Vo = Fp 2es) = CO.26mAKIZER) =251V Ips (bY Drede for ward-biaoed Tp = ZovesV—O7V_ ©. Best Kincnhoff's volTage lass: CCW) +o -O2V +5 =O Vo= —4.3V 10. Ca) Both diodes forward-biare, Tee WY=OTV LS hioomA Test onTica diodes : Tp = Tea H106mA_ 205mA = 2 — Pssumnis Ve 14.3 CO RiguT’ diode forward-biaced: Tp= 'Sv+Sv-o7y_ TENA IV B.TIm A Ne = \SV—0.1V= 14.3¥ th diodes forward biased, Vo,= OAV, Ve, = 9.3V Zipe = 2OVE OV a 19.30 2 143A C2 vest, Test x, = OV 0.30 5 0.851mA oats Oriese ECSi diode) = Zea Torna = 19.3mA—0.851mA = 18.45m0 V4. Beth diodes “off, the threshold voltage gorv umavailatote for either diode. Ve = OV, lo, Both diodes "on". Ve Vv 1B. ‘the Si diode Wh —SV ar the cathode is "on" wu! is “oft. the reso is Vo = —SV+071V= -4.3V the other 20. Sunlee atthe sysTem Termiasae ae a 1OV the required AiRfevence of OF1V across either diode cammol be esTebliched. Therefore, Sitn diodes ant Noff" amd Vo= H1ov a> esTablished oy 1OV supply converted Uo Vest resisTorr 22. Vacs O.318Vae => Vaz Vide = 2V = ©.28V are SUB O31B a ov A u.29v 16 2.424mA, on a] Tnag (22te2) = :28V =2.855mA 22uR Tamme = Thmog + Timp 22k) = OVA MAT 2.855 mA = 3.18mA T8mA OmA RO. Diode will cemduT when Uys OAV, Theat +o, We=OAV = le) TORR + 1eSt Solving: 0p = O71V For 1; 2 OTTV Si diode it Son" amd p= O.1V Fev Wy OFTIV Si dinde open aml level Te determina by vortage divider rule: Pps O8SG2:) = 0404: oy iorm ete Jo Fer aye -10v: N= 0.904 (-10v) =—9.09v Wher = 0-1V, Ming, = mag ~OTV Temap= FY = 43mA Tynagbreverse) a tov reverse) = 30) eae mer VeQ+10es2 0.404mA 7 BB. C2) Vy VE"CIZ0¥) = 169.7V Vim = Vin - 2p 2164-1 Roa) 1641 — Wty = 168.3V Vac = 0.630 (168.3V) = 107.040 GW) Piv= Valea) Vp = 168.3V +07V= Led (2. Tpimag = Yom 5 168.3V_ e8.3mA Re Vest AD Pro = VoTD = CO7V) Emap = COAVINGE.3mAD = 17.8imW 30. Positive hattrencte ASE Voltage -Aivider rote: Vo = 2:21 Vian) aaog = BRR mes 2akar22es Eine) = 4 Goov) = Sov toni, fo Reroes the 22s vember adivig a2 stead is he same. dew rule: a 22k, eno = FEEL Vi nae) Zen e2eXse = EM a = 4.Goov) Sov Vac = 0.636 Vm = 0.636 (50V) = 31.8 32. (ar Ti atede ogen for porvtive pulte AU: and y= OV For -20V < 72 2-0.7V diede "om" amd n= *OTV For Wi; = -20V, W2=-Z0v +07V=-14.3V Fer i 2 -O.:1V, Nye - orV40V =OV re ov 18 (oe) For 01; € SV the SY baller y will insure the diode is forwand-biaced and Woe ATe- SV On ue=5v No =SV-SV=0OV 20 Yo eM \ TEsv sca) For}; =20¥ the dicde is reuerte-biaced and y= OV. Fer #2=-SV, Wi overpowers the Z¥ haTern and “the divde is “or Peeiging Kivchhetfls voltage law aa the clodenise clivecTiow : a, -SV +2V-0,=0 Wee -3V a ov ov ra 6) ~3v For Wi220V the 20V level overgowers ‘the SV sugglyy and the diede is Sow". Ueaig the short cireniT equivatert forthe diode we fied Woe = TOV. For A =-5V, both Wand the SV eugely revevse—biae the diode and separate from Vo. Woweuer, ty Ts Conmeret AirecT2y through the, 222s resistor To the SV supely aud U,= SV ah eS 36. For the positive region A Ui? The right Ft Aichle is reverse bicoel The lof Staiode Is "ow" Jor levels Awe gredier than S.SV+OAV= EV. Wo fac, y= CV for Wi 2 OV For Wr COV both diodes ave reverse-biared and Mie %j- For the aigative region Ao: the left Si ai obelis reversebiesed. The righ $i diode is "ont dor levels AWE more Uagerive, than 7.3V +0V= BV, lo fad; w=-8V {Go <-8v For 1% >-SV both diodes are reverse—biooed Amd. Wo= OZ. 9 " ev 7 Ns ~8v Bg Fer -BV.2 5, COV there is 0 cmducTiom throug le the 101, Pesistor due te the lack of a compli circa. therefore, Ug Om For 1 2OV Wigs Mz -Vp =O Fer mia 10V, Wa = tov-ev= 4V A igs HV 5 Ot mA ond Can Seo Fr Oc S-8v gs Ui Te = MOV Fer vz e-10v 2 Sas 10VHRVe -2V Bp amd ig = =2¥ = -0.2mA, 3B. (a) For negate half cycle capacitor 2 To peade vekus of 1e0v—OAV # NAV with golaniTyC— A+). Fhe osteo We fs directly auross the “em” Alode rede Teitg Ain y= “ONTV 40 @ negative quake Vitus. Eo ne auat positive half eyele Oya WTE+ NA BV Hit @ peake vabve dy argo $H9.3V = 328-20 134.2 Vverticet shift ¢ nasv tb) For positive half cycle capacitor changer To peal. vadus 4 120V -20V-O.7V = 44.3V eth polarity + He —) - The osTesT [© OV +O.1V= 20.1V For mapt magetive half exete cca vate Ay om = \2ov— 44.3 = - 219.3 2 Ape WL—AVBV With mageTive Lvertiat shife A -aaey cook. Ussing the idle? diode oggrorimetion the verTicat shifT be 120 vetherthan 119.3V amd -100V rather tham 49.3 Dent ca mnak “the iduck dicks apgranimation worl eiTainely be eg grogrinte uo thes peat Ce). Usd HO. SoluTion is weTwort of Fis. 2.154C6) uorug « IOV supply in place ate ae ors 5 ety ree 42. (a) lothe elosuner of the Zener diode V.= hsxzov) Lay Teo T2208 VHA EN z =10V and diode won cond Ting therefore, I= Te = 2OV = SOmA Zz0s2 + \B0se wim Iz = Om amd VWs av CY Wy the atesence 4 the Zener diode Vs 4Tos(2ov) Lis.eay 470.5% +2203. VL= 13.62> Vz = \0V and Zener diode "or" Therefore Vi= IOV amd Vp.= 10V Vee, = Yaron = HSHSMmA 'V/atos: = 21:26mA ASS mA-2L28mA = 24 ITRA © P = 4oomw =Vz,I, =Gov)r, Tz = 4oomW. Homa 7 Leming = DR Lez, Re Mh = HSNSmA-HOmAS S4SmA sov Timing SAtSmA \,834.8052 Lange Bi veduces Ty amd forces more A Te, % gars hrovgh Zener diode, CA) lathe aloronce d\-tha Zener diode. Vz 18v= BL Gov) Rw 0, JOR +2200=25EL, IRL =Zz00 44. RLS zz0st Sube Tre Ve 2 YE is fined ut wise. Tom Ye = fined Tey will occur when Iz Roda Tha mapionven vena wea mapimun, The mozimom leek A Tey Le ad Term dTormive “Ha matimum permissible level acl a = Teese = WRN S coma Tz, a Ve av T= wa V2 SY =36.36mA RL Re 220s Tag = T2+Ty = SOmA+SC.2OmA = B6.36mA = 86.5emAIi2) + BV = 7B6V+8V = Any velae A wd thet oc ceede 15.86V will reseiT ia AcurreuT Ty than will Speed The marimum vals. Ne. For w= +50v! Zy forwand-biared a 0.1V Ze veverse-loiseeR at the Zener goTenTin and Vy, =10¥, Therefore, V~ Vz,4Vz,= O.AV+10V = 10-1¥ For ar: = - SOV: Zy reverse bincehL atthe Zener goTenTick andi Vz, Ze forward -biaced “OV theretore, Vo= Vz,+Vz, = —100¥ ‘Ave tor “ I “ 10a ann wove Naither Zener diode will reads For a SV-s, Zener poTenTiok. Ye fad, for either polarity 4 Wy ona Zener divds weit be sin ae Crewil STahe res Mang O Yes e- B sy 4 “Sy 4B. The Piv for cask diode it Zen PW = BCC) 2 Cha gter 3 (Odd) |. forwand-and reverse-biasek . 5. I 9. Teahyte => Tex t00Te Le

Tes Te—p = 2.8m A-0.02 mA = 2.76mA, ge = Te = 218M = 0.903 Te ZF emaA mn a Ce) 3 a@Te= (SE, )Ts* = (288,.)¢49.00= ema Te = Te 2 tema =~” baas a SOOMW/ gg, =2Z5mA 25mA Vis ToR. = (25m 0K ee) =25V Vo = 28¥ = 50 Bo Vo osv 14,— Al (ay G= EA = 2m sues wn ac Be. whee onan Ga ies1 Teeo= 0.30 @) Tego = (1-) Tego, = C1 0.442 K 0.3m) = 2 HP Ca) Pac = Te 2 G.mA _ 93.15 me BopA oh Gae= Fe = 0854 2170 “SpA . = 34mAL us. © Gace B= S508. yoas «© 23 Low Tp, high Vee > bigh betas High Te, low Vee —> lower beTas as. 24mA Cac= = 2A mA 2 We CAD ge does chamas from pf. To @T onthe characTerisTies. 25 pA mK =. = tte = 0991 Gr e+) _ Te = Teja =24mA/oaa1 a7. 4. OsTgsT Chanadienis Tics * Te ce © Corves ane. essen att, G- |e =a sealer a shows. Ve ce. Vec Weet characteristics: Commen= emiller MageT cheraTerisTres may be weed diveetig Gov comman=colleTor etaateTions. SY Te=Temep » Ver = Femar = 30mm) _ sv Teme O78 Vee Vena? Fox Pemer = 20-W_ ona VeSmag 1M Tes mA, Veg= Vem somW ea nsv mi a BOmS = Bm TOV 33. Teg. = 200m0, Vog,_.= 30 Phmag = C2Smn Tes Tema Vers Pomay = O25mW = 3.125V Tenn 200m8 Vee = Veemay? Fe = Fomee _ 2SmW = 20.03mA Yen 3eY Te = 100m, Veg 2 MDmey _ G25mW = 6.25V =, 1OomA ®, Vee =20V, Te = Tome O25) = 125m lg 20¥ 24 1 3080 “Vee wv) 35. hee (Ode) with Veg = 4V, T= 25°C. Tex OmA, hee 2O48100)= 43 Te= tom, hee F0.98(100)= 48 hge (fae) with Vee = Ov, T= 25°C, Te = O1mA, hy = C= OMA, ge = 12 Tes 10m, hy 2160 For both hpe amd big, the came srewenat ain colle Tov evrvesT resviTed Us a aimilan mivenae Wreldtivelyy speak mag) Ma the sarin parameter: he levels aut higher de hy ee mote “ade Vee is higher Bao. BT. @) Oe Te=imA, hee Qe TezlomP,hge® 160 GO) -the rereits comfirm The conclurions J @revlems ZBamdat ther Bela Tends Ue tinereaas with imorecesing So ieeTer eurret. 34. a) Oe = S| = Non =12.2mA _ 3.8mA - 140 ATalves3v SqMA-CORA — ZORA © Pac= He Bek jo zour saga Soet ©) Gre = HmAr2MA 2 zmA LS @ TA Bah ~ Gna 202 ® Cae =- a = 230.11 ghithy tg her thane Cac CE 10%) 20 2 sk Ce) Iw both caaee Pde C419) iw genew at Pac + Boe phorease wits unwenorng Te Aine Vee dud bark ducreaee for Bacreaoua lwets A Vee Lor o finee Te. Hower, h Te dreveaces while Vee Radteoree whan wen ea Two goints mm the tharaTuisTics chamag our level eo Bac many wet margnedi aX, Ie ote som the a ae Acanerar neo Me eS in he cor pe wong be of cling ease Bae Pa 1 a possibility eure He Lovato Coe relaMivel, Lose. 5 Chapter 3 CEven) Z. A bigolar Tramastor utilizes holes and clecTroms ui “the Min jecTiom ov change flow process, ushile Unipolar devices wi lize either eledems or holes, buT wT both, sinthe chang flow process. A The leateage evreent Teo fs the miveriTy tamien corre ie the collect e— 8. Te the longest Kg the smatlee™ Ie #Te 10, = 12, a vy, = BV. = cav—04y, on" BI ae 25s oa ” (o> Upo, omer 2532 Is ofTen wiglisible compared To tu other wessstote, Wetehe ake sate © ML. (a) Uodmg Fig. 3-1 fuss, Te = Then Fig. 8.8 resviTs da Te Ton (be) Usuig Fig. B.BhiwsT, Te 2 5mA then Fig: 357 revi: im Vee © O-18V Ce) Wears Fig. SAO) Te = Sma resutts in Vac #0-81V G) Uomng Fig 310K) Tes SA resutts Me Ve CE) Ups, “rhe difference sim levels aise cam be igperes de NieeTivms if voITage> 4 ered veils ake pr oa. = 200mV = 200M Lema Zo+1ooN 120SL TleLe =o Tma Vox ToR = CheTmAaXseRr) = 835V Ags Yes 835V = 41s Vi O2v AOIFig. 3.14Cb): Ly =35pA Fig. B14 Ca)? Te Ss.omA Ga Fig- 34 (4): Veg 5 25V Fig.3-14 Cb): ge 2 on2¥ 22. Car Fig 314(ad: Tee, 7 O.Sma Cb) Fig- 8.14 ca) se 2 Ee Sm Cue Ee” ona 36 ce xa@ = 135 oadee i ise Tego = 6-0) eo =C1-0.9426 )0-3mA) = 22uA 26 a4. ca) Aye = D2E' eT3mA ema _ 13mA 6s Pre Brelyeesv FRA-TnA Zowe (2) Cae = Bs = He A-0:3mA _ timA_ no BE ve =15v TRA= GHA ~ 1ORA — ©G.-4& = PE2S mA -235mA_ WamA_ as AT! Veg =10v Hope -25n0 ZopA A) fag does range from goisT Te Geist onthe chaneTerisTies- fac. © e the higherT velwe wey uae ob higher Ine? 4 Veg and lower levee A Te. the seperation beTiwrece Dp corves is the gar Wa AS regia ce) Vee? Te Puc (Cue Te Pu/Pae sv BWA 83.15 6s e-ImA 2d IOV 30pAQ BBB SHA wid Sv SpA ITO HO O.85mA VST Ds Ty decreated the levek of Ftc ant Fac srcreased . Woke that the levek 3 Ga and Foe rir the center Atha acTive region 18 close Te THE owewage vote of the. levete tetanic « ocevering mi center the act 26 we Bx K = 0887 = 0481-7542 I-% 11-0487 6.013 ce x= = 22 = 120, ogaz ji ort gen co te- Yee Wa AA er Te = ema AA 11 mA 88. Vez Vi -Vee = AVON = NAV by = Veo av e0as et vO av Te = Ye a AY 2 mA Cred Be RR 30. HL = 2OmW= Vee Te. Te= Tema » Vee = Pome = soma J 2 424v Tomas Tm Vee = Vee may» Les Temes = 300N a 1SmA Te many OV Vee = 10M, Te= Pa mae = 2OmN = 3mA Vee ~ 10 Vee = Remap - 200 _7.5V 7 eee sarsy 10 20 Voe(V) BZ. the opevaTsieg Temperature range 85% £T = 50% "Fa £4 32° = £ CSS) +32" = OTE Fe &£ (50%) +32" = 302°F f+ epee Ty = 902°F 3 From Fig.2.23¢a) Toga = SOA mer Gang = Cniee x Coane = PH ISe_ we Zz = =100 oo Teeo® PFewo = Coo) SonA) =5.0 36. As the revevse-biae poTanTid unoveacte Kn iT the MaQrT cagacitance Ci, deoreaces CFs + 3.23). lworesodue, revurse-biao puTMTiale Camdes the with he os) om ion To drcrears Hhev vedas the Gapacitauce Ce=cAyy. 3B. AT Tee tomA, hee ¥ O48 (mormbigeh)@ 25°C hee FEMS CO” 2@ 125% nee Foss © OSS Acteminn Qat0o ok 25°C will resort sina teeta A ooo 1S et \2EC aed Stal Asse — a Mgmificauer orange ena ted mk we Considered Hatta Rotem Ghost — hagter + (Odd) 4. ta) Tey = Veer Vee = lev-0-7V _ 15.39 Re = Se oe SHA ke Toke Bese OH) Leg = PO Teg = (402082.55 4A) = 2.43mA ©) Negy= Nee ~Tep Be = teV—C243mayee- 7) ® Ven Veep way © VgeVee = O7¥ ho Vesov 3B. a) Te Le —Te = tmA -20.A=348mA SHmA BY Vee = Vee, + EeRe = 7.2y +S ABmANZ ZR) = 1S.46NV = ley © Qa Te _ B8BmAL 199 2200 Teo Zoea ) Ren Ven a Veer. isa6v-O.1V. 705 te te eA S.A) ooh line wateveeds verTicad WorTieahanis of Tes Gia TmA amd hovigonTaR anis a Vee =21V Ch) Te =250A: Ry x Vec- Vee = 2V=OTVS Sizes Te 2A © To, 84mA, Vers 2 10.75¥ (a) Q= Ze = SiO = 136 Te 75mAa (ema = 126 = eH 002 ri gers 1ST ) Yee = ZY 2 Ima @ Tee EE See! @- Gh) Pp = Veeg Teg = CO7SVS- mA) = 36.55 mu) ) Py = Vee (Ie+Ts) = ZV3AHmAFZSAAD = WAZ CD Pe a BRP = NAA mn 36.550 =35.310W 7.) Rew Neere = 12V- Zev = t4Ye 22s Tm 2mA ) Te ete: Res e= py = ©) RpaVeg - Vee - Vee-VE_ i2y-0V-2.4V__ 84Y _ scuen Bs Zs amA760 ZeeA @D Vee = Ve-Ve = TeV-24V = S20 (©) Vp = Vac He = ORS BV % Teves Mee = 20 220. 2 s1amA we ie eawatista saa 2» MW. Cap Problem 4: Tops 243A , Veeg = 8.04V GY Tag = 32.550 (rhe same) Teg = @ Tag = 135)(32.55uA) = 434mA Vee p= Nee~TeyRem VeV= AS4aANC2 TED) AIST CO yates] #34mA=2-43mA) Feo | Tana % Bree =] 4I5V= 8:99 xr00% = HET" an —~“eoav a St Haan So% dus TW levet A) accuracy corried throug. eh uke MA a “A “a | x100% =49-83% (a) Prablem 6 Teg= 292m8, Veep B.61V CTey= 24.1948) © Tey= Vee“ Vee _ 20v-o-w Rare Sows +GS0H 2.52) Teg= 0 Teg = Usonzezpmar Neeg = Vee - Te0Re *Fe) Zov —C.43mAY2.HeR HLS) = LEV ¥, B¥c= | 3-438— mA tases | Ta a BNee =| LAW = 262A mA o3) || 100% = 34.54% 40-76 (9) Fer both Te amd Vee the % change is less for the emiller ~ sTabilizeR « 13. Cay Ig 2 Vee~Ve L 1BV—12¥ 2 1.28mA 4 TRS (b) Ve Te Re S TeRe = U2emA2er) =1SAV Ko gs Vee+Ve 10%e the din Te, omBow Vee. dua To mage RicontT ange jal? will be reo smash, C8) GET c= 2.14% v5. 44.83% for erobleun Mt. de Neg = 2.08% VS. 49.70% for grobleus 1» CO) Vortage divider Umhi sural im, comsiderebly lese seusiTive. TD. the rene Ties Se BT e and % MVee will be peste sas. Vee-Vas_ = 20V-o7tV = 20%A a3, ca) Tes ev Eovy Rat PRette) — GaoeR +100CG 2K +15) M Te = Bp = (100)(20.0%.8) ) Ves Vee Te Be, 330V- (2, 01mAXG.2k2) = BOV= I2.462V = ITSAV ©) Ve eTele 2 Tele = (2omArcusen)=3.02V BD Veg = Vee = Tel Corte) =30V Pom Aer +1.5e2) = 4s2v aS. 1Ms2 2052, Regs Soke Te= Vec- Vee = l2v-oav Bg +Bliexe) iSoeR +CB0) (4712 43.2K2) = 7a Te = Ig = (18000. Wa) = 12BmA Ve = Veo -Te% =12V~ U28mAXH4- Tee) S.48V Fou WAS: Rg= Loooke 150k = LISORS. = SMSZ Te = Vec -Vee \zv-onv Fax Bekerte) ” Misa USOXH TUN +S FER) = 44.36, he=GIg, ceo 3ouA) = O- 1BSmA Nee Vee - TeRe =12v ae TBS mAKATRR) = 8.3 Ve remap from 27. car Zp= Van = Ve“Vee _ evan © ea es Beowst ) Ie = Vee es you c @@-e Z5bmA 196.82 @ Vee =Ve = BY Ts.0%p BF. Be OR, wor sMsfied .. Wor Eade 00620 wy ee heen nN gio: sw ABV To r¥ it : Rm = HOS esses z Zsioks. gsi, Ta taveev, BS.24A L Eo nino Sor+sorn ‘av 181 Em = -lav+ as2quaxsiea) ov ASRA by Te = Tg = (120013454) = LBtmA CO) Ve = —18v +CL8ImAICTSRR) lav +13.58V = -4a2v (ave BV Calm AGiee £2.52) = Zev -30,08V = S-15V D Veg 31. Ca) ye = By-OWV _ 13V 2 3.32mA ZaEX ~ 22ER CD Vea 10V~(3.32m ANBAR) =1DV— 5.97 = 4.02v Veg = \OV +BV—C3.32mANCZ. ZV + LBZ) = 18v-13.28V = AWT2y 33. Te = Nee 2 om Porte AV = 10mA ay Z0V @ mA a> SRe= PY = 2BR Feerte “7 Se ee Smt Re = ME o Hoos Ro = ARE = Loe Tes Te = Sah 2 416 120) Re Veg = 20V=07V— smAlodnn) 193v-2V i A ti HeHA H1eY = ANS NTE Y STandad values! Re = 290%, Re= LOeD, Re=430R2 3S. Ve = -EVec = £(28v) = 5.6¥ Ree Ye = SMa zee Cuoelter) Te” Smeal as Vow Vee nVe = 28¥-nsiey =VVreey = \Qev Vgc = Vee - Ve = 28V 19.60 = 84 Rex Vic = BAY = LeBen (ust LER) Ie Sma Vg = Vae*+Ve = 01V"S.6V .3v Ve="Rrvee ap 63V = Fi(26) C2unkunms) rk, a Re =Te = SO = 3504 @ re sya cigsayy(uiztesn) =1OCR) Ras 15.1 (war SRR) oaths g @.3BV = CIS.HRR C8) (Sear, 33 Seloing R= S21SWsz (war Se) Stamand vabbiest Re = biese Be = Loken R= Ses Rae kR BT Tepe t Oman SY fc R= SY = 02s Beh pend Tem = Test = 828 2 Bouh toe hE CBQRAI= IAA Rg= SV-OW_ TF SR, Fea a STandiad vatiler pe 48ke Rew Ou2ke 34. @ Opencciresit sin the boat cireT Fok emme: A emitter Tevmiva CD) ShovTeR beat emillen jun Tin Open ab coecRoy Teverin R HecneuiT ae boat circuit Open. TramaisTor Ht Ca) Rat Teh Tet, Vet cor G4, Teh Coy unchramaed, Te. < weT «fam Tine: ww aries Need ar Co) Q4, Tet, Vach, Wet, Veet (2) Bg cgen, T amd Ve Vee = \8v Cort Tet, Vect, Veet Veet Co Ret, Tet Tet, Vet CA) Drop Te a rehativ Now verte =F o0.06ev ce) ne wa ha baat le “Fe 45, Qe 210k, C2z0Ko7S¥sz)= toCiekst) OSS Soke Ccheche) ce 43. ber + 82eS2 Ve = Va+02V=-3.54V 0:7 Xe = Te = VE/ee = = Vorsen= 3-850 -2.8av te- Be 3.859 217.540 220 Vow Mee *E% 22V ¥(3.BSmA)C2.2ES2) 3.53V 47. (a) S(Zeo) = P41 = UL ©) S Cee) 40 = — 1.42107 #8 eg Hokse ce) $(B)= Te 2 2.43mA_ g2.5¢ex10 oA ; ° (A) ATe = SCI) ATeg + Spe) Vee + S@UP = GINGOpA-0.240) + 142% 197 4s)(0.5v-0.1V) + C32. SomioAKN2-S -90) = QING. Bn AD +61.42 «1045 )00.-2V) + (32. Somer “AN 22S) = 8.42 x1o4A +0304 x10 4A + 7.326% 104A = 16.63%1040 2 Leama NFG@GRy, = C2eriiiesr = 7I4kSe Sieg) = Ba) LE Ree = Ceogiy (1+ 744 /o.LBeR) (G41) +Pm re (gon) + 7. ER 0.68 = CANCE) = Log Bred &) SCVee) = =@ = _=80__ Sa + G+NRe 744 Rr +( 900.682) Bo —_—_ = 127x107? Tales +ssoven = 270s © s@= Tal weRryee) 5 TimAC 1+ 794 ER/0.68 RZ) COCO +Rmme) — 80C 1109) FAqH EH /0.68 eR) = Tim A268) 2 Bol 12.68) —_— (A) ATe = SCE) AT ee +See) AVeE * sae = (MOBIC top A -0.2 4.0) 4 ( =1.274 1073 S100.5V— oav) > C2sh 1% ro SAC IO0- BO) = N08 4. Gu A) HC 127 mero73S)O.ZV) CZ MIT CPN = Loqeiott + 2SHKIOTHA HOMBTHION TO x07 fA = xo A= Outten si. Tyee S(Teo? SCVee) s@) Colncir Fettece, | 230) —iemo¥s ) hedee’A Emilfer-biao TBA sixio“4s. ai xo Voltage - divider 1.08 2.7104 S 2AIx107 6A Fited-bies a HV.42x10-4S | 32.Sexio7PA SCHn)! Consideretly less for the Voltagg -divider amfiguration compared Uo the other three. See)! The vorTage-divider cam figura Tion is move SeusiTive tau the other three Chi dh have similar levels SomsiTiv ite SB) the vetTage-alividen amfiayration is the leacT seusitive with the fined-Lias configu att oavery smeiTive. \no gpuevall, the volTage- divider cowfisura Tine is the leat sourtive with the find-biee te mad SeasiTive. Chapter ++ C Even) 2. (a) Te =@Tg = BoCHopA)=3.2mA, 0) Re = VR = Vee -Ve = I2V-6V Lev _ Te Zima ~S2mA~ CO Rge Vee _ (2v-O7V_ gv — 2e2.sen, Ze HQwe Hoa D Vee = Ves ev 4. = Vee 2 1eY = 5.93mA Nese Be 2a ©. ca) Tey = Veer Vee _ eyo . Ber G+VRe Soest + HONS ese = 24.18yA OM) Tog =P Teg = 100262418.) 6) Veg = Veo ~TeCBe*Re) = 20V-C2.42mA2uen +152) Pp = 20V-11.388V = B.01V Ves Veo = Te Be = 20V— C2-d2m ANZ. 4 52) =ZOV—7.008V =13y ) Ve Vee - Eg Rg = 20V (241A SIO ke) =ZOV- 4.882V = S1ZV B1Ses2 42mh PD Ve = Ve-Vee = 13V~ B.01V = 44.34 ®cay TeeTe-Me. 2 20amA Pe 0.62 @= Fe = 3.04m8 J isas Te 2.8 ~—— © Nec = Vig+ Vee» Ve wm C2O4mANZ TER) +73V% ZIV = BBGVETIVE ZV = Vee — Vee - Ve ts = UEIHV _ qakese ZopA 10. Ca) Tepe = b.0mas Veo = 24V_ Rerke Pow det Rerizea=24¥ = 3.524es2 SBmA = 11.14 -o4y -21V ZA Re = 23RD 37 e) P= Te a4mA _ 133.53 Te 3%A © By = Ves. Vee - Vee -Ve 2 2V— ony — C4maxi2es) Is” ——xe SoA = 1B.SV 2 Gie.67 ES BoA G@ Re Veep I, = COV) mA) = 4omW (eo PaliFe= Crm A* (2.33 eS), = 39.280W a 12, P&_e 2 10%, (80) (0.6822) 10(4.1K2) 4, aikese Cel) (© Use & groeek! Ry, = Rill, = C2eRNG = T44 ese Ep = Revec . (4ieRXIev) ~ 205v Rixk, Aiea +ezese Tep= Em-Vee = _ z0sy-oav Rn +(PRe Zqu ese + CBIN0.c8en) 420 O Teg = Oleg = (Bonetz nA) co Vekig = Vee- Teg RePe) = IOV = CL TImAKS.I ER 40.6882) 7 A Ne = Vee FeRe = 1OV—CUTImaXS. Fk) TimA =4.33V O Ve = Tee & Whe = 1 T1mA)0.68ez) = Lev WD Ve = ver Vee = Mleveony Lgey Mh Gas T= @Tg~ ‘eoxzopay=ZmO (e) Ze =Terdy = tmA+2OWA = 2.02ma Ve =TeCe = (Z02mAK 1.22) = 2a ©) Neg = Ve +TeBe = 10.6V+ (2m AKateS) = 10.6v+ SAV = lev G) Vee = Ve-Ve = 10.6v -2.42v = BBV (2) Ve= Ve + Vee = 24av+ or = 3. G) Xp.=Te, Ts BA2V_ + 20uA = 380.548 +20, = HO0.SHA \ev-3.12v = SRE = 3Z.10er HOO.SnA ae le. @) Ble 210%, Cizo ter) 2 1008.22) 120 St Z BZKS2 Cohecko) Vg = FeVec . (O2eRIU8V) _ gisy Ree, F4wRF Seer Ve = Ve-Vee = 383V-0-1V = 2.43 Te 2 Te = Ve = 2:48V = 243mA J Vest 0) Vege = Vee - Ee Be +e?) BV (243m ANS: Bee + Nese) A) Ve = TeRe ¥ TeRe = (24SmArciwn) = ZASV 2) Vg =3.130 18. car Vg = Pe. Vee = 22 Gov) = 2.05v Pre GC2ERHAAER Ve = Ve-Vee = Z05V-O71V = 135V Ye a 1SS¥ = 189mA Te 7 oceen Teg #Te = 144m Veeg = Vee - Tet Revte) = NGV— CAMA EARN +0.68R) = 24.88. A () From problem IZ: Tep= Tim A, Vee g = 8.7V, Taye 24a CO the defforences A about MS soyyesT than the ena Aggrool. ald »: Noyes whem aygroeriae. » 20. (a) Fram problem I2b, Te = 'mA From problem 122) Vee = 8.1V Cb) Pchauged Te 120: From problem I20; Ey, = 2.05V, Fm Tg= Em=-Vee | aosv-onv Pn (PNR Faye sCeIKo.caK) 4 lesz = ede nA Te = Tg = C20 014.4e,8)= LBA Veg = Veo~ Te (Re +e) Lev — CL BMA SAR +0.68k52) = 776N CO ypte = | bEmARNTMA y 00% = 5.26% Tim A Te Dieas | TER BM gisore = S08 eat — @ Me ng BAT. 44.83% 3454 He Dee 48-70% HoT faa er pe jor comfigoraTi nn Fah least sem aa. ca Tg= Vec- Vee Se Par OCRerte) HIokm +CI2OVG. Glese + O.SVS2) = 15.8840 ) Te = Pe = (rOKIs.2epA) = Laima © Vez Vee eRe B1Gy— ChAImAIC. CEL) = 42v at (a) Te = Vee~ Vow = 22-00 Per Gere Hoe LAKAI HAAR) = 10.0940 Te = Tp =(40K 10.048) = 0.4 1m A Vee = Vee —TeCRe+Be) = 22V~ (0.4m ANA Ne 44H) = S44V 0) G=185 Te = Neen Vee = 24v-00V RarG Cert) 47oen+Cissaiuns diva) = 128yA Te= @ Ig = (1351 7.28 0) = 0.9830 Vee = Vee — Te(R eRe) = 22V—CO.AS ANAK 4.1L) =A %D 0.983 mA -0.41ImA, Te OA im % BNee=| Saw = Sa 100% = 24-45% © | xt08%= 8.02% GA) “the resoite Jur the colledior dada ombigueaTint, are chaser Tote votagy diver configuration than Tothe ctu Too. Hewcou, Yh vortagy “Aivicl confi gore coil tse Ye awe tee least aeusitivfbiew TW cbeaugen oe. 2b. (a) Ve = Ve-Vae = HV-OV=33N 8. = W2v-0nV Brew C20 MIS RSL OO) Te a @Te = U2OKE2 A) = 0.74 mA C Vee = Vec+ Vee —Te (Re + Fe) = lev + 12y — COT mAKZ TR) AWW Vee = FeRe, = 1OV—CottimAX i212) Zo 30. (a) Tg = Vee+Ver —Vee _ ov+uv-o7v Ber GRe — 330"s 4 G2i).2e2) = 2318.0 Le = G+ Te = (2123.18.01 = 2:88 —Veg +TeRe-Ve=O Ve = Vee +Te@e = -6y 288m AN2R2) = -2s4v 41 = 'WHOWV - so.cese B25uA = Nee -Veey _ 1zv-ev = SY ZSmA 2-SmA = Vee = Weep Ve) = 24V-68V+3¥)_ zaveuv = 13V = 5.2582 Ama am Hema Ve = Ve +Veg =3V407V= 3.10 RFR, Rak wee Re DAR: for sitereased. oTabitiTe (00.152) = 10K. R= B2Sks Choose 2, = %SkSe SubmTTET ag tas Has epove egushin > B1V=1 Ra tuser STandacd. values: Re = O1SkR, Re = BSED, Pr = LSE) Ris ASE 36. Teg = Yee = OY = ATMA Re 24uR Foon craradevirics Tame, # 3A Tg= Vi- Vee. 10V-O7V_ 61.67, ee “Veo yr 7 sueyA>>ry well DATED % ey — Meutoff Te #0-mA = Tek Vo = 10V= CO.imanzarese) y= 0.240 76 4 Z Nefsae_J a2 8B. (a) Fram Fig: 3.28¢ + TesdmA: ty = 38ms, te= 4Ons,ta=l20ns, ty= Noms ton= te+Ta = ABms +I20ns = 1eBas totg ats rte = loms + 38s = 148ns Ch) Ten tom: t= l2ms, tre ISms, tas 228, y= Ions tons ty +ta = 1Sms +22n$= 37S toft = ts+tE = 1zoms+ l2ns =132ms the Turn-on Time has dropped dram loOms:3Ims = 4s iL hile Hae Torn -off Tine is only sli ghey semester WS ms: Bans oliZ ib Wo 18 ton Toff arens eou= Sms tug =is2ne HO. Ca) ‘The bave volToge D GutV reverts thet the 18k resisTer it oT ug Uv Oo AR bane Comin ge Cromer 1h dpevat ergy fey = (Be UCV) = Dody ve. 440 As cr com ilar qe chek Tg= Vee-V8E _ _ toy-o-v Re Erle — Fien+Cioorn v2iese = 72.140 Ves Vee -fg(@,) = \ev- CID YAAKAEL) = 4av CO) Suni Ve > Vg He Transistor shod be " Wet Te-O,R, Vea 18ks2CWv) — 2udy VBteD+ Ake 1». asume beet eineaicT Tegan’ _ A AE ot the exmcillon 13 Hr vo let word 2 if Hes TromdsTov were cherie Loli ts eur. Nes Ween Gov) 2 av V2ka+3Ck2 43 4ACA) oe mnVee oe Em-Vee Rm tue Ema CRE Ice-T = CLES. 2 ae ves Ob Goh Tel Weel Ve. = Vee=Vee. aun Ned O Rerogu, Tet Et Veg = Voc. - Tele +Fe) ow Vee} © Vee +, Vat, Vet, Tet, Ted @ Te-OR, Te=Teeo ao Teik+Me) bie. as with Veg 2 ce =20V_ "So @ vase emitter am Tiae chor “xet WUT Tramstitoy ao Nos and Teo OmPA with Vee = Vee = 20V ot. Fe = Veco Mee = \2v-0-71V = BBV 5 221A Sees ‘Siokse, ay (ote voor tenA) = Z.2i1omA Nee + TeRe © -I2V #02. 21emOKs. er) = 404 Veg =Ne = — 44.640 46 ten V_-Mee _ ev-onv. Sv = zz1zmA Re “RSE FBe Ve =-Vee +TeBe = yy C2nraneXS4eS) = -3.37V 48. Fir the emiTEr—biee? a: = Grn Cie Pelee) 2 Crooe1)C t+ StORSA. Sk) EEK (eH) + Pete ‘ > oot) + SHOR SESE =e. = = cles Be rE Ce — Siokse + (loons Sk2 Hus x1O- 4S WeZ x17 S © s@= Te, 1 Ree) Cis Gz #PB/Re) = 2137x1078 (®) SCVee) A%mAC 1+ 340) o0( 1+ 125 +340) a) ATe = SCIeg) ATeo + SCVee)AVee + sea = (PBIXF.BpA+CLSI2 x10 4S )CO2V) 4621.37 1b K25) = 0.1654 mA +0.03024 + 0.5343 mA, 2 133mA 50. For collector feedlae. bias: z sexe Geos Be) _ aaa ny * SeOKY 5 4es0) (P+ + FB fie G46. 5241)+ SOR Ge) = (147.32) 88D C147. 32 4143.59) = 83.64 (o> Sipe) = = ="e32 Per (PriRe seoensCMO32+NS AE = LATT Kn 4S ATT x10" = 2SomA(SEORR+3.AES) @ SB) = Te, (Be +Re) 196.32 (SLOW + SAR AAS. 4419) Ailes +R CAH) = 4930-6 A @) BT e = slTee)ATco + S0Vee) Vee +s@ae fay CLA TI RI AS K-0.2V) + 4.8310 A) AND =(83.69)¢4. oF = 620x107 4A + 0.24 x10" FA + 2.372 x10 FA = 10.867x10%A = LoBTA $2 ca ” Fixzed-bias? S(Zeq) =U, ATe= 0.8AamA S(Vge) #-1.42x10-4S, BT. = 0.0384 mA S(@) = 32.Sex10#A, AT.= 071326mA (OY Voltage divider bieo! SCiq_) = 1.08, ATe= 0.1090mA 0.254OmA SOVge) = 1.27 «1078S, AT e= S(B) = 241x107 FA, BT = 0.0482 mA ©) For the Sined-bies emfigura Ting there ts gomsiiuit, To dnanges sin Ten amd (Pamd less To chamsys tn Vee: For 02 voiTay divider cmfiguration the opgosite occurs with a high semsiTiviTy To cham gee din Veg amd less To changes da Teg amd Wererad ua volTege-divider configuration is emasiceradeiay wove sTolcie thaw tis” Lipesiias configura Ting. 5 a ST ren. Chapter 5 Codd) rt 3. A) Vps #1 6b) vgs Vg LAV = 233,2390 A Sma = CO Vpg Eley @ vgs V = Lev = 533.3392, TE 3mA © a ® v= 233.332 va = 233332 | _ 233.3352 Li=Ves/vel* fi Cweayyl O.5e25 = Arka OW) rye 233.3352 = 933332 — 933.282 Li-c2veanl 025 Ce ssa.sasn veh 2152 J ve vetich | Gas. aan ws A35.2e0 6 EACH YE we 5. The collector characteristics of a BUT transistor are a plot of the output current versus the output voltage for different levels of input current. The drain characteristics of a FED transistor are also-a plot of the output current versus output voltage. However, the curves are for different levels of input voltage. For the BUT transistor increasing levels of input current result in increasing levels of output current. For JFETs, increasing magnitudes of input voltage result in lower levels of output current, The spacing between curves for a BJT are sufficiently similar to permit the use of a single beta(on an approximate basis) to represent the device for the de and ac analysis. Fo: JFETs, however, the spacing between the curves changes quite dramatically with increasing levels of input voltage requiring the use of Shockley's equation to define the relationship between 1, and Vac. Vogat and VY, define the region of nonlinearity for Bach deG$ce. 5 That Ps, operation at voltage levels less than either quantity will result in a distorted, nonlinear response. L Veg20¥, In= Toss =12mA Vee =¥p=-0¥, Tp =0mA Shockley’: equation: Ves= -'V, Tox 8.mA; Ves=-2¥, Tp= 5-230; Nes= -3V, 'SmA; Ves = HV, Tp =133mA; Vos = SV, Ip = 0.3330 =) . (be) Tpss = 1OmA, Vp= -6V IL Ca) Tp eTpss = Fn 6) Tp =pss1— Vos/vpF = Ama (\- ©2-3.5VI)~ s3mA ©) VegaVp=-3-SV, Ep= mA W Ves< Vp -3.5¥, To= (3. Negeov, Te=Tess=75m0 12, Tp Toss, = 7S mhy, =3.75mA Veg= 0.5 Vp = (OSKAV) =2Y, Tp = Toss/4 = 75m G4 = 1.815 Nes= Vp=4¥, TpsOmA Ip = Tose (1— Ves/vp)* BmA = Tpss (1—C3V/Cev))* 3maA = Tpss (0.25) Toss = (2mA 1. Vos = VoSmae = 25) Ips Tbmae 120m W Hh. BA Vosmee SV T= Tpes=tomQ, Vos Pomer = 2OmW a 12v “Teer mA Ip aT, Vos= Pomy = (2OmW a vty Mtpoeny ES eA 10 ofS io Seo ee Vay 14. AN knees 4 Ves curves + or below Wp =3V Al Ip =Tres U— Ver/up)* = ama — CVY¥3V)* = AmQ which comgares very well with the Level obTannes wows, Fig. S21. 23.— 2s. 31. Nes=0¥, Epa Tors 1eméy; Vet = “84, Eo Yes asv ty sv ev Vv av W) Tp20.8x107% Ves -35)* Ves Ip 3sv av sv ey nN ev 35. From Fig. 6-47, Vr=2.0V For some levelo A Vos, Tp atfaine Twice the current uel ao gart a). Tramtter wre hee sTeeper slope. For both curves, Epa Om® don Ves < 2.5V. AE Tp =6.SmA, Voss FSV 2 Eee OVes-ve)* 6.5m = eC S-Sv¥-2V)* a= s.sini0-* Tp = 5.31x 10" Ves -2* 37. Cpe kves -Ve)* TD 2 Wes-vr* SP = Ves -vr¥ V2 = Ves Vr Neg = Ve + PEs a Sv +f dona ees i Re 606K 10-3 = 2236 FA. Ty ake (Wes Vet = OS R107 Weg -OSV)™ = O4SK1073 (Ves +SV™ Ves = SV, EpeomAs Vos= -6¥) Ips 045m A5 Voss -1¥) Th= Lem A; Vos = 8, Tp = 40Sm03 Ves= -9V; Tp = 7:2mA} Vos= AL 43. 10V, EDs 25a, 48 Chapter 5¢ Even) 2. From Fig. 5.10: Ves = OV, Tp =8mA Nes = -1V, Ep =4.5mA Nos=-1.SV, Ip=3.25mA Vos = -'-8¥, T= 2.58 Nos = -4V,Tp= OmA Ves - 6, Tp = Om A (aes = OV, Tp = BmA (for Vos>VP) Vos =-1V) Ep = 4.SmA Arp= 3.5m 6) Voss <1, Tye 4SmA Nes= -2v, Ip = ZmA DIp=z.Sm0 © Vegs -2v, Zpezma Ves= -3V, Ep = 0.Sm0 Dip = LSmA CD Ves2-3V, Ips 05mA Ness -4V, Ip = OmA, AIp= O.5m0 Ce) As Ves becomes move megative the change uk Tp yt grogrecsively smaller dov the came chamse an Vos. GB) wealimean. Coen theugia Het change sin Vor ts finest ot LV te hows dhe Ep direps dyem a maciower BSmA Te o mimo Qosnke 0S cnamey sin BE. 6. (2) THe"Bagut current 1, for a JFET is effectively zero since the JFET gate-source jun@tion is reverse-biased for linear operation, and a reverse-biased junction has a very high resistance. (b) ‘The input impedance of the JFET is high due to the reverse-biased junction between the gate and source. (c) The terminology is appropriate since it is the electric field established by the applied gate to source voltage that controls the level of drain current. The term "field" is appropriate due to the absence of a conductive path between gate and source(or drain). 8. For a p-channel JFET, all the voltage polarities in the network are reversed as compared to an n-channel device, In addition, the drain current has reversed direction. 10. Ves =OV, Tp=Ipes Vos= Vp=-4#¥, Ip Not = Vp 2-2, Tp= Tass =3m0 Ves= 03Ve2—12V, Ip= bm Ves= -3V, Tp= 01S mA (Shockley's Eg.) 9 12. Ves = OY; Tp= toma Ves 0.3Vp = 0.3(-SV)=-1.SV, Tp= T85/2= BmA Ves= 0.5 Vp= 0.55) = 2Sy ,Tp=Tpsr/f = + Ves = Ye =-SV, Tp = 0mA 1.852m0, wh Cay Ip = Toes C 1- Vot/vp)* = omAc 1- G2vK4.5))* Xp = Toss (1 Ves/vp)*= Gm ACIS Met. sv))> = 024mA CO Veg = Ve C1— 2) =CusvCi- (E28”) = -L3IeVv Vese Vp Ci- J )ecasn(1 — [Sema Toss “Cae 42V -0.5V Fer Voy = OSV, @ Ty = BmA, Vos =07V v= OV _ 23382 ama © we rissa. = 2 ae Vesey Q— ©esv¥eay) = 2SZS vs 23382 Aro part cb) 24. The construction of a depletion-type MOSFET and an enhancement-type MOSFET are identical except for the doping in the channel region. In the depletion MOSFET the channel is established by the doping process and exists with no gate-to— source voltage applied. As the gate-to-source voltage increases in magnitude the channel decreases in size until pinch-off occurs. The enhancement MOSFET does not have a channel established by the doping sequence but relies on the gate-to- source voltage to create a channel. The larger the magnitude of the applied gate-to-source voltage the larger the available channel. 2G. AT Ves=0v, Zp= Oma BX Vese -1v, Ip = OmACI- CVY/e3vy)* = 2.66: Ae Voss HV, Ty = Gm AC I= CHC AVI)" = GmAC.333)*= 10.6 Be Vos = #2V) Dp = Gm A (1— O2VVG3v))* = OmAULECT)?= 16.67mA Mes -Iv ° + +2 Frome -IV TOV, ATp =334mA chile fron HIV Tot2V, BT p=GmA —amosT = 2:1 m. W fark, Wo Vos becomes more ain move positive Tp Or a fastovama Sosy rate Bena To tle sqnancch Term ain Shochleas ee AB, From grobleu 20% A adorenen Vp = Ves. = f= ee Toes F.SmA = sonage ~ he Toanas ~ Se 30. From problens 146), Ver= Wot" () econ (EE, SESV)( 1-2-6206) = CSVYCH1-62¢) = B.A3V 32. (a) In a depletion-type MOSFET the channel exists in the device and the applied voltage V,. controls the size of the channel. In an enhancement-type°HOSFET the channel is not. established by the construction pattern but induced by the applied control voltage V,,- (b) = (c) Briefly, an applied gate to source voltage greater than V, will establish a channel between drain and source for the £1w of charge in the output circuit. a4, cad pe Dew = Atma mA fy escag Vr) GY . Tp= leCVeg-Vr)* = tx1073 Wes V7) “) Nes Tp For Vos vern dost Te SV. Chapter 660dd) 1, (a) Vos © Ov, Fp=Tpss=12mA Ves = Vp= ~44V; p= Oma Vos = Vola = -2v, Tp=Tessiy = 300 Ves = 03V¥p= ~L2V, Ip=Tpss/2= mA tb) Vbsig= Vop~Tpg Pp = 12V- CMAN Ze2) Gsev j@ Toye Toss Ct Yervp\t= ema CL Svea) = Ama Voeg= Vop ~Engbe™ 2V- CAM aXt2ke2) e.stVv ercellent compantsor 3. Tp Toss (1- VoWvp)"=> Ves= VeCi— [Ee ) Neca CAV — (S25 on avr Be) = -.sV + Veo = LSV B. Ves =Vp=-4v o Tpgzome avd Vp= Vpp—- Tap Rp= I8V-(o)@.2k2) \av 7% Ipe Toss (1- Ves/vp)*= ToisC ie 2ERs 4 Tei) Ve VS Toss Bs ° ¢ Se) To em + Tos =O SubstTTimg: 35456 Tp 45ST, +10mA=0 34 Tp = BE (BNR S 10,90, 2.60mA aA Trp =ZomA Coraeh maten™e) Nes = -EsRy= —(Z.60maXorstse) = +t. 4. Cay Top =Ts-Ms i 11V 23.33mA Rs osien — (OP Vesg= — Tags =-(2.23m MOSER) S-1v ©) Ty = Tess (1— Ves/vp)® 3.33m0 = Tpss (1 Chevy)” 3.33mA = Toss (0.381) pss =10.06mA @ Vp = Vop -EepRe = IBV —G.23mMZER) = IBV- 6oOV = .34V (©) Vog = Vo~ Ve = BEV OETV 4.04V MM. Wetwerk redrawn vv Vos 20V, Tp= nes = mA Ves= Vp= -©¥, Zp=OmA 22s Vege Ve. = -3V, Tp=1SmA fos: e TrcesomA Vos=0.3V =-1.8Y, R= 3A Vp= -ev ve yma = Ves=-TpRs = Tooter? 034s For Ep SmA, Voss -145V From graph Thy = 3.55mA Vetg AV Vg = -C Ves, )= (1) = lety 55 13.Q)Ty = Toss = 1OmA, Vp= -3.5v Vos= OV, Ep= Toss: = NORS.(20v), 1OmAL MOkR+F 108. Vos Vp=-3.5¥, Ip= mA = 216 Ves= Ye = -35V_ ~118V, = 2.5mA ete Bo ba “11S, Toe 25 Ves= 0.3Vp =-.0SV, Tp= Sm A Tp ¥5.8mA vs S3mACtI2) Vosg = ~0.85V ve “SV E12) Tog 25.8m0 s — To = 2:1OV 24.24 osEs 3s 2 ot . Vas, % -o.8sv Ce) Ac Rs deoreaser the wa TovseTim om the veaTical oxi dineveazes. “the makimum oceurc or Ips Ipss = 10m Rs puyg = VE = BEY ening tev Thss 1omA 6. 21OSz Tn A (4) Ves=0V) Ty = Toss soma Vorw Vox ~@V, Fp= On Vote Vojg =-3%) Epo) Yesw ose on Ves = Ves ~ Ins Vos = 4V-Tp(2.2ks2) Ves=ov, Tor BY a a Nv oo] Vos = Vop +5 ) BramA (reasomabte) Vboweve; Ta= Ys = C25 a 6.250 x 33mA 7a, Tes Veo =< Tetp = Irby =G.25nA2. 2H) = 3a5v ond. Voge Vang = OPSV HISTSY = zovy =Vop 2 Vps20v be Pesscvie chert cireviT Lone Dos. 2. DeTuak pss amd/er Ve rman be larger win magaitvde Haan ogeatied. FA. 6A) Nig = OV, Tye Tnes = Be Netw Yo ay, 5 oy Nes = Ye 242 Tp =2mA = Mos « 03Ve = 2¥, Tp= 4m Ves = Ip Rs Te tins Vor = Hm AY(0.51R.) = 2.08 Trg = 308, Vorg= LSS Sb) Ve = Von + Te(Pp+Rs) 3 “IBV +C3mAK271kR) -4.8v C2) Vp = Vop- ExRD = =18v Gn G2zka) 39 3 Ves = ~ESY__osas el BY “ Fudd -0.315 m the horigaTak aris. Then move verTi cally Te ae Xp =Tpss (1— Ves/ve)™ curve. Fh rove Werigentatiy Avom tae atin seTiwt. itt the curve T the left Toe To/Tags on 2 20.29 oct Tp = 024(I2mA) = 46 BmA vs mA Vos = Voo- EoRs =12V-(A4.6Bm ANC L2eD) 28V vs 6.27V#I 33. Veg = FaVow _ Woks (ov) Ges 2 = = 216V Rawy WORR HTORL = lel m= Wel 2 35¥0 0 Loa Tos Ry ComAKiien) M= mx Veo = 0.208 (2.160) \vel 35 Fakd 0.146 onthe veTicak opie labeled H amd mare he locaTion Whase heriqonTatiy To the verTieak apis latecled me aud the 388 MT (2 1.318 wn ToTER)- Made “the spS- le whe Tso points locate above = O14o mz 0.318 Te the ver! Draws @ sTraiqhT tiwe throvq! ct vow beta —eremuigt eorve, Toe Foes C= VeFve)® ow Ade Continve Whe Vine untit iT wTorsedis tha Tp=Tpsel\-Veijp) curve, Prt ratorudion move KevigeTally TodeTavs the Tp/Tper ratio amd mare dows vewTeally To ota the Ves /ig veTio. = 0.3310mAY= 3-308 Te 2033 and Tog = eee AID Ves = -0.425 and Votp = -0.42S (3.5¥) Wel =o ia vs 0S 412 60 Chapter © (Even) 4.04) Tye TpssCi- Vee) = oma = CCHS) = 1omACo.3s3)* wh oe cor Yes = Vop —TCRo+Fs) = WV —G.m A222) = lev 24HAV = 13.50¥ p= Vos a Verg = OV, Tos Toss = SmA Vo= Vpp- Zep = 2OV-CSmANZZE) = 20v-uV sav ©. Ngg wou, Tp = 10mA Neg = Vp= -4Y, Fo2OmA Nos~ Ye -2y, To=25mAa 2v, T= SA ao) z Veseo.3\pe: Ves = -T5Rs Ip=SmA: Vos = -(SmAX0-1Sk2) =-3.15V Ce) Ing 227mA Nety = A Vps = Vop -Tp(Rp+Rs) “4 o = 1BV-Q.mAXISE2+ TSK 2) Leip Vestv) = 0.43V Vp = Vop- FoR =18V- C2AmANSER) =13.45V Ve = Ov Ne eT eTes = TeRs = C2AMANO TSR) = 2.03V 6 8. VessOv, Ip=Tnss = OmA Nes = Vp=-6¥, Ip= OmA Nese Ye 2-34) Tp= Sma BV, Tp=3mA TePs Ipe2ma, Vote -CamaXi.oksr) b&b) ve SO Nog = Veo Tp (Rp +s) “e & I2V—UTm AN 2. 2+ LOL) = S.SAV Yop-IpRp = 12v -ChIm ANG2B2) = 8.26 Ve= ov Vs = TsRe= ThRs = UT A.6RR) = 272y (vs. 2.8 from Ve= —CVetp)) 10. ca) Veseov + Eps Toss 5 450 ) Vps= Veo - Tp CRp+Rs) = ZOV- C4. SmANMZ. 24S +0-68ER) = 20V-12.46 = Lody © Vp = Vop- Fey = 2OV—CH.SmAXZ ZEN) \O.1V A \VeatyR=IpPs =CASMmAKO.CBRR) = 3.06¥ 2 Ca) VeaBa Vey = woken C20v) eRe Qioksr Hokest. = 2.16V 62 Ves20V) Tp= Toss = lOmA Nes= Ve= -3.5¥, Ip=omA Nos= Ve/2 = -115v, Tp=2SmQ, Voss 0.3Vp=-1.051, Tp=SmA Vesp= Ve - Te Nesp = 216 ~Tecuren) Tero! Ves Ye=210V Vetpcov, Tp=216Y = 146m res ) Tog #3.3mA Nesp 2-15V (2) Vp] Vop- TopP> = ZOV—C3.3mAK2. 22) = ray Vs= Te Bs = TBs my ev) 3.3mAK Wier) Vet =3.63V C4)Vo55 = Vp “Top CRo+Bs) = 2OV=(2-3mAK2.2e+MEL) = 2OV-10,84V sany 144, @Zp = Vep = Vep=¥p = lev-av_ av Re ay ten ays @ Vea TsBs = Toby = (4-SmAKO.BER) Boey Vos = Voo-ToCep+@s) = 1BV-CASmANtRR +0682) 1ev- (2.004 aay © Vee Ba Vyp = WERE = Lasy Rak, TSoeR+UES Veg = Vere = N4SV-2.00V= 2 Zp = 0.550x10-2 (Nes 3v)™ Ye BV Oma ay —-0.5S@mA sv 2.22mA EY Emel " TV B.4mA Very Ves &v) Tops SmA wey (2) Vo= Vpn -TpRp = A4V—(SmAK2.22) =i Vg= TgRs=TpRs = CBmANKOTSED) 15V 22, Testud: Gee >10, C100)C1.2t2)Z 1OClokD) IZOER > looks C saTic fied) ca) yee = PaYen_ igeenttey) RRL” Gorse wen =3.2v b> Ve =Ve—Vag = 32-0715. @ Tes¥e= ea 3 THlan 2o0mh Te Te =2.0800 Te = Te=2.06m0 @ Ter By = 20808 soanA Ve= Ve - Vos. Ves = Vet (= V8") a = Cows ~ f228me) © Smet =-247 Ves 8.2 -C2s1V) = 5.61¥ Ven Ve= 5.61V Vp= Vop— 5B = 1OV=-(2.06mAK2.2ER) wa2v G) Vee = e-Ve = 5.67V-25V =3a1V (9) Vg = Vp-Ve = N2V-S.6TV =SaSV ah ga veci— Te) = ONSS Ma m Yeo 2o.ns4s (Av) Wel Cov) = 0303 Fin 0.903 on me vera MA atts Dram ahorigonTee ht [0.303 Ce Bet berigoe a gr ra Add ONSYS To the veTicek Location onthe mais definrad lng the hevigete® Lana, Draw o straight Lie betivean M= 0203 anR-the pont om Me wm opis resaTinn Aram the o@dition A we = OSHS, Contunve the 'sPraighT live as belo UNTi iT ovesses tha mevmakiged Tp= Tort (ln Veer corve. y i oy Ey ot Toss ma 0SN5| Yes ‘Wet oa Pk the unTorsectim drop averTica live To deTe mio Yes --oa4 Wet 4 Ves = ONY) Barony Wu. -2V Sem Pah. 1s) At-the inTersection dram a hovigenTae twe Te Yhe To/t pce Adis Te de Termine + Tip = OME(em™ 21em A Cyc. 2-Tm A from Prob 15) (A) Tpp=2tem Nesye-zowy GW) Vpg = Vopr Ves —Tp(Pe+Bs) Bley FMV —@-TEmAKAM ER) = 1 BEV Gs B.AZv free Probits) Ve a —Vss4 EeRs= -4V #C 2: Tema KZ 2) =H +6079 = 2OTY (vt: LAMY frome Probes) 0 Chapter 7 Codd) dca the de power supply is Sek To ayrove MTs, the am plificaTion will be gore. Cb) Too lors ade leoek will resuiT uaa elt ppedt ocGoT mandores CO Parte =Comaltz 2 ese = SSF P= VeeL = UBVC3.8 mM = 68+ mW [= RE = Senn» oso a 04% Bitae) OB.temW —_— = IS.422 anfc amen; Wor) te tools : Xe = O1Sa82 Ope, beTew ae rook 5. (a) The primary difference between the r, model and the hybrid parameter model is how the model is derived. The Ye model is based on the internal transistor parameters of beta and the effective internal resistance of the base-emitter junction, The hybrid model is based on the terminal Characteristics of the transistor under specific operating conditions. In practice, the twc models are very closely related, the major difference being that the re model does not include the output impedance of the transistor, but this parameter is often included from the hybrid model to correct the deficiency. Once one model is known the important parameters of the other can be determined from that model. (b) Application depends cn the available data, operating conditions, and suitability of a linearized approximation as the result of the calculations. TA) Vy = V~ToReonce = 600 mV — CIOWAYCIOMTL) = ©00m V— 10m = Soomv = SoRRCEmA) SOkR+ZZER 4. ca) Ty Ve-Ni L2H CS Be _ oa Wet en eR Oe) zie VE = HV _ soose Te ByA © Age % = -180 fe Vo = (-180)¢4tmV) = @ To= Ye = T2OmV 2 1, Rm O.SI BSD © Ze = VHA _ quo a = — ©180)500R) = 176.47 ). SVMESZ- ie) Me Cay res Vi = Y8mV Lis oN Xe 32m b) Zs ve =152 Ce) Tyna Te = (0441C3.2mA) = 3.168mA CH Veo TER =C3.16BmANZ. 22) ean ) Ay= Ye = G47 5.21 Ve 4Smv QD Tha Cio Te = (10.44 Te = C0.01)63.2m07 = 32m 13. car Z =e = CitOrve = 1200 <- Sae =asin G) Tye Vi = omy — 2.” Wann SAP © Tee @Tee Odo esuA)=3.5mA @) T= vote _ (SoRRVsSmay Yor R, Sole +2-Tese = 3784 = B32 mA 2SpA @ Pe Ve = -Ay Re = —0i132.84) (272) Ve Ze Tae = 248.89 is. — mo 19. ca) AyeVe =-160 ve Vo = -160Ve Ge) Tea Vir bree © Vi—inre ArVi_ ve CI he A) ue hie, n = WCi=¢2x10- 4961609) Wer Tg = 4.c8xio-* Vi © Tye Vi = x10 3ve Ver . Dg ritference = MIOTEVE = VLBI AVE, coy, ino F Ve 2% (©) Valia SivsT og groximation Al Cay Vy=—180VE Chie = tes, hve = 4A.oSm07*), Ww) Ty= Yi = Ghose )Qg0v) ates = 2.32 mi074 VE @ Teves Me hie Se mc Diffevence = Z:Sx1° 4 Vi=2.324107 VE x 100% ZO VE ener =22% ©) Yes, less than 10% 43. Car Inge = Be = CSmA-S.SmA = inf = 10 BE eecousrast ConA SOWA ~ iow —— S*) ge = =| mA = O.6m8_ 120 BT Vee = constant “Sen Opn SpA 95. 6a) Wom BVee = OTHOV-O.725V_ 1SmV _iske BEe aspA1SpQ ~ 1A CH hie = BVee = On25v— O06 _ 0.068. OSER Bre Top =e 1A a7. Mex Ade = 3.BmA -2.8mA _ mA _ 100 BE vere BQWA-2OxA— GUAT —— = 2re2 Ome 2 a. bag- tog ocate | Cay) Tee 0.2m A, hie +t Crormetigd) Tes mA, hea dcr Jo clramee = | (by Tee SmA, hy | xo =75% = 0:3 Cwrrmabizea) % chameg = 1-03) xie0% = 70% v 38. Ca) TeatomA, hoe= 1002045) = Zogus wrest et 28. ab be \ am Vee =canst ~ ” Lenwsvlonas = 202 ae BQun—20p-A A hg = ATe, Bil veercour = 3.8mA-24mA_ O4mA _ a0 Boph - pA “ope 6 bee = STs Ber lege cnet. = BNmA$3.2mA_ o2mA = soxios = HOS 15v—10v sv rae hWie=?re => ve= hie =2,000%, Fo O=hge= 90 Yo = 22.2282 =k nas: we Bays 2S 30. Cd hg Co.-%mA) 0.6 (normalized) ge Cima) = 4.0 % chameg =| Ne ote) Pe oor We (Oem A) Cb) bg Cima 0 hye Coma) = 6S mA) — hfe (Son % dramsp = [ecm "ess * x100%, hy Com = TEMS) Lioo% [EES | x100% = 50% 32. Ca? We = 2omS@ ImA Tes O-AmA, ges 0.20 bye @ IA) =02G0m8? = +s Ww we be ahs = 20k >> CBee \gore Yinse CA) We ContmAd = 44 hae Glmnad) = 4x10“) = exio-t CW Wye Ven = he Arg Ve = CBH10-4)¢210) Vi = 0.168% beethis coat bye Veo Too lange. alector Te be ignored. 1 36. Car hie is “the most Temperature semsiTive parameter A Fig. 747, CO lige exhilei Ted tha smaller T chron © Revie! NE gopy= Sy Ab cmsiy= OF For ly, = 100 “the rants ceed afTeins fre SOT 150A eecTawelly SignificanT (A) Ow a mormabizeh bavis Ye sroveere® O2er -6S% To 3 ok a00% — a rignifi cam he Ce) “the garamerans shro the leadT chamgy sin tte regime ot 100%, 8 Chapter 8 (Odd) t.@ re: Igs Vec-Vee = ev-o7v _ SUSEnA Pe 220K Tes GrIg =(corr NSI-36nA) = 313 mA Yes ZomV¥ = temV = 632 Te FismA Ziz RellPre =220bse N(o)(8.312) = Z20¥se WHILE, S4q74I12, YoR lke © Zs Wc =2 2st O) Avs ~Re 2-222 __aen7f Ye 831 A: =P =60 © Zs A971 ATSL (rhe seme) Zo= ville = okeszNZ2ese = 1ISesz, @ Ape -Kellre, —198kR =~ 238.27 Ye ise. Ace —Ay tees -G228.270 447 HIRD YWe2e = 53.88 3.) Igs Vec- Vee. 10V—-07V _ ke sacks. Tes (P+ Eg = (01 (23.8540) S246 A SR vex Men¥a UerV¥ srorasr ce" te aS Ts CTs = Qeol(Z23.8S,A) = ©) Zim Ce tPre = 3dOkKst NC 100)(10.79s2) = S4okeR Nose = L.08Res. Zoe es + 3Bee —4#3kn 2-346.52 werrise ~ 248.5% mA 9 398.47 @ Age — Kelle © — C4 Sk Gokn) ° re ode oat Ze sz — (- 348.47) (1.082) _ S7SZ Ri= -Ac Bese 2 5. Ble 20% Con) C\k2) 2100S. 62> looksz >See (checles!) + Ye B10Ke Use apgromimare epproaeh* Res — Be wy ves ~ Kee —V3.O), wersa ve Re 160 = 126imA ves tem¥ are = tem . tem¥ Te Ye 2.6250, Tes Ve up Ve = Tee =UzeimAd endal261V te Ves Vee Ve = OV +L ZerV = 1LderV Vew Bown Vee = tae Seoez +e2ks Soke Veo = Wet UST CRY Vee = 30-68 7) Tes Veer Vee | 2V-01V Ke Pri he — aqoese +14 UZ? = 4.3V =3tsi SSA-Zese a ya fe = (B+0Tg = CMOS STAD = oomA Zomyv = SB res temVe Lemv Te = BGA &) Zs Pre +6 BHD Le = 40105. BYR) + 6.40 HI) LZ) 2 747. Cre OFS = 169.9 Sk se Zew VglZ, = Boker Wie Askesr = 18. 37k Zot Ce = 22esr © Ace ~ Eke. — Gi0r(Z2k2) 2 — 1.81 e leFAS ese Are -AgZi cg Crencus.z7eey22 ke Fe. = 9739 @ Ze Pre +[ Coen Ce 1+ heat, = 7147. oe Qa) + 2. 2iesz /ZOKSE Te (BMD 20K = THT 6St et Ta lese. 2s = 14S Anke Ze = Cet Zy =sdoksr bh 4S.47kR = 10S.9SkSL Z=Re =2.2er 2.2kS Cony levet Aue ¥ Me = ~~ Ge C+ ey aes = -Waleaen) {1a s. Mo] + 22k 14S. 47S ors Ve te ZoKse + = ant +o 2 ives mW — a = -ALZ 2 -CrsnQes.asee) = 877 Ke AQesr 4 Ce) de amedysis tHe same Ses 5.842 Cee a7) @M Ze= giZ.= Cet re = B40k2 Il (140) 5.3452) = 146.1782 VS. N83 7 bese ain 7 81 Zoe Oc = Zee Cas #7) @ Ae= ~~ Ye = 22M 1.94 vs — 181 OT SNS — Ree (hs _ corcsaoKny sokse +0. S139-T3 vn OTT @grZo S4Okst + O.THGLEe. ae 9734, #7 WM Ze= Mea vs. 105.952 fe $7 Ze Cys Beer Nokes HdIska vs. 22K tT = 37079 ve, BL 7 Acs Ae Zi = = (470.74 THOT S2 9/2. 2 las.Te ve BTIT AA HT Significant deference ai the reat dor Rreane Ae. We Ua Spe Vee Vee Ge vPro. 26. BenA, ce) Ige= Cio+) (26.86 pA) = 2.48mA = Mev-0v = 1S3V rose HAM (Z7KN) —- SOTT EST a Te= ve UemVan UmV = 8122 Ze 24BmA Pres (no em22) = 4152.22 Ce) Zea Gre (Pete 454.252 +01)(2,7e2) = 300.66e Ra iZy, = 270ksz || 300. o6e sz = 142. 25k2, Zo = Vebre = 2MesrN B72 = O64Sr 82 @ Au= Ke 27k. = 0.997 Werte Atle + 8.69 Rew -Aw Zc Qa = — Coast) d2zske/arke 52.53 2 13. cay Tect Be Bw0R (200)(Zkz ) 2 10( B.ZeSL) 4ooks. = B2en(ceheda)! Wee apgrevimate appronte | Ve= 8.2s2(Zov) = 2.554SV Zhe +See Ve = Ve-Vee = 2.5545V- O7V 2h BSSV Zest Tem De, = O927mA 2 46.0 G+) oo w? zey8 Tes PTg = (2002646 wA) = 2.922mA GA Yea tem . ZemY 5 28.0592 Te | O.4zImA © Zee Grert Prile = (200) (28.0552) + (20041) ZEST Tes YE < 1B55% = 0.927ImA ee pate = Seles +402K52 = to 7. CESS Ze aw Seer S2kesrll orc er = Fisiesz W407 -Crkese = T7OBkKS Los Celre =Z2eril 2805 227662 @ kee be 2 tee mane +Ye tem +7e.0sn Rew Rr Zifeg = —0.986)C.03kR V2 = — 347 1s. a 215 = 0.9808 er Tes Vee -Yee = S¥= COV = 43V 2 Lim te Bex Bans = ZomY _ ZomV = assest Te ~ Vine a oc Re = 60 ICEMSAZ? — 163.2 ve 23.56 Ace to = teen fe a- (412). 23.552 C=z00) Few tomY Ly Te COmYL ZomV LS ioemA Te Ye 23.550 Te = Ze o toemA = 1snA rr a Tea Ve => Vec= Igta +Vee = O21 S.A MSZ) +O7V = 21S y +OnVv ~ 12.85Vv “1 2 4.) Test te Mgt. (1907 Q.2eR) = 10 (Te) Woks > Test. (eomisfied !) Use apgrovimete approach ' Vg = Ravee 2 tee ev) 2 tz Fy he BAe. HTS. Ves Ve-Veg, = MT21v -Or1v =1021V Tes Ve = 02 © o.gsoima Re aes ve stomv tomy = 30.56s2 Te 2. gsbImA (er Zp = RUN = 47s ll S4ies WLworsasez) = h168est ve ZIORe 1 Ze FRe $3.9 © Aes Be 2 — 34M L276 re 50.5652 Rew —Ae2i/ee = (4127.6) C1. 7e8kS2Y3.4 kz = STOS 88 @ ¥, = tSest Ch) Zz CumehangeR) = | Teese Zoe Ret = Bee 2skr = SBT er Aye —Cellro) 5 — C3.) WSS) 2 Ye Bo .Sose = -110.28 (vs. 7127.6) = Rye Ze/Ee = — (no.z8) CTO BS2)/B.A eS * so & Test Cle =10F2, (a0 X2.2ksz) F 10(SGkS%) 34 Cesr< ScOkse (mol saTis fied) Use Hack wmdlyrte' re (ar Ryn = Selest WW220kSt S44. OH E_,= See2@ov) = 4058 Zioks +SeKse = En-¥ Te = Emo Vee = *tosey— OAV Rm Cree © saa Hoenc.zes = TSG Te = (P+ Te = UBT. SuA) = 1372mA ZemV 2 ZemY = 18.950 Te 312m CL) Vea Tele =. 372mAMZ.2er )= 5.02V Vee Ve +Vee 78.02 +04V qv Ve = Vee -Ie ke =Zv -GTe@e = 20V (18026758. A) (6-8 ese) = 10.72V 89 Zz @ WR Were, Se es2 fi 220 ese (1818.4 Ssz) At GM Nese Sete sz =3.17eR ecto. Avs -Rele — (6.8 e27ll CSokesz) 16.95st = -3S.88 B. Even though the umdiTio Ye ZioRe 42 eT me Ane fern Aes Te permit the zo APR r MH imere aggroady Ars -@&_ -& =-10 Ze eC a * le= Me, Bren. os2zke 19 10) —_——, Te = 2emV = Zomv com = 6.242mA Ye xan Ve = Te Ce =(e.8v2mAlCo.82e2) = S.clV Ve= Ve+ Veg = Se1v +00V= 6.31V Ig= TE _ 6.84%mA_ Gx) > er = 508548 + Pe = Veg _ Vec~ Ve = zov-o.31v _ 2 Te re S655an 10. Gay Ig = Vec- Vee Re +(B+t he = 2v-o7Vv = 21.3 BBORR + CBIC.2A+ONTER) — eS. ZTESZ = 45.78nA 90 = (PAN Tg = (BD CHS.78WA) = 3-Thm A ve = Zomv 2 tomv 2 12 Te Z1maA (b) ws 10 (Re +he) = Cre = (Grorter +h, V+ (her te Yro = (80X12) [2 a SkR/HORR Re a 2st 1 68k /Hok se =Seose + L a sort lies Croke thar (P+ = 81 >> Ke /r.= 0-14) =Seosw +[ B1d/1iT] lL zkest = Seose + O38.227ETL = 83,78ks2 Ze = CalZe = 32oksr 83.78k2 = G6.82ka Ay= ~ eeu Ye) + ke 1 & a A (NS.okaIC ET 6.ckn 83.78 C Ea )* Gow Ve Soest/4oest = (5.35) + 1 = —457 ©) Ags -AvZ = -C4s7) o-szkaVsoese = 54.53 12, Ca) Tes Vee Vee = gy-o7v _ = 6. 84.A Per PryRe sion +020S.ce 1 Te = Gro Ty =021(6. 64.8) =O.828mA re = ZemV_ Zemv Te = Bh4s 0. B2bmA esloke! ZesCre + Gate Teele (120) (31-442) + CIE S-CeSe Te Sea /HOR Bae + 544.34 ee = 398. ks = Rell, = 24oksz li S48.16kese = 2301est 2, = Relte = Seles I SLSR onan ce Ape (PH be /Ze 1+ @e/ro = 2) S.CRS) /598.1ChR > Sows /+okest © Rea Vex BeVe= (9.944) (mv) = 0.99 44mV “h a. Te Vee-Vae = ov-0nv = 0.179 mA Ce 6.8 Yes 2omV_ Zem¥ 33.382 Te Oa mA b. Zo= Cellre =68ks2i 33.38 = 33.2252 92 = Ros ese ce Res Re 2 (0.998104 7k2) ve 33.36se = 40.52 Acs Zs: 2 -w = —9. 98 re \e. @. Igs Vec-VBE _ lev -0.1V Re* pee 220s +120 (3-4kse) = loz, zmA Le = Grit_ = 612041) (1642.8) = 1.487mA re =ZemV, tomv = 13.060 Te FV BTHA & z= Prev Le Ax Need Au! = ~fea- Ye Ze = a20203. 0gn) | 22S 24S = LSeablest N738sz = S01dsse Zo Kelie =3Aescilezokse = se3Ee C. Fran ebme, Ay = -258 Ave —Agte We = = C248) (501.9852 9/34 = 38.37 a. Ae: Y= TKGre + Gentes Ter'=h=TL wer Spe r/eay ond B= Ti- Th Sam T(r e6Te anf Fo = (OMIT, ~ Ti Assomae CO4TL 355i meet, ATaRe = PHT, = ~6B+0T Re Fire +OrnTite - Bee BEore +ERRe “Be Bee , vere Re b. Kirchhoffis vorTage laws # Mo = Vee CTC re +QeNT Re) —C Re) - CTR O ber E'Re aCEj- Taree aTiRe-Ty te en Lo S (Gs IEa fom pata ere € Ls e oe + OTete -Tite+Te te +TeRemo Ung Fo 2OTy Te vee Tete! Tite + Cleese +T.Reeo wo Tec ver Ce + Beek) tie toma) ve Re, te ov CEP Re AceZe = _Fe = Sever One 94 € Vee G@Telve+ te) For vec @e Vi F GIeCe fede = Vevey ry Re Spain Vo>> VE Tyo Se eT Re + Ve om HT + Me as Vie Qrite Ves GeTi+ @Mete, but Vo= ArVi “ ond Vi = Gee Te GA ike mv ~ eRe ‘ie Glam Vi (1 Ay, “ed” | -Geel= wee 5 = 2 Fete hore X= (Pte TK oee OS ay woth Zim HM 2 (ORK eit) coal fe + F/B ANRe 95 Y= Tee + (PUT Re Vez CTs (ve +e) =O sina Q vette #0 Tino +@Te=o Bb Eee al ‘+20= Ve i 4 AyE-Re 2. 22ke e-s =~ 2 = -183R te L2est 28h A; #_%e__ (zoe. BerRe+ Peg V2 22s +120%s/q 0 25.37 PACE = 4X 1.2e)V20%2) BeIAA Le c400 (1.2 KS) + 120K = 40.8ksz Zz lee =2.2ee NI2okst epeeksee ad. a. hg =@= 120 hie £ Ore = (120X452) = SHose. ‘ens 258 a2 a. OBeail 2a = 102K Zi = 10.2RWhje = 10.2kRUZ TSHR = Z1CCK Ze= Pellre BZ WHOSE 2.085 ki Des he PE lain = z.08skse Wie = —(g0)(2.085"2) _ 21Ses 136.5 96 Ay = —ReZ/ee = C136.5C21CKRY2 2052, 134.39, C tye Ema Mee Ee Bee Bm + Gr he Bree = Zav-oav = (2s C1av) OZ KR+CBIXIZEL) CBE RH eS = 2v = 2qV NOZR HATZ Dy PAR, = 8.795~.A = 68k MZ ese, Te= (6+0Tg = 10.2ese = UBC. 7458) =bSImA ve = ZomV Te Cre = ie0rieres) =2a4ee, vs en 27Skse, ad. a Zi hie — Mee tre Be ea 2 ZISHR — BONEN KZ ZK) 1 (25x10 YH 2,.2D) = 215k -715.07S. = 2.01Sk2 Ze’ = ReweW Zi = 10.2kS2U 2. TSH = arzee (vs 2.1er 2) Ze = — 1 ___ hoe —L hfe hre/C hie B29], 2onere [eereneaaskneorl = 8391ese Zo! = ZoWRe = S3F7MSzN2.2SZ = Ztlest Cvs, t-08SUR% 22) i Wie hichse hfe bye RL = —WeoK 2.22) TASER WG ZAGER NATE RIS+) —CUBOLAMI ZZ 97 Ay = 140,32 Cvs. 136.5#22) Rew hee re Trhe RL aC 2Sao-*X2.2R2) = 110.62 Tes to2ee Ti Tote F7ISKR 170. 621(6.788) SIS44S Cvs. 134. 34822) ~ o7eere Fem Zee hey — Whe bre Pe Ve hop Pe SE QUSse — 6-0 FA TIX1 X10 ONMZ ZR) le CO.Sx1076)(2-2EL) = Qus2se Zs Ze = G4S2VU ZL = 438 hoe Le hot = -0.997 Te @sx1- OK 2.200%) = -0.996 —= e Ave shy hie Che hoo Mee = -C0.99TK 2.29) GMS ACANSRK OSWISHS O4STIURITENZZESE = 23.79 4 7 = \ hou — Lhgebri/Chine Rad - 1 = _1___. osm es — Teronancrnctrcaassrocesd] = LAASx10bse = L9IS Me Onegter 400d) = 22vss | 205mA) . mS Le Se Smo TVpv -svl 3 gmo > ZTess => Toss Smo Vel) = tpl z SmS(3SV) _ B.15mA z 7 5. gm= 2F0s8(\- Ye aa pt *2) om$ = 2 Toss (\— 2.5V -2.5v ZLBmAY = B.2ms 7% Qmo= TEs = \ Vel sv ene Neig) = 321 sti— ee) 232m (1-42 3-2mS CZ) = 24mS 4. Gan= Ogg = SMS aed si ea Z.= A= tok Ro Gee =— Smite = —CHSm S40 St) = —1BO Atm 2Iess = 2, GomA. Sv We a. Smo = Ss Wet b&b gms Se = GrttmA=3.6m9 _ 2.gmS BYes Bow — TESY) = 2.6mS @ Ey Ae Sm = Smo (t= Wolp) = = tes = Mo. dem An venA a O ges Rt Gvew =2.8V) = 2m$ C) gma gmoUl— \ee)= tens CL 33) Ems 13. Fran 2N4Z20 daha! Qer= Ye, = TSOKS = OTT mS ys be LL sok Yos 1S 'S- Om = Yes = Toms y va oe = dogs eats 17. Graphical, Vetg = “HSV on = 2Eass (1— Vesp) = 2ComAD( — ESV) = B1ZSmS Om = Ease C1 Nese) = gy C1 ay) Ze Fe = IMse Zo = Rplryg = Best Wok = IZ A= = Sm CRpll ra) = —C3.125mS) C722) = 5.375 Om = Ye, = 200HS = 3mS ras te Le stoke Bos SOns Zo=BRe= om Zoe vallRps Zoksz S3eQ = 2. BSS? Pars —gen Cra) —C3mS)(2. 83482) = -8.49 QL Om = BmS, ras 2RSe Z.= IMse Z= Eo — 3 3et \agmts + Rp+ks va ~ B.3est +l 1kes2) —<—— Vans). 1es2) + = 100 ra B.Bese = SBIED _ 7302 ee ees fe = -3eFo = —(3mS) (3.32) B.Bkst+ likes legmes + FoxRs ea) + OSE a = 749° . Ty 8B ro a3. =- 0.45. ‘p gm = 2 Fos (1- ese) Ve Ve = 2OAmB. = ~238¥) = S.47mS Zi = semsewums = 7s Zo = valRp = tookst\ 2ese = GOK gym Crp) = CS: IS) 2) = 10-72 Ay Ve = (10-72 K20mVv) = Zit — FS. Veg = BAS, Qe Cereb lem 23) = 54 TS Zi Whe some) = AIM Zo reduced) = VANRD = Zoke Zest = 1 S2eSe Aer Credanced) = gm Crd iIitp) = — CSI 570-2) = - 9.944 Vo Crectuceus) & AyV, = (=-994)C2z0mv) = —198.8mV A. Veg. = —2-B5V, Gm = 2 Eoss, 1% 22m) Sp 5 et <2) 0 = Ry = 1oMs 101 Zo= rd Rell Yym = HORSE W2.2kes II Rea gen Crall@s) Ct tmS)Goratiz2e2? aes 1 Soon Crab tte) 1 CTS Hoke 27R) La, OCS = 075+ 4. Vesg = -3.8¥ =2Tess (1 esa) = 2 Goma), T38Y) = 07385 Sm EGE > ie) = EO » Ve ° fa sma Vee wt, the Hien was her the Lovmet stemmed wi Hh ToxT am Zi =% = om vale rat@p 2 Jon 13.3b 233. A aa Gms Gmvh _(0.7338KI%K2)_ 91.09 ay Zo rhe Yam = arly gomete aden ~ Bae eemS = 33.3kesu ll B.3S2 /o.cemS = Sen lis2ese Sen Ay = Yo= gmWrai@s) = ouoms (Sun) L482 448 Ve 1 Son! Grek! AS) Jr ObomsFkR) 14198 2.48 = 0.06 -hI5v, gm ies (I~ Yee) 2 SeNU— TESS ) 2 tS al. Ves = i 102 Zz Galt | sar bo. \= .skol| [zene reas +B.3est 5 bees] 2ESeSt oe Ems ZS 2) Ss aNSkaoS2er = 380.1S2 Zy = Ryley = Sse i 2svest = 2.92 Ag = gm Bo & Prd _ (atmsk3. tiem 1+ BER 2S? 1 pla 1 SBRn/ 25k = 7.062 +0132 _ q14¢ ose 1 0182 maz Vo = Ap Vi =(6.36(0.imv) = 0-636mV 33. rel et =SeKm, Vig, OV dos 2S * Gm = 9m = ZTpss_ 2(8mA), 5.33mS Ve 3 A= -ge Rp = —(S.33 ms Mik) = — 5-863 Vo = Ae Ve = (5:83 2mV) = Tam V 3S. Z= 14a Zo= ty By = 2S lll Bess = b C8wSt Re = —gm Cra &p) gn = Aas ‘ee) = 20am (y— sv Rye - (5:4 m8) (1.6812) = -— 4.07 37. Zi = OMe WAM 3 IMse ve =14SV mm = 2Iee (\— VOSp) = 2lizmAd (1 — L4EW — aiams % Vp s ne) cara a —3v ) 103 Zz rah Bsll Yon = 452 Il Likese M/A Seas = hotties W 242.152 = 14162 Are Sen Coats) 2 Gh vems) (4 Siese Lee) Ve Sem Org nts) Ve (4h 1S) AES Hee LES) = (4.13 ns LOT RS) = YB6 Ve ChB OTHER) ao 0.816 34. Neg = esg = O.7V Bm = 2 Vogs Ve) = 26034107) GV By) = 2.2aMS Zs Be trtii€> = toma + tookenz2ese Ue gm Crane) 1 (2. 22mS) ok sz UZ ZT) = toe s2sk2 x ae Ve ZZImS (ZS) Zo= CellralGy = 0M Wrookse fazer = 21skse Aye = gm Be lrg @) = -2.22 ms (2.1Stest) =—4bq7 at. Ves =STV) gms2k es -¥r) = 2(0.3n10-3 (sav -3.5v) = 13am rg = = 33.35 eR 4 sons Rea —gm CRebtall yp) = — 18tms (22 Aso ll s3.s3ee Woks) = 1015 Vos Ay Ve = (-10:15)( 20mv) = = 203 mV AS. Ves = HOV) rn = ZIEC Vass ~ Vor enyy) & 2 Crt xi 4 Ov —3¥) = MtmE Avs mgen (ral &) = -(1-44mS) (Hoke HW S3eR) = 4.39 Ve = Ae Ve = (-4.34)C0.8mv) = —3.Simv = = Leave — 4S, Ves, Vp = $6 3v)= -1V Zpg= Toss (1- Yotp)t= ima (1— SLY > = 5:33mA ve Ree ML AV wm 187.628t +. Wee Fy = 180 Top 5.330, —_— Om = 2 Toss() — Voss) 2 2C12ma) ao Sp) = = Ve Ve ) a ¢ ) =S.33mS Rea 5a C@pirg) = 10 ey Rpll+oRA = 19 B.SmS = BT6kese Rp tokese al OTeRSe Rp tok. Honky = See Rp + Sots BO124Rp = WS Ot SL Rp = .4tksz => Bye 2kV Chepter 4 (Even) 2 Bmo BEass ap pl = 2Toss = 202A. astv Vel Smo 1OmS Vp = -24V 4 = Smo ee) = 2126) (4 — =) = 5.3mS © gma Smo (Ze | = tEets (Tos/} = 210mA 5: OV es WY = 2omB (1) = 2ms sv B. gm Yee = ESS ee a A= 37 agys 7 OES mh => Sma Are — (200) 2 2m ra Cook) wo. Ag= -; ta. @ vg = SNe 2 HY. = 3383e Bry ee 0.3m Ves = coreKausT () AT Yc 210¥, Ty = mA om Vegeov conve + 8mo= E055 = Z0IMAY. 4SmS Wel av Ihe C2) gunl@ Vose ev) = 0, Sn (© Vas OV) * Smo ™ ZED 22 (GmA) « 2.675 o =) Wri or (eo) 9 m(@ To =OmA) =O, gm (@ T= Tess BMA) =Smo= Z TMS 1O Bm = tEess(\— Veto) = 2QomAY|— =2v) + ZSmS Tel VP av “ - etat. =toKz a= d+ ps7 2 106 18 Vesg = 5¥ = 2Zess (1— Vetp) = aC izma)(\— a Wel w) ov ¢ Ze = Pe M2 Z=llta , a= = Lokallzsese = LoBles. Re 6m (2ptra) = —(3mS)(1.68 2) = 2 Vety = ©¥) Smt 5mo™ eg = A Lona mS 5 rank ooo 2 25kSt Zemin Zo rally = 25erhzk2 = 18S2K2 Reem — 5m Grd N@p) = —ComeX LOSER) % BT a2 gm = Yeas BoomS= Bms raz a +. = 100k Jos 1S Zia Re = some (the samo) Zz vdlllo = ooksz 15-32 = Buds est (htgher) Ree= —gm Cran Or) wm C35) (3.195 St) 24.54 Chighor? at. Ves = -0.95V se before) 1 gn = S.4ImS Cae before) Zim FIMN o bepwe 107 Z= Be legm& + ests bu vg 2100 p+ %) . Z,<_Fo 5 fen . ae Trgm Rs (ECS Tm XO.) eset eT = HOLise Res —gm®e am ra 2 10(for%) legen Us a ncestmsX2D) 2 ipa | gz sa cats a EET gram eoove) aT Vo = Pr Ve = H2.S22omV) = = SothomV Coomperad To = 2i+htmY earlier) puta ys 1oC Poets) Ze= eget + S028 ces 2ksi+ 0.6! THS4Tmsyo.cie) + 7HEEEOS! = 2kD zen 5.384013 ete = eg. sts2 ¢ Mighty leer thans HOIST ATaat eB cin grvtoleen 24) As= — gn ko tages + Corts ra =— (SIs eien? TCS TonS) (0.61) + TRLSENST = -10.a4 ; = BSE 2-25 (aught, ae than - 252 airenid 13934013 The He grate?) 108 28. Nesp =-2.B5V, gms L4TmS Ze = IOMSE Ceo wr problem 27) Ze VAURSI Yom =ZoRDN 22k 1680.27 = S064 < 512.452 (27) 1 W2es2 Ne = ge Cral) = Lit 7ms oka t2zke) = 2a Tae Mem S( 20lese 22k) 12.90 1+ Sm Cra ts) = 74S < 0.154 (#27) 30. Nesp TLTBVy gay = 214 mS Az Rp, Zi Rs Yom 21S WV 2.14ms, = uSkesv il 467.2952. = 356.32 rg Z108> - Rye 3.3k2 p10 hay Ae $5 Gy = (214m SM(B-3e2) = ZO Wo = Be Vz = (7.06) Co.tmv) = 0.706mV 32. Nosy ® FLZV, gm = 263m rg BIORD "+ Ze Z Kgl Zam = Nese W72.63ms = lesz 360.282 = 275.552 ZotRy =22ez Ar Fgm@p = (ZmS)(2.2es2) = 5.79 Me Voso = -O.TSV, Sy = SttmS Zi = 1oM2 re210%>, -. Ze Slee voz ls, Aye “Sm Ry = — (S45) (1.82? Rp = 109 Bb. Gan = Jp, = SOOOMS= Orns vgs dee dk = 2e.57HR Bos 35uS raqoRp," 2 gm (rat) = —ComS (28. STS Ml 6.Biest) oe S44 ese = -32.94 Vo = Ay Vi = 6-82.94) (tm) = -131TemV 212 (es, — Yes) 38. gm = 2¢0.3x1073)(8v-3¥) =3mS 4, gm = Re Voss — Vr) =2(0-2x1073)(6.9V-8Y) = 4+BmS Z= Ce trai = ioe +lookai2zee 1 9m Gratien) Te (W448 mS) (looks2 W222) = 1OMse +21SkS% Ve O4GmS1(2.15 52) = U3 se > 173M sz 39) Zo = Mellygiifp = 21SkR = 2.1S¥e2 (439) Re = 9m (be Mall 2p) =- O48m9) (21S) = -3.182 < —4+4776#39) 42. Zp = eC Vos-¥r)™ we = _Zpim = _tmA a oy x10 Cay -4¥)* CVesten -— VE Gon = 2 Wesy - Nese) = 2Loynid 3 )C7 = 4v) = 2-6mS 110 az Ae= - See (Ce ling Gp) =- (2 boms)(22Me IIsoks Mises) B.BBeSU 2833 = -221¢ Vy = Re Vi = (-2210)(4mv) = -88.64mVv aid wt at = 40k ra los 25S = 25s 2U8mA) = ohms Ver 2.5V Vesp =O, Om gmo VA = gm (rg lp) B = (&tmS) (4okst 2p) 8B = L2Skst = +4okes2 + Kd Gt mS yoka 2p Ord Rp = hese uae Ly = Bez 4 Chapter 10 C 04d) doa. 3. a. Ty = Veen Ves _ 'BY=OFY _ 25448 CBoRs Te = (G+ Tg = Coot 625-44.A) = 2.5TmA Yes ZomV = 1omese 257A Aw, = —Be = - $382 =~ 320.22 re 1Onest Ze= Pailre = Boras I Crooy10. sr) CORAM 101.62 tte2 — C~-326.22) date «3 3e HAy Zi 2 -C-141.65) 1.01) Re ANS = 418 ~@¥ CRewPi) . - 1960-954) Zh Gr) 96 (10. Nes) = -41.98 Ze & Ais — Ase 2 -C-47.610 0) 9.07 Be Mew Bins -Me2i Cremer. 70 ee aes a. Aine Ae. Ai, = (47.41% 20)= 6.84x107 e we. \ B mo tr! 3. wv phase 118 Chagter 10 (Even) Roa. De (oad tine Meewov: Te. = BY SS ASmAC Torreon me veTice®Te aces) We deus aaa Tem OmA! Vee = Vee =18V (ister section on hovigenTat Veg ovts) From grobleuw td, Tes 2s+yeA Resoing 9 GT! Teg 22-54mA, Veep FAV Ae Leo Nine Wtavsedbioe on vertical Te oni! Te, + Wee RlaRen2 a = 3Ske4 Ten = LaeSz, 254 mA + F.6V Late, = 1444 mA WtersecLion on herigenTi Veg afi: Neep +Teg@! = Aovr(2S4makiaien) = hS3V b. Fem groblem 4, Z.= Loree, When Vim positive quake vedas J 1OmV Tew wom = a. nV = 4G. A a Ty = 25H A H8 9A = 3s.34.A Fer wegeTive. Gendt ae : T= 25s A= A4pA = 15.548 Ons gregh or Tees S-B4pA om the ac load line: Ve.® av 4 Tea 15.54 nA: Veo 2 tev WEV-BY = 140 Zon Which Compares very wile wnt the Mule IN-6S f Prob 1 A.aTg = Veco -Vee = 12V-O1V_ 3, ts Wise ” Te= Gia = C181) BAA = 2 O45mA ZomV = ZomV “Te LoNse Doy= Re = 3k = 236 Ye Vase =ReiGe = 22g" Zo = Be = Sesz. ‘ex = se Ms WOBoXI2.712) = IMs 2.268e2. 19 b- €. mo- loa: Ayoy,, = -236 4. Ay= 2: Ay, = 226302 (204) Zisvks 2283+ 0.0K “186% GT Re, €- Ves — Toe AveYe 2 -@Iete Be Mis TeGre Ve Qt ve ve Rue ve. ve. “wu MY Ve = CmallBre Ve = _ ony Cima Pret® Feeeent oes’ Pag = G23eK0.742) 1864 caome vesu RE) = 228382 (-236) 2 ied 22esearien Sma Re Ves leer Cibv) Rite, 68rn+ eee meee Rey = RM, = COeMMGER= 12.9Sk2 Te= Em-VOe _ s.04ev-ov Pm rRrle iz qserrhoiKorsee) = 264A Tes Guns: = Go2e+YAY = 2eT3mA Ziz CeenliexaiGre 1298kR Mo KANZ6S2) $Z.45kRNV72.682 = teen Zo = Re = zZ2ke ben » Av = Ri cA, = Sekn (226.2) _ Oe Taw hs in) = sree 2) = —1c2e 120 Be = -G 1624) CFL GR) Soest = 2024 & Ape —Felle | —22kallScer Ye, F72e52 = - teat = BER Whole 1972-62. = qotvoo Gn Zo = Re = 22k Pome result | Reteten: Aps 41k (-226.4) Wa aavte = Ps teen Ags 22ee (2264) =— naz 22aHTNR ase Ra osRe: Ay QSER ¢ -226 a4), osen steen ESS Bt, Art bum t pas 1. Uouing the stack opgros dh: Tye En-Vee Ema Fe ee Rm + riee el « 2 suasimeny Taare = eal “ Ran RNR, = AQ rZea = 10.6 = OGRA Te = (G4) Tes U2NCotoRA) = 2eemA rex temVe Zen Ze 2cemA a. De, Re Lien tO TaRe” Zosuneizkn ~ 2583 Ze= RNR C Ore + (Csi) Re) = Aileil 2ese NCCiz0. 20.5482) + Crzom ZR)? 2 1O.ces ll C24bkse + 14S Ze) = 10.bkst WINT.CoRe = 20.5452, Zo= Celre = bZkaillzo.stse = 2ONase 12 Aya Be Ay, = 2-782 (0.483) RixZo 27+ 20.1452 = oats Auge Zi Ay = 784k COAL) . TAALR + O.6KSL 4 Aga 0.26 (umeffertad bo dromgs sin'Bs) Ame 2 Aye 4.8ak2 (0.476) Zee aden + Nese = OBS Cr. 082 with Cea0.6ee) fe ah, Aad Oo Ghee Bw hawt te afar am Avi? 22 om Ze | Ages Ke (Au) = Fee 60.983) #. Ae zo Sone +2014 = 0.974 & 0.476 with Kis 2.7"2) Aue _Zi_cAy) = 9:84kS Coa7ad ZixRs 4.842 +0-6ese = 0.423 Cvs. 0.42 with RL=2Tks) Ret, Ae f, Asst 12. Nye = -2.18V Trg = 17mA gron ZEB _ 2ciomA) 1% ev m= Smo Ci— Ves) = 3.338mSU1— 3 8 ) 3.333m8( ea) = 2.1SmS = 5333mS ) Aue —gmRp = —C2a5mS)4.2e2) 2.58 Ze = Ms Zo=Pp Zlese be © Ars Be Ag = eee (-258) RurZo otere +12 oe IMR (2055) Is HO.oez, 122 Ag< 68k C-258) 6.8U2 Th 2kese = -2:1a3 Bt Act Ag, = 1M=_¢-2.193) We +1 ER = -21a1 Bast, Ant Pe Zia Zo uno Keehek ley Zor Rasy, ho. Yee “LBV, Tage LSmA Smo = 2Toss_ ZCSmAV2.SmS ‘Wet av Bm = Smo (\— Yesg) = 2-5mSC1~ VP = 137SmS Qe=gm Pr =(.37sms)(3-str) = 454 = to o=h 72727: = Rell = bee eg = NBER azz = 452.8850 Bakes. Bu Aay. = eR CtSH Bt Zo AT +33 = 0.832 4. Aye Re Ay, = 228 CASH) Rive 22xav3aen, Rib, Ast, Auk & Dg = Ze Ay = 4sza30 (267) c“Rs, 452.gan +O.seR FLZT Rasch, Retire tamer, Aa t 123 Be Zit2e unafe 9 vet A Bis Bats Wea Ag Za Agu 2 sae cy +20, (ee Hom Agjyy = 2242 _C-0Ht0> iL 2oy, 2.2K HC, & Aur = Ay, As, = (0.484X-207.06) = -zes.rt Ae, =_Zc_ Ae, Zrts = Sowe_ ¢~203.74) Soese +12 = -14 © AijeAy, Zc 2 = —(0.984)(Sok2) aes = Aine Ae, Zin TRC == C2r0r.00)( 122) a2 ee = a Dig = Ay, Su ee = -Gre374)( Soke) azn = 463x107 ©. A load on au emitter ~followor at orale with conte: To the emiller reese (Heer, Valen) ae R hae Aen afer Zi Cvedduce XS agai Tada). B. the feb Heat the second oF is a Ceamplfion Gad tsolahe Zo rem aha fwsT sags a LEs. 3: “the emiterLotlnon hee ats AT oe HL Craamaan ua Tear jew hoe A G0? glow “hy Pte Tou thevefe, hae a THT phew chy Bore ee en age ES Be. da Ga 14 Chagter Coad) dia. 3 1.699,-0.151 b. 6.908, 3912, -0.347 + resvits differ by magritode ¢ 23 Ba. same 1398 b. same —13.01 c. same 0.690 5. Gyp,, = 10 log, 7 Tm vi leoose Y= ooase = 43.98 dBm 7 = 2log,. Ve = 201 v Sem = 22150 $510 Tom = 20(3.348)= 62.9608 = 10log,, 25" = 2olos,, 2500 4 1 Gage 1010519 Km Noles, HOW = 2.8398 saw cb) Gy= lS 10 Ye = 2olog,, LPR = 20105, (CBW AOR fe oom = 82.8348 roomy 62 BieVih = “oom zune > Sun Se a Paws => Vo™ RR.” = [Camates) = BSSibeV \ = 21 v+Chig)® § 2WRE 2 C22 K0.006.F) = las0.43H5, Moa ” 1Aat= | \Aal= : Yin asosstigst C rad y Dew b roots: IAdl= 0-051 -25.8 leg "IAsl= ONS - 6.8 2k Aui= 0.116 -2.40 sie :1Ayl = 0.932 — 0.015 Now's : el = 0-982 0.162 2 e 42 \asoly oamchy ae Sap conn “Se Bs 13.0. 1oRH b&b. lens €. 20%, a 10k Hy = Skit 4. Veg = toes rook ly 15, cay Gee 2I0R2 C2cKL2eg) 2 1Ol0K) Mest Br0Ots Cheetos!) Vee 108204) 2 asy joex +osen Te © Ag ga = —CRutBe) = - (83k S.bes) Ye = -72.41 Zim BuBtere cere Woks IIKi20X28.4832) 2edes e Sees bc. Zi oe 2ssun Zk, 2MSSeR +082 = ons Ay, =¢-72.4075) = -S4.68 e fo= = ‘ SO Be (RRC aeloenen sen CoATe) = rosy 4... 1 = —_— CO ar CRet BIC, Bw (Bok +3. 3ERLOATHED = ag.csi, fee Ree Bett Bar ES arPece* ene = R= RNR UR. = Brew [lESkesr NOs = 744,512, 126 Rew Leo #4552 + 2eden) v6 = ze Wh 3473 = 327182 -+ <= She + ace” Se (33752 X 2p) = 235.194, £G2he ae pee wot ee 9. 3 2 a 1900 = £ tayeate IT. a. Gee 210% CrooK 2.2) 2 10(30RR) 2aowse Z Zoo"sr (We!) Ems ae Woke Nzoun= 242 Em= soeny) _ 2 9y oun woke Te= Emc-We _ z.ev-o7v Rae Crle 24en +22z2eSe = 8.53pnR Te = C0 +i = 08 53uA) = 0.86mA Ve = ZomV — See” Sgena” OS © Dea = Cente ree Rene, = 22k NSZe2 30.23 sp +2 ZENS ZEST = 048d RNC NOCre Re) Re’ = Ce = 22k Nez = 135k = 120KRMEOR NC100%30.2382 +1735) MeL Ze 2 UR _ oass Ve dceRo uta. 27 © Sie amLR+RedCe ‘ AW (RQ + 21S ERXKO AF) = maa wag foe “Cae (Poe RUIC Bila Bene Hey t = ez i oka IJokn Rox Ce (M+ re) = Of, ae: ates 2.aks} (CHES 430.232) = Bs tics Amr (34.12:24+ B.2ERKO.1.E) = 193. £ $0 2143.16 gh — fHCsae) Fone '. Soo fe tose t i 12, a. yee A Neg = ~TyRe yy - Ve lesg &-245V eo Toul SE Ing = 2.1m0 %. Qme = 2Eess Tet Sm=SGmoCi- Vesey =2mSC1— $ a) ABS © Aus 3m CRp IR) 1WmrS( Sem 3.4em) = — 118 ms (LASER) 1 ‘ UC Reigt PCy ~ Zep Cie COLA) = Lan, 128 = fe Be ReHBICe, = © aoe Beat 242A IED = haul ~ = el ee fis Brats Reg, = Pls Waka WG shee le sus, = = Hees tr CO 69K NOPE) = Rott, 3. Leh,saent, Be ihe the jo fas yoo ccs Fleysete Ve = G8ks (20) _ any Coen smoke Vos = Ve -Ises Nes = my meee Very p= Toss Cl Meri) & Smo = ZED. 260mA) a23ms We évo See See Cin Mer) = B3m8(1— CzSEY>) Sm CRpIRLD =C.dims)C3.Abst IS.) = -434 a. 2, = csks ll220%s = SAS © Bead = MeV ‘is mid VE WG = Dake 20a Slates «LSU. Dove met = 439K 0.912) = -4.27 $e. = AR Rg RCS ~ ae C Skat SLARSKILE) = 2.98H5, = += = 4 __ Shem sce sr Fata 5 Gea )o.Sr) = z4ely, Ro hs= 1 Reg= Pele = Skat ea TaTms antes ~ ise 1523562, * FRGBB.DKIOp") = 368.12 = sis 8+ $.E fag = on, a3. a. Ba, et aw Rm, co Rm, = Rell Rei Re Re = Nee-Vee =. tov—oay Re r(Axi le 47oea 601) 60.4) = 33.840 Te = (PstI SU10+00653.8 48) 315mA, ZemV = ZemV . o4asz “Te 315mAl Ris Cres WHomeassr = 76e2.3se Rey, = Rett Seite; = 0.6 470s 762.3Se = 335.50. ‘ wr (azesDQXC.) = Cwi + Che + Ul Ae Coe Be? yg = -CRLNRe) _ _CHTies WZ) cir ve ease = 26.2 Co = Qe +209F + UI“ G24 DGGE = Le2nF tua Ar (33S. SORMA.IMF) 2 2 aaah fu, = the wen, ce Rm, = FelRelln, = Ben lite =Lestese 130 Co Cwe +Cce + Cu, “Bey che Nge +109F +ogF = 21¢F fe Bw LB ates K2T¢F) b to BMONKLEABAY 20pF HOE) = 8.03mi bee Cute = (H0r(8.03miH3) = 9s.3M! Bir re = Vee = Ves OAV. 215mA zes vextem¥_ tem = aasse Te 2SmA RisBelve= L2ena4sse a 4.3082 \ Co = Cay Cyg Ce Miller Cop — romaine > = Bef + 24—F = 32eF Re Her Wize Iss = 8.522 fax = = satw aw (8.522K32—F) fs = ste mac. Remy RelOr= SONATE 1.aeesz Cos CWot Circe miller) = OPE + 18—F = 289F 131 \ aC adRAX2e—F) 3m bb gL 1 i en Bm Orit Ve (Che + Cee) BMT (BOXANSD) CGF +18 9F) = S.omk, o fer = Cri fg = BOK s.omny = 40% Clog, seaea < fom coe gs ‘ 7B Ong= 2 Toss. 2ComAd_ 3 -a3mS Wel oe” From prebleu#21 Vesg = -2.55v, Tog = 3.3mA 9m = SmeC 1— ) = 2.33mSC1— D) = 1AimS Cao 2 be De = ZC Rote) = C4tmsK3.442 15.62) = -434 Zi=z CBRN ilezokx =S1. M4 Mee Ze Saver T= =o—_—ees = 0-972 VE 2i+Ray” Srauea siete © Des ng = C4 AK0R72) = —4.27 fy =t R= Bsig WR NL, . a= Roig hB ee awa Co VSean SLE 4 lesz. Swi Soe C1 Ae) e ga HeE e129 +O“ 4390) BEE SA129€ aor HORS KSA. 12—F) = amt, > he Rms Rol Ri = FAeas.cne anRm,Co = 2.3" Co= Cwot Che H- 21S ga = GF +3eF + Ci— + oF oe 3e i aaa) FI = 18.029 1 f= BrC2.3eSIUB.02E> Flies, taza) CK taser from Fi by afer #4 fae) aa, eC (ama Oh =( (awa Xs ne = o-tss(e.suiy = Loamits, a. = AV Comanfst +Leuam (shit +4 aicar (Shirt + Pade awChle + 4 pu amare +] Bie = 12.73 x10" ada ar Cloomio%t + ona CBoox102 + A mnig arr Soon +4 mic erCTOORIHE +H nin 2 (00K IE] e AT 40% or Bimv, t # O.1S5us Ar 10% or Amv, + = O.OSMS te O.1Sps— 0.05 ps = OTs V'_ Fomv-80MV_ ony Gomv = COunKiookHg) = 3 sail rs. “Se 3 -Sskhy 133 Chapter WCEven 2. A. Nosy 2-2K107 = 3.3424 Bb. loge 62.2108) = 2.3 195,9(2:2x103) = 7.462 €. loge (2.210%) = 2642 4a. ape 1025 6% we log 4g WOH = 105 92D = 101-201) = 12.0188 b. AB = Oleg. Neomu = Voleg,420 = 101.201) = 12.0148 aR a 10K wm 102g 9 = 100.6987 6. dB = 101054, 129489 = 10 les ) = 6989748 © Gag = 2olog,, YE = Z20le5 19 1SEY = 20le5,,44 =20C0.L02 42 = Poles, Ye = 20le5%— 'SEY = tgs Ht =Z0CO.L021) = 12.04dB Ba. Carine staged = Oe, A+2A+27A = 120 Ax=21.05AR be sty Fi yy. 2 2L0SdB= 2005.9 YO. BL0s _ #10508 2L05 = Loste esi 10" S2e Ye, Vena se + Youn wz in 28s Bu, = A2AAB = 20 log 1 Vou STage 2: AOS logy SE \oPE= Von Ve oa eustis STA 3? Aye se. Basd6=20l5.0 ee 2.88 = Ves.0 Ves. Loree ee He = wah aoe fg = Noy Bg thay = ieee aXe) = a9B54H.4 A, a 120ae 2 2ologe BESHI-L 120d@ ¥ N4.49AG Cas ferme dun Te level mecunney $8 “Hurougf oa) 134 10. a, Same Una gt Age 190 ce nase AL. Wfoet, tt Quete 2 i oi we ote eg oe 0-707 190° 344.33 in mie cule ee Beno Ee EE ee a igh enna Qe toe b, Niel oons £ ei okt he int, fegeuted Gp H--yf-------- ~~~ x os 3 Bua 4,-4.2 Woes — 22043, 8 = z $54.77 h I2. a. ~te f Erde = N4StHy, Ox Tan! f. = Tan"! La5kHy € fT » f Qa Tan LASKHS fool 87.06" Ved, 62.85" 2ew 427° Ska ala? roe 11,032 roots Welt g2kly Sey r0kHs, $(q scaea) ec. P= 1 atased, or fe LAS. then skate rosa a. FiveT iQ O=45° or f,=1 ty rm ae Te 40" aa? bmw fragrerrcion amd Pew ign ne etd sl has cove UnTiAe Home ZS age BD cece manok. he vetiany Yae th bled me uteile tether phd alae. 14. Reem example LG Yew 1S.7ost Age —BeNRallro_ ~ aeeileckelisokse ve S16. = 86.97 Cy2.-40 fn Se.1.9) Figs vodees wat offers Ri Lise Soro. yoga same = eee 135 a -_!t 2 (er ROG ~ Bae (Re live *RIC Relive = Heke = Screksz 1 oT (5.63¢ks2. +252 X WF) = 2.239 Cvs. 25.c0th fev Ex.) hee MST offecTass tay vo, Hoorefore fig = LS 2TH iets sane. Le = des ale Ce WoWR2, He Hat f vo m the Gayeeney veggie ee NE slight elec tena thes Aa 4 1 a. rg= Vec=Vee _ zov-o7v = 293v Berle FowserAnXodez) ~ yore +1o1wlese = 33.6.0 Tes (GsOTg =610023.8,A) = 3.152mA Yes 2emV = 6.432 3S%mQ © Aang = Mew = RNG) _ _ Caestlet tem) vi ve ease = 264.24 & Zs Rg liPre= +Toealloroxc.43a) = 708MM 762.352, = Telotse 4. Puss gt TENOR (-26+424) Ter.OT* 0.62. ef ei 2 _t he AwCRe+ZNCs aw (Geos + WLI KIAF) fe= ————— “OF Oe | A Gene Aer) = 20.67H3_ , = Rez Set Birr © e ae = aves nC Pallts 4 ve) © prCaTIANe sh = Lari, ” SOMMER N Coleesaroes ea3s) = Gon W238, = 1z2ise. $2 eke Lae 136 2o. Te =Vee-Ves _ av-onv _ 2 7smq Re W2kSz re = ZomV_ ZemV Te ZaSma= NSS & Dea = Fenh . sake ures re ass = 2051 Zes Celre stzka lense = 4.362 # Ding = Zi Atma = 2382 (208.1) aR 4382+ 100K = 1.54 & fies = Be Rtg ~ FWGCOR+ISBAX Ope) = 145.54. hee ee BW RoeRICe ger B.Besve HTRIOORE) = 1484s, $f eh ce oS.S, he oh ug Hee cots. som et a 2a) $hog teats) af same o9 gros Nesp ~248¥, Th 2 2.18 Bb Smo= ZmS, Simm BMS Cry hee mocelfece!) Det = — So CBW Eula) =I BeS( Bez USMS HOOK) = -1BmS (LET) = LAT Cy8.=2 fr provtem 14) 137 4. Zi = Re = Whe Lthe same) Zi (Aug) — SME ¢-L4TI) a aig i ste = “UdGH vs -2 der proteus 14 thes LSA He Como effeae) fe: Poe pling =3¥R Moos. = 2.41¥sz ~-t et Cr Bor Pi )Ce ~ Seales 43.4 eH = AAT Hg va Ais for previews 14 fet Bye Bs VPs Me gmrad/Cra #RDWRL) = _12ee 1F OZER IC 118m SMACK R)VCrookse 42K NEW) 12k Te L404 & yqa2se 1 fis. to = S* sw eects Ber 148.22)LIQF) = 388M vs. 32.04 for groban 14 Etter A rd arose mstgni fi i a2. a. = Pas ae Bm Ci Rays PAR WLC = B2vall oseamloksull $iBese BG SUsNasargF) = “Saren l aSarkese * 27284 = onset Cis Cy, Cv) HC. Cl- As) 2 SEF HOPE HIA9F (1-72.40) Cents 31d er te Rom = Reli= Soenilsser Yar) ae Bone eed ea amcoaenyeage) = Cr +Con Cty = pr Qe = 2.73 Aly = ae OF + QF ». to =—t_ - 1 am Brig PE (Chet Che) ~ Sar CeoKze4es)(HO—r +129) C pre tS = 845. Sok, fre C4e = (120K 845,SbEHs) = tora Mt 138 aa bas ae. Rem, = Cel BURN Ze, a Zy= re +PrKReMte) "RASS SAgF) = 00030232) 40101 2.22 NB 2m) = 2.87mi, = 3.023 ER +175.2eS2 3 = 178.2e2 Nea tiz0e2 NSokR IIT 2ES2 ass. Pen, Cis Coy He Hue Ce Miller ee = B—F +2Q6420¢F 1 = Ser ae te nto Ring = Fel Pulte + Eiteues) = wraratesnan anti “13a AGB Ma XK 326°) SITS enilC 0232 +462) °° = 27 Temly =13Se2. 134.6382 = 38942 Co = Cue + Coa OPE + (pF . \ 2 32—F e anim Fe6Che Che) = 1 Bar WOOK 30.232} SOF +209F) = Losi he Poa Xp = 100 (LOSMiy! = loSMihs e. ; ga Pas be Demat 2 Primi = = ©. fu ne C Rea = Pregl aes ce tims, SMA 139 fae am(444nXZ1eF) = 154 mls 1 ar PmCo en BT CUACKR X29 = 1B2mH: 3 h 28, Aas Me, Au Aig: Arg =A.* = ort = 169,000 30. g + = sows ont = Auaetls, = +tou. Voa"*-1 Gear ay Ca tne + + Cm; Cm = Cl Asiege = \2eF HE HOE HE = 2gF Veloen, Co Cwor Cart Cnty Com (1m bye oscher) Compoun A Grcfigur ations Chapter We, $12-2 Ty Peat Sy — For lveth stages , t. : dec bias pest Vaty= “tY = 5 — . 3mA 5° 3m weeny Tol Mes Ve = ov ali g Vg = te Vy Marg r “Gm GrKe) = 4.86V ny Qu ; T= renal Ves raced ; v§ Tymnad = vg =10,3V 141 \ Zo Poll go = 2.2kell gis = Alka 7 Ze w EyG ne ew, 2b. - cE, A pays He Em Rea = ileal pre = 6-rkel) 2H ken ||Gror1eF) = 64 ko Ar = - Rela elkell lk ace ‘ Te ast en a eS. =- 3d ste 2- 631 Prk & : Vye eae esa =2,55V V2 Vy- 00s 200-074 = Lesyv Tera Ly ee Tere = Sepa hte Ve = VeeDeRe = Lov- (9. Hinde) ee 2g Ac Ag Aes CC 2) 77 2+ Vo = AsV, - gay) Clo-v) a2.14V y4Vv FRA Vee Vee (ev - 1.6) Is. ioe e Gre + Rs = (6000) (Sion) + 2-4 = HA = 2.64, ONG mA qe Te > b> Ta= £000 (2-64 pA) Ve 2Te Re = (is Fa(ston) = #06 Vv 218 & mA 143 Br 1. Tg = IbV-020V ~ sa + Clee) (208) C1 00) Vee — Vegi Rar pipe Fe = 3.255 A Ty & Bape = eo (oes assy) © lowe mA Vege Vee “Se Rez WeV- (toe mA 100s) = 5.58 Vo, = Fy Re = (3:25 AD (SMa) = HBV Fir. 6 1% (a) vjeovr Qi on O, off outpet -+sV Vis 0V? Q, on @, off CY) yaesv? Q, off Qy om Outyat® ov Vuets¥* Q, off Qs On ©) Vsov! a on y é =O Vy245¥" Q, otf oxtyt 144 Ziz7 Al. T, Toss = 6 mA Va —Vi S[v-O2¥ 23. = Ve7Vee_ “t= 3.6 A Te Re . L2es 3. 67h Qiz.k 2s. Fee curredt mivrer? T BD =T @Ay- b= anh 312.9 27, Tee Tes Es Bs lnk Ve = Vee~ Fe Ree 18¥- Gmarvete) = ov aq. - Lfka -- Yes= tears? ev Vey = —6V-0V2 -@2Y T+ Mes ev-6-V_ LRA Re 4.3 ken Te-tew = . ae = 0.6n4 145, Fiza e A Ss 21, pss 2 (Pm 2. = 3BSS6m = 1-4-8) 2. mo = 3 1Vel de bist (Grn prebler DF Ven aan ai8eY Ci poe 3.ss6m5('~ Ensv? ar 2.88 mS = -(2-41899 (ka) 2-jn% = ° (sav Cs = 273 Ae Av: Au? Vs eV 2 (2 13) (aonV) = 566 eV mV 4. 2hpss, 2UtHA. gw Bro = Teh \ E3vl a Vat dpe 2E RS © tole ok de bis ae 3u av YS) ~ Yes) = Bw b> pee’ = 4.355 Acti? <- gp (Kallro) =-4. 3onS zeal) Yoke) =-F.07 AL 2(- 497) (“4 2) = &2.20F = (62.265) (22 mV) = [oer Vo = Ae Ve 146 6. For en shage * G.2zk Ve = yee cana (fisv) = Bo8¥ Ve = Var O-1V= 3-08V~ orV= 2.38V Vi 2-338V Teles 2 — LSqmA e*Ter He eee Ve = Voom TeRe = 1s¥- Oe 54 mA Lea) g. Z,= BW Rell aver =244k0. || 62ke| tse (1b-75a) = bby ke Bs Re, = Ske a er eee 2( 6nA) \Vel taM ak de biess Voss 2" 1h Mes) tne Be D228 Ag = gn teol® BS) >) == 2.8ms( [thal 2eve) 4-3 eT a4ns *, Qe prebln 4+ De, on 4d ver ey eee Re = Raley ll oF =t von fein e24) =2.6¢ be 147 git Stage since, Te 30.4 Age - Be 2 SUE oe Ape fq Fn 3p (87-24) = 261-7 312-3 iz. Ve — ake ——_ @e) = B. Aka t Ghat 7-Sk (ev) = 44V Vag= ——ezeet BAke Gov) * Wy8V B.A at 62k ns AF Ve, > Ve.7 0-1V= ye ¥y- O7V = B.7V - Ve 2a Detter Got Tees S74 ® este Vous Veo be he = 20V- (3-7 ma) (SK) =e 4sv I Roe Ro Sh a poles 13) Vy (ord) = fs): __toke gas) lok.«t (She a\. eV __—— 148, 16, From problem , De = Is B mA meet - 2 <> te orl [60% Ay S13or oe "TeentSien oar L B15 18 Frm preblen 17: Tez ostlnA t= env _ _26— i ee” ose aie = Preys HONE 4A) = 7. kee 4. pps 160) (200) oes) PrbeRet Or Georgorreoon) + 7-98 a 06 19TS Vz = Ari > Gas (fon) = UEP 149 $127 eS ke wo — eee C8) = 22. Ve = “Gaur 43kR Gu oe Ve = -Qv-0.1V 2-4.1V — . 18 V-(-92) og gn Aad Te= yen 4. bm A 312.8 {ev- 01 ~ a4. Te). —TyoO* PbS mh =t Fr-4 26. Ver -0-1V Vee = [-ich Co) |= 43¥ — Vee ly.3Vv. 2 of = Te BmA tee Re qT ” Te-Ty- He Ut ese V, Cn 27 2 Vee Te Re = ISV = tS AC Ye Teka) =7245V 28. T= Vee _ v-0-1¥ eo Raa TAA ec he, = BAA ae ot Tm ee Be 2h sisan Te * own ~ Se, Boke Apt see SESS We Vi = AV: = NG-4(2mV) = 236-3 mV 150 Ve. 2OmV Ao Yee We penis? c* Ve Ve 10 Be = 20 log sono"? Gain (AB) = 20 log Ae =Zo lag(ene? = 75.56 aB B44 3. eye — 2b bE (ESV) arb Vv Vee SMa ~ REE (os) RTE 5. _- 4s ma Ve el Ca ead V = Ye —yo mV \ * V,= (i+ & yM = (1+ seeks) (-e- 3v) = 31 (70-3) = -4.3V 3V 4: Ses Reto ke Vo (ie & zacks:)\(0.S¥) = = 21 @-SY) = 10.5¥ Fon Rsv Vo = (t+ sss\ros) alas) = SSV Ve rages mn F5Y FOS 151 Vo=-| £% + gov, + ev] [ete wavs BSC” + gree Ge. »| u -[ eww -.ssv+4.V) > = 3.3a¥ 13. V, aVizro.sV s 1 Vis _ Zook®\(o.2v) zo 2v Va> [ie Coe) = 2420 me Vy 2 ~[ Stes Sc 20] (- EE) + CGE) Co)] = ~[4oterwy) *e0) G20 mi Cre) + Cr00e = Liv -o-4v 1 Cre)+ 0-4V = 6Ve04v = 64V zonW) 152 BIY.S 14 ph, = Thy, + Tes aenhe EAs can = =“ - Ta" = 4 2 dn Tre 2 tre Sts ZonA- —— 2). _ Se 2 24 Was _ ge Act = AVe [ast 0-3V/ 104s | a oe Veo lev, tyrel Typ, = 20m, typical Vo (offast) = Cit Bf) Veet TnsPt , = ([4 “BEE D+ Be tadctenh = 10\ (mv) + 4000 % to~* v = lol wV tm = jos ™ 2. Vy = Var7 Vi = 200 nV — Ho n= Gen ver Vans = CRN rey @) CHee = Aa. 200 Ac aa = Se s Urig Voz AaVa [us oath Va @ eae Vo = b000(6oav)] + aos Gon > Beeb v wb voemtinteds Se ss 154 a on 6 Vet> ek = - Bye 10M For Vieolv! ae Vy= —10(0- Iv) = —t ve 3 , Vie OSV: “iy toe For yj, =~ ee) =v Joy BO ), = © = 2-4V yee a(t BRD 24% _ 97.42n¥ v = 3) U7 er lo. ere ters = -[ RS Conv) + 3308 Cosy) + a2k(0.8¥)] = -[e (oe) bis (-asv) + 275 (0.8¥1 =-Lave Oi) t2z27V) = ~ [24-754] = =1e-SV me Res ke Jaro a =— tb —— (), eater! ti a-so (ist) =-7St SX vai) = st 155 4 Ven fey, a — $eke ev) = —5 (SV) = -7.5V Ie yea (ya 422k) Couiv) - Css) + Coa)? = Avs) + e199(0-1V) - v = = -WSY mS te V2 Ur @) Veo* te k = (ye 22 ) Cons) + Henne) = lol (6n¥) + 24nV = 606 mVEUW mV = 630 mV Sw. 6 2o. Ce 8, = G00 ky, Fu 5 Boo ky 53 ee f= Aa 1s0x10% 156 zoek, = (eo a Awe GF Ke Ae Vir loo (se »Y) =sv we Ee ev 3 ws Fox = Sekt? = 12-734 2a 12 -23kty aq: Tyeiew\ charscken she fe 741 2.2 2) Ae 200 K ee 8 2ook __ (a) Act" &* eck. a (&) Behe the og. 2 S85 tegrA t+ Ay Czm,e0? = 355 = 0. 01D 200\ 157 Chapter 1S. OPAMP AerticaTIOns §1s-\ \. __& 1Pok. Vyr = She — BEG so) = asey 2 Ve (1+ SHE) Goy[- Ste I Se = (24.33) (-30. 4-22 3 an * :73)( anv) * Re ke eal Aut ass e A isvhs Re lok Re: ke Var Rey = Sy Vox wns 30> HE V, RL gis ee = = 7. tok. e Vo = loka wm) eee) \ > Fee” a Woke Va = 0-(3)(\v) -2(av)=Lsv-4V = =2.5¥ 158 . ERe], Y © (6 ‘Oo ob) Yo BY. GwA u LR ten Sis. 3 FT, Re a v* e(z, 1 = lea (LL v= o.5mA Tye Yeisen os mA BIS-& \ tL. is. f= eG Uw 2 ka)(0.05uF) = has bis V - — | ___ = 383k c Sue axe c,~ awGokalo.oSrF) —— ai _t.. ___|__—.. 2 RG ar (20 ke)(0. 02nF) = 397.9 He 2 va (le DW «(te BEE )Liselg Bek = 3,275 Vrms i Vis EDAD, = 1G00L Bal) = Ti mE arene §is.r 6. Vy= Eur he y | -_) eee ‘eee gc) = enn Meo = -[ doo V+7 $33nv = 711 Ni = +} [Sse ek Crm) (sake) + + ime “= (usmv)} = — [crank vo) + [dmv] == [av +019V)] = #1.0rV Biss "BS 2 ® \ 3 +f Vor. FISM Re Vy 3 Re — (25m) (10 ke) = - 25 V -25V gs M vyis (14 +e) ~V = (ir 2G?) fiv-av] = -22¥ 1000 161 Els-& \ ! _ eh Nee for * Zeke 2a (eo kn (0. o2mF) = 2a7.aHe 162 Chapter 1G. “Power Amel fers 816.4 \. = Veer Vee. LEV" OV 2 yen Teg = — Be Lake Teg GE ey = Ho (uptrend) = 57 Pe = Veo Tye * Vee Leg =(1av) (516-67 A) = yw 6.67 mA = yo( Sud) = 2° Py = TEE Rez (aoe nd? Gen) =64onW 3. Fen preblen rt T= YbomA, f= 33w. Fee ma InUm Upcreney, of 2h: yo _ Pe, wah = ye jolln = ot eh = 25% e P, = ons (raw) =21W. [xt de bias cmditim alte considered.’ Ve 2 Mee TeyRe='8y— (Geom A) Aba) = 10-4¥V collector amy vary £ 7.36 abost a-pet, resale omacinom a = 2 2 SEP Got eo 2e* Sut oaw | Ube 163 pic-3 . oe R (4) Ri = (2) C4n) = 2Skn 7. Rg aR, kara (ta) a oe a =2000 eS Bae 7 4. Tye Teg aise mA Re Veelo, = (Bev) (Ison) =5.4W 2 Foret 2M seolh « % Le 2M rel, 37 h 34+ \. alec Q ie cae | oR. 164 3. (2) max e s Vee tte = vee (Gets) GO HE] = ‘tar¥e 2 Vv, ©) be nox 8 mts Po eioo % = BADLY , 100% mor Pe 44.14 165 Vp CP) Fa) PR @)= =Vee Tye* Yi ae rp = 30V- mes =27W % z Ww gop = wine. OF. gw e) = {aw Y Pog = P.-B = 27w-Bw= 14 A $le-G 14. 4D 8 i | = | 234 fod = 143% 1, = [S2|ewk = Sty ced HEE - [Blents getennt ak ps eel Vek may ~ Vee min | zon +24V) —10V] | wool, pov —2-4V = Trav t= 6.8% 166 S167 * RB (ised = Bes) - (Tg, ~Tae) Der Bend) ” joo W ~ (15> n = 25W 167 ec — 25°C) (0-¢/re.) Jorow - irs (0-4) = er 7S le VA jav-e-t¥ 2. _ “Vce7 YB > = Tags eee Tene = EA Leg = pTeq Ys(esna) = 460 mA PR (de) = Vee Nae? Vee GegtTeq) = eV (Yond + U Smt) = OW Le: # Velo = 1% ¢eond) = F3w) 4. Assuming maximum efficreney 4 2h unth ee SW = Banos bat gee (ow Pe ior i ——— Pisoning de bias of wa npeat, Ven Y Vee ~ Ve veya — —— = WY. o. 6A Ce Ce Lon os Pree) *Vecteg * (evo) = 10.38 W ok That ispet iw " Zy ~ Bawelys pete AIR YS 168 6. Rak Ra = Fk jo00 O- Qo te & (2) Pa = Hs Zw (b) Be e Vz |e Aewler) = fae = Sob C) Qye@R = (3.47 (ibs) =23 46% Res = ha 4 Vy, = eu) tee) = a eiV eV Va 0 414E [oq Vpn V2 PD CS cov) = 2hev_] @ f s TR pa f% = [ee = 3s3n0n4 & Ten Pps = avs Thee = @o9-b6) Tea Dee = = 4q.3tnA 2w te WGC Ore, Tpek =o = BEB cause ntl 169 ro wee VE EA Vi Su-¥ 2. 0) Pez VeeUae QS YMA) = HR TI &) "ow = ac? aay ©) 1 w= ent = ea roo], = 64% 4. (@ Vv f= 2ev wVtaNelF se) 2 2, 2] ow Ve Qov>® Kegee = oe ae we fonts Boon s Th \») aga tw Besar a ame dh = Eeewh= Feyroehs HBR 3% 170 Ve Yj 316.5 Ie. a (a) mmo Py 8) for Vie) = BON? mex Be) = ve. Go = Se.25 iL 2Ceea ® wang Pr@*) = Veta el 1] = (av) [4 = = TL GE cow sel bse SLAM, wn = Sth CE SER 2. Ve Zz. G wae fag? Se HE = RP ©) mox = oa? (a) 2. (2) Pye? 5 vite ed =4o.ow Le (©) Ree = VecTy Vel “EE | = Gw[F Wet \=81v (ce) att PSF © wed, = eM acoh= Soto Ch) Pag = -P, = elw 40S = FOS 71 Ble. 6 of THD a {Dy +Dy x1 00% = [@.143) +. 0¥8) + ©. 024) peat =15.3% 22. 2 =) r+ Ds +Dy [eis +O. 40.05) 2 otk p= EB. ate) 2.80 P= GHD H)P= five.) 21.8w = 22.36W eee $16.7 24. Dp = sTtA _ ae ce OS D “ese* Pcs + Ora psy + OS + LS HF cS sas a = 424 28 GF 172 Chapter I Lusene- Digrtac LCs 17.2 J. Cwreort operates as & window date Outpt gees low for wapat above gota LV aa Gees a Outpt goes low for iapat below me Tpit) = kW Ove is lash fae '\npat between tT and 471¥. 173 Bn.3 Q. \uo10 _ 2t = 13V ev) = ae (uv) = 13¥ We See secha 12-3 13. git= 4oae steps of THe ant! mys Penrod = todb Counts x SO tr = 20 Bas _ = Te A eac ous = (7-5) c outect “co 2oxKxi1e a ce Ti asxte”) = 24% ot a = TYCO XI = 2400 pF 174 30.5 2. f= ee ( Mo =x) ve re Bs (vt) = pec) = 10.3V ia 10-3 34 > GWG: mL 12V | 5 Go.3%10 = Go ky, 14. Yeeay V, = Eee tole = 10-4V CT Rhy © ene OY) = Bs _ —t -( Ve-vy,\ = Wav -tont¥ fo Rc wove) ~ 26S vey ) = cooklhy c= teem (8) 1 Tole (zoe et) +" = [33% 10 7= 1 33pFr 319-6 al. 0.3 0.3 QQ" @E= ese) = Boo fF 175 $0 23. For current loop! mark = 2004 spce = OA For RS-232C! mark = IV spaces * rv as. © ptm -colleckor as ache lew onl Arie stole Us otwe-high or actwe- low. 176 ey ves PX Vo ' V; Vea fe —v 177 Vee uF v Vo. 1 = _SREE to lo Re so lal —- = owe aa oe wf, rm 12. agynve nomber f cot steps = 2 = Pork F174 - ut = 3 Sok f= Qat Re) CS , cha c= 9-Se+ 207-5) (350 by) = (83 —F We be he = toot Lola T= ARCs WGika)(S wF) = 2 Fas “a 1 00 ss —__ . Trigger ipo 178 iy Wath potentioncter set atte? Vv. = Pata yte shee ay CR Grey Sent Shaw |Pen : = _ tn a lower cubefP fre: wens of ates ~ vee a (es wa *&S ) = Coxwd(o-Colue) TaVv = 4 3tty a ee set ck battont 2 tty") oka fev) eivkor Me = oat Skat ke = 4nav Vesulting m6 higher cabal Reopens & = RC, eS — f= a ae) * Goka)(0.00\ue) av i ol. zkits Bb me pe PTR Cy Grke)(C.00ue) 179 ve aid . o-d : 0.3 ae econ ry) (e =e, Gabor) = B51 He = e3.gute | $0.7 af. A Vine (or lines) ont whe eh dite pis ore cmnecttl- 180 Chapter 16. Feeppace & OsctrcAToeR Cieeuit > Fd. if _ A _ _-2e00 = 2000 = = Ag= Tepe ~ Te Ce)C200e) aka 3. A Ae=—aF __7300 = 300 Fo lea + (33) 300) at M3 Re = PDR = 21 (ses) = aus ke Ro = Soke Pog Lape = a = at ke 318.3 Ss. DC Bias? Vea Vee iV -020V ig> oo Qe Pa prvRe Gook™ + 76(.TKS) — _1S3Y 2 an, aa WA Te Xe = 7b(2\pA) =/. opm [Vee = Voom EelRet e) = lev- (68m (44 2 6.1V 26 nV. A ~ rv. Bee Cem ew 7 Ler” aa veh) Wee © (48? Fe = 26C issn) = peke See Ao = HTRR 181 a hfe Ay ote aS = = —sT ° hie + Re Ll Phat eee a3 nex1o é =—he =- | 2xio™ (argh? = (+ (ep vete?? CONS a = 3e.8 A. 7 BS x10"? -6 ar —aEF Bde Aes = —Aghe = Guten M4141) = (up) % 78: g)Uidkad= EOE ta Lig wenn = (38-8) (Yrea) = [ee 4 EE 23. be withhoek Ceaaleeck Ge’ byered * ka "he o. ake At wy SSR ER Ze a1 7 f-i- aes wee” [6+ 4G) = ane Gx? (iseoxw™D [ory (9# 2/100) = Y-l7 bitty, & 42k aaiee 182 Bink a. Cycom (1S0¢F)Com pF? 2577pF Cu= Cyt Co > TS °F + 2200 PF £ a fo “aw \L Ce. ~ Eee = los Uke \. £ ( o 2T, Leg & 5 Le= Uris 2m _ ee = | Smthrh Sond = ae Gn ne) aoe = 154-2 bMe g 18.4 and Fig 1B ay 1a. See Fig. (9-330 183 AAs ar its il. fe Caw ht + Re - Yok |[ska= 6Tke 6.7 x18) = 2335 A= Jn Ru = —(Soe0 x10 6 = —Ar — zoole me _ Rte Zooka* Fook oe eos 32 _ 733s + i+¢A 1+ (-029(- —33.5) 27 = 44 $18.6 6 \ Lo = _ c arRh le 2aT (lox por) (25x17 VE = 2. pets T= 2600 PF = & COMME 18-7 s ¢-— - ——_~_—z ° ar Re 2 (10x 10%) (2400x107) = 6. GkHe $18-% wo. £ ‘ o aw] Ce. > ct. bos Coy* tr eo = __ | __— = (cop O War) any Tooytt)(s20 pF) omepe mle = 3300 ee 297 kite \2. —— ° nar J Leg > whan Leg* Lrhste \ = Soph * — ae J Boop) (SeF) "sch = 1800 wth = 306, 3kte seer Big-to 4 f= — Re P-Chp) formers? f° Ree (@) Way Re ve us C* Rot Rote Jken)((u = Lue (») Vary, Pq 210d (olty ibe Ls Or Ree” Coke) RHE) = 1000 pF 185 Chapter 19. Power Sureries CVoerace Reaucatoes? B44 ripple factor = Vers? av AR Ve = =" ©.028 3. Vy.= 0-318 Vv. vie Nites eV €2.84V “ 0.08 0318 V, 20-385 Vin = 0.285 (62. bY = 24.2V¥ $14.3 V S. or = Wrot ooll Vie as = Ve? =r Var a Iys¥ = L.2Vv J vizietv ‘ane Vix Bett 240) — = 400 pr c roll a Geer testes t+ Ls Loo nA —_—— Ve? Vane yt De cq = \ev-~ 4.7 (100) = 16.46V oo — we WV Q. Cree Vy = tev de Vole. wy Tr = SY _.smA QR srtke, act R= Dee * Vite 2Toe, 205) . a tee ~ oa 186 Ul. Ce S00nF Tye= 200nA = o4,= 0.08 Using re 24 Dae CMe _ 24K, 2.4 ee) Vye* ae, RENE LL i2v Te 0.0&( See) Vee + Te 212+ oehtiD a. S00 sil = ITV 1B. 6. opr Tyes bona Viq = 2sV Vc > Vnm Htc 2 25V~ 7 C49) < Lo = 222V _ 24ta ‘ Sv = SE seed = 24 C2)» 100% (20) B77 = 7.2% 187 is, Urey Yrs Vey pooh = By xine Vi 2 2tV % he + de os 3 R= 33H Cale — &.3% eens 213. £3 20.8 Xe Cc (20 - 1B cov 206SY Ves ever Be Vi = Vy Tae B = 24V- 332 GoonA) = a07v 9 A ee % 2-5 / e 3.1 be eS zo 2 Q=t0oe 3 Ver Sov Aa Xoo B B30 vee worl, me Xe 13 ay < uy = Rv F (2sy) = 0.328 Vent s14t a Vv, = Va-Yee = P.By_oqveareV Vee = Vi~ Vo = ISV -7-6V = 74 Ker Vi-Va_ SV- BV VB koe = 37TmA Ig: Eee Ben Tg> See BS > 38HA é Ty=Te~Tg = 3TH - Batt = 3. 66mA 188 al. vee (+ 2 )ver(ly Bi)ey = 24.6V as. . To mawtain Vi bese) z1aVv (see Table 14 » Vi © £ Vyq —Vjp ia) so Whe w®) Vy Ayes? = va 2 42Y_onVv = 2V—9.v = TY 1-23 Tha manimum value oh lead curcert is then Ta = Vee? © ° 2-4 = Gaver. azsmA = Vo =Veek Cit =) sa ea cae 4 EE Se LoqwACl- Ske) = G.4V 189 $19. 2. Vien = dve= = Vee okt 28V-28V viele 12% Men x1 00% hk. 2sVv — 4. V,_ = 0-636 Vin Vaz 2 eV = 12-eV f= Sese 0036 L= Ve Ver= ae © ye Nee. gas iev-17 YVR = Veo xtolb = FV veil = 584 5 fo ye tte 24h. 2-4 (122) y qe tt lo. c+ tess 24 +t Tae a (iso) rv. BALM = 100 mr ac ~ Coase) ee IR. C= we w4@e0?_ ¢ 2 PT) WKF aie c (oe) as 4. vie wee 2), Loo leo = L6V, rms a Vie = avd] S00. (ue) MW Soo +S? = Bo4V =Vle 2 BEY RK be yaw Le Sou 12.84 va toy 2 tke p= gee Me =e (sev) = 4S 46 4 Vw eu. Sov7 view Yrs mpe ETE noel Le 4s 46 ° =10% Flas Soest tales re (tov+ ov) = 2e.1sV 22. V, = Viz ove ov = 100V 191 Bae a4. Ips 250A Vi, = Velen SE =JE(20v) = 28-3Y vyen “fv. = (CASS) = BRAS) = 21V Vibe = Vin — V.(p) 22 8.3V 7 2-LY = 26.2V Vel loo) = Vy m Ve) = BE. 2N - aive ZIV a Ga Vo= Veg (i Ee) # Ga RL Fe a asv( uy re) + loouAl 24 ka.) = V.2sv (8S) + 0.24V = \o.&7V 192, Chapter 20 (odd) 1. a. The Schottky Barrier diode is constructed using an n-type semiconductor material and a metal contact to form the diode junction, while the conventional p-n junction diode uses both p- and n-type semiconductor materials to form the junction. 3. A surge current rating is typically 20:1 or higher. For the diodes of Fig. 20.5 a 30:1 ratio or better is typical except for the smaller and larger devices where a 10:1 and 20:1 ratio occurred. For some the ratio is 100:1. These high levels of surge current rating are possible because the surge currents only last for a relatively short period of time. 5S. At Vp =5v, Ta 25800 Ve = 10v, Tg 513008 % A in Te = '30nA-SBMA, 00% = 124% ude SsBunA Eetandinig the wrves Ve BZ5V 7. A. CeCe) = _CCO = 8096 Cie ely 42 + : a) Cw a3) = BopF = at. - Tae 7 thSSel Bee Ce e = ALESeFConV+ 42v) Eaxio7!® eB % Qo Bet nent \ am duc Cah YL Cam Cake 1082S) = Sige b Gmgh 2 Ser We Teg = BC x100% 5 T= Mx100% 4 Col THT) Te (Ce) = COME )CO) 4 26 (0.02 22@F) Sorc 3. p= anf _ aw Goonotts)(2 Fre 9H) o2ssz = 243 ‘ P will droe with ainiwreere ae ye of Ry vemasins omen ‘in Fig. 20.10 reoeate a agnfiat Qeeg Q Sop wee) \S. The primary difference between the standard p-n junction diode and the tunnel diode is that the tunnel diode is doped at a level from 100 to several thousand times the doping level of a p-n junction diode, thus producing a diode with a "negative resistance" region in its characteristic curve. 193 The heavy doping greatly reduces the width of the depletion i. region resulting in lower levels of Zener voltage. Consequently, small levels of reverse voltage can result in significant current levels. 18.0 Tse Ga Zi 2513mA peorea x gout - Xy% Vp 8 GOmY Foon Graph? Stable operatice gow - y= Sm, Vy § Om Tr 2.8mA,Vee Joon au \ “Grae )[ ES =(-t = Gos)*(1 107 oF) Cae EartoGste) |! 7 PS = (2250-74 43)(0.9899) Sares 28. a. Vane ages: BoAap TEA | b. Siam, pute relsLive reaguese = SHO0A €. Bw = 19,3008 —C1004 = 4200A, aS. a. silico -7, b 1A = ion, Ox107 7m. 2 NO > LOCA ~> Dramas, 10mm 7 27. a, Extending the eorve: Onkse Le woo fe, Vem ashe oe 21082 rm BE” Goce ace 7 Ae Me = O95. b. dem sfc, ok fe AR _ Co-)xwise . s1495s/, = 360sy/p, 33% At ye By, Crt os7gF; At Vastov, Cre O35—e The magnitode the cleanse : \oaa [x1o0% =? 5.4% a7 83%: SAH = GAs) which is a signsfrcanT fleremen. bn SemsiTivily Thames six voltage, B. a. ac -av, CH4Qe Ae rev, C= Zoe BC = 40gF-2ogF =ZagF e ©. Ar - ev. = ef. Ae- ev, Be De = ech Peay, BE = RE = c.crgtHy wv voles \ Ve Skew, wr Miro we, le. Be ernest ae NO. CCav) = SOE Cay = SRE ao cam = BE Kas” Bye mine Tyg Mad Fis 04: S%, So sa OS Constow Topic? value — N2. Greer dn ma CopaciTames gov vor wegenre To be beTween Card 2-3voils a veverse biae are ACC o-2v) S25¢F Be. (s-1ov) 2 199F vi High power diodes have a higher forward voltage drop than low current devices due to larger IR drops across the bulk and contact resistances of the diode. The higher voltage drops result in higher power dissipation levels for the diodes which in turn may require the use of heat sinks to draw the heat away from the body of the structure. 196 Ye. Be 4 mu, - l PS ane * Bar (Ixtothy Sato PF) = 31.83"2 Me Wom: Ke Fa GeoucengK SF) = 39.32 TRE Ge arf = arch Ko x10) = a03778 Ae Vom: Kes = zm CiooxioFH,Koxio“MH) 212 be elfen Sagi Sie RAC ss parade: fe wath tis At ieje = SESS Zp = (SZ UBOKS1. S3e (90°) Sz 53.83 152.05 027° Bs2/0" $- toomt. = 13716 Ar vevy high froponee Ke hes prnee ages! 18. Atv, = O.1V, Ie 255mA At Vp< 0.3V Te = 2.3mA = Av. 03v-01 AV Bt 23mA-S: 20. Tyee & Dean lon tne mt hasaTon Tica 4rd zu 3 197 a2. Walt Ya (oerdn cee = 3aTxi0 4S Barn0-"49( eV, a2 A Seay] = eabed Beato“ yet Aneel = aA tofe. From the saTorseTim A Va= S0Vand! 2,4BGfe, we fuuct Za = Hos 26 Wste thas Vp ie give and mot V Ak the ivtevsection 4) Vas 25V amd So00fe wx Laine Tp # Soop Vac FAR = (Soon ayiooxio32) = SOV 28. The “dark corvent™ mq atediode isthe dtok coreedit loved whem mee WighT is: STestewg longs current A te cjg arin) erst cantons TEE is esseuTiq2Q, the revevse, seTuuraTins Excapt for low ‘ilvmination levelt Ce otke ne cade, corset svove the NOO% level for The rage 2.01% Temper cture. bs addition, iT ts io ee RET do othe thea the low Momivation fbvelo the %e cman comes, ‘higher sleeve amd beln> room Temperature (25%). bs samtovel, the. GomducTamer levet iPueT adversely {Sen ry temperature fo the lewebe exammineh. ‘Mn Fe) aaa as S095 Tee) 32, the kighesT % seuriTivite, occurs beliveen 5250 A anf S7S0A. Fis20.20 rowente thats Yee CAS uniToeors bt mosT semsiTive To yellow. he %e semsiTiviT ‘the Cas anit Fig. 20:30 ts Whe Bel be the rauge 4BO0K Le 7000.8. this ramgs unclaades een, gene ov! 20.20. BL a, Relative radiant arTeusity = O:-8 we. te —RelaTive radionT Serene ons ve di x 2 we ive wadiaacr aan! @>30° and veal eat oan TH Drops 4 vers) sharply fr a agrees Morice 198, 26. 678 38. The LED generates a light source in response to the application of an electric voltage. The LCD depends on ambient light to utilize the change in either reflectivity or trans- missivity caused by the application of an electric voltage. 40. < U% = —Ymoe KAOO% Boge} 0OO meu) A% = _Fmee _ xr0c% Cew \AOOm Wei) Prat = Bmw) 42a. Fig. to. BMP TA mW ©. TT isthe maximum gousedeusiT, avatleles ah sea lve? , C. Fig. 2048 2 12-TmA AM, Swiew leg scale aut QreseuT, the Af(oveuTiaks must be o smatt, ible - E Duo _ STE Naot AZ _ (1900-1000) goose, sei yo or “Geof aa ‘He From the above 1508/% : 0.052/%e =2000:1 therefore, The highest raked change secure at \ewsew Tempeakwves mur ee Zore, He. a, 2107S A= OA b. Power % O.mul, R 1072 = 1OMsz e-bay nents # 0.8m) 199 Chapter 21 (odd) 3. - 5) a. Yes b! No ¢) No. As noted in Fig. 21.8b the minimum gate voltage required to trigger all units is 3V. a. V, = 6V, Tq = 800mA is a good choice(Center of preferred firing arfa). a V, = 4V, Ig = 1.6A is less preferable due to higher power disGipation €n the gate. Not in preferred firing area. 7. The smaller the level of R, the higher the peak value of the gate current. The higher the peak value of the gate current the sooner the triggering level will be reached and conduction initiated. 4- MW. @, S07? bb. 0°6 = 0.82 mem N00" 0.16 mW/ou™ 0.82= 0.16 xio0% % 80.5% O82 17. a= =? 0.65 = 2k Fe.+%8, breeo ari, “mT iOBES &. Pea = (Ps,+ Penge, = 2ER ThoBER = 2.06RR €- Veg = 07 Vee =O45S(20v) = 13v 4. Vp Vee + Vp = V4 onV= 13.1V 14. Tge2sp.0 ~~ Tea be Te = (Ho @pA Au a. pee ar Ima av = 045-0 _ 045 _ 126%/e 35-C50 5 Use, edeue fistous flor 25%. Tec Te -20m8 sony Yyo, relatively poet 3S.a. Te = 3m0 b. At Tes oma, Balke, 23, 37. Vp=@nV, Xp= toon Ze= g- ey = Bika = ogen) A ——= We l¥, Iy= 5.5mA, Zy=™ = NBLBS2 (vetaT vee lows) 872: 18.82= 47855: 24. a. Miwimome Veg > Ramee = VERVE > 20K Ven Goo), os Vea =, Vou “Mo = Fp 202 Vea (I-y) = Ep2oet Vp Ves = FezoentVp = = Crog,ayeoem) +07 v 10.67 = Siey rev ok & Re Vee-W _ i2v-— Coes Ty S.5mA Reza © PERC loge (1+ FB Se a) 532 RCinree) loge C1 + LD 24153 = RII) loge C14 ER) \ 3=1.0186 Ra 2x07 a Cymer K1-048¢) Re V.ezkse 201 Chagler 21 CEven) Ra AL de pom junio diode. b. the SOF will mst five once Hee euren® is reduced To 0 leo word bl A Te e4Ternd bend He. ve We Qnore®, 20 Te Seoreacce, He bean Vottage reguired. Tn ade cwesoes, C. the 5 wie fire vcen Sasa a eco no is less thaw the Lowrance peas ine deouenaned ey pte current chosen. Qh leokdaig Corral encanee mitts ducvebaind laude A outa Coane ee eA 6. he ceuion Tale, te SOM her chanaToneTicr vow similar, To tease Za (om jucFion Aine oe Vreoav). Ba. ym ( Vice Ne = C Misecrmm) ig = WY Ur) = e278v Vpe = 0.636(82.718v) = 52.65 & Vans Vee — Vea = S2.05V-NV = & Ves Vo +Vex =wesy eiv At IV, ScRz cmdudls and sTopt “the naaguinn procera. d. At \eaet 2V To Torn m She € Vy & EVp = £C8278v) av 1. a. Chang Toward 200y bxT will be limiTedt by the developmen be rgplive voto. Vee (=Vz-Ve,) that will cvaucTaatQy Tore “the TO &. A= Bg) = Conn Kor) = 2ms Ome (52) = Sme = 5 Pero, z Sms 2 Sm aN = Lceoen above) ero Se, Haart)” eS OE ) 12. Ne = Vee +Ven =6Vs3V< ay Nes Hol \-e" Vee ) = 4 Hondoe “WE 2g Hoe He = 31 en Men 34.2075 Re aCioxi0®Ko.2x10°CF) = 2x10 Fs loge Ce~WRe ) = loze OTIS Hee =~ hug 3= -0.255 andt = 0.255(xI0-3) = O.5ims 202 Mh Vee = Vee, *10% Vee, = G4VE Ob4v => Seve TONY Ye. Vee, Zp ‘ov= foectoy +01 _ sane =e, oe sana Vow CBS WV. darsencR, BA iv LS3aS8, >4.81Ses2 O: Vp sc Vag + Vp = O.SSX20V) +O-V = WAV © RE VeVpn VV segue Zp SA Ok: OBee R,jn-1-86Kohms, therefore, diode is in the "on" state. LED-Zener diode combination b. Vp=1.86V Ip=15.8ma vz=10.07V Vab(calculated)=11;9V © Vi(calculatea)“11-9V TL (calculated) =5-41mA E(calculated) -VRtVL= E (measured) =19-1V The two values are in agreement within 1.06% using E(calculated) #5 reference. 231 EXPERIMENT 8: BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR(BJT) .97 6.09 6.16 6.33 7.38 7.51 7.67 ALPA +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 +99 99 +99 +99 299 299 +99 +99 +99 BETA 124 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 127 127 127 127 138 144 149 149 150 152 152 154 153 147 150 153 Part 3: Variation of Alpha and Beta b. the variations for Alpha and Beta for the tested transistor are not really significant, resulting in an almost ideal current source which is independent of the voltage Vog- c. The highest Beta’s are found for relatively large values of Ig and Vog. This is a generally well known factor. d. Beta did increase with increasing levels of Ic. e. Beta did increase with increasing levels of Vog- Exercises 1.Beta (average) =141 The arithmetic average occurred in the center of Fig 8.3. 2. V, 678V BE(avera Given {AX8"C99 aitters by only 3.14% from .678, and given that resistive circuit component can vary by as much as 208, the assumption of a constant .7 V is entirely reasonable. 3. The Beta of the transistor is increasing. Table 8.3 does substantiate that conclusion. 4. Beta would be a constant anywhere along that line. EXPERIMENT 9: FIXED AND VOLTAGE DIVIDER BIAS OF A BJT Part 1 67v 9 b. VBE(measured: Vc (measured) c. Eee Wee Vee) Rpm (20 67) /1.108M=17.4uA pel Ro=4 «9/2. 73K=1.79MA » Beta=I¢g/Ip=1.79mA/17.4uA=105 Part 2. Fixed-bias configuration a. Tp(calculated) Te(calculated) b. Vp(calculated) = 670 VC (calculated o=13..4V. Vp(caleulated) OV (emitter is at ground YoE (calculated) =Vo-VE=13.4V c+ Vp (measured) =: 67V Yo (measured) =13-4V 'E (measured) =0V 13.34V CE et the Gf?2erente between measured and calculated values in every case is less than 10%. It's almost too good to be true. 4. VBE (measured) =: 68V Vrc (measured) =16-7V. Ip(from measured) =17-4uUA Ic(from measured) =6:12mA Beta (calculated) ~35? Table 9.1 Transistor Type Vop(V) Ic(mA) — Ip(uA) Beta 2N3904 13.34 1.79 17.4 105 2N4401 3.2 6.12 17.4 352 Table 9.2 % delta Beta %delta Ig %delta Vog tdelta Ip 242 242 -76.0 0 Part 3: Voltage-divider configuration b. Table 9.3 + 2N3904 Va(V) -Vg(V) Vg(V) og (V1 (calculated) 3.52 2.82 12.47 9.7 (measured) 3.3 2.6 12.9 10.1 + 234 Table 9.3 continued 2N3904 Tg(MA) Ig(mA) Ip (ua) (calculated) 4.07 4.05 30 (measured) 3.76 3.87 36.5 c. The agreement between measured and calculated values fall entirely within reasonable limits. @ and e. Table 9.4 Transistor type 2N3904 2N4401, Veg(V) 10-1 9.6 Ig(mA) IB(uA) Beta 3.87 36.5103 4.03 17.2 234 £ Table 9.5 56 41 4.9 53 | delta Beta Sdelta Ig %delta Veg delta Ip Problems and Exercises 1a. To(sat, fixed bias)=20/2.73K=7.33mA tb oe edgy =20/ (1 -REK4692)=7-AIMA (sat, volt-divider bias: ’ ac. thé°Sathratioa’cuteents are not’ sensitive to the Beta’s in either bias configuration 2. In the case of the 2N4401 transistor, which had a higher Beta than the 2N3904 transistor, the Q point of the former shifted higher up the loadline toward saturation. (see data in Table 9.4) 3a. Table 9.6 wdelta Ig delta VcE delta Ip %delta Beta | %delta Beta | %delta Beta 235, The ideal circuit has Beta independence when the ratio of &deltaIg/tdelta Beta is equal to 0. Thus, the smaller the ratio, the more Beta independent is the circuit. Using this as a criterion of stability, it becomes apparent that the voltage divider bias circuit is the more stable of the two. 4a. Ig=Beta(Voo--67) /Rg mA 4b. Ig [Rp/(Ry+Rg) *Vee~-7)/ (Ry//Rg) /BETA+Rg) mA 4c. In equation 4a, the Beta factor cannot be eliminated by a judicious choice of circuit components. In 4b however, if the quantity R,//Rj/BETA is made much smaller than Rg, then Ic is no longer dependent upon Beta. In particular Te={Rg/ (Ry +R) *Voc~-7]/Rg mA In that case, we have achieved Beta independent biasing EXPERIMENT 1 :EMITTER AND COLLECTOR FEEDBACK BIAS OF BJT’S Parti. Determination of Beta b. Vp (measured) =5,04V. Vrc(meacured) =4-04V ¢. Ip(from measured) =(2075-42) /2.1M=13. 6ua 4.04/2.2K= 135 ‘C(from_ measured: + 84mA a. peta=ivedma/13-6 Part2. Emitter-bias configuration a. Using KVL: -20+Ig* (1. 01M/BETA) +.67V+Ig* (2. 23K) therefore: Ig=(20-.67) /9.1K=2.1mA Ipe2.1mA/135=15ua Table 10.1 calculated Values 236 Transistor type Vg(V)_ Vc(¥)Ve(V) ~—-Vpg(¥) Vogl 2N3904 5.4 15.300 4.7 +70 10-6 2N4401 8.2 12.6 7.4 “8 5.2 Transistor type Ig(uA) Tg) 2N3904 15.0 2.2 2N4401 11.70 3.3 Measured Values transigtor type yalY) Ve(V)Vg(V)Vpg(¥) Von (v) ansist Vos) S'S) ges? TBE 1985 2Nado1 ao) iz 706162 a8 Transistor type Ig(uA) Ig(mA) Beta 2N3904 rey 203") 350 2Naao1 113 3la 26 d. see Table 10.1 e. see Table 10.1 £. In every case, the difference between calculated and measured values were less than 10% apart. g Table 10.3 delta Beta delta Ig %delta Vo —#delta Ip 90.7 54.5 “58.5 19 Part3: Collector Feedback Configuration(RE-0 ohms b. Using KVI -20#1C (3.2K) +1C (395K) /150+.7V=0V from which: Ip=21UA and Ig=3.4mA Table10.4 calculated Values 237 Transistor type Vg(V) Vo(V¥) Vog(¥) _Ig(uA) _To(mA) 2N3904 629.0 oor 2123.8 2N4401 iss 6.2 6.2 144403 a Table 10.5 Measured Values Transistor type Vg(V) Vg(V) Veg (V¥) Ip(wa) Ig (ma, 2N3904 +68 9.6 9.6 9 22.4 366 2N4401, +63 «5.8 5.8 15.1 4.4 Table 10.6 pence. $delta Beta %delta Ig ‘delta Vog sdelta Ip 83 22.8 -39.9 -33 Part 4: Collector Feedback Configuration(with Rp: a. for 2N3904: -20+Ig(3-2K) +¥¢(395K/150) +1 (2.2K from which: Ip=15uA and Ig=2.4mA for 2N4401: -204I¢ (3.2K) +1¢(395K/286) +1¢(2-2K) =0V from which: IB=9.7uA and IC=2.8mA b. see Table 10.7 c. see Table 10.8 a. see Table 10.7 e. see Table 10.8 Table 10.7 calculated Values Transistor Va(V) Vo(V) Ve(¥) Vog(¥) Ic(mA) Ip(mA) Tp (ua) 2N3904 6.2) 12.1 5.4 G7 2452S. geaol «613. dole 6345218298. 238 Table 10.8 + Measured values Transistor Vg(V) Ve(V) Vg(V) Vgp(¥) Te(mA) Tp(mA) Tp (ua) 2N3904 5.9 12.6 5.2 7.4 2.4 19 2N4401 7.0 10.8 6.5 4.3 2.8 2.9 9.2 Table 10.9 + %delta Beta %delta Ig $delta Vog delta Ip 83.2 23.8 41.2 -50.3 tee Problems and Exercises tt) =20/ (2.2K+2.2K)=4.55mA b. I¢(gat)=20/3K=6.67mA ©. Io(sat)=20/5.2K=3.85mA BetS*Gbes not enter into the calculations 2. The Q point shifts toward saturation along the loadline. Table 10.10 Emitter bias ¢delta Ig $delta Vog sdelta Ig %delta Beta %delta Beta = %delata Beta b. The smaller that ratio, the better is the Beta stability of a particular circuit. Looking at the results, which were computed from measured data, it appears that the collector feedback circuit with RE=0 ohms is the most stable. This is counter to expectations. Theoretically, the most stable of the two collector feedback circuits should be the one with a finite Rg. Since the stability figures of both of those circuits are so small, the apparent greater stability of the collector feedback circuit without Rg is probably the result of measurement variability 4. using KVL: “VoctIc/BETA*RgtVpetIc*Rg-0V 239 from this: IC=(Veg-Vpg) / (Rp/BETA+Rg) mA this division results in: Ic=Beta(Vec-Vpp) / (Rg*Beta*Rg) mA If Beta*RE>>Rg then IC=(Voc-Vpg) /Re mA 5. Using KVL: ~VectIc*Retic/BETA*Rg+VgE=0V from this: IC=(Veo-Vpp) / (Rotp/BETA) if Rg>>Rg/Beta then I¢=(Voo-Vgp) /Ro MA 6. Using KVL: ~VeotIc#RctIc/BETA*RgtVpptic*Rp=0V from this: Ie=(Voc-Vpp) / (RotRg+Rp/BETA) mA if (Ro#Rg)>>Rg/BETA then I¢=(Vec-Vpp) /(Ro+Rg) mA EXPERIMENT 11: DESIGN OF BJT BIAS CIRCUITS Part 1 (15-7.5)V/5mA=1, 5Kohms Rg (commercial) =1.50hms a. Vgc (measured) =5.14V Verg (measured) =7.7V ee¢trom measured Bea (calculated) e. The most critical values for proper operation of this design is the voltage VCEQ measured at 7.7V. It being within 2.7% of the design value makes this a workable design. 240 f£. RB/(Beta*RC)=214K/(104*1.5K) g. Ry +Rp)=189K Rp (commercial) +214K h. No, the value of Rp is fixed both by VCC and VBE, neither of which changed. i. Ve (measured) =5. 64V Vego (measured) =9.27V ropttrom measured) =3.76nA Beta <73MA/ [ (9.27-.7) /214K]=108 (calculated) j. The measured voltage Vog is somewhat high due to the measured current Ic being below is design value. In general, the lowest IC which will yield proper VCE is preferable since it keeps power losses down. For the given specifications, this design, for small signal operation, will probably work since most likely no clipping will be experienced. 14K/ (108*1. 5K) =: +34 (see above) k. Rp/(Beta*Re) (calculated! RB/(Beta*Rg) (calculated! The parameters of the circuit do not change significantly with a change of transistor. Thus, the design is relatively stable in regard to any Beta variation. 1, S(Beta)=(3.76mA-3.4mA) /3.4mA: Part 2: Emitter-bias configuration a. Re(calculated) =I (VEC-(7.5+1.5) ]V/SmA=: Re (commercial) =}-2K b. RE(calculated) “1. 5V/SmA=3000hms RE (commercial) =2850hms a. Rp (measured) gale RB (commercial) =394K © Urc(measured) 6-040 Vor (measured) ag(from measured Beta calculated) “144 £. a1 ndSSufed*vSlkes are well within a 10% tolerance of the design parameters. This is acceptable. g. Rp/ (Beta*Rp)=9.6 h. RB (calculated) =950K 241 R iaiy=1M B (comercial veseOTEEfiangea from 214K to a value of 950K The increase in Beta was compensated for by the increase in Ry in such a way that Icg, and consequently Ver Vogg and ¥g remained constant. fignce, so did Re and RE. Yac (measured) =9-2V CEQ(measured) 5 gy Fgg(calculatea) aaa Beta (calculated) =37? k. The important voltage Vcgg was measured at 8.61V while it was specified at 7.5V. Thus, it was larger by a about 12%. This is probably the largest deviation to be tolerated. If the design is used for small signal amplification, it is probably OK; however, should the design be used for Class A, large signal operation, undesirable cut-off clipping may result. 1. The magnitude of the Beta of a transistor is a property of the device, not of the circuit. All the circuit design does is to minimize the effect of a changing Beta in a circuit. That the Beta’s differed in this case came as no surprise. m. (calculated) Rp/(Beta*Rp) fesrenisceaye’y (oscaer sy (mao) n. S(Beta)=.66 Part 3: Voltage-divider Configuration 25-(1.5+7.5) ]V/5mA=: 25K ohms 85 ohms a- Ro(calculated! ic (commerical b. RES TOBU75mk RE (commercial a. Ro (calculated R2 (commercial Ri (calculated Ri (commercial + VRc(measured) Yor (measured C9(calculated) Beet eaiculated) 144 The difference between the calculated and the measured values of Icg and Vogg are insignificant for the operation of this circuit. 242 £. Ry//Rg/ (Beta*Rg)=.066 3+ YRc (measured) =6-98V. YorQ (measured) =6 -47V Ig (calculated) =5; Sma ‘4 (calculated) ~368 h. the 4eSe0¥28*@Sl ues of the previous part show that the circuit design is relatively independent of Beta. i. The Beta’s are about the same. 5+ Ry//Rg/ (Beta*Rg) (24401) = +026 Ry//R2/ (Beta*Rg) (2N3904) = +066 k. S(Beta)=.051 Problems and Exercises is Table 11.2 Configuration Teg (mA) Vero lV Collector-feedback 364 7.7 4an7 7 512 7 Emitter-bias voltage-divider 5 1 + a+ The critical arameter for these design is the voltage Vogg- Given that its variation for the various designs is less than 10%, the results are satisfying 2 Table 11.3 configuration stability factors RB/(BetaRC) S(Beta) Collector-feedback 1.4 +8 Emitter-bias 0.6 +66 Voltage-divider +06 +052 The data in adjacent columns is consistent. The voltage-divider bias configuration was the least sensitive to variations in Beta. This is expected since the resistor R2, while decreasing the current gain of the circuit, stabilized the circuit in regard to any current changes. 3. Using KVL: VectictRctIc/Beta+RgtVpp=0V from which: I, Vec"Vpr) / (Ro+Rp/Beta) mA for stable operation, make: Ro>>Rp/Beta Using KVL: ~Voctig/Beta*RgtIg*RgtVpp=0V from which: IC=(Voo-Vpg) / (Rg+Rp/Beta) mA for stable operation: make Rp>>Rp/Beta Using KVL: -Vpptic/Beta*Ry //R2+VpptIc*RE=0V where: Vgp=R1/(Ry+R2) *Voc from which: Ic=(Vpp-Vpp) / (RgtRy//Ro/Beta) mA for stable operation: make Rp>>R,//R2/Beta EXPERIMENT 12:JFET CHARACTERISTICS Part 1 Part ¢- Vr(measureg)=-754V a. 1b gg S7 oa an. e. Vp(measured) =~2-53V 1. IDg, IDgg" -omaA, Vj ima’ V; 3.1V 3.9V It is extremely unlikely that two 2N4416 ever have the same saturation current and pinch-off voltage. Figi2.1 2 Drain-Source characteristics 244 a through a. Table 12.1 Ves(v) o -1.0 -2.0 Vps(¥) Ip (mA) Ip(ma) Ip (mA) 08 oro i) ao 10 4163 21 tas 20 5161 216 28 310 7132 3106 134 alo 7240 3h 136 5.0 7243 3i2 139 6.0 75 3i16 t42 7.0 75 3131 243 8:0 75 3133 faa 9:0 73 3136 fae 10.0 73 3136 150 11:0 aa 3136 150 12:0 6181 3136 151 13:0 6.76 3136 152 14:0 6.71 3136 153 Figl2.3 IDgg(Figi2.3)=7.5mA IDgg(Part1. vp(Figi2.3 Vp(Part1) =~2.53V Part 3:Transfer Characteristics 245 Table12.2 Vps(V) av ev ov av Vgs(V) Ip (mA) Ip(ma) Ip(maA) — Ip (ma) 3 Fis2 hes a B81 1 3106 3126 31363136 2 134 f42 146 151 d. given that the various variables in the above Table vary by less than 10%, it is reasonable that the curves can be replaced on an approximate basis by a single curve defined by Shockley’s equation if the average values of both IDgg and Ves (off) are used. Problems and Exercises 1. Shockley’s equation involves four parameters. Given two of them, such as Ip and Vgg, an infinite number of curves can be drawn through their interception all of which can satisfy Shockley’s equation for particular IDgg and Vp. 2. VgeVp*[1-(Ip/1Dgg) 2/2] Vv 3. For: IDgg=10mA; Vp: SV; and Ip=4mA Vgg (calculated) =(~5)*[(.4)1/2}=-3.160 4. a. gmg (calculated) =2*(7.44mA) /2.53= -88mS b. The slope of the Shockley curve is maximum at VGS=OV. ©. gm(calculated)=gmg(1-VP/VP)=0S when Vgg=Vp. The slope of the transfer curve at Vgg=Vp=0S a vGs/VP=1/4 gm 4.41ms note: gmg=5.88mS VGS/VP=3/4 1.47mS The slope is a constant value f. It is the proportional to the derivative of Shockley’s equation. 246 EXPERIMENT 13:JFET BIAS CIRCUITS Part 1: Fixed-Bias Network b. IDgg=12mA c+ Vp(measured) =~6Y a. rbST2BS3TI9} 76) 1/2a5.39ma f. Vrp (measured) = DQ(measured) Rp (measured. Part 2:Self-Bias Network Vesa a. Ves(calculatea)=73-3V Vp(calculated) ~12-4V Vs (calculated) ~3>1V Vps (calculated) =9-3V Vo (calculated) ~0V e. Ves (measured) “~3-4V D (measured) ~12-2V S (measured) ~2 217, Vps (measured) ~ iG (measured! The percent difference are determined with the calculated values as the reference VGs(calculated % Yp(calculated %) Vs(calculated %) Vps(calculated % Ve(calculated %)~0* Part 3:Voltage Divider-Bias Network b. For voltage divider-bias-line see Fig.13.2 ©. Ipg(calculated: Vos (calculated: 4. Vp(calculatea) Vs (calculated) Yps (calculated: e+ Veso (measured: Vp (measured: Vs (measured 0.4V 3V 247 Vps (measured) =5-1V f£. The percent difference are determined with the calculated values as the reference. Ves(calculated %) Vp(calculated % Vs(calculated % Vps(calculated %) S- Ipg(measurea) =4-8MA Ipg(calculated %) EXPERIMENT 14:DESIGN OF JFET BIAS CIRCUITS Part 1. Determining IDgg and Vp b. IDgs (measured) =10-8mA c+ Yp(measurea)=V Part 2. Self-bias Circuit Design a. ID9(calculated Ypsg (calculated 5 Ypp (calculated) 4. Rg (calculated) =,1/9m=333 ohms Rs (commercial); 330 ohms e. VR ~Ypg=30-15-1.8=13.2V SF pps 4k a f. Vps (measured) = Ipg (measured) “5: 6mA Ypso(calculated) =15V 4m DQ (calculated g. abO&SRaGRS*BStleen calculated and measured values are within 10% of each other and thus are within acceptable limits. h. Vpsq (measured) =13+7V Ipg (measured) “6 IDSs (borrowed JFET)=9:8mA Vp(borrowed JFET)~~5:1V Even though in our case, the variations between JFETs was relatively small, such may not be the case in general. Thus, the values of the biasing resistors for the same bias design but employing different JFETs may differ considerably. 248 Best is not to use the arithmetic but the geometric average for the range of IDgg and Vp. Thus in our case, the geometric averages would be: IDgg(geonetric average)=, |, we (IDSS (min) *IDSS (max) ]1/2=[5ma*15ma) }+/2= 66mA And for Vp(geometric average) =[1*6]1/?=; 45V Statistically, these values are most likely the ones encountered. Part 3: Voltage-divider Circuit Design Ves (calculated) =~?- 6 Rg=(Vgg-Ves) /Ipg= (6-2-6) V/4mA=850 ohms Rs (commercial value}~$20 ohms V@ (calculated) -VGsttp*Rg=2-6+4mA*820=5. 85V c. RD (calculated where Ves=!p9*Rs= s72V p-Vpgo-Vag=20-8-3.2 Rat Sb=3 Sav 20-(8+3.28) }=2.18Kohms Rp=(Vpp= (YpsgtVrs) 1/T, Kohms Rp(commercial value) a Ry=10*Rg=10*820=8. 2Kohms F2 (commercial value)=10Kehms Solving equation 14.3 for R, we obtain: Ry=Rp* (Vpp-Vg) /Vg=1OK* (20-5. 85) /5.85=24. 2Kohms Ri (commercial value) =22Kohms e. Ypso(measured) 77; 9V Do(measured) “4 +2mA Vpso (specified) =8V Tho (specified) 4m %Ipg (calculated) =5% #Vpgq (calculated: 1.25% 249 such relative small percent deviations are almost too good to be true. The voltage divider bias line is parallel to the self-bias line. To shift the Q point in either direction, it is easiest to adjust the bias voltage Vg to bring the circuit parameters within an acceptable range of the circuit design. a In the present case, the percent differences for IDQ and vDSQ were well within the 10% tolerance allowed. If not, the easiest adjustment would be the moving of the voltage- divider bias line parallel to itself by means of raising or lowering of VG. This could best be accomplished by a change of the voltage divider R,/(R,+Rz)*Vpp. Its value determines the voltage Vg which in turn’determines the Q point for the design. h. Ypsq (measured) =13-7V Ipg (measured) ~3 + 68m Ipss (borrowed JFET)=9:8mA Vp(borrowed JFET)~~5-1V Problems and Exercises 1 Rp(commercial value) =?-7Kohms Rg (commercial value)~180 ohms 2.Rp (commercial value) =2-4Konms Rs (commercial value) =680 ohms Ri (commercial value) =6;8Kohns R2 (commercial value) =33Kohms In the design, use the geometric mean of both the given ranges on IDSS and VP for a given type JFEF. EXPERIMENT 15: COMPOUND CONFIGURATIONS Part 1 =982Kohms a. Rp(measured) (m ) <>. 6Kohns Re(measured) Lge (Voo-Vpg) /Rp=(20--7) /982K=19..7UA 250 Vr gneggured) = eneou TosVpe/ Ren 6. 45/2. 6K=2.48mA Beta (calculated) =1- 48mA/19. 7uA=126 Part 2 Coupled Multistage system with Voltage- Divider Bias b. Vina 7K/(4.7K+15K) #20 vena nv TelsFeawins /Rerm¢_2/3K4, 190 aE Re 20-4. 1mAs2-7K=9.2V “HK/ 92, 5 4Kg15k) *20=2.8V 1/4704 .6mA jah sGRawis2k=14.5V Table 15.1 Ver(Y) Voy (¥) Vag ¥) Vea Calculated Values 4.8 9.2 2.8 14.5 Measured Values 4.7 9.1 2.7 14.2 3 Difference ab Alt ile 5201 + + As can be seen from the above data, the differences between the calculated and measured values were much less than 10%. 5 We note that the voltages Vc, and Vg, arc not the same as they would be if the voltage across Capacitor Cg was 0 Volts, indicating a short circuit across that capacitor. Part 3 DC-Coupled Multistage systens Use the same equations to determine the circuit parameters as in Part 2 except that Vg9=Voq- b, Table 15.2 Veil) Voy (V) Vga (¥) Veg (v caiculatea Values 8 ip B22 ro Measured Values a7 91 9nd 1219 % Difference -1.7 1.0 -1.0 -.8 251 Again, the percent differences between calculated and measured values are less than 10% in every instance. The dc collector voltage of stage 1 determines the de base voltage of stage 2. Note that no biasing resistors are needed for stage 2. Part 4 A BUT-JFET Compound Configuration b Vp=4.7K/ (4. 7k+15k) *30= VgrVp- + 7V=6. 51, IpeIp=6.5V/1.2K=5.4mA Vp=Vecp*Rp=30-5. 4mA*98: For the JFET used: IDgg: pr determine VGS: Ip/TDgg=[1-Vog/Vp}2/2mA=5.4mA/10. IMA=[1-Vgg/3.2)2/2ma therefore: [5-4mA/10.1mA]?=[1-VGs/3.2] +286= 1-Vgg/3-2] from which: Vgg=(1-.286) #3.2=-2.28V remember: Vgg is a negative number! 12> (-2.28)=9.5V Table 15.3 vp(V) —-Vp(V) Ve(v) calculated Values = 7.2 23.6 5.5) Measured Values 71 24.4 8.7 % Difference -.56 3.4 “8.4 252 d. see Table 15.3 e. differences were less than 10% A + Voes(calculated from measured values) “VB-Vc=7+1-8-7=-1.6V Vos (measured) =~1-7V Tp (measured) “6-4mA The percent difference between the measured calculated values of Ip were 18.5%, with the of Ip used as the standard of reference y; 7 .2-.7=6.5V ‘E(calculated) Ic (calculated) =6-5V/1.26K=5.2ma T¢ (measured) =9+06mA The percent difference between the measured calculated values of Ig were -2.7%, with the of Ip used as the standard of reference. Problems and Exercises 1 and the calculated value and the calculated value a. There will be a change of Vg and Vc for the two stages if the two voltage divider configurations are interchanged. b. The voltage divider configuration should make the circuit Beta independent, if it is well designed. Thus, there should not be much of a change in the voltage and current levels if the transistors are interchanged. 2. Again, depending how good the design divider bias circuit is, the changes circuit voltages and currents should minimum. EXPERIMENT 16: MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES DC MEASUREMENT 253 of the voltage in the be kept to a Yo(catcutatea)=2K/ (2K+3. 9K) #1253 .86V vi 7 2 (measured) oer E calculated ae ‘0 a shitt)=2- TRI"SALE Has "Asin trom the center of the screen There is almost complete agreement between the two sets of measurements. The measurement taken with the DMM is the more accurate of the two,especially for a DMM,since it reads to 1/100 of a volt. AC MEASUREMENTS i ke iy +» Vi (ems) (calculated) =8/2*-707=2.82V y RSET TS (SRESB}S TS b2+40) 1/ (2.41K-F2.59K)=1.94/99.4V vi #1.31V + sQfPEe (ea iediatea Vo(p-p) (measured) =3-+72V 1.51% If we convert the measured rms value of VO to peak value we obtain 3.78 volts. Comparing that to the measured peak value of Vo which was 3.72 V, we can be satisfied with the results. Part 2 Measurements of the Periods and Fundamental Frequencies of Periodic Waveforms Horizontal sensitivits o0us/div number of divisions=5.6 Period (T)=100us/div#5. 6div=560us Frequency (f£)=1/T=1/560us=1800Hz £(dial setting) =1750H2 The dial setting on the signal generator at best can only give an approximate setting of the frequency. f (counter) =1810Hz. Indeed it is, the difference between calculated and measured values is only 10 Hz using the counter, whereas the difference between signal generator setting and calculated values was 50 Hz. That measurement which is Closest to that of the counter is the better measurement In our case, the scope measures better than the signal 254 generator. Part 3 Phase-Shift Measurements b. Vi cems) (calculated) =6/2*-707=2.12V G+ Voemay™ (O32; 59K) (2; 12450) { (2e-J2-99K)=1-81/-91 6 Vo (pep) (rms) 1 81*1-41*2=5.1V £. (number of divisions) B mber of divisions) =10 n. anges fheka (calcu ated) -31.6 degrees 3. The network {3"S"485°htework, i.e., the output voltage vo lags the input voltage by the angle theta, in our case it lags it by -31.6 degrees. k VR(rms) (calculated) =} 1¥ aRgRePLISRASER ER grces 1. The output voltage Vo leads the input voltage by 58.4 degrees. Note that an angle of 58.4 is the complement of an angle of 31.6 degrees. y, =3V 'R(p-p) (measured) ab GPP Lases BE adgrees it’s a lead angle Part 4 Loading Effects 1 Yolprp) (calculated, -1K/ (1K+1K) #8=4V a. Yo(p-p) (measured) ~ “987 hee + Yo(p-p) (calculated) “1M/ (1N+1N) #=4¥ Vo(p-p) (measured) The real part of the input impedance of the scope is now in parallel with the R2 resistor and since for many scopes, that real part is about 1Mohm, therefore. Recope/ /R2=500kehms. Thus) Vo is considerably reduced R (prime) =1M/[Vi/VO-1]=1M/[8/2.7-1]=588kohms R( scope) =~R (prime) *R2/(R (prime) ~R2]=1-43Megohms Most general purpose oscilloscopes have an input impedance consisting of a real part of 1Megohms in parallel with a 30pf capacitor. The result obtained for the real part of that impedance is reasonably close to that. i. Yor ~p) (calculateg) “2K/ (1K+1M) *8=env ov Be K. TRSPEBLABES SEED within 1.25 percent. PROBLEMS AND EXERCISES 1. No, for the frequency of operation, the capacitor represents an impedance of 1.59k/-90 ohms. Therefore, in relationship to the existing resistors in the circuit, it cannot be neglected without making a serious error. 2. It depends upon the waveform. In case of sinusoidal voltages, the advantage is probably with the DMM. For more complex waveforms, the nod goes to the oscilloscope. 3. For measuring sinusoidal waves, the DMM gives a direct reading of the rms value of the measured waveforn. However, for non-sinusoidal waves, a true rms DMM must be employed. The oscilloscope only gives peak-peak values, which, if one wants to obtain the power in an ac circuit, must be converted to rms. divs. ims/div=.5ms /T=1].5ms=2KH2 5. angle theta=1.5/8#360=67.5 degrees therefore: Vj /Vo=(R/+Ry) /R! solving for R’: R’(V§/Vo) ee R! (Vj/Vo-1 Hence: R/=R1/ (03 /Vort) ohms EXPERIMENT 17: COMMON-EMITTER TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER b. Vpp=Ro/ (Ry+Rg) *Ve¢=10K/ (10K+33K) *10=2.33V Vp=Vpp-+7=1-63V Rectovasctngsst=2 Soanaras ay Ie 263/1K=1.63mA re=26mV/Tp-26mV/1.63mA=16 OHMS ©. Vp (measured) =?-25V 256 Ve (measured) =1-57V c(measured) =4-95V TpsVp/Rpwl-57/978=1.6mA re=26mV/1.6mA=16.2 ohms The two values for rg obtained are within .2 ohms. This represents a 1.25 percent difference. Part 2. Common-Emitter AC Voltage Gain a. Ay(no_load)=-RC/re=3.2K/16=198 sigé®- Smv (rms) Vo(no load) +1;47V(xms) '¥(no, lea) , The two values of Ay agree within 10.6 percent of each other. Part 3. AC Input Impedance, 2; 2in=Ry//R2//Beta*rg=10K/ /33K/ /(150*16)=1.8Kohms vj tmeasuréa) 12mv (rms) Vgig=20mv (rms) 24n2(12mV/(20mV-12mV) ]*#1K=1. 5Kohms he two values of the input impedance were within 18.9% of each other. This relatively large divergence is in part the result of using an assumed value of Beta for our transistor. For a 2N3904 transistor, the geometric average of Beta is closer to 126. Part 4. Output Impedance a. 20(calculated) “Rc=3-2Kohms b. Veig(rms) =108V (rms) yo(ne Load) (rms) "3" SY (rns) Yo(ogded) (rms) ~-913V rms Ry23- 2koni 29=( (Vo-Vp) /Vp]#R=[ (1-8-.913) /.913] #3. 2K=3.1K The two values for Zg are within 3.15% of each other. 257 EXPERIMENT 18: COMMON BASE AND EMITTER-FOLLOWER (COMMON COLLECTOR) TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS a. Wesanrengagegyg on! onto 33 VesVpo > VEL Ro=10=(1.63mA) *3K=5.1V ce anes Vp (measured) =2-26V (measured) =1-57V (measured) =4-95V g/Rp=1.57V/978 Te(from measured values)"Yp/Rerl:87V/9700): GMa Ye(from measured values) In every case, the differences between the two sets of values are less than 10% apart. Such divergence is not excessive given the variability of electronic components. Part 2. Common-Base AC Voltage Gain -2K/16.3=197 The two gains differed by -38 percent with the calculated gain used as the standard of comparison Part 3.CB Input Impedance, Zi 6.3 ohms 24=[V4/ (VgigVi) ] *Rx=[9-9mV/ (5OmV-9. 9mV) ]#100=23.7 ohns The two values of the input impedance differed by 45 percent with the theoretical value of rg(16.3 ohms) used as the standard of comparison. Part 4.CB Output Impedance, Zo a. 2=Ro=3.2K be. Vgi votmeasured: 1g 4oga measured §=1.22V Zo=l (VorVzp) /Vp) *Rp=l (2-43-21. 22) /1.22]*3K=3.18Kohms 258 ‘The agreement between the two values of the output impedance is within less than 1 percent. Part 5. Emitter-Follower DC Bias a. VB(calculated) =2-33V VE (calculated) =1-63V IE (calculated) =1-63V Ve(calculated) =10V Fe (calculated) =26nV/IE=26mV/1.63mA=16 ohms VB (measured) =2-26V VE(measured) =1-78V YoqneaSurea)o10-2¥ IpsVp/Rgri- 78V/1K=1.78mA rg=26mV/1.78mA=14.3 ohms Part 6.Emitter-Follower AC Voltage Gain a. Ay=Rp/ (Rytre)=1K/(1K+14.3 b. Vsig=iV Vo (measured) =-987V Ayo) Veige-987/1=-987 986 ‘The two values of gain are within .1 percent of each other. Part 7. Emitter Follower(EF) Input Impedance, Zi a. 24=Ry| [Ro| | (Beta* (1K+rg)=7.31Kohms Veigz2¥ s Ry=foKohns ef iKHe Vi (measured) =+85V 2ST eS 5) R= -39Kohms +85/ (2-85) ]*10K The input impedance calculated from measured values is within 1.1 percent of the theoretically calculated value of Z;. Part 8. Emitter Follower(EF) Output Impedance, Zo a. 29=re=16 ohms b. Vo(measured) =19- 8mV L (measured) =11.2mv Zo=l (VorVz) /Vp] *Rp=[ (19. 8mV-11. 2mV) /11.2mV] *100=76.80hms In the theoretical formulation, Zo was equated with re, this is an approximation. A better expression for the output 259 impedance is: Zg=re+(RG||R1||R2)/Beta. Thus it can be seen that the given formulation was actually a minimum value of the output impedance. EXPERIMENT 19: DESIGN OF COMMON-EMITTER AMPLIFIER Part 3. Build and Test CE Circuit b. Vp (measured) 54 E(measured) yecpenguye ei rg=26nV/Tp=26nV/.89mA=29.3 ohms e E c Vsig=10mV y, a1sv L(measure! Av ORREF TEES) rg= (3.2K | |10.2K) /29.3=80.7 a. Vyign80. 5nv" BEAT ioxohns vy =8.env i (measures ZA RRFTRST BETA*T 9) =(100.2K| |21. 6K] |100#29.3=2. 4Kohms ©. Vo(measured) =1-08V c FORGNES Asics (2.08--82)/.82420.2Ke3.25Kohns Design parameter Measured value av ioomin. 80.7 24 (Kohms) 1Kmin. 2.38K Zo (Kohms) 10Kmax. 3135K vomax (p=) 3Vp-p min. 72 1vp-p The design of the circuit was succesful with all parameters, but the gain, meeting and even exceeding the design specification. The gain is about 20 percent below the expected value. To increase it, the supply voltage Vcc could be increased. This would increase the quiescent current, lower the dynamic resistance r© and consequently increase the gain of the amplifier. EXPERIMENT 20:COMMON SOURCE TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER Part 1. Measurement of Ipgg and Vp a 260 Part 2. a. Vgg=-1.33V -55mA VD=VDD=ID*RD=20-2. 55mA*2. 2K=13.8V ©. Ve(measurea)=0V Vs (measured) =1:46V Vp (measured) =13-8V. Yos measured). 1.37V Ip=Vp/Rg=13-8/488=2.99mA The agreement between calculated and measured values was in most cases within 10 percent of each other, the exception being the 17.3 percent difference between the calculated and measured value of Ip. Part 3. AC Voltage Gain of Common-Source Amplifier a. Ay="dmRp where psg/ (2*|Vpl) *(1-Vgg/Vp) 79249. 1mA/2.94(1-1.33/2.9) eam therefore: A 3. 4mS*2. 2: 48 b. Vgyg=100mv £21RHz Vo (measured) =758mV Ay=Vo/ Vg ig=/58mV/100nV=7.58 The difference between the theoretical gain and the gain calculated from measured values was only 1.34 percent Part 4. Input and Output Impedance Measurements 20 (expected) =2-25Kohns c. Vi (measured) =37 + 2mV Zi (calculated) -Vi*RX/ (Vsig-Vi)=592Kohms a. Vo(measured) =760nV RL (measured) =9 - 9Kohms Yu(ngasureg)=620nv, Zg= (Vo-Vy) *Ry/Vp= (760mV-620mV) #9. 9K/620mV=; .24Kohms 261 The infinite input impedance of the JFET is predicated upon the assumption of the zero reverse gate current. Such may not be entirely true. Hence, we observe a 41 percent difference between the theoretical input impedance and the input impedance calculated from measured values. The two values of the output impedance are in far better agreement. They differ only by .44 percent. EXPERIMENT 21: MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIER:RC COUPLING Part 1, Measurement of Ipgg and Vp Part 2. DC Bias of Common-Source Circuit Vesa (calculated) =~1-36V Ipi (calculated) ~3+1mA Vp1 (calculated) *Ypp"2p1*Rp1=20V-3 - 1mA#2. 2K=13.2V Vgs2 (calculated) ="1.38V Ip2 (calculated) —3-54mA ¥p2 (calculated) ="pp~Ipz*Ry2=20V-3.54mA*2,2K=12.20 c. Vgi (measured) =oV Vsi (measured) =1-49 Yp1 (measured) 23 -81V Vosi (measured) 731 00y Ipi=Vgi/Re1=1-49V/496=3mA Vg2 (measured) =0V Vg2 (measured) =1-52V Vp2 (measured) =11-3V Ves2 (measured) =~ -8V ee fee R ED sav /a6e=: +25mA, The theoretical and the measured bias values were consistently in close agreement. Part 3. AC Voltage Gain of amplifier » for stage 2: Ay2="9m2 (Rp2 | |RL)= =3..64mS) (2.2K| | 10K) =6.6 for stage 1: 262 Aya="9ma (Roa | |Zi2)=(-3-54ms) (2.2K| | 1M) = note: 2;=Rg2=1Megohn Ay=Ay1*Ay9=6.6*7.72=50.7 b. Vsig(measurea)=20mV L (measured) =245mV AysVr/Weiq@=945mV/20mV=47. VO1 (tieaSued)=145mv Vsig (measured 145mV/20mV=7.25 The voltage gains differed by less than 10 percent from each other. Part 4. Input and Output Impedance Measurements b c- Via (measyrea)=7-52V Vgigu2onv Re! Fuegohn 2 i2*Rx/ (Veig?Vin)=7- SnV*1M/ (208-7 . SV) =600Kohms ae Vi (measured) B poLngasyr ea =410nV 2g= (Vo-V) *Ry/Vp= (410mV-330mV) *10K/330mV=2. 42Kohms Again, the input impedance calculated from measured values is about 40 percent below that which we expected from the assumption that the JFET was ideal and had no reverse gate current. This seems not to be the case in actuality. There is a reverse leakage current at the gate which reduces the effective input impedance below that of Rg by being in parallel with it. The output impedances again are in reasonable agreement, differing by no more than 9 percent from each other. EXPERIMENT 22:CMOS CIRCUITS Part 1, CMOS Inverter Circuit Table 22.1 Table 22.2 IN our IN our ov sv ov sv 263 sv Vv sv .3V Part 2. CMOS Gate Table 22.3 A B ourpuT ov ov sv ov 5v ov sv ov ov sv 5v ov Part 3. CMOS Input-Output Characteristics a IN(V) 0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 OUT(V) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.8 IN(V) 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 OUT(V) 3.9 3.4 1.6 1.1 .75 6 IN(V) 3.8 4,0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 our(y) «1. +08 «02 .02 .005 0 EXPERIMENT 23: DARLINGTON AND CASCODE AMPLIFIER Part 1 Darlington Emitter-Follower Circuit oa vbicaiculated) ae ar VE(calculated. ayeRe/ Thee) = any (areio)=.8 be Mp (measured) =5-2 YE (measured) {B(calculated) eraeen calculated) = ee eeeban/sssunesos c. Vi (measured) vi 40nV ‘o(measured 20 FeF FESS hmv /350nv=.97 Part 2 Darlington Input and output Impedance a. 2. =20.6K| | (535*47)=11.3Kohms i(calculi ALES TRRFTEg Jbetacsohne b. Was 264 Part vy =55.6nV ZA LTE ESI-Vij J tRx= (55. 6mV/(500mV-55. 6mV) }*100K=12.5Kohns Vo (measured) =492mV VL (measured) =476mV Ry=10dohins Zo=( (Vo-Vz) /Vp] *Ry=[ (492mV-476mV) /476mV) #101 4. 2ohms The two values of the input impedance differed by about 10.6 percent while the two values of the output impedance differed by 53 percent. It is to be noted however that with such small values the difference in just one ohm manifests itself as a large percent change. Given the tolerances of electronic circuit due to their components and that of the Darlington chip, the results are quite satisfactory. 3. Cascode Circuit Ypi (calculated) =5-5V Ve1 (calculated) 4-8V Voi (calculated) =22V V2 (calculated) =12V yE2 (calculated) “19-30 Ter PET 7g eesdv/ tema. oma Ipg=11+3/1.8K=6.24mA Ye1=26mV/IE1=26nV/4.8mA=5.4ohms Yeg=26nV/IE2=26nV/6.24mA=4 . 2ohms Vpi (measured) =4-69V Ve1 (measured) =4-0V Voi (measured) =10-7V Vp2 (measured) =12-0V VE2 (measured: Vc2 (measured) =12.3V TE1(calculated) =Vg1/Rpi=4V/1K=4ma Ta (caleulated) “VE2/RE¢=10.5/2.8K~ Ye]~Zenv/TE1=26mV/4mA=Gohms Vi (measured) =8nv Vol (measured) =7.91mV Vo2 (measured) =948nv 3vi (calculated) ="Vor/Vi=7 -91/8nV= 2 (ealgulateg) Vo /Yo,=94ant/7 91m AyeNGa/Wat5S i= °8aend/enve=119 +98 265 The voltage gains for stage 1 were within 2 percent of each other, while the overall theoretical gain of 180 differs from the calculated gain from measured values by 34 percent. EXPERIMENT 24. CURRENT SOURCE AND CURRENT MIRROR Part 1 JFET Current Source measured) =9-64V Vpp-Vps) /Rr= (10-9. 64) /51. =7 .03mA, Table 24.1 Ry (ohms) 20 51 82 100 150 Vpg(Volts) 9.88 9.64 9.44 9.34 8.85 Ty (ma) 6.1 7.03 6.83 6.60 7.57 Part 2 BUT Current Source a. Tp=1.9maA Vi (measured) =~-68V Vo(measurea)= + 404V Tg(calculated) =2-13mA Tp (calculated) =1-88mA Table 24.2 Ry(kohms) 3.6 4.3 5.1 Vg(Volts) -.68 -.67 -.68 Vo(Volts) 3.03 1.74 404 Tg (mA) 2.14 2.17 2.13 Ty(mA) 1.94 1.92 1.88 Part 3 Current Mirror 9m 669 +24 -89mA Ip=1.0maA c. Ix(calculated)=1ma Vpi (measured) =.669V Ve (measured) =4.1V Ty. oma Ip=1.5mA 266 Part 4. Multiple current Mirrors Ix(calculated) =1mA Vp1 (measured) =: 672V Vc2 (measured) =1-67V -58mA I Tama 1272- Iytea culated Vp (measured) =.672V Vo2 (measured) =3.81V Vc3 (measured) =2.87V T, EXPERIMENT 25: FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF A COMMON-EMITTER AMPLIFIER Resume fp, 1=1/(2*3.2441.39K*10uf, fp) Q=1/ (2*3.24%6.1K*1uE fp) pHl/(2*3.14*2. 2K*20uf) = fy j=1/(2*3.14#1. 68K*960uf) =98. 7KHz, fyloml/(2*3.14*1.43K*45p£) =2.43MHZ 1. Low-Frequency Response Calculations Cbe (specified) ‘be (specified) ‘ce (specified) Cw, i (approximated) Cw) o (approximated Beta (measured) =12 Vp (calculated) VE(calculated) =3-38V Te(caleulated) 47 E(galeujated)o2 rosZenv/Tp=Sehv/1.54mA=16.9ohms Ay (mia) = (Rel [Rp) /Fe=(3-9K] |2.2K) /16.9=83.2 .L,1(calculated’ 1.5Hz 61 2Hz L, 2 (calculated) 'L, E(calculated) =3 + 62Hz 267 Part 2. Low Frequency Response Measurements b. Veig(measured)=30"Y Xo measured) Ay(mia)=” Table 25.1 £(Hz) 50 100 200 400 600 800 1K 2K 3k 5K 10K Yo(pep) 4°59 26 2-8 19 2.02.2 2.1 21 2.2 Table 25.2 £(Hz) 50. 100 200 400 600 800 1K 2K 3K 5K 10K Ay 13-2 16.7 30 53,3 60 63.3 66.7 70 70 70 73.3 Part 3. High Frequency Response Calculations a 8. 7KHZ, <4 7MHZ, fH, i(calculated fH, 0(calculatea be Table 25.3 £(KHz) 10 50 100 300 500 600 700 900 1000 2000 Vo(p-p) 2-2 2.22.1 1.9 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 8 Table 25.4 £(KHz) 10 50 100 300 500 600 70 900 1000 2000 Ay 73°73 70 63 53 20 46 40 40 27 Part 4. Plotting Rode Plot and Frequency Response Fig25.2 lo from plot: £1=400H2 £=500KHz 6 EXPERIMENT 26:CLASS A AND CLASS B AMPLIFIERS | Part 1. Class A Amplifier: Dc Bias a. Ve(calculatea) 71,597 Ve(calculated) 7-63), Ig (calculated) “1C=VE/RE=.83/20=41mA 268 Part Ye(calculated)=5-1V Yp (measured) =1-59V VE (measured) =:88V Cc (measured) =5-3V TE (calculated) =Ic-VE/Rg=-88/20=44ma 2. Class-A Amplifier: AC Operation Pi (calculated) =400mW Ug feafeufated) “8: 2¥P-P Po{calculated) =29. 3mW efficiency (calculated) =’ Vi (measured) =650V ‘0 (measured) =5VP-P Pq=400mW +3 percent Po=26nW $ efficiency (caiculated)=6-5 percent While the values for the power and the efficiency are fairly consistent between the theoretical and those calculated from measured values, the low efficiency of the amplifier is an undesirable feature. In general, Class A amplifiers operate close to a 25 percent efficiency. This circuit would need to be redesigned to make it a practical circuit. Vi (measured) =32+5mVp-p Vo (measured) =3VP-P Pi (calculated) =400mW Po (calculated) =9-38mW SOLEPIEUIRESS) 9208 0.9 percent Pj=400nW Po=93nW % efficiency=2.3 percent As stated previously, while the data is consistent, the values of the efficiency makes this not a practical circuit. Part3. Class-B Amplifier Operation for Vo=1Vpeak Pi (calculated) = P '0(calcylated 9 SFP eyeRE GC. curateay=3-1 percent 269 Vy, eak sow P oomw % efficiency (calculated)=12.6 percent be Yi (measured) 22 -9yPe O(neasured) =2+7VP-P SOnW PO=91nW %efficiency=10.2% €- Vi (measured) =5VP"P Vo (measured) =4VP~P Tac (measured) nah P. %efficiency=50.2% Note that the efficiency of the Class B amplifier increases with increasing input signal and consequent increasing output signal. Also observe that the two stages of the Class B amplifier shown in Figure 26.2 are in the emitter follower configuration. Thus, the voltage gain for each stage is near unity. This is what the data of the input and the output voltages show. Note also, that as the output voltage approaches its maximum value that the efficiency of the device approaches its theoretical efficiency of about 78 percent. EXPERIMENT 27: DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS Part 1. DC Bias of BUT Differential Amplifier a. YB(calculated) =0V, Vg (calculated) =~*7¥ Vo(calculated) =5:43V TE(calculated) =457UA ¥e(calculated)=57 ohms i Ql Q2 Vp (measured) -.10V ov VE (measured) -.65V -.65V Yo(measured) 5.10 4.9V TE(calculated) 490UA 510uA re 530hms 51ohms 270 Part 2. AC Operation of BJT Differential Amplifier a Ay, d(calculatea)=179 Av, c(calculated)=-5 b. Voi (measured) =1+48V Vo2 (measured) “1-43 Vorgn(¥g 1s), 9) /2=(1.4842. 43) /2=1.46V c. Bvra=%o,a/Vi 2.8 + Yo,c(measyred) Ay, c7Vo,c/Vi=-55 Part 3. DC Bias of BJT Differential Amplifier with current Source a For either Ql or Q2: Va (calculated) =0V E(calculated’ c(calculated) =9¥ TE(calculated) =; 5m Ww Te(calculated)=52 ohms For Q3: Vp (calculated) =~5V. E(calculated)=~5-7V Vc (calculated) =~-7V ZE(calculated)=1™A Te(calculated)=26 ohms b. For Q1,Q2 and Q3: Ql Q2 Q3 y a7av ond -a Gov 'B (measured) ve(measured) Footy 2197 a leav re(measured) | ytoua, Gidua 7asua Ye(calculated) 2360hms 42.5 ohms 33.2 ohms Part 4. AC Operation of Differential Amplifier with Transistor Current Source a. AV,d=RC/(2*re)=10K/(2*57.8)=173 Part 5. JFET Differential amplifier a. For Ql :Ipgg=7.9mA Vpe=3.1V an For Q2: IDSS=8.1mA VP=-3.4V For Q3: IDSS=11.2mA ve==4.2V b. Vp, 1 (calculated) =9-84V Yo, 2 (calculated) =9-84V ¥8,1 (calculated cand c. Vo, 1 (measured) ~ YD, 2 (measured: a73y YD,2 ured) = Vora ime are =. BaV a. ay 3 (ugasured)~- ea “6, 1 (measured) =50"V 32: 2 (megsured)~46nV AV /ga4.6 EXPERIMENT 28: LINEAR OP-AMP CIRCUITS Part 1: Inverting Amplifier a ¥o/Vi (calculated) =-Ro/Ri=100K/ 20K bp. Yo(mgasured| AyetGg/Vied 87 /1=-4.87 c Yo/Vs (caiculatga)=-FO/Ri=-100K/ 100K 1 Part 2. Noninverting Amplifier 22 a. Av (calculated) "(1+Ro/Rj) = (1+100K/20K) b. Vo (measured agg TE8eh5 /1=5..25 The two gains are within 12.5 percent of agreement. 14100K/100K)=2 ce. Ay, a) (calculatea)=(1* 7 0 (measured: voppeasyg® The two gains are within 8.5 percent of agreement. Part 3. Unity-Gain Follower a. Vi (measured) =2 - 06V Vo (measured) =2+05V The ratio of the computed gain from measured values is equal to .995,which is practically identical to the theoretical unity gain. Part 4. Summing Amplifier a. Yo(calculated) =~[100K/100K*1+100K/20K*1 b. Vo(measured) =~5+ 02) The difference between the two values of VO is equal to 16.3 percent. 20 ©. Yo(calculatea)=~[100K/100K*1+100K/100K+1} Vo (measured) ="2+01V The difference between the two values of Vo is equal to .5 percent. EXPERIMENT 29:ACTIVE FILTER CIRCUITS Part 1.Low-Pass Active Filter a. fL(calculated)“2/ (243.14#10K*, 001uf) =15, 9KH2 273 Table 29.1 Low Pass Filter £(Hz) 100 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 15K 20K 30K Vo(V) 1.0 1.0 1.0.99 .95 .85 «74 «59 52 Fig 29.4 a. £,,(from graph)= 15KHz Part 2. High-Pass Filter a. fye2/(2*3.14*R2#C2)=1/ (2*3.14#10K*, OO1Uf) =15. 9KHZ Table 29.2 High-Pass Filter £(Hz) 1K 2K 5K 10K 20K 30K 50K 1K 300K vo(V) .06 .13 .31 .54 .78 .94 1.0 1.0 1.0 c. Fig 29.5 wie 2 pe ete) fy(from graph) =15KHz 214 Part 3. Band-Pass Active Filter a. c. Table 29,3 Band-Pass Filter £(Hz) 100 500 1K 2K 5K 10K 15K 20K 30K Vo(V) .01 .035 .07 615 132.51 657.5749 £(Hz) 50K 100K 200K 300K Vo(V) +35 .10 a. Fig29.6 EXPERIMENT 30:COMPARATOR CIRCUIT OPERATION Part 1 a. Ryc20Kohns, — Vre OKohns’ = Vegg=6.7V ce. 4°57V ref (measure: So YES mene Eee onyes.o0v (measured) (LED goes off)=4.98V . V; 6 .63V. (measured) (HED goes on)=6.65V measyred) (LED goes off)=6.61¥ air val(88*8?"9Sltages measured and calculated relative to a particular R3 are in very close agreement. Part 2. Comparator IC Used as a Level Detector a. Rj=10Kohns Vr eg (calculated) =4-98V R3=20Kohns Vref (calculated) ~6- 63V 275 S. yret measured) 2p goes on)=5.017 Uifmsasured) (cE Goes oft)=a. 97 Réplace R1 with 20Kohm resistor. v; 6.67V (R3=20Kohms) ‘ref (measured Wree measured) 25 goes on)=6. 63 vi (re aces ort)26-05v ifteacured) Vi (measured) ([Ep Joss on)=6. 65 Vi tmeasured) (Ep joss off)=6-67¥ he agreement between calculated and measured values in every case was near perfect. Part 3, Window Comparator a. V*(pin5, calculated)=7.5V v7 (pins, calculated) 2.5V c. Vi(pini, measured) =7.6V v*(pin5, measured) =7.36V v7 (pin6, measured) =2.3V a. Vi(measured) (LED goes on! Vi (measured) (LED goes off)=2.6V e. Vi (measured) (LED goes on)=7.46V Vi (measured) (LED goes off)=2.2V f£. Vi (measured) (LED goes 46V -01V Vj (measured) (LED goes off Again as in the previous case, the agreement between measured and calculated values was excellent. EXPERIMENT 31:OSCILLATOR CIRCUITS Part 1.Phase-Shift Oscillator be Re(negsurea) =347Konns ce Period, Fmeasureg)=-51s 5 HZ a. f=1/T=1/1-51ms=66 e. Period, T(measured) =15ms £=1/T=1/15ms=66. 3Hz £. £(calculated, c=. 001uF)=650KH2 f (calculated, C=.01uF) “6H? All values agreed within less than 10 percent of each other. Part 2. Wien Bridge Oscillator 216 €. T(measurea/C= 0-01UF)=3ns £ (calculated, C=0.01uF) =328H2 (calculated, C=.001uF) =3;12KH2 galculated, c=. 01ur) ~312H2 again, he°aarsenént bebiten the two sets of values was well within 10 percent. oy Part 3. 555 Timer Oscillator 0. 1us The agreement between the two values differed by only .4 percent. Part 4. Schmitt-trigger Oscillator sured, C=0.01uF) =210us AT7 TEA Sku, £. £ (calculated, c-0.001uF) =46KHZ £ (calculated, C=0.01uF) “4+ KHZ The measured and calculated values of the frequency for each capacitor were within 2 percent of each other. EXPERIMENT 32:VOLTAGE REGULATION-POWER SUPPLIES Note: The daza obtained in this experiment was based on the use of a 10 volt Zener diode. Part 1. Series Voltage Regulator a. VL=VZ-VBE=10V-.7V=9.3V b. VO(measured)=9.3V Table32.1 vi(v) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VO(V) 9.25 9.26 9.28 9.30 9.32 9.33 9.35 217 The voltage regulation of the system was -.54 percent. Part 2 Improved Series Regulator a. AS1#R1/R2=141K/2K=1.5 VL=AVZ VL(calculated)=15V b. Table 32.2 vi(v) 10 12 13 14 16 18 20 22 24 VL(V) 9.44 9.44 9,60 9.64 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.9 14.9 Upon coming near the nominal voltage level, the regulation of the system was -2 percent. Part 3. Shunt Voltage Regulator a. VL=(R1+R2) *VZ/R1=3K/2K*10V=15V b. VL(measured)=14.7V Table32.3 vi(v) 24 26 28 30 32 3436 VL(V) 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.7 14.7) 14.9 15.1 The regulation of this system was 2.7 percent. 278 EXPERIMENT 33: Analy: of AND, NAND and INVERTER Logic Gates Part 1: The AND Gate: Computer Simulation a Table 33-1 Input terminal 1 Tnput terminal 2 ‘Output terminal 3 |Anpu 1p 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 oO 0 0 Traces ULA:A and ULA:B are the inputs to the gate, Trace ULA:Y is the output of the gate. b. The output is at a logical HIGH if and only if both input are HIGH c. Over the period investigated, the Off state is the prevalent one. a. Terminal | 25ms___—| 125 ms 375 ms_ 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 3 i 0 o 279 Part 2. The AND Gate: Experimental Determination of Logic States a. Ideally, the same. b. 10H c. Should be the same as that for the simulation. d. The amplitude of the TTL pulses are about 5 volts, that of the Output terminal 3 is about 3.5 volts, e. The internal voltage drop of across the gate causes the difference between these voltage levels. Part 3: Logic States versus Voltage Levels a. Example of a calculation: assume: V(V1A:Y) = 3.5 volts, VY = 3.4 volts 3.5 -3.4V deviation =" == *100 = 2.86percent b. For this particular example, the calculated percent deviation falls well within the permissible range Part 4: Propagation delay a, For the current case, the propagation delay at the lagging edge of the applied TTL pulse should be identical to that at the leading edge of that pulse, Thus, it should measure about 18 nanoseconds. . Ideally, the propagation delays determined by the simulation should be identical to that determined in the laboratory. . From Laboratory data, determine the percent deviation using the same procedure as, before. 280 Part 5: NOT-AND Logic a Table 33-2 Inputi(7408) | Input 2(7408) Tnputi (7404) ‘Outpuit7404) i 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 — 0 0 0 1 7 Traces UIA: A and ULA:B are the inputs to the 7408 gate, ULAGY its output trace, Trace U2A:Y is the output of the 7404 gate, b. The Output of the 7404 gate will be HIGH if and only if the input to both tert © the 7408 gate are HIGH, otherwise, the output of the 7404 gate will be LOW. ‘The most prevalent state of the Output terminal of the 7404 gate is HIGH. ‘The PSpice cursor was used to determine the logic states at the requested times, The logic states are indicated at the left margin. Att = 25 milliseconds: Att= 125 milliseconds B. Experimental Determination of Logic States a, They should be relatively close to each other b. They are identical d__ The output of the 7404 gate is the negation of the output of the 7408 gate. 282 Part 6: the 7400 NAND Gate A. Computer Simulation Table 33-3 a _ Input terminal 1 Tnput terminal 2 “Output terminal 3 L 1 1 oT | 0 1 1 1 a) - 1 0 oO 1 B. Experimental Determination of Logic States Table 33-4 Input terminal 1 Input terminal 2 __ Output terminal 3 1 1 0 _ 0 _ 1 : 1 1 0 _ 1 0 - 0 1 283 EXPERIMENT 34: Analysis of OR, NOR and XOR Logic Gates Part 1: the OR Gate: Computer Simulation a. Table 34-1 Input terminal 1 Input terminal 2 Output terminal 3 1 1 1 0 1 i 1 0 fh 0 0 0 Traces UIA:A and U1A\b are the inputs to the gate Trace ULA’Y is the output of the gate. b. The output is a logical LOW if and only if both inputs are LOW, otherwise the output is HIGH c. Over the period investigated, the ON, or HIGH, state is the prevalent one. This differs from that of the AND gate. Its prevalent state was the OFF or LOW state. 284 4. The PSpice cursor was used to determine the logic states at the requested times, The logic states are indicated at the left margin Part 2: the OR Gate: Experimental Determination of Logic States The pulse of 100 milliseconds of the TTL pulse is identical to that of the simulation pulse b. The frequency of 10 Hz of the TTL pulse is identical to that of the simulation pulse. They were determined to be the same at the indicated times. 4d. The voltage of the TTL pulse was 5 volts. The voltage at the output terminal was 3.5 volts, The difference in these two voltages is caused by the internal voltage drop across the 7432 gate Part 3: Logic States versus Voltage Levels a. The PSpice simulation produced the identical traces as sown on the PROBE plot for Figure 34-2, Example of a calculation: assume V(V1A:Y) = 3.6 volts, VY = 3.4 volts 3.6V -3.4V" 3.6 %deviation *100 = 5.56percent c. It is larger by (5.56-2.86) = 2.7 percent. Part 4: Combining AND with OR Logic ‘A. Computer Simulation a 286 Table 34-2 UIAA [UIAB [UIAY |U2A.A [U2AB [U2AY [U3AA [U3AB [USAY 1 1 1 ne 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 jo 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 [0 0 0 1 o 0 fo 0 « Att =25 milliseconds Att i z 287 Att =375 milliseconds ‘The output of the 7432 gate, U3A-Y, is evenly divided between the ON state and the OFF state during the simulation. B. Experimental Determination of Logic States a. The logie states of the simulation and those experimentally determined are identical b. The logic state of the output terminal U3A-Y is identical to that of the TTL clock. c. The logic state of the output terminal U3A:Y id identical to that of the output terminal U2A:Y of the U2A gate. Part 5: NOR and XOR Logic combined a 288 b. The output trace of the 7402 NOR gate, U1A:Y and the output trace of the XOR gate, U2A:Y are both shown in the above plot. _ Table 34-3 _ UIA UIAB UIAY U2A:A UAB WAY 1 1 o | 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 [a 1 0 0 _t 0 [ 1 0 0 | 1 0 0 0 d. The output of the 7402 gate, UIA’Y is HIGH if and only if both inputs are LOW, otherwise the output is LOW. €. This is a logical inversion of the OR gate. ¢. The output of the 7486 gate is HIGH if and only if the two inputs U2A:A and U2A:B are at opposite logic levels, g. The logic state of the OR gate is HIGH if both inputs are at opposite logic levels an both inputs are HIGH. B. Experimental Determination of Logie States a. The experimental data is identical to that obtained from the simulation. b. Refer to the data in Table 34-3. ¢. Refer to the data in Table 34-3. d. Refer to the data in Table 34-3. The output of the 7486 XOR gate is HIGH if and only if its input terminals have opposite logic levels, otherwise, its output is at a LOW. f. Foran OR gate, its output is HIGH if both, or at least one input terminal, is HIGH. Its output will be LOW if both inputs are LOW. For an XOR gate, its output is HIGH if and only if both input terminals are at opposite logic levels, otherwise, the output will be LOW, 289 g. The output of an XOR gate will be HIGH when both input terminals are at opposite logic levels. Otherwise, its output is at a logical LOW. EXPERIMENT 35: Analysis of Integrated Circuits a, The PROBE data shows the flip flap to be in the SET condition b. The flip flop goes to RESET at 200 milliseconds because the D input terminal goes negative. The flip flop goes to SET at 400 milliseconds because both the CLOCK input and the D input are positive. ¢. The importance to note is that the D input can be negative and positive during the time that the Q output is low. d. After the initial SET condition of the flip flap, and after a RESET state of 200 milliseconds, the flip flop returns to its SET condition because at 400 milliseconds, both the CLOCK and the D inputs are positive. e. Starting from a SET condition, a transition to RESET will occur when the D input is negative and the CLOCK pulse goes positive. The flip flop will SET again when the D input is positive and the CLOCK goes positive. f. The conditions stated in answer previous answer define a positive edge triggered flip flop as defined in the first paragraph of Part 1 g See above answers 290 i, Let us assume that D is high when a positive a CLOCK pulse goes high. This will SET the flip flop. This SET will be stored, or remembered, until D is negative and the CLOCK triggers positive again. At that time, the flip flop will RESET. This RESET will be stored, or remembered, until D is positive and the CLOCK triggers positive again. At that time the flip flop will SET. Events repeat themselves after this B. Experimental Determination of Logic States, a. Both input terminals are held at 5 volts during the experiment b. The amplitude of the voltage of the TTL pulse is 5 volts. c. The amplitude of the output voltage at the Q terminal is 3.5 volts. d. The difference between the input voltages and the output voltage is caused by the voltage drop through the flip flop ‘The experimental and the simulation transition states occur at the same times. 291 Part 2: Frequeney Division Answer all questions below with reference to the following PROBE plot. a. The frequency at the U1A:Q terminal is 5 Hz. b. The frequency at the UIA:Q terminal is one-half that of the ULA:CLK terminal. ¢. The frequency at the U2A:Q terminal is 2.5 Hz d. The frequency of the U2A-:Q terminal is one-half that of the U2A:CLK terminal e. The overall frequency reduction of the output pulse U2A:Q relative to the input pulse UIA:CLK is one-fourth. £. Each flip flop reduced its input frequency by a factor of two. g. It would take four 74107 flip-flops. B, Experimental Determination of Logic States. a. The J and CLR terminals of both flip flops are kept at 5 volts during the experiment. b. The voltage level of the ULA:CLK terminal is 5 volts, The voltage level of the U2A:CLK terminal is 3.5 volts. The voltage level of the U2A:Q terminal is 3 volts. 292 c. Refer to the above PROBE plot. a. Pulse ___ Frequency UIA:CLK _ 10.0 Hz UIA:Q __ 5.0 Hz U2A:CLK 5.0 Hz __ U2A:Q 2.5 Hz e. They are identical Part 3: An Asynchronous Counter: the 7493A Integrated Circuit b. See PROBE plot above. ¢. t= 175 milliseconds, There is one clock pulse to the left of the cursor. 293 d, t= 375 milliseconds, There are three clock pulses to the left of the cursor. to the left of the cursor. 294 £, t= 1.075 seconds, There are ten clock pulses to the left of the cursor. g- Att = 1.075 milliseconds, the output terminals, QA, QB, QC and QD have resumed their initial states. h. The MOD 10 counts to ten in binary code after which it recycles to its ori condition i. The output terminal QA represents the most significant digit, j. The indicated propagation delay is about 12.2 nanoseconds. + Costin =1) (5)WC 295 a. The logic states of the output terminals were equal to the number of the TTL pulses. b. The experimental data is equal to that obtained from the simulation. c. The propagation delay measured was about 13 nanoseconds. The difference in the experimentally determined propagation delay was 13 nanoseconds compared to a propagation delay of 12 nanoseconds as obtained from the simulation data. 297 Test Item File Prepared by Rajiv Kapadia 299 Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The characteristic of an ideal diode are those of a switch that can conduct current: (a) in both directions (b) in one direction only (c) in both directions but in only one direction at a time (d) depends on the circuit it is used in 2. When a diode is doped with either a pentavalent or a trivalent impurity its resistance will . (a) increase (b) decrease (c) make the resistance stable against variation due to temperature (d) none of the above 3. To make a P-type of semiconductor material you need a doping material that is (a) pentavalent (b) tetravalent (c) trivalent (4) hexavalent SHORT ANSWER 4, The majority carriers in the P-Type material are the while in the N-Type material are the MULTIPLE CHOICE 5. The direction of the arrow in the diode synbol points in the direction of: (a) positive terminal under forward bias (b) from N-type of semiconductor to P-type semiconductor material (c) from P-type of semiconductor to N-type semiconductor material (d) leakage current flow 6. The reverse saturation current of a diode will just about for every 10°C rise in the diode temperature (a) double (b) half (c) increase, proportionately with temperature (d) decrease, proportionately with tenperature 7. With increase in temperature the current flowing through the forward biased diode will while the voltage drop across the forward biased diode is (a) increase; increased (b) decrease: held constant (c) increase; held constant (d) held constant; decreased 301 Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes 10 ul B 4 The DC or the stat (a) Rp = Vp/Ip. (b) Ry = VVp/VIp (c) Rp = (Vor = Yp2)/Cp1 ~ Ip) (d) all of the above can be used resistance of the diode is given by the expression ‘The piecewise linear model, equivalent circuit of the diode consists of (a) a junction capacitor, a battery, a small resistor and the ideal diode (b) a battery, a small resistor and the ideal diode (c) a battery and the ideal diode (d) the ideal diode Some of the modern ohmneters have a diode test setting. If you do not have one of these ohnmeters then to test the diode you need to check its resistance in the forward and the reverse direction. These resistances should be: (a) relatively high in the forward direction and relatively low in the reverse direction (b) relatively low in the forward direction and relatively low in the reverse direction (c) relatively low in the forward direction and relatively high in the reverse direction (d) relatively high in the forward direction and relatively high in the reverse direction In the Zener region the current and the voltage across the diode (a) is almost constant; can increase a lot (b) is almost constant: is almost constant (c) can increase a lot: is almost constant (d) can increase a lot; can increase a lot Suppose that a particular Zener diode has a temperature coefficient of 0.00575. If the temperature of this Zener diode increases by 50°C, what is the change in Vz? (a) 50 * 0.00575 = 0.2875 (b) 5 * 0.00575 = 0.02875 (c) 10 * 0.00575 = 0.0575 (a) Cannot tell without looking at the circuit in which the Zener is used In an LED the visible light is produced when: (a) the electrons and the holes combine with each other (b) when an electron enters the diffusion region (c) when a hole enters the diffusion region (d) when the electrons and the holes conbine in the diffusion region The light enitting diodes emit light when the diode is (a) forward biased (b) reversed biased (c) operating in the Zener region 302 16 17 18 19 20. 2 Tes tbank As semiconductor devices have become one of the primary purposes of the container is simply to provide some means of handling (a) larger (b) widely used (c) miniaturized (d) more powerful (e) less powerful The advantage of the miniaturization of electronic devices is that they: (a) improve reliability (b) reduce cost (c) increase speed (d) reduce system size and weight (e) all of the above The characterist conduct current in (a) both directions (b) only one direction (c) the reverse bias direction (d) the high voltage direction (e) none of the above s of an ideal diode are those of a switch that can ‘The diode is a short circuit for the region of conduction and it is an open circuit in the region of nonconduct ion (a) ideal (b) actual (c) power (d) small (e) large The ideal diode synbol has an arrow that points in the direction of (a) the leakage current flow (b) the forward current flow (c) positive terminal under forward bias (d) all of the above The term is applied to any material that will support a generous Flow of charge when a voltage source of limited magnitude is applied across its terminals (a) conductor (b) insulator (c) semiconductor (d) dielectric (e) none of the above ‘The term is applied to a material that offers a very low level of conductivity under pressure from an applied voltage (a) conductor (b) insulator (c) semiconductor (d) dielectric (e) none of the above 303 Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes 22. 23 24. 25 26. 21. 28 The term is applied to a material that has a conductivity level somewhere between the extremes of conductivity. (a) conductor (b) insulator (c) semiconductor (d) dielectric (e) none of the above Which of the following is not a commonly used semiconductor material? (a) carbon (b) lead (c) silicon (4) germaniun (e) none of the above As temperature increases, semiconductor materials tend to have: (a) an increased number of free electrons (b) a decreased nunber of free electrons (c) reduced conduct ion (d) relatively unchanged conduct ion (e) none of the above Pentavalent elements have valence electrons (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 8 (e) none of the above Doping is used to (a) decrease the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor (b) increase the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor (c) stabilize the conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor (d) increase the insulative quality of an intrinsic semiconductor (e) none of the above nen pentavalent elements are used in doping, the resulting aaterial is alled __ material and has an excess of (a) N-type; valence-band holes (b) N-type: conduct ion-band electrons (c) P-type: valence-band holes (d) P-type; conduct ion-band electrons (e) none of the above When trivalent elements are used in doping, the resulting material is called material and has an excess of (a) N-type; valence-band holes (b) N-type: conduct ion-band elect rons (c) P-type: valence-band holes (d) P-type: conduct ion-band elect rons (e) none of the above 304 29 30. 31. 32. 33 35. Tes tbank In an N-type material, the majority carriers are: (a) conduction-band electrons (b) conduct ion-band holes (c) valence-band elect rons (d) valence-band holes (e) neutral atoms Ina P-type material, the minority carriers are: (a) conduct ion-band electrons (b) conduct ion-band electrons (c) valence-band electrons (d) valence-band holes (e) charged atons Pentavalent atoms are often referred to as (a) donor atoms (b) minority carriers (c) acceptor atoms (d) majority carriers (e) none of the above When a PN junction is reverse-biased, its junction resistance is: (a) high (b) low (c) determined by the components that are external to the device (d) constantly changing (e) none of the above A PN junction is forward biased when: (a) the applied potential causes the N-type material to be more positive than the P-type material (b) the applied potential causes the N-type material to be more negative than the P-type material (c) both materials are at the same potential (4) all of the above (e) none of the above APN junction is reverse biased when (a) the applied potential causes the N-type material to be more positive than the P-type material (b) the applied potential causes the N-type material to be more negative than the P-type material (c) both materials are at the same potential (d) the current flow across the junction is based on minority carrier transfer (e) all of the above The isolated atomic energy structure associated with electron orbital shells is called a/an: (a) conduction band (b) energy band (c) valence band (d) energy gap (e) none of the above 305 Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes 36 37. 38. 39. 40 a. 42. ‘The more distant the electron is from the nucleus (a) the higher its energy (b) the lower its energy (c) the less likely it is to be invalued in conduction (d) all of the above (e) none of the above The energy required to move an electron in silicon from the valence band to the conduction band is: (a) 0.67 EV (b) 10 BY (c) 1.8 BY (a) 1.1 EV (e) none of the above Silicon diodes have been more significantly developed than germanium because (a) it is cheaper (b) it is easier to produce (c) it is more tolerant of heat (d) it has a lower forvard voltage drop When a PN junction's depletion layer is narrowed and the device acts as a nearly perfect conductor it is: (a) forward biased (b) reverse biased (e) unbiased (d) none of the above ‘The maximum reverse bias potential that can be applied to a Zener diode before it enters the Zener region is called th (a) threshold voltage (b) PIV (c) barrier voltage (d) depletion voltage (e) none of the above When a PN junction is reverse biased, the depletion layer is and the device acts as a near-perfect (a) narrowed; conductor (b) narrowed; insulator (c) widened; ‘conductor (d) widened: insulator (e) none of the above The electrode with N-type material of a diode is called the (a) anode (b) cathode (c) depletion region (d) Zener region (e) none of the above 306 43 45. 46 41. 48 49 Tes tbank The electrode with P-type material of a diode is called the (a) anode (b) cathode (c) depletion region (d) Zener region (e) none of the above . When forward biased a PN junction diode will conduct when the arrow in the schematic symbol (a) points to the more negative potential (b) points to the more positive potential (c) points to ground (d) points away from ground (e) none of the above Determine the static resistance of a diode whose Vp mA. (a) 4 ohns (b) 80 ohms (c) 200 ohms (a) 1000 ohns (e) none of the above 0.8 V and Ip =4 What is the static resistance of the diode at 25 degrees C and -30 Volts and Ip = 0.5 pA? (a) 60 M ohms (b) 30 M ohms (c) 3 K ohms (d) 60 K ohn (e) 600 ohms ‘The steeper the slope of the diode characteristic curve (a) the greater the ac resistance (b) the greater diode's capacitance (c) the less the diode's ac resistance (d) the less diode's breakdown vol tage (e) all of the above ‘The average diode resistance Ryy is cefined by between the limits of operations. (a) the distance (b) a curved line (c) a straight line (d) a characteristic curve (e) none of the above The model of the diode represents the device as: (a) an ideal diode (b) in series with a battery (c) in series with a battery and a resistor (4) an ideal diode and a switch (e) a switch and a battery 307 Chapter 1: Semiconductor Diodes 50. SI 52. 53. 54 55. The diffusion capacitance of a diode is a shunt capacitance effect that occurs when the diode: (a) is large (b) is small (c) is forward biased (d) is reverse biased (e) none of the above ‘The transition capacitance of a diode is a shunt capacitive effect that occurs when the diode: (a) is large (b) is small (c) is forward biased (d) is reverse biased (e) none of the above When tested with an ohmneter, a diode should have a relatively high resistance for condition. (a) the reverse-biased (b) the forward-biased (c) both reverse- and forvard-bias (d) none-biased (e) none of the above When tested with an ohmmeter, a diode should have a relatively small resistance for conditions (a) the reverse-biased (b) the forward-biased (c) both reverse and forward-biased (d) none-biased (e) none of the above The nominal voltage for a IN961 Fairchild 10 V, Zener diode has a temperature coefficient of 0.072. If the temperature increases by 50 degrees C, what is the change in V,? (a) 0.540 (b) 0.36 V (c) 0.72.V (d) 0.108 V (e) none of the above ‘The act of giving off light by applying an electrical source of energy is called: (a) light power (b) laser (c) photons (d) electroluminescence (e) all of the above 308 10. i. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16 7 18 20. 24. 22 23. 25. - Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: (b) (b) (c) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: holes, electrons (c) (a) Difficulty Difficulty: 2 2 2 Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective Section: 2 Objective 1 Section: 3 Objective: 1 Section: 5 Objective 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 2 Section: 7 Objective {e:d} Difficulty @) (b) (c) (c) (a) (a) (a) (c) (e) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) (b) (a) (c) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty 1 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 2 2 Section: 8 Objective: 1 Section: 9 Objective: 1 Section: Section: Section Section: Section Section: 1 Section: 2 Section: 1 Sect ior Section: 3 Section: | Section: 2 Section: 3 Section: 4 Section: 5 Section: 1 309 14 Objective: 1 15 Objective: 1 15 Objective: 1 16 Objective 16 Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective 1 1 2 Testbank Chapter 1: 26 27 28 29 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 39. 40. 41 42. 4B 44 45 46 41. 48. 49 50. Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Semiconductor Diodes (b) (b) () (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) (e) (b) (a) (dd) (ec) (a) (b) (d) (b) Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Section: Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section Section: Section: See| mn. Section: Section Section Section: Section Section: Section Section Section: 310 10 Objective 1 Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective aa o Ww SI 52. 53. Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer (d) @) (b) (b) (d) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Section: Section: Section: Section. Section: 3 Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective 14 14 15 16 Testbank Chapter 2: Diode Applications MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. For the circuit shovn in Figure 2.1.1 determine the load line intersection with the two axis: (a) Vp = 10 Volts and 1 (b) Vp = 1 Volts and Ip (c) Vp = 1 Volts and Ip = (d) Vp = 10 Volts and Ip = Faweaiy SHORT ANSWER 2. The operating point of the diode is where the intersects the diode _____ curve. MULTIPLE CHOICE 3. If one silicon diode and one germanium diode are connected in series, the voltage drop across the combination of the two diodes will be equal to: (a) the forward drop equal to that of the silicon diode (b) the forward drop equal to that of the germanium diode (c) the forward drop equal to that of the sum of the voltage drops across the two diodes (d) the forward drop equal to that of the difference of the voltage drops across the two diodes SHORT ANSWER 4. If the current flowing in the diode due to the applied voltage source is in the direction of the diode symbol's arrow then the diode is operating in the ___ state MULTIPLE CHOICE 5. Name the logic gate that is formed by the circuit shown in Figure 2.1.5 (a) positive logic OR gate (b) positive logic AND gate (c) negative logic OR gate (d) negative logic AND gate are Faure 215 312 Tes tbank 6. Name the logic gate that is formed by the circuit shown in Figure 2.1.6 (a) positive logic OR gate (b) positive logic AND gate (c) negative logic OR gate (d) negative logic AND gate a yee Le Figue218 7. For the circuit shown in Figure 2.1.7 the current will flow through the load resistor during the (a) positive half cycle of the input waveform (b) negative half cycle of the input waveform (c) during the entire input waveform () the diode will block all current and there will be no current flowing through the load Fett 8. Calculate the peak current that will flow through the circuit of Figure 2.1.8 assuming an ideal diode. (a) 12 m Amps during the positive half cycle (b) 12 m Amps during the negative half cycle (c) 16.97 m Amps during the positive half cycle (d) 16.97 m Amps during the negative half cycle ve] he Faweate 9. For the clipping circuit shown in Figure 2.1.9 what will be the maximum output voltage when the diode is conducting? (a) + 16.97 Volts (b) - 16.97 Volts (c) + 2.5 Volts (d) + 19.47 Volts _ wT Fgve2 Ta Chapter 2: Diode Applications 10 u 12 13 4. For the clipping circuit shown in Figure 2.1.9 what will be the maximum output voltage when the diode is not conduct ing? (a) + 16.97 Volts (b) - 16.97 Volts (c) + 2.5 Volts (a) + 19.47 Volts For the clipping circuit shown in Figure 2.1.11 what will be the minimum output voltage when the diode is conduct ing? (a) - 16.97 Volts (b) + 16.97 Volts (c) = 1.0 Volts (a) - 17.97 Volts Ee wT Faueiiti For the clipping circuit shown in Figure 2.1.11 what will be the minimum output voltage when the diode is not conducting? (a) ~ 16.97 Volts (>) + 16.97 Volts (c) zero Volts (d) - 17.97 Volts For the clamping circuit shown in Figure 2.1.13 what will be the maximum output vol tage? (a) + 1 Volts (b) + 21 Volts (c) - II Volts (d) - 21 Volts He fsx sows] Trove Figure? 173 For the clamping circuit shown in Figure 2.1.13 what will be the minimum output vol tage? (a) + 1 Volts (b) + 21 Volts (c) - 11 Volts (a) - 1 Volts 314 Tes tbank 15. The maximum and minimum value of the current flowing load resistor in the circuit of Figure 2.1.15 while the diode is operating in the Zener region is: (a) 8 mA and 40 mA (b) need to know the load resistor value before we can determine the value (c) 8 mA and 35 mA (4) 12.5 mA to 40 mA rte Ls Fgueziis SHORT ANSWER Lal 16. For the voltage multiplier circuit shown in Figure 2.1.16 the voltage across capacitors Cy is and the voltage across capacitor C) is Feats 17. In general Capacitors in parallel with inductive elements or across switches are there as elements and do not act as typical network capacitive elements. MULTIPLE CHOICE 18. The point of intersection between the characteristic curve of the diode and the resistor's loadline is known as: (a) the point of operation (b) the Q-point (c) the quescent point (d) none of the above (e) all of the above 19. Given a series silicon diode circuit with the resistor R = 2 K ohms and an applied voltage of 10 Volts, what is Ip? (a) 4.65 mA (b) 1.0 mA (c) 10 mA (d) 0.5 mA (e) none of the above 315 Chapter 2: Diode Applications 20. A series silicon diode circuit has a resistor R of 2 K ohms and a 10 Volt source. Determine Vpg if Ipg is 4.5 mA. @)2V (b) 0.7 V (c) 11.5 V (@) iv (e) none of the above 21. For the series diode configuration of Fig. 2.3(a) change the resistor R to 2 K ohms, and use the diode characteristic of Fig 2.3(b) to determine \ (2) 0.92 V (b) 92 aV (c) 9.2 V. (d) 10 (e) none of the above 1p(ama) + b | = a ys T Lov REIKO 0308 Vy @ ©) Fowe23 22. Generally a silicon diode is in the state if the current established by the applied voltage source is in the direction of the diode synbol's arrow and Vp is greater than or equal to 0.7 Volts (a) off (b) on (c) saturated (d) reverse-biased (e) none of the above 23. Generally a germanium diode is in the state when the current established by the applied voltage source is in the direction of the diode symbol's arrow and Vp is greater than or equal to 0.3 Volts (a) off (b) on (c) saturated (d) reverse-biased (e) none of the above 316 24. 25. 26. 27 28 Tes tbank The practical value of the current Ip for the circuit in Figure 2.18 in the textbook is if the applied voltage is dropped to 0.5 Volts and R to 1 K. (a) OA (b) 0.5 ma (c) O.5A (a) 5m (e) none of the above Given a diode circuit with two forward-biased diodes, silicon and a germanium diode in series with each other and a 1000 ohn resistor and an applied voltage source of 12 Volts the voltage and current associated with the resistor are (a) 10 Volts and 5 mA (b) 11 Volts and 2 mA (c) 11 Volts and 11 mA (4) 2 Volts and 11 mA (e) 5 Volts and 10 mA What is the value of the voltage dropped across forward-biased silicon diodes that are connected in parallel with each other? (@) 1.3 (b) 10.6 V (c) 0.7 V (@) 0.3 () 14v The value of the voltage dropped across two diodes one silicon and one germanium, connected in their forward-biased direction in parallel with each other and in series with a 12 Volt source and a 1 K ohm resistor is (a) 1.3 V (b) 10.6 V (c) 0.7 V (d) 0.3. V (e) 1.0 When the diode in a half-wave rectifier points toward the load, the output from the rectifier will be (a) positive (b) negative (c) either positive or negative, depending on the polarity of the transformer secondary voltage (4) full-wave (e) none of the above . A half-wave rectifier with the diode arrow pointing away from the load has a de output voltage of for an ac input voltage of 20 Watts maximum (a) 19.3 (b) 13.65 (c) 6.14 (a) 12.49 (e) none of the above 317 Chapter 2: Diode Applications 30. 31 32 33 34. 35 36. A half-wave rectifier is connected to an Vpax: The de output voltage is: (a) 19.3 Vde (b) 13.65 Vde (c) 6.14 Vde (d) 12.29 Vae (e) none of the above source with a voltage of 20 Why are bridge rectifiers preferred over full-wave center-tapped rectifiers? (a) They do not require the use of a center-tapped transformer (b) They provide higher de output voltages (c) They require a lower PIV rating (d) They require less space (e) AIL of the above A bridge rectifier has values of V = 177 Vpax, turns ratio= 5: 1, and R, = 500 ohms. What is the dc output voltage (a) 13.75 Vde (b) 9.91 Vde (c) 19.82 Vde (a) 6.88 Vde A positive full-wave center-tapped rectifier has a secondary voltage of 20 Vaax- The peak load voltage for the circuit is ______ if the diode drop is included (a) 20 Vp (b) 9.3 Vp (c) 19.3 Vp (d) 10 Vp (e) none of the above A full-wave center-tapped rectifier has a secondary maximum voltage of 20 Vm, and a 4.7 kn load resistance. What is the de load current for the circuit? (a) 1.26 ma (b) 2.61 ma (c) 629.8 mA (a) 1.4 mA (e) none of the above Which of the following circuits is used to eliminate a portion of a signal? (a) a clipper (b) a clamper (c) a voltage multiplier (d) a voltage divider (e) all of the above There are two general categories of clippers, which are: (a) de restorer and de eliminator (b) half-wave and full-wave (c) series and parallel (d) regenerator and eliminator 318 37 38 39 40. 41 Tes tbank ‘The simplest diode performs the same basic function as a (a) half-vave rectifier (b) full-vave rectifier (c) bridge rectifier (d) clamper (e) none of the above The circuit in Figure 2.8.5 is a: (a) series clipper (b) shunt clipper (c) series clamper (4) shunt clamper Figwe285 Which of the following circuits is commonly used to provide transient protection? (a) a clamper (b) a multiplier (c) an eliminator (d) a clipper Which of the following circuits is used to change the de reference of a signal without changing the shape of the signal? (a) a clipper (b) a clamper (c) a voltage multiplier (d) a voltage divider A clamper must have a/an that is large enough to maintain the capacitor's charge during diode conduct ion (a) de restorer (b) RC time constant (c) diode vol tage (d) applied voltage (e) none of the above 319 Chapter 2: Diode Applications 42. The circuit in Figure 2.98 uses a (a) positive clipper (b) negative clipper (c) positive clamper (d) negative clamper 43 44 45. 100k22 Yo Figue 298 The output voltage of the circuit in Figure 2.98 will be clamped to if the diode is silicon. 100K 9 Foue238 ‘The clamper works on the principle of (a) charging alternate capacitors to increase Vous (b) creating an input open circuit to disconnect’ the load (c) switching time constants (d) alternating de reference voltages (e) all of the above Which of the following determines whether a given clamper is a positive clanper or a negative clamper? (a) the type of diode used (b) the direction of the diode (c) diode placement (i.e., in series or shunt with the load) (@) all of the above (e) none of the above 320 46. 41. 48, 49. 50 31 52. Testbank The biased clamper has a de reference voltage that is (a) approximately equal to the de voltage that is applied to the diode (b) approximately equal to zero Volts (c) dependent on the peak-to-peak value of the ac input (d) equal to the de average of the circuit's output signal (e) none of the above Given that a 1000 Hz signal is applied to a clamper with a resistor R of 10,000 ohms. What is the minimum value of capacitor needed to maintain safe clamping action? (a) .25 pF (b) 10 pF (c) 5 pF (d) 250 pF (e) none of the above When the output signal is clamped to zero the total swing of the output is equal to: (a) total diode voltage drop (b) 1/2 the total voltage drop (c) the total input voltage swing (d) 1/2 the total input voltage swing (e) none of the above ‘The Zener diode is on if the applied voltage V is: (a) V< Vy (b) V is greater than or equal to Vz (c) V>2-Vy, (@) Vv < 12°V, When it is in the "on" state, the voltage across a Zener diode, (a) gets larger with an increase in applied voltage (b) gets smaller with an increase in applied voltage (c) increases sharply with a decrease in applied voltage (d) goes to zero with an increase in applied voltage (e) none of the above The Zener diode must be operated such that: (a) I, x Vy = Py (b) Py is fess than the specified Praax (c) the applied voltage is greater thin V, (a) behaves as a standard diode when not in the "on" state (e) all of the above The most Frequent applications for a are in regulator networks and as a reference voltage (a) half-wave rectifier (b) full-wave rectifier (c) Zener diode (d) ideal diode (e) clipper circuit 321 Chapter 2: Diode Applications 53. A typical Zener diode regulator circuit uses a: (a) dropping resistor in series with the load (b) resistor in parallel with the load (c) Zener diode in parallel with the series resistor (d) Zener diode in series with the load (©) all of the above 54, When the Zener regulator is used to stabilize the output voltage given a fixed input voltage and a variable load resistance, a too small load resistor will result in: (a) V is greater than V, (b) Vj is Tess than V, (c) Vj is equal to V;, (d) Vz is equal to Vin (e) none of the above 55. When a Zener diode circuit is used to stabilize the output voltage given a fixed load resistor and a variable input voltage, the input voltage must be: (a) small enough to turn-off the Zener diode (b) large enough to turn-off the Zener diode (c) small enough to turn-on the Zener diode (d) large enough to turn-on the Zener diode (e) none of the above 56. ‘Two Zener diodes connected can be used as an ac regulator. (a) in parallel with each other (b) in series with the load (c) back-to-back (d) in series with the input voltage (e) none of the above 57. A Zener diode is designed to operate in the region of its characteristic curve (a) forward operating (b) reverse bias (c) reverse breakdown (4) zero voltage 58. If the maximum Zener current is exceeded the Zener diode is: (a) turned off (b) turned on (c) destroyed (4) none of the above 322 15. 16 7 18 19 20. 21. 23. 24. Answer (@) Difficulty: 2 Section Answer: load line; characteristic Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: . Answer Answer: Answe: Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answe! Answer: Answer: Answer: protective fe) (a) (dy 2 (©) (b) (b) (a) Difficulty: 2 Sectio Difficulty: 2 Section: Difficulty: D ulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: 323 (c) Difficulty: 2. Section on Difficulty: 2. Section: (a) Difficulty: 2. Section (a) Difficulty: 2. Section (a) Difficulty: 2. Section: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: (c) Difficulty: 2. Section: (c) Difficulty: 2. Section (c) Difficulty: 2. Section (c) Difficulty: 2. Section (b) Difficulty: 2. Section : (d) Difficulty: 2 Section (a) Difficulty: 2. Section Vni Yq Difficulty Difficulty: 2 Section 2 Objective 1 5 Objective: Objective: 6 Objective 6 Objective: T Objective: 7 Objective 9 Objective: 9 Objective 9 Objective 9 Objective 10 Objective: 1 10 Objec 11 Objective: 1 Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective: e 2 2 1 1 2 Section: 11 Objective 13. Objective: 1 Tes tbank Chapter 2: 25. 26. 27. 28 29 30. 31. 32. 33. 4 35 36 37 38. 29. 40. 4. 42 4B 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Diode Applications (b) (a) (a) (c) (a) (b) (ad (b) (b) (d) (c) (c) (b) (a) (dy () (b) Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: ifficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty 2 Section: Section. Section: Section Section Section Section: Section Section: Section: Section Section: Section: Section Section Section Section Section: Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section Section 324 Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 uw 50. 51. 52. 54 55. 56. 37. 58. . Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer: (e) (e) (ce) (a) (b) (d) (c) (c) (c) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Dif! ulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Section: Section Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: 325 Objective: Objective 4 Objective 5 Objective 6 Objective 7 Objective: 8 Objective: Objective 10 Objective rt u u ul u uw u ul u Tes tbank Chapter Bipolar Junction Transistors SHORT ANSWER 1. The three terminals of a bipolar junction transistor are known as and . MULTIPLE CHOICE 2. For basic operation of a transistor the base-emitter junction is biased. (a) forward (b) reverse (c) not (d) semi 3. For basic operation of a transistor the base-collector junction is ___ biased. (a) Forward (b) reverse (c) not (a) semi 4. The output or the collector characteristics for a common base transistor amplifier shows that as a first approximation the relation between Ip. and Ic in the active region is given by: (a) Ig = Ie (b) Ie» Te (c) Ip « Ie (@) Ig = Ie 5. In the cut-off region the base-emitter junction and the base-col lector junctions of the transistor are: (a) both forward biased (b) both reversed biased (¢) base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base-col lector junction is reversed biased (a) base-emitter junction is reversed biased while the base-col lector junction is forward biased 6. In the saturation region the base-eritter junction and the base-collector junctions of the transistor are (a) both forward biased (b) both reversed biased {c) base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base-col lector junction is reversed biased (a) Base-emitter junction is reversed biased while the base-col lector junction is forward biased 326 Tes tbank 7. In the active region the base-emitter junction and the base-collector junctions of the transistor are: (a) both forward biased (b) both reversed biased (c) base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base-col lector junction is reversed biased (a) base-emitter junction is reversed biased while the base-collector junction is forward biased SHORT ANSWER 8. The transistor parameter a is defined as 9. The transistor parameter f is defined as MULTIPLE CHOICE 10. Ina small signal transistor the typical range of the parameter a is (@) greater than 1 (b) between 0 and 1 (c) almost equal to 1 but always less than 1 (0.9 to 1.0) (a) almost equal to 1 but always greater than I (1.0 to 1.1) 11, Ina small signal transistor the typical range of the parameter B is (a) greater than 100 (b) between 0 and 100 (c) almost equal to 100 but always less than 100 (90 to 100) (d) large and in the range of about 50 to 400 12. A BIT has measured de current values of Ig = 0.1 mA and Ic = 8.0 mA. When I, is varied by 100 wA, I, changes by 10 mA. What is the value of the ac beta for this device? (a) 80 (b) 10 (c) 100 (a) 800 13. A BIT has measured de current values of Ip = 0.1 mA and Ic = 8.0 ma. When I, is varied by 100 WA, I, changes by 10 mA. What is the value of the de’ beta for this device? (a) 80 (b) 10 (c) 100 (4) 800 14. When a BIT is operating in the saturation region the voltage drop from the collector to the emitter Veg is approximately equal to (a) collector supply voltage (b) collector current times the collector resistor (c) almost equal to zero (about 0.3 Volts) (d) equal to the emitter voltage 327 Chapter 3: Bipolar Junction Transistors 15. When a BIT is operating in the active region the voltage drop from the base to the emitter Vgg is approximately equal to: (a) base bias voltage (b) base current times the base resistor (c) almost equal to the one diode drop (about 0.7 Volts) (d) equal to the enitter voltage 16. Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are conmonly used as (a) the primary components in amplifiers (b) shunt clipper circuits (c) the primary components in rectifiers (d) series clamper circuits (e) all of the above 17. Vog is measured: (a) from the collector terminal to ground (b) from the collector terminal to the emitter terminal (c) from the enitter terminal to ground (d) from the collector-emitter junction to ground (e) none of the above 18. Why is the arrow on the BIT schematic symbol important? (a) It identifies the emitter terminal and the type of BIT. (b) It identifies the collector terminal and the type of BIT (c) It identifies the base terminal and the type of BIT (a) It identifies the direction of the enitter current (e) None of the above 19. In most cases, which two of the three BJT terminal currents are approximately equal in value? (a) collector current and base current (b) collector current and emitter current (c) emitter current and base current (d) all currents are approximately equal (e) no two are ever approximately equal in value 20. Which of the following biasing combinations is not normally associated with one of the three transistor operating regions? (a) E-B junction = forward, C-B junction = reverse (b) E-B junction = reverse, C-B junction = reverse (c) E-B junction = reverse, C-B junction = forward (d) E-B junction = forward, C-B junction = forward (e) All of the above 21. The condition where increase in bias current will not cause further increases in collector current is called (a) cutoff (b) saturation (c) active operation (d) Limit operation (e) none of the above 328 22 23. 24, 25 26 27 28. Tes tbank Beta is the ratio of (a) collector current to emitter current (b) base current to collector current (c) collector current to base current (d) emitter current to collector current (e) none of the above A given BIT has an emitter current of 12 mA and a base current of 600 A. What is the value of the de beta? (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 19 (a) 200 (e) none of the above A given BIT has an emitter current of 15 mA and a collector current of 14.95 mA. What is the exact value of beta? (a) 300 (b) 299 (e) 1.003 (a) 250 (e) none of the above A given BIT has a beta rating of 400. What is the value of alpha for the device? (a) 1.0025 (b) 0.0025, (c) 0.9975 (a) 1.00 (e) none of the above A given BJT has an alpha of 0.9985 and a collector current of 15 mA What is the value of base current? (a) 151.5 BA (b) 15.15 mA (c) 14.85 mA (d) 15 mA (e) none of the above Which transistor amplifier configuration is the most commonly used? (a) common-emitter (b) common-col lector (c) common-base (d) none of them are used more often than the others: A given transistor has ratings of maximum collector current equal to 200 mA maximum and a beta that varies between 150 and 200. What is the maximum allowable value of base current for the device? (a) 1 mA (b) 4 mA (c) 1.33 mA (d) none of the above 329 Chapter 3: Bipolar Junction Transistors 29. A BIT has measured de current values of Ip = 1 mA and Ic = 80 mA. When Ip is varied by 100 yA, Ic changes by 10 mA. What is the value of de beta for the device? (a) 80 (b) 10 (c) 100 (a) 800 30. A BT has measured de current values of Ig = 1 mA and Ic = 80 mA. When Ip is varied by 100 WA, Ic changes by 10 mA, What is the value of the ac beta for the device? (a) 80 (b) 10 (c) 100 (d) 800 31. When a transistor is in saturation Vo, is approximately equal to: (a) collector supply voltage (b) collector current times collector resistor (c) 0.3 Volts (d) emitter voltage (e) none of the above 32. A transistor has a rating of Beta = 5 to 450. What value of Beta should be used for circuit analysis purposes? (a) 50 (b) 250 (c) 450 (a) 150 330 10 u 12. 13. 4 15 16 7 18. 19 20 21 22. 24. Answer: emitter; bas Difficulty: 1 Answer: (a) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (b) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (d) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (b) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (a) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (c) Difficulty: 1 Answer: Ic/Ip Difficulty: Answer: Ip/I¢ Difficulty: Answer: (c) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (d) Difficulty: 1 Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (a) Difficulty Answer: (b) Difficulty Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Answer: (b) Difficulty Answer: (c) Difficulty Answer: (a) Difficulty: Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 collector Section: 2 Objective Section Section: Section: Section. Section: Section 1 Section: 4 Objective 1 Section: 6 Objective: Section Section: Section: Section Section Section Section Section Section: Section. Section Section Section: Section Section: 331 3. Objective 3 Objective 3. Objective 4 Objective 4 Objective 4 Objective 12 Objective 12 Objective 10 Objective 10 Objective: 10 Objective: 10 Objective: 1 Objective 1 Objective: 1 Objective: 4 2 Objective: 4 1 Objective: 6 1 2 Objective: 6 3 Objective: 6 4 Objective: 6 5 Objective: 6 1 Tes thank Chapter 3: 25 26. 2 28. 29 30 31 32. Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Bipolar Junction (c) Difficulty: 2 (e) Difficulty: 2 (a) Difficulty: 2 (a) Difficulty: 2 (a) Difficulty: 2 (c) Difficulty: 2 (c) Difficulty: 2 (d) Difficulty: 2 Transistors Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: 332 6 Objective: 6 7 Objective: 6 8 Objective: 6 9 Objective: 6 1) Objective: 6 Il Objective: 6 1 Objective: 8 1 Objective: 9 Chapter 4: DC Biasing--BJTs MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 When a BIT is biased in the Active Region its base-emitter junction and its base-collector junctions are and (a) forward biased; reversed biased (b) reversed biased; forward biased (c) forward biased; forward biased (d) reversed biased; reversed biased When a BJT is biased in the Cut-off Region its base-emitter junction and its base-collector junctions are and (a) forward biased; reversed biased (b) reversed biased; forward biased (c) forward biased; forvard biased (d) reversed biased; reversed biased . When a BIT is biased in the Saturation Region its base-emitter junction and its base-collector junctions are and (a) forward biased; reversed biased (b) reversed biased; forward biased (c) forward biased; forward biased (d) reversed biased; reversed biased . The fixed bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.4 uses a silicon transistor, a 12.5 KQ base bias resistor and a 2 X@ collector resistor. The supply voltage Voc is 12 Volts. Calculate the base current (a) 0.904 mA, (b) 0.96 ma (c) 0.056 mA (a) 6.0 mA nye Pique 414 Fd bas creut The fixed bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.4 uses a silicon transistor, a 12.5 KQ base bias resistor and a 2 KQ collector resistor. The supply voltage Vec is 12 Volts. Calculate the maximum collector current (a) 0.904 mA (b) 0.96 mA (e) 0.056 ma (4) 6.0 ma 333 Chapter 4: DC Biasing--BJTs 6. When a BJT is biased in the Cut-off Region the collector to emitter voltage is typically equal to: (a) the emitter voltage (b) 0.03 Volts (c) collector current times the collector resistor (d) collector supply voltage SR W " Faure 41.6 Foedtiae creat 7. The enitter stabilized bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.7 uses a silicon transistor, a 120.0 KQ base bias resistor and a 2 KQ collector resistor and a 500 Q emitter resistor. The supgly voltage Vc is 15 Volts. Which region is the transistor biased in? (a) saturation Region (b) cut-off region (c) active region (d) the transistor is not properly biased R, tg Figue 417 Emiter Seabized bias creat 0 eel 8. The emitter stabilized bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.7 uses a silicon transistor, a 120.0 KQ base bias resistor and a 1 KQ collector resistor and a 500 Q emitter resistor. The supply voltage Vcc is 15 Volts Calculate the base current (a) 89.0 mA (b) 89.0 A (c) 0.119 mA (d) none of the above 9. The emitter stabilized bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.7 uses a silicon transistor, a 90.0 @ base bias resistor and a I KQ collector resistor and a 500 Q emitter resistor. The supply voltage Vcc is 15 Volts Calculate the collector-emitter voltage. (The base current is 0.089 mA) (a) 4.32 Volts (b) 10.68 Volts (c) 0.1335 Volts (d) 14.24 Volts 334 Testbank 10. The voltage divider bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.10 uses a silicon transistor. The values of the various resistors are shown on the diagram. The supply voltage Vcc is 18 Volts. Calculate the base current (a) 233.78 WA (b) 34.62 WA (c) 596.55 pA (a) 76.8 wa Fgure 4110 votage Biden tas creat 11. When voltage divider bias is used it is considered appropriate to use the approximate analysis to determine the bias condition when the resistance Ry (148 Re (a) is greater than (b) is ess than (c) is very much greater than (@) is very much Tess than 12. The voltage feedback bias circuit shown in Figure 4.1.12 uses a silicon transistor. The values of the various resistors are shown on the diagram. The supply voltage Vcc is 20 Volts. Calculate the base current (a) 28.4 pA (b) 20.2 pA (c) 28:3 pa (a) need more information to calculate the base current Fique4.1.12Votage Fendpackbas cut 335 Chapter 4: DC Biasing--BJTs 13, 4 1s. 16 17. When designing a current-gain-stabilized voltage divider bias circuit (Figure 4.1.13) the rule of thunb used for the emitter voltage is: (a) Ve = Voc/10 (b) Veg = Vec/10 (c) Vp = Voc/10 (@) Vo = Veo/10 Figure 41 13Desion ofotiage Oder ios creat When a BIT transistor is used in a switching circuit it operates in the region and the region (a) saturation; active (b) active; cut-off (c) saturation; cut-off (d) active region only The only difference between the resulting equations for a network in which an NPN transistor has been replaced by a PNP transistor is (a) the size of the resistors (b) the value of p (c) the sign associates with the particular quantities (@) all of the above When a BJT has its base-emitter junction forward biased and its base-collector junction reverse biased, it is biased in the (@) saturation region (b) active region (c) cut-off region (d) passive region (e) none of the above When a BJT has its base-emitter junction reverse biased and its base-collector junction forward biased, it is in the (a) saturation region (b) active region (c) cut-off region (d) passive region (e) none of the above 336 18 19. 2 Tes tbank When a BJT has its base-emitter junction forward biased and its base-collector junction also forward biased it is in the (a) saturation region (b) active region (c) cut-off region (d) passive region (e) none of the above When a BIT has its base-emitter junction reverse biased and its base-collector junction reverse biased it is in the (a) saturation region (b) active region (c) cut-off region (d) passive region (e) none of the above The term quiescent means (a) midpoint biased (b) at rest (c) active (d) inactive ‘The fixed-bias circuit of Figure 4.2 uses a silicon transistor, a 10 K ohms base-bias resistor, a 2K ohm collector resistor and a collector supply of 12 Volts. Find the base current. (a) 6 mA (b) 1.37 mA (c) 1.13 mA (d) 12 ma (e) none of the above Figures? 337 Chapter 4: DC Biasing--BJTs 22. The fixed-biased circuit of Figure 4.2 uses a silicon transistor, a 12 K ohns base-bias resistor, a 2 K ohm collector resistor and a collector supply of 12 Volts. Find the maximum collector current. (a) 1.13 mA (b) 12 ma (c) 6 mA (a) 1.0 ma (e) none of the above Figue a2 23. When a BIT is in cut-off collector to emitter, voltage is typically equal to (a) collector supply voltage (b) collector current times collector resistor (c) 0.3 Volts (d) emitter voltage (e) none of these 24. The change in I, and Veg that can occur when the temperature changes is known as. (a) midpoint bias (b) midpoint movement (c) output movement (a) Q-point movement 25. A/AN improve bias stability (a) base voltage (b) emitter resistor (c) collector resistor (d) all of the above is added to the fixed as configuration to 26. The input resistance of the stabilized fixed-bias circuit configuration is: (a) inversely related to the emitter resistor (b) inversely related to beta (c) directly related to the collector resistor (d) directly related to the emitter resistor (e) none of the above 338 7 28 29 30. a1. 32 33. Testbank ‘Two of the factors associated with bias stability are (a) voltage and current (b) the beta and the junction temperature (c) age and amount of use (d) none of the above When a transistor is im saturation, the total collector current is limited by (a) collector supply voltage and the total resistance in the collector and emitter circuits (b) collector to emitter and collector supply vol tage (c) collector supply, collector to emitter voltage, and the total collector circuit resistance (a) the transistor (e) none of the above Voltage-divider bias stability is (a) dependent on alpha (b) dependent of beta (c) dependent on the collector res (d) independent of beta (e) none of the above stor Collector-feedback bias (a) provides a feedback path from collector to base (b) provides an improved level of stability (c) is not totally independent of beta (d) all of the above The collector-feedback bias configuration's input resistance is related to: (a) the emitter resistor (b) the collector resistor (c) the device beta (d) the base feedback resistor (e) all of the above The emitter follower configuration has (a) a 180 degree phase shift (b) an output voltage slightly greater than the input voltage (c) the emitter connected to de ground potential (d) the de supply applied to the base (e) none of the above A collector-feedback bias circuit is found to be in saturation. Which of the following could cause this condition? (a) The base resistor is open. (b) The collector resistor is open. (c) The transistor is shorted base-to-emitter (d) A solder bridge across the base resistor 339 Chapter 4: DC Biasing--BJTs 34. 35 36 37. 38 39 4. In the design of an emitter-bias stabilized circuit engineering judgment must be used because: (a) the collector resistor is usually unknown (b) the emitter resistor is usually unknown (c) the relative voltage levels have not been def ined (d) all of the above When designing for best bias stability the configuration should be chosen. (a) voltage-divider bias (b) collector-feedback bias (c) fixed-bias (d) emitter-feedback bias (e) none of the above When designing a voltage-divider bias circuit, the divider resistors: (a) should carry approximately equal current (b) should carry currents that are 10 times the base current (c) determine the base voltage as the drop across R2 (4) all of the above Why is design for a specific bias point desirable for most amplifiers? (a) To meet manufacturer suggested opening point (b) It allows optimum ac operation of the circuit. (c) It allows optimum de operation of the circuit (d) AIL of the above. There are transistors that are called switching transistors because (a) they have a built in switch (b) of the speed at which they can be changed from on to off (c) of the power they can transfer from input to output (d) of the voltage they can transfer from input to output (e) all of the above ‘The only difference between the resulting equations for a network in which an NPN transistor has been replaced by a PNP transistor is (a) the size of the resistors (b) the value of beta (c) the sign associated with the particular quantities (4) all of the above Transistor circuits that are quite stable and relatively insensitive to temperature variations have: (a) a large input voltage (b) a large stability factor (c) a small stability factor (d) a large beta (e) a small beta To design a transistor circuit for maximum stability one must consider (a) the collector leakage current stability factor (b) the base-emitter junction voltage stability factor (c) the transistor's beta stability factor (d) all of the above 340 Tes tbank 42. Variation in hfe is influenced by (a) junction temperature and collector current (b) temperature and base current (c) bias type and device size (d) device size and base current Chapter 4: 10 it 12 13. 4. 15 16 7 18. 19. 20 2 22 23 24. 25. . Answer Answer: Answer Answer » Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer DC Biasing--BJTs (a) (@) (c) (a) (dy (d) (a) (c) (a) (c) fc) (b) a) (©) (c) (b) (c) (a) (©) (d) (c) (e) fa) (dd) (b) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: if ficul ty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty 2 2 2 Section. Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section Section Section Section Section Section: Section: Section. Section Section Section: Section: Section: 342 2 Objective 2 Objective: 2 Objective: 3. Objective: 3. Objective: 3. Objective 4 Objective 4 Objective: 4 Objective: 5 Objective: 5 Objective: 7 Objective 8 Objective 9 Objective 11 Objective: 1 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 4 Objective: 2 5 Objective: 1 Objective 2 Objective 3. Objective: 4 Objective 1 Objective: 26. 21. 28. 29. 31 32. 33. 34, 35. 37 38 39 40. 4. 42 Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: (d) (b) (a) (@) (d) (e) (e) (c) (ad) (@) (a) (d) (b) (c) (c) (@) (a) Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Section: Section. Section: Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section Section: Section. Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section: 343 Objective Objective Objective Objective: Ob jective: Ob jective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective u 12 12 12 Tes tbank Chapter 5: Field-Effect Transistors SHORT ANSWER 1 3 ABIT isa controlled device while the FET is a controlled device . The three regions of operations for the FET are and In the ohmic region the channel behaves like a MULTIPLE CHOICE 4 ‘The maximum current in a JFET is defined as Ipss and occurs when Vos is equal to (a) zero Volts (b) pinch-off voltage (c) a small positive voltage (d) a voltage greater than the pinch-off voltage Schokley's equation defines the of the FET and are unaffected by the network in which the device 1s employed (a) Vos characteristics (b) drain characteristics (c) input output characteristics (d) transfer characteristics For an N-channel JFET Ipgs = 8 mA and Vp = -6 Volts. If Vos then what is the value oF the drain current Ip? (a) 2.666 mA (b) 3:5 wa (c) 3.55 mA (d) 5.33 ma -6 Volts. If Ip = 6 mAnps the gate-to-source voltage Vgs? For an N-channel JFET Ipgs = 8 mA and Vp then what is the value of (a) -0.8 Volts (b) -1.5 Volts (c) 0.1335 Volts (d) -4.5 Volts . The drain characteristics for a FET that you see on a curve tracer are drawn for equal step increases in the Vgs values, yet they are spaced further apart as Vos gets closer to zero. Why? (a) This is true for only some FET devices, not all (b) The curve depends on the FET device used. (c) Due to the square relation between Ip and Vgg, as Vgs gets closer to zero Ip increases faster so the curves are spaced apart further. (a) None of the above 344 10. u 12. 1B 14. 15 16. Tes tbank ‘The depletion type of MOSFET can operate in the (a) depletion mode only (b) enhancement mode only (c) in the depletion mode and the enhancement mode (d) none of the above For an N-channel depletion type of MOSFET if Vs > 0 then Ipss will be ——_ Ip (@) Tess than (b) more than (e) equal to (d) Ves is not allowed to be greater than zero For an N-channel depletion MOSFET Ipss = 8 mA and Vp = -6 Volts. If Vos = 0.8 Volts then what is the value of the drain current Ip? (a) 8 mA. 10.25 wa 10.28 mA (d) 6 mA For an N-channel depletion MOSFET Ipgs = 8 mA and Vp = -6 Volts. If 10.0095 Anps then what is the value of the gaterto-source voltage 0.54 Volts (b) -0.54 Volts (c) 0.1335 Volts (d) 6.54 Volts For Vgs < Vrq in an enhancement MOSFET the drain current will be: (a) 16:0 wa (b) 1.0 pA, (c) zero WA (d) -1.0 A The enhancement type of MOSFETs operate in the (a) depletion mode only (b) depletion mode and the enhancement mode (c) enhancement mode only (a) none of the above Many MOSFET devices now contain internal ______ that protect these devices from static electricity. (a) BIT transistors to bypass the static charge (b) back to back zener diodes (c) capacitors to collect and store the static charge (d) nothing can be done to protect these devices from accidental static discharge except very careful handling The FET that has the best switching speed performance is (a) CMos (b) PMOS (c) NMOS (a) Vwos 345 Chapter 5: Field-Effect Transistors 17. A CMOS inverter is biased with a +10 Volt V;s supply. The input to the inverter varies between zero Volts and +10 Volts. When the input to the inverter is +10 Volts the output from the circuit will be (a) +10 Volts (b) -10 Volts (c) zero Volts (d) circuit cannot have an input voltage that is equal to the supply voltage 18. The primary difference between BJT and FET types of transistors is: (a) BITs are voltage controlled and FETs are current controlled (b) BITs are current controlled and FETS are voltage controlled (c) BUTS amplify better than FETs (d) none of the above 19. The Field Effect Transistor has (a) an N-channel type (b) a P-channel type (c) unipolar structure (d) all of the above 20. FETs usually: (a) are soaller in construction than BIT's (b) are less sensitive to temperature change than BITS (c) have a higher input impudence than BJTs (a) are less sensitivity to applied signals than BJTs (c) all of the above 21, The level of drain to source voltage where it appears that the to depletions regions touch is known as: (a) the depletion zone (b) channel establishment (c) pinch-off (4) channel saturation 22. The JFET is a: (a) voltage-controlled device (b) current-control led device (c) frequency-control led device (d) poxer-controlled device 23. The ____ terminal of the JFET is the equivalent of the collector terminal of a BJT. (a) gate (b) drain (c) source (d) anode 24. The terminal of the JFET is the equivalent of the base terminal of a BIT. (a) gate (b) drain (c) source (d) anode 346 25. 26 28 29. 30. 31. Testbank ‘The terminal of the JFET is the equivalent of the emitter terminal of a BIT (a) gate (b) drain (c) source (d) anode The ____JFET uses a positive drain supply voltage (a) N-channeT (b) P-channel (ec) MDS (a) CMs . The region of the characteristic curve family for the junction FET that is normally used for linear amplification is: (a) the constant-current region (b) the saturation region (c) the linear amplification region (d) all of the above (e) none of the above The collector current I, of a BJT flows through two junctions. The drain current of an FET Iy flows through junctions. (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (e) none of the above As the channel width of a JFET decreases, the source-to-drain resistance of the device: (a) increases (b) decreases (c) remains constant (d) is not affected Which of the following is usually used to control the channel width of a given JFET? (a) the source voltage (b) the gate-to-source vol tage (c) the operating frequency (d) the drain current The region of the JFET drain curve that lies between pinch-off and breakdown is called: (a) the constant-voltage region (b) the ohmic region (c) the saturation region (d) none of the above Chapter 5: Field-Effect Transistors 32 33, 35 36. 38. The value of gate-to-source voltage that causes the drain current to reach its maximum value at a given value of drain voltage is called: (a) VDyay (b) pinch-off voltage (c) Voss, (d) none of the above The FET transfer characteristic curve is defined by Shockley's equation and is (a) unaffected by the network it is used in (b) directly related to the drain resistor (c) inversely related to the drain resistor (d) inversely related to the sum of the drain and source resistors (e) none of the above What two parameters represent the FET transfer characteristic? (a) drain-to-source voltage and gate-to-source voltage (b) drain-to-source voltage and drain current (c) gate-to-source voltage and drain current (d) gate current and drain current (e) none of the above ‘The value of drain current is always the value of the short circuit drain current Ipss for a given JFET (a) less. than (b) equal to (c) less than or equal to (d) greater than A JFET has values of Ipss = mA and Vgs opp = -5 V. What is the value of Ip at Vos = -3 V? (a) 1.6 mA (b) 3.6 mA (c) 25.6 mA (a) 4m A given JFET has values of Vp = 10 V and Ipss = 8 mA. What is the value of Vos orr for the device? a) +10 (a) (b) -10 (c) -5 (d) cannot be determined from the information given ‘The enhancement-type and the depletion-type FEI (a) junction FET (b) imetal-oxide-semi conductor FETs (c) BITS (a) bipolar FETs are subclasses of 348, 29. 40 a. 42 a. 45. 46 Tes tbank ‘The depletion-type MOSFET has specifications and many characteristics that are similar to: (a) the PNP BJT (b) the NPN BJT (c) the JFET (d) none of the above Which of the following FETs is the best choice when the gate-to-source voltage has both positive and native swings? (a) JFET (b) enhancement MOSFET (c) depletion MOSFET (d) CMOS (e) VMOS NOSFETs typically have an input impedance value that is (a) higher than the JFET (b) lower than the JFET (c) equal to the JFET (d) randomly defined relative to the JFET D-NOSFETs can operate in (a) the depletion mode only (b) the enhancement mode only (c) the depletion mode and the enhancement mode (d) all of the above MOSFETs are also referred to as (a) substrates, (b) IGFETs (c) DEFETs (d) SiO-FETS Which of the following is true for an N-channel D-MOSFET that is being operated in the depletion mode? (a) Ip > Ipss and Vgs is positive (b) Ip < Ipsg and Vg is negative (c) Ip > Ipss and Vos is negative (d) Ip < Ipss and Vos is positive A D-MOSFET has values of Ip = 15.63 m\ and Vgg = +1 V. What is the value of Ipss? (a) Oma (b) 5 mA (c) 10 mA (d) none of the above For levels of gate-to-source voltage greater than the threshold voltage, the drain current is directly related to the (a) square of the difference between the gate-to-source voltage and the threshold vol tage (b) gate-to-drain voltage (c) square of the gate current (d) none of the above 349) Chapter 5: Field-Effect Transistors a7 48. 49. 31 52. 53. For a gate-to-drain voltage less than the threshold level the drain current of an enhancement-type NOSFEI (a) 100 ma (b) 10 mA (c) 1.0 ma (@) 0.0 mA The E-MOSFET can operate in: (a) the depletion mode only (b) the enhancement mode only (c) the depletion mode and the enhancement mode (d) all of the above A major disadvantage of MOSFETs is (a) its high input impedance (b) that it is a voltage operated device (c) that it is sensitive to electrostatic discharges (d) none of the above Many MOSFET devices now contain internal that protect them from static electricity (a) BITs (b) Zener diodes (c) PN junction diodes (a) capacitors Ihe power-handling levels of @ MOSFET: (a) is usually less than one Watt (b) is about 10 Watts (c) is similar to that of a vacuum tube (d) is usually about 100 Watts When compared with commercially available planar MOSFETs, VNOS FET's have (a) reduced channel resistance (b) higher current capability (c) higher power ratings (d) a positive temperature coefficient (e) all of the above ‘The VMOS FET typically has switching times that are (a) very slow (b) 1/2 that of the typical BIT (c) 2 times that of the typical BIT (d) 20 times that of the typical BJT Whos is a special-purpose type of : (a) D-MOSFET (b) E-NOSFET (c) JFET (d) BIT 350 56 37 58. Tes tbank _ A relatively high input impedance, fast switching speeds, and low operating power describe the characteristics of the family (a) BIT (b) enhancement-type MOSFET (c) depletion-type MOSFET (d) CMOS FET (e) VMOS FET ‘The FET that typically has the best switching speed performance is (a) CMOS (b) JFET (c) NVOS (d) PMOS (e) YMos. CMOS stands for: (a) complementary MOS (b) current MOS (c) capacitive MOS (d) conductive MOS A CMOS inverter has a +10 V Vgs supply and an input that varies between 0 V and +10 V. When the input to the circuit is +10 V, the output from the cireuit is: (a) -10V (b) OV (e) +10V (a) cannot be determined fron the information given 351 Chapter 5: Field-Effect Transistors 1. Answer: current; voltage Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 2. Answer: ohmic; saturation; breakdown Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 3. Answer: voltage controlled resistor Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 4, Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 7. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 9. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 11. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 12. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 8 Objective: 1 14. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 8 Objective: 1 15. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 16. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 17. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 11 Objective: 1 18. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 19. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 20. Answer: (e) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 2 21. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 2 22. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 23. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 352, 24 25, 26. 21. 28. 29. 30 31 32 33 34. 35 36. 37. 38. 39 40 41 42. 43. 45 46 47 48 Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer . Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: (d@) (a) (a) (b) (©) (a) (a) (c) (c) (a) (a) (b) (a) (b) (b) (©) (a) (d) (b) Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Section Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section. Section: Section. Section: Section Section Section Section: Section: Section. Section Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section. Section Section 353 Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Ob jective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Tes tbank Chapter 5: 56 37 58. Answer: Answer Answer . Answer: Answer: Answer: . Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Field-Effect Transistors (c) (b) (a) (e) (b) (b) @) (a) (a) (b) Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: 2 Section: Section: Section: Section Section Section Section Section Section Section: 354 Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: 10 10 10 10 u u u u Chapter 6: FET Biasing MULTIPLE CHOICE A JFET can be biased in several different ways. The common method(s) of biasing an N-Channel JFET is(are) (a) self-bias configuration (b) voltage divider bias configuration (c) fixed-bias configuration (d) all of the above SHORT ANSWER 2. In a self-bias circuit for an N-channel JFET transistor the bias voltage Vgs is developed across the resistor connected to the . MULTIPLE CHOICE 3. In a self-bias circuit for an N-channel JFET transistor the self-bias line (a) is straight up and down parallel to the Ip axis (b) is straight left and right parallel to the Veg axis (c) is slanted and passing through the Ip and the Ves axis on the positive side (4) is slanted and passes through origin . In a voltage divider-bias circuit for an N-channel JFET transistor the bias line (a) is straight up and down parallel to the Ip axis (b) is straight left and right parallel to the Vgs axis (c) is slanted and passing through the Ip and the Veg axis on the positive side (a) is slanted and passes through origin In the voltage divider-bias circuit for an N-channel JFET transistor, shown in Figure 6.1.5 caleulate the quiescent drain current Ip and the gate-to-source voltage Vos. (a) Ipe = 2-4 mA and Voge = 1.8 Volts (b) Ipe = 2-4 mA and Voge = -1.8 Volts (c) Ipe = 1-2 mA and Voge = -3.6 Volts (d) Ipe = 1.2 mA and Voge = 3.6 Volts Figae 615 Votage OMiderBias Creut 355 Chapter 6: FET Biasing 6. In the voltage divider-bias circuit for an N-channel JFET transistor, shown in Figure 6.1.5 calculate the drain gate voltage Vpg (a) Vpg = 8.42 Volts (b) Vgg = 7.42 Volts (c) Vpg = 6-42 Volts (d) Vpg = 5-42 Volts 7. There are many similarities between the transfer curves of JFET’s and the depletion type MOSFETs so they permit similar analysis of each in the de domain. The primary difference, for an N-channel device, between the two is the fact that depletion-type MOSFE"s permit operating points with values of Vgs and levels of Ip that Ipss- (a) positive; exceed (b) negative; exceed (c) positive: do not exceed (d) negative; do not exceed 8. In the self-bias circuit for an N-channel depletion mode NOSFET transistor, shown in Figure 6.1.8 calculate the quiescent drain current Ip and the gate-to-source voltage Vos (a) Ipe (b) Ipe (c) Ipe (d) Ips Figue6 18 Setias Creut 9. In the enhancement type of NOSFET the channel is formed when the gate-to-source voltage _____ the ___ vol tage (a) exceeds; pinch-off (b) is less than; pinch-off (c) is less than; threshold (d) exceeds; threshold 356 Tes thank 10. In the feedback-bias circuit for an N-channel enhancement mode MOSFET transistor, shown in Figure 6.1.10 calculate the quiescent drain current Yoo pe 35 New Tams nk Vp “8 Veron" Figure 61 10 Feedoaci-ias Creue 11. In the combination network, shown in Figure 6.1.11 calculate the quiescent collector current Ic. Figure 61.11 Combination Network 12. In the combination network, shown in Figure 6.1.11 calculate the quiescent voltage collector to emitter voltage Veg for the BIT transistor 3.63 Volts 7.78 Volts -14 Volts 13. In the combination network, shown in Figure 6.1.11 calculate the voltage at the drain of the JFET. = 8.22 Volts 4.14 Volts ip = 12.5 Volts (d) Vp = 3.5 Volts 357 Chapter 6: FET Biasing 14. Generally, it is a good design practice for linear amplifiers to choose the operating point that is approximately (a) near the saturation region (b) near the cut-off region (c) in the center of the active region (d) near the origin 15, The analysis that we mostly work with is that of the N-channel device For P-channel devices the transfer curve cnployed is the ______ image and the defined current directions are (a) identical; the same (b) mirror; the same (c) mirror; reversed (d) identical; reversed 16. It is important to remember that when the JFET is used as a voltage variable resistor, which is one of its practical applications, the voltage Vps is Vps(max) and |Vgs| is | Vp (a) very much greater than; very much greater than (b) very much less than; very much greater than (c) very much greater than; Very much less than (d) very much Tess than; very much less than SHORT ANSWER 17. One of the most important factors that affect the stability of a system is temperature variation. Ax the systen heats up the usual tendency is for the gain of the system to MULTIPLE CHOICE 18. 19 20 A JFET has the following rating: The device is being used in a fixed-| The simplest biasing arrangement for the N-channel JFET is: (a) voltage divider-bias (b) variable-bias (c) drain feedback-bias (d) fixed-bias The fixed-bias technique requires power supplies @ 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 @4 : Vp = -2 V to -5 V and an Ipgs = 4 mA S circuit with a gate supply voltage of Vgg = 1 V. What is the difference between the minimum and maximum values of Ip values for the circuit? (a) 7.6 mA 358, 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 Tes tbank ‘The self-bias configuration develops the controlling gate-to-source voltage across a resistor introduced: (a) in the drain leg (b) in the gate leg (c) in the source leg (d) none of the above A characteristic of voltage divider-bias in FET circuits is (a) the current in both R; and Ry is the same (b) the voltage drop across Ry is Vos (c) the gate current is zero (d) all of the above When using voltage divider-bias in FET amplifiers, increasing the size of the source resistor results in (a) lower quiescent values (b) more positive of Vos (c) a larger value of drain current (d) all of the above ‘The primary difference between JFETs and depletion-type MOSFETs is: (a) JFETS can have positive values of Vos and levels of drain current that exceed Ips (b) depletion- type NOSFETs can have positive values of Vgs and levels of Ip that exceed Ipgs (c) depletion-type MOSFETs can have only positive of Vos (d) JFETs can have only positive values of Vos biasing may be used with D-MOSFETs but not with JFETs. (a) Gate drain (b) Zero (c) Gate cutoff (4) Current source A popular arrangement for enhancement type MOSFET biasing is: (a) drain feedback biasing (b) fixed-bias (c) source resistor-bias (d) all of the above An E-MOSFET has values of Vos ty =.2 V and Ip oy = 8 mA when Ves = 10 V. What is the value of k for the device? (a) 0.0001 (b) 0.000125 (c) 80 (d) cannot be determined from the information given An E-MOSFET has values of Vg ¢h = 4V and Ip oy = 12 mA when y 0. V. The device is being used in a circuit that has a value of V. What is the value of Ip for the circuit? 33 mA 359 Chapter 6: FET Biasing 29. Which of the following biasing circuits can be used with E-MOSFETs? (a) self-bias (b) zero-bias (c) drain feedback-bias (d) current source-bias 30. Generally, it is good design practice for linear amplifiers to have operating points that: (a) are Close to saturation level (b) are close to the cut-off region (c) are close to midpoint of the load line (d) none of the above 360 10. u 12 1B. 14. 15. 16. 7 18 19 20 21 22. 23. 24 25. Answer: » Answer: Answer: Answer: ~ Answer: . Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer @ Difficulty Section: 2 Objective source Difficulty: 1 Section: 3 Objective (d) (c) (b) (a) (a) (d) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: 2 2 2 Section Section Section: Section Section: Section: Section Section: Section. Section. Section Section Section Section increase Difficulty: 3 Sec: (dd) (b) (c) (c) (d) (a) (b) (b) Difficulty: 2 Section Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: 2 4 Section Section Section: Section Section. Section. Sect ior 361 3 4 11 Objective: 1 13 Objective: 1 m: Objective Objective: Objective: Ob jective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective 2 2 1 1 1 13 Objective: 1 Chapter 6: 26. 20 28. Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer FET (a) (b) (©) (c) (©) Biasing Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Section Section Section: Section: Section: 362 Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Chapter 7: BJT Transistor Modeling SHORT ANSWER 1. A model is a combination of properly chosen that best approximates the actual behavior of devices under specific operating conditions 2. An ac equivalent circuit of a network is obtained by replacing the de sources by equivalent; replacing all the capacitors by equivalent; and renoving all the elements bypassed by the equivalents 3. The important two port parameters for analysis and design are : ; and MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. The input impedance of a BJT is: (a) resistive (b) capacitive (c) inductive (d) a combination of resistive, capacitive, and inductive 5. The output impedance of a BIT is (a) resistive (b) capacitive Ce) inductive (d) a combination of resistive, capacitive, and inductive 6. To calculate the output impedance the applied signal must be set: (a) equal to the smallest value of the input signal (b) equal to the largest value of the input signal (c) equal to zero (d) equal to a value that is half way between the largest and the smal lest 7. For a two-port system, like a BJT amplifier, the no-load voltage gain (a) is always greater than the loaded voltage gain (b) is always less than the loaded voltage gain (c) is always equal to the loaded voltage gain (d) can be less than or equal to the loaded voltage gain 8. Depending on the configuration of the amplifier, the magnitude of the no-load voltage gain for a single BIT transistor amplifier typically ranges from (a) 10 to about 10,000 (b) a hundred to about a million (c) just a little less than I to a few hundred (d) none of the above 363 Chapter 7: BJT Transistor Modeling 10 u 12 B 14 Depending on the configuration of the amplifier, the magnitude of the no-load current gain for a single BJT transistor amplifier typically ranges from: (a) 10 to about 10,000 (b) one to about a thousand (c) just a little less than 1 to a level that may exceed one hundred (d) none of the above Given the configuration of Figure 7.1.10 determine the input impedance. Vg = 50 aVolts, Tyq = 20 HAmps. and Roence = 500 @ (a) 2000 2 (b) 20.0 Ko (c) 200.0 K2 (@) 2.0 Ma “@ ~aos aa Pogue 71.10 The 'r,' transistor model replaces the base-emitter junction by (a) a constant voltage (b) an open circuit (c) the AC resistance of the forward-biased diode at the operating point (d) a diode ‘The typical value of the transistors input impedance, when used as a connon emitter amplifier is (a) Bre which ranges from a few hundred ghns to a few kilo ohms (b) gqfg. gq ranges from about 0.1 x 10-3 to about 8 x 10-9 (c) depends on the transistor and the manufacturer (d) could be any one of the above. They all describe the input impedance in different ways The H-parameter model uses parameters to describe the equivalent circuit of the BJT transistor (a) t¥o (b) three (c) four (d) five ‘The H-parameter model and the 'r,' parameter models are almost identical if the paraneter in the H-parameter model is ignored (a) he () by (c) hy (@) bj 364 15. 16 7 18, 19 Tes tbank Given the following H-paraneter model values for a common emitter amplifier, what value would be equivalent for B and re? hye = 1.450 k: hye = 17.5 uS k; he = 125; hye = 0.4 x 10-3 (a) 17.5 pS and 0.4 x 10-3 (b) 125 and 1.450 k (c) 1.450 k and 17.5 pS (d) 0.4 x 10°3 and 125 ‘The approximation that allows superposition to be used to isolate the ac analysis and the de analysis of small-signal amplifiers is: (a) that the circuit response i$ non-linear (b) that the circuit response is linear (c) that the circuit response is de linear and ac non-linear (d) that the circuit response is de non-linear and ac linear (e) none of the above A is a combination of circuit elements, properly chosen, that best approximate the actual behavior of a semiconductor device under specific operating conditions (a) circuit (b) schematic (c) model (d) monolithic IC The input impedance of a BIT is (a) inductive (b) capacitive (c) resistive (d) resistive and capacitive (e) resistive and inductive The output impedance of a BIT is (a) inductive (b) capacitive (c) resistive (d) resistive and capacitive (e) resistive and induc For BIT amplifiers, the no-load voltage gain is: (a) less than the loaded voltage gain (b) equal to the loaded voltage gain (c) greater than the loaded voltage gain (d) equal to zero Depending on configuration, the magnitude of the voltage gain for a loaded BIT amplifier ranges from: (a) just less than 1 to a few hundred (b) zero to 10,000 (c) 1 to 10,000 (d) 10 to 1000 (e) none of the above 365 Chapter 7: BJT Transistor Modeling 22. 23. BIT amplifiers current gain will typically range from: (a) just less than 1 to just exceeding 100 (b) zero to 10,000 (e) 1 to 10,000 (a) 10 to 1000 (e) none of the above Given the configuration of Fig. 7.7, determine the input impedance if V, = 40 mV, Roonse = 0.5 K ohms, and the input current is 20 wa (a) 1.5 M ohms. (b) 5.822 M ohms (c) 1,500 ohms (d) 582 K ohms (e) 100 K ohms Given the configuration of Fig. 7.7, determine the input voltage if V, = 40 nV, Roense = 0-5 K ohms, and the input current is 20 pA. (a) 55 nV (b) 40 a (c) 35 oV (d) 30 aV (e) none of the above Fioue 77 366 25. 26. 21. 28. 29 30 Tes tbank Given the two-port configuration of a BIT amplifier, determine the input voltage if V, = 18 mV, Ryense = 600 ohms, Vy = 3.6 Volts and the input current is 10 A (a) 12 0 (b) 16 nV (c) 17.994 a (a) 21.6 av (e) none of the above Given the two-port configuration of a BIT amplifier, determine the input impedance if V, = 18 mV, Reense = 600 ohms, Vo = 3.6 Volts and the input current is 20 pA (a) 120 ohms (b) 1,200 ohms (c) 23 K ohms (d) 27 K ohms (e) none of the above Given a two-port configuration of a BIT amplifier, determine the no- load voltage gain if V, = 18 nV, Ryense = 600 ohms, Vy = 3.6 Volts and the input current is 10 pA (a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (a) 400 (e) none of the above Given a two-port BIT amplifier configaration, determine the loaded voltage gain if Vp = 18 mV, Roeqse = 500 ohms, V = 3.6 Volts and the input current is 10 wa. (a) 96.66 (b) 112.33 (c) 133.33 (a) 150 (e) 166.66 The 'r,' transistor model replaces the with the junction diode's ac resistance (a) collector-base junction (b) collector-emitter junction (c) emitter-base junction (a) all of the above For the conmon-base configuration, the typical value of the input impedance range is: (a) 2 to 50 ohns (b) 50. to 1000 ohms (c) 100 to 10,000 ohms (d) 1M ohms to 2 M ohms (e) none of the above 367 Chapter 7: BJT Transistor Modeling 31. For the common-base configuration, tygical values of the output impedance range is: (a) 2 to 50 ohms (b) 50 to 1000 obms (c) 100 to 10,000 ohms (a) 1M ohm to 2 M ohms 32. The input impedance of the conmon-emitter configuration is (a) inversely related to the transistor beta (b) directly related to the transistor beta (c) equal to the transistor beta (d) none of the above . The conmon-emitter configuration has a current gain that is equal to: (a) 1/2 beta (b) beta (c) 2 beta (d) 20 beta (e) none of the above 34. The equation that correctly defines one of the hybrid parameters is: (a) Vo x Ty + hy, Vj (b) V3 xT, +h, x 2, (ce) Ip x Vy + hy x Vo @ i x Ip + hy2 Vo 39. The hyp hybrid parameter is defined as the: (a) open-circuit output admittance (b) open-circuit reverse voltage ratio (c) short-circuit forward current ratio (d) short-circuit input impedance 36. The hy2 hybrid parameter is defined as the: (a) open-circuit output admittance (b) open-circuit reverse voltage ratio (c) short-circuit forward current ratio (d) short-circuit input impedance 37. The hybrid parameter that is represented by the nane hf_ is (a) by Oe c) hy (d) ho2 38. The H-parameter that is the equivalent of the conmon-emitter circuit's beta is (a) bre (b) bye (c) Bye (d) bye 368 Tes tbank 39. The base input impedance of a BJT is listed on its spec sheet as (a) hie (b) hye (c) hie (€) bee 40. A given transistor has the following values: hpg = 200, hre = 120, hye = 5K ohms, hye = 40, and hye = 2500 uS. What is the Value of r, for the device? (a) 44 ohms (b) 41.7 ohms (©) 400 ohms (d) 25 ohms 41. The hybrid model is used in analysis and design: (a) much more than the re model (b) more than the r, model (c) equal to the tr. model (d) less than the Tr, model (e) much less than the r model 369 Chapter 7: BJT Transistor Modeling 1. Answer: circuit elements; semiconductor Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 2. Answer: short-circuit; short-circuit; short-circuit Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 3. Answer: input impedance; output impedance; voltage gain; current gain Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 4. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 7. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 9. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 11. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 12. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 14, Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 15. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 16. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 4 Section: 1 Objective: 17. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 18. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 4 19, Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 4 20. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 4 21. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 4 22. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 4 370 24, 25. 26 21 28. 29 31 32. 33. 34 35 36 31. 38. 39. 40 41. Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer (c) (dy @) (b) (b) (c) (c) fa) (dd) (b) (b) (b) (b) (a) (c) (a) te) (b) (d) Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Sect ion: Section. Section: Section Section: Section: Section: Section Section Section: Section Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section Section: al 6 Objective 7 Objective 8 Objective 9 Objective 10. Objective: 11 Objective: 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective: 4 Objective: 5 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 3 Objective: 4 Objective: 5 Objective 6 Objective: 7 Objective & Objective Tes tbank Chapter 8: BJT Small-Signal Analysis SHORT ANSWER 1. The negative sign in the resulting equation for Ay, in a BJT small signal analysis, reveals that there is between the input and the output signal MULTIPLE CHOICE 2. If the resistor in the emitter leg is not bypassed by a capacitor then the input impedance of the small signal amplifier will . (a) increase (b) decrease (c) stay the same (d) increase in sone cases and decrease in other cases 3. If the resistor in the emitter leg is not bypassed by a capacitor then the voltage gain of the small signal amplifier will (a) increase. (b) decrease (c) stay the same (d) increase in sone cases and decrease in other cases 4. Calculate the voltage gain for the circuit shown in Figure 8.1.4 assuming that the capacitor of 10 wF is mot connected in the circuit (Assume the value of the resistor r, = 15.3) (a) -137.25 (b) -8.4 (c) -7.91 (d) -16.34 Figue 814 Votoge Overs Crcut 5. Calculate the voltage gain for the circuit shown in Figure 8.1.4; assuming that the resistor in the emitter leg (0.25 k@) has a capacitor of 10 uF connected in parallel. (Assume the value of the resistor re = 15.3 Q) (a) -137.25 (b) -8.4 (c) -7.91 (a) -16.34 372 Tes tbank 6. The voltage gain of a very well-designed connon collector anplifier configuration, using a PNP transistor, is: (a) about -0.9 (b) about 0.9 (c) in the range 0.95 to 0.99 (d) in the range -0.95 to -0.99 7. When comparing the common emitter and the common collector amplifiers, the input impedance of the conmon is much larger and the output impedance of the common is mach smaller (a) collector; enitter (b) collector; collector (c) emitter; collector (d) emitter; emitter 8. The connon base amplifier is characterized as having a relatively input impedance and relatively output impedance (a) low; high (b) low: low (c) high; low (4) high; high SHORT ANSWER 9. For the conmon base amplifier configuration the input voltage Vjq and the amplified output voltage Voy are phase with each other. 10. Match the H-parameters to their proper nanes in the table given below: 1. hey a. input impedance - common emitter 2. hire b. forward gain - common base 3. ge c. output impedance - common base 4. hy d. reverse - common base 5. he . output impedance - conmon collector 6. hie f. output impedance - common emitter 7. hy g. forward gain - common emitter 8. hyp, h. input impedance - conmon base 9. Noe i. input impedance - common collector 10. hye j. reverse - common emitter 373 Chapter 8: BJT Small-Signal Analysis 11. For the three amplifier configurations of the BJT transistor studied fill in the following table: Parameter | Common Comaon Common Emitter | Collector Base Input Impedance | Output Impedance Voltage Gain Current ain Fill in all the entries using the relative terms Highest; In between; Lowest for each parameter Figure 8.1.11 Table comparing the three amplifier configurations MULTIPLE CHOICE 12. For the circuit shown in Figure 8.1.12, determine the input impedance for the amplifier: G) By! [Rol | Bre) (b) Ry | | Ra (c) é Te) (d) cannot determine fron the information given Figure 8:1.12,Vatiage Ovider Bias PHP vansistor 13. For the circuit shown in Figure 8.1.12, determine the output impedance for the amplifier: eS To (e) Re (@) cannot determine fron the information given 34 4 15 16. 7 18. 19. 20 Tes tbank For the circuit shown in Figure 8.1.12, determine the voltage gain for the amplifier (a) (Ro) * (Bre) (b) (Ro) * (te) (ce) (Rel | to) + (te) (a) cannot determine from the information given For the circuit shown in Figure 8.1.12, determine the current gain for the amplifier: 8 gem [Ro)) * ((Ry]1R2)4+B re) (c) B * (Re) * (Ro + To) (d) cannot determine from the information given ‘The conmon-emitter amplifier has: (a) voltage gain, current gain, and power gain (>) voltage gain'and power gain, but no current gain (c) current gain and power gain, but no voltage gain (d) current gain and voltage gain, but no power gain A fixed-bias BIT circuit has values of hpg = 200 and hr = 120. The ac current gain for the device is (a) 200 (b) 120 (c) 24,000 (a) 320 Coupling capacitors are chosen to ensure that the values of Xe are at the amplifier's operating frequency. (a) very small (b) smal (c) large (a) very large ACE amplifier has values of Vg = 1.1V, re = 1K ohms and Ro = 10k obns. What is the value of the voltage gain for the circuit? (a) 10 (b) 110 (c) 484 (a) cannot be determined with the information given Bypass capacitors are chosen to ensure that the values of Xo are at the amplifier's operating frequency. (@) very small (b) small (c) large (d) very large 375 Chapter 8: BJT Small-Signal Analysis 21. A CE amplifier with voltage divider bias and a bypassed Ry has values of 2 23 24 25 26. 21. Ro = 10 K ohms, re = 25 ohms. and hpg = 150. What is the Value of the voltage gain for the circuit? (a) 3750 (b) 60,000 (c) 400 (d) cannot be determined with the information given If a bypass capacitor opens, the value of re will (a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain the same (d) go to zero Which of the following circuit conditions would indicate that a bypass capacitor is open? (a) The presence of a de voltage at the BIT's emitter terminal (b) The voltage gain increases significantly (c) The loss of the ac signal at the base terminal of the BIT. (d) None of the above. A fixed-bias CE amplifier has an unbypassed emitter resistor Rp = 1.2K obas and a base resistor Rp = 270 K oims. If the value of re = 5 ohms and beta is 200, what is the voltage gain? (a) 4.64 (b) 10.3 (c) 24.64 (d) 103.3 A fixed-bias CE amplifier has an unbypassed emitter resistor Rg = 1.2 K ohms, a collector resistor Ro = 5.6 K ohms and a base resistor Rg = 270 K ohms. If the value of rg = 5 ohms and beta is 200 the current gain is: (a) 1.05 (b) 20.55 (c) 105.55 (d) 565.5 A fixed-bias CE amplifier with an unbypassed emitter resistor Rg ohns, a collector resistor Re = 5.6 K ohms, a load resistor Ry ohns and a base resistor 270 K oims If the value of tr is 5 ohms and the beta is 200, what is the loaded voltage gain? (a) 400 (b) 150 (c) 200 (d) 33.33 Which of the following would indicate that a CE amplifier load resistor has opened and indicates the effect of Z,? (a) the emitter voltage (b) the collector voltage (c) the loaded voltage gain (d) current gain 316 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33 34 Tes tbank ACE amplifier with emitter-bias has values of re = 25 ohms, hye = 150, hpg = 200, and Re = 2K ohms. What is the value of Z, for the circuit? (a) 3750_ohas (b) 303.75 K ohms (c) 5 K ohms (d) 430 K obns The conmon-collector amplifier (emitter-follower) has: (a) voltage gain, current gain, and power gain (b) voltage gain and power gain, but ao current gain (c) current gain and power gain, but a0 voltage gain (d) current gain and voltage gain, but no power gain The common-base amplifier has: (a) voltage gain, current gain, and power gain (b) voltage gain'and power gain, but ao current gain (c) current gain and power gain, but no voltage gain (a) current gain and voltage gain, but no power gain A transistor amplifier has an input signal applied to its emitter terminal and an output signal taken fron its collector terminal. The amplifier is a/an (a) conmon-emitter amplifier (b) common-base amplifier (c) conmon-collector amplifier (d) enitter follower An emitter follower has the following values: hje = 3 K ohms by, = 150, and Rp = 1.5 K ohms. What is the value of the voltage gain for the circuit? (a) 0.5 (b) 0.9925 (c) 0.9868 (4) cannot be determined with the information given Which transistor amplifier configuration has a 180 degree voltage phase shift from input to output? (a) conmon-enit ter (b) conmon-col lector (c) common-base (d) none of the above Which transistor amplifier configuration has a 180 degree current phase shift from input to output? (a) conmon-emitter (b) conmon-col lector (c) common-base (d) none of the above Amplifier ac input and output currents are (a) always 180 degrees out of phase (b) 180 degrees phase shift in all but one amplifier configuration (c) in phase in all but one anplifier configuration (d) always in phase 317 Chapter 8: BJT Small-Signal Analysis 36. Amplifier ac input and output voltages are (a) always 180 degrees out of phase (b) 180 degrees phase shift in all but one amplifier configuration (c) in phase in all but one amplifier configuration (d) always in phase 378 10. ul. 2 1B. 14 15 16 7 18 19 Answer: Answer: . Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: 1 - b; 2 - j; 3-e; 4-h; 5-9: 6 - 180 degree phase (a) (c) (a) (c) (b) (a) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Testbank shift Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 2 2 2 Section: Section: Section. Section: Section: Section Section ad 4 6 Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective: in Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective Answer Input Impedance Output Impedance Voltage Gain Current gain 1 In Between; Highest; Lowest In Between; Lowest; Highest Highest; Lowest; In Between Highest; In Between; Lowest Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer (a) (b) (c) (a) fa) (b) (a) (d) Difficulty: 2 Section Difficulty: 3. Section Difficulty: 3. Section Difficulty: 3. Section Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Section: Section: Section Section. 379 1 1 1 7-d; 8-0, 9-f; 9 Objective: 1 29 29 29 1 4 Objective Objective Objective Objective: 2 Objective: 2 Objective: 2 Objective: 2 1 1 1 W-a Chapter 8: 20. 2. 22. 23. 24 25 26 27 28. 29 30 35 36. Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer . Answer: . Answer Answer: . Answer: Answer: Answer BJT Small-Signal (b) (a) (c) (c) (c) (b) (c) (b) (b) (c) (a) (d) (@) (c) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Ana lysis Section: Section Section: Section: Section Section Section Section: 6 Section Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section: See! Section: Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective u u u W Chapter 9: FET Small-Signal Analysis SHORT ANSWER 1. The change in the drain current that will result from a change in the gate-to-source voltage can be determined by using the factor & in the following manner: Alp = gqAVos 2. The negative sign in the resulting equation for Ay, in any FET small signal analysis, reveals that there is between the input and the output signal MULTIPLE CHOICE 3. If the resistor in the source leg is not bypassed by a capacitor then the voltage gain of the small signal FET amplifier will (a) increase (b) decrease (c) stay the same (d) may increase in some cases and decrease in other cases 4. The input impedance Z; is many magnitudes (100's of times) greater than the input impedance Z; of a BIT. This effect on the overall gain of the system (a) has a very negative (b) has a very positive (c) has no (d) may be positive or negative and depends on the rest of the circuit 5. Calculate the input impedance Zj, for the FET transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.5 assuming that the 10 uF capacitor is connected in parallel with the 250 Q resistor in the Source leg. (a) Zj = Ry| | Ry = 9 MQ (b) Z; = Rj (c) Zi = Ry = 90 MO (d) Z; = would depend on the drain current Ip Yooute Figure 915 Votage Diver Bias Cut 381 Chapter 9: FET Snall-Signal Analysis 10. Calculate the output impedance Z,,, for the FET transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.5 assuming that the 10 uF capacitor is connected in parallel with the 250 Q resistor in the Source leg (a) Zour = Rp = 2.1 k@ (b) Zour = ta = 90 kQ (c) Zour = Rol | ta = 20522 (4) Zut = would depend on the drain current Ip Calculate the Voltage Gain Ay for the FET transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.5 assuming that the 10 uF capacitor is connected in parallel with the 250 @ resistor in the Source leg. You are given that the trans-conductance gq for this circuit is 0.00185 Amps/Volt (2) Ay = ~Balp = 3:85 (b) Ay = -8q(Rp| | 1g) = -3-7962 (ce) Ay 166.5 A “Baty = would depend on the drain current Ip Calculate the Voltage Gain Ay for the source follover FET transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.8. You are given that the trans-conductance gy for this circuit is 0.00185 Amps/Volt (a) Ay = Ba(ral [RiP Ro) + £1 + Sa(tal [Ry] |R2)} = 0.9939 (b) Ay = gata = 166.5 (c) Ay = gnRs = 0.4625 (d) Ay = would depend on the drain current Ip Voges ‘alt Figure 01 8JFET Source Fllone Creut Calculate the input impedance Ziq for the source follower FET transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.8. You are given that the trans-conductance gy for this circuit is 0.00185 Anps/Volt. (a) 2; = Ri] LR, = 9 MQ (b) Z; = Rp = 10 NO (c) Z, = Ry = 90 NO (d) Z; = would depend on the drain current Ip Calculate the output impedance Zyy for the FET transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.8 You are given that the trans-conductance gy for this circuit is 0.00185 Amps/Volt (a) Zour = Rs = 250 2 (b) Zout = fq = 90 kQ (©) Zour = Rs! | tal | (/gq) = 170.6 @ (d) Zur = would depend on the drain current Ip 382 Tes tbank SHORT ANSWER 11. For the three amplifier configurations of the JFET transistor studied fill in the following table Parameter | Common Common Connon Source Gate Drain Input Impedance Output Impedance Voltage Gain Fill in all the entries using the relative terms Highest; In between; Lowest for each parameter Figure 9.1.11 Table comparing the three amplifier configurations. MULTIPLE CHOICE 12, For an E-MOSFET you are given Vosyqny = 8 Volts, Viy = 5 Volts and Incoyy =.5.mAmps. Calculate the "k’ parameter for this transistor QR = 1535 e103 (b) k = 1.000 x 10-3 (co) k 555 x 1073 (d) k = 5.550 x 10-9 13. For an E-NOSFET shown in Figure 9.1.13 calculate the input impedance. (a) Z + {1 + (rl | Rp)} = 5.130 kQ (b) Z; + {1 + gatg}= 53.05 kQ (ec) Zi = 10.0 18 (d) Z, = Rp + {1 + ga(ral [Rp)} = 1.7035 NO Figure 9119 Calulte ‘he mputimpesance 383 Chapter 9: FET Small-Signal Analysis 14. Design the transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.14 for a gain of 8. You have to calculate the value of resistor Rp. (a) Ry = 9.0 ka (b) Ry = 10.0 ka (c) Rp = 3103.44 @ (d) Rp = 3.0 ka Yee zevnt Figue 9114 Design a transistor ‘ampli for specie gan 15. Design the transistor amplifier shown in Figure 9.1.15 for a gain of 10 You have to calculate the value of resistor Rp and Rs. It is desired that the transistor operate with a relatively high value of gq. For this device a high value of gy is defined as Vgs = 0.2Vp (a) Rp = 9.0 ka; Ry = 1.0 ke (b) Ry = 5.555 kQ; Rs = 250 @ (c) Ry = 5.555 kO: RS = 1.0 ka (d) Rp = 9.0 kQ; Rs = 250.2 Faure 9115 Design avansistr ‘pif for specie gan 16. The operating value of gy is always the value of gyq for a given JFET (a) less than (b) equal to (c) less than or equal to (a) greater than 384 7 18 19. 20 Tes tbank . A given JFET has values of go = 1200 uS and Vos opr = -4 V. What is the value of gy for the device at Vgs = -2 V? (a) 500 pS) (b) 1200 us (c) 300 ws (d) cannot be determined from the information given A JFET has values of gqo = 1200 wS and Vos orp = ~4 V. What is the approximate value of Ipss? (a) 4.8 mA (b) 9.6 ma (c) 2.4 mA (d) cannot be determined from the information given The amplifier has high input impedance, low output impedance, and Tow voltage gain (a) common-gate (b) conmon-drain (€) common-source (d) none of the above ‘The amplifier has low input impedance, high output impedance, and high voltage gain (a) conmon-gate (b) common-drain (c) conmon-source (d) none of the above 385 Chapter 9: 10 n. 2 B 4. 15 16 17. 18. 19 20 Answer: . Answer: . Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: FET Small-Signal Analysis transconductance 180 degree phase (b) (b) (a) () () (a) (a) tc) Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Input Impedance In Be: Output Impedance In Be Voltage Gain In Be Difficulty shift Difficulty: 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section: 2 Section 2 Section: 2 Section: tween; tween; tween, Tn Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer (©) (d) (c) (b) fc) (a) (e) (b) (a) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: 22 Section 2 Section: 3. Section: 3 Section: 2 Section: 2 Section: 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 386 2 Section: 2 Section: 1 4 4 Lowest; In Between; Between; 1 19 12 Objective: 1 Section: 2 Objective Objective: 1 Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: 2 2 1 1 In Between Lowest Lowest 1 10 Objective: 1 12 Objective: 1 1 2 Section: 3 Objective 1 Chapter 10: Systems Approach--Effects of Rs and RL SHORT ANSWER 1. The load impedance, when added to the no-load two-port equivalent circuit, will always the overall voltage gain. MULTIPLE CHOICE 2. For the circuit shown in Figure 10.1.2, the input impedance is 1.071 kQ (with re = 10.719 and B = 100) and the output impedance is 3.0 k@ Determine the loaded voltage gain if the no-load voltage gain is 250 (a) Loaded voltage gain = 100 (b) Loaded voltage gain = 250 (c) Loaded voltage gain = 150 (d) Loaded voltage gain = 416.666 20K0 Figue 1012 3. For the circuit shown in Figure 10.1.2, the input impedance is 1.071 k@ (with re = 10.71 @ and B = 100) and the output impedance is 3.0 kQ Determine the loaded output impedance for the circuit (a) Equal to the sum of the load resistor and the output impedance = 5 kQ. (b) Equal to the load resistor which is 2 k@ (c) 3. kQ parallel with 2 kQ = 1.2 kQ. (d) The output impedance does not change, it is still 3 ka 4. For the circuit shown in Figure 10.1.2, the input impedance is 1.071 k@ (with re = 10.710 and B = 100) and the output impedance is 3.0 kQ Determine the voltage gain after taking the source resistance into account, if the no-load voltage gain is 250. (a) Equal to 236.73 considering both the source and the load resistors (b) Equal to 94.69 considering both the source and the load resistors (c) The source resistor does not alter the voltage gain so it is still 100. (a) The source resistor does not alter the voltage gain so it is still 250 SHORT ANSWER 5. For a particular design, the smaller the level of the load resistance, the the level of ac voltage gain. Chapter 10: Systems Approach--Effects of Rs and RL MULTIPLE CHOICE 6. With a change in the source resistance Rs the two-port parameter affected will be: (a) 2 (b) 2 (c) Ay (d) none of the above SHORT ANSWER 7. For a particular design, the larger the level of the source resistance: the the overali gain of the amplifier. MULTIPLE CHOICE 8. For the circuit shown in Figure 10.1.8, and the two-port parameters given, determine the voltage gain fron the source to the load (a) required voltage gain is 111.43 (b) required voltage gain = 416.666 (c) required voltage gain is 160.45 (d) required voltage gain = 117.65 2oKe Figue 10.18 SHORT ANSWER 9. The conmon collector amplifier is also known as the voltage follower because the voltage follows the voltage MULTIPLE CHOICE 10. For the common collector amplifier the output impedance is and the input impedance is when compared to the conmon emitter amplifier (a) small; small (b) large; small (c) large; large (a) small; large SHORT ANSWER 11. The no-load two-port network for a JFET or for a depletion mode MOSFET or for an enhancement mode MOSFET amplifier are by an applied load or the source. 388, Tes tbank MULTIPLE CHOICE 12. The two-port parameters may be different but the two-port equivalent circuit for the shaded portion of the circuit in Figure 10.1.2 and for the shaded portion of the circuit in Figure 10.1.12 are (a) entirely different two-port networks (b) different two-port networks but not entirely different (c) sort of same two-port networks but not exactly so (a) exactly the same two-port network Reps 20K9. Figue 1012 Figure 101.12 13. In a cascaded amplifier as shown in figure 10.1.13 the input impedance Zig is the load resistance for Amplifier 1. (a) less than (b) large than (c) not equal to (d) exactly equal to et anole? Ya Yj Antes pert Aa 4a Ba aw | ES — L [es Ze Za Figure 101.19 Cascaded Arete 14. In a cascaded amplifier as shown in figure 10.1.13 the output impedance Zoy is the source resistance seen by Auplifier 2. (a) less than (b) larger than (c) not equal to (d) exactly equal to 15. In a cascaded amplifier as shown in figure 10.1.13 the output voltage Voq is the input voltage V;3 (a) less than (b) larger than (c) not equal to (d) exactly equal to Chapter 10: Systems Approach--Effects of Rs and RL 16. The basic two-port system is evaluated under conditions (a) full-load (b) applied-source (c) no-load and no-source (d) none of the above 17, The basic two-port system has as a primary factor (a) the full-load voltage gain (b) the no-load voltage gain (c) the full-load current gain (d) none of the above 18. The loaded voltage gain is the no-load level (a) always less than (b) always greater than (c) usually equal to (d) none of the above 19, The load-voltage gain of a BIT amplifier with two-port parameters Z; = 1.1 K ohms, Z = 5.3 K ohms, and Vyp = -260. What is the Joaded-vol tage gain if R, = 4.7 K ohms? (a) 100 (b) 122.2 (c) -234.82 (d) none of the above 20. For a particular design the Ue value of Ry, the the value of the small-signal voltage gain (a) larger; smaller (b) smaller; smaller (c) smaller: larger (d) none of ‘the above 21. The parameters __ and ___ of @ two-part. system are not affected by Rs (a) Zj Avwt (b) Zy Aint (e) 2 (d) none’of the above 22 23 24 25. 26. 21 Tes tbank Given the circuit of Figure 10.11 determine the value of re that has a najor influence of the voltage gain. (a) 1,066 K ohms (b) 106.6 ohms (c) 87.43 ohms (@) 10.66 ohms Figure 1011 For a particular base-bias amplifier design the the value of R, the the small-signal voltage gain (a) smaTTer; smaller (b) smaller; larger (c) larger; smaller (a) all of “the above (e) none of the above ‘The larger the values of both Rs and R,, the less (a) the voltage gain (b) the current gain (c) both the voltage and current gains (a) none of the above Enitter followers are generally used to match a impedance source to a impedance load. (a) high; hig (b) low: high (c) high; low (@) low: low A conmon-base amplifier has values of re = 15 ohms and Rg = 3 K ohms What is the approximate input impedance of the circuit? (a) 3 K ohms (b) 3015 ohms (c) 15 ohms (a) 5 ohms ‘The common-base amplifier does not provide gain (a) voltage (b) current (c) power (d) current and power 391 Chapter 10: Systems Approach--Effects of Rs and RL 28. 29. 32. A common-base amplifier may be used to match a impedance source toa impedance load (a) high; high (b) low: high (c) high; low (d) low; low For the common source amplifier the input and output impedances are equal to the and values (a) Rss Rp (b) Ros RL (c) Rg: Rp (d) none of the above A common source amplifier with an unbypassed source resistor has a two-port model with parameters Ayy = -4.2 2; = 240 K ohms, Z, = 2.7K ohms and gy = 2.5 mS. If R, = 5 K ohms what is the loaded voltage gain? (a) 2.727 (b) -21 (c) -7.78 (d) none of the above ‘The determination of the total gain of a cascaded system requires that the be calculated first. (a) no-Toad voltage gain for each stage (b) input impedance for each stage (c) the individual loaded voltage gain (d) all of the above A cascade amplifier has a total loaded-voltage gain of -100 and the Stage input inpedances are Zi, = Zj2 = 10 K ohms, Z;3 = 2K ohms. If the load resistor Rp = 12 K ohms what 18 the system current gain? (a) 100 (b) ~101.2 (c) 83.53 (d) 57.92 392 10. u 12. 1B 4 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 20 21 22 23 24. 25. Answer . Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answe! Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Tes tbank decrease Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 lower Dif! ulty: 2. Section: 4 Objective: 1 (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 lower Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 output; input Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 unaffected Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 11 Objective: 1 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 11 Objective: 1 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 11 Objective: 1 (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 2 (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 2 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 : (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 4 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 4 (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 4 (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 5 (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 7 303 Chapter 10: Systems Approach--Effects of Rs and RL 26. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 8 27. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 8 28. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 8 29. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 9 30. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 9 31. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 11 32. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 11 304 Chapter 11: BJT and JFET Frequency Response SHORT ANSWER 1. The conmon and the natural logarithm are related to each other by the Following equation 2. Using a calculator match up the two columns below 1. logyo (4675) a. 8.4499 2. Ing (4675) b. -0.5621 3. Logi (0.59) ©. 3.3064 4. Ing (0.57) d. 3.6698 5. logyg (45)? ©. -0.2291 3. The name of the graph paper generally used to draw the frequency response of either a BIT amplifier or a FET amplifier is graph paper MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. The input power to a device is 5000 Watts at a voltage level of 400 Volts. The output power of the device is 750 Watts and the output impedance is 25. Calculate the power gain in decibels (a) 8.239 (b) 8.239 (c) -16.478 (a) -16.478 5. For the conditions given in the previous question calculate the voltage gain in decibels (a) ~4.6556 (d) 4.6556 (c) -9.311 (4) 9.311 6. To fix the frequency boundaries of relatively high gain 0.7 Agig was chosen to be the at the cutoff levels. The corresponding frequencies f and f2 are generally called (a) corner frequencies (b) cutoff frequencies (c) half-power frequencies (d) break frequencies (e) all of the above SHORT ANSWER 7. One very important parameter defined by the two corner frequencies is given by {f; - f)}, and is known as 395 Chapter 11: BJT and JFET Frequency Response MULTIPLE CHOICE 8. The capacitor(s) in a BIT amplifier that have their break points in the low frequency region are (a) the coupling capacitor Co (b) the emitter by pass capacitor CE (c) the source capacitor C, (d) all of the above SHORT ANSWER 9. A change in frequency by a factor of 2, equivalent to I octave, results ina dB change in the ration as noted by the change in gain from £/2 to fy MULTIPLE CHOICE 10. Calculate the low frequency break point due to the capacitor C, for the BJT amplifier in Figure 11.1.11 (a) fey = U/{20(R, + Rj )C,} = 280.25 Hz. (b) fee = 1/42m (Ry + Ry | [Rp)Cg} = 30.6 Hz (c) Eg = 142m (Rs| | R))Cy} = 3585.4 Hz (d) fg = 142m (RE + Ry + Rg)Co} = 4.269 Hz, Figue 11111 11, Calculate the low frequency break point due to the capacitor Ce for the BIT amplifier in Figure 11.1.11 (a) fic = 1/2 (Re)Go} = 361.71 Hz. (b) fy = 1/{2m (Rel [RL)Co} = 514.75 Az (e) fhe = WQ2n(Re + RL) 107.53 Hz (d) fc = 142m (RL Co} = 153.03 Hz SHORT ANSWER 12. For any inverting amplifier the input capacitance will be increased by a effect capacitance that is sensitive to the gain of the amplifier and the inter electrode and parasitic capacitance between the input and the output terminals of the active device 396 Tes tbank MULTIPLE CHOICE B 14 16. 17 If several identical stages of amplifiers; each having the exact same upper and lower cutoff frequencies; are connected in cascade, then the bandwidth of the resulting amplifier will be (a) increased (b) remain unchanged (c) decreased (d) be equal to the sum of all the individual bandwidths When you use square wave testing to test two different amplifiers you see on the output the following waveforms. (Figure 1.1.15) What conments can you make about the frequency response of the two amplifiers? (a) Amplifier A has poor low frequency response, while amplifier B has poor high frequency response (b) Amplifier A has poor low frequency response, while amp! poor low frequency response (c) Amplifier A has poor high frequency response, while amplifier B has poor high frequency response (d) Amplifier A has poor high frequency response, while amplifier B has poor low frequency response ifier B has expose tam sper Response fom alter Figure 11.115 1e the base 10 logarithm of 100,000 (d) none of the above Determine the base 10 logarithm of 1780.331 (a) 0.335 (b) 3.2505 (c) 33.5 (d) none of the above Which of the following are properties of logarithms? (a) lo8pase n O= 1 (b) logpase n a/b (ce) logpase n1/b (d) none of the above Ofbase n + lO8base nb logbase a 397 Chapter 11: BJT and JFET Frequency Response 18. 19 20. 2 22. 23 24. Which of the following are properties of logarithms? (a) logpase a 1 (b) logpase n a/b = l0gpase n A + 1O8base nb (c) logbase a 1/b = lo8base n b (d) none of the above (e) all of the above Which of the following are properties of logarithms? (a) logpase n 1=0 (b) logbase n a/b = logbase n @- 108base n b (c) 1ogbase p 1/b = -L08base n P (d) allo the above The term semi-log refers to a graphical scale that has: (a) a linear axis and a log axis (b) a log-log structure (c) a linear vertical axis and a log horizontal axis (d) all of the above ‘The common log of the ratio of two poxer levels is called a: (a) decibel (b) bel (c) big bel (d) none of the above For the gain in decibels to be completely correct it should be referred to as voltage or current gain in decibels to differentiate it from the normal power level consideration. This occurs when (a) Ry < Ry (b) Ri > Re (c) Rj not equal to Ry (d) all of the above The gain in decibels of a power gain of 10,000,000 is (a) 5 dB (b) 6 dB (c) 70 dB (d) 80 dB An amplifier has a midband pover gain of 24,500. What is the value of the power gain in dB for the circuit? (a) 87.78 dB (b) 43.9 dB (c) 4.39 dB (d) none of the above . An amplifier has values of Py = 20 nv and Poyr = 60 W. What is the value of the power gain in dB for the circuit? (a) 3000 dB (b) 69.5 dB (c) 34:8 aB (d) none of the above 26 27 28 29 31. 32 Tes tbank An amplifier normally has a power gain of 12,000. If the power gain of the circuit drops by 3 dB, the value of the new power-gain will be approximately: (a) 6,000 (b) 4,000 (c) 9,000 (d) zero Negative dB values represent: (a) power gain (b) power Tosses (c) power values that do not change (4) none of the above Which of the following is an advantage of using dB representations of gain values? (a) Positive and negative dB values represent gain and loss values that are reciprocals of each other (b) In multistage amplifiers, gain calculations are simplified by the use of dB values. (c) Using db values, we can represent large gain values with relatively smal] numbers (a) ALL of the above. ‘An amplifier has an output power of 500 W. What is the value of the power gain in dB for the circuit? (a) 26.99 aD (b) 53.98 dB (c) 56.99 dB (d) cannot be determined from the information given . An amplifier has an output pover of 500 W, which is delivered to a 600 ohm load. What is the value of a in dBn? (a) 26.99 dBm (b) 53.98 dBn (c) 56.99 dBm (d) cannot be determined from the information given An amplifier has values of power gain in dB of 49 dB and voltage gain dB of 30 dB. The operating frequency of the circuit is increased until the power gain drops to 42 dB. What is the value of voltage gain in dB frequency? (a) 23 dB (b) 42 db (c) 25.7 db (d) cannot be determined from the information given What frequency is two decades above 5 kilz? (a) 105 kHz, (b) 25 kil, Cc) 500 kHz (d) cannot be determined from the information given 309 Chapter 11: BJT and JFET Frequency Response 33 34. 35 36. 37. 38 39. What frequency lies four octaves above 1 kHz? (a) 9 Kilz (b) 16 kHz (c) 8 kHz (d) none of the above ‘The roll-off rate for a BIT amplifier is approximately: (a) 20 dB per octave (b) 6 dB per decade (c) 6 4B per octave (d) none of the above ‘The low-frequency response of a BIT amplifier is affected by (a) the BJT internal capacitances (b) the supply voltage (c) the coupling and bypass capacitor values (d) all of the above The input value of fj for a FET amplifier will normally be the input value of fj for a comparable BJT anplifier (a) similar to (b) much lower than (c) greater than (d) Tess than or equal to A common-emitter amplifier has values of Cyo = 5 pf and (ap) = 23.5218 dB. What is the Miller input capacitance for the circuit? (a) 80 pf (b) 7 pf (c) 163.1 pf (d) none of the above ‘The BJT gain-bandwidth product is approximately: (a) Alphayry fmeta (b) Alphayip fa1pha (c) Betayrp fatpha.(1-Alpha] (d) none of the above The BIT gain-bandwidth product (fp) is: (a) inversely related to ro (b) inversely related to (Gye + Cy) (c) not related to de bias conditions (d) all of the above A conmon-enitter amplifier uses a transistor that has a beta of 50, Te = 10 ohms, Cpe = 30 Pf, Cyc = 3-5 PF, Cog = 1 PF, Cy = 5 PF. The value of fpeta 18! (a) 19.04 Mftz (b) 1.95 MHz (c) 9.502 MHz (d) none of the above 400 Tes tbank 41. The high-frequency response of a BJT amplifier is affected by (a) the BIT internal capacitances (b) the supply voltage (c) the coupling and bypass capacitor values (d) all of the above 42. Determine the high end cut-off frequency for a FET amplifier that has devices capacitances Cyo =_5 PF and R,jg = 12 K ohms, Rg = 0.5 M ohns, Rp = 5.6 K ohms and Ay = -5 (a) 1.617 Miz (b) 16.17 iz (c) 0.1617 MHz (d) none of the above 43. Two identical amplifiers are cascaded. The overall bandwidth of the multistage amplifier is the bandwidth of each individual stage (a) equal to (b) Tess than (c) greater than (d) less than or equal to 401 Chapter 11: BJT and JFET Frequency Response 1. Answer: log. (a) = 2.3 log (a) Difficulty: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 2. Answer: I-d; 2-a; 3-e; 4-b; S-c Difficulty: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 3. Answer: semi-log Difficulty: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 4, Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (e) Difficulty: 1 Section: 4 Objective: 1 7. Answer: bandwidth Difficulty: 1 Section: 4 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 1 Section: 5 Objective: 1 9. Answer: 6 Difficulty: 1 Section: 5 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 3 Section: 6 Objective: 1 I1. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 3 Section: 6 Objective: 1 12. Answer: Miller Difficulty: 1 Section: 8 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 3 Section: 11 Objective: 1 14. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 3 Section: 11 Objective: 1 15. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 2 16. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 17, Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 2 18. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 2 19, Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: $ Objective: 2 20. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 2 21. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 22. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 23. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 402 24. 25. 26 27 28 29. 30. 31 32 34. 35. 36. 37 38 39. 40 41 42. 43 Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer ~ Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer (b) (c) (a) (b) (d) @) () (a) (c) (b) (©) (c) (a) (b) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Di Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: iculty: Section. Section Section Section Section Section: Section: Section Section: Section: Section: Section. Section: Section: Section: Section Section Section Section: Section: 403 9 10 Objective: ul 1 Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Ob jective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: 10 u Tes tbank Chapter 12: Compound Configurations SHORT ANSWER 1 ‘The input impedance of the overall cascaded amplifier is as the input impedance of the first amplifier in the chain ‘The output impedance of the overall cascaded amplifier is as the output impedance of the last amplifier in the chain MULTIPLE CHOICE 3 The Cascade connection arrangement is designed to provide high input impedance with low voltage gain to ensure that the Miller capacitance is at a minimum with the CB stage so that the amplifier provides good operation in the frequency range. (a) high (b) low (c) mid range (d) entire frequency range The Cascade connection of a conmon emitter (CE) amplifier followed by a common base (CB) stage provides (a) high input impedance (b) low voltage gain (c) good high frequency performance (d) all of the above ‘The typical range of B for a Darlington amplifier is in the range of: (a) a Very small value in the range 4 to 40 (b) a moderate value in the range of 40 to 400 (c) a slightly higher value in the range 400 to 4000 (d) a much higher value in the range of 4000 to about 40,000 . Replacing a standard transistor with a Darlington pair in an emitter follower will cause the value of the voltage gain of the circuit to (a) decrease (b) increase (c) remain the same (d) be exactly equal to 1 ‘The feedback pair and the Darlington pair are very similar to each other. One difference between them is: (a) the feedback pair uses one NPN and one PNP transistor (b) the Darlington pair uses one NPN and one PNP transistor (c) there is no difference between then (d) there is no similarity between then When Vgg voltage of a JFET is held constant then the JFET is operating as a: (a) voltage controlled resistor (b) voltage controlled voltage source (c) constant current source (d) constant voltage source 404 9 10. ML. 12 Tes tbank In the circuit shown in Figure 12.1.9 calculate the current flowing in Resistor Ry: (a) 6.0 mA (b) mast know the value of Ry to calculate the current (c) 5.3 mA (4) must know how much current is floving through the Zener diode des Veestieven Figue 1219 In the circuit shown in Figure 12.1.10 calculate the current flowing in the collector of transistor Q: (a) 6.0 mA (b) must know the value of transistor B to calculate the current (c) 5.65 mA (d) must know the rest of the circuit connected to transistor Q an The main features of a difference pair like the one shown in figure 12.1.1] are: (a) very high input impedance and very high voltage gain (b) very high input impedance and moderate voltage gain (c) moderate input impedance and very high voltage gain (d) moderate input impedance and moderate voltage gain que 2.01 Under single-ended operation the voltage gain for the circuit of Figure 12.1.11 is equal to (a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 80 (d) 160 405 Chapter 12: Compound Configurations B 14 15. 16. 7 Under conmon mode operation, the connon mode voltage gain, for the circuit shown in Figure 12.1.11 is equal to: (a) 0.0397 (b) 80 (c) 40 (4) 0.08 Under difference mode operation, the difference mode voltage gain, for the circuit shown in Figure 12.1.11 is equal to: (a) 0.0397 (b) 80 (c) 40 (a) 0.08 Under single-ended operation the voltage gain for the circuit of Figure 12.1.15 is equal to: (a) 33.33 (b) 66.66 (c) 133.33 (A) 266.66 Fae 21.15 Under conmon mode operation, the common mode voltage gain, for the circuit shown in Figure 12.1.15 is equal to (a) 0.133 (b) 33.33 (c) 66.66 (a) 0,266 Under difference mode operation, the difference mode voltage gain, for the circuit shown in Figure 12.1.15 is equal to (a) 0.133 (b) 33.33 (c) 66.66 (a) 0.266 406 18. 19 20. 21. 22 23. 24. Tes tbank Two identical common source amplifiers have bypassed source capacitors The bias point is Vgsq = -2V. Ing = 2-6 mA, and both transistors have a Gyo = 5.n$ with Ipss = 10 mAand VP = -4 V. The circuits resistors are RG'= 3.3 M ohms, Rp = 2.4 K ohms and RS = 680 ohns. What is the total gain? (a) 36 (b) -6 (c) 6 (d) none of the above A cascade conmon-emitter amplifier consists of two identical stages with their bias point set at Vopg = 6.9 V and Icg = 4.1 mA. What is the total voltage gain if the circuit parameters are: Beta = 200, Rc = 2.2 K ohms, Ry = 3.58 ohms and R, = 10 K ohms. (a) -104 (b) -286.2 (c) -390.2 (d) 29.77 K A cascade connection of a CE stage and a CB stage provides: (a) high input impedance (b) low voltage gain (c) minimum input Miller capacitance (d) good high frequency performance (e) all of the above A Darlington pair has values of hre1 = byez = 150. What is the overall value of Beta d for the pair? (a) 300 (b) 150 (c) 22,500 (d) none of the above A Darlington pair has values of hrey = hye2 = 150, and its value of Ry = 1 K ohms and Ry = 4.7 M ohms. The value of Z; for the circuit is (a) 4.7 M ohms (b) 22.5 M ohms (c) 3.88 M ohms (d) cannot be determined with the information given Replacing a standard transistor with a Darlington pair in an emitter follower will cause the value of the input impedance for the circuit to: (a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain the same (d) equal the value of Betay A feedback pair is formed by connect ing: (a) two PNP transistors collector-emitter, emitter-base (b) a NPN and a PNP transistor, collector-base, collector-emitter (c) two NPN transistors, collector-base, collector-emitter (d) a PNP and a NPN, emitter-base, emitter-base 407 Chapter 12: Compound Configurations 25. 26 21. 28. 29 31 32. The feedback pair is similar to the Darlington circuit but it is: (a) simpler to analyze (b) more complex (c) more used (d) none of the above CMOS circuits have operating characteristics such that when: OV, the nMOS is on, the pMOS is off OV, the nMOS is off, the pMOS is on + 5V, the nMOS is off, the pvOS is on (ce) Vi (d) none of the above (MOS circuits have operating characteristics such that when: OV, the nMOS is on, and pMOS is off +5V, the nMOS is off, and pWDS is on +5V. the nMOS is on, and pMOS is off (d) none of the above Constant current sources can be built using (a) FET devices (b) BIT devices (c) FET and BJT devices in conbinat ion (d) all of the above If a JFET's Vos fixed at Ip (a) 10 ma (b) 20 ma (c) Ips (d) none of the above 8 set to zero a simple current source is provided and A Zener diode-BJT constant current source circuit has V, R= 2.2K ohms, the transistor is npn silicon and Vpp = nr (a) 9.1 mA (b) 5.318 ma, (c) 5.64 mA (a) 5 ma Current mirror circuits provide _____used in (a) constant voltage sources; integrated circuits (b) constant current sources: power circuits (c) constant current sources; integrated circuits (d) constant voltage sources; power circuits For the differential amplifier circuit if an input signal is applied to one of the inputs and the other connected to ground such operation is referred to as: (a) single-ended (b) double-ended (c) common-mode (4) none of the above 408 33. 35 36 Tes tbank For the differential amplifier circuit if two opposite polarity input signals are applied, the operation is referred to as: (a) single-ended (b) double-ended (c) common-mode (d) none of the above For the differential amplifier circuit if the same input is applied to both inputs, the operation is called: (a) single-ended (b) double-ended (c) common-mode (d) none of the above CMOS differential amplifiers are used when is desired (a) the highest gain (b) low power dissipation (c) lower input impedance (d) all of the above When BJT's and FET's are used together in differential amplifiers they are called: (a) BiFET circuits (b) BiCMOS circuits (c) CMOS (a) none of the above 409 Chapter 12: Compound Configurations 1. Answer: the same Difficulty: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 2. Answer: the same Difficulty: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 3. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 4, Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 7. answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 9. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 8 Objective: 1 11. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 12, Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 14, Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 15. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 16. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 17. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 18. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 2 19, Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 2 20. Answer: (e) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 21. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 4 22. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 4 23. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 4 24. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: | Objective: 5 25. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 5 410 26. 27 28 29. 30. 31 35 36 Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: . Answer: Answer Answer Answer: (b) @) Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Section: Section. Section Section Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section. Section a Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: 10 10 Tes tbank Chapter 13: Operational Amplifiers SHORT ANSWER 1. An operational amplifier is a very gain differential amplifier with input impedance and output impedance MULTIPLE CHOICE 2 ‘The operational amplifier will only slightly amplify signals: (a) when the supply voltages are more then +25Volts (b) when the supply voltages are less then +5Volts (c) that are conmon on both the inputs (d) that are different on both the inputs Which of the following statements are true about an operational amplifier? (a) op-amps are very high gain DC amplifiers (b) op-amps have very low output impedance (c) op-anps have very high input impedance (d) all the above statements The Common Node Rejection Ration (CMRR) is the ratio of (a) the difference mode gain to the conmon mode gain (b) the conmon mode gain to the difference mode gain (c) noninverting gain (a) inverting gain ‘The AC equivalent circuit of an op-amp is shown in Figure 13.1.5, The input signal is applied between the input terminals and sees an input impedance Rj. This impedance is (a) A few hundred ohms. (b) A few kilo ohns (c) A few hundred kilo ohns (d) Depends on the op-amp used. Could be a few hundred ohns to a few hundred-kilo ohns — pay i rend WR Qy Ye ¢ $ Qu. ¢ Figue 13:15 One basic circuit connection using an op-amp is shown in Figure 13.1.6 If the input voltage is 0.25 Volts calculate the output voltage: (a) -10.0 Volts (b) -5.0 Volts (c) -2.5 Volts (d) -1.25 Volts Fue 19.18 412 Tes tbank 7. For basic circuit connection using an op-amp is shown in Figure 13.1.6. If the input voltage is 0.25 Volts and the required output voltage is -2.0 Volts then the resistor Rp should be changed to (a) 40.0 K ohms (b) 20.0 K ohms (c) 10.0 K ohms (@) 5.0 K ohms 8. Another basic circuit connection using an op-amp is shown in Figure 13.1.8. If the input voltage is 0.25 Volts calculate the output vol tage (a) 10-0 Volts (b) 5.0 Volts (c) 3.0 Volts (a) 1.5 Volts Foue 1318 9. For basic circuit connection using an op-amp is shown in Figure 13.1.8 Ifthe input voltage is 0.25 Volts and the required output voltage is 2.75 Volts then the resistor Rp should be changed to (a) 40.0 K ohms (b) 20:0 K ohms (c) 10.0 K ohms (d) 5.0 K ohms 10. For summing circuit connection using an op-amp shown in Figure 13.1.10. Calculate the output voltage when Vj, = 0.25 Volts and Vjy = 0.5 Volts: (a) 1.125 Volts (b) 2.25 Volts (c) 4.5 Volts (d) 9.0 Volts Fue 13110 413 Chapter 13: Operational Amplifiers UL. 2 14 15. 16 ‘The operational amplifier circuit shovn in Figure 13.1.11 is that of a/an (a) level comparator (b) differentiator (c) integrator (d) difference amplifier Srasow y Figure 13.111 The operational amplifier circuit shown in Figure 13.1.12 is that of a/an (a) level comparator (b) differentiator (c) integrator (d) difference ampli Figure 19.1.2 . The inverting and noninverting inputs to an op-anp are used to drive a/an (a) inverting amplifier (b) noninverting amplifier (c) differential amplifier (4) open-loop amplifier An op-amp will amplify only slightly when: (a) the supply voltages are less than +5 V (b) the input offset voltage is less than 100 nV (c) the inverting or noninverting inpats have a common input (d) the input offset current is Tess than 1 mA When a given op-anp has a connon-node input of 10 V, the output of the device is 10 V. When the device has a differential input of 2 mV, the output of the device is 10 V. What is the CMPR of the device? (pra (b) 5000: 1 (c) 1000 : 1 (d) 5,000,000 : 1 Which of the following statements is true? (a) Op-amps are high-gain de amplifiers. (b) Op-amps have extremely high input impedance. (c) Op-amps have extremely low output impedance. (d) All of the above: 414 7 18 19 20 21 22. Tes tbank Why is the CNRR of an inverting amp! op-anp? (a) Because the common-mode gain of an op-amp increases when it is used in an inverting amplifier (b) Because the value of differential gain for an inverting amplifier is lower than that of its op-amp. (c) Because slew-rate limiting decreases the common-mode gain of the op-amp. (a) Because of the lower input impedance of the inverting amplifier ier always lower than that of its The op-amp circuit that adds each input voltage to the output multiplied by its separate constant-gain multiplier is called a/an (a) unity follower (b) integrator (c) differentiator (4) summing amplifier ‘The op-amp circuit that has a capacitor as the feedback component is called a/an (a) unity follower (b) integrator (c) differentiator (a) summing amplifier An op-anp integrator circuit has a 2M ohm input resistor and a 5 uF feedback loop capacitor. If the inverting input voltage is 2 Volts de what is the final value of the output voltage? (a) -20 (b) -2 (c) -0.2 (d) 0.02 (e) 2 A summing integrator is an op-amp integrator that has (a) multiple feedback capacitors (b) multiple input resistors (c) multiple input resistors and feedback capacitors (d) none of the above The op-amp differentiator circuit differs from the integrator in that it: (a) is not as useful (b) has a scale factor of -RC (c) has a resistor in the feedback loop (4) all of the above . A voltage follower has values of R, = 12 K ohms, Vs = 12 V, and Vyy = 10 PK. What is the peak-to-peak output from the circuit? (a) 20 Vp (b) 21 Vp (c) 12 Vpp (a) cannot be determined from the information given 415 Chapter 13: Operational Amplifiers 24. An inverting amplifier and a noninverting amplifier are built using the same values of Rp and Rj. Assuming that the op-amps being used in the two circuits have identical conmon-mode gain values (a) the inverting amplifier has the higher CVRR (b) the noninverting amplifier has the higher CMRR (c) the CMRR is the same for the inverting and noninverting anplifiers (d) none of the above 25. An inverting amplifier with + 11 V supply voltages normally has a sinusoidal output of 10 Vpp. When checking the circuit with an oscilloscope it was determined that the output is 0 V. Which of the following could account for this problem? (a) R, open (b) Vin = 0 (c) R shorted by a solder bridge (d) all of the above 26. The voltage follower typically has a voltage gain value of: (a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 100 (d) 50 te) 1 27. Op-amp output offset voltage can be totally explained by (a) the input offset voltage (b) input offset current (c) the external circuit connection components (d) none of the above 28. A standard inverting op-amp circuit has an Rj of 10 K ohms and an Ry of 220 K ohms, the offset voltage is given as 0.003 Volts. What is the Vo (offset)? (a) 3 aV (b) 6.6 av (c) 69 av (d) 200 av (e) none of the above 29. A standard inverting op-amp circuit has an Rj of 10 K ohms and an Ry of 220K ohms, the offset current is given as 100 nA. What is the output offset voltage due to this current? (a) 10 oV (b) 22 aV (c) 32 ov (a) 8 ov (e) none of the above 30. When calculating the total offset voltage the absolute values are used to accommodate the fact that: (a) offset current can be negative or positive (b) offset voltage can be negative or positive (c) both the offset current and voltage can be negative or positive (4) none of the above 416 31 32. 33, 34 35. 36. 37. Tes tbank Op-anp roll-off characteristics are caused by the fact that: (a) they are designed to have high-gain and wide-bandwidth (b) the uncompensated circuit would be unstable (c) an effective compensation circuit is used (d) all of the above Determine the op-amp cutoff-frequency for a device whose unity-gain bandwidth is 1.5 MHz and the differential-gain is 300 V/nV (a) 5 He (b) 10 Hz (c) 50 Hz (a) 150 Hz (e) none of the above Slew Rate, SR is the (a) ratio of the change in time to the change in output voltage (b) maximum rate at which the op-amp output voltage can change (c) maximum rate at which the amplifier input voltage can change (d) none of the above Exceeding the op-amp SR results in: (a) improved gain and reduced distortion (b) increased power and reduced distortion (c) clipping and increased distortion (a) none of the above An op-amp has a SR of 4 V/usec. What is the maximum closed-loop vol tage gain if the input voltage rises at a rate of 5 V/100 usec? (a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 80 (d) 200 (e) none of the above What is the maximum useful frequency of a 2 Volt input signal that an inverting op-amp can operate at if the closed-loop gain is 50 and the SR is 5 Vipsec? (a) 5K rads/sec (b) 10 K rads/sec (c) 50 K rads/sec (d) 100 K rads/sec (e) none of the above ‘The bandwidth of an amplifier is: (a) the range of frequencies over which gain remains relatively constant (b) the range of frequencies between the lower and upper 3 dB frequencies (c) the range of frequencies found using f2 - fy (a) all of the above 47 Chapter 13: Operational Amplifiers 38 Op-amps are available in a number of packages; among the most usual form is the (a) dual in-line packages (8 pin) (b) integration packages (c) type TO-5 metal cans (d) type TO-8 metal cans . An op-anp circuit has + 15 V supply voltages and a voltage gain of 20 ‘The noninverting voltage (v+) is 0.3 ¥ and the inverting voltage (v-) is 0.35 V. What is the output voltage from the device? (a) +1 V (b) +6. V (c) -0.8 V (d) -7V 418 Tes tbank 1. Answer: high; high; low Difficulty: 1 Section: 1 Objective: 1 Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 3. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 4. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 7. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 9. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 11. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 12. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 14. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 2 15. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 2 16. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 17, Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 18. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 4 19. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 4 20. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 4 21. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 4 22. Answe: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 4 23. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 4 24. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 4 25. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 4 Section: 8 Objective: 4 419 Chapter 13: 26 21. 28 29 30 31. 32. 33, 34 35 36. 37 38 Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Operational Amplifiers (b) (dy (c) (b) tc) (©) (c) (d) (a) (ce) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Section Section: Section. Section Section Section: Section: Section Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section 420 Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Chapter 14: Op-Amp Applications SHORT ANSWER 1. One of the most common op-anp circuits is the inverting constant gain multiplier. Figure 14.1.1 shows a standard circuit. The resulting gain for the circuit is given by Foque 14.11 2. One of the most common op-amp circuits is the inverting constant gain multiplier. Figure 14.1.1 shows a standard circuit. The resulting gain for the circuit is given by MULTIPLE CHOICE 3. An inverting gain of 6 is required from an op-amp shown in circuit 14.1.1. If the input resistor R; is 5 kQ what should be the value of the feedback resistor Rr? (a) 30 kQ (b) 15, kQ (c) 7.5 ke (d) 5 kQ 4. A noninverting gain of 7 is required fron an op-amp shown in circuit 14.1.2. If the input resistor Rj is 5 kQ what should be the value of the feedback resistor Ry? (a) 30 ko (b) 15_kQ. (c) 7-5 kQ (d) 5 ke 424 Chapter 14: Op-Amp Applications 5. For the cascade amplifier shown in Figure 14.1.5 the input voltage swing is 0.2 Volts P-P. Calculate the peak-to-peak swing on the output voltage. (a) 9.6 Volts peak-to-peak (b) 4.8 Volts peak-to-peak (c) 2.4 Volts peak-to-peak (d) 1.2 Volts peak-to-peak Ramo Feneio Raeova Figue 14.15 6. For the circuit shown in Figure 14.1.6 calculate the voltage gain's Voy and Vo (a) Vor = -5 and Voo = -4 (b) Vor = -4 and Yop = -5 (c) Vor = 6 and Yop = 5 (d) Vor = 5 and Voy = 6 Ria oe Ye que 1448 7. For the circuit shown in Figure 14.1.7, if the two input voltages are exactly equal then the output voltage will be (a) 5 times any one input voltage (b) -5 times the input voltage on the inverting input (c) 6 times the input voltage on the noninverting input (d) exactly equal to zero Volts 422 Tes tbank 8. The circuit shown in Figure 14.1.8 is known as a: (a) noninverting amplifier (b) voltage buffer (c) low-pass filter (a) high-pass filter 1 Figue 14.18 9. By carefully configuring the op-amp external circuit components the op-amp can be made to function as (a) vol tage-control led voltage source (b) voltage-controlled current source (c) current-control led voltage source (d) current-controlled current source (e) all of the above 10. The circuit shown in Figure 14.1.10 (a) vol tage-control led voltage source (b) voltage-controlled current source (c) current-controlled voltage source (d) current-controlled current source = eplle Figure 14.110 11. When using an op-amp as a display driver as shown in Figure 14.1.11 a transistor is required because (a) the transistor is required to invert the output voltage (b) only transistors can drive displays. Op-amps are not permitted to (c) the transistor comes packaged with the display so you have to use the transistor (d) the display needs 600 mmps and the op-amp cannot provide that much current but the transistor can provide it 423 Chapter 14: Op-Amp Applications 12. A low pass active filter connection using an operational amplifier will provide a constant output: (a) fron de to fon (b) for all frequencies higher then fo) (c) from fo1 to fon (d) from de to infinite frequency 13. A high pass active filter connection using an operational amplifier will provide a constant output (a) from de to for (b) for all frequencies higher then fo) (c) from fo) to fon (d) from dé to infinite frequency 14. A band pass active filter connection using an operational amplifier will provide a constant output (a) from de to fon (b) for all frequencies higher then fo (c) from fo1 to fon (d) from de’ to infinite frequency 15. The roll-off rate of a second order filter is: (a) 60 dB/decade or 18 dB/octave (b) 40 dB/decade or 12 dB/octave (c) 20 dB/decade or 6 dB/octave (d) 0 dB/decade or 0 dB/octave 16. A constant-gain multiplier has three stages and a gain of 22,200. The values of the Rp are all the same at 470K ohms and 2 of the 3 Rj values are 33K ohms. What is the value of the gain of the stage that is different? (a) 14.2 (b) -14.2 (c) 110.3 (a) -110.3 17. A constant-gain multiplier has three stages and a gain of 22,200. The values of Ry are all the same at 470 K ohms and 2 of the 3 Rj values are 33K ohms. What is the individual value of the voltage gain for the 2 stages that are identical? (a) 14.2 (b) -14.2 (c) 110.3 (d) -110.3 18. A constant-gain multiplier has three stages and a gain of 22,200. The values of Ry are all the same at 470 K ohms and 2 of the 3.R values are 33 K ohms. What is the value of the third Rj and what is the nature of its stage? (a) 4.26 K ohms, inverting (b) 4.3 K ohms, noninverting (c) 4.3 K ohms, inverting (d) 4.6 K ohms, noninverting 424 19. 20. 21 22 23 24. 25 Tes tbank A single op-anp circuit has a noninverting input through a voltage divider of Ry = Ry = 27K ohns and on the inverting input side. Rj = Ry + 120 K ohms. The resulting total output voltage characterizes this circuit as a/an (a) integrater (b) differentiator (c) summing amplifier (d) substrator (e) none of the above An op-amp circuit that has unity-gain, no phase inversion with high input impedance and low output impedance is applied as a/an (a) voltage buffer (b) substractor (c) summing amplifier (d) differentiator By careful configuring of the op-amp external circuit components it can be made to function as a/an (a) voltage-control led current source (b) current-controlled voltage source (c) current-controlled current source (d) voltage-controlled voltage source (e) all of the above An active filter that provides a constant output fron de to fy then passes no signal above fo, is called an idcal (a) low-pass filter (b) high-pass filter (c) bandpass filter (d) none of the above An active filter that provides a constant output for input signals above fo1 is called an ideal (8) low-pass filter (b) high-pass filter (c) bandpass filter (d) none of the above An active filter that provides a constant output for input signals from Toy to fon is called an ideal: (a) low-pass filter () high-pass filter (c) bandpass filter (d) none of the above A second order high-pass filter has a low end roll-off of: (a) 60 dB/octave (b) 40 dB/decade (c) 20 dB/octave (d) 6 dB/decade 425 Chapter 14: 10 u 2 B 14. 15 16. 17 18. 19 20. 2. 22 23 24 25. Answer: Answer Answer: . Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Op-Amp Applications A (Rp J Ri) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 A= (1 +R /R)) (a) (a) (a) (c) (d) (b) (e) (b) (a) (a) (b) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: 2 Section Section: 1 Objective Section: 1 Objective Section: 1 Objective: Section Section Section: 3 Objective: Section: 4 Objective Section: 4 Objective: Section a Section: 6 Objective a Section. o Section: Section: 6 Objective Sec’ ion: 1 Objective: Section: 2 Objective Section: 3 Objective Section: 1 Objective Section: 1 Objective Section: 1 Objective Section: 1 Objective Section: 2 Objective: Section: 3 Objective: Section: ¢ Objective 426 Objective: Objective: Ob jective: Objective: Objective: Objective: 1 1 Objective 1 1 1 Chapter 15: Power Amplifiers SHORT ANSWER 1, The class A amplifier conducts for degrees of the input cycle 2. The class B amplifier conducts for degrees of the input cycle 3. The class AB amplifier conducts more than degrees but less than degrees of the input cycle 4. The class C amplifier is used mostly in circuits and conducts for degrees MULTIPLE CHOICE 5. The maximum possible efficiency of a class A amplifier is equal to: (a) 30% (b) 25% (c) 20% (a) 15% 6. With transformer coupling the maximum theoretical efficiency of a class A amplifier can be increased up to: (a) 60% (b) 55% (c) 50% d) 45% 7. A transformer coupled class A amplifier has a transformer turns ratio of 4.5: 1 and a load resistance of 3) @. The peak-to-peak value of Veg is 12 Volts. What is the approximate power that is delivered to the load? (a) 47 W (b) 71 W (c) 95 W (a) 119 W 8. A transformer coupled class A amplifier has a transformer turns ratio of 4.5: 1 and a load resistance of 30 Q. What is approximately the value of the effective ac load resistance seen by the collector of the transistor? (a) 400 2 (b) 500 @ (c) 600 2 (a) 700 2 9. The class B amplifier suffer from distortion known as (a) fundamental distortion (b) crossover distortion (c) harmonic distortion (a) noise figure distortion 427 Chapter 15: Power Amplifiers 10 ul 12. 13. 14 15 16 The cross over distortion in a class 3 amplifier is prevented by: (a) biasing the individual transistors deeply into cutoff (b) biasing the transistors just slightly above cutoff (c) biasing the transistors just slightly into cutoff (d) by adjusting the load resistance so that the transistor will turn on and off faster A class AB transistor amplifier using complementary transistors is biased by power supply that is +18VDC. The value of Vogcorp) for either transistor is approximately equal to: (a) 8 Volts (b) 10 Volts (c) 18 Volts (a) 36 Volts For class B or for class AB amplifiers closely matched complementary transistors are used because they: (a) can carry more current than push-gull transistors (b) require individual power supplies (c) do not need an output transformer (d) are complementary so use complementary transistors Calculate the total harmonic distortion for a signal that has amplitude components given: Fundamental 2.5 Volts; Second harmonic 0.25 Volts: Third harmonic 0.1 Volts. Fourth harmonic 0.025 Volts Determine the maximum dissipation that should be allowed for a 75 W Silicon transistor rated at 22°C. De-rating is required above 22°C by a de-rating factor of 0.35 W/°C at a case temp of 142°C (d) 22 W A given transistor has a power de-rating factor of 0.25m W/°C. This transistor has a power dissipation rating of 0.5 W at 27°C. What is the max temp the device can be allowed to operate at if it has to dissipate 450 oW? (a) 220°C (b) 210°C (c) 200°C (d) 190°C Which of the following is true? (a) Efficiency is the ratio of power output to power input. (b) The power that an amplifier delivers to a load is equal to the difference between the power that the circuit draws from the power supply and the power that the circuit dissipates (c) Power amplifiers are typically used to drive low impedance loads (d) All of the above 428 7 18. 19. au. 22 23 Tes tbank Class B amplifiers (a) provide an output signal for 1/2 che input signal cycle (b) usually contain an LC tank circuit in the BIT collector circuit (c) usually contain a single BJT that conducts through 360 degrees of the ac input cycle (a) usually contain a single BJT that conducts through 270 degrees of the ac input signal Class C anplifie: (a) usually contain two transistors (b) usually contain an LC tank circuit in the BIT collector cireui (c) usually contain a single BJT that conducts through 360 degrees of the ac input cycle (d) usually contain a signal BJT that conducts through 270 degrees of the ac input cycle Class D amplifiers have a maximum theoretical efficiency of: (a) 25% (b) 78.5% (c) 50% (d) over 90% Acclass A amplifier has values of Voc = 10 V, Ip = 450 wA, and Teg = 10.55 mA. What is the total power that the circuit is drawing from the de power supply? (a) 4.5 a? (b) 1.21 oW (c) 110 ni (d) cannot be determined from the information given A-class A amplifier has an 8 Vp output that is being applied to a 200 ohn load. What is the total ac load power? (a) 320 a (b) 640 a (c) 40 al (a) 80 a ‘The maximum theoretical efficiency of an RC-coupled class A amplifier is (a) 25% (b) 5066 (c) 78.5% (d) 99% An RC-coupled class A amplifier has values of Ig = 1 mA Tog = 50 mA, V SV, Vpp = 9-3 V, and Ro = 68 ohms. What is the maximun efficiency of the anplitier? (a) 16.6% (b) 15.9% (c) 21.2% (a) 25% 429 Chapter 15: Power Amplifiers 24 25. 26. 27. 28 29 Impedance matching is important for (a) maximum voltage transfer from source to load (b) maximum power transfer from source to load (c) maximum impedance transfer from source to load (@) maximum current transfer from source The transformer-coupled class A amplifier (a) is 60% efficient (b) is able to provide for impedance transformation (c) usually contains two transistors (d) all of the above ‘The de load line of a transformer-coupled class A amplifier is (a) identical to that of an RC-coupled class A amplifier (b) a near-horizontal line (c) a near-vertical line (a) none of the above ‘The maximum value of Vog(yax) in a transformer-coupled class A amplifier will be greater than Voc. This is caused by: (a) the input biasing network (b) the efficiency characteristics of the amplifier (c) the counter emf produced by the transformer primary (d) the natural relationship between Yog, Voc and Vpp A transformer-coupled class A amplifier has the following values: turns ratio = 3: 1, K, = 200 ohms, Vopg = 6 V, and [og = 12 mA. What is the maximum possible change in Veg for the circuit? (a) 3V (b) 6Y (c) 12 (d) cannot be determined from the information given A transformer-coupled class A amplifier has a transformer turns ratio of 4: Land a load resistance of 25 ohms. The peak-to-peak value of Vog is 12 V. What is the approximate load pover for the circuit? (a) 45 oW (b) 160 nv (c) 90 mW (a) 60 ni A transformer-coupled class A amplifier has a transformer turns ratio of 4: 1 and a R, of 25 ohms, the peak-to-peak value of Vg is 12 V; i draws 220 aW from the de power supply. What is the efficiency of the circuit? (a) 27.3% (b) 40.9% (c) 73% (a) 20.5% 430 31. 32 33. Tes tbank Complenentary-synmetry amplifiers are generally preferred over standard push-pull amplifiers becaus (a) they use complementary transistors (b) they do not require the use of an output transformer (c) they have high efficiency ratings (d) they can drive lower impedance loads Crossover distortion in class B amplifiers is prevented by (a) biasing the transistors deeply into cutoff (b) biasing the transistors slightly above cutoff (c) using conplementary-symmetry transistors (d) increasing the load resistance A class AB amplifier has a supply voltage that is equal to +15 Vdc. The value of Vop corr) for either transis:or is approximately equal to: (a) 15 V (b) SV (c) 7.55.9 (d) 0.7V A given transistor has a power de-rating factor of 1.8 nW/°C and a power dissipation rating of 400 nW at 25 degrees C. How much power can the device dissipate at 120 degrees C? (a) 216 nv (b) 81.9 a (c) 184 mW (d) 355 a 431 Chapter 15: Power Amplifiers 1, Answer: full 360 Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 2. Answer: only 180 Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 3. Answer: full 360; only 180 Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 4. Answer: tuned; less than 180 Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 1 Section: 3 Objective: 1 7. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 1 Section: 3 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 1 Section: 3 Objective: 1 9. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 1 Section: 5 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 Il. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 12. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 14. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 15. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 16. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 17. Answer: (a) ifficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 18. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 19. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 20. Answer: (c) Difficult Section: 1 Objective: 2 21. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 2 22. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 2 23. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 2 24. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Sec 21 Objective: 3 25. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 432 26 21. 28 29. 30. 31 32 33, Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: (c) (d) (b) (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (b) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Section Section: Section: Section: Section. Section: Section. Section: Section 433 Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Tes tbank Chapter 16: Linear-Digital ICs MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Figure 16.1.1 shows a 741 op-amp used as a comparator. What will the output voltage be when the input voltage is 1.5 Volts? (a) + 5 Volts (b) + 2 Volts (c) - 2 Volts (d) - 5 Volts we Lavisvors) 2. The output of the 311 comparator is taken from so that it can be used to drive a variety of loads such as a lamp or a relay. (a) the strobe pins of the op-amp (b) the output pin of the op-amp (c) a bipolar transistor (d) the noninverting input of the op-amp 3. Figure 16.1.3 shows a 311 comparator. The output will change state when the input voltage (a) crosses zero Volts going from negative to positive only (b) crosses zero Volts in any direction (c) crosses zero Volts going frum positive to negative only (d) none of the above 270V0H5) a9 4) (eee 110 VeEs) Figue 1813 4. In Figure 16.1.4 the input voltage at the noninverting terminal is greater than the reference voltage at the inverting terminal. Now the output voltage will be (a) open circuit (b) equal to the Vt (ce) equal to the V> (d) short circuit input vol tage input voltage v(9VoRs) -veovors) Fue 16.14 434 Tes tbank ‘The circuit shown in Figure 16.1.5 is a (a) level detector (b) window detector (c) door detector (d) zero crossing detector Mecerun 810 Figue 16.15 When the input voltage to the circuit of Figure 16.1.5 is less than I Volt the output voltage will be (a) zero Volts (b) nine Volts (c) output will be open circuit (a) input voltage is not allowed to be less than 1 Volt When the input voltage to the circuit of Figure 16.1.5 is more than 1 Volt but less than 5 Volts the output voltage will be (a) zero Volts (b) nine Volts (c) output will be open circuit (d) input voltage is not allowed to be in the specified voltage range When the input voltage to the circuit of Figure 16.1.5 is more than 5 Volts the output voltage will be (a) zero Volts (b) nine Volts (c) output will be open circuit (d) input voltage is not allowed to be more than 5 Volts ‘The ladder network for Digital to Analog conversion uses resistors (a) that are required to be very precise (b) that are wire wound so they can carry a large current (c) that have a ratio that is 2: 1 the actual value is not very important (d) that have a ration that is 1:2: many legs you need for the ladder : 8 and so on depending on how 435 Chapter 16: Linear-Digital ICs 10 ML. 12 13 14, In the Dual Slope A/D converter the first slope—which charges the capacitor—is ____. (a) at a constant slope (b) always at a constant voltage (c) always till the capacitor charges up to a predetermined voltage level (d) as always for a fixed time interval In the Dual Slope A/D converter the second slope—which discharges the capacitor—is (a) at a constant slope (b) always at a constant voltage (c) always till the capacitor charges up to a predetermined voltage level (a) as always for a fixed time interval The 555 timer can be used as (a) a mono-stable mul tivibrator (b) an astable multivibrator (c) a pulse width modulator (d) all of the above In the 566 VCO the output frequency is controlled by the (a) capacitor (b) resistor (c) external input voltage (d) all of the above ‘The circuit shown in Figure 16.1.14 is that of a/an (a) open collector output (b) open drain output (c) regular output of an op-amp (d) totem pole; or a tri-state output b @a 436 16 7 18 19 20. 2. Tes tbank The circuit shown in Figure 16.1.15 is that of a/an (a) open collector output (b) open drain output (c) regular output of an op-anp (d) totem pole; or a tri-state output Figue 10.115 A comparator has a (a) digital input and a linear output (b) digital input and a digital output (c) linear input and a linear output (d) linear input and a digital output Typical gain of a comparator is (a) 100 (b) 1000 (c) 10,000 (a) 100,000 Which of the following represents an improvement in comparators due to the IC circuit? (a) faster switching (b) built-in noise inmunity (c) variety of output drive capability (d) all of the above Which of these is an application of the S55 IC? (a) Astable mul tivibrator (b) A/D converter (c) D/A converter (a) Comparator Which of these is an application of the 555 IC? (a) Nonostable mul tivibrator (b) A/D converter (c) D/A converter (d) Comparator Which of the following is an application of the 566 IC? (a) Monostable mult ivibrator (b) VCO (c) Comparator (a) Astable mul tivibrator 437 Chapter 16: Linear-Digital ICs 22. A circuit that contains a phase detector, a low-pass filter and a VCO is a/an (a) comparator (b) astable mul tivibrator (c) phase-locked loop (a) none of the above 23. A conmon application of the PLL is (a) frequency synthesis (b) FM demodulation (c) demodulation of two carrier frequencies (d) all of the above 24. A circuit that provides an output signal at the voltage and/or current levels suitable to operate a particular load is called a/an (a) RS232 (b) driver (c) polarizer (d) none of the above 438 10 u 12 B 14. 15. 16 7 19 20. 2. 2 23 24 . Answer: Answer . Answer Answer: . Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer (@) () () (c) (b) (a) (b) (a) () (c) (c) (a) id) () (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (b) () (a) (b) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section: 2 Section: 1 Section 2 Section: 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section: 2 Section: 2 Section: 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section: 2 Section 2 Section: 2 Section: 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section: 439) 1 Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Tes tbank Chapter 17: Feedback and Os: MULTIPLE CHOICE 1 ‘The advantages of negative feedback are (a) higher input inpedance (b) voltage gain that is more stable (c) improved frequency response (d) lower output impedance (e) reduced noise in the response (£) all of the above Calculate the gain of a negative feedback amplifier having A = -2000 and B = -1/16 (a) Gain = -2000 (b) Gain = -1/16 (c) Gain = ~125 (d) Gain = 125 ‘The feedback circuit connection shown in Figure 17.2.3 is (a) voltage series feedback (b) voltage shunt feedback (c) current series feedback (d) current shunt feedback Figure 1723 . The feedback circuit connection shown in Figure 17.2.4 is (a) voltage series feedback (b) voltage shunt feedback (c) current series feedback (d) current shunt feedback © Figure 1724 Calculate the voltage gain for voltage series feedback when the amplifier gain is A= -2000 and B = -1/50 (a) Gain = -2000 (b) Gain = -1/50 (c) Gain = 50 (d) Gain = -48.75 440 10. u Tes tbank Calculate the input impedance for voltage series feedback when the amplifier has R, = 10 kQ, amplifier gain is A = -2000 and B = -1/50. (a) Input impedance with feedback = 10 ka (b) Input impedance with feedback = 410 ka (c) Input impedance with feedback ~ 244 2 (d) Input impedance with feedback = 50 Q. ‘The feedback amplifier is unstable if the Nyquist curve plotted the (-1 + j0) point and it is stable otherwise. (a) passes to the left of (b) encloses (encircles) (c) passes right over (d) does not cone close to ‘The ____ margin is defined as the negative of the value of |BA| in decibels at the frequency at which the phase angle is 180° (a) error (b) phase (c) gain (d) feedback The margin is defined as the angle of 180° minus the magnitude of the angle at which the value |BA| is unity (0 dB). (a) error (b) phase (c) gain (a) Feedback For oscillations to exist and the voltage to sustain the loop operations, the Barkhausen Criterion tells us that the loop gain BA must be exactly equal to (a) unity (1) (b) minus one (c) equal to the reciprocal of B (a) more than one The tank circuit shown is for a oscillator (a) Hartley's (b) Colpitts (c) Phase Shift (d) Crystal ty gy a Fogue 17811 441 Chapter 17: Feedback and Oscillator Circuits 12. The tank circuit shown is for a oscillator (a) Hartley's (b) Colpitts (c) Phase Shift (a) Crystal SHORT ANSWER B 4. 15. ‘The effect is the effect that a quartz crystal exhibits when mechanical stress is applied across the face of the crystal and a potential difference develops across the opposite faces of the crystal When the reactances in the RLC leg of a crystal are equal and opposite we get a resonant condition. This resonant condition is known as the resonant condition The frequency of oscillation for one relaxation oscillator, using a Uni Junction Transistor is given by f, = 1/[RyCpIn(1/(1-n)]. If Rp = 5 kQ, Cp = 0.05 uF and 1 = 0.5 then the frequency is MULTIPLE CHOICE 16. 7 19 Adding a negative voltage-feedback network to an amplifier will have no effect on the value of for the circuit (a) input impedance (b) frequency response (c) signal distortion (a) none of the above Voltage-series feedback the input impedance of an op-amp (a) increases (b) decreases (c) reduces by half (a) has no affect on the output impedance of an op-amp. (a) increases (b) decreases (c) reduces by half (d) has no affect on Voltage-series feedback the bandwidth of an op-amp. (a) increases (b) decreases (c) reduces by half (d) has no affect on 442 20. 2 2 23. 24. 25. 26 27 Tes tbank The input impedance of a voltage-shunt feedback amplifier is the input impedance of its op-anp (a) increased when compared to (b) decreased when compared to (c) reduced by half when compared to (d) has no affect on ‘The output impedance of a voltage-shunt feedback amplifier is the output impedance of its op-amp. (a) increased when compared to (b) decreased when compared to (c) reduced by half when compared to (d) has no affect on Current-series feedback the input impedance of an op-amp. (a) increases (b) decreases (c) reduces by half (d) has no affect on Current-series feedback the output impedance of an op-anp. (a) increases (b) decreases (c) reduces by half (d) has no affect on Current-series feedback the bandwidth of an op-amp. (a) increases (b) decreases (c) reduces by half (d) has no affect on The input impedance of current-shunt feedback amplifier is the input impedance of its op-amp (a) increased when compared to (b) decreased when compared to (c) reduced by half when compared to (a) has no affect on An amplifier has a gain-bandwidth product of 200 MHz. A feedback network is added that has a feedback factor (1 + Beta A) of 18.88. What is the. gain-bandwidth product for the circuit with the added feedback network? (a) 10.59 Miz (b) 18.88 MHz (c) 200 MHz (d) none of the above Negative voltage feedback (a) increases Ay (b) decreases bandwidth (c) decreases Ay (d) increases A; 443 Chapter 17: Feedback and Oscillator Circuits 28 29. 30 31. 32. 33 34. 35 Negative current feedback: (a) increases Aj (b) decreases Aj (c) decreases bandwidth (d) increases Ay Positive feedback is used to produce a special type of circuit called alan: (a) inverting anplifier (b) noninverting amplifier (c) oscillator (d) feedback regulator Positive feedback is also called (a) degenerative feedback (b) additive feedback (c) Barkhausen oscillation (d) regressive feedback An oscillator has the following values: Ay = 188 and Beta = 0.00488. Which of the following statenents is true? (a) The circuit has a constant amplitude output. (b) The output from the circuit fades out after several cycles (c) The output from the circuit clips after several cycles (d) None of the above. The Barkhausen criterion states that in an oscillator (a) Beta = 10 (b) Beta = -1 (c) Beta Ay = 1 (d) none of the above Which of the following is not a requirement for oscillator operation? (a) The circuit must fulfill the Barkhausen criterion. (b) The circuit oust initially be triggered into operation. (c) The feedback network must contain an RC circuit (d) The circuit must provide positive feedback The total phase shift around a negative feedback loop of a common-emitter circuit is: (a) 360 degrees or 0 degrees (b) 180 degrees (c) 90 degrees (d) 45 degrees The total phase shift around a positive feedback loop for a common-enitter circuit is: (a) 360 degrees or 0 degrees (b) 180 degrees (c) 90 degrees (d) 45 degrees 37 38. 39. 40 41 42 Tes tbank In a positive feedback system the feedback signal and the amplifier input signal are (a) in phase (b) 45 degrees out of phase (c) 90 degrees out of phase (d) 180 degrees out of phase In a practical phase-shift oscillator, each RC circuit section produces a (a) 30 degree phase shift (b) 60 degree phase shift (c) 90 degree phase shift (d) 180 degree phase shift ‘The negative feedback circuit in an op-anp Wien-bridge oscillator is used to (a) determine the frequency of operation (b) control the gain of the circuit (c) bias the positive feedback network (d) prevent unwanted oscil lations The positive feedback circuit in a Wien-bridge oscillator is used to (a) determine the frequency of operation (b) control the gain of the circuit (c) bias the negative feedback network (d) prevent unwanted oscillations The circuit recognition feature of the Colpitts oscillator is (a) a pair of tapped capacitors in parallel with an inductor (b) a pair of tapped inductors in parallel with a capacitor (c) a feedback transformer with a capacitor in parallel with its primary winding (d) a pair of tapped capacitors in parallel with an inductor and a third smal1-value capacitor The circuit recognition feature of the Hartley oscillator is: (a) @ pair of tapped capacitors in parallel with an inductor (b) @ pair of tapped inductors in parallel with a capacitor (c) a feedback transformer with a capacitor in parallel with its primary winding (d) a pair of tapped capacitors in parallel with an inductor and a third smal l-value capaci tor A Colpitts oscillator has values of Cl = 1 WF, C2 = 33 uF and L = 100 wi. What is the frequency of oscillation? (a) 12.154 kHz (b) 16.154 kilz (c) 20.3 kHz (4) 100.5 kitz 445 Chapter 17: Feedback and Oscillator Circuits 43 45. 46 47 48. 49. A Colpitts oscillator the approximate operating frequency (a) 74.5 kHz (b) 25.6 kHz (c) 12.8 kHz (d) none of the above as C; = 1 oF, C2 = 33 oF and L = 4.7 mH. What is the circuit? A Hartley oscillator has the following values: RPC = 1 mill, LI = 100 pH, 12 = 22 pH, and C= 0.001 uF. Assuming that the mutual inductance in the Circuit is too small to be considered, what is the approximate output frequency of the oscillator? (a) 456 Kitz (b) 152 Kitz (c) 503 kz (d) none of the above The biggest advantage that LC oscillators have over RC oscillators is the fact that LC oscillators generally: (a) can be operated at a much higher Frequency (b) can be constructed more economically (c) require less physical space (d) none of the above a crystal acts as a short circuit sonant frequency (b) parallel-resonant frequency (c) non-resonant frequency (a) none of the above At the _____a crystal acts as an open circuit (a) series-resonant frequency (b) parallel-resonant frequency (c) non-resonant frequency (d) none of the above COs have (a) very low operating frequencies (b) very stable output frequencies (c) extremely simple biasing circuits (d) all of the above The Q of a crystal is typically (a) 5000 (b) 20,000 (¢) 500,000 (a) 1,000,000 446 i. 12 14 15 16 17. 18 19 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer (fy (d) (a) (b) (d) (b) (b) () (b) (a) (a) (b) Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: 2 2 Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section. Section Section Section Section: Section Section: piezoeiectric Difficulty: 1 series Difficulty: 1 5760 Hz (d) (a) (b) (a) (b) (ce) @) (a) (a) (b) Difficulty: 2 Section Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty 2 2 2 Section Section Section. Section. Section Section Section Section: Section: 447 8 8 Section: 9 Objective Difficulty: 1 Section 1 1 2 Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Ob jective: Objective: Objective: Objective Section: 9 Objective 1 9 Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: 1 2 Testbank Chapter 17: Feedback and Oscillator Circuits 26. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 19 Objective: 2 27. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 28. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 29. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 5 30. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 5 31. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 5 32. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 5 33. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 5 34. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 6 35, Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 6 36. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 6 37. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 6 38. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 7 39. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 7 40. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 8 41. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 8 42. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 8 43. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 8 44, Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 8 45. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 8 46. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 9 47. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 9 48. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 9 49. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 9 448 Chapter 18: Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators) MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. The typical parts of a power supply are (a) a transformer (b) diode rectifier and filter (c) voltage drop element (d) all of the above SHORT ANSWER 2. Although a battery has essentially a constant or a de output voltage, the ac voltage derived fron an ac source signal by rectifying and filtering will have sone ac variation known as 3 in a power supply is the amount the de output Voltage changes over a range of circuit operation (from no-load operation to full load condition) MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. A de voltage supply provides an output voltage of 25 Volts under no load condition. This output voltage drops to 22.5 Volts under full load condition. Calculate the percent voltage regulation. (a) 10% (b) 90% (c) 11.1% (d) 2.5% 5. Figure 18.5.5 shows a series voltage regulator. Calculate the output voltage for the circuit shown (a) 20.0 Volts (b) 12.0 Volts (c) 11.3 Volts (d) 8.0 Volts ve 20 Va ane te Figueress fi"? | 6. Figure 18.5.5 shows a series voltage regulator. Calculate the current through the Zener diode for the circuit shown. (a) 50 minps (b) 33 mAmps (c) 83.33 mAmps (d) none of the above 449 Chapter 18: Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators) 7. Figure 18.5.7 shows an improved series voltage regulator. Calculate the output voltage for the circuit shown (a) 20.0 Volts (b) 12.0 Volts (c) 18.5 Volts (d) 8.0 Volts 8. Figure 18.5.7 shows a series voltage regulator. Calculate the current through the Zener diode for the circuit shown (a) 9.6 mAnps (b) 16 mAmps (c) 6.4 mAmps (d) 14.8 mAmps 9. Figure 18.5.9 shows an improved series voltage regulator with current limit circuit protection. Calculate the approximate output current when the circuit triggers the short circuit protection (a) 0.5 Amps (b) 8 Amps (c) 5.33 Amps (d) 13.33 Amps 10. Figure 18.5.9 shows an improved series voltage regulator with current limit circuit protection. Calculate the approximate load resistance that the voltage regulator can drive before the circuit triggers the current limit circuit protection (a) 40 K ohms and nore (b) 400 ohms and more (c) 40 ohms and nore (d) 37 ohms and less 450 u 2 13 4 16 Tes tbank Figure 18.5.9 shows an improved series voltage regulator with current limit circuit protection. Calculate the approximate resistance Rsc required to provide current limit circuit protection at the 0.75 Amps level. (a) 0-5 ohms (b) 0.75 obs (c) 1.0 ohms (4) 0.93 ofms A shunt voltage regulator is shown in Figure 18.5.12. What is the output voltage that the load will see? (a) 10 Volts (b) 8.2 Volts (c) 20 Volts (d) 8.9 Volts ve Yoo 20 Vote Unregulated Figue 185.12 A shunt voltage regulator is shown in Figure 18.5.12. What is the minimum load resistance that the voltage regulator can drive without dropping out of regulation? (a) 10000 ohms (b) 1000 ohns, (c) 100 ohms (a) 10 ohms A three terminal voltage regulator affords several different types of protection. They are (a) short circuit protection (b) thermal shut down protection (c) all of the above A three terminal voltage regulator drops out of regulation if the difference between the input voltage and the expected regulated output voltage is less than (a) 10 expected regulated output voltage (b) 90% expected regulated output voltage (c) 2.0 Volts (d) the input and the expected output voltage can be exactly same A rectifier is used to: (a) convert ac to pulsating de (b) reduce the variations in a pulsating de signal (c) maintain a constant power supply de output voltage (a) convert one de level to another 451 Chapter 18: Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators) 17. The basic power supply is made up of: (a) a regulator, a follover, and a rectifier (b) a filter, a follower, and a regulator (c) a rectifier, a filter, and a regulator (d) none of the above 18. A voltage regulator: (a) maintains a constant power supply de output vol tage (b) limits the primary voltage of a power supply transformer (c) reduces the power supply ripple output voltage (d) none of the above 19. The ideal voltage regulator maintains a constant de output vol tage regardless of changes in (a) its input voltage (b) its output voltage demand (c) its load current demand (d) either its load current demand or its input voltage 20. The term full load means: (a) load resistance is at a maximum value (b) load resistance is at a minimum value (c) no load resistance is present (d) load current is at a minimum value 21. A rectified de voltage was measured with both an ac and a de voltmeter Tt was found that Vde = 50 V and Vac = 2.16 Vyqy- What was the percent ripple? (a) 6% (b) 4.32% (c) 0.432% (a) 0.86% 22. A voltage regulator is rated for an output current range of I, = 0 to 40 mi. Under no-load conditions the output voltage from the circuit is 4 Vde. Under full-load conditions, the output voltage from the circuit is 3.984 Vdc. What is the percent load regulation of the circuit? (a) 400% (b) 2.5% (c) 0.4% (d) none of the above 23. The ideal line percent regulation rating is (a) 100% (b) 75% (c) 50% (a) zero 24. The the percent load regulation rating of a voltage regulator, the higher the quality of the circuit. (a) lower (b) higher (c) larger the change in (d) none of the above 452 25 26 7 28 29. 31 Tes thank A voltage regulator has a de supply voltage of 50 V when the output is unloaded. When a load is connected the output voltage is 46 V. What is the percent regulation? (a) 4% (b) 8.7% (c) 92% (a) none of the above A capacitive filter is added to a half-wave rectifier. The initial value of capacitance is 22 uF. If this value is increased to 100 uF, the ripple output from the circuit will: (a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain the same (d) cannot be predicted A filtered rectifier has a 15 Vdc output with 100 aVpp of ripple. The peak output voltage for the circuit is (a) 15.1 YPK (b) 14.9 YPK (c) 15.05 VPK (a) 47.2 VPK A capacitive filter is added to a full-wave rectifier. The value of capacitance is 22 WF. If the circuit R; = 1000 ohms, what is the circuit's ripple factor 1? (a) 15.2% (b) 12.7% (c) 10.9% (d) cannot be determined from the information given Calculate the ripple of a capacitor filter for a peak rectified voltage of 40 V, a capacitor of 80 MF and a 100 mA load current (a) 2.84% (b) 4.3% (e) 8.33% (a) 10.24% Calculate the percent ripple for a RC filter if the inputs are Vdc = 150 V. Ve¢rqsy =15 V. The filter components are Cy = C) = 50 MF, R = 500 ohms and'R,’= 5K ohms. (a) 0.572% (b) 0.884% (c) 1.27% (d) 4.39% ‘The reduction of the ac component of the output voltage is due to the action of the RC filter sections (a) voltage gain (b) voltage divider (c) current gain (d) current divider (e) none of the above 453 Chapter 18: Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators) 32. Shunt voltage regulators require: (a) shorted-load protection (b) load voltage samp! ing (c) high-frequency protection (d) open-load protect ion 33. Which of the following is not a type of voltage regulator? (a) Fixed negative (b) Adjustable (c) Variable polarity (d) Fixed positive 34. The ability of an IC voltage regulator to attenuate any input ripple voltage is called its rating. (a) ripple attenuation (b) ripple reduction (c) ripple rejection ratio in db (d) ripple elimination 454 10 u 12 4 15 16. 17. 18 19 2 22 23. 24. 25. Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer . Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer Answer (dy Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 ripple Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 Voltage regulation Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective (c) (c) (b) (c) (ce) (@) @) (d) (d) () (c) (c) (a) (c) (d) @ (b) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective 2 Section 2 Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section: Section Section Section Section Section: Section: Section Section: 455 5 Objective Objective Objective Objective 5 Objective 5 Objective 5 Objective: 6 Objective: 6 Objective: 1 Objective: 2 Objective: 3. Objective: 4 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 4 Objective 6 Objective: 7 Objective: Objective: Objective: 1 Chapter 18: 26 21 28. 29 30. 31 32 34 Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Power Supplies (Voltage Regulators) (b) (c) (c) (c) (a) (b) (b) (c) () Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty 2 Section: Section: Section. Section: Section Section: Section Section Section 456 1 2 3 Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Chapter 19: | Other Two-Terminal Devices SHORT ANSWER 1. We have studied the regular and the Zener diode. They are made from a PN junction. Sone other devices that are formed from a PN junction are and 2. With no external applied voltage, the surface barrier formed in a 'Hot Carrier Diode’ is formed by in the metal at the boundary of the metal and the semiconductor junction 3. The application of a forward bias will reduce the surface barrier and the result is a heavy flow of electrons in a 'Hot-Carrier diode’. The current produced by this heavy flow of electrons is than the current in a regular diode at the same applied bias MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. The commonly used synbol for a 'Hot-Carrier' diode is: (a) See graph I (b) See graph IT (c) See graph IIT (d) See graph IV LO 1 18 *© Figue 18.14 5. The capacitance of a varactor diode depends on (a) area of the depletion region (b) width of the depletion region (c) the permittivity of the semiconductor material (d) all of the above 6. As the reverse bias potential across a varactor diode increases, the transition capacitance will (a) decrease (b) increase (c) remain the same (d) increase exponentially 7. The most frequent use of power diodes occurs in the process. (a) rectification (b) high frequency control (c) high voltage operat ion (d) low voltage operation 457 Chapter 19: Other Two-Terminal Devices 10. i. 12. B 14. 15. The most unique feature of the characteristics of the Tunnel diode is (a) very low positive resistance region (b) very high positive resistance region (c) negative resistance region (d) almost zero break down voltage inplying almost non-existent depletion region Optical-electronic devices are generally classified as: (a) optical couplers or optical isolators (b) optically discrete or optically integrated (c) optical emitters or optical detectors (d) optical diodes or optical transistors ‘The photo-diode characteristics show equal spacing between the diode current curves for an equal increase in photon energy. So a graph of radiant flux versus diode current will be , (a) an exponential relationship (b) a parabolic relationship (c) a linear relationship (d) a square relationship The resistance of the photo-conductive device will vary with the intensity of the incident light. The relationship between the resistance and the light intensity is (a) an exponential relationship (b) a parabolic relationship (c) a linear relationship (d) a square relationship ‘The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) has power dissipation on the order of: (a) Watts (b) millie-Watts (c) micro-Watts (d) none of the above The field effect or twisted neumatic Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) require a/an: (a) constant current applied for the light to be seen by the viewer (b) constant voltage applied for the light to be seen by the viewer (c) alternating current applied for the light to be seen by the viewer (d) alternating voltage applied for the light to be seen by the viewer A typical solar cell has an efficiency of approximately (ay 1 = 3% (b) 10 - 12% (c) 25 - 30% (d) 75 ~ 80% A thermistor is a temperature sensitive semiconductor resistor that has (a) negative temperature coefficient (b) positive temperature coefficient (c) negative temperature coefficient at low temperature, posi temperature coefficient at high temperature (a) a temperature coefficient that may be either positive or negative ive 458 16 17. 18 19 20 2. 2 Tes tbank ‘The Schottky diode is used for: (a) very high frequency applications (b) low noise applications (c) low voltage/high current power supplies (a) all of the above In the Schottky diode the injected carriers have a very high kinetic energy level compared to the electrons of the metal; as a result the device is called a/an diode (a) junction (b) energy (e) hot-carrier (d) none of the above ‘The varactor acts as a: (a) current-controlled capacitance when forward biased (b) voltage-controlled capacitance when forward biased (c) current-controlled capacitance when reverse biased (d) voltage-controlled capacitance when reverse biased The capacitance of a varactor is (a) inversely proportional to the pernittivity of the semiconductor material (b) directly proportional to the width of the depletion layer (c) inversely proportional to the amount of diode reverse voltage (d) none of the above A varactor with a high capacitance ratio (CR) rating would be well suited for: (a) fine tuning applications (b) course tuning applications (c) crystal-control led oscillator applications (d) extremely high-Q applications A tuned amplifier contains a 2.2 mH inductor in its tank circuit, along with a Varactor with the following ratings: CT; = 80 pf when Vp = 3 Yde and Cy = 3 for Vg = 3 Vde to 6 Vde. What is the resonant frequency of the circuit when Vz = 3 Vde? (a) 904.3 kHz (b) 758.7 kHz (c) 379.4 kHz (d) 189.9 kHz A tuned amplifier contains a 2.2 mH inductor in its tank circuit, along with a varactor with a CT = 80 pf when Vp = 3 Vde and Cy = 3 for Vp = 3 Vdc to Vdc. What is the resonant frequency of the circuit when V = 6 Vde? (a) 599.8 kllz (b) 479.9 kHz (c) 219.0 kilz (4) 1.20 Miz 459 Chapter 19: Other Two-Terminal Devices 23. 24, 25. 26. 21. 28. 29 30. 31 Power diodes are constructed using silicon because of its (a) higher current (b) higher temperature capacity (c) higher PIV (d) all of the above The tunnel diode is a (a) lightly doped diode that greatly reduces the depletion region (b) lightly doped diode that greatly increases the depletion region (c) heavily doped diode that greatly reduces the depletion region (d) heavily doped diode that greatly increases the depletion region The tunnel diode region of operation between Vp and Vy is called the: (a) constant resistance region (b) constant current region (c) negative resistance region (d) negative current region ‘The tunnel diode is often used as the active device in (a) constant resistance amplifiers (b) negative resistance oscillators (c) negative current rectifiers (d) negative resistance linear amplifiers Optoelectronic devices are generally classified as being either (a) couplers or isolators (b) discrete or integrated (c) emitters or detectors (d) input or output devices The typical infrared-emitting diode has a radiant flux versus de current curve that is (a) an exponential relationship (b) a square relationship (c) an almost linear relationship (d) none of the above ation on the order of ‘The Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) has power dissi (a) Watts (b) milli-Watts (c) micro-Watts (d) none of the above LeDs require a/an (a) constant current (b) constant voltage (c) large heat sink (d) internal light source LCDs are limited to a temperature range of: (a) 0 to 10 degrees C (b) 0 to 60 degrees C (c) 0 to 100 degrees C (d) 30 to 100 degrees C 460 33. 34 35. 36 Tes tbank LcDs degrade (a) chemically (b) quickly (c) ina dry place (d) all of the above Typical solar cell efficiency is: (a) Ie (b) 10% (c) 30% (a) 70% ‘The most widely used material for solar cells are (a) selenium and silicon (b) indium arsenide and gold (c) gallium arsenide and cadnium sulfide (d) none of the above A typical four solar cell array can deliver Watts of power (a) 20 a (b) 10.7 al (c) 5.83 aW (d) 4.16 aW A thermistor is a temperature-sensitive semiconductor resistor that has PN junctions (a) zero (b) one (c) two (d) three 461 Chapter 19: Other Two-Terminal Devices 1. Answer: Schottky Diode; Tunnel Diode; Varactor Diode; Solar Cell; Photo Cell Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 1 2. Answer: Negative Wall Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 3. Answer: higher Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 4. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 1 5. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 6. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 1 7. Answer: (a) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 1 8. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 1 9. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 10. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 6 Objective: 1 11. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 7 Objective: 1 12. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 13. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 9 Objective: 1 14, Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 10 Objective: 1 15. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 10 Objective: 1 16. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 2 17, Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 2 18. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 3 19. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective: 3 20. Answer: (b) Difficulty: 2 Section: 3 Objective: 3 21. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 4 Objective: 3 22. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective: 3 23. Answer: (d) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 4 24. Answer: (c) Difficulty: 2 Section: 1 Objective: 5 462 25. 26. 27 28 29 30. 31 32. 33 34 35. Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: (c) (b) (c) (e) (c) (ce) (b) (a) (b) (a) (d) (a) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: D Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: culty: Section: Section. Section: Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 463 Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective Objective Objective 10 10 10 u Tes tbank Chapter 20: PNPN and Other Devices MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Some of the popular applications of the Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) are (a) relay control, time delay circuits, and regulated power supplies (b) choppers, inverters, and battery chargers (c) static switches, heater controls, and phase controls (d) all of the above 2. Thyristors are electronic devices that act as a (a) silicon controfled rectifier (b) uni junction transistor (c) gate turn off switch (d) all of the above SHORT ANSWER 3. The SCR cannot be turned off by simply renoving the gate signal. Two general methods that are used to turn off an SCR are and 4 is the value of the current below which the SCR switches from The conduction state to the blocking region under existing conditions MULTIPLE CHOICE 5. One region of the SCR curve when it is forward biased represents the non-conducting region of operation. What is this region called? (a) forward turn off region (b) forward dropout region (c) forward blocking region (d) forward non-conduct ion region 6. A Silicon Controlled Switch (SCS) like the SCR is a four-layer device ‘The characteristics of the SCS are also essentially the same as those of the SCR. The SCR can be turned off by applying a/an (a) opposite level pulse to the anode gate’ (b) a low-level pulse on the cathode gate terminal (c) essential short-circuits from anode to cathode (d) all of the above 7. Figure 20.1.7 shows the circuit diagram used for a SCS is: (a) See graph I (b) See graph IT (c) See graph II] (d) See graph IV (Oo #6 oOo 9 & Fee 017 464 10. ML. 12. B Tes tbank Figure 20.1.9 shows the circuit diagram used for a Gate Turn-off Switch (GTO) is (a) See graph I (b) See graph II (c) See graph II] (d) See graph IV OB @ w awe 2019 One of the very important characteristics of the GTO is (a) improved current handling characteristics (b) improved noise characteristics (c) improved blocking region characteristics (d) improved turn-off tine ‘The LASCR is a device that can be turned on by (a) noise intensity of dB level (b) harmonic content of the signal present at the gate (c) light intensity (d) wavelength of the light input ‘The is generally used to trigger the SCR. (a) POF (b) UIT (c) Diae (d) Shockley diode ATIAC is a switching device (a) bilateral (b) unilateral (c) multi-lateral (d) trilateral ‘The UIT's are commonly used as: (a) breakover devices (b) amplifiers (c) tuned oscillators (a) thyristor triggering devices Chapter 20: PNPN and Other Devices 14. A sample relaxation oscillator using the UJT's is shown in Figure 20.1.15. Determine the frequency of oscillation (a) 18 Hz (b) 180 Hz (c) 218 Hz (d) 82 Hz Fue 0116 15. Thyristors are electronic devices that act as a (a) silicon-controlled switch (b) silicon-controlled rectifier (c) uni juction transistor (d) all of the above 16. The Pnpn device that is of greatest interest today is the (a) TRIAC (b) SCR (ce) PUT (d) DIAC 17. Silicon was chosen for the construction of the SCR because of its: (a) high frequency characteristics (b) switching speed characteristics (c) temperature and power capabilities (d) all of the above 18. Anode-current interruption and forced-commutation are the two methods that are used to an SCR. (a) turn off (b) turn on (c) hold on (d) none of the above 19. The silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) is forced into forward conduction when Vp exceeds the rating of the device. (a) forward conduct ing voltage (b) forward breakover voltage (c) forward trigger voltage (d) forvard breakdown voltage 466 20 2 22. 23 24. 25. 26 21. Tes tbank Once an SCR is forced into forward conduction, it continues to conduct until Ip drops below the rating of ‘the device (a) minimum forward current (b) forvard breakover current (c) holding current (d) dropout current What are the two methods that are conmonly used to return an SCR to its nonconducting state? (a) anode current interruption and forced conmutation (b) current holding and forced commutation (c) anode current interruption and current holding (d) forced commutation and current dropout The region of the SCR forward operating curve that represents the nonconducting region of operation is called the: (a) forward off-state region (b) forward blocking region (c) forward dropout region (d) none of the above Which of the following distinguishes the silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) from the SCS? (a) The SCS has a fourth terminal, called the anode gate (b) The SCS is driven into cutoff using entirely different methods. (c) The SCS has less means of being forced into its forward conducting state (a) All of the above. The forward operating curve of the SCR is identical to that for the (a) SCS (b) GTO (c) DIAC (d) TIAC ‘The silicon controlled switch has two (a) anodes (b) cathodes (c) gates (d) none of the above Which of the following devices can be driving into its conducting or nonconducting state by applying the proper pulse to its gate terminal? (a) the Shockley diode (b) the SBS (c) the GTO device (d) the TRIAC The LASCR is a device whose state is controlled by (a) light intensity (b) spectral wavelength (c) light amplitude (d) the light-area product 467 Chapter 20: PNPN and Other Devices 28 29. 30 31. 32. 33 34 35. Which of the following devices acts as an SCR with Ig = 0? (a) the Shockley diode (b) the SBS (c) the GTO device (a) the TRIAC The primary difference between the DIAC and the SCS is the fact that: (a) the DIAC has a higher maximum power dissipation rating (b) the SCS is capable of conducting in only one direction (c) the DIAC is no longer used in any practical applications (d) the SCS requires the use of a snubber ATIAC is a switching device (a) bilateral (b) unilateral (c) multilateral (d) trilateral The is commonly used to control SCR triggering (a) OT (b) DIAC (c) SCR (a) JFET A UIT has the following values: n = 0.72 (maximum) and Vgpg = 12 V. What is the maximum value of Vgpj required to trigger the device into conduct ion? (a) 8.64 V (b) 17.4 V (c) 12V (a) 9.34.V UJTs are commonly used as (a) breakover devices (b) amplifiers (c) thyristor triggering devices (d) tuned oscillators A PUT has a value of Vox = 48 V. What value of Vax is needed to trigger the device into conduction? (a) -8.7V (b) +16.7.V (c) #8.7V (a) cannot be determined from the information given Which of the following devices is actually an integrated circuit rather than a single discrete component? (a) the SIDAC (b) the OPTD ISOLATOR (c) the GTO device (d) the triac 468 10. uM. 12 1B 4 15 16 17. 18 19 20 an 22 23 24. Answer . Answer . Answer: (a) dd) anode current interruption; forced conmunication Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective Difficulty: 2 Section: 2 Objective Difficulty: 2 Section: 5 Objective Answer Answer Answer Answer - Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Holding current Di (c) (d) (ce) (@) (@) (c) (c) (a) (d) (d) (d) (b) (b) (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) 2d) (a) Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Diffi sulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty 2 2 culty Section: Section: Section. Section: Section: Section Section Section Section Section: Section Section: Section: Section. Section: Section: 2 Section Section Section Section 469 1 4 Objective: 7 Objective: 7 Objective: 8 Objective: 8 Objective 9 Objective: 1 1 1 1 1 Section: 4 Objective 11 Objective: 1 12 Objective: 1 13 Objective: 1 13. Objective Objective Objective: Objective Objective: 1 2 Objective: 4 Objective: 4 Objective: 4 Objective Objective Objective: 1 Chapter 20: 25 26. 27. 28 29 30. 31 32. 33 4 35 Answer Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer Answer: PNPN and Other Devices (c) (ec) (a) (a) (b) fa) (a) (@) (ce) (c) (b) Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Difficulty: 2 Section: Section Section Section Section: Section Section. Section: Section Section Section 470 Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: 10 u 12 13 1B 16 16 Chapter 21: Oscilloscope and Other Measuring Devices MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is used to provide a of any input signal. (a) harmonic display (b) periodic display (c) spectral content display (d) visual display 2. A CRO can be built so that it will display signals from (a) de to a few kilohertz (b) de to a few hundred kilohertz (c) de to a few megahertz (d) de to a few hundred megahertz SHORT ANSWER 3. The nunber of electrons that are freed at any time controls the intensity of the beam seen on the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). These electrons are released from a cathode containing an oxide coating indirectly by a filament MULTIPLE CHOICE 4. The waveform is displayed on the face of the oscilloscope by an electron beam that is deflected by a sweep voltage, and bya the voltage to be measured (a) horizontally; vertically (b) vertically; horizontally (c) horizontally; horizontally (d) vertically; vertically 5. To view a signal on the CRT face it is necessary to deflect the beam across the CRT with a horizontal sweep signal so that any variation of the vertical signal can be observed. This horizontal sweep signal has a waveform. (a) saw tooth (b) triangular (c) square (d) sine 6. If the period on the input signal is 5 mSec and the period of the horizontal sweep signal is 15 mSec, then how many complete cycles of the input signal will be visible on the C&T screen? (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (a) Four an Chapter 21: Oscilloscope and Other Measuring Devices 10. u To see a steady display each time the beam sweeps across the face of the tube, it is necessary to start the sweep at the same point in the input cycle. This can be done from various trigger sources. They are __ (a) internal (b) external (c) line (d) all of the above Most modern oscilloscopes provide for viewing two or more traces on the scope face at the same time. The methods for displaying two traces at the same time are nd (a) chopped; added (b) alternate; added (c) added; periodic (d) chopped; alternate Calculate the peak-to-peak voltage of the signal shown in Figure 21.1.9 (a) 20 aVolts (b) 25 nVolts (c) 26 mVolts (a) 30 nVolts Figwe 21.1 Calculate the period of the signal shown in Figure 21.1.9. (a) 20 mSec (b) 25 mSec (c) 26 mSec (a) 30 See Coo cr Figue 21.19 Other then measuring the amplitude and the period, many other measurements can be made with the oscilloscope. Some of these measurements are (a) frequency (b) pulse width (c) pulse delay (d) all of the above 4n Tes tbank 12. The precision waveform generator IC 8038 is capable of producing highly accurate waveform. (a) square (b) sine (c) triangle (d) all of the above 13. The precision waveform generator IC 8038 is shown in a circuit in Figure 21.1.13. Determine the lowest frequency of oscillation. (a) 27.27 Ha (b) 30.00 Hz, (c) 300 Hz (d) cannot determine from the information given 1K veesvons 14, The precision waveform generator IC 8038 is shown in a circuit in Figure 21.1.13. Determine the highest frequency of oscillation. (a) 27.27 Hz (b) 30.00 Hz, (c) 300 Hz (d) cannot determine fron the information given 15. The precision waveform generator IC 8038 is shovn in a circuit in Figure 21.1.13. What function does the IK@ resistor R, serve? (a) It is the load resistor (b) It is the pull up resistor. The output waveform will rise and fall more quickly. (c) It serves aS the output impedance resistor for the function generator. (a) It is the current limit resistor so the precision IC will not draw too much current 16. The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) can be built to operate from (a) de to hundreds of megahertz (b) de to 100 megahertz (c) de to 10 megahertz (d) none of the above 4B Chapter 21: Oscilloscope and Other Measuring Devices 17. 18 19 20, 2. 22 23 The (a) (b) (c) (dy The and (a) (b) (c) () The (a) (b) (c) (d) The (a) (b) (c) @ The (a) (b) (c) (dy The (a) (b) (c) (d) The (a) (b) (c) (@) hart of the CRO is a device known as: visual amplifier crt photoelectronic device none of the above CRO's electronic beam is deflected _______ by the sweep circuit by voltage amplitude vertically; horizontally horizontaliy; vertically diagonally; up none of the above process of CRO signal synchronization is called: phase-locked loop triggering cycle latching none of the above CRO has a natural advantage in the measurement of: de signals ac signals peak-to-peak and peak signals all of the above CRO horizontal scale can be used to measure current time persistence all of the above CRO vertical scale can be used to measure: current frequency persistence all of the above time interval between pulses is called the: pulse width rise-time pulse delay none of the above 474 10 ul. 12. 13 4 15 16 7 18. 19. 20. 21 23. Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer: (d) (d) Difficulty: Difficulty: 2 1 heated Difficulty (a) fa) (c) (@) (a) (o) (c) (dd) (dy (a) (ce) (b) (@) (b) (b) (b) (©) (b) (a) (©) Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty Difficulty: 2 Sect ion: Section: 1 Section: 2 Objective: 1 Section: Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section: Section Section: 475 1 1 3 4 4 Objective: Object Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective Objective: Objective: Objective Ob jective: Objective Objective: Ob jective: Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective Objective: Objective Objective: Objective 1 1 1 1 Tes tbank

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