All You Need To Implement A Fish Farming Project: Pre-Decision Stage

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All you need to implement a fish farming project

Services for Tilapia Fish Farming are provided according to the client’s needs, either as a
package or on individual basis. Our services are listed below, in the order of their
performance during the development of a fish farming project.
APT (Aquaculture Production Technology) is a for-profit company that charges fees for
its products and professional services. The cost is determined based on the agreed
scope of work during the Feasibility Study and Business Plan stage, when defining the
fish farming project.

Development of the project concept
Site identification
Site inspection visit
Feasibility Study and Business Plan
Environmental Impact Assessment
Basic & detailed engineering of the fish farm
Basic & detailed engineering of the Processing Plant
Construction supervision / management
Equipment specifications and procurement sources
High-performance brood stock
Operating manual for the fish farm
Operating manual for the Processing Plant
Long-term technical management
Start-up & running-in of the fish farm
Staff training
Technical supervision
Marketing assistance

Pre-decision Stage
Developing the aquaculture project concept
Upon contacting Aquaculture Production Technology, our experts will discuss fish and Shrimp farming
possibilities in your country and region, based on the local conditions and your business goals. You will
understand the main features of aquaculture, fish farming, Tilapia farming and shrimp farming. APT will
then assist in formulating a Fish Farming Business Concept, which you can adopt for further investigation.
Site identification for the fish farm
APT provides site selection guidelines to assist the client in identifying potential sites for the fish farm. Data
is gathered using APT’s Data Collection Manual. When you identify 2-3 suitable sites, with approved land
and water conditions, APT experts will visit the sites. APT offers a free of charge Rapid Evaluation Program.
Site inspection visit
APT experts will travel to visit your country to inspect the potential site(s) for the fish-farming project. Our
aquaculture experts will conduct thorough technical inspection regarding topography, soil, water source,
water quality, etc., will instruct you as to additional tests required and will collect all necessary data to
ensure correct selection of the best site for the Tilapia fish farm.

Feasibility Study and Business Plan

APT performs the Feasibility Study and/or the Business Plan for the establishment of the proposed fish
farming aquaculture project. The Feasibility Study and Business Plan are prepared for a specific site, with
specific production goals in mind.

APT performs the Feasibility Study and the Business Plan for the establishment of the
proposed fish farming aquaculture project.

To prepare a bankable Business Plan for presentation to:
1. Venture Capitalists and private investors for securing equity capital participation.
2. Commercial banks and/or financial institutions for securing loan financing.
3. Local Government authorities for obtaining various permits & economic/financial
The Business Plan is prepared
for a specific site, with
specific production goals in
mind. Preliminary data is
collected by you, based on
Data Collection Manual and
Guideline for Site Selection
provided by APT.
Detailed data regarding site
conditions and local
economic parameters are
gathered by a team of APT
experts during site visitation.
Site inspection includes
thorough examination of

conditions, soil, water, topography and existing infrastructure. Emphasis is

placed on environmental aspects.
Based on this data, various production alternatives are considered and analyzed and the
most feasible one is selected. A Production Strategy is developed, the facilities needed to
carry out the production plan are determined and the economic feasibility of the venture is

The economic analysis is based on actual local cost units and on local financial practices. The
Business Plan is prepared in a Bankable format, to enable presentation to local and/or
international finance institutions.

The scope and content of the Business Plan are agreed with the client prior to initiation.

Rapid Evaluation Program

APT provides a Rapid Evaluation Program (free of charge). It will give you a clear
understanding of the potential of your site and the steps to be taken for its

Let us know your thoughts and intentions for aquaculture development.

Provide us with general information on your site, such as: its general location,
topography, size.
Describe the water source and climatic conditions.
We will then send you our fish farming Site Selection Guidelines and fish farm
Data Collection Manual.
We will analyze the data and provide you with general evaluation of the
project potential and a description of a project concept suitable for you.
If at that stage you wish to progress, we will send you a detailed plan for
project implementation, beginning with Site Visitation by our experts, and
preparation of a Business Plan.
To start, please enter your details below or contact us:

City State
Zip Country
Field of Activity

Enter your comments: (your interests, ideas, requirements,

plans, your present occupation and description of your land and
water source)


Construction Stage
Environmental Impact Assessment of the aquaculture project
APT aquaculture projects are designed and constructed as eco-friendly systems, complying with strict
environmental regulations. Environmental Impact Assessment is prepared to ensure necessary official
Permits and acceptance by international consumer organizations and health authorities of the importing

Basic & detailed engineering of the fish farm

Professional engineering design and optimization of all production phases: spawning, nursery and
growout. Complete engineering of main installations and auxiliary systems, including: land preparation,
earthworks, civil works, water supply and drainage systems, electrical systems, aeration systems, feeding

Basic & detailed engineering of the Processing Plant

Professional engineering design and optimization of the Processing Plant. APT engineers design: custom-
made fish processing equipment for Tilapia and other fish species; the Processing Plant building and its
cooling systems, piping system, air-conditioning and electrical system; fish purging ponds; water treatment
plant. APT implements quality control procedures to ensure HACCP approval, as well as, compliance with
quality & safety regulations of the target market countries.

Construction supervision / management

APT engineers supervise the aquaculture project construction either by long-term presence
on site or via periodic site-visits to oversee local contractors.

Aquaculture Equipment - Specifications and Procurement

APT provides operational specifications for the required fish farming equipment. In addition, APT facilitates
equipment procurement by preparing technical bids and analyzing quotation proposals from suppliers.

High-performance brood stock

APT provides genetically improved Tilapia brood-stock which produce high-quality hybrids.

Operating Manual for the Fish Farm

Custom-made “Manuals of Operation” for each project, detailing the step-by-step instructions for
operating each production stage, e.g. hatchery, nursery, growout ponds.

Operating manual for the Processing Plant

Custom-made document for each project, detailing step-by-step instructions for operating the fish
processing plant, offal plant and waste treatment plant.


Operation Stage
Long-term technical management
APT farm managers and experts are available for long-term on-site technical management.

Start-up & running-in of the fish farm

APT technicians are available for short or long-term on-site duty to start-up the fish farming project, make
fine-tuning adjustments and train local staff.
Staff training
Training of your professional fish farming technical staff can be done on site, by APT qualified aquaculture
technicians, or at home base, for periods of up to 6 months. Such training is conducted in large scale
operating fish farms in Israel.
Technical supervision of the fish farm
Our home-based staff, routinely follow project operation and provide technical supervision. APT staff
conducts periodic visits to the fish farm, making sure that the project operates at its maximum efficiency.
APT provides trouble-shooting services in the fields of fish nutrition, disease control, ponds ecology, water
treatment, fish population management, fish production and quality control.
Marketing assistance
APT provides processing and packaging specifications and helps make contacts between project owners
and seafood buyers.

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