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 Make a memorable note of the time and place of the interview along with the name of your
 Prepare to be at least 15mins early for your interview. Punctuality can show that you are interested in
the company & is a good start to any interview.
 Gather as much information as you can about the company. i.e: reference library, co. website, press or
contact people you know in the industry. Find out as much as possible about its services, products,
customers & competition. This will give you an EDGE.
 Be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude at the interview.
 How you respond to open ended questions defines your communication skills and how quickly you can
think on your feet.
 Maintain eye contact, give a firm hand shake and have a professional appearance and composure.
 Anticipate a list of possible questions you may be asked & prepare your answers. Listen carefully to the
questions and give specific examples. Speak clearly and confidently even if you feel nervous.
 Be prepared; take extra copies of your CV, certificates and ID.
 Prepare questions you can ask at the end of the interview.
 After your interview follow-up with us for feedback.
These are just some examples of questions you may be asked during your interviews. Each interviewer has their
own personal interviewing style and will ask questions that they are comfortable asking. You must be prepared
with positive answers to ALL questions. Therefore, it is good to take a list like the one above and practice your
answers. Another great way to ensure that your answers are good is to have someone you know and trust ask
you interviewing questions out loud. You will then be able to hear your answers and make any needed
adjustments. Stay positive! Think before you speak! Be honest! Be yourself!

 Why are you interested in working for our organization?

 Why do you feel your background would qualify you for this position?
 Describe your professional strengths.
 Describe your personal strengths and your weaknesses
 Please describe your primary accomplishments on your last job.
 Do you prefer working in a group or independently?
 What do you know about our company?
 What do you know about our top competitors?
 What do you like best about your current job?
 What do you like least about your current job?
 Do you have supervisory experience? Please explain in detail.
 Who are your role models and why?
 What is your educational background?
 What are your career goals for the next three to five years?
 How much do you believe you are worth to a prospective employer in terms of salary and how did you
arrive at this amount?
 Why do you think you would like this position?
 Explain the organizational structure in your last company and where did you fit in.
 Describe your management style (if applicable).
 What type of honours or recognition did you receive while in school (high school or college)?
 How would you go about establishing yourself with your employees and co-workers if we hire you?
 Describe a typical work day on your present job.
 What was the best job you ever had? Why?
 What are you looking for in your next job?
 How much pressure was there in your last job? How did you handle it?
 Why do you want to change careers?
 Why should we hire you?
 Have you ever been terminated? Why?
 How well do you get along with your current boss?
 Describe a person who has helped you with your career.
 What type of environment do you find most appealing?
 Are you a good communicator? Please give an example.
 Describe your last job to me.
 What would your present boss say about you if I asked him or her?
 Describe your ideal job.
 Do you have any plans to advance your education?
 What are your impressions of our facilities since you arrived?
 Why do you want this job?
 What are three or four of the most important requirements of your next job?
 What were the most challenging aspects of your last job?
 How did you get your last job?
 How have you benefited from your past disappointments?
 What kinds of things motivate you?
 Tell me about your current/most recent position.
 What’s your reason for leaving your current position?
 Tell me about a time you had to deal with a pressurised situation, what did you do and how did you deal
with this situation?
 Be enthusiastic and have a positive attitude at the interview.
 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
 What are your long and short-term goals?
 How will your skills and abilities fit with this position?
 What accomplishments have you made during your career?
 Are you a team player or do you prefer working alone?
 Why would you choose our co. as an employer of choice?


 First impressions count so take your time to get your suit cleaned and make sure your shoes are clean and
your hair is tidy. It is important to make a good first impression.
 Dress for confidence!

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