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Name: ________

Your home Business that focuses on PRINTING, MARKETING, and T-SHIRT DESIGN had a difficult year last
fiscal year. Your Marketing Company actually went in the deficit of - $15,000 last year.

However, this year business is booming since you introduced, some new services such as: Business
Cards, Business Website Design, and Special Deals for returning customers for T-Shirt Sales.

This year you already have revenue skyrocketing at +$50,000 half way through the year.

Also, last year we had a total of 40 customers for the total year. This year we have 200 customers total
who have used your services.

Two Questions:

1. With your new revenue for this year are you still in debt? How much money has your company
made so far this year including your debt from last year? Please show your work. ( 2 Marks)

2. How many more customers do you have this year, compared to last year according to the
scenario above? ( 2 Marks)

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