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Discrete mathematics - I

1. What are the negations of statement?

i)“There is an honest polititian”.

ii) All Americans eat cheese burgers

iii)no slow learners attend this school

iv)For all x,y ∈ R f(x)=f(y) implies x = y

2. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} find power set of A and determine how many elements are there in
power set.

3.Define: conjunction, disjunction

4. Define : Equivalence relation and greatest common divisor.

5. Find binary representation of 16.

6.Find octal representation of 354.

7. Let S={(x ∈ R: x2 >x+6 } and T = {x ∈R : x > 3} then find whether T ⊆ S or S ⊆ T

8. Which integer is bigger (222) (11) or (2222) (6)? Justify.

9.which integer is bigger (333)(12) or (3333)(5) ? Justify

10. Show that is tautology.

11.Prove that (P->Q) ∧ (P ->R ) ≡ P->(Q ∧ R)

12. If f: R->R and g: R->R are defined by f(x) = x-2 and g(x) = x2+x then find fog and gof

13. Prove that √2 is irrational by giving a proof by contradiction.

14. Prove that if x is odd then x2 is odd.

15. Determine whether following function f : R->R determined by f(x)=1/1+x2 is bijection

16. If p is prime number and p| a b then prove that either p divides a or p divides b

17. Prove that (n-1)3+n3+(n+1)3 is divisible by 9.

18.if a|b and b|c then a|c

19.if c|a and c|b then c|(ax+by)

20.what are relatively prime integers.

Discrete mathematics - I

21. If a and b are relatively prime and a divides qb then a divides q.

22. Suppose that gcd (a, b) =1 and that a|n and b|n prove that ab|n.

23. Prove that 3 divides 4n-1, for every positive integer n.

24. Prove that 6 divides n3+5n, for every positive integer n.

25. Let f and g be polynomials defined by f(x ) = x-1 and g(x) = x2-1. Find fog and gof.

26. If f : R->R and g : R->R are defined by f(x) =x-2 and g(x) = x2+x then find gof and fog.

27. Let Z be the set of all integers. Given a,b ∈ Z define a R b if a-b is an even integer. Then
show that R is an equivalence relation on Z.

28. Let R be a relation on Z defined by x R y iff 5x+6y is divisible by 11 for x,y ∈ Z. Show
that R is an equivalence relation on Z.

29. Explain: injective function, subjective function and bijective function with example.

30. f(x) = 2x +3, g(x) = -x2 +5 . Find f o g (x) and g o f(x).

31.f(x)= 2x+3 , g(x) = x3-7. Find f o g(x) and g o f(x)

32. If a | b and b | a then b = ±a.

33. If m is non zero integer and a | b then am | bm.

34. If c | a b and (b, c) =1 then prove that c | a.

35. If a | b and c | d then prove that ac | bd.

36.By using truth table show that statements ~(P->Q) and (P∧ ~Q).

37.Show that (P∧ Q) -> (P V Q) is a tautology.

38.f: R->R is defined by f(x) = 2x+3 then show that f is bijection and hence find f -1

39.If (a,b)= d then (a/d, b/d) = 1

40.if a | b then a | b c for any integer c.

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