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Content assessment test

U.I. Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the following text with the appropriate word from among the following:
method, hypothesis, testable, scientific, problem, experiments.

In the study of natural phenomena, scientists follow very rigorous procedures that fall

under the term ....................... ......................... . The basis of this ....................... is the

necessity of answering a ......................., for which a ....................... is produced that must

be ....................... against reality, which is normally done by designing .............................. .

2. Express the following quantities in scientific notation:

a) 0.807 .............................................................................................................................

b) 602 000 000 000 .............................................................................................................

c) 0.000 000 000 001 5 .......................................................................................................

3. Use the appropriate multiples and submultiples to express the following measurements
with the smallest possible number of zeros:

a) 300 000 cm ....................................................................................................................

b) 0,000 000 009 kg ...........................................................................................................

c) 310 000 000 000 nm .......................................................................................................

4. The graph shows how the pressure that a gas exerts on the walls of the container that
contains it varies when temperature increases (keeping the volume and the amount of
gas constant):

p (atm) Explain which of the following

100 mathematical expressions,
where K = cte can represent
80 this variation:


a)   p · T = K
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b)  p = K · T2
0 250 300 350 T (K)
c)  p = K · T

5. Classify the following physical quantities as fundamental (F) or derived (D):

a) Energy d) Time g) Surface area

b) Length e) Temperature h) Amount of substance

c) Force f) Weight i) Velocity

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. Put the following velocities in order from smallest to largest:

a) 108 km/min

b) 60 millas/h

c) 50 cm/ms

7. Explain whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false

a) The SI unit of density is the gram per cubic centimetre, g/cm3.

b) Systematic errors cannot be avoided, but we minimise them

by repeating the measurement several times.

c) Zeros are never significant figures.

d) The light year is the unit of time that is used in astronomy.

8. In order to determine the mass of an object, a scale is used that detects hundredths of a
gram. The measurement is repeated five times, obtaining the following values:

12.45 g ; 12.45 g ; 12.47 g ; 12.49 g ; 12.45 g

Write the result that we would give for the mass of this body, indicating the uncertainty
that accompanies this result.



9. Pressure is defined as force per surface area (p = F/S ). Determine its dimensional
equation, knowing that:
– Force can be obtained as the product of the mass (m) times the acceleration (a).
– Acceleration is obtained as the quotient of speed (v) over time (t).
– Speed is the distance travelled (e) per unit of time (t ).


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8 8
10. Two horizontal forces act on an object: F 1 , 30 N, toward the east, and F 2 , 50 N, toward
the west. Calculate, numerically and graphically, what forces will be necessary to apply
so that the result is zero.





Content assessment test

1 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the text with the following words: Rutherford; Bohr; electrical; negative; orbital;
neutrons; electrons; protons.

…………...….. ’s atomic model assumes that the atom is made up of a nucleus, which

consists of …………..….., with a positive ………..….. charge and …………...….., without

electrical charge, and a shell where …………...….. are found with a …………...…..

…………...….. charge. Electrons are located in a region in space where the probability of

finding them is almost certain, called the …………...….. .

2. Explain whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). If they are false, briefly
explain why.

a) The number of electrons that an atom has is called the atomic number.

b) Atoms of the same chemical element with a different number

of neutrons are called ions.

c) Electrons can be in different orbits, all of them with same


d) p orbitals only accept two electrons.

e) Chemical elements of the same period have similar chemical






3. The chemical elements known as representative elements belong to:

a) Groups 1 and 2
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b) Groups 13 to 18

c) Groups 1, 2 and 13 to 18

4. An atom with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 10 electrons:

a) Cannot exist

b) Is a positive ion

c) Is a negative ion

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Complete the following table:

Number of Number of Number of Mass

protons, p neutrons, n electrons, e number, A
6 C

17 17 35

8 O 2–

9 10 10

6. Based on their position on the Periodic Table, write the electron configuration of the
following chemical elements:

a) Sodium ..........................................................................................................................

b) Potassium ......................................................................................................................

c) Nitrogen ........................................................................................................................

d) Phosphorus ...................................................................................................................

7. Given the chemical elements with atomic numbers Z = 13 and Z = 17, write their electron
configurations and state their name and symbol, as well as the group and the period to
which they belong.



8. Put these chemical elements in order from lowest to highest electron affinity: Si, Cl, P, S,
Na, Mg.


9. State how many types of atomic orbitals there are and how many there are of each type:
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10. Three isotopes of silicon are known, with masses of 27.977 u, 28.977 u and 29.974 u,
whose relative abundances are 92.23 %, 4.65 % and 3.11 %, respectively. Calculate the
average atomic mass of silicon.




Content assessment test

2 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the text with the following words: atoms, lose, configuration, electrons,
electron, energy, stable, noble, octet, rule, valence.

....................... form bonds because in this way, they lower their ....................... and

they are more ....................... . In the bond, the atoms gain, ....................... or share

........................ of the outer shell, achieving the ........................ ........................ of the

nearest ...................... gas. This is called the ...................... ...................... because there

are usually eight electrons in the ........................ shell.

2. Using a Lewis dot diagram, explain how oxygen combines with chlorine. Note: more than
one atom of one of the elements can be combined.


3. The molecular formula of phosphorus trichloride is PCl3, while the empirical formula of
gold trichloride is AuCl3. Explain the significance of the digit 3 in both cases.



4. Complete the following table:

Pure substance
O2 KF Fe
Soluble in water No (little)
Molecule/Crystal lattice Crystal lattice
Melting point Low
Conducts electricity Yes (solid state)

5. State the type of substance (ionic, covalent or metallic) in each case:

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a) Substance soluble in water which produces a solution that conducts electricity.


b) Substance that forms a very soft solid.


c) Substance that is used to make cables that conduct electricity.


d) Substance that is very hard but very fragile.


Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. State which of these properties correspond to an ionic substance:

a) Forms molecules. d) Is a soft solid.

b) Is soluble in water. e) Is fragile.

Conducts electricity f) Is solid at room
in solid state. temperature.

7. Given the following table, explain the trend that is seen in the melting points taken at
1 atm of pressure and the physical state in which they are found at 0 °C.

Pure substance
SF4 SeF4 TeF4
Melting Point (°C)
–125 –10 129


8. What intermolecular forces exist between water molecules? Choose the items
below that have contributed to making water such an important compound for


a) Is liquid at room temperature.

b) Forms a connection between H and O.

c) Can dissolve large amounts of substances.

d) Is less dense in solid state than in liquid state.

e) Forms molecules.

9. Explain the electrical conductivity of metals using the free electron theory.


10. Below you will find a series of laboratory tests. From the materials given, choose the ones
that you would need in order to perform them. You may need some of them for more
than one test.
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Materials: distilled water, ammeter, cables, heater, connectors, knife, diamond tip object,
battery, thermometer, nail, glass rod, beaker.

a) Assembly of an electrical circuit to determine electrical conductivity in solid state.


b) Assembly of an electrical circuit to determine electrical conductivity in a solution.


c) Dissolving in distilled water.


Content assessment test

3 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the text with the following words: triple, carbon, four, three, two, chemical,
simple, pair, outer.

Carbon atoms have ………...….....….. electrons in their …………........….. shell, and the

……….....…...….. value is consequently used as a valence …………......…..

characteristic in organic compounds. The carbon- ………...…...….. bonds can be

……......….., double or …..…...….., according to whether they share a …….…...…..

of electrons, …………......….. pairs or …………......….. pairs, respectively.

2. Explain whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). If they are false, briefly
explain why.

a) Alkenes are characterised by the presence of at least one triple

bond in the carbon chain.

b) A hydrocarbon with simple bonds and five C atoms is always called


c) Alcohols are compounds that contain the hydroxide group, –OH.

d) The chemical formula that gives information about the bonds between
the atoms in the molecule is called a structural formula.

e) Polymerisation is a physical process by which many simple molecules

are bonded to form a polymer.





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3. The compound with the molecular formula C3H8 is:

a) An alkane b) An alkene c) We cannot tell

4. The electron configuration of the carbon Z = 6, is:

a) 1s2 2p4 b) 1s2 2s2 2p2 c) 1s2 2s4

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Write the formula for the following compounds:

a) 3-methylhexane b) but-2-ene c) 3-methylhex-1-yne

d) butan-1-ol e) Ethanoic acid f) Butanoic acid

6. Name the following compounds:

a) CH 2 OH–CH 2 –CH 3 b) CH 3 –CH 2 –CH=CH 2 c) CH 3 –CH 2 –C/C–CH 3

d) CH 3 –CH 2 –CH 2 –CH 2 –COOH e) CH 3 –CH–CH 2 –CH 2 OH

CH 3

7. What are carbohydrates? In what foods can they be found? What function do they have?
Indicate the chemical elements they are composed of and write the chemical symbol for
each of them.









8. 1-butanol and 2-butanol are:

a) Isomers b) Alcohols c) Carbohydrates

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9. The chemical formula of glycerine is CH2OHCHOHCH2OH. Thus, its molecular formula


a) CH3OCH2OCH3O b) C3H8O3 c) C3H7O2OH

10. The –COOH functional group is called carboxyl and is characteristic of:

a) Carboxylic acid b) Alcohol

c) Polyalcohol d) None of these

Content assessment test

4 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the text with the following words: chemical; pure; reactants; chemistry (2 times);
formula; products; chemical; equation; substances; symbolic; conserved.

A …………...….. reaction is a process in which …………...….. substances called

………...….. are transformed into other ………...….. that we call ………...….. . In any

………...….. reaction mass is ………...….. . We study the ………...….. of a reaction

based on its chemical ………...….. , which is a ………...….. representation in terms of

………...….. ………...….. .

2. Explain whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). If they are false, briefly
explain why.

a) Molecular mass is the mass of a molecule and it is expressed in grams.

b) In a chemical reaction, the amount of substance is conserved; that is,

the number of moles of reactants is equal to the number of moles of products.

c) Molarity is the mass of solute dissolved in 1 L of solution.

d) A catalyst is a substance that causes more heat to be released

in a chemical reaction.

e) In a reaction that takes place between gaseous substances, the proportion

between the amount of those substances (expressed in mol) is the same
as the proportion between their volume measured in identical conditions of
pressure and temperature.





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3. If the atomic masses, A, of sodium, oxygen and sulphur are 23, 16 and 32 u, respectively,
then the molar mass of sodium sulphate, Na2SO4, is:

a) 142 u b) 142 g c) 140 g/mol d) 142 g/mol

4. The ideal gas equation takes the form:

a) p · V = n · T b) p · V = n · R · T c) p · V = R · T

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. Complete the following table based on the complete reaction of calcium with oxygen.
State what fundamental law or laws you have used:

Experiment Mass of calcium Mass of oxygen Mass of calcium oxide

1 20 g 8g
2 10 g 35 g

3 7g

Law or laws used: ...............................................................................................................


6. State which of these sentences are true for a chemical reaction for which the equation
a) The amount of substance is conserved.

b) The mass is conserved.

c) The mass of A that reacts is half of that of B.

d) The amount of substance B is double the amount of A that reacts.

7. 20 g of sodium nitrate, , NaNO3, are dissolved to a volume of solution of 125 cm3. What
will the molarity of the solution be? Data: atomic masses: Na = 23.0 u; N = 14.0 u;
O = 16.0 u.



8. What volume will 4.0 g of molecular hydrogen measured at 25 °C and 1.5 atm occupy?
Data: A (H) = 1.0 u; R = 0.082 atm · L /(mol · K).



9. Calculate the amount (measured in mol) of hydrochloric acid that reacts with 13.5 g
of aluminium, knowing that the products of this reaction are aluminium chloride and
hydrogen. Data: molar mass Al = 27 g/mol.
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10. If the combustion of 1 mol of C produces 1 650 kcal, what amount of heat will be produced
in the combustion of 1 kg of C? Express the result in kJ. Data: 1 kcal = 4.18 kJ; A (C) = 12 u.




Content assessment test

5 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Using Arrhenius theory, state what we mean by acid substances and basic substances.



2. Which of these options corresponds to the hydronium ion concentration in water in the
absence of acid or basic substances?

a) 107 mol/L c) 7 mol/L

b) 10–7 mol/L d) 0,7 mol/L

3. Explain why the pH of a solution in which no acid or basic substance is dissolved has a
value of 7.




4. Write the neutralisation reaction of lithium hydroxide with nitric acid.


5. Calculate the volume of 2 M aqueous solution of nitric acid necessary to neutralise

250 mL of a 1 M solution of lithium hydroxide.




6. What is an acid-base indicator? Give an example.

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7. Explain the steps that you would follow to find out the concentration of an aqueous
solution of sodium hydroxide.





Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

8. Explain why a small amount of indicator should be added in an acid-base volumetric analysis.








9. State what saturated gaseous hydrocarbon is involved, knowing that the combustion of
46.125 L of this compound, measured at 1.2 atm and 300 K, produces 9 mol of carbon
dioxide. Data: R = 0.082 atm í L í K–1 í mol–1.












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10. Calculate the energy released in the form of heat in the previous reaction, knowing that
the CP (calorific power) of the fuel (an unknown hydrocarbon) is 2 850 kJ/mol.







Content assessment test

6 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Explain whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):
a) Displacement is the distance that a body has travelled in a time interval.

b) Displacement is the line that is obtained when the successive positions that the
moving body occupies over time are joined together.

The position that a moving body occupies at a given moment can never be the origin
of the coordinates.

d) The trajectory is the line that results from joining the starting point and endpoint of
the moving body.


2. A child who travels by car on a motorway writes down the time that has passed from
kilometric point (Kmp) 50 until the end of the trip:

Kmp 50 51 53 56 60
Time (s) 0 60 160 250 430

a) Have they travelled at the same speed in all the sections that appear in the table?

b) What was the average speed throughout the trip?

c) Represent the distance travelled graphically in terms of time.


3. When do the average speed and the average velocity coincide?

Calculate these quantities for a moving body that moves:

From point A to point B in the figure in 1.4 min, following B A
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r = 0,25 km
the circumference.

From point A to point B, by the shortest route, if it now
takes 53.5 s.

4. In free fall, how many times greater is the distance travelled by the moving body until the
instant t = 10 s than in the first second of the fall?




Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. The graph shows the position of a moving body in terms of time:

x (m) a) W
 hat type of motion does the moving body
50 have in each one of the sections of the figure?

B C b) W
 ithout doing any calculation, in which of
them is the velocity greater?
c) W
 ork out the equations of motion, x-t, and
20 v-t, in the first section, expressing them in
10 D SI units.
d) E
 xplain the meaning of section CD and work
0 5 10 15 20 25 t (s) out the final position of the moving body.




6. For the previous activity, after 19 s:

a) The distance that the moving body has travelled is:

I. 20 m II. 40 m III. 60 m

b) Its average speed since it began to move is:

I. 2.5 m/s II. 4 m/s III. 0 m/s IV. None are correct.

7. A moving body at rest acquires a constant acceleration of 0,5 m/s2 over a period of
5 s, at which time acceleration stops. Calculate the velocity and the distance travelled
20 min after the motion began. Express the velocity in km/h and the distance in miles
(1 mile = 1 609 m).


8. A wheel that has a diameter of 60 cm turns at 4 500 rpm. Work out the angular
displacement that a point at the end of the wheel will have undergone and the distance
that it will have travelled in one minute.


9. Two bodies, A and B, are located at a height of 50 m. Body A is released, and 1 s later,
body B is released.
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a) What distance separates them after this one second?

b) Which of the two moving bodies will reach the ground with greater velocity?


10. Demonstrate that free rise equations are dimensionally homogeneous.




Content assessment test

7 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the text with the following words: vector; module; force (2 times); Newton;
quantity; point; application; rectilinear (2 times); zero; resultant; uniform; rest (2 times);

The physical …………...….. that measures the interaction between two bodies is called

…………...….., and its SI unit is the …………...….. . It is a …………...….. quantity, which

is why in order to define it, it is necessary to give its …………...….., its direction, and its

…………...….. of …………...….. .

If no …………...….. acts on a body or the …………...….. of all the forces is…………...…..,

the body will not change its state of …………...….. or motion. That is, if it was at

…………...….., it will remain at rest and if it was in motion, it will describe a …………...…..

…………...….. motion.

2. Draw the result of the following system of forces and calculate its value:
Y (N)

F1 F2

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 X (N)

3. Two masses of 450 g and 600 g, respectively, are hung at the ends of a bar that is
175 cm in length. If we support the bar at a point located 75 cm from the larger
mass, will the system be in balance? If not, where must we place the support point
of the bar?

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4. What velocity will the body in the figure, with a mass of 1 750 g, have after 5 s if it was
initially at rest?

F1 = 40 N F2 = 20 N

a) 59 m/s

b) 60 m/s

c) 205 km/h

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. State whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a) If a body is at rest, no force is acting on it.

b) Forces are the cause of motion.

c) Forces change the state of rest or motion of a body.

d) If a body has a ULM, it is because no force is acting on it.



6. When a basketball player wants to jump to take the ball, he pushes downward with his
feet toward the ground. What law explains this situation?


7. A 1 250-kg body moves over a horizontal surface due to the action of a motor that
produces a force of 24 500 N. Knowing the body is only using 45 % of the force generated
by the motor and that the coefficient of friction is 0.15, the acceleration that the body
experiences is:

a) 80 m/s2 b) 7.9 m/s2 c) 7.3 m/s2

8. Link each of the sentences below with one of the following forces: weight; centripetal
force; friction force.

a) It is perpendicular to the velocity of the body. ............................................................

b) It is perpendicular to the Earth’s surface. ......................................................................

c) It is directly proportional to normal force. .....................................................................

9. A 55 kg cyclist who goes around a circular track with a 250 m radius at a constant speed
of 54 km/h experiences a centripetal force of:
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a) 48.8 N b) 48.5 N c) 49.5 N

10. The figure shows a 15 kg body that begins to slide down a 30° inclined plane with a
coefficient of friction of µ = 0.35.

a) Draw the forces that act on it.

b) State which option is correct:

I. Px = 74 N; Py = 127 N; a = 1.8 m/s2

II. Px = 74 N; Py = 127 N; a = 2.0 m/s2

III. Px = 74 N; Py = 127 N; a = 7 200 m/min2

Content assessment test

8 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Force is a vector quantity that is represented using vectors. But what are vectors?



2. Define contact forces and action-at-a-distance forces and classify the following forces
according to this criterion: gravitational force, frictional force, electrical force, magnetic
forces, tension force, normal force.

Types of forces Contact forces Action-at-a-distance forces



3. For a body to have UCM at a constant speed, is it necessary for some net force to exist
on the body?




4. If a body is sliding over a horizontal surface free of friction, when will it stop?



5. According to Newton’s third law, or the action-reaction law, forces always appear in pairs
of equal intensity, act on different bodies and, taking the same path, they have opposite
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Represent these interactions between pairs of bodies in the following systems:

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

6. What does it mean if one star is 350 light years from another? Write the value of this
measurement in SI.






7. Explain the relationship that exists between mass and weight of a body on Earth.





8. Calculate the gravity on the surface of the Moon, knowing that the mass of the satellite is
7.35 · 1022 kg and its radius is 1 737 km. Data: G = 6.67 · 10–11 Nm2/kg2.





9. Is the weight of a body with mass m the same on any planet? What does the weight of a
body depend on?


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10. With what force does the Earth attract a 65-kg person located on its surface? Data:
G = 6.67 · 10–11 Nm2/kg2; MT = 6 · 1024 kg; RT = 6 400 km.





Content assessment test

9 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. Complete the text with the following words: homogeneous; gravity; hydrostatic;
hydrostatics; acceleration; equilibrium; incompressible; density; height.

…………...….. is the branch of the physics concerned with the study of …………...…..

in fluids. The …………...….. law establishes that at two points of a …………...…..

and …………...….. fluid, the pressure difference depends on the …………...…..

of the fluid, the difference in …………...….. between them and the …………...….. of

la …………...….. .

2. For the prism in the figure with a mass of 4.5 kg, the pressure that it exerts when supported
by face B on the surface of a table is:

a) 187 Pa
A 12 cm

b) 180 Pa
20 cm

25 cm c) 1.84 · 103 Pa

3. State whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F):

a) Pressure is directly proportional to surface area.

b) The SI unit of pressure is the atmosphere.

c) A barometer is an instrument that measures the pressure that

a gas exerts on the walls of the container that contains it.

d) The mass of a body decreases when it is completely submerged

in a liquid.
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4. A solid body floats in a liquid if:

a) The liquid in which it is submerged is very dense.

b) The thrust that it supports is greater than its weight.

c) The density of the body is less than that of the liquid.

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

5. If in Torricelli’s experiment we were to use a liquid with a density of 0.95 g/cm3 instead of
mercury, what length tube would we would have to use?

a) 107 m b) 1.07 m c) 107 dm

Data: Suppose that the atmospheric pressure is 105 Pa and gravity is g = 9.8 m/s2.

6. When we go underwater in the sea, the pressure increases with the depth due to the fact
that as we go deeper:

a) The water molecules weigh more and more.

b) The mass of liquid that is above us is increasingly


c) The acceleration of gravity is increasing, and we weigh increasingly more.

d) None of the previous sentences is correct.

7. We mix two immiscible liquids, A and B, in a U-shaped tube, observing that the hA/hB
equilibrium is 0.85. If the density of liquid A is 1.3 g/cm3, the density of liquid B will be:

a) 1.25 g/cm3 b) 1.1 kg/m3 c) 1 100 g/L

8. When a body with a mass of 475 g is totally submerged in water with a density of d = 1 g/cm3,
a dynamometer registers a weight of 3.3 N. Thus, its density is:

a) 3.3 g/L b) 3.3 í 103 kg/m3 c) 4.3 í 103 kg/m3

9. In a hydraulic press with cylindrical pistons, the relationship between the radii of the
pistons is 1:5. If we use it to raise a vehicle exerting 25 000 N of force on the larger piston,
what force must be exerted on the smaller piston?

a) 12 500 N b) 5 000 N c) 2 500 N d) 1 000 N

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10. The acceleration of gravity on the Moon is approximately one-sixth of that on Earth. If we
repeated Torricelli’s experiment on the Moon with the jar and the tube of mercury, the
mercury in the tube…

a) … would go down to 760 mm.

b) … would go down to 760/6 = 126.6 mm.

c) … would go down to 0 (that is, level with the mercury in the jar).

d) … would go up to 760 · 6 = 4 560 mm.

Content assessment test

10 Name and surnames: ...................................................................................................................................................................................

Year: ............................................................................................................. Date: ....................................................................................

1. What is energy? What SI unit is used to measure it?



2. A 50-kg body is displaced by a force of 120 N applied at its centre with an incline of 40°
with respect to horizontal. There is a coefficient of friction between the ground and the
body equal to µ = 0.2. Calculate the total work done by the forces, if the body moves 10 m.
Data: g = 9.8 m/s2.





3. What is sustainable development?

a) Development that meets the needs of present day generations,

without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.

b) Development that is able to sustain the economy of a country.

c) Development that meets the needs of present day generations, without

worrying about the needs of future generations.

4. Identify which statements are false and correct them:

a) Power is measured in kW í h and CV.

b) The work done by gravitational force, which is conservative,

reduces gravitational potential energy.

c) Work and heat are two forms of energy.

5. What properties does energy have?

a) It degrades. d) It is created.
© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.

b) It is conserved. e) It transforms.

c) It is annihilated. f) It is transferred.

6. A spring with a constant k = 450 N/m placed on a horizontal plane is compressed 15 cm
by a body with a mass of m = 1 200 g and at rest. At a given moment, the body is
released and shoots out over a rough horizontal surface with a coefficient of friction of
µ and finally stops after travelling 10 m. Calculate the coefficient of friction between the
body and the plane.
Data: g = 9.8 m/s2.

a) µ - 0.14 b) µ - 0.4 c) µ - 0.04

Name and surnames: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

7. Where does the energy provided by the motor of a car that moves at a constant speed
along a horizontal highway go?




8. State what type of mechanical energy the roller coaster car has in the following

A At the moment in which it starts to fall from the maximum height.

B After descending and reaching the lowest position.

C Upon reaching the highest position of the loop.

C A ..........................

B ..........................

C ..........................

9. An electrical power station has an average power of 1 MW and works continuously for
half the year, the six months of autumn and winter, to supply a city. What amount of
electrical energy has it provided to the city in that time?

a) 182.5 MJ

b) 1.57 · 1013 J
© Grupo Anaya, S. A. Authorised photocopiable materials.

c) 3.15 · 1013 J

10. A child takes a slingshot, places a projectile in it and stretches it as much as possible.
When she lets go, the projectile acquires an energy that will make it fly a certain distance.
What transformations of energy have taken place in the process?




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