Although However But Despite of in Spite of Despite of The Fact/ in Spite of The Fact

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Although = tot i que -Although it was raining, he went for a walk.

However = de tota manera/no obstant -It was rainning. However, he went for a walk
But = però -It was rainning, but he went for a walk.
Despite / In spite of= malgrat -Despite of the rain he went for a walk
-In spite of the rain he went for a walk.
Despite of the fact = malgrat el fet que
In spite of the fact - Despite of the fact/ in spite of the fact that it was
rainning, he went for a walk.
Despite +ing = Els utilitzem quan tenim el mateix subjecte a totes dues parts de la frase
In spite + ing - Despite winning a scholarchip, he could not afford to go to university.

Even though = tot i això ( + fort que although) –Even though it was rainning, he went for a walk

Though = (tot i això, informal) – It was rainning.He went for a walk, though.

Because = perquè -I turned the heating on because it was cold.
To = per - Lots of people jog to keep fit.
In order to = per a - We’re having to borrow money in order to pay our bills.
So that= de manera que - I took the bread out of the freezer so that it would defrost.
So = per tant -It was cold, so I turned the heating on.
So = tant l’utilitzem amb adjectius sense noms o be abans de much, many,little, few.
- I find Italilan people so generous
- I’m not very hungry don’t give me so much food.
Such = tant l’utilitzem seguit d’un adjectiu + un nom contable o incontable singular o plural i si el trobem
abans de “a lot of” - Carmen is such a kind person
- Jo and Paul are such a hardworking students
- When we were in Italy, we had such warm weather
- During our holidays we met such a lot of nice people and had
such a lot of fun.
As = tan -I’m as tall as your brother.

If = si condicional -It will be safe if we’re careful.

Unless = a menys que = in + not -You won’t learn to play the piano unless you practice.
In case = per si de cas - I’ve bought some sandwitches in case I get hungry.
As well as = igual que, tan com - She likes watching football as well as playing it.

Time words
When = quan -My leg hurts when I walk
While (o as) = mentre - I heard the news on the radio while/as I was driving home
After = Desprès - After the speaker had sat down, no one knew what to say
As soon as= imediatament desprès -As soon as I left, it started to rain.
Before = abans -I must get to the post office before it closes.
Until= fins que -You have to wait until the light changes to green.
Since = desde -They’ve made a lot of new bullidings since I was here last.

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