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Defining Foundations of Education

Foundations of Education refers to a broadly-conceived field of educational study that

derives its character and methods from a number of academic disciplines, combinations
of disciplines, and area studies, including: history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology,
religion, political science, economics, psychology, cultural studies, gender studies,
comparative and international education, educational studies, and educational policy
studies. As distinct from Psychological Foundations of Education, which rely on the
behavioral sciences, these Standards address the Social Foundations of Education,
which rely heavily on the disciplines and methodologies of the humanities, particularly
history and philosophy, and the social sciences, such as sociology and political science.
The purpose of foundations study is to bring these disciplinary resources to bear in
developing interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on education, both inside
and outside of schools. The interpretive perspectives use concepts and theories
developed within the humanities and the social sciences to assist students in
examining, understanding, and explaining education within different contexts.
Foundational studies promote analysis of the intent, meaning, and effects of educational
institutions, including schools. Such studies attend particularly to the diverse contexts
within which educational phenomena occur, and how interpretation can vary with
different historical, philosophical, and cultural perspectives. The normative perspectives
assist students in examining and explaining education in light of value orientations.
Foundational studies promote understanding of normative and ethical behavior in
educational development and recognition of the inevitable presence of normative
influences in educational thought and practice. Foundational studies probe the nature of
assumptions about education and schooling. They examine the relation of policy
analysis to values and the extent to which educational policymaking reflects values.
Finally, they encourage students to develop their own value positions regarding
education on the basis of critical study and their own reflections. The critical
perspectives employ normative interpretations to assist students to develop inquiry
skills, to question educational assumptions and arrangements, and to identify
contradictions and inconsistencies among social and educational values, policies, and
practices. In particular, the critical perspectives engage students in employing
democratic values to assess educational beliefs, policies, and practices in light of their
origins, influences, and consequences. Particular disciplinary studies in, e.g., the
history, philosophy, or sociology of education shall be considered as study in the
Foundations of Education provided the above perspectives are addressed and
promoted. The objective of such study is to sharpen students’ abilities to examine,
understand, and explain educational proposals, arrangements, and practices and to
develop a disciplined sense of policy-oriented educational responsibility. Such study
develops an awareness of education and schooling in light of their complex relations to
the environing culture.

Study in Foundations of Education shall NOT be equated with “Introduction to

Education” coursework unless such study clearly addresses the three perspectives
indicated in this Standard and is taught by individuals specifically trained in Foundations
of Education.

Historical foundation of Philippine education

1. Historical Foundations of Philippine Education Prepared by: Labog, Michael John R.

II-21 BSE Social Science

2. Development of Education in the Philippines from Pre-Spanish to Present times

3. Timeline Before 1521 Education before the coming of Spaniards 1521-1896

Education during the Spanish Regime 1896-1899 Education during the Philippine
Revolution 1898-1935 Education during the American Occupation 1935-1941 Education
during the Philippine Commonwealth 1941-1944 Education during the Japanese
Occupation1944-1946 Education after the World War II1946-present Education under
the Philippine Republic

4. Pre- Hispanic Education• Pre- Hispanic education in the Philippines was not formal•
Education was oral, practical, and hands-on •The objective was basically to promote
reverence for, and adoration of Bathala, respect for laws, customs, and authorities
represented by parents and elders• When the Spaniards arrived in the Philippines they
encountered islanders who knew how to read and write.

5. Education during the Spanish Regime• The Friars established parochial schools
linked with churches to teach catechism to the natives• Instruction was in the dialect•
Education was managed, supervised ,and controlled and the friars• Education in the
country was not uniform• The system of schooling was no their archical nor structured,
thus there were no grade levels

6. Major Problems• Lack of trained teachers• Lack of teachers (150 teacher-

missionaries to instruct over half a million inhabitants)• Lack of funds, instructional
materials, and in manyinstances school houses

7. Because of need, higher levelschools were established much later by virtue of royal
decrees. •Colegios •Beaterios

8. Subjects: Based on the Royal Decree of 1863 •Languages(Latin, Spanish grammar

and literature, elementary Greek, French and English) •History( Universal, Spanish)
•Mathematics(Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry) •Philosophy(Rhethoric,
Logic, Ethics) •Geography •Pshychology

9. Philippine Revolution•Illustrados spearheaded thePropaganda Movemnent•Curricular

reforms1. Secularization of education2. Instruction of Spanish3. Greater attention to
natural science4. The design of a relevant curriculum5. Improvement of higher centers
of learning6. Improvement of educational system

10. • Jose Rizal criticized unequivocally the friars’ method of instruction in his two novels
Noli Me Tangere and El filibusterismo1. Disproportionate focus on religion2. Discourage
the attempt of Filipino students to speak in Spanish3. Lack of pedagogical skills4.
Irrelevant courses in the curriculum

11. Curriculum To improve the existing curriculum, Rizal considered the ff. Subjects as
required courses in secondary
12. Graciano- Lopez Jaena“The outstanding cause of the distressed situation ofFilipinos
today is the anomalous education receivedby the youth in schools. They learn to read
correctlyand write gracefully, but they do not learn anythinguseful because they are not
taught any. They aretaught how to pray and never go to work”

13. American Occupation•The Americans used education as a vehiclefor its program

benevolent asimilation•American soldiers were the first teachers•Restore damaged
school houses, buildnew ones and conduct classes•Trained teachers replaced
soldiers•Filipinos warmly received their newteachers, Thomasites•American teachers
infused their studentsthe spirit of democracy and progress aswell as fair play

14. TAKE NOTE!• It is not surprising that the democratic values espoused by the
Americans, whether SINCERE or NOT, touched a receptive nerve un the Filipino

15. •Americans discarded the religious bias•Educational Act of 1901- Separation of

Church andState in education•Encourage filipino in the field of teaching•Outstanding
filipino scholars were sent to US to trainas teachers

16. CurriculumPrimary Education•GMRC•Civics•Hygiene and

Sanitation•GeographyIntermediate Curriculum•Grammar and composition•Reading,
spelling•Science courses•Physiology•Hygiene and sanitation•Intensive teaching of

17. •Government established NORMAL SCHOOL for futureteachers•Courses

includeMethods of teaching, practice teaching, psychology,mathematics, language,
science, history andgovernment, social sciences, P.E•White collar-job bias

18. Philippine Commonwealth•All schools should develop moral character,

personaldiscipline, civic conscience and vocational efficiency•Promote effective
participation of the citizens in theprocesses of a democratic society•Educational Act of
1940“meet the increasing demand for public instructionand at the same time comply
with the constitutionalmandate on public education”
19. Japanese Regime•6 basic principles of japanese Education1. Realization of NEW
ORDER and promote friendly relations between Japan and the Philippines to the
farthest extent2. Foster a new Filipino culture based3. Endeavor to elevate the morals
of people, giving up over emphasis of materialism4. Diffusion of the Japanese language
in the philippines5. Promotion of VOCATIONAL course6. To inspire people with the
spirit to love neighbor

20. Curriculum•School calendar became longer•No summer vacation for students•Class

size increased to 60•Deleted anti-asian opinions, banned the singing ofamerican songs,
deleted american symbols, poemsand pictures•Nihongo as a means of introducing and
cultivvatinglove for Japanese culture•Social Studies

21. Take Note!Spanish- Reign for 300 yearsAmerican- 50 yearsJapanese- about four
years•It is thus not surprising that despite the measurethey had instituted, the Japanese
failed to succeed intransforming the values and attitudes of the people inline with their
vision of the NEW ORDER.•A contributory factor was widely reported brutalitiesthat
ushered in the Japanese occupation that thefilipinos did not experience with the same
degreeduring the American period

22. After World War IIIn 1947, by the virtue of Executive Order No. 94, theDepartment
of Instruction was changed to"Department of Education." During this period,
theregulation and supervision of public and privateschools belonged to the Bureau of
Public and PrivateSchools.

23. Education after 1940• The objective of the Philippine Education was to established
“integrated, nationalistic, and democracy- inspired educational system” included the ff.1.
Inculcate moral and spiritual values inspired by an abiding faith in God2. To develop an
enlighten, patriotic, useful and upright citizenry in a democratic society3. Conservation
of the national resources4. Perpetuation of our desirable values5. Promote the science,
arts and letters

24. •Great experiments in the community school and the useof vernacular in the first two
grades of the primaryschools as the medium of instruction were some ofthem.•An
experiment worth mentioning that led to a change inthe Philippine Educational
Philosophy was that of schooland community collaboration pioneered by Jose
V.Aguilar.Schools are increasingly using instructional materials thatare Philippine-
oriented.Memorandum No. 30, 1966 sets the order of priority inthe purchase of books
for use in the schools were asfollows:Books which are contributions to Phil.
LiteratureBooks on character education and other library materialsLibrary equipment
and permanent features

25. Martial Law period• The Department of Education became the Department of
Education and Culture in 1972, the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1978, and with
the Education Act of 1982, the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports.• A bilingual
education scheme was established in 1974, requiring Filipino and English to be used in
schools.• Science and math subjects as well as English language and literature classes
were taught in English while the rest were taught in Filipino.

26. From 1986 to the present• The bilingual policy in education was reiterated in the
1987 Constitution of the Philippines.• (EDCOM), Congress passed Republic Act 7722
and Republic Act 7796 in 1994, creating theCommission on Higher Education (CHED)
and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). The institute
governing basic education was thus renamed in 2001 as the Department of Education

27. • The quality of public school education is generally considered to have declined
since the post-war years, mainly due to insufficient funds. The Department of Education
aims to address the major problems affecting public education by 2010.• Private schools
are able to offer better facilities and education, but are also much more expensive.
There is a wide variety of private schools, including all-boys’ and all-girls’ schools,
religious schools, non-sectarian schools, Chinese schools, special schools, and
international schools. Due to economic difficulties, there has been a recent increase in
the popularity of home schooling and open universities in the Philippines.


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