English Grammar Class 8

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Prepositional Phrases

1. I would rather have coffee instead of tea.

2. In spite of the rains, we went out.

3. In case of fire, break glass to escape.

4. I am standing here on behalf of my colleagues.

5. We solved the problem by means of a new device developed by our engineers.

6. On the whole, I had a happy childhood.

7. Can you help me in any way?

8. She didn’t allow cancer to discourage her. On the contrary, she began to work twice
as hard.

9. In general, we are impressed with her performance.

10. I am seeing him in May – or rather in June.

1. We all laughed when he came to school .

in his pyjamas
2. I don't need any help. I'll manage .
on my own
3. Jane is much better now. The doctor says that she is at last.
out of danger
4. No wonder he looks worried. Someone told me that he is to the bank for more than four thousand
in debt
5. You can't talk to her now. She's still , but I will ask her to call you back.
on the phone

6. Because she didn't want anyone else to hear she spoke to him .
in a whisper

7. The journey home took 26 hours so you can imagine how we felt when we arrived home .
at last

8. All the answers have to be written so they can be marked by computer.

in pen

1.There are always two sides to the question, we will make more money that way but on the other we may lose
some of our oldest customers.on the one hand
2."I disagree that he is one of the best students, he really is quite lazy and I really think he should be moved to a
lower class."as a matter of fact
3.I know I'm late bit am I still dinner?in time for

4. the rest of the country Chester has been very lucky and has not experienced the floods which many other towns
have suffered from.in comparison with
5.Bill has gone off on his own a present for his wife.in search of

6.I don't see him very often, just .from time to time

7.Who is all these dogs? They seem to be running wild!in charge of

8.We are having a big celebration our golden anniversary.in honour of

9.He was leaving the house when the phone range.on the verge of

10.He got to the station just to see the train disappearing out of view.in time

Conjunction Exercises
Subordinating Conjunction Exercises
Complete each sentence using the subordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:

1. I visit the Grand Canyon _________ I go to Arizona. (once, whenever, wherever)

2. This is the place _________ we stayed last time we visited. (where, when, how)
3. _________ you win first place, you will receive a prize. (wherever, if, unless)
4. You won’t pass the test _________ you study. (when, if, unless)
5. I could not get a seat, _________ I came early. (as, though, when)
6. We are leaving Wednesday _________ or not it rains. (if, whether, though)
7. Pay attention to your work _________ you will not make mistakes. (so that, unless, or)
8. The musicians delivered a rousing performance _________ they had rehearsed often. (though,
as, once)
9. She’s honest _________ everyone trusts her. (if, so, when)
10. Write this down _________ you forget. (or, when, lest)
Answers: 1 – whenever, 2 – where, 3 – if, 4 – unless, 5 – though, 6 – whether, 7- so that, 8 – as,
9 – so, 10 – lest

Correlative Conjunction Exercises

Complete each sentence using the correct correlative conjunction pair from the parenthesis:

1. I plan to take my vacation _________ in June _________ in July. (whether / or, either / or, as / if)
2. _________ I’m feeling happy _________ sad, I try to keep a positive attitude. (either / or,
whether / or, when / I’m)
3. _________ had I taken my shoes off _________ I found out we had to leave again. (no sooner /
than, rather / than, whether / or)
4. _________ only is dark chocolate delicious, _________ it can be healthy. (whether / or, not /
but, just as / so)
5. _________ I have salad for dinner, _____________________I can have ice cream for dessert.
(if /then, when / than, whether / or)
6. _________ flowers _________ trees grow _________ during warm weather. (not only / or, both /
and, not / but)
7. _________ do we enjoy summer vacation, _________ we _________ enjoy winter break.
(whether / or, not only / but also, either / or)
8. Calculus is _________ easy _________ difficult _________ (not / but, both / and, either / or)
9. It’s _________ going to rain _________ snow tonight. (as / if, either / or, as / as)
10. Savory flavors are _________ sweet _________ sour. (often / and, neither / nor, both / and)
Answers: 1 – either / or, 2 – whether / or, 3 – no sooner / than, 4 – not / but, 5 – if /then, 6
– both / and, 7 – not only / but also, 8 – not / but, 9 – either / or, 10 – neither / nor

Coordinating Conjunction Exercises

Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunction from the parenthesis:
1. My car has a radio _________ a CD player. (but, or, and)
2. Sharon hates to listen to rap music, _________ will she tolerate heavy metal. (but, nor, or)
3. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, _________ Bill insisted that they fly. (and, or, but)
4. I’m afraid of heights, _________ I appreciate the view from the top of this building. (and, yet,
5. I have to be on time, _________ my boss will be annoyed if I’m late. (and, nor, for)
6. Do you like chocolate _________ vanilla ice cream better? (or, nor, and)
7. I have to go to work at six, _________ I’m waking up at four. (but, so, yet)
8. I was on time, _________ everyone else was late. (so, but, for)
9. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, _________ she takes the bus everywhere. (but, yet, so)
10. Our trip to the museum was interesting, _________ there were several new artifacts on display.
(but, for, yet)
Answers: 1 – and, 2 – nor, 3 – but, 4 – yet, 5 – for, 6 – or, 7- so, 8 – but, 9 – so, 10 – for

Conjunctive Adverb Exercises

Complete each sentence using the correct coordinating conjunctive adverb from the parenthesis:

1. Bianca wore her rain boots; _________, her feet stayed dry during the storm. (however,
therefore, on the other hand)
2. I love the color red; _________, this shade seems a little too bright. (therefore, nonetheless, in
3. You have to be on time; _________, you’ll miss the train. (nonetheless, however, otherwise)
4. Teresa likes to read; _________, her sister Julia prefers to watch TV. (however, in contrast,
5. She really wanted to eat ice cream; _________, she had a salad. (however, likewise, instead)
6. We were working hard; _________, Jill and Jerry were lounging by the pool. (meanwhile,
instead, therefore)
7. He is a weak leader; _________, he has plenty of supporters. (otherwise, moreover,
8. She has an incredible voice; _________, she will go far in her music career. (otherwise,
undoubtedly, similarly)
9. Natalie wanted to make pie but didn’t have apples; _________, she decided to bake a cake.
(therefore, namely, in contrast)
10. We had hoped to go to Spain; _________, we ended up in France. (otherwise, instead, again)
Answers: 1 – therefore, 2 – nonetheless, 3 – otherwise, 4 – contrast, 5 – instead, 6
– meanwhile, 7- nevertheless, 8 – undoubtedly, 9 – therefore, 10 – instead

1. Tom as well as John qualified for the finals.
2. God made the country and man made the town.
3. He was not only praised but also rewarded.
4. He will make a profit, for he is a prudent investor. (Because is possible
here but it is not a coordinating conjunction.)
5. He does not smoke, neither/nor does he drink.
6. He has been working hard so he will pass.
7. He will neither spend his money nor invest it.
8. Tom is ambitious whereas/while his brother is very laid-back.
9. He is intelligent but he does not work hard.
10. The manager ill-treats the clerk, yet the clerk obeys him.

1. I will not forget this favor ……………….. I die.

a) till
b) since
c) as long as

2. I have not seen him ………………… he moved to Mexico.

a) since
b) for
c) till
3. I am sharing this secret with you, ……………… you are my close friend.
a) because
b) due to
c) because of
4. …………………… he was not there, I left a message with his brother.
a) Since
b) As
c) Either could be used here
5. It was …………….. dark …………….. we could not see anything.
a) so, that
b) too, to
c) such, that
6. The lesson is ………………. difficult …………….. one cannot understand it without
a) so, that
b) such, that
c) too, to
7. We must strengthen our defense forces, ……………….. the enemy should attack us.
a) lest
b) if
c) unless
8. We play games …………………. our health may improve.
a) in order to
b) in order that
c) Either could be used here
9. I can help you …………………. you tell me the truth.
a) unless
b) provided
c) Either could be used here
10. He climbed up a tree ………………… to get a good view of the procession.
a) so
b) so as
c) so that
1.Till. 2.Since 3. Because 4. Since, 5. So.. that 6. So that 7. Lest 8. In order
that 9. Provided 10. So as
Subject Verb with agreements
1. One of my friends has gone to France.

2. Each of the boys was given a present.

3. Neither of the contestants was able to win a decisive victory.

4. Oil and water do not mix.

5. He and I were at Oxford together.

6. Slow and steady wins the race.

7. Neither Peter nor James has any right to the property.

8. No prize or medal was given to the boy, though he stood first in the examination.

9. Either Mary or Alice is responsible for this.

10. Neither the Minister nor his colleagues have given an explanation for this.

1. Bread and butter ……………… served for breakfast. (was / were)

2. The horse and carriage ……………….. at the door. (is / are)

3. My brother ………………. to be an astronaut. (want / wants)

4. My parents ……………….. teachers. (is / are)

5. Politics ……………….. not something I am interested in. (is / are)

6. The cost of essential commodities ………………… gone up. (has / have)

7. Her clothes ……………….. made of expensive fabrics. (is / are)

8. Either Manu or I ……………….. to go. (has / have)

9. Neither Mala nor her parents …………….. at the party. (was / were)

10. Nobody ………………. what happened to her. (know / knows)

11. Ravi as well as his brother …………….. cricket well. (play / plays)

12. Everybody ……………. a man of integrity. (respect / respects)

Answers: 1)was 2)Is 3)wants 4)are 5)is 6)has 7)are 8)have 9)were 10)knows 11)plays 12)respects

Subject-Verb Agreement (Print Quiz)

1. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence:
Pete's stomach ________ when it is empty.
(A) growls
(B) growl
2. Choose the correct form of the verb for the following sentence:
Brown bears _________ thick fur only in the cold winter months.
(A) has
(B) have

3. Identify the subject and verb of the following sentence as either

singular or plural: Not many vegetables are high in calories.
(A) singular subject and verb
(B) plural subject and verb

4. Identify the subject and verb of the following sentence as either

singular or plural: Is Bianca trying out for the part of the duchess?
(A) singular subject and verb
(B) plural subject and verb

5. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence: Either

two nickels or one dime ________ in the parking meter.
(A) works
(B) work

6. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence: Carol

and her cousins _________ every afternoon.
(A) exercise
(B) exercises

7. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence: The

owner of those CDs _________ them back.
(A) wants
(B) want

8. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence: The

inventor of the gadgets __________ a patent.
(A) demand
(B) demands

9. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence: Where

________ your new dartboard?
(A) are
(B) is
10. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence: In the
back of the room ___________ three stacks of books.
(A) was
(B) were

Answers 1)growls 2) have 3) Plural subject and verb 4) singular subject and verb 5) works
6)exercise 7) w

TENSEsants 8)demands 9)is 10) were

1. When I went back to my hometown three years ago, I found that a lot of changes

(A) are taken place

(B) were taken place
(C) have taken place
(D) had taken place

2. Look ! A hamster ______ by a cat.

(A) is chased
(B) is being chased
(C) was being chased
(D) has been chased

3. I'm sorry the house is not available any longer. It ______ to a timber tycoon.

(A) is sold
(B) was being sold
(C) has been sold
(D) will be sold

4. Ai Ling ______ to Manhattan is 1997.

(A) is transferred
(B) was transferred
(C) has been transferred
(D) should be transferred

5. Passengers ______ to smoke in the train.

(A) are not allowed

(B) was not allowed
(C) had not allowed
(D) will not allow
6. Firemen who battled the fire reported that is ______ under control after forty

(A) is brought
(B) was brought
(C) can be brought
(D) has been brought

7. The students ______ to leave the building immediately.

(A) ordered
(B) will order
(C) have ordered
(D) have been ordered

8. In future, famous singers ______ to perform at charity concerts.

(A) are invited

(B) were invited
(C) has been invited
(D) will be invited

9. The roof may have been leaking for the past few weeks but you do not have to
worry about it any longer. It ______ now.

(A) was repaired

(B) is repairing
(C) has repaired
(D) is being repaired

10. The price ______, but I doubt whether it will remain so.

(A) went down

(B) will go down
(C) has gone down
(D) was going down

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1D 2B 3C 4B 5A 6B 7D 8D 9D 10C

1. Although the police ______ every precaution, the robber managed to escape.

(A) take
(B) takes
(C) has taken
(D) had taken

2. The boys ______ television every night unless they have homework.

(A) watch
(B) watches
(C) watched
(D) watching

3. Maria ______ an appointment to see the doctor. It is at 10.00 am. tomorrow.

(A) make
(B) makes
(C) made
(D) has made

4. They ______ when they are ready.

(A) come
(B) came
(C) will come
(D) have come

5. Judy ______ watching horror films although she has nightmares afterwards.

(A) like
(B) likes
(C) liked
(D) will like

6. It ______ every afternoon for the past week. The weather forecast predicts rain for
next week too.

(A) is raining
(B) was raining
(C) has been raining
(D) had been raining

7. I ______ the door before I realized that the keys were inside the house.

(A) lock
(B) locked
(C) has locked
(D) had locked
8. When Sally ______ her first pay, she bought presents for her parents.

(A) receive
(B) received
(C) has received
(D) had received

9. It's lovely to wake up in the morning and ______ birds singing.

(A) hear
(B) hears
(C) heard
(D) hearing

10. Aaron ______ $80.00 for that bag.

(A) pay
(B) paid
(C) pays
(D) paying

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1D 2A 3D 4C 5B 6C 7D 8B 9A 10B

1. The members ______ for a new committee in the coming meeting.

(A) were voting

(B) are voting
(C) had voted
(D) have noted

2. They ______ ready for his moment for weeks.

(A) get
(B) get getting
(C) will get
(D) have been getting

3. ______ Pam and Bobby ______ the rules ?

(A) Were, knowing

(B) Does, knows
(C) Are, knowing
(D) Do, know

4. Shareen ______ her driving test on the first attempt.

(A) is passing
(B) passed
(C) was passing
(D) has been passing

5. The old lady ______ for a long time before she ______ away.

(A) had been suffering, passed

(B) was suffering, had passed
(C) is suffering, passed
(D) has suffered, was passing

6. I ______ an appointment with the dentist soon.

(A) make
(B) made
(C) will make
(D) have made

7. The people next door ______ a lot of noise until past midnight.

(A) was making

(B) has made
(C) are making
(D) were making

8. A journalist ______ to interview you later today.

(A) came
(B) will be coming
(C) had come
(D) has been coming

9. The clerk ______ the money from the bank by one o-clock.

(A) is withdrawing
(B) had been withdrawing
(C) has withdrawn
(D) will have withdrawn
10. Charles ______ his father in the shop until school ______ .

(A) was helping, will start

(B) helped, was starting
(C) is helping, starts
(D) has helped, is starting

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1B 2D 3D 4B 5A 6C 7D 8B 9D 10C

Correct the mistakes wherever necessary

1. The postman has came already. There are no letters for you.

2. She dreaming of the day when she can go to China to visit her relatives.

3. Chandra was mop the house with an old rag.

4. Jill was standing at the bus-stop when I saw her.

5. All the books is belonging to me. I love books.

6. I have saw Jack with that strange woman many times.

7. The car looks dirty but it was cleaned yesterday.

8. Since the new market opened, I had done my shopping there.

9. Salsa was went to Singapore last Monday.

10. I have just driven 600 kilometers from Saint Peter Street.

1. The postman has come already. There are no letters for you.
2. She is dreaming of the day when she can go to China to visit her relatives.
3. Chandra was mopping the house with an old rag.
4. Jill was standing at the bus-stop when I saw her.
5. All the books belong to me. I love books.
6. I have seen Jack with that strange woman many times.
7. The car looks dirty but it was cleaned yesterday.
8. Since the new market opened, I have done my shopping there.
9. Salsa went to Singapore last Monday.
10. I have just driven 600 kilometers from Saint Peter Street.
1. The boy ___ to walk fast as it was about to rain.

(A) has
(B) had
(C) have
(D) was having

2. The Tan family ______ their dinner when the doorbell rang.

(A) had
(B) was having
(C) were having
(D) are having

3. Terry prefers playing computer games to ______.

(A) read
(B) reads
(C) reading
(D) is reading

4. The doctor is busy ______ to his patients.

(A) attends
(B) to attending
(C) attending
(D) attended

5. Look at that young bird ______ near the nest.

(A) fly
(B) flying
(C) flew
(D) has flown

6. It ______ heavily so we had to postpone the game.

(A) rain
(B) rains
(C) is raining
(D) rained

7. The boys ______ their homework and then they took a nap.

(A) do
(B) does
(C) did
(D) was doing

8. Millie ______ a birthday cake for her father the night before.

(A) buys
(B) are buying
(C) is buying
(D) bought

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1B 2B 3C 4C 5B 6D 7C 8D

Class-8 Rearranging Jumbled Words Exercises 55 & 56

Jumbled Sentences are a must for good English. This is usually known by many names
like rearranging of words, rearranging sentences jumbled words, word order exercises, make
a sentence with the word, put the words in the correct order to make sentences, sentence
order, sentence formation. Edumantra understands that rearranging the words, rearranging
jumbled words is an art. So we are providing jumbled sentences exercise, scrambled sentences
worksheets, grammar exercises pdf. This page is devoted to jumbled sentences for class
8. Practice this word order in English and learn more-
Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.
(a) uppermost/soil/layer/is/earth/the/of/the
(b) it/plants/which/supports/food/provide/all living things/to/planet/on/this
(c) soil/thus/foundation/earth/life/on/of/is/the/all
(d) people/look attend to/you look/the way/yourself/at/you
(e) brought up/Oliver/was/workhouse/orphanage/run by/the/an/in
(f) from the very beginning/status of women/there/but/question mark/has been/a/big/the/ an/in our
(a) The soil is the uppermost layer of the earth.
(b) It supports plants which provide food to all living things on this planet.
(c) Thus, the soil is the foundation of all life on earth.
(d) People tend to look at you the way you look at yourself.
(e) Oliver was brought up in an orphanage run by the workhouse.
(f) But from the very beginning, there has been a big question mark on the status of women in our
Download the above Rearranging Exercise in PDF (Printable)
Rearrange the given words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. w the correct
e.g., 35 million/digestive glands/there are/in the stomach
Ans. There are 35 million digestive glands in the stomach.
1. me/the sense/it gives/of freedom/enjoy/I)
2. different people/I/moment/who/amuse me/meet/for a
3. add/travel/that/to my/can/personality/I feel
4. not/children/below/of/age/the/must/drive/eighteen/years
5. protection/our/we/must/helmets/own/wear/for
1. I enjoy the sense of freedom it gives me.
2. l meet different people who amuse me for a moment.
3. I feel that travel can add to my personality.
4. Children below the age of eighteen years must not drive.
5. We must wear helmets for our protection.

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